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The achene wail anatomy and surface sculpturing of 14 species representing Lactuca L. and related genera were Investigated to evaluate inter-and Intrageneric relationships. The achene wall anatomy of the studied species can be divided Into two types: winged and ribbed. The winged type is present in Lactuca L., Pterocypsela Shlh, Clcerblta Wallr., Chaetoserls Shlh and Stenoseris Shlh, and is characterized by protruding wings and costae in transverse section. Winged type achene mesocarps are composed of parenchymatous cells and fiber ceils, and the distinct fibrous strands are confined to the costae or wings of the achenes. The ribbed type is present in Notoseris Shih and Paraprenanthes Chang ex Shih, and Is characterized by only having costae In transverse section. Fiber cells are continuous in the costae and intercostae, in surface sculpturing, the ornamentation and the shape of epidermal cells are different among these genera. The results Indicate that L. altalca and L. serrlola should be conspeclfic, and that L. dollchophylla is probably an Intermediate taxon between Lactuca and Chaetoserls. The results also support the separation of Pterocypseia, Paraprenanthes, Notoseris, Chaetoseris and Stenoserls from Lactuca and Clcerblta as independent entitles. Close affinities between Pterocypsela and Lactuca, Paraprenanthes and Notoserls, and Chaetoserls and Stenoserls are also proposed.  相似文献   

The systematic significance of the morphological structure of achenes in the Himalayan–Tibetan Plateau endemic genera Soroseris, Syncalathium and Parasyncalathium is described and discussed. The achene surface sculpturing of 15 samples representing 13 species of the three genera was investigated using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) to evaluate inter‐ and intrageneric relationships of the three genera. Characters such as cell arrangement, shape of the epidermis, type of ornamentation of the outer cell wall and degree of wax development are described. The results show that characters such as the shape of the epidermis and the type of ornamentation of the outer cell wall are distinct between the three genera and useful for species‐level classification. Parasyncalathium souliei differs from Syncalathium, in which it has traditionally been placed, in the short, stout beak of the achene and especially in the obscure outline of the epidermal cells and their long acuminate, steeple‐like, end walls. Combined with karyological and molecular data, the differences in achene morphology and sculpturing further support our recognition of Parasyncalathium as distinct from Syncalathium. The achene characters are not only useful for assessing relationships, but are also useful for delimiting species. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 476–486.  相似文献   

Achenes of all the Tragopogon species from the Iberian Peninsula were examined by means of scanning-electron microscopy and stereomicroscopy. The achenes of the eight species are described, illustrated and compared. The results are contrasted with the systematics of this genus. The isolated position of T. lamottei with regard to the other seven species is noted. A key is provided to enable the different species to be distinguished.  相似文献   

在光学显微镜下观察了菊科莴苣族6属11种植物的叶表皮形态,观察了叶上下表皮细胞形状及垂周壁式样、气孔器类型和分布特征。结果表明:这些植物的叶上下表皮细胞多数为不规则形,少数为多边形;垂周壁式样多数为浅波形或深波形,少数为平直形。一些种类气孔器仅分布在下表皮,但也有不少种类上下表皮都有气孔器分布。气孔器都属于无规则型,且都是随机分布。叶表皮显微构造在一定程度上能反映出类群间的关系,为探讨莴苣族的分类学问题提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

