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Ethylene is an important regulator of plant growth, development and responses to environmental stresses. Arabidopsis perceives ethylene through five homologous receptors that negatively regulate ethylene responses. RTE1, a novel gene conserved in plants, animals and some protists, was recently identified as a positive regulator of the ETR1 ethylene receptor. Here, we genetically analyze the dependence of ETR1 on RTE1 in order to obtain further insight into RTE1 function. The function of RTE1 was found to be independent and distinct from that of RAN1, which encodes a copper transporter required for ethylene receptor function. We tested the ability of an rte1 loss-of-function mutation to suppress 11 etr1 ethylene-binding domain mis-sense mutations, all of which result in dominant ethylene insensitivity due to constitutive signaling. This suppression test uncovered two classes of etr1 mutations -RTE1-dependent and RTE1-independent. The nature of these mutations suggests that the ethylene-binding domain is a possible target of RTE1 action. Based on these findings, we propose that RTE1 promotes ETR1 signaling through a conformational effect on the ethylene-binding domain.  相似文献   

Ethylene plays important roles in plant growth, development and stress responses, and is perceived by a family of receptors that repress ethylene responses when ethylene is absent. Repression by the ethylene receptor ETR1 depends on an integral membrane protein, REVERSION TO ETHYLENE SENSITIVITY1 (RTE1), which acts upstream of ETR1 in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and Golgi apparatus. To investigate RTE1 function, we screened for RTE1‐interacting proteins using the yeast split‐ubiquitin assay, which yielded the ER‐localized cytochrome b5 (Cb5) isoform D. Cb5s are small hemoproteins that perform electron transfer reactions in all eukaryotes, but their roles in plants are relatively uncharacterized. Using bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC), we found that all four ER‐localized Arabidopsis Cb5 isoforms (AtCb5–B, ‐C, ‐D and ‐E) interact with RTE1 in plant cells. In support of this interaction, atcb5 mutants exhibited phenotypic parallels with rte1 mutants in Arabidopsis. Phenotypes included partial suppression of etr1–2 ethylene insensitivity, and no suppression of RTE1‐independent ethylene receptor isoforms. The single loss‐of‐function mutants atcb5–b, ‐c and ‐d appeared similar to the wild‐type, but double mutant combinations displayed slight ethylene hypersensitivity. Over‐expression of AtCb5–D conferred reduced ethylene sensitivity similar to that conferred by RTE1 over‐expression, and genetic analyses suggested that AtCb5–D acts upstream of RTE1 in the ethylene response. These findings suggest an unexpected role for Cb5, in which Cb5 and RTE1 are functional partners in promoting ETR1‐mediated repression of ethylene signaling.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) Constitutive Triple-Response1 (CTR1) plays a key role in mediating ethylene receptor signaling via its N-terminal interaction with the ethylene receptor C-terminal histidine kinase (HK) domain. Loss-of-function mutations of CTR1 prevent ethylene receptor signaling, and corresponding ctr1 mutants show a constitutive ethylene response phenotype. We recently reported in Plant Physiology that expression of the truncated ethylene receptor Ethylene Response1 (ETR1) isoforms etr11-349 and dominant ethylene-insensitive etr1-11-349, lacking the C-terminal HK and receiver domains, both suppressed the ctr1 mutant phenotype. Therefore, the ETR1 N terminus is capable of receptor signaling independent of CTR1. The constitutive ethylene response phenotype is stronger for ctr1-1 than ctr1-1 lines expressing the etr11-349 transgene, so N-terminal signaling by the full-length but not truncated ETR1 is inhibited by ctr1-1. We address possible modulations of ETR1 N-terminal signaling with docking of CTR1 on the ETR1 HK domain.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that Cu(I) and the ethylene response antagonist, Ag(I), support ethylene binding to exogenously expressed ETR1 ethylene receptors. Both are Group 11 transition metals that also include gold. We compared the effects of gold ions with those of Cu(I) and Ag(I) on ethylene binding in exogenously expressed ETR1 receptors and on ethylene growth responses in etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings. We find that gold ions also support ethylene binding but, unlike Ag(I), do not block ethylene action on plants. Instead, like Cu(I), gold ions affect seedlings independently of ethylene signaling.  相似文献   

