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Fusion of bacterial spheroplasts by electric fields   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Spheroplasts of Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhimurium were found to fuse in an electric field. We employed the fusion method developed by Zimmermann and Scheurich (1981): Close membrane contact between cells is established by dielectrophoresis (formation of chains of cells by an a.c. field), then membrane fusion is induced by the application of short pulses of direct current. Under optimum conditions the fusion yield was routinely 90%. Fusable spheroplasts were obtained by first growing filamentous bacteria in the presence of cephalexin, then converting these to spheroplasts by the use of lysozyme. The fusion products were viable and regenerated to the regular bacterial form. Fusion of genetically different spheroplasts resulted in strains of bacteria possessing a combination of genetic markers. Fusion could not be achieved with spheroplasts obtained by growing the cells in the presence of penicillin or by using lysozyme on bacteria of usual size.  相似文献   

The effect of electric fields as related to red blood cell sizing techniques, hemolysis, mobility, and general behavior is examined. A review is made of the varying theories concerning these effects. In addition, the physical ramifications of electric field experimentation is viewed. Criticisms are made with regard to technique and lack of consideration for certain experimental variables.  相似文献   

The influence of electric fields on the uptake of light gas ions of a model of man was investigated. The apparatus used for the measurement of electric fields, and an ion-meter in which the air intake imitates the human zone of inhalation are described. With this model the atmospheric concentration of positive and negative ions was measured at a limit mobility of about 1 cm2/v sec. The influence of electric fields was examined (1) when the model had a certain potential relative to the surroundings, and (2) when the model was at ground potential and free charges were present in the room. The presence of electric fields was found to reduce the uptake of light gas ions and to change the proportional uptake of positive and negative ions as compared with values obtained under field-free conditions.Thus, it is required in biological research work on gas ions to keep track of the electric fields in the room in which the experiments are performed.
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluss von elektrischen Feldern auf die Aufnahme von kleinen Luftionen wurde am Modell untersucht; die Apparate für die Messung der elektrischen Felder und ein Ionenmeter bei dem die Luftaufnahme der Einatmung beim Menschen entspricht,werden beschrieben. An dem Modell wurde die Menge an pos. und neg. Ionen der Luft bei einer Grenzgeschwindigkeit von ungefÄhr 1 cm2/v sec gemessen. Der Einfluss elektrischer Felder wurde untersucht (1),wenn das Modell eine bestimmte Ladung relativ zur Umgebung hatte und (2),wenn das Modell geerdet war und im Raum freie Ladungen gegeben waren. Elektrische Felder verminderten die Aufnahme von kleinen Luftionen und verÄnderten die proportionale Aufnahme von pos. und neg. Ionen beim Vergleich mit den Werten unter feldfreien Bedingungen.Deshalb ist es erforderlich,dass bei Untersuchungen über die biologische Wirkung von Luftionen die elektrischen Felder in dem Untersuchungsraum berücksichtigt werden.

Resume On a examiné au moyen d'un modèle humain l'influence des champs électriques sur l'absorption de petits ions gazeux. On décrit en outre les appareils ayant servi à la mesure des champs électriques ainsi qu'un instrument de mesure qui simule l'inspiration de l'air chez l'homme et mesure les ions alors reÇus. On a mesuré sur le modèle la quantité d'ions positifs et négatifs provenant de l'air pour une vitesse limite d'environ 1 cm2/v sec. L'influence des champs électriques fut déterminée: (1) pour le cas où le modèle présentait une certaine charge par rapport au milieu ambiant, (b) pour le cas où le modèle était mis a la terre et où les charges libres étaient introduites dans l'espace. La présence de champs électriques a diminué l'absorption de petits ions et modifié la proportion d'absorption des ions positifs et négatifs par rapport aux valeurs obtenues en l'absence de champs. Il est dès lors indispensable de considérer les champs électriques existant dans les locaux d'essais chaque fois que l'on recherche les effets biologiques des ions de l'air.

A wide variety of cell types respond to electric fields in culture. Despite evidence for electric fields existing in the mammalian embryo, there are few studies testing the effects electric fields exert on neurons from the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). The present study demonstrates orientation responses to focally applied electric fields of embryonic rat hippocampal neurons isolated in culture. The most striking result from this study is that different growth cones of the same neuron can show differential responsiveness to focally applied electric fields: growth cones on the short straight processes that are destined to become dendrites, oriented toward the cathode, whereas growth cones on the longest process, the presumptive axon, did not orient. The present experiments bring a significant increase in resolution to the study of neuronal growth cone orientation by applied electric fields: a novel examination of the early events leading to orientation. Growth cones on dendrites displayed a spectrum of orientation responses: directed lamellipodial extension, directed filopodial extension and/or reorientation, cytoplasmic swelling of existing filopodia, consolidation of filopodia, and rapid elongation of the entire process. Individual growth cones displayed only one or two of these responses. Additionally, not all growth cones on these short processes sustained their initial orientation response: 35% adapted within 6 min. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Rats were exposed to a 60-Hz electric field at an unperturbed field strength of 100 kV/m to determine its affect on bone growth and fracture repair. Exposure of immature male and female rats for 20 h/day for 30 days did not alter growth rate, cortical bone area, or medullary cavity area of the tibia. In another experiment, midfibular osteotomies were performed and the juvenile rats were exposed at 100 kV/m for 14 days. Evaluation by resistance to deformation and breaking strength indicated that fracture repair was not as advanced in the exposed animals as in the sham-exposed animals. In another experiment measurements of resistance to deformation were made in adult rats at 16, 20, and 26 days after osteotomy. Fracture repair was slower in exposed compared to control animals at day 20 and, to a lesser extent, at day 16, but not at day 26.  相似文献   

