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Past work involving the plastid genome (plastome) of holoparasitic plants has been confined to Scrophulariaceae (or Orobanchaceae) which have truncated plastomes owing to loss of photosynthetic and other genes. Nonasterid holoparasites from Balanophoraceae (Corynaea), Hydnoraceae (Hydnora) and Cytinaceae (Cytinus) were tested for the presence of plastid genes and a plastome. Using PCR, plastid 16S rDNA was successfully amplified and sequenced from the above three holoparasites. The sequence of Cytinus showed 121 single base substitutions relative to Nicotiana (8% of the molecule) whereas higher sequence divergence was observed in Hydnora and Corynaea (287 and 513 changes, respectively). Secondary structural models for these 16S rRNAs show that most changes are compensatory, thus suggesting they are functional. Probes constructed for 16S rDNA and for four plastid-encoded ribosomal protein genes (rps2, rps4, rps7 and rpl16) were used in Southern blots of digested genomic DNA from the three holoparasites. Positive hybridizations were obtained using each of the five probes only for Cytinus. For SmaI digests, all plastid gene probes hybridized to a common fragment ca. 20 kb in length in this species. Taken together, these data provide preliminary evidence suggestive of the retention of highly diverged and truncated plastid genome in Cytinus. The greater sequence divergence for 16S rDNA and the negative hybridization results for Hydnora and Corynaea suggests two possibilities: the loss of typically conserved elements of their plastomes or the complete absence of a plastome.  相似文献   

In tropical regimes, cyclones exert great influence on the local aquatic habitats. The objective of our study was to investigate if aquatic plants have an adaptive response to typhoon influence. Population traits of six aquatic species in different life-forms (emergent species: Scirpus triangulatus, Eleocharis plantagineiformis, Rotala rotundifolia, Eriocaulon buergerianum; submerged: Blyxa echinosperma; floating-leaved: Nymphoides indica) were investigated to compare intraspecific variations in high and low typhoon-impacted regions on Hainan Island in southern China. In the high typhoon-impacted region, there was greater belowground biomass allocation in both emergent and floating-leaved species. The ratio of belowground to total biomass of each emergent was 41% (P = 0.028), 38% (P = 0.034), 27% (P = 0.040), 19% (P = 0.043) greater respectively, and floating-leaved N. indica was 40% (P = 0.014) greater than in the low typhoon region. The stem height of relatively tall emergent species (S. triangulatus and E. plantagineiformis) was 35% (P = 0.033), 42% (P = 0.046) lower, and floating-leaved species N. indica had decreased leaf area (49%, P < 0.001) and number (30%, P < 0.001) on water surface in the high typhoon-impacted region than in the low. These adaptations of the plants will reduce their risk of mechanical damage from strong winds or wind-induced currents. Submerged species in the study showed no variation in traits between the high and low typhoon-impacted regions.  相似文献   

Do bacteria have genes for genetic exchange? The idea that the bacterial processes that cause genetic exchange exist because of natural selection for this process is shared by almost all microbiologists and population geneticists. However, this assumption has been perpetuated by generations of biology, microbiology and genetics textbooks without ever being critically examined.  相似文献   

Considerable physiological and biochemical evidence suggests that plants, like animals, widely use intracellular signalling coupled to heterotrimeric G proteins. Yet, the molecular components of this machinery remained elusive until recently. We overview the work carried out during the last two decades, aimed at identification of the plant proteins involved in G protein-coupled signalling. The completion of the sequencing of the Arabidopsis genome now permits to assess whether plants possess signalling and regulatory components of this machinery corresponding to those known from animals.  相似文献   

Colonies of the European hornet, Vespa crabro, are typically founded by a single queen mated to a single male. From the resulting colony relatedness pattern we predicted strong worker-queen conflict over male production where both the workers and the queen attempt to produce the colony's males. To test for this conflict, male production was studied in 15 hornet nests using a combination of DNA microsatellite analysis (282 males), worker ovary dissections (500 workers from eight nests) and 50 h of observation (four nests). In contrast to our prediction, the data show that hornet males are queens' sons, that workers never attempt to lay eggs, rarely have activated ovaries, and that there is no direct aggression between the queen and the workers. This contrasts with other data for vespine wasps, which support relatedness predictions. Dolichovespula arenaria has the same kin structure as V. crabro and workers produce males in many colonies. The similarity between these two species makes it difficult to explain why workers do not reproduce in V. crabro. Self-restraint is expected if worker reproduction significantly reduces colony productivity but there is no obvious reason why this should be important to V. crabro but not to D. arenaria. Alternatively, queen control may be important. The absence of expressed queen-worker conflict rules out physical control. Indirect pheromonal control is a possibility and is supported by the occurrence of royal courts and queen pheromone in Vespa but not Dolichovespula. Pheromonal queen control is considered evolutionarily unstable, but could result from a queen-worker arms race over reproductive control in which the queen is ahead. The genetic data also revealed diploid males in one colony, the first example in the vespine wasps, and two colonies with double matrilines, suggesting that occasional usurpation by spring queens occurs.  相似文献   

