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Flowering invasive plants can have dramatic effects on the resource landscape available to pollinators. Because many pollinators exhibit behavioral plasticity in response to competitor or resource density, this in turn can result in impacts on ecological processes such as pollination and plant reproduction. We examine how interactions between five common generalist eusocial bees change across an invasion gradient by examining how bee abundance and diet overlap changed with variation in both invasive plant abundance and competitor abundance in a temperate oak-savannah ecosystem. Specifically we focus on the bumblebees Bombus bifarius, B. mixtus, B. melanopygus and B. vosnesenskii, as well as the non-native honeybee Apis mellifera, and their interactions with the native flowering plants Camassia quamash, Camassia liechtlinii, and the invasive shrub Cytisus scoparius. We further examine whether changes in pollinator visits to the invasive and two common native plants can explain changes in diet overlap. Abundance of the invasive plant and other common floral resources had strong impacts on focal bee abundance, with certain species more likely to be present at highly invaded sites. This may be because highly invaded sites tended to be embedded in forested landscapes where those bees are common. Diet overlap was most affected by abundance of a common native plant, rather than the invasive plant, with diet overlap increasing non-linearly with abundance of the native plant. Furthermore, Apis mellifera, did not appear to have direct competitive effects on native bumblebees in this habitat. However, visit patterns suggest that bees most abundant at highly invaded sites may compete for access to native resources. Thus the impacts of this invasive plant on our focal bee species may be primarily indirect, via its’ competitive effects on native plants.  相似文献   

Invasions of alien species are considered among the least reversible human impacts, with diversified effects on aquatic ecosystems. Since prevention is the most cost-effective way to avoid biodiversity loss and ecosystem problems, one challenge in ecological research is to understand the limits of the fundamental niche of the species in order to estimate how far invasive species could spread. Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis (Tvv) is a corixid (Hemiptera) originally distributed in North America, but cited as an alien species in three continents. Its impact on native communities is under study, but it is already the dominant species in several saline wetlands and represents a rare example of an aquatic alien insect. This study aims: i) to estimate areas with suitable environmental conditions for Tvv at a global scale, thus identifying potential new zones of invasion; and ii) to test possible changes in this global potential distribution under a climate change scenario. Potential distributions were estimated by applying a multidimensional envelope procedure based on both climatic data, obtained from observed occurrences, and thermal physiological data. Our results suggest Tvv may expand well beyond its current range and find inhabitable conditions in temperate areas along a wide range of latitudes, with an emphasis on coastal areas of Europe, Northern Africa, Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand, Myanmar, India, the western boundary between USA and Canada, and areas of the Arabian Peninsula. When considering a future climatic scenario, the suitability area of Tvv showed only limited changes compared with the current potential distribution. These results allow detection of potential contact zones among currently colonized areas and potential areas of invasion. We also identified zones with a high level of suitability that overlap with areas recognized as global hotspots of biodiversity. Finally, we present hypotheses about possible means of spread, focusing on different geographical scales.  相似文献   

Invasive alien plant species are usually disliked due to their high pressure on native communities. However, their ecological effects on pollinators are complex: some species provide abundant floral resources, boosting the number of pollinators, while they often disrupt plant-pollinator interactions by outcompeting native plants. Our direct knowledge is mainly based on single-species studies, while understanding the mechanism of these complex ecological interactions needs multi-species field-based approaches. It is also imperative to clarify the pros and cons of invasive plants and drivers of invasion from the perspective of pollinators. We conducted a standard protocol-driven regional study in Central and Eastern Europe, comparing 6-7 invaded and non-invaded sites of 12 herbaceous invasive plant species. We sampled floral resources, bees, and hoverflies before and during the flowering of the invasive plants. We analysed the effects of plant invasion at the invasive plant species level and in combined analyses, and tested whether the life span (perennial vs. annual) and flowering time (early-, middle-, and late-flowering) of invasive plants affect the abundance, species richness, diversity and species composition of native plants and pollinators. The combined analyses showed lower abundance and species richness of flowering plants and pollinators before, and higher abundance of both during the flowering of invasive plants in invaded sites. However, invasive plants had significant species-specific effects. Perennial invasive plants had a stronger negative impact on floral resources and pollinators already before their flowering compared to annuals. Flowering time of invasive plants affected the pollinator guilds differently. We suggest that in certain critical time periods of the year, invasive plants might provide the dominant foraging resources for pollinators in an invaded ecosystem. But, they also often cause significant losses in native floral resources over the year. Instead of simple eradication, careful preparation and consideration might be needed during removal of invasive plants.  相似文献   

