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The work presents the results of the immunoelectron microscopical localization of mitotin in different phases of the cell cycle. The distribution of the protein was studied using its specific monoclonal antibody and immunogold labeling in synchronized WISH cells. In S phase the antigen was found in the nucleoplasm usually over the interchromatin granules. In G2 phase the amount of mitotin increases and it can be found also in the nucleolus. In mitosis the immunogold granules are always out of the condensed chromosomes.  相似文献   

To ascertain the activity and substrate specificity of nuclear protein kinases during various stages of the cell cycle of HeLa S3 cells, a nuclear phospho-protein-enriched sample was extracted from synchronised cells and assayed in vitro in the presence of homologous substrates. The nuclear protein kinases increased in activity during S and G2 phase to a level that was twice that of kinases from early S phase cells. The activity was reduced during mitosis but increased again in G1 phase. When the phosphoproteins were separated into five fractions by cellulose-phosphate chromatography each fraction, though not homogenous, exhibited differences in activity. Variations in the activity of the protein kinase fractions were observed during the cell cycle, similar to those observed for the unfractionated kinases. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of the proteins phosphorylated by each of the five kinase fractions demonstrated a substrate specificity. The fractions also exhibited some cell cycle stage-specific preference for substrates; kinases from G1 cells phosphorylated mainly high molecular weight polypeptides, whereas lower molecular weight species were phosphorylated by kinases from the S, G2 and mitotic stages of the cell cycle. Inhibition of DNA and histone synthesis by cytosine arabinoside had no effect on the activity or substrate specificity of S phase kinases. Some kinase fractions phosphorylated histones as well as non-histone chromosomal proteins and this phosphorylation was also cell cycle stage dependent. The presence of histones in the in vitro assay influenced the ability of some fractions to phosphorylate particular non-histone polypeptides; non-histone proteins also appeared to affect the in vitro phosphorylation of histones.  相似文献   

Cell cycle phase transition is regulated in part by the trimeric enzyme, cyclin-dependent kinase activating kinase (CAK) which phosphorylates and activates cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks). Protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors prevent cell cycle phase transition, suggesting a fundamental role for PKCs in cell cycle regulation. We report that in glioma cells, CAK (cdk7) is constitutively associated with PKC-iota. In vitro phosphorylation, co-immunoprecipitation, and analysis of phosphorylated proteins by autoradiography indicate that CAK (cdk7) is a substrate for PKC-iota and PKC-betaII hyperphosphorylation. These results establish a role for PKC-iota and PKC-betaII in the activation of CAK during the glioma cell cycle.  相似文献   

Regulation of human thymidine kinase during the cell cycle   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  

cAMP signals are received and transmitted by multiple isoforms of cAMP-dependent protein kinases (PKAs), typically determined by their specific regulatory subunits. We describe changes in the cAMP signal transduction pathway during cell cycle progression in synchronized rat thyroid cells. Both PKA type II (PKAII) localization and nuclear cAMP signaling are significantly modified during G(0) and G(1)-S transitions. G(1) is characterized by PKA activation and amplified cAMP signal transduction. This is associated with a decrease in the concentration of RI and RII regulatory subunits and enhanced anchoring of PKAII to the Golgi-centrosome region. Just prior to S, the cAMP pathway is depressed. Up-regulation of the pathway by exogenous cAMP in G(1) inhibited the subsequent decay of the Cdk inhibitor p27 and delayed the onset of S phase. Forced translocation of endogenous PKAII to the cytosol down-regulated cAMP signaling, advancing the timing of p27 decay and inducing premature exit from G(1). These data indicate that membrane-bound PKA amplifies the transduction of cAMP signals in G(1) and that the length of G(1) is influenced by cAMP-PKA.  相似文献   

