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Sexually immature rainbow trout were acclimated to small-volume (1 m3) holding tanks and then exposed to short-term stress to examine the relationship between feeding, stress, plasma ghrelin levels and other plasma stress parameters. Plasma ghrelin levels showed an increase 24 h after a single feed, plasma lactate and glucose levels decreased over the same period and plasma cortisol levels were low and constant. One hour of confinement stress resulted in elevations of plasma cortisol, glucose and lactate and depression of plasma ghrelin levels. In a separate experiment, 2 h of confinement stress also depressed feeding immediately after stress, concomitant with increases in plasma cortisol, lactate and glucose; however, in this case there was no change in plasma ghrelin concentrations. A repeat of the 2-h confinement experiment using fish that had not been acclimated to small-volume holding tanks produced a more marked elevation in plasma cortisol and a stronger suppression of feeding post-stress but in this case also, there was no change in plasma ghrelin levels. The results of this study confirm that feeding in rainbow trout is suppressed by confinement stress although the effect is transitory in this domesticated stock. Similar to that in other fishes, plasma ghrelin levels appear to be modulated by feeding status and may be influenced by stress, suggesting an orexigenic role for ghrelin in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Kang KS  Yahashi S  Matsuda K 《Peptides》2011,32(11):2242-2247
Ghrelin was first identified and characterized from rat stomach as an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor. Ghrelin and its receptor system are present not only in peripheral tissues such as stomach and intestine, but also in the central nervous system of mammals. Interestingly, administration of ghrelin induces an orexigenic effect and also modifies locomotor activity, suggesting its involvement in feeding control and the regulation of energy balance, in addition to the regulation of growth hormone release. Information about ghrelin in non-mammals, such as teleost fish, has also been increasing, and important data have been obtained. An understanding of the evolutionary background of the energy regulation system and the central and peripheral roles of ghrelin in teleost fish could provide indications as to their roles in mammals, particularly humans. In this review, we overview the central and peripheral effects of ghrelin on energy balance, locomotor activity, and lipid metabolism in teleost fish.  相似文献   

Crater Lake is a unique environment to evaluate the ecology of introduced kokanee and rainbow trout because of its otherwise pristine state, low productivity, absence of manipulative management, and lack of lotic systems for fish spawning. Between 1986 and 2004, kokanee displayed a great deal of variation in population demographics with a pattern that reoccurred in about 10 years. We believe that the reoccurring pattern resulted from density dependent growth, and associated changes in reproduction and abundance, driven by prey resource limitation that resulted from low lake productivity exacerbated by prey consumption when kokanee were abundant. Kokanee fed primarily on small-bodied prey from the mid-water column; whereas rainbow trout fed on large-bodied prey from the benthos and lake surface. Cladoceran zooplankton abundance may be regulated by kokanee. And kokanee growth and reproductive success may be influenced by the availability of Daphnia pulicaria, which was absent in zooplankton samples collected annually from 1990 to 1995, and after 1999. Distribution and diel migration of kokanee varied over the duration of the study and appeared to be most closely associated with prey availability, maximization of bioenergetic efficiency, and fish density. Rainbow trout were less abundant than were kokanee and exhibited less variation in population demographics, distribution, and food habits. There is some evidence that the population dynamics of rainbow trout were in-part related to the availability of kokanee as prey.  相似文献   