The arrival of exotic pollinators to new habitats may introduce new patterns of floral preference and foraging behavior that modify the structure of the resident plant–pollinator community. The aim of this paper is to examine the potential impact of the exotic bumblebee Bombus terrestris on the pollination service provided by the native pollinator assemblage of the herb Mimulus luteus. The study was performed in a high-elevation locality in the Chilean Andes during the summer seasons of 2010, 2011, and 2012. We recorded visitation rate, and the number of pollen grains transported on the body of B. terrestris and native pollinators and the pollen deposition on the stigmas of M. luteus. Pollinator effectiveness (pollen deposited × visitation rate) was compared among species. Results revealed that B. terrestris was an inefficient pollinator, due to the low amount of pollen delivered on stigmas and the low and intermittent visitation rate across years. The parallel inter-annual variation in the visitation rate of B. terrestris and the native bumblebee Bombus dahlbomii suggests that the integration of B. terrestris had no important consequences for the congeneric species. In general, B. terrestris accounted for a low proportion of the pollen transfer in M. luteus, reaching 4.6 % in 2010, absence of effect in 2011, and 0.01 % in 2012. These results suggest that in spite of being a quickly spreading species in Chile, B. terrestris is still in the initial phase of invasion in this area.  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of disagreement surrounding the capacity of Bombus terrestris to invade Tasmanian native vegetation. This paper reviews the conflicting findings of previous surveys of the invasion of Tasmania by B. terrestris, and presents new data from the 2004–2005 austral summer. From this, it is clear that B. terrestris has extensively invaded Tasmanian native vegetation. The new data provide strong evidence that B. terrestris is breeding in native vegetation in every region of Tasmania. More than 10 bumblebees were seen in one day at 153 locations in native vegetation, including 42 locations within 10 National Parks and 38 locations within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. Nests of B. terrestris were also found within two National Parks. These findings suggest that B. terrestris would also invade native vegetation in non-arid temperate regions of the Australian mainland, if it is introduced there.  相似文献   

欧洲熊蜂Bombus terretris入侵研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲熊蜂Bombus terrestris被出口到自然分布区外为作物传粉,现已在澳大利亚、新西兰、日本、以色列、智利和阿根廷等国家建立野生种群.欧洲熊蜂与本土传粉生物竞争蜜粉源植物,传播病虫害,与本土熊蜂杂交产生不育子代.欧洲熊蜂入侵可能引起本地传粉昆虫牛物多样性降低,危害生态系统传粉功能的安全.中国从1998年开始引入欧洲熊蜂为大棚作物传粉,但日前尚无欧洲熊蜂入侵我国的报道.中国是熊蜂生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,具有欧洲熊蜂适生环境,欧洲熊蜂有可能入侵我国.防止欧洲熊蜂入侵最重要和最有效的办法是减少进口该物种和进行科学的放蜂管理.  相似文献   

The Giant African Snail (Achatina fulica) is considered to be one the world’s 100 worst invasive alien species. The snail has an impact on native biodiversity, and on agricultural and horticultural crops. In India, it is known to feed on more than fifty species of native plants and agricultural crops and also outcompetes the native snails. It was introduced into India in 1847 and since then it has spread all across the country. In this paper, we use ecological niche modeling (ENM) to assess the distribution pattern of Giant African Snail (GAS) under different climate change scenarios. The niche modeling results indicate that under the current climate scenario, Eastern India, peninsular India and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are at high risk of invasion. The three different future climate scenarios show that there is no significant change in the geographical distribution of invasion prone areas. However, certain currently invaded areas will be more prone to invasion in the future. These regions include parts of Bihar, Southern Karnataka, parts of Gujarat and Assam. The Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands are highly vulnerable to invasion under changed climate. The Central Indian region is at low risk due to high temperature and low rainfall. An understanding of the invasion pattern can help in better management of this invasive species and also in formulating policies for its control.  相似文献   

