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Alkane distribution patterns were determined in the epicuticular wax of 10 species of Ericaceae and of Empetrum hermaphroditum. The patterns were uniform in the subfamily Rhododendroideae, but varied within subfamilies Arbutoideae and Vaccinioideae. In fiower wax the major alkane was the same as in leaf epicuticular wax, but the average chain length was shorter.  相似文献   

Integumentary structures of the larvae of Amblyomma longirostre (Koch, 1844), A. parvum Aragão, 1908, A. rotundatum Koch, 1844 and from three populations of A. cajennense (Fabricius, 1787) were studied using light microscopy. A new nomenclature for the localisation of the integumentary structures is proposed. Three types of integumentary structures were identified in the larval idiosoma of the four Amblyomma species: lyrifissures, small glands and large wax glands. These structures were observed isolated or associated over the entire idiosoma, except in the scutum, which lacked lyrifisures and large wax glands. Large wax glands were the most stable within and between the tick species, followed by lyrifissures and small glands. Small glands, although relatively stable, showed the highest number of numerical variations within and between the tick species. Even though there were intra-population variations in the topographical and numerical pattern of some integumentary structures of A. cajennense larvae, there was a definitive pattern for most of the specimens, as showed by the similar modal and mean numbers of integumentary structures per tick side. The patterns of lyrifissures, small glands and large wax glands showed little differences when compared between the four Amblyomma species; however, a few differences were well evident. These differences were sufficient to differentiate larvae of the four species. Thus, we expect that the study of integumentary structures on the larvae of other Amblyomma species will be useful in future taxonomic keys for the identification of Amblyomma larvae from the Neotropical region.  相似文献   

Male secondary sexual characters, such as color patterns, are often investigated at the macroscale level. However, micro- and nanoscale levels of morphological investigations may reveal functional features responsible for a particular coloration, thus providing more information, e.g., about the condition dependence of male sexual characters. The aim of this paper was to investigate cuticle color and its structure in males of two congeneric damselfly species, Calopteryx splendens and Calopteryx virgo, and reveal possible color changes with age. According to spectrometer measurements, C. splendens males were bluer and had a greater saturation of blue in their abdomen than C. virgo males, which were, in turn, greener and had more green saturation. Although the two species differed in the number of structural layers and the spacing of the layers, it seems that intactness of the wax crystals covering the epicuticle was most often the morphological trait which was related to the color parameters measured from males’ cuticles. The effect of the crystalline wax coverage on cuticle color was also confirmed by removing the wax using chloroform: after the treatment, the hue was bluer, the cuticle had a greater brightness and greater blue saturation, but less green saturation. Age differences influencing the color and structure of the cuticle were also observed: older males had more blue and green saturation and had more intact wax coverage than did younger males. Although multilayer reflection should be responsible for the iridescent color of males, our results suggest that wax coverage plays an important role in the color tuning of the male cuticle. This may have a considerable signal function, indicating the males’ viability to competing males or to females.  相似文献   

Interspecific diversity exists in cranial suture closure patterns among mammalian species. Suture closure patterns partly reflect phylogenesis, but it has also been claimed that it is influenced by biomechanical factors. Here we provide the first report on the cranial suture closure pattern in water deer. Among cervids, the water deer is an exceptional species, as it is the only one without antlers. Instead, the male water deer possess prominent canines, which are utilized during male-male combats. This unique morphological setting allowed us to examine whether the presence of prominent canines affects cranial suture closure. We found that the only sexual difference in cranial suture closure pattern is the closure of the interfrontal suture in males, which is found in some other cervid species as well. Except for the interfrontal suture closure, timing and sequence of cranial suture closure were comparable between both sexes, suggesting that the presence of prominent canines in males has no influence on cranial suture closure pattern. Our results indicate that interfrontal suture closure in males is a phylogenetic pattern, i.e. an apomorphy for Capreolini, Hydropotini and Alceini.  相似文献   