Qiu L  Xie F  Yu J  Wen CK 《Plant physiology》2012,159(3):1263-1276
The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ethylene receptor Ethylene Response1 (ETR1) can mediate the receptor signal output via its carboxyl terminus interacting with the amino (N) terminus of Constitutive Triple Response1 (CTR1) or via its N terminus (etr11-349 or the dominant ethylene-insensitive etr1-11-349) by an unknown mechanism. Given that CTR1 is essential to ethylene receptor signaling and that overexpression of Reversion To Ethylene Sensitivity1 (RTE1) promotes ETR1 N-terminal signaling, we evaluated the roles of CTR1 and RTE1 in ETR1 N-terminal signaling. The mutant phenotype of ctr1-1 and ctr1-2 was suppressed in part by the transgenes etr11-349 and etr1-11-349, with etr1-11-349 conferring ethylene insensitivity. Coexpression of 35S:RTE1 and etr11-349 conferred ethylene insensitivity in ctr1-1, whereas suppression of the ctr1-1 phenotype by etr11-349 was prevented by rte1-2. Thus, RTE1 was essential to ETR1 N-terminal signaling independent of the CTR1 pathway. An excess amount of the CTR1 N terminus CTR17-560 prevented ethylene receptor signaling, and the CTR17-560 overexpressor CTR1-Nox showed a constitutive ethylene response phenotype. Expression of the ETR1 N terminus suppressed the CTR1-Nox phenotype. etr11-349 restored the ethylene insensitivity conferred by dominant receptor mutant alleles in the ctr1-1 background. Therefore, ETR1 N-terminal signaling was not mediated by full-length ethylene receptors; rather, full-length ethylene receptors acted cooperatively with the ETR1 N terminus to mediate the receptor signal independent of CTR1. ETR1 N-terminal signaling may involve RTE1, receptor cooperation, and negative regulation by the ETR1 carboxyl terminus.The gaseous plant hormone ethylene is perceived by a small family of ethylene receptors. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has five ethylene receptors that are structurally similar to prokaryotic two-component histidine kinase (HK) proteins. Mutants defective in multiple ethylene receptor genes show a constitutive ethylene response phenotype, which indicates a negative regulation of ethylene responses by the receptor genes (Hua and Meyerowitz, 1998).The receptor N terminus has three or four transmembrane domains that bind ethylene. The GAF (for cGMP-specific phosphodiesterases, adenylyl cyclases, and FhlA) domain, which follows the transmembrane helices, mediates noncovalent receptor heterodimerization and may have a role in receptor cooperation (Gamble et al., 2002; O’Malley et al., 2005; Xie et al., 2006; Gao et al., 2008). The subfamily I receptors Ethylene Response1 (ETR1) and Ethylene Response Sensor1 (ERS1) have a conserved HK domain following the GAF domain. For subfamily II members ETR2, Ethylene Insensitive4 (EIN4), and ERS2, the HK domain is less conserved, and they lack most signature motifs essential for HK activity (Chang et al., 1993; Gamble et al., 1998; Hua et al., 1998; Qu and Schaller, 2004; Xie et al., 2006). Among the five receptors, ETR1, ETR2, and EIN4 have a receiver domain following the HK domain. The ETR1 HK domain may have a role in mediating the receptor signal to downstream components, and the HK activity facilitates the ethylene signaling (Clark et al., 1998; Huang et al., 2003; Hall et al., 2012). The receiver domain can dimerize and could involve receptor cooperation (Müller-Dieckmann et al., 1999). However, differential receptor cooperation occurs between the receiver domain-lacking ERS1 and the other ethylene receptors, which does not support the hypothesis that the domains involve receptor cooperation (Liu and Wen, 2012).Acting downstream of the ethylene receptors is Constitutive Triple Response1 (CTR1), a MEK kinase (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase) with Ser/Thr kinase activity, and the kinase domain locates at the C terminus. The CTR1 N terminus does not share sequence similarity to known domains and can physically interact with the ethylene-receptor HK domain (Clark et al., 1998; Huang et al., 2003). ctr1 mutants showing attenuated CTR1 kinase activity or the ETR1-CTR1 association exhibit various degrees of the constitutive ethylene-response phenotype. For example, the ctr1-1 and ctr1btk mutations result from the D694E and E626K substitutions, respectively, in the CTR1 kinase domain, and ctr1-1 shows a stronger ethylene-response phenotype than ctr1btk, with ctr1-1 having much weaker kinase activity than ctr1btk (Kieber et al., 1993; Huang et al., 2003; Ikeda et al., 2009). The ctr1-8 mutation results in the G354E substitution that prevents the ETR1-CTR1 association, and the mutant exhibits a constitutive ethylene-response