Having mixed extremely various patterns of achenes for a long time in the genus Lactuca L., especially showed in the classification of it on the mainland of Asia, Lactuca L., the primary unnatural genus, becomes more nuclear in its limit. The present paper makes a revision to attempt providing a clear cline between Lactuca L. and its relative genera. On my opinion, only plants, represented by Lactuca sativa L., which have ovoid capitulum during its fruiting, numerous (7-25), yellow ligular florets and longitudinal 1-10 ribs or striae on each side of achenes, acute into filiform beak at its apex, should be defined as Lactuca L. In view of the present concept of Lactuca L., another group of plants, embodied by Lactuca indica L., having its broadening, thin winged-margin of, 1-3 striae on each side of achenes, black, dorsi-ventral compressed, acute into thick and short beak at its apex, evidently, should not be placed into Lactuca L., but be regarded as genus, i.e. Pterocypsela Shih, gen. nov. Pterocypsela Shih distributes in Eastern and southern Asia, where Lactuca L. does not occur. In China there is all of species, seven species, of Pterocypsela Shih. They are P. raddeana (Maxim.) Shih, P. indica (L.) Shih, P. elata (Hemsl.) Shih P. lacciniata (Houtt.) Shih, P. triangulata (Maxim.) Shih, P. sonchus (Lévl.) Shih and P. formosana (Maxim.) Shih, But in Mediterranean regions and Middle and Western Asia mainly distributes Lactu ca L., in which there are only seven species from western China, Xijiang autonomic district. They are L. dolichophylla Kitam., L. sativa L., L. altaica Fisch. et Mey., L. serriola Torner, L. dissecta Don, L. auriculata DC. and L. undulata Ledb. With the combination of violet-purple ligular florets non-ovoid capitulum during its fruiting, a little thick achenes, acuminate into longer. or short beak at its apex and 4-6 ribs on each side of it, Mulgedium tataricum (L.) DC. is evidently different from Lactuca sativa L. with combination of ovoid capitulum during its fruiting, yellow ligular florets and compres sed achenes, acute into filiform beak at its apex. There seems to be no point in refusing Mu lgedium Cass. as a genus. Strictly speak, Mulgedium Cass. seems to be reminiscent of Para prenanthes Chang (see bellow) without beak at the apex of its achenes. In Hengduan moun tains and mountain range of Himalayas M. tataricum (L.) DC. discoveries its relative par tners. They are M. bracteatum (Mook. f. ex. C. B. Clarke) Shih, M. lessertianum (Wall. ex C. B. Clarke) DC., M. monocephalum (Chang) Shih, M. umbrosum (Dunn) Shih, M. meridionale Shih and M. polypodifolium (Franch.) Shih. Having broadering and thickening margin and 4-7 striae on each side of achenes, grey, dorsi-ventral compressed, truncate and beakless at its apex, Lactuca sibirica (L.) Benth. ex Maxim. (Sonchus sibiricus L.) is not only different from Lactuca sativa L. with the combination of yellow ligular florets and filiform beak at apex of its achenes, but also from the genus Mulgedium Cass. with beak at apex of its achenes. Therefore, Lagedium Sojak, established by J. Sojak (1961), should be restored. It should be point out that Lagedium Sojak is monotypic genus excluding Mulgedium tataricum (L.) DC. with beak at the apex of its achenes, non-marginated. Lagedium Sojak widely distributes in temperate and frigid zone ofvnorthern hemisphere. In our country, Lagedium sibiricum (L.) Sojak, sole species of the genus, restricts its northeast region. Paraprenanthes Chang, the new genus, established by Ch. Ch. Chang (1950) based on Lactuca sororia Miq. and Lactuca yunnanensis Franch. seems to be a distinct genus. This genus is characterized by 4-6 ribs on each side of achenes, black, fusiform, a little thick and beakless at its apex. Besides above-mentioned two species, assigned by Chang, in forest of tropic and subtropic zones on the mainland of Asia there are many species with same structure in achenes like L. sororia Miq. and L. yunnanensis Franch. The genus Paraprenanthes Chang seems to be reminiscants of Mulgedium Cass. and Lagedium Sojak, but differs from the former in its beakless achenes, from the later in its non-marginated achenes and 4-6 ribs on each side of it. In our country, there are all species of the genus known in the tropic and subtropic zones on the mainland of Asia. They are P. sororia (Miq.) Shih, P. yunnanensis (Franch.) Shih, P. longiloba Ling et Shih, sp. nov., P. heptontha Shih et D. J. Liou, sp. nov., P. prenanthoides (Hemsl.) Shih, P. pilipes (Migo) Shih, P. thirionii (Lévl.) Shih, P. sylvicola Shih., sp. nov., P. multiformis Shih, sp. nov., P. auriculiformis Shih, sp. nov. and P. sagittiformis Shih, sp. nov.  相似文献   