The Eurasian bumble bee Bombus terrestris Linnaeus has been used commercially for pollination of a large number of crop species worldwide. This species has become invasive in several countries where it has escaped into natural environments. This species has become naturalized in many zones of Chile and southern Argentina, and may potentially invade other regions and countries in South America. These naturalized populations of B. terrestris have been associated with rapid population declines of the native bee B. dahlbomii Guérin-Méneville. We report new records of the exotic bee B. terrestris in the Region de Arica y Parinacota in the far north of Chile, which includes portions of the Atacama Desert. We used species distribution models (SDMs) and multivariate analyses to evaluate whether these occurrences represent new escapes from managed colonies or natural dispersal of the species from its southern invaded range. These reports of B. terrestris indicate a northward expansion of this bee. In our analyses, these new areas of occurrences have environmental conditions similar to those observed in the species’ southern invaded range, and our SDMs predict that B. terrestris dispersal through the Atacama is possible, although not likely given the occasional flower blooming in that region of Chile. These new occurrences in northern Chile reflect a potential for future invasion into other regions of South America by B. terrestris. Future surveys in the area should be intensified to evaluate if viable populations of this invasive species may become established.  相似文献   

The flagellate Crithidia bombi and the neogregarine Apicystis bombi have been found in individuals of Bombus terrestris, a Palaearctic species of bumble bee commercially reared and shipped worldwide for pollination services. B. terrestris has recently entered into the northwestern Patagonia region of Argentina from Chile, where it was introduced in 1998. Prevalence was 21.6% for C. bombi and 3.6% for A. bombi (n = 111). The pathogens were not detected in 441 bumble bees belonging to five of the eight known Argentine native species (Bombus atratus, Bombus morio, Bombus bellicosus, Bombus opifex, Bombus tucumanus) collected elsewhere in the country. Although the absence of natural occurrence of C. bombi and A. bombi in Argentine native bumble bees cannot be ascertained at present due to the limited surveys performed, it is important to report their detection in invasive B. terrestris. The invasion event is relatively recent and the accompanying pathogens are not species specific within the genus Bombus.  相似文献   

When alien pollinator species enter a native community of pollinators in which resource partitioning has been established, the pollination network between plants and pollinators may be modified through the interactions between the pollinators over the use of floral resources. We observed the floral-use patterns of native (Bombus hypocrita and B. deuteronymus) and alien (B. terrestris) bumblebee species in a coastal grassland in northern Japan. We analyzed the factors determining resource partitioning patterns. B. hypocrita tended to visit flowers with shallow or wide open corollas, such as Rosa rugosa, whereas B. deuteronymus visited flowers with complex or deeper corollas, such as Lathyrus japonicus. Given the wider floral preference of B. terrestris, floral use by the alien bumblebees consistently overlapped with that of native bumblebees. The visitation of B. terrestris to R. rugosa flowers was positively correlated with that of B. hypocrita. These bumblebee species frequently used similar floral resources, in part because of the large overlap in the seasonality of their foraging activity. The visitation frequency of B. deuteronymus to L. japonicus flowers was independent of the visitation frequency of other bumblebee species. The major visitation periods of the bumblebees to L. japonicus flowers reciprocally differed between B. deuteronymus and B. terrestris, suggesting phenological resource partitioning between these species. Our study suggests that phenological niche partitioning is more common in specialized flowers (L. japonicus) than in generalized flowers (R. rugosa).  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Invasive plants are potential agents of disruption in plant–pollinator interactions. They may affect pollinator visitation rates to native plants and modify the plant–pollinator interaction network. However, there is little information about the extent to which invasive pollen is incorporated into the pollination network and about the rates of invasive pollen deposition on the stigmas of native plants.


The degree of pollinator sharing between the invasive plant Carpobrotus affine acinaciformis and the main co-flowering native plants was tested in a Mediterranean coastal shrubland. Pollen loads were identified from the bodies of the ten most common pollinator species and stigmatic pollen deposition in the five most common native plant species.