phenotype. Overexpression of the CTR1 N terminus CTR17-560, which is responsible for interaction with ethylene receptors, leads to constitutive ethylene responses, possibly by titrating out available ethylene receptors (Kieber et al., 1993; Huang et al., 2003). These studies suggest that CTR1 kinase activity and the interaction of CTR1 with the receptor HK domain may be important to the ethylene receptor signal output in suppressing constitutive ethylene responses.Although the ETR1-CTR1 interaction via the HK domain is essential to the ethylene receptor signal output, evidence suggests that the ETR1 receptor signal output can also be independent of the HK activity or domain. The etr1 ers1 loss-of-function mutant displays extreme growth defects. The etr1[HGG] mutation inactivates ETR1 HK activity, and expression of the getr1[HGG] transgene rescues the etr1 ers1 growth defects, which indicates a lack of association of ETR1 receptor signaling and its kinase activity (Wang et al., 2003). The dominant etr1-1 mutation results in the C65Y substitution and confers ethylene insensitivity (Chang et al., 1993), and the expression of the HK domain-lacking etr11-349 and ethylene-insensitive etr1-11-349 isoforms partially suppresses the growth defects of etr1 ers1-2. Loss-of-function mutations of subfamily II members do not affect etr1-11-349 functions. Therefore, etr1-11-349 predominantly cooperates with subfamily I receptors to mediate the ethylene receptor signal output (Xie et al., 2006). Biochemical and transformation studies showing that ethylene receptors can form heterodimers and that each receptor is a component of high-molecular-mass complexes explain how ethylene receptors may act cooperatively (Gao et al., 2008; Gao and Schaller, 2009; Chen et al., 2010).Reversion To Ethylene Sensitivity1 (RTE1), a Golgi/endoplasmic reticulum protein, was isolated from a suppressor screen of the dominant ethylene-insensitive etr1-2 mutation. The cross-species complementation of the rte1-2 loss-of-function mutation by the rice (Oryza sativa) RTE Homolog1 (OsRTH1) suggests a conserved mechanism that modulates the ethylene receptor signaling across higher plant species (Zhang et al., 2012). RTE1 and OsRTH1 overexpression led to ethylene insensitivity in wild-type Arabidopsis but not the etr1-7 loss-of-function mutant, and expression of etr11-349 restored ethylene insensitivity with RTE1 overexpression in etr1-7 (Resnick et al., 2006; Zhou et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2010). Coimmunoprecipitation of epitope-tagged ETR1 and RTE1 and Trp fluorescence spectroscopy revealed the physical interaction of RTE1 and ETR1 (Zhou et al., 2007; Dong et al., 2008, 2010). Therefore, RTE1 may directly promote ETR1 receptor signal output through the ETR1 N terminus, but whether RTE1 has an essential role in ETR1 N-terminal signaling remains to be addressed.Currently, the biochemical nature of the ethylene receptor signal is unknown, and the underlying mechanisms of mediation of the ethylene receptor signal output remain uninvestigated. Genetic and biochemical studies suggest that activation of CTR1 by ethylene receptors may suppress constitutive ethylene responses; upon ethylene binding, the receptors are converted to an inactive state and fail to activate CTR1, and the suppression of ethylene responses by CTR1 is alleviated (Hua and Meyerowitz, 1998; Klee, 2004; Wang et al., 2006; Hall et al., 2007). However, this model does not address how the ETR1 N terminus, which does not have the CTR1-interacting site, mediates the receptor signal to suppress constitutive ethylene responses. The receptor signal of the truncated etr1 isoforms may be mediated by other full-length ethylene receptors and then activate CTR1; alternatively, the ETR1 N-terminal signal may be mediated by a pathway independent of CTR1 (Gamble et al., 2002; Qu and Schaller, 2004; Xie et al., 2006). Results showing that mutants defective in multiple ethylene receptor genes exhibit a more severe ethylene-response phenotype than ctr1 and that ctr1 mutants are responsive to ethylene support the presence of a CTR1-independent pathway (Hua and Meyerowitz, 1998; Cancel and Larsen, 2002; Huang et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2010).In this study, we investigated whether mediation of ETR1 N-terminal signaling is independent of CTR1 and whether RTE1 is essential to the CTR1-independent ETR1 N-terminal signaling. The ETR1 N-terminal signaling was not mediated via other full-length ethylene receptors, but the signal of full-length ethylene receptors could be mediated by the ETR1 N terminus independent of CTR1. The ETR1 C terminus may inhibit ETR1 N-terminal signaling, whereby deletion of the C terminus facilitates N-terminal signaling. We propose a model for the possible modulation of ETR1 receptor signaling.  相似文献   

