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ABSTRACT. Individual worker ants isolated in an actograph exhibit circadian rhythms of locomotor activity. Entrainment occurs more readily in LD 18:6 h than in LD 12:12 h. The ants are either light-active or dark-active. Phase angle and duration of activity is influenced by photoperiod.  相似文献   

Photic induction of immediate early genes including c-fos in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) has been well demonstrated in the nocturnal rodents. On the other hand, in diurnal rodents, no data is available whether the light can induce c-fos or Fos in the SCN. We therefore examined whether 60 min light exposure induces Fos-like immunoreactivity (Fos-lir) in the SCN cells of diurnal chipmunks and whether the induction is phase dependent, comparing with the results in nocturnal hamsters. We also examined an effect of light on the locomotor activity rhythm under continuous darkness. Fos-lir was induced in the chipmunk SCN. The induction was clearly phase dependent. The light during the subjective night induced strong expression of Fos-lir. This phase dependency is similar to that in hamsters. However, unlike in hamsters, the Fos-lir was induced in some SCN cells of chipmunks exposed to light during the subjective day. In the locomotor rhythm, on the other hand, the light pulse failed to induce the phase shift at phases at which the Fos-lir was induced. These results suggest that the photic induction of Fos-lir in the diurnal chipmunks is gated by a circadian oscillator as well as in the nocturnal hamsters. However, the functional role of Fos protein may be different in the diurnal rodents from in the nocturnal rodents.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the effect of early weaning on circadian rhythm and the behavioral satiety sequence in adult rats. Male Wistar rat pups were weaned for separation from the mother at 15 (D15), 21 (D21) and 30 (D30) days old. Body weight and food intake was measured every 30 days until pups were 150 days old. At 90 days of age, the circadian rhythm of food intake was evaluated every 4 h for three days. Behavioral satiety was evaluated at 35 and 100 days of age. This work demonstrated that body weight and food intake were not altered, but the behavioral satiety sequence demonstrated that the D15 group delayed satiety compared with the D30 group at 100 days of age. In the circadian rhythm of the food intake study, early weaning (D15) changed food intake in the intermediary period of the light phase and in the intermediary period of the dark phase. In conclusion, our study showed that early weaning may alter the feeding behavior mainly in relation to satiety and the circadian rhythm of feeding. It is possible that the presence of other environmental stimuli during early weaning can cause hyperphagia and deregulate the mechanisms of homeostasis and body weight control. This study supports theories that depict insults during early life as determinants of chronic diseases.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of pinealectomy and blinding (bilateral ocular enucleation) on the circadian locomotor activity rhythm in the Japanese newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. The pinealectomized newts were entrained to a light-dark cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness. After transfer to constant darkness they showed residual rhythmicity for at least several days which was gradually disrupted in prolonged constant darkness. Blinded newts were also entrained to a 12 h light/12 h dark cycle. In subsequent constant darkness they showed free-running rhythms of locomotor activity. However, the freerunning periods noticeably increased compared with those observed in the previous period of constant darkness before blinding. In blinded newts entrained to the light/dark cycle the activity rhythms were gradually disrupted after pinealectomy even in the presence of the light/dark cycle. These results suggest that both the pineal and the eyes are involved in the newt's circadian system, and also suggest that the pineal of the newt acts as an extraretinal photoreceptor which mediates the entrainment of the locomotor activity rhythm.Abbreviations circadian period - DD constant darkness - LD cycle, light-dark cycle - LD 12:12 light-dark cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness  相似文献   

A group of the medaka,Oryzias latipes (Cyprinodontidae, orange-red variety, 25 males and 25 females), was kept in an aquarium, which was placed outdoors under natural conditions from December 1984 to January 1986. Locomotor activity at three layers (upper, middle, and lower layers) was recorded with a phototransistor system in each season. In summer, the fish showed typical diurnal activity at all three layers and the activity was greater than in other seasons. However, in autumn and winter, the fish became less active and showed relatively high activity at night at the upper or middle layer and diurnal activity at the lower layer. Nocturnal activity seemed to appear when the water temperature was decreased and the photoperiod was shortened. A free-running activity rhythm was also recorded under continuous darkness (DD) in each season; however, the fish showed clear free-running activity rhythms under DD only in summer.  相似文献   