With focus on metabolism not depending on contractility in myocardial tissue from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, the effects of high CO2 on lactate production, phosphocreatine, creatine, ATP, ADP, AMP and intracellular pH were examined under a blockage of cell respiration either alone or in combination with a glycolytic inhibition. Irrespective of metabolic interventions, a change in CO2 from 1 to either 11 or 5% of the gas mixture perfusing the muscle bath with 15 mmol·l-1 HCO - 3 caused a drop of intracellular pH from 7.4 to either 6.5 or 7.0, respectively. An elevation of CO2 to 11% diminished the rate of anaerobic lactate formation and slightly lowered anaerobic energy degradation. The further addition of 1 mmol·l-1 iodoacetate to inhibit glycolysis strongly enhanced the tendency of acidosis to lower energy degradation. Moreover, iodoacetate induced a parallel decrease in ATP and total concentration of phosphorylated adenylates and an increase in resting tension. These effects were all substantially dampened by acidosis and could not immediately be related to tissue content of energy-rich phosphates. Tentatively, the depression of resting tension was the prime effect and a cause of the other effects acidosis. However, these were not affected by an inhibition of resting tension development with 2,3-butadione monoxime. The results suggest that glycolysis protects the anaerobic myocardium also by means not immediately related to tissue energy state. Acidosis exerts a similar protection, which is marginal as long as glycolysis is fully active, but substantial with an inhibited glycolysis.Abbreviations Cr t total tissue concentration of creatine - G PCr energy liberated per mol PCr hydrolyzed - IAA iodoacetate - PCr phosphocreatine - PE total tissue concentration of energy-rich phosphate bonds - pH i intracellular pH - P i inorganic phosphate - TAN total tissue concentration of phosphorylated adenylates - 2,3-BDM 2,3-butadione monoxime - SE standard error of the mean  相似文献   

Following previously published observations that a conditioned response (CR) was lost more quickly by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exhibiting a high responsiveness to stressors than by low responding individuals this study was designed to investigate the effects of exogenous cortisol on the retention of a CR in unselected rainbow trout. Fish held in isolation were conditioned over a 10-day period by pairing an innocuous signal (conditioned stimulus, CS: a water jet played on the surface of the tank water) with a mild stressor (unconditioned stimulus, US: 30 min of confinement). This resulted in a brief elevation of plasma cortisol levels (the CR) when the fish was exposed to the CS only. The effect of exogenous cortisol on the retention of the CR was evaluated by comparing the performance of fish that received cortisol-containing slow-release intraperitoneal implants, with fish receiving vehicle-only implants. Retention of the CR was assessed at intervals up to 35 days after conditioning ceased. The CR was considered to be evident when 30 min following presentation of the CS, mean plasma cortisol levels were significantly higher in conditioned than untrained fish. On day 1 both cortisol-implanted and vehicle-implanted conditioned fish exhibited a CR. However, from day 5 onwards the CR was observed only in the vehicle-implanted and conditioned group. This finding indicates that administration of cortisol accelerated the extinction of the CR in the cortisol-implanted fish, suggesting that elevated plasma cortisol levels can impair memory processes in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

A purpose-designed microarray platform (Stressgenes, Phase 1) was utilised to investigate the changes in gene expression within the liver of rainbow trout during exposure to a prolonged period of confinement. Tissue and blood samples were collected from trout at intervals up to 648 h after transfer to a standardised confinement stressor, together with matched samples from undisturbed control fish. Plasma ACTH, cortisol, glucose and lactate were analysed to confirm that the neuroendocrine response to confinement was consistent with previous findings and to provide a phenotypic context to assist interpretation of gene expression data. Liver samples for suppression subtractive hybridisation (SSH) library construction were selected from within the experimental groups comprising “early” stress (2–48 h) and “late” stress (96–504 h). In order to reduce redundancy within the four SSH libraries and yield a higher number of unique clones an additional subtraction was carried out. After printing of the arrays a series of 55 hybridisations were executed to cover 6 time points. At 2 h, 6 h, 24 h, 168 h and 504 h 5 individual confined fish and 5 individual control fish were used with control fish only at 0 h. A preliminary list of 314 clones considered differentially regulated over the complete time course was generated by a combination of data analysis approaches and the most significant gene expression changes were found to occur during the 24 h to 168 h time period with a general approach to control levels by 504 h. Few changes in expression were apparent over the first 6 h. The list of genes whose expression was significantly altered comprised predominantly genes belonging to the biological process category (response to stimulus) and one cellular component category (extracellular region) and were dominated by so-called acute phase proteins. Analysis of the gene expression profile in liver tissue during confinement revealed a number of significant clusters. The major patterns comprised genes that were up-regulated at 24 h and beyond, the primary examples being haptoglobin, β-fibrinogen and EST10729. Two representative genes from each of the six k-means clusters were validated by qPCR. Correlations between microarray and qPCR expression patterns were significant for most of the genes tested. qPCR analysis revealed that haptoglobin expression was up-regulated approximately 8-fold at 24 h and over 13-fold by 168 h.  相似文献   