The Present paper is a preliminary result of study on three genera, Dubyaea, Syncalathium and Soroseris of the tribe Lactuceae (Compositae) in China. The genus Dubyaea in China so far known consists of 14 species, of which six are described here as new: D. pteroponda Shih, D. lanceolate Shih, D. muliensis Shih, D. panduriformis Shih, D. cymiformis Shih and D. jinyangensis Shih. In addition, one new combination, i.e.D. bhotanica (Hutch.) Shih, is made. There are six species in the genus Syncalathium in Chinese flora, of which one species is described here as new. This is S. orbiculariforme Shih. A new combination, S. pilosum (Hand.-Mazz.) Shih, is made in the paper. The genus Soroseris comprises nine species, of which three are described here as new, S. teres Shih, S. chrysocephala Shih and S. qinghaiensis Shih. Three new combinations, i.e.S. trichocarpa (Franch.) Shih, S. hirsuta (Anth.) Shih, and S.erysimoides (Hand.-Mazz.) Shih are made in the present paper.  相似文献   

Achene anatomy and stomatal characteristics of eighteen Crepis taxa from Turkey are here described for the first time. In all taxa examined the pericarp is composed of several layers of sclerenchymatous and parenchymatous cells. As for the achene, differences among taxa mainly concern the pericarp structure and its thickness and width. Stomata are present on both surface of the leaf in all studied taxa and all taxa have anomocytic type stomata. However, the dimensions (length and width) and density of the stomata differ significantly among the studied taxa. In addition, the dimensions of stomata are negatively correlated with stomata density. It is concluded that achene anatomy and stomatal characteristics are useful for delimitation of Crepis taxa and a key to taxa based on these characters is provided. However, based on achene anatomy and stomatal characteristics, we found no argument for an exclusion of the Lagoseris group from Crepis as has previously been proposed.  相似文献   

S. H. Barnes  S. Blackmore 《Protoplasma》1987,138(2-3):187-189
Summary We have used the freeze fracture and cytoplasmic maceration technique to study microsporogenesis inCatananche caerulea L. and here we present preliminary observations of the male germ unit (MGU)in situ. The technique has the advantage of enabling the complex structure of the MGU to be seen in a single fracture plane whereas previously this was only possible by the reconstruction of transmission electron micrographs of serial thin sections. The arrangement of the two generative cells and the vegetative nucleus closely resembles that described from other species includingPlumbago zeylanica.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Anisopappus Hook. & Arn. (Asteraceae) are described A. athanasioides Paiva & Ortiz, from Angola, and A. pseudopinnatifidus Ortiz & Paiva, from Namibia. The morphological variability of the A. chinensia-A. africanus complex is studied and two new combinations are proposed: A. chinensis subsp. africanus (Hook. fil.) Ortiz & Paiva and A. chinensis subsp. lobatus (Wild) Ortiz & Paiva.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Anisopappus Hook. & Arn. (Asteraceae) are described: A. athanasioides Paiva & Ortiz, from Angola, and A. pseudopinnaididus Ortiz & Paiva, from Namibia. The morphological variability of the A. chinensis-A. africanus complex is studied and two new combinations are proposed: A. chinensis subsp. africanus (Hook, fil.) Ortiz & Paiva and A. chinensis subsp. lobatus (Wild) Ortiz & Paiva.  相似文献   

Abstract: Using optical and scanning electron microscopy, we carried out a palynological study of some plant species with a systematic position that has been controversial. One of the taxa belongs to the genus Artemisia (Asteraceae, Anthemideae), but has been described in another genus (Artemisia incana/Tanacetum incanum). The remaining taxa have been named or combined in Artemisia but are now considered members of small genera mostly segregated from Artemisia (Ajania, Hippolytia, Kaschgaria, Lepidolopsis, Mausolea, Turaniphytum), or belong to very close genera (Brachanthemum, Sphaeromeria). We confirm the existence of two pollen morphological patterns - concerning ornamentation - in the tribe Anthemideae: one with long spines ( Anthemis type) and the other with short spinules ( Artemisia type). Artemisia and its related genera can also be divided into two groups according to this feature, which is a good taxonomic marker, well correlated with other morphological and molecular characters.  相似文献   