Since Btt last examined the iris and retina markets, demand has grown, the technology has improved, new players have entered the arena and new products have been developed. For the first time ever, Btt is devoting a complete survey to these two very different methods of recognising an individual by the unique patterns within parts of their eye.  相似文献   

The stimuli used in taste research are usually considered to be odourless. This was tested in two experiments with aqueous solutions of two representative compounds for each of the five taste qualities including umami. In the first experiment elderly and young subjects rated the intensity and pleasantness of three concentrations of the stimuli, while wearing or not wearing a noseclip. Saliva production was also measured. Blocking olfaction only influenced salivation for umami. It reduced taste intensity ratings, but as in an earlier experiment with the same compounds in food products, this effect was stronger in the young, who also liked the stimuli better wearing the noseclip. In the second experiment, another group of young people tried to detect the odours of the tastants dissolved in demineralized, double-distilled or Evian water. A considerable number of subjects could regularly detect seven of the ten tastants by olfaction and the extent to which they did correlated significantly with the reduction in taste intensity ratings for the different tastants found in the first experiment. We suggest that most tastants can be smelled and that this smell contributes to taste intensity ratings.  相似文献   

Lianas and other climbing plants are known for their extraordinarily wide vessels. Wide vessels are thought to contribute to the extreme hydraulic efficiency of lianas and to play a part in their ability to dominate many tropical habitats, and even their globally increasing abundance with anthropic disturbance. However, recent hydraulic optimality models suggest that the average vessel diameter of plants generally is the result of tip-to-base vessel widening reflecting the effects of selection buffering conductive path length-imposed hydraulic resistance. These models state that mean vessel diameter should be predicted by stem length, by implication even in lianas. We explore vessel–stem relations with 1409 samples from 424 species in 159 families of both self- and non-self-supporting plants. We show that, far from being exceptional in their vessel diameter, lianas have average natural (not hydraulically weighted) vessel diameters that are indistinguishable for a given stem length from those in self-supporting plants. Lianas do, however, have wider variance in vessel diameter. They have a small number of vessels that are wider than those in self-supporting plants of similar stem lengths, and also narrower vessels. This slightly greater variance is sufficient to make hydraulically weighted vessel diameters in lianas higher than those of self-supporting counterparts of similar stem lengths. Moreover, lianas have significantly more vessels per unit of wood transection than self-supporting plants do. This subtle combination of slightly higher vessel diameter variance and higher vessel density for a given stem length is likely what makes lianas hydraulically distinctive, rather than their having vessels that are truly exceptionally wide.  相似文献   

Why don't bigger plants have proportionately bigger seeds?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Lonnie W. Aarssen 《Oikos》2005,111(1):199-207

The category "organism" has an ambiguous status: is it scientific or is it philosophical? Or, if one looks at it from within the relatively recent field or sub-field of philosophy of biology, is it a central, or at least legitimate category therein, or should it be dispensed with? In any case, it has long served as a kind of scientific bolstering for a philosophical train of argument which seeks to refute the mechanistic or reductionist trend, which has been perceived as dominant since the 17th century, whether in the case of Stahlian animism, Leibnizian monadology, the neo-vitalism of Hans Driesch, or, lastly, of the "phenomenology of organic life" in the 20th century, with authors such as Kurt Goldstein, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Georges Canguilhem. In this paper I try to reconstruct some of the main interpretive stages or layers of the concept of organism in order to evaluate it critically. How might organism be a useful concept if one rules out the excesses of organismic biology and metaphysics? Varieties of instrumentalism and what I call the projective concept of organism are appealing, but perhaps ultimately unsatisfying.  相似文献   

It has been stated that small organisms do not have barriers for distribution and will not show biogeographic discreteness. General models for size-mediated biogeographies establish a transition region between ubiquitous dispersal and restricted biogeography at about 1–10 mm. We tested patterns of distribution versus size with water mites, a group of freshwater organisms with sizes between 300 μm and 10 mm.We compiled a list of all known water mite species for Sierra del Guadarrama (a mountain range in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula) from different authors and our own studies in the area. Recorded habitats include lotic, lentic and interstitial environments. Species body size and world distribution were drawn from our work and published specialized taxonomic literature. The null hypothesis was that distribution is size-independent. The relationship between distribution and size was approached via analysis of variance and between size and habitat via logistic regression. Contrary to expectations, there is no special relationship between water mite size and area size distribution. On the other hand, water mite size is differentially distributed among habitats, although this ecological sorting is very weak. Larger water mites are more common in lentic habitats and smaller water mites in lotic habitats. Size-dependent distribution in which small organisms tend to be cosmopolitan breaks down when the particular biology comes into play. Water mites do not fit a previously proposed size-dependent biogeographical distribution, and are in accordance with similar data published on Tardigrada, Rotifera, Gastrotricha and the like.  相似文献   