Parental role division predicts avian preen wax cycles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies have shown that preen wax composition in some sandpipers shifts from the usual monoesters to diesters during the breeding season, possibly to reduce the ability of mammalian predators to find nests using olfactory cues. To investigate further the relationship between incubation and wax secretion, we examined seven sandpiper species with different incubation patterns (species in which both sexes incubate, in which only males incubate and in which only females incubate). During the breeding period, diester preen wax was secreted almost exclusively by the incubating sex in species with uniparental incubation, and by both sexes in species with biparental incubation. These findings suggest that diester preen waxes have a function that is directly related to incubation. Unexpectedly, in female-incubating Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea and Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis , some males also secreted diester preen waxes during the breeding period. This suggests that some males may in fact incubate, that these waxes may be a remnant from their evolutionary past when both sexes incubated, or that males need to be olfactorally cryptic because they are involved in the making of nest scrapes. The seasonal pattern of preen wax composition was also studied in captive male, female and female-mimicking male ('faeder') Ruff Philomachus pugnax . Captive female Ruff changed preen wax composition from monoesters to diesters in the spring despite the fact that no incubation took place. This suggests that circannual rhythms rather than actual incubation behaviour may trigger the shift to diester waxes. All captive male Ruff, including the faeders, continued to secrete monoesters, supporting the hypothesis that only the incubating sex secretes diesters.  相似文献   

Few human fossils are known in Turkey and no Homo erectus has been discovered until now. In this respect, the newly discovered partial skull from Kocaba? is very important: (1) to assess the pattern of the first settlements throughout the Old World; and (2) to document the extension of the species H. erectus to the west of continental Asia. Using CT data and 3D imaging techniques, this specimen was reconstructed and a more detailed analysis was done, including the inner anatomical features. The preliminary results of this study highlight that the fossil hominid from Kocaba? is close to the H. erectus species regarding the following cranial patterns: presence of a clear post-orbital constriction, strong development of the frontal brow-ridge with a depressed supratoral area in the lateral part, as well as endocranial patterns such as the development and orientation of the middle meningeal artery and the presence of a frontal bec. The Kocaba? skull is morphologically very close to the fossils from Zhoukoudian L-C. The partial Kocaba? skull is the oldest H. erectus known in Turkey and the only one from this species to have settled so far west in Asia.  相似文献   

Alkane distribution patterns were determined in the epicuticular wax of eight species of Ericaceae and of Empetrum hermaphroditum. Some uniformity in patterns was noted in the subfamily Arbutoideae, whereas diversity prevailed in Rhododendroideae and Vaccinioideae. Environmental conditions exert a strong effect on the alkane pattern in Loiseleuria procumbens.  相似文献   

The needle wax of twenty-eight species of Picea has been investigated. The quantitative patterns of the n-alkanes and ω-hydroxyalkanoic acids isolated from these waxes support the view that the genus should not be divided into sections.  相似文献   

Alkane distribution patterns were determined in the epicuticular wax of 11 species of Ericaceae. The major alkane was hentriacontane, except in the genus Gaultheria and in Vaccinium occidentale. The latter species gave a pattern similar to published results on V. ullginosum. Rimuene was detected in only two samples.  相似文献   

SUTTER  ELLEN G. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(3):321-329
The morphological and physical characteristics of epicuticularwax of Maranta, Dieffenbachia, Chrysanthemum, Spathiphyllum,and Gerbera grown in a greenhouse, growth chamber, or in vitro,were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and gravimetricanalysis. Morphological characteristics varied among the differentspecies ranging from ridges in Dieffenbachia to smooth surfacesin Chrysanthemum and Gerbera. There was no consistent appearanceof wax of plants grown in vitro. Gravimetric analysis was necessaryto determine the amounts of wax accurately. Thin-layer chromatographyand gas-liquid chromatography revealed chemical differencesin the wax from different treatments within each species. Therewas no correlation between survival in the greenhouse or amountof leaf damage and the amounts of epicuticular wax present onplants at time of transfer. A comparison of results from gravimetricanalysis and SEM indicated that SEM alone cannot be used withconfidence in determining either the presence or the relativeamounts of epicuticular wax present. In addition, morphologicaldifferences in epicuticular wax of greenhouse, growth chamber,and cultured plants cannot be predicted from the growth environmentof plants and must be determined individually for each speciesunder study. Dieffenbachia maculata, Maranta leuconeura, Chrysanthemum morifolium, Gerbera jamesonii, Spathiphyllum wallissii, micropropagation, epicuticular wax  相似文献   