The degree of relationships withinLactuca sativa and three wild relativesL. serriola, L. saligna, andL. virosa was studied by observing the performance, vigour and fertility of the F 1 hybrids obtained from crosses made in and between the four species. The crosses ofL. saligna ×L. virosa and the reciprocal crosses produced no hybrids.L. saligna andL. virosa are the least related of the four species.L. sativa ×L. serriola and the reciprocal crosses were successful and produced fertile hybrids These two species are genetically very closely related.L. saligna is known to produce, as a female parent, hybrids withL. sativa andL. serriola. Now the reciprocal cross was successful for the first time, so the unability to obtain hybrids in the past was based on the choice of accessions and not caused by unilateral incompatibility.L. virosa ×L. sativa and the reciprocal combination produced hybrids. The combinationL. serriola ×L. virosa produced hybrids with very limited fertility. In contrast to earlier reports (sterile hybrids) one combination of the reciprocal cross too produced hybrids with very limited fertility.—Some of theL. saligna ×L. sativa (and reciprocal) hybrids were found to look strikingly likeL. serriola. This adds evidence for the descent ofL. serriola andL. sativa:L. saligna also made part of the ancestral complex of the cultivated lettuce.  相似文献   

CRON, G. V., ROBBERTSE, P.J. & VINCENT, P. L. D., 1993. The anatomy of the cypselae of species of Cineraria L. (Asteraceae–Senecioneae) and its taxonomic significance. The anatomy of the cypselae of five species of Cineraria has been investigated to establish its potential usefulness for interspecific taxonomy. The usefulness is apparently limited. The most useful characters are the number of ribs, the extent of sclerenchymatization of the ribs and wings, and the surface sculpturing of the epicarp cells. The shape and symmetry of the cypselae are also useful to a limited degree. The presence of three resin canals in each cotyledon is constant. Their spatial differentiation is described.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect and accumulation of cadmium (Cd) in lettuce grown by means of the hydroponic technique was investigated by multivariate analysis, and was found to be affected by the concentration of other trace elements. Particularly iron acted in a strongly antagonistic way against Cd. Consequently, no absolute toxicity limits for Cd can be drawn without considering other trace elements.  相似文献   

Abstract: Using optical and scanning electron microscopy, we completed a palynological study of the subtribe Artemisiinae (Asteraceae, Anthemideae), which we started in a previous paper. This subtribe contains different genera with a systematic position that, in many cases, has been controversial. There is a group of genera closely related to Artemisia, and another one more related to Chrysanthemum sensu lato. We confirm the existence of two pollen morphological patterns - concerning exine ornamentation - in the tribe Anthemideae and in the subtribe Artemisiinae as currently considered: one with long spines ( Anthemis type) and the other with short spinules ( Artemisia type). This feature is a good taxonomic marker, well correlated with other morphological and with molecular characters. This enables a new delimitation of the subtribe Artemisiinae, which is characterized by pollen grain ornamentation constituted by short spinules (microechinate pollen), and should be restricted to Artemisia and the closely related genera that share this trait.  相似文献   