Key Results

It was found that pollinators visited Carpobrotus extensively. Seventy-three per cent of pollinator specimens collected on native plants carried Carpobrotus pollen. On average 23 % of the pollen on the bodies of pollinators visiting native plants was Carpobrotus. However, most of the pollen found on the body of pollinators belonged to the species on which they were collected. Similarly, most pollen on native plant stigmas was conspecific. Invasive pollen was present on native plant stigmas, but in low quantity.


Carpobrotus is highly integrated in the pollen transport network. However, the plant-pollination network in the invaded community seems to be sufficiently robust to withstand the impacts of the presence of alien pollen on native plant pollination, as shown by the low levels of heterospecific pollen deposition on native stigmas. Several mechanisms are discussed for the low invasive pollen deposition on native stigmas.Key words: Alien plant, Carpobrotus aff. acinaciformis, competition for pollinators, invasion, Mediterranean shrubland, plant-pollinator network, pollen loads, pollinator visits, stigma  相似文献   

Much of our current understanding of the impact of invasive species on plant communities is based on patterns occurring in the above-ground vegetation, while only few studies have examined changes in soil seed banks associated with plant invasions, despite their important role as determinants of vegetation dynamics. Here, we reviewed the literature on the impact of plant invasions on the seed bank and we provide a quantitative synthesis using a meta-analysis approach. Specifically, (1) we quantified the impact of 18 invasive alien plants on (i) species richness and (ii) density of the seed banks of invaded communities, based on 58 pair-wise invaded-uninvaded comparisons (cases); we identified (2) the invasive taxa that are responsible for the largest changes in the seed bank; and (3) the habitats where substantial changes occur. Our study showed three major findings: (1) species richness (68% of cases) and density (58% of cases) were significantly lower in native seed banks invaded by alien plants; (2) species richness and density of native and alien species were remarkably lower in seed banks invaded by large, perennial herbs compared to uninvaded sites; and (3) invaded seed banks were often associated with a larger richness and/or abundance of alien species. This study indicates a need for additional seed bank data in invasion ecology to characterize species-specific and habitat-specific impacts of plant invasions, and to determine whether changes in the seed banks of native and alien species are a symptom of environmental degradation prior to a plant invasion or whether they are its direct result. The findings of this study help improve our capacity to predict the long-term implications of plant invasions, including limitations in the recruitment of native species from the seed bank and the potential for secondary invasions by seeds of other alien species.  相似文献   

Invasive alien species affect the composition and functioning of invaded ecosystems in many ways, altering ecological interactions that have arisen over evolutionary timescales. Specifically, disruptions to pollination and seed-dispersal mutualistic interactions are often documented, although the profound implications of such impacts are not widely recognized. Such disruptions can occur via the introduction of alien pollinators, seed dispersers, herbivores, predators or plants, and we define here the many potential outcomes of each situation. The frequency and circumstances under which each category of mechanisms operates are also poorly known. Most evidence is from population-level studies, and the implications for global biodiversity are difficult to predict. Further insights are needed on the degree of resilience in interaction networks, but the preliminary picture suggests that invasive species frequently cause profound disruptions to plant reproductive mutualisms.  相似文献   

To protect native biodiversity and habitats from the negative impacts of biological invasions, comprehensive studies and measures to anticipate invasions are required, especially across countries in a transfrontier context. Species distribution models (SDMs) can be particularly useful to integrate different types of data and predict the distribution of invasive species across borders, both for current conditions and under scenarios of future environmental changes. We used SDMs to test whether predicting invasions and potential spatial conflicts with protected areas in a transfrontier context, under current and future climatic conditions, would provide additional insights on the patterns and drivers of invasion when compared to models obtained from predictions for individual regions/countries (different modelling strategies). The framework was tested with the invasive alien plant Acacia dealbata in North of Portugal/NW Spain Euro-region, where the species is predicted to increase its distribution under future climatic conditions. While SDMs fitted in a transfrontier context and using “the national strategy (with Portugal calibration data) presented similar patterns, the distribution of the invasive species was higher in the former. The transfrontier strategy expectedly allowed to capture a more complete and accurate representation of the species’ niche. Predictions obtained in a transfrontier context are therefore more suitable to support resource prioritisation for anticipation and monitoring impacts of biological invasions, while also providing additional support for international cooperation when tackling issues of global change. Our proposed framework provided useful information on the potential patterns of invasion by A. dealbata in a transfrontier context, with an emphasis on protected areas. This information is crucial for decision-makers focusing on the prevention of invasions by alien species inside protected areas in a transfrontier context, opening a new way for collaborative management of invasions.  相似文献   