The quantities and types of protein kinases found in the cytoplasmic and nuclear or chromosomal compartments of interphase and mitotic human culture cells were compared. Using histone as substrate, the total quantity of kinases recovered from cytoplasmic and chromosomal fractions of mitotic cells was several times greater than from cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of interphase cells. In both mitotic and interphase cells, more activity was recovered from cytoplasmic fractions than from chromosomal or nuclear fractions, respectively. When activity against various substrates was examined, mitotic chromosomal extracts were found to display the greatest preference for the H1 fraction of histones. Neither cytoplasmic nor chromosomal fractions from mitotic cells exhibited enhanced activity in the presence of cAMP, whereas the activity of both cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of interphase cells was enhanced. Protein kinases, previously identified by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as present in the cytoplasmic fraction of mitotic but not interphase cells, were also present in chromosomal fractions of mitotic cells; only one of these kinases may be present in nuclear extracts of interphase cells. In addition, the profiles of nuclear extracts of interphase cells differ from their cytoplasmic fractions. These results indicate that there are protein kinases which are restricted to the mitotic phase of the cell cycle and that they apparently partition between the cytoplasmic and chromosomal compartments of cells in mitosis.  相似文献   

Summary HeLa cells in a monolayer culture were synchronized to S, G2 and mitotic phases by use of excess (2.5 mM) deoxythymidine double-block technique. The localizations of Ca++-activated adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) at different phases of the cell cycle were studied using light and electron-microscopic histochemical techniques, and microphotometric comparisons of the densities of reaction products. Enzyme reaction product was always localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear membrane, mitochondria and Golgi apparatus, but there were qualitative and quantitative differences related to the phases of the cell cycle. In S phase the activity was mainly concentrated in a perinuclear area of the cytoplasm whereas in G2 and mitosis the activity was scattered throughout the cell. The total activity per cell was maximal in G2, was less in S phase and least in mitosis. Activity in the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum was distinctly less in mitosis than in other phases of the cell cycle. The mitochondrial ATPase differed from the ATPase at other sites in ion dependence and sensitivity to oligomycin. The results suggest that there may be several distinct ATPases in proliferating cells.  相似文献   

A key factor involved in the processing of histone pre-mRNAs in the nucleus and translation of mature histone mRNAs in the cytoplasm is the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP). In this work, we have investigated SLBP nuclear transport and subcellular localization during the cell cycle. SLBP is predominantly nuclear under steady-state conditions and localizes to the cytoplasm during S phase when histone mRNAs accumulate. Consistently, SLBP mutants that are defective in histone mRNA binding remain nuclear. As assayed in heterokaryons, export of SLBP from the nucleus is dependent on histone mRNA binding, demonstrating that SLBP on its own does not possess any nuclear export signals. We find that SLBP interacts with the import receptors Impalpha/Impbeta and Transportin-SR2. Moreover, complexes formed between SLBP and the two import receptors are disrupted by RanGTP. We have further shown that SLBP is imported by both receptors in vitro. Three sequences in SLBP required for Impalpha/Impbeta binding were identified. Simultaneous mutation of all three sequences was necessary to abolish SLBP nuclear localization in vivo. In contrast, we were unable to identify an in vivo role for Transportin-SR2 in SLBP nuclear localization. Thus, only the Impalpha/Impbeta pathway contributes to SLBP nuclear import in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