Carnobacterium maltaromaticum B26 and Carnobacterium divergens B33, which were isolated from the intestine of healthy rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum), were selected as being potentially useful as probiotics with effectiveness against Aeromonas salmonicida and Yersinia ruckeri. Thus, rainbow trout administered with feed supplemented with B26 or B33 dosed at >10(7) cells g(-1) feed conferred protection against challenge with virulent cultures of the pathogens. Moreover, both cultures persisted in the gut for up to 3 weeks after administration. The cultures enhanced the cellular and humoral immune responses. Specifically, fish fed with B26 demonstrated significantly increased phagocytic activity of the head kidney macrophages, whereas the use of B33 led to significant increases in respiratory burst and serum lysozyme activity. Also, the gut mucosal lysozyme activity for fish fed with both cultures was statistically higher than the controls.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between light intensity and the number of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) visible to a snorkeler during February in the Henrys Fork of the Snake River, Idaho, USA. Fish were concealed in the substratum during daylight. Emergence from concealment was observed from 30 to 80 min after real sunset time and began when stars were first visible (pyranometric irradiance, 4.5 × 10–3 W–2). Densities of visible fish were negatively correlated with light intensity (r 2=0.81,P<0.001). Later at night, densities decreased in the presence of moonlight and artificial light. Fish were observed to feed at night.  相似文献   

Summary Tissue slices from seawater-adapted and freshwater-adapted rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were exposed to 125I-angiotensin II (1.01·10-9 M) and binding sites located by light-microscopic autoradiography. Binding/uptake was significantly inhibited by excess (10-5 M) unlabelled angiotensin II, suggesting specific binding/uptake of angiotensin II to the ventral and dorsal aorta (smooth muscle), urinary bladder (smooth muscle and epithelial lining), glomeruli and proximal tubules, the gill (lamellae and central filament), skin (epithelium), intestine and oesophagus (mucosal epithelium), liver, heart (ventricular myocytes), adrenocortical tissue and brain (cerebellum and medulla oblongata). The specific binding/uptake of angiotensin II to tissues of freshwater- and seawater-adapted animals were generally similar. However, binding/uptake by the proximal tubules was significantly higher in freshwater-adapted trout than seawater-adapted trout. Specific binding/uptake of angiotensin II by the smooth muscle of the bladder was significantly higher in trout adapted to seawater than trout adapted to freshwater.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding the probiotic Kocuria SM1 to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) on disease resistance was evaluated. Thus, rainbow trout were fed Kocuria SM1 supplemented diets at concentrations of 108 cells g−1 feed for up to four weeks, and then challenged intraperitoneally with Vibrio anguillarum at weekly intervals. A two-week feeding regime led to the maximum reduction in mortalities, i.e. 16%, compared to mortalities of 62, 30 and 22% for one, three and four week feeding regimes, respectively. These compared to 70–90% mortalities of the controls. An enhanced cellular and humoral immune response, notably greater head kidney macrophage phagocytic and peroxidase activities, and higher serum lysozyme and total protein levels were recorded after two weeks of probiotic administration. These results reveal that a two-week feeding regime with Kocuria SM1 leads to higher disease protection in rainbow trout, with protection linked to stimulation of immune parameters.  相似文献   