It has long been known that animal heterotrimeric Gαβγ proteins are activated by cell-surface receptors that promote GTP binding to the Gα subunit and dissociation of the heterotrimer. In contrast, the Gα protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtGPA1) can activate itself without a receptor or other exchange factor. It is unknown how AtGPA1 is regulated by Gβγ and the RGS (regulator of G protein signaling) protein AtRGS1, which is comprised of an RGS domain fused to a receptor-like domain. To better understand the cycle of G protein activation and inactivation in plants, we purified and reconstituted AtGPA1, full-length AtRGS1, and two putative Gβγ dimers. We show that the Arabidopsis Gα protein binds to its cognate Gβγ dimer directly and in a nucleotide-dependent manner. Although animal Gβγ dimers inhibit GTP binding to the Gα subunit, AtGPA1 retains fast activation in the presence of its cognate Gβγ dimer. We show further that the full-length AtRGS1 protein accelerates GTP hydrolysis and thereby counteracts the fast nucleotide exchange rate of AtGPA1. Finally, we show that AtGPA1 is less stable in complex with GDP than in complex with GTP or the Gβγ dimer. Molecular dynamics simulations and biophysical studies reveal that altered stability is likely due to increased dynamic motion in the N-terminal α-helix and Switch II of AtGPA1. Thus, despite profound differences in the mechanisms of activation, the Arabidopsis G protein is readily inactivated by its cognate RGS protein and forms a stable, GDP-bound, heterotrimeric complex similar to that found in animals.  相似文献   

Ethylene initiates important aspects of plant growth and development through disulfide-linked receptor dimers located in the endoplasmic reticulum. The receptors feature a small transmembrane, ethylene binding domain followed by a large cytosolic domain, which serves as a scaffold for the assembly of large molecular weight complexes of different ethylene receptors and other cellular participants of the ethylene signaling pathway. Here we report the crystallographic structures of the ethylene receptor 1 (ETR1) catalytic ATP-binding and the ethylene response sensor 1 dimerization histidine phosphotransfer (DHp) domains and the solution structure of the entire cytosolic domain of ETR1, all from Arabidopsis thaliana. The isolated dimeric ethylene response sensor 1 DHp domain is asymmetric, the result of different helical bending angles close to the conserved His residue. The structures of the catalytic ATP-binding, DHp, and receiver domains of ethylene receptors and of a homologous, but dissimilar, GAF domain were refined against experimental small angle x-ray scattering data, leading to a structural model of the entire cytosolic domain of the ethylene receptor 1. The model illustrates that the cytosolic domain is shaped like a dumbbell and that the receiver domain is flexible and assumes a position different from those observed in prokaryotic histidine kinases. Furthermore the cytosolic domain of ETR1 plays a key role, interacting with all other receptors and several participants of the ethylene signaling pathway. Our model, therefore, provides the first step toward a detailed understanding of the molecular mechanics of this important signal transduction process in plants.  相似文献   

The plant hormone ethylene plays various functions in plant growth, development and response to environmental stress. Ethylene is perceived by membrane‐bound ethylene receptors, and among the homologous receptors in Arabidopsis, the ETR1 ethylene receptor plays a major role. The present study provides evidence demonstrating that Arabidopsis CPR5 functions as a novel ETR1 receptor‐interacting protein in regulating ethylene response and signaling. Yeast split ubiquitin assays and bi‐fluorescence complementation studies in plant cells indicated that CPR5 directly interacts with the ETR1 receptor. Genetic analyses indicated that mutant alleles of cpr5 can suppress ethylene insensitivity in both etr1‐1 and etr1‐2, but not in other dominant ethylene receptor mutants. Overexpression of Arabidopsis CPR5 either in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, or ectopically in tobacco, significantly enhanced ethylene sensitivity. These findings indicate that CPR5 plays a critical role in regulating ethylene signaling. CPR5 is localized to endomembrane structures and the nucleus, and is involved in various regulatory pathways, including pathogenesis, leaf senescence, and spontaneous cell death. This study provides evidence for a novel regulatory function played by CPR5 in the ethylene receptor signaling pathway in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Zhou X  Liu Q  Xie F  Wen CK 《Plant physiology》2007,145(1):75-86
Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) RTE1 encodes a membrane protein and negatively regulates ethylene responses. Genetic and transformation studies suggest that the function of the wild-type RTE1 is primarily dependent on ETR1 and can be independent on the other receptors. Ethylene insensitivity caused by the overexpression of RTE1 is largely masked by the etr1-7 mutation, but not by any other receptor mutations. The wild-type ETR1 N terminus is sufficient to the activation of the RTE1 function and the ectopic expression of etr1(1-349) restored ethylene insensitivity conferred by 35SgRTE1 in etr1-7. The RTE1 N terminus is not essential to the etr1-2 function and the expression of rte1(NDelta49), which has an N-terminal deletion of 49 amino acid residues, restored ethylene insensitivity in etr1-2 rte1-2. The ectopic expression of GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (GFP)-RTE1 conferred ethylene insensitivity in wild type and the GFP fusion displayed fast movement within the cytoplasm. The GFP-RTE1 and EYFP-NAG proteins colocalized and the Brefeldin A treatment caused aggregation of GFP-RTE1, suggesting RTE1 is a Golgi-associated protein. Our results suggest specificity of the RTE1 function to ETR1 and that endomembranes may play a role in the ethylene signal transduction.  相似文献   

The involvement of ethylene and ethylene receptor Ethylene Response 1 (ETR1) in plant stress responses has been highlighted. However, the physiological processes involved remain unclear. In this study, we have investigated the physiological response of two alleles etr1-1 and etr1-7 mutants during germination and post-germination seedling development in response to salt and osmotic stress. The etr1-1 mutants showed increased sensitivity to osmotic (200 mM or higher mannitol) and salt stress (50 mM NaCl or higher) during germination and seedling development, whereas the etr1-7 mutants displayed enhanced tolerance to the severe stresses (500 mM mannitol or 200 mM NaCl). These results provide physiological and genetic evidence that ethylene receptor ETR1 modulates plant response to abiotic stress. Furthermore, the etr1-1 and etr1-7 mutants showed different responses to exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) inhibition. The etr1-1 mutants were more sensitive to ABA than the wild type during germination, and young seedling development. In sharp contrast, the etr1-7 mutants showed enhanced insensitivity to ABA treatment (>1 μM ABA) in post-germination development including root elongation and greening of cotyledons of the treated seedlings, although the germination was not greatly altered at the tested doses of ABA. The results suggest that ETR1-modulated stress response may mediate ABA. Youning Wang and Tao Wang contributed equally to this report.  相似文献   

Ethylene influences many processes in Arabidopsis thaliana through the action of five receptor isoforms. All five isoforms use copper as a cofactor for binding ethylene. Previous research showed that silver can substitute for copper as a cofactor for ethylene binding activity in the ETR1 ethylene receptor yet also inhibit ethylene responses in plants. End-point and rapid kinetic analyses of dark-grown seedling growth revealed that the effects of silver are mostly dependent upon ETR1, and ETR1 alone is sufficient for the effects of silver. Ethylene responses in etr1-6 etr2-3 ein4-4 triple mutants were not blocked by silver. Transformation of these triple mutants with cDNA for each receptor isoform under the promoter control of ETR1 revealed that the cETR1 transgene completely rescued responses to silver while the cETR2 transgene failed to rescue these responses. The other three isoforms partially rescued responses to silver. Ethylene binding assays on the binding domains of the five receptor isoforms expressed in yeast showed that silver supports ethylene binding to ETR1 and ERS1 but not the other isoforms. Thus, silver may have an effect on ethylene signaling outside of the ethylene binding pocket of the receptors. Ethylene binding to ETR1 with silver was ~30% of binding with copper. However, alterations in the K(d) for ethylene binding to ETR1 and the half-time of ethylene dissociation from ETR1 do not underlie this lower binding. Thus, it is likely that the lower ethylene binding activity of ETR1 with silver is due to fewer ethylene binding sites generated with silver versus copper.  相似文献   