There are indications from genetic, biochemical and cell biological studies that protein kinase CK2 (formerly casein kinase II) has a variety of functions at different stages in the cell cycle. To further characterize CK2 and its potential roles during cell cycle progression, one of the objectives of this study was to systematically examine the expression of all three subunits of CK2 at different stages in the cell cycle. To achieve this objective, we examined levels of CK2, CK2 and CK2 on immunoblots as well as CK2 activity in samples prepared from: (i) elutriated populations of MANCA (Burkitt lymphoma) cells, (ii) serum-stimulated GL30-92/R (primary human fibroblasts) cells and (iii) drug-arrested chicken bursal lymphoma BK3A cells. On immunoblots, we observed a significant and co-ordinate increase in the expression of CK2 and CK2 following serum stimulation of quiescent human fibroblasts. By comparison, no major fluctuations in CK2 activity were detected during any other stages during the cell cycle. Furthermore, we did not observe any dramatic differences between the relative levels of CK2 to CK2 during different stages in the cell cycle. However, we observed a significant increase in the amount of CK2 relative to CK2 in cells arrested with nocodazole. We also examined the activity of CK2 in extracts or in immunoprecipitates prepared from drug-arrested cells. Of particular interest is the observation that the activity of CK2 is not changed in nocodazole-arrested cells. Since CK2 is maximally phosphorylated in these cells, this result suggests that the phosphorylation of CK2 by p34cdc2 does not affect the catalytic activity of CK2. However, the activity of CK2 was increased by incubation with p34cdc2 in vitro. Since this activation was independent of ATP we speculate that p34cdc2 may have an associated factor that stimulates CK2 activity. Collectively, the observations that relative levels of CK2 increase in mitotic cells, that CK2 and CK2 are phosphorylated in mitotic cells and that p34cdc2 affects CK2 activity in vitro suggest that CK2 does have regulatory functions associated with cell division.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies to types I and II regulatory (R) subunits of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (cA-PK) were utilized in a post-embedding immunogold-labeling procedure to localize these proteins in rat parotid acinar cells. Both RI and RII were present in the nuclei, cytoplasm, rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Golgi apparatus, and secretory granules. In the nuclei, gold particles were mainly associated with the heterochromatin. In the cytoplasm, the label was principally found in areas of RER. Most gold particles were located between adjacent RER cisternae or over their membranes and attached ribosomes; occasional particles were also present over the cisternal spaces. Labeling of the Golgi apparatus was significantly greater than background, although it was slightly lower than that over the RER cisternae. In secretory granules, gold particles were present over the granule content; no preferential localization to the granule membrane was observed. Morphometric analysis revealed equivalent labeling intensities for RI and RII in the cytoplasm-RER compartment. Labeling intensities for RII in the nuclei and secretory granules were about 50% greater than in the cytoplasm-RER, and 3 to 4-fold greater than values for RI in these two compartments. Electrophoresis and autoradiography of the postnuclear parotid-tissue fraction, the contents of purified secretory granules and saliva collected from the main excretory duct, after photoaffinity labeling with [32P]-8-azido-cyclic AMP, revealed the presence of R subunits. Predominantly RII was present in the granule contents and saliva, while both RII and RI were present in the cell extracts. Additionally, R subunits were purified from saliva by affinity chromatography on agarose-hexane-cyclic AMP. These findings confirm the localization of cA-PK in parotid cell nuclei and establish the acinar secretory granules as the source of the cyclic AMP-binding proteins in saliva.  相似文献   

EM investigation of Ag-AS-NOR staining after short glutaraldehyde prefixation followed by Carnoy fixation maintained good ultrastructural preservation and reactive selectivity. This enables exact localization of silver deposits both in the fibrillar centers of typical or segregated nucleoli during interphase, and in chromosome NORs during mitosis. These results argue in favour of the possibility that fibrillar centers are the interphasic counterpart of chromosome NORs. Special structures such as nucleolar blobs and remnants usually considered to be of nucleolar origin, were also stained. — These findings seem to indicate a relationship between the distribution of the silver-stained proteins, the arrangement of the nucleolar structures and the degree of nucleolar activity resulting from the experimental conditions. These results are of interest at the time when the concept of the nucleolar matrix is gradually emerging.  相似文献   

The distribution of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) on human glioma cells was examined as a function of culture conditions, using immunofluorescence and immunophotoelectron microscopy. Both uPAR colocalization with focal adhesion proteins and glioma cell motility were maximal in medium containing whole serum or a serum fraction retained by a 500,000 mol wt cutoff centrifugal concentration filter. High motility also took place in medium containing a serum fraction passed by the 500,000 cutoff filter but retained by a 100,000 cutoff filter and in minimal medium containing added vitronectin; however, under these conditions only a small percentage of the otherwise abundant focal adhesions contained colocalized uPAR. Glioma cells in minimal medium with added laminin migrated with a highly elongated morphology but without either classical focal adhesions or well-defined uPAR labeling. In contrast, glioma cells in minimal medium with no additions did not migrate, nor did they adhere well or display defined labeling patterns for focal adhesion proteins or uPAR. The results indicate that high-molecular-weight serum protein complexes promote both uPAR-focal adhesion colocalization and cell migration in glioma cells. However, conditions can be selected in which migration takes place with minimal uPAR-focal adhesion localization, as well as in the absence of apparent focal adhesions.  相似文献   