Summary Male rainbow trout were treated with salmon gonadotropic hormone (GTH) at different stages of the circannual reproductive cycle; spawning fish were also treated with an antiserum against salmon GTH. Injection of GTH led to a several-fold increase of plasma sex steroid levels during spermatogenesis and in the spawning season but was without effect at early stages of testicular development. GTH neutralization during the spawning season was followed by a several-fold decrease of plasma sex steroid levels. During spermatogenesis and in the spawning season, both treatment regimes resulted in an increased sensitivity of testicular explants in response to a subsequent stimulation of steroid secretion in vitro. This up-regulatory response may facilitate and maintain the high sex steroid plasma levels observed during the spawning season. It may also be necessary to allow for concomitant peak values of plasma GTH and sex steroids in the spawning season, a situation difficult to understand within the negative feedback concept. The adaptive capacities of the testicular steroidogenic system indicate that it is not only an effector site for GTH but also an active part of the endocrine system controling reproduction.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - bw body weight - E2 17-estradiol - GnRH gonadotropin releasing-hormone - GTH gonadotropic hormone - LH luteinizing hormone - OHT 11-hydroxytestosterone - OT 11-ketotestosterone - 17-20P 17-hydroxy, 20-dihydroprogesterone - PE pituitary extract - raGTH rabbit anti-GTH antiserum - rPS rabbit preimmune serum - T testosterone  相似文献   

This study describes the culture conditions and the phenotypic features of different types of splenic cultures established from explants. Using the same culture technique it was possible to grow splenic explants from which monolayers of reticular origin, long-term haematopoietic cultures, and subcultures were obtained. The cultures were characterised by light and electron microscopy, cytochemical and immuno-cytochemical analyses, phagocytic activity and susceptibility to virus. The cultures comprised multilayers of epithelioid and fibroblastoid cells with haemopoietic foci, melanomacrophages and eosinophilic granular cells. The cytochemical and immuno-cytochemical analyses revealed that the stromal cells were always positive for ANAE activity. The stromal cells in primary cultures were negatively or weakly stained by antibodies directed against cytokeratins and S-100, but in the subcultures they were strongly stained by these antibodies. The stromal cells had very poor phagocytic activity and were susceptible to VHS virus.  相似文献   

Ventilation frequency, opercular pressure amplitude, heart rate, dorsal aortic pressure, arterial pH, arterial O2 tension, and plasma catecholamine levels were recorded in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, during normoxia (19.7 kPa, 148 mmHg) or hyperoxia (51.2 kPa, 384 mmHg) after injection of various concentrations of catecholamines. In normoxic fish, adrenaline injection resulted in a depression of arterial O2 tension, hypoventilation due to a drop in ventilation frequency, and a drop in heart rate, while dorsal aortic pressure increased. Noradrenaline depressed ventilation frequency, but opercular pressure amplitude increased to a far greater extent, and dorsal aortic pressure increased. During hyperoxia, adrenaline injection lowered ventilation frequency, opercular amplitude and heart rate, but dorsal aortic pressure increased. The stimulatory effects of noradrenaline on ventilation were abolished during hyperoxia, but the cardiac responses were similar to those seen during normoxia. These results indicate that catecholamines can modify the ventilatory output from the respiratory centre, and modification of ventilation frequency can occur independently of opercular pressure amplitude.Abbreviations f g ventilation frequency - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - P op opercular pressure amplitude - f h heart rate - P DA dorsal aortic pressure - pHa arterial pH - P aO2 arterial oxygen tension - PO2 oxygen tension  相似文献   