Ligand-independent actions of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) are required for normal post-morphogenic hair cycles; however, the molecular mechanisms by which the VDR exerts these actions are not clear. Previous studies demonstrated impaired regulation of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway in primary keratinocytes lacking the VDR. To identify the key effector of canonical Wnt signaling that interacts with the VDR, GST pulldown studies were performed. A novel interaction between the VDR and LEF1 (lymphoid enhancer-binding factor-1) that is independent of β-catenin was identified. This interaction is dependent upon sequences within the N-terminal region of the VDR, a domain required for VDR-DNA interactions and normal hair cycling in mice. Mutation of specific residues within the N-terminal region of the VDR not only abrogated interactions between the VDR and LEF1 but also impaired the ability of the VDR to enhance Wnt signaling in vdr(-/-) primary keratinocytes. Thus, this study demonstrates a novel interaction between the VDR and LEF1 that is mediated by the DNA-binding domain of the VDR and that is required for normal canonical Wnt signaling in keratinocytes.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes a small family of histidine (His) protein kinases, some of which have redundant functions as ethylene receptors, whereas others serve as cytokinin receptors. The most poorly characterized of these is authentic histidine kinase 5 (AHK5; also known as cytokinin-independent 2, CKI2). Here we characterize three independent ahk5 mutants, and show that they have a common phenotype. Our results suggest that AHK5 His-kinase acts as a negative regulator in the signaling pathway in which ethylene and ABA inhibit the root elongation through ETR1 (an ethylene receptor).  相似文献   

Prokineticins are a pair of signal factors involved in many physiological processes by binding to two closely related G-protein-coupled receptors, PKR1 and PKR2. Recently, mutations in prokineticin 2 (PK2) and PKR2 are found to be associated with Kallmann syndrome and/or idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, disorders characterized by delayed puberty and infertility. However, little is known how PKRs interact and activate G-proteins to elicit signal transduction. In the present study, we took advantage of one disease-associated mutation (R164Q) located in the second intracellular (IL2) loop of PKR2, to investigate the role of IL2 loop in the cell signaling, G-protein binding and receptor trafficking. R164Q mutant PKR2 showed normal cell surface expression and ligand binding capacity. However, the PKR2 signaling was abolished by R164Q mutation. We demonstrated that R164Q mutation disrupted the interaction of IL2 loop to the Gα(q), Gα(i), and Gα(16)-proteins. A positive-charged amino acid at this position is required for proper function, and the signaling efficacy and potency depend on the net amount of positive charges. We also demonstrated that the interactive partner of Arg-164 may localize in the C-terminal five residues of Gα(q)-protein. A series of mutation analysis indicated that the basic amino acids at the C terminus of IL2 loop may function cooperatively in GPCRs. Furthermore, R164Q mutation also results in minimal ligand-induced endocytosis of PKR2. As many GPCRs share structural homology in the C terminus of IL2 loop, our findings may have general application in understanding structure and function of GPCRs.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) play important roles in insulin secretion through their receptors, GLP1R and GIPR. Although GLP-1 and GIP are attractive candidates for treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity, little is known regarding the molecular interaction of these peptides with the heptahelical core domain of their receptors. These core domains are important not only for specific ligand binding but also for ligand-induced receptor activation. Here, using chimeric and point-mutated GLP1R/GIPR, we determined that evolutionarily conserved amino acid residues such as Ile(196) at transmembrane helix 2, Leu(232) and Met(233) at extracellular loop 1, and Asn(302) at extracellular loop 2 of GLP1R are responsible for interaction with ligand and receptor activation. Application of chimeric GLP-1/GIP peptides together with molecular modeling suggests that His(1) of GLP-1 interacts with Asn(302) of GLP1R and that Thr(7) of GLP-1 has close contact with a binding pocket formed by Ile(196), Leu(232), and Met(233) of GLP1R. This study may provide critical clues for the development of peptide and/or nonpeptide agonists acting at GLP1R.  相似文献   

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