We have confirmed through an enlarged set of 728 species with 10,000 or more compiled codons, and a subset of 237 species with at least 50,000 compiled codons, that the mean values of a previously described index phi [the mean value of the ratio between the relative (G, C) content of Class II and Class I codons, where G and C are guanine and cytosine] decrease monotonically across five large taxa, viz archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes (excluding metazoa), metazoa (excluding vertebrates) and vertebrates. It is proposed that these main taxa diverge successively from an ancestral progenome along lines which have persisted over long periods of time, leading to a primordial non-symmetrical phylogenetic tree. Further divergence, i.e. from eukaryotes to plants, fungi and protozoans, has followed symmetrical branching with approximately equal numbers of replacements and fixations. A statistical analysis of the phi values of twelve distinct proteins, distributed over more than one thousand species belonging to the five main groups, was made to verify whether older taxa have older proteins. This supposition was confirmed for the first four taxa, but it was inconclusive for the last pair, metazoa/vertebrates.  相似文献   

The question if mitochondria have some kind of immune system is not trivial. The basis for raising this question is the fact that bacteria, which are progenitors of mitochondria, do have an immune system. The CRISPR system in bacteria based on the principle of RNA interference serves as an organized mechanism for destroying alien nucleic acids, primarily those of viral origin. We have shown that mitochondria are also a target for viral attacks, probably due to a related organization of genomes in these organelles and bacteria. Bioinformatic analysis performed in this study has not given a clear answer if there is a CRISPR-like immune system in mitochondria. However, this does not preclude the possibility of mitochondrial immunity that can be difficult to decipher or that is based on some principles other than those of CRISPR.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that maternal stature is a correlate of both pelvic size and reproductive efficiency. This study addresses the issue of body size and obstetric advantage. The relationship between pelvic size and three nonpelvic measures of body size is determined for females and males. The skeletal sample consists of blacks, whites, and Native Americans. The variables include 28 measures of the pelvis, length and head diameter of the femur, and clavicular length. The coefficient of multiple determination (CMD) is computed for each pelvic measure using multiple regression, with the three nonpelvic measures serving as the independent variables. Partial correlation coefficients are also calculated between each pelvic and nonpelvic variable, while controlling for the other two nonpelvic variables. The results show that all CMDs in females and all but one CMD in males are "low," i.e., below 33%. The sexes are nonsignificantly different in their CMDs for 22 of the 28 pelvic variables; of the six variables that are significantly different, five are of the midplane. The sexes are also broadly comparable in their partial correlations. The results are explained as follows. First, the concordance between the sexes in the relationship between pelvic size and nonpelvic measures of body size is due to their genetic similarity for homologous structures. Second, as pelvic size is at the minimum at the midplane, the sexual differences in CMDs are the result of selection with respect to obstetrics. Third, four explanations for the low CMDs are discussed: 1) lack of populationally or racially specific analysis; 2) nonlinear relationship between pelvic size and nonpelvic measures of body size; 3) combination of negative allometric selection between newborn body weight and maternal stature and weight with positive selection for maternal pelvic size; and 4) hormonally induced increase in pelvic capacity during parturition.  相似文献   

Because of regulations at the whole-plant level, cells of droughted plants do not necessarily experience dehydration. In fact, recent data suggest that they usually do not in the range of water deficits compatible with agriculture. In this range, leaf water potential and cell turgor are frequently maintained at high values in spite of decreasing soil water status. As a consequence, water stress cannot be defined by plant water status, except when very rapid and severe water deficits cause catastrophic events such as xylem embolism or severe cell dehydration. In water deficits compatible with agricultural situations, plant water status is in many cases tightly controlled by the plant. Water stress should then be defined by water statuses at plant boundaries, i.e. soil and air. Partial maintenance of plant water status under water deficit is allowed by controls of stomatal conductance, root and leaf expansions and leaf senescence. These processes involve both chemical and hydraulic signallings from roots. All these controls tend to reduce transpiration (stomatal closure, reduced leaf growth or leaf senescence) or to increase water uptake (maintenance of root growth or increase in root/shoot ratio). During relatively mild stresses, the role of abscisic acid, frequently considered as a stress hormone, in fact appears to be to avoid dehydration at the cellular level. In the cases described here, selecting plants for better resistance to cell dehydration may not be the best strategy for improving drought resistance of crops.  相似文献   

1. Dispersal of propagules by waterbirds is thought to be important for wetland plants because of the abundance of birds and their frequent movements among aquatic habitats. Differences in bird characteristics (size, movement, feeding ecology) were expected to lead to different outcomes for plant dispersal. 2. We investigated heterogeneity in plant dispersal by ducks (Anas superciliosa, Anas gracilis, Anas castanea). We calculated the probability of transport of viable seeds by germinating propagules retrieved from feathers and feet (epizoochory) and the contents of the oesophagus, gizzard and lower gut (endozoochory). 3. The abundance and richness of seeds carried internally and externally did not differ among sympatric bird species. We used estimates from the literature of movements of Anas species to approximate dispersal kernels for the transport of plant propagules. 4. Heterogeneity in the abundance and movement ecology of disperser species will result in differing patterns and degrees of connectivity for wetland plant metacommunities. Sedentary waterfowl are likely to have an important role in replenishing propagules and connecting aquatic metacommunities over small distances. Nomadic waterfowl may facilitate long‐distance dispersal. We discuss the implications of differences between duck species in movement patterns for connectivity of aquatic plant metacommunities across landscapes.  相似文献   

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