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Oviposition behavior of Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) on rice, Oryzae sativa L., was monitored using a videocamera and an AC (alternating-current) electronic measuring system. Oviposition by N. lugens always took place during stylet penetration into the plant. After penetration of the ovipositor, there were three specific ovipositional sequences observed; sawing insertion of the ovipositor, release of an egg in the plant, and partial or complete withdrawal of the ovipositor from the plant. Distinctive waveforms were recorded in correlating with these events. From a sequence of waveform patterns, it was possible to determine the number of eggs and egg masses laid inside the plant tissue and the duration of oviposition behavior. Waveform analysis revealed that N. lugens laid an egg mass consisting of on average 5.7 eggs. This occurred 4.3 min after a period of about 6.4 min of stylet penetration, and this sequence was repeated several times in 24 h. Electrical and/or tethering effects on oviposition appear to be negligible within 24 h of recording.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of sub-lethal high temperatures on the development and reproduction of the brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). When first instar nymphs were exposed at their ULT50 (41.8°C) mean development time to adult was increased in both males and females, from 15.2±0.3 and 18.2±0.3 days respectively in the control to 18.7±0.2 and 19±0.2 days in the treated insects. These differences in development arising from heat stress experienced in the first instar nymph did not persist into the adult stage (adult longevity of 23.5±1.1 and 24.4±1.1 days for treated males and females compared with 25.7±1.0 and 20.6±1.1 days in the control groups), although untreated males lived longer than untreated females. Total mean longevity was increased from 38.8±0.1 to 43.4±1.0 days in treated females, but male longevity was not affected (40.9±0.9 and 42.2±1.1 days respectively). When male and female first instar nymphs were exposed at their ULT50 of 41.8°C and allowed to mate on reaching adult, mean fecundity was reduced from 403.8±13.7 to 128.0±16.6 eggs per female in the treated insects. Following exposure of adult insects at their equivalent ULT50 (42.5°C), the three mating combinations of treated male x treated female, treated male x untreated female, and untreated male x treated female produced 169.3±14.7, 249.6±21.3 and 233.4±17.2 eggs per female respectively, all significantly lower than the control. Exposure of nymphs and adults at their respective ULT50 temperatures also significantly extended the time required for their progeny to complete egg development for all mating combinations compared with control. Overall, sub-lethal heat stress inhibited nymphal development, lowered fecundity and extended egg development time.  相似文献   

Nine compounds isolated from finger millet as antifeedants for brown planthopper have been identified as known compounds, l-malic acid, isocitric acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, 4-hydroxy- benzaldehyde, and vitexin, and new constituents, 2-O-[4-hydroxy-(Z and E)-cinnamoyl]glyceric acid and 8-C-β-d-[6″-O-(3-hydroxy-3-methyl)glutaroyl]glucopyranosylapigenin.  相似文献   

Yeast-like symbiotes (YLS) are endosymbionts that are intimately associated with the growth, development, reproduction of their host, the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). However, it is unclear how many species of YLS are found within N. lugens, and how they are related to each other. Traditional methods or simple amplification based on 18S rDNA sequence does not reliably identify new species quickly and efficiently. Therefore, a novel nested PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) strategy was developed in this article to analyze the YLS of brown planthopper using a nested PCR protocol that involved the 18S rDNA gene and the 5.8S–ITS gene using fungal universal primers. The nested PCR protocol was developed as follows: firstly, the 18S rDNA gene, and 5.8S–ITS gene were amplified using fungal universal primers. Subsequently, these products were used as a template in a second PCR with primers ITS1GC–ITS2, ITS1FGC–ITS2, and NFGC-NR, which was suitable for DGGE. Using this highly specific molecular approach, we found several previously detected fungi: Noda, Pichia guilliermondii, Candida sp., and some previously undetected fungi, such as Saccharomycetales sp., Debaryomyces hansenii, and some uncultured fungi. In conclusion, the nested PCR system developed in this study, coupled with DGGE fingerprinting, offers a new tool for uncovering fungal endosymbiont diversity within planthoppers.  相似文献   

The brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) is the most serious pest of rice across the world, especially in tropical climates. N. lugens nymphs and adults were exposed to high temperatures to determine their critical thermal maximum (CTmax), heat coma temperature (HCT) and upper lethal temperature (ULT). Thermal tolerance values differed between developmental stages: nymphs were consistently less heat tolerant than adults. The mean (± SE) CTmax of nymphs and adult females and males were 34.9±0.3, 37.0±0.2 and 37.4±0.2°C respectively, and for the HCT were 37.7±0.3, 43.5±0.4 and 42.0±0.4°C. The ULT50 values (± SE) for nymphs and adults were 41.8±0.1 and 42.5±0.1°C respectively. The results indicate that nymphs of N. lugens are currently living at temperatures close to their upper thermal limits. Climate warming in tropical regions and occasional extreme high temperature events are likely to become important limiting factors affecting the survival and distribution of N. lugens.  相似文献   

The inheritance of 31 amplicons from short and long primer RAPD was tested for segregating ratios in two families of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, and they were found to be inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion. These markers could now be used in population genetics studies of N. lugens. Ten populations of N. lugens were collected from five locations in Malaysia. Each location had two sympatric populations. Cluster and principal coordinate analyses based on genetic distance along with AMOVA revealed that the rice-infesting populations (with high esterase activity) at five localities clustered together as a group, and Leersia-infesting populations (with low esterase activity) at the same localities formed another distinct cluster. Two amplicons from primers OPD03 (0.65 kb) and peh#6 (1.0 kb) could be considered diagnostic bands, which were fixed in the Leersia-infesting populations. These results represent evidence of a sibling species in the N. lugens complex.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):1151-1159
Two InR (insulin receptor) genes have been identified in the Nilaparvata lugens. In this study, we used RNA interference (RNAi) to investigate the role of InR genes in the fecundity of N. lugens. The expression of NLInR1 and NLInR2 genes was simultaneously silenced with mixture of dsInR1 and dsInR2 (dsInRs) injection. Our results showed that larvae RNAi against both NLInR1 and NLInR2 reduced the number of eggs laid by N. lugens and some eggs as well as ovaries were abnormal. In addition, the relative expression of Vg (vitellogenin) and VgR (vitellogenin receptor) was significantly reduced on the 4th and 6th days after insects treated with larvae RNAi reached the adult stage. We also determined the relative expression levels of insulin/insulin-like signaling (IIS) related genes in RNAi-treated larvae and found that the expression levels of Chico (homologous receptor substrate), Akt (protein kinase B), PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase), and PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog) genes decreased whereas FOXO (forkhead box O) and GSK3 (glycogen synthase kinase-3) levels increased on the 4th and 6th days after insects reached the adult stage. These results indicate that silencing of NLInR1 and NLInR2 reduces the fecundity of N. lugens through the IIS pathway.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) is a key component of plant nutrition, significantly influencing crop growth. Levels of this nutrient in plants can also influence a number of pest infestations. The brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), is an important pest of rice in Asia. In this study, we examined K contents in rice grown in hydroponic solution, and its relationship to the fecundity and expression of the vitellogenin (Nlvg) gene of N. lugens which was reared on the rice. Our findings indicated that K contents in rice increased with the increasing K concentration within the hydroponic solution, but reduced at the highest K concentration (160 mg/L). The number of eggs laid by N. lugens which was reared on the rice varied significantly with K concentration, and increased by 0.12 and 0.22 fold under 20 mg/L and 160 mg/L K level compared to that of the control (40 mg/L), decreasing by 0.57 fold under 0 mg/L K. Nlvg mRNA expression increased 1.17 and 1.94 fold in