The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is one of the most widely studied of model fish species. Extensive basic biological information has been collected for this species, which because of their large size relative to other model fish species are particularly suitable for studies requiring ample quantities of specific cells and tissue types. Rainbow trout have been widely utilized for research in carcinogenesis, toxicology, comparative immunology, disease ecology, physiology and nutrition. They are distinctive in having evolved from a relatively recent tetraploid event, resulting in a high incidence of duplicated genes. Natural populations are available and have been well characterized for chromosomal, protein, molecular and quantitative genetic variation. Their ease of culture, and experimental and aquacultural significance has led to the development of clonal lines and the widespread application of transgenic technology to this species. Numerous microsatellites have been isolated and two relatively detailed genetic maps have been developed. Extensive sequencing of expressed sequence tags has begun and four BAC libraries have been developed. The development and analysis of additional genomic sequence data will provide distinctive opportunities to address problems in areas such as evolution of the immune system and duplicate genes.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of the receptor for vitellogenin from follicle membranes of the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, is described. Follicle membrane proteins subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and subsequently to either protein staining or ligand blotting with radiolabelled vitellogenin (125iodine-vitellogenin) demonstrated that the vitellogenin receptor has an apparent molecular mass of 200 kD (probably comprising of two 100-kD subunits) under non-reducing conditions. The vitellogenin binding sites were identified as specific receptors: binding was saturable and the binding sites were both tissue specific to follicle membranes and exhibited ligand specificity. Scatchard analyses of specific binding data revealed a single class of binding sites with a high affinity for rainbow trout vitellogenin (K d=8.2·10-9 mol·1-1). Both brown trout, Salmo trutta, vitellogenin and carp, Cyprinus carpio, vitellogenin were able to displace the radiolabelled rainbow trout vitellogenin from its receptor, although they were less effective than rainbow trout vitellogenin.Abbreviations B max maximum number of binding sites available - BSA bovine serum albumin - bt-VTG brown trout vitellogenin - c-VTG earp vitellogenin - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - K d dissociatian constant - NCM nitrocellulose membranes - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonylfluoride - rt-VTG rainbow trout vitellogenin - VTG vitellogenin  相似文献   

Rainbow trout were used to characterize the direct influence of growth hormone on hepatic lipid mobilization in vitro. Liver was removed from fish fasted 72 h, sliced into 1-mm3 pieces and incubated in Hanks' medium containing ovine or salmon growth hormone (0.28 ng·ml-1–28 g·ml-1). Lipid mobilization, resulting from triacylglycerol hydrolysis, was evaluated by fatty acid and glycerol release into culture medium. Control rates of fatty acid release and glycerol release were 0.95±0.16 (mean ± SE) and 0.88±0.28 mol·l-1·mg fresh weight, respectively. Both ovine growth hormone (28 ng·ml-1) and salmon growth hormone (28 ng·ml-1) stimulated fatty acid release into culture medium, increasing rates by 112% and 97%, respectively, during the course of a 24-h incubation. Glycerol release was similarly augmented by growth hormone treatment. Growth hormone-stimulated metabolite release became evident within 12 h and persisted for up to 72 h. The presence of amino acids in the culture medium potentiated the lipolytic action of growth hormone. Ovine growth hormone (28 ng·ml-1) in the presence of amino acids stimulated a 53% increase in fatty acid, and a 108% increase in glycerol, release over rates observed in the absence of amino acids. Salmon growth hormone (28 ng·ml-1) in the presence of amino acids stimulated a 53% increase in fatty acid, and a 44% increase in glycerol, release over rates observed in the absence of amino acids. Ovine growth hormone (28 ng·ml-1) also stimulated gluconeogenesis, as indicated by a 75% increase in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in liver pieces incubated in the presence of amino acids. These results indicate that growth hormone directly stimulates lipid breakdown in the liver of trout and that amino acids potentiate growth hormone-stimulated lipolysis.Abbreviations AA amino acid(s) - dGDP deoxy-guanosine diphosphate - ED 50 50% effective dose - FA fatty acid(s) - fw fesh weight - GH growth hormone - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulphonic acid - MS-222 tricaine methanesulfonate - MEM minimum essential medium - oGH ovine growth hormone - PEPCK phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase - PKc protein kinase C - rpm revolutions per minute - sGH salmon growth hormone - TG triacylglycerol - w/v weight per volume This paper was presented in abstract form at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, Dec. 26–30, 1991, Atlanta, GA  相似文献   