Bed bugs must avoid detection when finding hosts and returning to hidden harborages. Their stealthy habits include foraging when hosts are asleep. Characteristics of spontaneous locomotor activity rhythm of bed bugs with different feeding histories were studied. In the absence of host stimuli, adults and nymphs were much more active in the dark than in the light. The onset of activity in the scotophase commenced soon after lights-off. The free-running period (τ) for all stages was longer in continuous darkness (DD) than in continuous light (LL). The lengthening of τ in DD is an exception for the circadian rule that predicts the opposite in nocturnal animals. Activity in all stages was entrained to reverse L:D regimes within four cycles. Short-term starved adults moved more frequently than recently fed adults. While bed bugs can survive for a year or more without a blood meal, we observed a reduction in activity in insects held for five weeks without food. We suggest that bed bugs make a transition to host-stimulus dependent searching when host presence is not predictable. Such a strategy would enable bed bugs to maximize reproduction when resources are abundant and save energy when resources are scarce.  相似文献   

Practically every physiological variable exhibits daily rhythmicity. The daily rhythm of body temperature, like that of many other variables, is often weak in newborns and gains strength as the animals grow. Because of the natural association between physiological maturation and gain in body size, these two processes are naturally confounded. To differentiate between the effects of maturation and the effects of body growth, we took advantage of the large variation in body size that exists among different breeds of the domestic dog. We compared the body temperature rhythms of developing puppies of different dog breeds. Puppies of none of the breeds exhibited statistically significant daily rhythmicity for several days after birth. Regardless of breed or sex, rhythmicity matured over several weeks and attained a stable level by 6 weeks after birth. Body size did not seem to be an important element in the development of rhythmicity because the development was similar in three breeds that differed greatly in body size (Basset Hound, Boxer, and Neapolitan Mastiff). On the other hand, the difference in body size associated with the different breeds had a strong impact on the absolute level of body temperature regardless of age: we found a strong inverse correlation between temperature and body size among the puppies and dams of the three breeds and among 115 adult dogs from 19 different breeds ranging from 2-kg Yorkshire Terriers to 80-kg Great Danes.  相似文献   


Rhythms can be observed at all levels of the biologic integration in humans. The observation that a biological or physiological variable shows a circadian rhythm can be explained by several multifactorial systems including external (exogenous), internal (endogenous) and psychobiological (lifestyle) mechanisms. Our body clock can be synchronized with the environment by external factors, called “synchronizers”, i.e. the light–dark cycle, but it is also negatively influenced by some pathological conditions or factors, called “chronodisruptors,” i.e. aging or low physical activity (PA). The desynchronization of a 24-h rhythm in a chronic manner has been recently defined “chronodisruption” or “circadian disruption.” A very large number of hormonal variables, such as adrenal and gonadal stress steroids, are governed by circadian rhythmicity. Such hormones, in normal conditions, show a peak in the first part of the day, while their typical diurnal fluctuations are totally out of sync in subjects affected by cancer or metabolic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. In general, a flatter slope with altered peaks in cortisol and testosterone circadian rhythms has been observed in pathological individuals. PA, specifically chronic exercise, seems to play a key role as synchronizer for the whole circadian system in such pathologies even if specific data on steroids circadian pattern are still sparse and contradictory. Recently, it has been proposed that low-intensity chronic PA could be an effective intervention to decrease morning cortisol levels in pathological subjects. The standardization of all confounding factors is needed to reach more clear evidence-based results.  相似文献   