individuals which were reared on rice grown in 20 mg/L and 160 mg/L K level, compared to that of the control before mating; and by 3.36 and 2.97 after mating, respectively. However, Nlvg mRNA expression fold decreased by 0.99 under 0 mg/L K level before mating and 0.91 after mating. The variation of eggs may be attributed to the change of Nlvg mRNA expression, because there was a positive correlation between the eggs and Nlvg mRNA expression. These results demonstrated low (20 mg/L) and highest K levels (160 mg/L) in hydroponic solution showed the lower K level in plants than the control, which facilitated the fecundity of N. lugens. The study of the effects of K levels on the fecundity should have significance for insect control.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the impacts of southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus (SRBSDV) infection on rice plants, rice planthoppers and natural enemies, differences in nutrients and volatile secondary metabolites between infected and healthy rice plants were examined. Furthermore, the impacts of virus-mediated changes in plants on the population growth of non-vector brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, and the selectivity and parasitic capability of planthopper egg parasitoid Anagrus nilaparvatae were studied. The results showed that rice plants had no significant changes in amino acid and soluble sugar contents after SRBSDV infection, and SRBSDV-infected plants had no significant effect on population growth of non-vector BPH. A. nilaparvatae preferred BPH eggs both in infected and healthy rice plants, and tended to parasitize eggs on infected plants, but it had no significant preference for infected plants or healthy plants. GC-MS analysis showed that tridecylic aldehyde occurred only in rice plants infected with SRBSDV, whereas octanal, undecane, methyl salicylate and hexadecane occurred only in healthy rice plants. However, in tests of behavioral responses to these five volatile substances using a Y-tube olfactometer, A. nilaparvatae did not show obvious selectivity between single volatile substances at different concentrations and liquid paraffin in the control group. The parasitic capability of A. nilaparvatae did not differ between SRBSDV-infected plants and healthy plant seedlings. The results suggested that SRBSDV-infected plants have no significant impacts on the non-vector planthopper and its egg parasitoid, A. nilaparvatae.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of the brown planthopper (BPH),Nilaparvata lugens Stål, were investigated in paddy fields in the coastal lowland of West Java, Indonesia, where rice is cultivated twice a year, in the wet and dry cropping seasons. Distinct differences in the basic features of population dynamics were detected between the two rice cropping seasons: (1) In the wet season, BPH populations multiplied rapidly in the period from initial to peak generation, reaching quite often the destructive level despite the low density of initial immigrants. However, in the dry season, the population growth rate and the peak population density were much lower than those in the wet season. The abundance of natural enemies such as arthropod predators played a major role in determining such a difference in seasonal population development. (2) The density at the peak generation or the occurrence of outbreaks in each field was predictable in the wet season with fairly high accuracy on the basis of the density at the initial or previous seasonal generations. In the dry season, however, the rate of population growth and the peak population density widely varied among the fields depending on the water status in each field. (3) Density-dependent processes to regulate the population density were detected in both cropping seasons. In the wet season, the regulatory processes were only detected in such high densities as cause the considerable deterioration of host plants, which suggested that the processes were largely attributable to intra-specific competition. In the dry season, however, the regulatory processes operated at a much lower density in the earlier stages of the crops. The results of an analysis of adult longevity or residence period suggested that the density-dependent dispersal of macropterous adults played an important role in stabilizing the population fluctuation among the fields in the early dry season.  相似文献   