Gill, trunk kidney, spleen, and liver of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were examined after exposure to different sublethal concentrations of carbosulfan (25, 50 and 200 μg L−1), propineb (3, 6 and 24 mg L−1), and benomyl (2, 5 and 20 mg L−1) for 14 days. Lesions were observed in gill, trunk kidney, spleen, and liver of rainbow trout exposed to either concentration of pesticides. The most important lesions were determined in the highest concentrations of pesticides. Lamellar fusion, lamellar hyperplasia, epithelial lifting, vacuolization of epithelial tissue, epithelial necrosis, hypertrophy and sloughing of epithelium were observed on fish exposed to carbosulfan, propineb and benomyl. Fish had cell necrosis, degeneration and oedemas in liver, trunk kidney and spleen. None of these lesions were seen in control fish.  相似文献   

Chromosome set manipulation was used to produce rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, with identical nuclear backgrounds, but different maternal backgrounds to determine mitochondrial effects on development rate and oxygen consumption. Significant differences in development rate and oxygen consumption were observed between groups from different females. Development rates ranged from a mean of 317.97 degree days (°d) to 335.25 °d in progeny from different females. Mean oxygen consumption rates ranged from 3.31 μmol O2 g− 1 wet mass h− 1 to 9.66 μmol O2 g− 1 wet mass h− 1. Oxygen consumption and development rate analysis revealed the two slowest developing groups had the highest oxygen consumption rates. Development rate differences between second generation clonal females indicate that mitochondrial genomes play a significant role on early development and are comparable to development rate differences between clonal lines of rainbow trout. These results indicate that selection for mitochondrial genomes could increase growth rates and possibly food conversion ratios in aquaculture species.  相似文献   

Summary The physiological roles of neurohypophysial hormones, vasotocin (VT) and isotocin (IT), are not yet clear in teleosts. Since information on responsiveness of hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons to environmental stimuli may contribute to an understanding of their physiological roles, effects of environmental hyper- and hypo-osmotic stimuli on expression of VT and IT precursor (proVT and proIT) genes in rainbow trout were investigated, using an in situ hybridization technique in which 46 mer synthetic oligonucleotides were used as hybridization probes. The probes corresponded to the mRNA loci encoding chum salmon proVT (-5 to 11) and proIT (-5 to 11), and were labeled at the 3-end with 35S. Autoradiographic silver grains which represent the hybridization signals of proVT and proIT mRNAs were localized in both magnocellular and parvocellular neurons in the nucleus preopticus magnocellularis (NPOmg). Localizations of proVT and proIT hybridization signals coincided with those of VT- and IT-immunoreactive neurons in adjacent sections, and showed that proVT and proIT genes are expressed in separate neurons. The intensity of proVT hybridization signals as determined by grain counting in magnocellular neurons in the NPOmg was conspicuously decreased after transfer from fresh water (FW) to 80% seawater (SW). The proVT mRNA levels in SW trout were consistently lower than those of FW trout for up to 2 weeks. After return from 80% SW to FW, the proVT mRNA level increased, attaining the initial FW level. The proIT mRNA levels in SW trout were not statistically different from those in FW trout, except for the 1st day after transfer to SW. These results suggest that synthesis of proVT was elevated by transfer from higher to lower salinity, and that VT may have a physiological role in salmonid osmoregulation, especially in adaptation to a hypo-osmotic environment.Abbreviations ABC avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex - AVP arginine vasopressin - BSA bovine serum albumin - EDTA ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid - cpm counts per minute - FW fresh water - GFR gromerular filtration rate - ISH in situ hybridization - IT isotocin - mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid - NPOmg nucleus preopticus magnocellularis - OXT oxytocin - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - SSC saline sodium citrate - RT room temperature - SW seawater - VT vasotocin  相似文献   

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