Plant surfaces are a favourable niche for bacterial establishment, and hypothetically, plant species differ in their capacity to harbour epiphytic bacterial communities. This study was conducted to evaluate and describe the structural relationship of a bacterial community at the phyllosphere level with different plant species in a tropical ecosystem. Leaf blades of 47 plant species distributed in 27 botanical families were collected on a typical small Brazilian farm and prepared for observation under light and scanning electron microscopy. Naturally occurring bacteria were the most abundant settlers of the phylloplane, followed by fungal spore or hyphae. All plant species studied were colonized by phylloepiphytic bacteria, which were observed as solitary cells, microcolonies, and biofilms. However, independent of the family, the plant species differed in the pattern of phyllosphere colonization, as reflected in bacteria frequency and presence or absence of anatomical features that would favour the association. The phylloepiphytic bacteria were preferentially established on the following sites: epidermal cell wall junctions, glandular and nonglandular trichomes, veins, stomata, and epidermal cell wall surface. Profuse bacteria and fungi colonization was observed, at a level that was at least comparable with temperate regions. Interestingly, fungi seemed to alter the bacteria colonization pattern, most probably by microenvironmental modifications. The trichome type and density as well as the presence of epicuticular wax on the leaf blade surface seemed to be the most determinant anatomical features for the pattern of phyllosphere colonization. The presence of trichomes has a favourable, and epicuticular wax an unfavourable influence on the plant-bacteria interaction.  相似文献   

Dispersal of the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae (All strain), applied on the top or the bottom of soil columns, was tested in the presence or absence of two earthworm species, Lumbricus terrestris or Aporrectodea trapezoides. Nematode dispersal was estimated after a 2-week period with a bioassay against the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella. Vertical dispersal of nematodes was increased in the presence of earthworms. When nematodes were placed on the surface of soil columns, significantly more nematodes dispersed to the lower half of the columns when either earthworm species was present than when earthworms were not present. When nematodes were placed on the bottom of soil columns, significantly more nematodes dispersed to the upper half of the columns when L. terrestris was present than when A. trapezoides was present or in the absence of earthworms. Because nematodes were found on the exterior and in the interior of earthworms, nematode dispersal may be enhanced by direct contact with the earthworms.  相似文献   

Analysis of the spatial pattern of plants may provide insight into the processes and mechanisms that promote species coexistence and community organization. Using torus-translation tests and point-pattern analyses for a heterogeneous Poisson process, we investigated habitat association and intra- and inter-specific spatial relationships of six major tree species in a cool-temperate forest community. All stems ≥5 cm in diameter at breast height were mapped on a 1.4-ha (100 × 140 m) plot and the topographic conditions (convexity and slope degree) and canopy state were assessed. Our results showed that all six species exhibited habitat associations with topographic and/or canopy conditions except for Magnolia salicifolia. Intra-specific aggregation was found for Acer japonicum, M. salicifolia, and Hamamelis japonica var. obtusata. Community-wide analysis of the inter-specific spatial patterns showed mainly mixed or partially overlapped patterns at a scale of up to 30 m, whereas individual pairwise analyses of inter-specific patterns revealed that Fagus crenata was positively associated with two Acer species and M. salicifolia at a spatial scale of up to 5 m. These results highlight that scale-dependant ecologically important processes, such as species-specific habitat preference, regeneration mode, seed dispersal, facilitation and niche complementarity, may operate simultaneously to shape tree distributional patterns, although their presence/absence as well as relative importance vary among species. Given the complexity of the process and mechanisms promoting species coexistence and community organization, more attention should be given to the effect of spatial scale in analyzing the spatial patterns of tree species in forest communities.  相似文献   

植物角质层蜡质的化学组成研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曾琼  刘德春  刘勇 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5133-5140
角质层是植物与外界的第一接触面,而角质层蜡质则是由位于角质层外的外层蜡质和深嵌在角质层中的内层蜡质两部分构成。植物角质层蜡质成分极其复杂,具有重要的生理功能。综述了有关植物角质层蜡质的化学组成信息,探讨了目前植物角质层蜡质化学成分研究中存在的一些问题,展望了角质层蜡质成分的研究前景。  相似文献   