To study the effects of mandelic acid (MA) on the brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, the survival rate and behaviour of BPH fed on an artificial diet with different dosages of MA was observed. The survival rate of BPH decreased with the increase of the MA concentration and feeding time. In contrast to the control, the survival rate of BPH 72 h after feeding decreased significantly. Electrical penetration graph (EPG) data indicated that MA absorbed by the rice plant from Kimura B solution significantly affected the feeding behaviour of BPH. At the concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/ml, duration of the phloem ingestion of BPH decreased from 115.34 min (control) to 30.41, 7.63, and 0.36 min, respectively. Periods of xylem ingestion of MA-treated BPH were significantly shorter than those of the control (50.44 min). Moreover, BPH spent more time walking around or being at rest on MA-treated rice plants, as well as in stylet activities. The GST (glutathione S-transferase) activity of BPH increased with the increasing MA concentration, while the GPX (glutathione peroxidases) activity did not change significantly. The results indicate that MA has an antifeedant and insecticidal effect on BPH.  相似文献   

The physiological roles of a yeast-like symbiote in oviposition and embryonic development of its host, the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål, were studied using heat treatment, lysozyme injection and ligation of eggs. The eggs laid by the heat-treated females harboured only a few of the symbiotes, and their symbiote ball through embryonic development was free of symbiotes. The embryos of subsymbiotic eggs could not undergo blastokinesis and dorsal closure, and failed to hatch due to lack of differentiation of the abdominal segments. Electrophoretic profile of the eggs laid by the heat-treated females indicated the absence of several minor proteins which are usually found in the fat body of normal females. A protein (Y) of 131 kD was barely detectable in the heat-treated insects, and could not be found in the ligated eggs in which the symbiote ball was completely separated from the developing germ band. It is suggested that the symbiote supplies its host with proteins for normal embryonic and postembryonic development. The number of yeast-like symbiotes in female adults was reduced after injection with lysozyme solution, and some of the eggs were unable to hatch due to failure in blastokinesis; this was similar to the heat-treated insects. The embryos of ligated eggs could complete segmentation and differentiation normally before 110 h, but the abdominal segments failed to differentiate after dorsal closure, and regressed leaving only the head. Partially ligated eggs harboured some symbiotes and could produce normal larvae. It is concluded that the yeast-like symbiote is significant in abdominal segmentation and differentiation of the planthopper embryo.  相似文献   

Brown Planthopper (BPH, Nilaparvata lugens (St?l)) is one of the most serious pests of rice in both temperate and tropical regions of East and South Asia and has become especially problematic over the past few years. In order to analyze the effect of the change of rice cropping system on the population dynamics of BPH, field surveys of the occurrence and distribution of BPH were performed and other relevant data, including light trap data and ovary dissection data were collected in nearly 40 Chinese counties encompassing six provinces (or municipalities), including Hainan, Guangxi, Anhui, Shanghai, Fujian and Guangdong from April to October in 2007.The mixed planting areas of single- and double-cropping rice in China include Hubei, South and Central Anhui, North Hunan, and North Jiangxi. In these areas, double-cropping rice has now been greatly reduced and single-cropping rice has been rapidly increasing since 1997. The surveys revealed that when the immigration peak of BPH occurred in June and July, the single-cropping rice was at the tillering to booting stage and fit for BPH, but early rice had already matured and most of late rice had not yet been transplanted. BPH immigrants from southern rice areas prefer to inhabit and breed in single-cropping rice paddies. Moreover, farming activities between early rice and late rice interrupted the continuous growth of BPH populations in double-cropping rice paddies. As a result, in comparison with data collected 30 years ago, the spatiotemporal dynamics and migration patterns of BPH have dramatically changed in the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River. In the mixed planting areas, due to their high suitability, the BPH population in single-cropping rice grew so quickly that it caused serious local damage and there was mass emigration of macropterous progeny to the Yangtze River Delta in late August and early September.Global warming may also affect BPH populations, where results suggest steadily warmer autumns have occurred from the 1990s on, with such conditions gradually the norm. The combination of 'cooler summer' and 'warmer autumn' are conditions known to promote outbreaks of BPH in the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Immigrant BPH arrivals in late August and September now cause serious damage to late-maturing mid-season rice and late rice in the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

Teleconnection between the early immigration of brown planthopper (BPH) and El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indices from January of two years previously to the current June was investigated to make long-term forecast. The teleconnection results were as follows: ENSO indices which were significantly correlated with the early immigration of BPH were primarily sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in N3, N4 and N3.4 regions, accounting for 71.8% of the total. Significant ENSO indices from two years and one year before the immigration events had a proportion of about 84%, while those in the current year only accounted for 16.7%. There was significantly negative correlation between the early immigration of BPH and SSTA in each Nino region from two years before to the previous spring, whereas there was significantly positive correlation between these two factors during the period from the previous winter to the current spring. The significant correlation between the early immigration of BPH and SSTA in each Nino region in the last summer and autumn did not show any obvious tendencies. The relationship between the southern oscillation index (SOI) and the early immigration of BPH was opposite to that between the immigration and SSTA in each Nino region. The above mentioned significant ENSO indices were used as key factors to build forecasting models for the early immigration of BPH by step-wise multiple linear regression analysis. Finally, 12 integrated forecasting models were obtained, which could make predictions 3–27 months ahead and had a predictive accuracy of 88.9%.  相似文献   