Early environmental conditions may affect the development and manifestation of circadian rhythms. This study sought to determine whether the maintenance of rats under different T‐cycles during lactation influences the subsequent degree of dissociation of the circadian rhythms of motor activity and core body temperature. Two groups of 22 day‐old Wistar rats were kept after weaning under T‐cycles of 22 h (T22) or 23 h (T23) for 70 days. Subsequently, they were kept in constant darkness (DD). Half of the animals in each group were born and reared under these experimental conditions, while the other half were reared until weaning under 24 h LD cycles (T24). Rats transferred from T24 to T22 or T23 showed two circadian components in motor activity and temperature, one entrained by light and the other free‐running. In T22, there was also desynchronization between temperature and motor activity. Rats submitted to T23 from birth showed higher stability of the 23 h component than rats transferred from T24 to T23 after weaning. However, in comparison to rats born under T24 and subsequently changed to T22, animals submitted to T22 from birth showed shorter values of the period of the non‐light‐dependent component during T22, more aftereffects when transferred to DD, and a lack of desynchronization between motor activity and temperature. The results suggest that T‐cycles in the early environment may modify overt rhythms by altering the internal coupling of the circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of plasma insulin, Cortisol, and glucose concentrations were examined in scotosensitive (reproductively sensitive to inhibitory effects of short daylengths) and scotorefractory male and female Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) maintained on short (LD 10:14) and long (LD 14:10) daylengths. The baseline concentration (mean of all values obtained every 4 hr six times of day) of insulin was much greater in female than in male scotosensitive hamsters kept on short daylengths. These differences in insulin concentration may account for the observed heavy fat stores in female and low fat stores in male scotosensitive hamsters kept on short daylengths. The baseline concentrations of Cortisol were approximately equal in both scotosensitive and scotorefractory males held on short and long daylengths, but were relatively low in females held on short daylengths and especially high in scotorefractory females held on long daylengths.

The plasma concentrations of both cortisol and insulin varied throughout the day in many of the groups tested. However, the variations were not equivalent. The circadian variations of cortisol were similar irrespective of sex, seasonal condition and daylength. Peak concentrations generally occurred about 12 hr after light onset. In contrast, the circadian variations of insulin differed markedly. For example in male hamsters, robust daily variations were found in scotosensitive hamsters held on short daylengths but not on long daylengths and in scotorefractory hamsters held on long daylengths but not on short daylengths. Furthermore, the daily peak occurred during the light in the scotosensitive hamsters and during the dark in the scotorefractory animals. Neither the daily feeding pattern (about 60% consumed during dark) nor the daily variations of glucose concentration varied appreciably with seasonal condition or daylength. They do not appear to determine nor directly reflect the variations in cortisol and glucose concentrations. It is postulated that the daily rhythms of cortisol and insulin are regulated by different neural pacemaker systems and that changes in the phase relations of circadian systems account in part for seasonal changes in body fat stores.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Evidence is presented for a circadian control of locomotory activity in the larval stadia of the cricket, Teleogryllus commodus Walker. Under light—dark cycles (LD), maximal activity occurs around the L/D transition and/or in the hours preceding it. Free-running rhythm patterns longer than 24 h are observed in constant light. Re-entrainment to phase advances in the LD cycle is also accompanied by several transient cycles. However, free-running rhythms under constant darkness or transients when exposed to LD cycle delays were not found. LD cycles during the eighth stadium set the phase of a free-running rhythm in the adult, even if the nymph does not show a rhythm. Nymphal activity is often erratic and is disrupted periodically by the moulting cycle, but moulting does not interrupt the operation of the circadian system. The daily timing of the moult itself is not under circadian control.  相似文献   

The influence of pupal diapause on adult eclosion rhythm of Delia antiqua was investigated. When non-diapause and diapause pupae were exposed to various photoperiods at 15, 20 and 25 °C, both of them emerged as adults close to the light-on time, but the phase of eclosion varied with photoperiod and temperature. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the eclosion time between non-diapause and diapause pupae; the eclosion peak of diapause pupae was earlier than that of non-diapause pupae. When non-diapause and diapause pupae were transferred to constant darkness (DD) after having experienced LD 12:12 at 15, 20 and 25 °C, both showed circadian rhythmicity in eclosion. Although the free-running period (τ) decreased slightly as temperature increased in both non-diapause and diapause pupae, the latter tended to show shorter τ than the former. This observation suggests that the observed difference in eclosion time in LD cycles between non-diapause and diapause pupae is due to differences in τ.  相似文献   