Seed size and shape, seed coat surface pattern, seed coat thickness, and endosperm structure were investigated in Androsace septentrionalis, Cortusa matthioli, Hottonia palustris, Primula elatior, Soldanella carpatica (Primulaceae), Anagallis arvensis, A. minima, Cyclamen purpurascens, Glaux maritima, Lysimachia nemorum, L. vulgaris, Trientalis europaea (Myrsinaceae), and Samolus valerandi (Theophrastaceae). Three seed size categories were distinguished on the basis of biometric measurements. Almost all seeds examined were found to be small with an angular shape classified as sectoroid or polyhedral. A new type of seed shape, suboval, was identified for H. palustris. Cyclamen purpurascens seeds differed from seeds of all other species examined because of their large size, subglobose shape, and concave hilar area. Despite the different shape types, the length/width ratio of the seeds examined was constant, while their hilum length/width ratio was a highly variable feature. Three types of seed surface patterns were observed: (1) reticulate, (2) tuberculate with secondary striations, and (3) poroid-alveolate with the presence of a spongy outer layer. For seeds of Anagallis arvensis, A. minima, Cortusa matthioli, Lysimachia nemorum, and Soldanella carpatica, secondary seed sculpture was described. The seed coats of all species examined were two-layered, and great differences in testa thickness were found (9.9?C128.6???m). In general, seeds of the Myrsinaceae species were more often characterized by thick testa. Different proportions in thickness of the inner and outer testa layers were observed. In seeds with reticulate seed patterns, the inner testa layer was twice to several times thicker than the outer layer, while the opposite proportions were observed in seeds with the tuberculate or poroid-alveolate seed sculpture pattern. In seeds of all species examined, oxalate crystals were present on the surface of the inner testa layer. Thus, the presence or absence of oxalate crystals in testa is not a feature distinguishing species with angular or subglobose seeds. Four types of endosperm structure were identified according to the thickness of the endosperm cell walls and the relief of their inner surface: (1) with evenly thickened and smooth cell walls, (2) with evenly thickened cell walls and circular or helical thickenings on their inside surfaces, (3) with very thick, but not evenly thickened cell walls with constrictions (??pitted??), and (4) with very thin papery and undulate cell walls. There is no rule concerning the seed shape, type of the seed sculpture, testa thickness, or endosperm structure that corresponds to the family affiliation of the species examined.  相似文献   

Alpine meadow ecosystems are susceptible to climate changes. Still, climate impact on cuticular wax in alpine meadow plants is poorly understood. Assessing the variations of cuticular wax in alpine meadow plants across different latitudes might be useful for predicting how they may respond to climate change. We studied nine alpine meadows in a climate gradient in the east side of Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau, with mean annual temperature ranging from −7.7 to 3.2°C. In total, 42 plant species were analyzed for cuticular wax, averaged 16 plant species in each meadow. Only four plant species could be observed in all sampling meadows, including Kobresia humilis,Potentilla nivea,Anaphalis lacteal, and Leontopodium nanum. The amounts of wax compositions and total cuticular wax in the four plant species varied among sampling meadows, but no significant correlation could be observed between them and temperature, precipitation, and aridity index based on plant species level. To analyze the variations of cuticular wax on community level, we averaged the amounts of n‐alkanes, aliphatic acids, primary alcohols, and total cuticular wax across all investigated plant species in each sampling site. The mean annual temperature, mean temperature in July, and aridity index were significantly correlated with the averaged amounts of wax compositions and total cuticular wax. The average chain length of n‐alkanes in both plant and soil linearly increased with increased temperature, whereas reduced with increased aridity index. No significant correlation could be observed between mean annual precipitation and mean precipitation from June to August and the cuticular wax amounts and average chain length. Our results suggest that the survival of some alpine plants in specific environments might be depended on their abilities in adjusting wax deposition on plant leaves, and the alpine meadow plants as a whole respond to climate change, benefiting the stability of alpine meadow ecosystem.  相似文献   