Madjidian JA  Morales CL  Smith HG 《Oecologia》2008,156(4):835-845
Biological invasions might constitute a major threat to mutualisms. Introduced pollinators might competitively displace their native counterparts, which in turn affects the pollination of native plants, if native and alien visitors differ in pollinator effectiveness. Since its invasion in 1994 into south-west Argentina, the introduced European bumblebee Bombus ruderatus has continuously increased in abundance, along with a simultaneous decrease in the abundance of the native Bombus dahlbomii. The latter is the only native bumblebee species of the temperate forests of southern South America, and the main pollinator of the endemic herb Alstroemeria aurea. In order to evaluate the impact of the ongoing displacement of the native by the alien bumblebee, we compared the pollinator effectiveness (i.e., the combination of pollinator efficiency per visit and visitation frequency) between both bumblebee species, as well as related pollinator traits that might account for potential differences in pollinator efficiency. Native Bombus dahlbomii, which has a larger body and spent more time per flower, was the more efficient pollinator compared to Bombus ruderatus, both in terms of quantity and quality of pollen deposited per visit. However, Bombus ruderatus was a much more frequent flower visitor than Bombus dahlbomii. As a consequence, Bombus ruderatus is nowadays a more effective pollinator of A. aurea than its native congener. Despite the lack of evidence of an increase in seed set at the population level, comparisons with historical records of Bombus dahlbomii abundances prior to Bombus ruderatus' invasion suggest that the overall pollination intensity of A. aurea might in fact have risen as a consequence of this invasion. Field experiments like these, that incorporate the natural variation in abundance of native and alien species, are powerful means to demonstrate that the consequences of invasions are more complex than previous manipulated and controlled experiments have suggested.  相似文献   

Invasive aliens on tropical East Asian islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tropical East Asia (TEA) has numerous islands, both continental and oceanic. This study uses information on invasive aliens in terrestrial habitats on these islands to test the generality of the continental-oceanic contrast in invasibility, assess the conservation impacts of invasive species, and suggest ways to mitigate these. The continental islands of Hong Kong and Singapore are worst-case scenarios for continental invasibility and alien species often dominate in chronically disturbed sites, but very few have successfully invaded closed forests, with the exception of birds in Hong Kong. On other, less densely populated, continental islands, closed-canopy forests appear to resist invasions by all taxa, with few known exceptions. Forests on oceanic islands isolated by <100 km during the last glacial maximum appear no more susceptible to plant and invertebrate invasions than those on continental islands, but invasions by mammals are widespread. Snake invasions may be under-recognized. The remote oceanic Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, >1000 km from the nearest continent, have a native biota of largely tropical East Asian origin and are suffering from alien forest invasions across the taxonomic spectrum. These patterns of invasibility are consistent with the idea that alien invasion is facilitated by the absence of native species in the same functional group. Alien invasives are not yet a major conservation problem in TEA, except on remote islands, but their dominance on disturbed sites may slow or prevent recovery of native biodiversity. Strict quarantine is impractical in TEA, although some major introduction routes could be blocked. Management efforts should focus on early recognition and immediate control of potential problem species.  相似文献   