The vascular system of the stem of Stylobasium was investigated during its primary and secondary phases with both light and electron microscopic methods. It contains collateral bundles arranged in a ring, separated by rays which undergo regular cambial growth. The phloem consists of short sieve elements connected to sieve tubes by simple sieve plates, companion cells of the same length, and phloem parenchyma cells. During their autophagy-like differentiation and maturation, typical of all angiosperms, the sieve elements of Stylobasium have a peculiar feature, whereby they develop and retain form-Pfs plastids (containing protein filaments and starch). The sieve-element plastids of the two Stylobasium species, and of some 100 species belonging to taxa of which Stylobasium had been considered to be a possible member, have been studied by transmission electron microscopy. With the exception of a few species with form-Pcs plastids (containing a single small protein crystal in addition to starch), the great majority of taxa studied are characterized by S-type sieve-element plastids (containing starch only). The presence of form-Pfs plastids in Stylobasium supports its separation into the unigeneric Stylobasiaceae and the placement of this family close to other form-Pfs or form-Pcfs-containing taxa. While other characters would exclude an affiliation to the Magnolianae (form-Pfs plastids in Canella) or Caryophyllales (form-Pfs plastids in Microtea), an association with the form-Pcfs families Connaraceae and Mimosaceae is positively considered and corresponds to their frequent allocation close to the Rutales and Sapindales. Within the Rutales/Sapindales the sizes of sieve-element plastids (average diameter) range from very large (e.g. in the Julianaceae) to comparatively small (e.g. in Aceraceae) and are used to group the families. The sieve element characters of the Coriariaceae (tiny plastids with almost no starch, wide sieve plate pores, copious P-protein) suggest their removal from Rutales/Sapindales into the neighbourhood of the Cucurbitaceae.  相似文献   

The response of pot grown lettuce to inorganic (ammonium nitrate) and organic (dried blood and Protox) N fertilizers was determined at two temperature regimes (15°C day/10°C night and 20°C day/15°C night) and related to the NH4–N and NO3–N release characteristics of each material. The N release characteristics of the organic materials matched the N requirements of lettuce more closely than the inorganic fertilizer. However, was rapidly released from the protein based materials such that composts were depleted of available fertilizer N at the same time irrespective of the form supplied. The warmer temperature regimes resulted in a more rapid depletion of the fertilizers due to biological immobilization such that N recoveries in shoots, roots and leachates were reduced. Approximately 20% of the N present in Protox (a material derived from activated sewage sludge, processed to reduce the heavy metal content to minimal levels) appeared to be resistant to microbial degradation and was unavailable to the plants. Therefore, the growth response of lettuce was slightly reduced with Protox compared to the other materials at similar rates of incorporation. The organic materials did not contribute NO3–N to the plant and small NO3–N concentrations in petioles were derived from the water used for irrigation. However, NO3–N levels in plants receiving inorganic ammonium nitrate were initially high but progressively declined as the fertilizer NO3–N became depleted.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Species belonging to the genus Diophrys Dujardin, 1841, are easily recognized due to possession of the usual complement of approximately seven frontoventral cirri, five transverse cirri, two left marginal cirri, and three large caudal cirri. Separation of these species has been based upon differences in cell length and width, the number and arrangement of cilia in dorsal kinetics, the configuration of the adoral zone of oral polykinetids, the number and distribution of cirri within cirral groups, and the number and arrangement of macronuclei. Jankowski used some of these characteristics to divide the genus into two genera, Diophrys and Paradiophrys, with several subgenera [Jankowski, A. W. 1978. Systematic revision of the class Polyhymenophora (Spirotricha), morphology, systematics and evolution. Tezisy Dokl. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 197839-40. (in Russian); Jankowski, A. W. 1979. Systematics and phylogeny of the order Hypotrichida Stein, 1859 (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Trudy. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 86 :48–85. (in Russian with English summary)]. Data obtained from light microscopic examination of stained (nigrosin-butanol, Chatton-Lwoff, and Protargol) cells in interphase or division supports and modifies the use of particular structural features of these ciliates for the purpose of taxonomic classification. The structural variability within and among populations of different species within the genera Diophrys (D. appendiculata, D. oligothrix, and D. scutum) and Paradiophrys (P. irmgard and P. multinucleata) is described. D. hystrix is redescribed as the type of the new genus Diophryopsis n. g. Comparative information on the cortical morphogenesis of division of selected species within each genus is reviewed. Two taxonomic classifications of these hypotrichs are discussed: 1) a listing of diagnoses and synonymies and 2) a binary key for identification of all species at the light microscope level. An alternative evolutionary explanation of variations among isolates is presented.  相似文献   

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