The biological effects of extremely low-frequency electric fields (ELF) on living organisms have been explored in many studies, but the results are controversial and only a few studies investigated the influence of the intensity of the applied field on seedling growth. Here we assess the effects of a 50 Hz sinusoidal electric field on the early growth of Vigna radiata seedlings while varying the field intensity. Experiments performed in a dark, constant-climate chamber on several thousands of seedlings show that the field produces an inhibitory effect at a low field intensity and an enhancing one at a higher intensity. The maximum negative effect occurs at about 450 V/m, which is an intensity much lower than the exposure limits currently in force in the safety regulations.  相似文献   

The dichroism of DNA in electric fields   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D W Ding  R Rill  K E Van Holde 《Biopolymers》1972,11(10):2109-2124
We have studied the dichroism of various samples of calf thymus DNA (of molecular weight from 3 × 105 to 7 × 106) in pulsed electric fields. The results may be summarized as follows:
  • 1 We find that calf thymus DNA behaves in electrical orientation as if it possessed a large permanent dipole moment. This apparent moment is sensitive to such effects as Mg++ binding which lower the net charge on DNA.
  • 2 The limiting dichroism at infinite field corresponds to an angle of at least 80% between the transition moments at 265 nm and the helix axis, and could be consistant with a number of known forms of DNA. This result is independent of DNA molecular weight. There is evidence that the conformation may be different in 80% ethanol.
  • 3 The dichroism relaxation curves contain a component with a relaxation time of about 8 μsec, which is nearly independent of molecular weight, and a longest component which behaves either according to the Broersma theory for low-molecular-weight samples, or the Zimm-Rouse theory at high molecular weights.

We observed that particles, suspended in an electrolyte and brought into crossed magnetic and electric fields of low intensities, will deviate in the central part of the electrophoresis chamber of a standard Zeiss Cytopherometer with a component vertical to both fields. The direction and magnitude, however, were sharply at variance with what would be expected by the action of the Lorentz force (EMF) on the surface of the particles. The magnitude of the deviation depends upon the magnetic and electric field strength, the ion concentration of the suspension medium and the geometry of the chamber. The movement of the particles is due to streaming of the electrolyte which is mainly caused by inhomogeneities of the electric field in the electrophoresis chamber. The magnitude of the effect is high enough to occur under physiological conditions. Magneto-electrophoretic streaming might eventually act as a transducer mechanism which could explain the ability of some animals to orientate themselves in the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

It is known that both natural and artificial electric fields (EF) affect plants physiological parameters as well as germination, growth and yield. The present article describes results of a preliminary experiment on the impact of electric field on aquatic plants biogeochemistry. The objective of the present study was the assessment of the influence exerted by the electric field on growth and trace metals content of Elodea canadensis. In a laboratory experiment plants were exposed to the field intensity of 54?kV m?1 for 7?days. The plants length was measured and the content of Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Results showed that the application of electric field slightly enhanced the growth of E. canadensis shoots. The content of Mn and Ni was significantly lower, and Pb and Zn significantly higher in plants exposed to the electric filed, while Fe content did not differ between control and EF treatment. This provides a rationale for further studies on biological effects of electric field in trace metal contaminated waters and application of an electrically enhanced phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Bacterial infections may constitute an important risk factor of developing cancer disease. Molecular mechanisms by which bacteria contribute to cancer are extremely complex and still remain not fully understood. So far, it is generally accepted that Helicobacter pylori infections are associated with induction of gastric adenocarcinoma and MALT lymphoma. Two H. pylori toxins which modulate many cellular functions are VacA and CagA. So far, CagA is the only one known bacterial oncoprotein. However, many other bacteria produce toxins or effector proteins perturbing host cell homeostasis or/and evoking chronic inflammation. Both processes may be associated with tumour formation. Bacterial toxins which interfere, with various host signal transduction pathways, deregulate processes of cell division, proliferation and differentiation and modulate apoptosis. Some toxins cause even direct DNA damage. This review discuss the potential links between action of bacterial toxins and cancer.  相似文献   