Abstract.  To reveal circadian characteristics and entrainment mechanisms in the Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica , the locomotor-activity rhythm of foragers is investigated under programmed light and temperature conditions. After entrainment to an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiodic regime, free-running rhythms are released in constant dark (DD) or light (LL) conditions with different free-running periods. Under the LD 12 : 12 h regime, activity offset occurs approximately 0.4 h after lights-off transition, assigned to circadian time (Ct) 12.4 h. The phase of activity onset, peak and offset, and activity duration depends on the photoperiodic regimes. The circadian rhythm can be entrained to a 24-h period by exposure to submultiple cycles of LD 6 : 6 h, as if the locomotive rhythm is entrained to LD 18 : 6 h. Phase shifts of delay and advance are observed when perturbing single light pulses are presented during free-running under DD conditions. Temperature compensation of the free-running period is demonstrated under DD and LL conditions. Steady-state entrainment of the locomotor rhythm is achieved with square-wave temperature cycles of 10 °C amplitude, but a 5 °C amplitude fails to entrain.  相似文献   

Quantitative levels of melatonin and 5-hydroxytryptamine were measured over the scotophase in the protocerebrum, subesophageal ganglion, optic lobes, thoracic ganglia, and hemolymph of adult male cabbage looper moths, Trichoplusia ni, using HPLC with electrochemical detection. Melatonin levels were very low (s < 1 pmol) or undetectable during the photophase, but increased in all tissues during the dark. Lowest mean levels in the dark were observed in the optic lobes (0.3 to 0.7 pmols). Maximal mean levels in the protocerebrum (5.2 pmols) occurred in the early part of the scotophase, but in all other tissues (2.8 in the subesophageal ganglion; 9.5 in thoracic ganglia) and hemolymph (18 pg/l) maximal mean levels were observed later in the dark. Levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine in each tissue, in contrast, were higher than melatonin levels in the photophase, and in the protocerebrum and thoracic ganglia decreased during the dark, but in the optic lobes and subesophageal ganglion remained unchanged. Further, decreases in 5-hydroxytryptamine during the dark were significantly lower than the increased levels of melatonin, suggesting that active synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptamine was occurring. In a second experiment, when measured from individuals in three different photoperiods (618, 1212, 186 lightdark) maximum mean melatonin levels in the brain (protocerebral and subesophageal ganglia) peaked within the first 1.5 h of the dark and remained at measurable levels for the duration of the dark. In a third experiment, levels of melatonin in the brain and thoracic ganglia displayed rhythmicity in continuous dark conditions but not in continuous light, when compared with profiles obtained in a normal light dark regime.Abbreviations CNS Central nervous system - HPLC-ECD high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection - MEL melatonin - 5HT 5-hydroxytryptamine - N-ac-SHT N-acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamine  相似文献   

Whereas the (zeitgeber) effect of ambient temperature Ta and temperature cycles TaC's on circadian rhythmicity has been well documented for heterofhermic mammals, inconsistent results have been obtained for strictly homeothermic species. Hence, it might be inferred that the susceptibility of the mammalian circadian timing system (CTS) to Ta and TaC's depends on the range of the animals' core and/or brain temperature rhythm. This hypothesis was tested in the common marmoset (Callithrix j. jacchus, n=12), a small diurnal primate with an amplitude in body temperature rhythm that is larger than for other homeothermic primates studied so far. Within the range 20-30°C, no systematic effects of constant Ta on most parameters of the marmosets' light-dark (LD)-entrained and free-running circadian activity rhythm (CAR) were found. Significant differences could be established in the average amount of activity per circadian cycle. It was highest at Ta 25°C (LD) and 20°C (light-light, LL) and most probably reflected a temperature-induced masking effect. A 24h trapezoidal TaC of 20:30°C entrained the free-running CAR in two of six marmosets and produced relative coordination in all others. Accordingly, in all animals tested, it had an effect on the CTS. In marmosets free running in LL at a Ta of 20°C or 30°C, 3h warm and cold pulses of 30°C and 20°C, respectively, produced neither systematic phase responses nor period responses of the CAR. So, there is no evidence of a phase-response mechanism underlying circadian entrainment. The results show that large-amplitude TaC's function as a weak zeitgeber for the marmosets' CTS. Since this zeitgeber effect is significantly larger than that found in owl monkeys, the results are consistent with the starting hypothesis that the zeitgeber effect of a given T,C on the mammalian CTS may be related to the amplitude of the species' core and/or brain temperature cycle.  相似文献   