The invasion by alien macrophytes in aquatic ecosystems may produce a strong alteration of the native aquatic vegetation leading to heavy impacts for both plant and faunal native diversity. Myriophyllum aquaticum is an aquatic plant native of Southern America, invasive in several part of the world. We studied the effects of M. aquaticum invasion on plant and macro-arthropod communities in the canals around a protected wetland in the Mediterranean basin. We sampled plant and macro-arthropod communities in 10 transects in invaded and non-invaded tracts of the canals. We assessed the differences in plant and macro-arthropod species richness, diversity, taxonomic diversity and species composition between invaded and non-invaded habitats by means of univariate and multivariate analyses. Our study shows a significant loss of plant diversity between non-invaded to invaded sites, leading to communities numerically and taxonomically impoverished and highly divergent in the species composition. We also detected significant differences in arthropod species composition between invaded and non-invaded transects. Some taxa such as mosquitoes and malacostraca were more frequent in the M. aquaticum-dominated stands. Furthermore, the study shows a positive relation between invaded habitats and juvenile individuals of the invasive alien crayfish Procambarus clarkii.  相似文献   

Invasive species have considerably increased in recent decades due to direct and indirect effects of ever‐increasing international trade rates and new climate conditions derived from global change. We need to better understand how the dynamics of early species invasions develop and how these result in impacts on the invaded ecosystems. Here we studied the distribution and severe defoliation processes of the box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis W.), a tree defoliator insect native to Asia and invasive in Europe since 2007, through the combination of species distribution models based on climate and landscape composition information. The results showed that the combination of data from the native and the invaded areas was the most effective methodology for the appropriate invasive species modeling. The species was not influenced by overall landscape factors, but only by the presence of its host plant, dispersal capacity, and climate suitability. Such climate suitability was described by low precipitation seasonality and minimum annual temperatures around 0°C, defining a continentality effect throughout the territory. We emphasize the need of studying distribution and severe defoliation processes separately because we identified that climate suitability was slightly involved in limiting species spread processes but strongly constrained ecosystem impact in terms of defoliation before the species reaches equilibrium with the new environment. New studies on habitat recovery after disturbance, ecological consequences of such impact, and community dynamics in a context of climate change are required for a better understanding of this invasive species.  相似文献   

The effects of invasive plants on the species diversity of plant communities are controversial, showing either a positive or negative linear relationship. Based on community data collected from forty 5 m×5 m plots invaded by Sphagneticola trilobata in eight cities across Hainan Island, China, we found S. trilobata decreased plant community diversity once its cover was beyond 10%. We demonstrated that the effects of invasive/native plants on the plant diversity of communities invaded by S. trilobata were curvilinear. These effects, which showed peaks under different degrees of vegetation cover, appeared not only for S. trilobata and all invasive plants, but also for all native plants. Invasive plants primarily had negative effects on plant diversity when they became abundant at a much lower cover level (less than 35%), compared with the native plants (over 60%). Thus, it is necessary to distinguish a range for assessing the effects of plants, especially invasive plants. Our results also confirmed that the invasion intensity of invasive alien plants increased with the intensity of local economic development. We highlight and further discuss the critical importance of curvilinear effects of biological invasion to provide ideas regarding the conservation of local biodiversity and the management of invasive plants.  相似文献   

Invasive species can displace natives, and thus identifying the traits that make aliens successful is crucial for predicting and preventing biodiversity loss. Pathogens may play an important role in the invasive process, facilitating colonization of their hosts in new continents and islands. According to the Novel Weapon Hypothesis, colonizers may out-compete local native species by bringing with them novel pathogens to which native species are not adapted. In contrast, the Enemy Release Hypothesis suggests that flourishing colonizers are successful because they have left their pathogens behind. To assess the role of avian malaria and related haemosporidian parasites in the global spread of a common invasive bird, we examined the prevalence and genetic diversity of haemosporidian parasites (order Haemosporida, genera Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) infecting house sparrows (Passer domesticus). We sampled house sparrows (N = 1820) from 58 locations on 6 continents. All the samples were tested using PCR-based methods; blood films from the PCR-positive birds were examined microscopically to identify parasite species. The results show that haemosporidian parasites in the house sparrows'' native range are replaced by species from local host-generalist parasite fauna in the alien environments of North and South America. Furthermore, sparrows in colonized regions displayed a lower diversity and prevalence of parasite infections. Because the house sparrow lost its native parasites when colonizing the American continents, the release from these natural enemies may have facilitated its invasion in the last two centuries. Our findings therefore reject the Novel Weapon Hypothesis and are concordant with the Enemy Release Hypothesis.  相似文献   

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