In this article it is proposed that electric fields of physiological strength (approximately 100 V/m) are transduced by the mechanical torque they exert on glycoproteins. The resulting mechanical signal is then transmitted to the cytoskeleton and propagated throughout the cell interior. This mechanical coupling is analyzed for transmembrane glycoproteins, such as integrins and the glycocalyx, and for glycoproteins in the extracellular matrix of cartilage. The applied torque is opposed by viscous fluid drag and restoring forces exerted by adjacent molecules in the membrane or cartilage. The resulting system represents a damped, driven harmonic oscillator. The amplitude of oscillation is constant at low frequencies, but falls off rapidly in the range 1-1000 Hz. The transition frequency depends on parameters such as the viscosity of the surrounding fluid and the restoring force exerted by the surrounding structure. The amplitude increases as the fourth power of the length of the transmembrane glycoproteins and as the square of the applied field. This process may operate in concert with other transduction mechanisms, such as the opening of voltage-gated channels and electrodiffusion/osmosis for DC fields.  相似文献   

A high incidence ofin vitro bacterial contamination (69%) has been detected in meristem-tip explants ofHydrangea from widely differing locations in Ireland and the UK. The bacteria were characterised by API 20E biochemical test kits and by fatty acid profile analysis. The results obtained from the different methods were compatible and anomalies were explicable in terms of the limitations of the respective methods. The majority of the isolates were environmental or animal-associated bacteria with clusters ofEnterobacter isolates in Dublin, and ofEscherichia coli in the main Cork location. A cluster of Pseudomonads was detected in the Derby (UK) plants. The main association was between the location and the contaminant clusters. The main finding was that the nature of organic soil amendments may influence inoculum for the contamination of plants and the conclusion was that fertilisation with organic materials should be avoided in the preparation of plants for micropropagation.  相似文献   

Exposure to extremely low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields appears to result in a number of important biological changes. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of 60 Hz sinusoidal magnetic fields (MF) at magnetic flux densities of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mT on growth and differentiation of the protozoan Entamoeba invadens. We demonstrated an inhibitory growth effect when trophozoite cultures were exposed to 1.5 and 2.0 mT. Furthermore, we found that there was not a synergistic effect in cultures co-exposed to MF and Metronidazole, a cytotoxic drug against amoebic cells. In addition, MF exposure inhibited the encystation process of E. invadens.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of a direct-current electric field on cephalin and lecithin films was measured using infrared spectral techniques. The intensities of the spectral bands assigned to the vibrations of the phosphate and the fatty acid chain increased to a maximum as the applied potential was increased. These changes were observed only with brain cephalin and brain lecithin films and not with synthetic lipid films. These observations may be due to changes in the alignments of the phosphate and base dipoles in the lipid molecule as the applied field is changed. The electric field strengths at which the maximum intensities of the spectral bands are observed increase as the thickness decreases. Extrapolation to the thickness of the nerve membrane yields a value of the field strength that is much larger than is to be expected in the neuron. This suggests that only the phosphate group and the hydrocarbon chain change conformation during the passage of the nerve impulse.Presented in part at the First Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, 1967, and the 156th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, 1968.  相似文献   

Serial longitudinal and transverse sections were prepared from roots of Cucumis sativus and Cucurbita maxima that had been exposed/sham-exposed to 60-Hz electric fields for 0-2 days. Field exposures were selected to produce a 10-20% or a 70-80% growth inhibition in whole roots of both species. Cortical cell length and diameter were measured using a microscope and eyepiece micrometer; measurements were conducted "blind." In both species, inhibition of cellular elongation was associated with exposure to electric fields (EF). Cellular radial expansion was apparently unaffected by exposure to electric fields. The diameters of radially unexpanded or fully expanded C. sativus cortical cells were about 25-30% smaller than those of comparable cells in C. maxima roots. Previous studies of the relationship between rates of root growth and applied EF strength showed that the response thresholds of C. sativus and C. maxima differed by a similar relative amount. These results are consistent with the postulate that EF-induced effects in roots are elicited by induced transmembrane potentials.  相似文献   

Residential magnetic and electric fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A magnetic flux density (MFD) and electric-field (E-field) data-acquisition system was built for characterizing extremely low-frequency fields in residences. Every 2 min during 24-h periods, MFD and E-field measurements were made in 43 homes in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties of Washington State. The total electrical energy used in each residence during the 24-h measurement period was also recorded, and maps were drawn to scale of the distribution wiring within 43 m (140 ft) of these homes. Finally, on a separate date, field measurements were made in each home during an epidemiological interview. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) 24-h-average MFD measured at two separate points in the family room were correlated, as were a 24-h-average bedroom measurement and the mean of the two family-room measurements. 2) The 24-h-average family-room MFD and E-field measurements were uncorrelated. 3) The 24-h-average total harmonic distortions of family-room MFD and E-fields were less than about 24% and 7%, respectively. 4) Residential MFD exhibited a definite 24-h (diurnal) cycle. 5) The 24-h-average and interviewer-measured MFD were correlated. 6) Residential 24-h-average MFD were correlated with the wiring code developed by Wertheimer and Leeper. 7) An improved prediction of 24-h-average residential MFD was obtained using the total number of service drops, the distance to neighboring transmission lines, and the number of primary phase conductors.  相似文献   

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