To understand the circadian rhythms of the glucose metabolism and related hormones in desert reptiles, we studied the daily changes in plasma leptin, insulin, and glucose in the toad-headed lizard, Phrynocephalus versicolor, in the semi-desert of the Alashan Plateau. Blood samples were obtained from groups of 20 lizards (about equal sex ratio for each group) at 4-h intervals throughout a 24-h period. Leptin, insulin, and glucose levels were determined using ELISA, RIA, and the glucose oxidase method, respectively. Ambient temperature and humidity were also measured when the blood samples were taken. We found that: (1) there was a significant difference in plasma leptin concentrations at different times of day; (2) no significant circadian rhythm could be measured for plasma insulin and glucose; (3) ambient temperature, humidity, and body condition had no significant effect on plasma leptin, insulin, and glucose levels; and (4) there were significant correlations between plasma glucose concentrations and leptin concentrations 8 h later, and between insulin concentrations and leptin concentration 8–12 h later. These results suggested that the secretions of leptin and insulin played an important role in glucose metabolism in reptiles in an arid environment.  相似文献   

When non-diapause and diapause pupae of Deliaantiqua were exposed to various thermoperiods where thermophase (T) was 25 °C and the cryophase (C) was 15 or 20 °C (TC15 or TC20) in constant darkness (DD), the majority of both types of flies emerged before the rise in temperature. Eclosion time was delayed at the lower cryophase temperature. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the time of adult eclosion between non-diapause and diapause pupae; diapause pupae eclosed earlier than non-diapause pupae. When the two types of pupae were transferred to a constant low temperature (15 or 20 °C) after having experienced TC15 or TC20 12:12 h, they showed circadian rhythmicity in eclosion. The free-running period (τ) of the eclosion rhythm changed after transfer to constant low temperatures in both non-diapause and diapause pupae, suggesting that this change represents a transient cycle until the temperature-sensitive oscillator is coupled again to the temperature-insensitive pacemaker. However, diapause pupae tended to show a shorter τ than non-diapause pupae. This observation suggests that the difference in adult eclosion time under thermoperiodic conditions between non-diapause and diapause pupae is related to their different τ s.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis of Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngb. under continuous saturating red irradiation follows a circadian rhythm. Blue-light pulses rapidly stimulate photosynthesis with high effectiveness in the troughs of this rhythm but the effectiveness of such pulses is much lower at its peaks. In an attempt to understand how blue light and the rhythm affected photosynthesis, the effects of inorganic carbon on photosynthetic light saturation curves were studied under different irradiation conditions. The circadian rhythm of photosynthesis was apparent only at irradiances which were not limiting for photosynthesis. The same was found for blue-light-stimulated photosynthesis, although stimulation was observed also under very low red-light irradiances after a period of adaptation, provided that the inorganic-carbon concentration was not in excess. Double-reciprocal plots of light-saturated photosynthetic rates versus the concentration of total inorganic carbon (up to 10 mM total inorganic carbon) were linear and had a common constant for half-saturation (3.6 mM at pH 8) at both the troughs and the peaks of the rhythm and before and after blue-light pulses. Only at very low carbon concentrations was a clear deviation found from these lines for photosynthesis at the rhythm maxima (red and blue light), which indicated that the strong carbon limitation specifically affected photosynthesis at the peak phases of the rhythm. Very high inorganic carbon concentrations (20 mM) in the medium diminished the responses to blue light, although they did not fully abolish them. The kinetics of the stimulation indicate that the rate of photosynthesis is affected by two blue-light-dependent components with different time courses of induction and decay. The faster component seemed to be at least partially suppressed at red-light irradiances which were not saturating for photosynthesis. Lowering the pH of the medium had the same effects as an increase of the carbon concentration to levels of approx. 10 mM. This indicates that Ectocarpus takes up free CO2 only and not bicarbonate, although additional physiological mechanisms may enhance the availability of CO2.Abbreviation TIC total inorganic carbon  相似文献   

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