GDH isozyme patterns from thoracic muscle of 21 species of Bombus and 4 species of Psithyrus are each characterized by at least 8 bands arranged in 3 isozyme groups. Four distinctive pattern types were found, one for the species of Psithyrus and three among the Bombus species analyzed. Phenetic groupings of the 25 species are presented. Tissue specific GDH patterns are reported. No quantitative or qualitative differences in GDH patterns from thoracic extracts were associated with caste or age. The enzymes appear to be controlled by four non-allelic genes.  相似文献   

Epicuticular waxes are found on the surface of the plant epidermis as crystal structures which show morphological diversity and may be useful in plant systematics. The aim of this study was to recognise the diversity of the epicuticular wax cover on leaves and stems of Lonicera species (Caprifoliaceae) and to estimate the taxonomic value of wax traits. Adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaves and the stem surface in 35 taxa were investigated through a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The assessment was prepared on the basis of the presence or absence of basic types of wax structures and their dimensions, using categorical response analysis, multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis. In the analysed species, we found differences in the wax layer structure on the surfaces of the leaves and stems. Apart from the smooth layer, tubules and platelets can be found. Tubules are considerably more frequent than platelets. In many cases, the same plant part produces more than just one wax type. Our analysis indicates that wax structures are not very informative for the taxonomy of Lonicera, because we observed only a weak correspondence between the presence or absence of some types of wax tubules and the infrageneric classification of the genus. However, in particular cases these new data can be used for species identification.  相似文献   

Advances in multi‐species monitoring have prompted an increase in the use of multi‐species occupancy analyses to assess patterns of co‐occurrence among species, even when data were collected at scales likely violating the assumption that sites were closed to changes in the occupancy state for the target species. Violating the closure assumption may lead to erroneous conclusions related to patterns of co‐occurrence among species. Occurrence for two hypothetical species was simulated under patterns of avoidance, aggregation, or independence, when the closure assumption was either met or not. Simulated populations were sampled at two levels (N = 250 or 100 sites) and two scales of temporal resolution for surveys. Sample data were analyzed with conditional two‐species occupancy models, and performance was assessed based on the proportion of simulations recovering the true pattern of co‐occurrence. Estimates of occupancy were unbiased when closure was met, but biased when closure violations occurred; bias increased when sample size was small and encounter histories were collapsed to a large‐scale temporal resolution. When closure was met and patterns of avoidance and aggregation were simulated, conditional two‐species models tended to correctly find support for non‐independence, and estimated species interaction factors (SIF) aligned with predicted values. By contrast, when closure was violated, models tended to incorrectly infer a pattern of independence and power to detect simulated patterns of avoidance or aggregation that decreased with smaller sample size. Results suggest that when the closure assumption is violated, co‐occurrence models often fail to detect underlying patterns of avoidance or aggregation, and incorrectly identify a pattern of independence among species, which could have negative consequences for our understanding of species interactions and conservation efforts. Thus, when closure is violated, inferred patterns of independence from multi‐species occupancy should be interpreted cautiously, and evidence of avoidance or aggregation is likely a conservative estimate of true pattern or interaction.  相似文献   

Bacteroides fragilis strains isolated from faeces of diarrhoeic and healthy children were studied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in order to characterise them as enterotoxigenic B. fragilis -ETBF—if they have one of the three bft gene alleles (pattern I) or as non-toxigenic B. fragilis—NTBF—if there was an absence of bft gene alleles and specific sites (flanking region of B. fragilis Pathogenicity Island—BfPAI) (pattern II NTBF) or absence of alleles, but the presence of this specific sites (pattern III NTBF). All strains were previously screened for cytotoxic activity. ETBF was detected in 1.5% (1/66) of the samples, in which we could verify, concomitantly, the presence of Escherichia coli enteroaggregative (EAEC). Due to these data, ETBF could not be associated with diarrhoea. A large number of pattern III NTBF strains were observed, which could suggest future changes in the phenotype of enterovirulence of B. fragilis species in our country. These populations were also analysed by using AP-PCR and a great heterogeneity could be observed. We were not able to make a correlation between enterovirulence patterns and genetic types.  相似文献   

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