The distribution of specific surface receptors in the course of the cell cycle has been studied on two transformed cell lines by means of ultrastructural labelling techniques employing Concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Synchronized cultures of Cl2TSV5, an SV40-transformed hamster cell line and of CHO cells were labelled as monolayers or in suspension in the different phases of the cell cycle. In cells labelled in monolayers, a moderately discontinuous pattern of surface labelling was present during G 1, S, and G 2. On cells in mitosis, however, this pattern changes strikingly and becomes very discontinuous. These results indicate that the degree of receptor clustering is greater in mitosis than in interphase. In cells labelled in suspension, the differences in pattern between mitosis and interphase were absent. Colcemid treatment did not modify the distribution of the label, either in interphase or in mitosis. Moreover, cells in mitosis collected by Colcemid treatment and labelled at a moment in which parallel unblocked cultures had completed mitosis and passed into G 1 showed an interphase-type labelling pattern; this indicates that a certain dissociation exists between surface events and nuclear events during mitosis. These results are discussed in terms of several factors that may contribute to the production of receptor clustering, namely, direct lectin action, surface movement and membrane flow, participation of cytoplasmic structures and, finally, attachment of cells to a substratum.  相似文献   

Summary The volumes of whole cells and nuclei of cultured human cells were studied at different times after synchronization of growth using the Coulter counter and scanning microphotometry. It was found that the increase in cell volume is compatible with both linear or exponential growth during the cell cycle. The growth of the nuclear volume is not correlated with the beginning of the DNA synthesis. The nuclear volume starts to increase already 6 h prior DNA synthesis. The data also indicate that the nuclear volume growth could proceed in two stages. The relation of this result to radiation sensitivity is discussed.This research was carried out under contract no. 215-76-10-BIO-D, Radiation Protection programme of the Commission of the European Community (Publication no. BIO 1747)  相似文献   

Valster AH  Vidali L  Hepler PK 《Protoplasma》2003,222(1-2):85-95
Summary. The localization of the actin-monomer-binding protein profilin during the cell cycle of living Tradescantia virginiana stamen hair cells has been studied by microinjection of a fluorescently labeled analog of the protein. In contrast to previously published studies performed on chemically fixed animal cells, we do not find a specific colocalization of profilin with actin filament arrays. Our results show that, besides a general cytoplasmic distribution, profilin specifically accumulates in the nucleus in interphase and prophase cells. This nuclear localization was confirmed by means of electron microscopic immunolocalization of endogenous profilin (in Gibasis scheldiana stamen hair cells). During mitosis, as the nuclear envelope and nuclear matrix break down at the onset of prometaphase, the nuclear profilin redistributes equally into the accessible volume (cytosol) of the cell. During metaphase and anaphase no specific localization of profilin can be observed associated with the mitotic apparatus. However, during telophase, as nuclear envelopes and nuclear matrices re-form and the sister chromatids start to decondense, a subset of the microinjected profilin again localizes to the nucleus. No accumulation of profilin could be observed in the phragmoplast, where a distinct array of actin filaments exists. The function of profilin in the nucleus remains unclear.Correspondence and reprints: Department of Biology, 221 Morrill Science Center II, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, U.S.A.Received September 30, 2002; accepted February 12, 2003 Published online September 23, 2003  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathways play key regulatory roles in cell cycle progression into S phase. In this study, we demonstrated that Akt1/PKBα isoform plays an essential role in G1/S transition and proliferation. Cells lacking Akt1/PKBα showed an attenuated proliferation as well as G1/S transition, whereas cells lacking Akt2/PKBβ showed normal proliferation and G1/S transition. The effect of Akt1/PKBα on cell proliferation and G1/S transition was completely abolished by swapping pleckstrin homology (PH) domain with that of Akt2/PKBβ. Finally, full activation of Akt/PKB and cyclin D expression was achieved by the Akt1/PKBα or chimeric proteins containing the PH domain of Akt1/PKBα indicating that the PH domain of Akt1/PKBα provides full kinase activity and is necessary for the G1/S transition.  相似文献   

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