This contribution analyses the primacy of classification over generalization, and the philosophy of total evidence that emerges from the relation of homology to character statements. Primary conjectures of homology are basic character statements, i.e. statements that predicate properties of organisms, properties that are instantiated by those organisms and/or their parts. Secondary conjectures of homology are embedded in a second‐level (metalinguistic) discourse that turns on the coherence or incoherence of those basic character statements relative to a hierarchy. The coherence or incoherence of character statements is a logical relation between statements, not a causal (historical) relation between organisms. The choice of the hypothesis of relationships that is supported by the largest set of coherent basic character statements is based on the empirical presupposition that the properties referred to by the set of coherent character statements are grounded in causally efficacious relations of inheritance and ontogeny, and co‐instantiated because they are inherited through common ancestry (Hennig's auxiliary principle). Unless that empirical presupposition is causally grounded, phylogeny reconstruction is of an inherently probabilistic nature, whether under parsimony or other models of analysis. The causal grounding of a coherent set of character statements typically seeks a link between character statements and causally efficacious generative mechanisms for morphological characters (as is defeasibly indicated by topology and connectivity), or secondary structure information for molecular characters.  相似文献   

Populations of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), from the Philippines were collected from and reared on the grass weed, Leersia hexandra Swartz. Six different populations from five localities were studied and compared with a sympatric rice-feeding population.
Experiments on survival, virulence and oviposition preferences demonstrated that populations from one host plant survived poorly on the other and showed a strong preference for the species from which they derived. Crosses between the two populations showed some barriers to hybridization, but viable and fertile hybrids were obtained. Mate choice experiments demonstrated that, when a choice was available, no heterogametic matings occurred.
Pulse repetition frequencies of female and male calls differed consistently and significantly between rice- and Leesia -associated populations. Hybrid calls were intermediate between the parental calls. Playback experiments showed that the call differences were primarily responsible for maintaining the identities of the host-associated populations.
It was concluded that the populations from rice and from L. hexandra represent two distinct, but very closely allied, sympatric species in the Philippines.  相似文献   

The rice brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), is one of the most destructive insect pests of rice in Asia. Although resistant rice varieties can be effective in managing planthopper populations, BPH has repeatedly been able to overcome resistant rice varieties. It is possible that BPH adaptation to resistant rice varieties may be related to its endosymbionts. We investigated methods for culturing BPH cells in order to study in-depth interactions between rice, BPH, and its endosymbionts. In this study, we tested EX-CELL? 405, EX-CELL? 420, Mitsuhashi and Maramorosch’s medium, and Kimura’s medium, for in vitro culture of BPH cells. Only Kimura’s medium was found to be suitable for BPH cell culture, and BPH embryos around blastokinetic stage were the best source for BPH cell culture. Cells from BPH embryonic tissues adhered to the plate substrate, and the migration of cells was observed within 24 h in primary culture. After 3 mo of subculture, various types of BPH cells were successfully maintained in the Kimura’s medium.  相似文献   

Summary Biochemical control involves steep and hysteretic response. But the law of mass action does not allow for cooperativity. Therefore resort is classically made to concerted conformational change of protomers. This explanation of steepness and hysteresis by cooperativity is supported by regular surface patterns often observed by electron microscopy. But at other times the lattice appearance which gave rise to the lattice model is not observed. By contrast, a random appearance is observed and the fluid mosaic model of the membrane is assumed. So we are faced with the choice between the fluid mosaic model and the lattice model. Recently the fluid mosaic model is favoured but unlike the lattice model it does not explain the steep hyteretic response.It is suggested that the lattice model and the fluid mosaic model are in fact expression of two states of the very same membrane. The random state corresponds to a resting state. The lattice state corresponds to an active or inhibited state. Thus the transition from random distribution to hexagonal distribution provides simultaneously for triggering and hysteretic cycle with respect to both chemical production and transport across the membrane. This is a universal mechanism for rapid responsiveness and cyclic activity which is largely independent of the chemical mechanism assumed. It is based on the law of mass action supplemented by lateral diffusion. Conformational change and cooperativity are not invoked at all.  相似文献   

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