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张俊峰 《古生物学报》1993,32(2):141-150
记述我国山东山旺中新统山旺组双翅目毛蚊科Plecia属3新种和Bibio属1新种.根据现代毛蚊类的生态学知识推断了中新世山旺地区的古生态特征.同时,讨论了Clothonopsis miocenica的基本特征以及分类描述中存在的问题,认为不能把这个种置于纺足目,应归入双翅目的毛蚊科.  相似文献   

毛蚊科九新种记述:双翅目:长角亚目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述了双翅目毛蚊科3属9新种,其中棘毛蚊属3种:长喙棘毛蚊 Ditophus macrosiphonius sp.nov.,吉林棘毛蚊 D.jilinensis sp.nov.和膜棘毛蚊 D.membranaceus sp.nov.;叉毛蚊属2种:异角叉毛蚊 Penthetria aberrans sp.nov.和甘肃叉毛蚊 P.gansuensis sp.nov.;襀毛蚊属4种:裂襀毛蚁 Plecia dilacerabilis sp.nov.,峨眉襀毛蚊 P.emeiensis sp.nov.,钳襀毛蚊 P.forcipiformis sp.nov.和长叶襀毛蚊 P.longifolia sp.nov.。所有模式标本均保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

双翅目长角亚目的极蚊科(Axymyiidae)为中国新记录科,是极罕见的昆虫,世界只记载过5种;现报道贵州梵净山的1个新种,模式标本藏北京农业大学昆虫标本室。 极蚊体型中等,粗壮而色暗,外貌象毛蚊类,Coquillett(1909)曾将北美种包括在毛蚊科的Eupeitenus属内。McAtee(1921)建立了Axymia furcata新属种,同时由Shannon(1921)讨论了其分类地位,作为殊蚊科(Anisopodida=Rhyphidae)的1个新  相似文献   

记述了中国瘿蚊科1新纪录属异瘿蚊属及一新种:横瓣异瘿蚊Heterogenella transversa.spn.nov.,模式产地云南中甸虎跳峡;中国3新纪录种;达氏异瘿蚊H.dolini Berest(四川理县米亚罗),短须异瘿蚊H.hybrida Mamaev(内蒙古额尔古纳旗莫尔道嘎)和纵缝异瘿蚊H.linearis Yukawa(云南丽江玉龙山)。文中给出了异瘿蚊属中国已知种类分种检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

描述蚊蝎蛉科1新属和3新种:新属Decoribittacus gen.nov.,新种美脉华美蚊蝎蛉Decoribittacus euneurus sp.nov.,斑点华美蚊蝎蛉Decoribittacus stictus sp.nov.和长翼卡拉蚊蝎蛉Karattacus longia latus sp.nov..同时修订了卡拉蚊蝎蛉属Karattaus的属征.所有的化石标本都来自内蒙古宁城县道虎沟中侏罗世九龙山组地层,模式标本现在保存于首都师范大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

毛蚊科是双翅目长角亚目的一类昆虫,其种类丰富,广布世界各地.毛蚊化石记录较为丰富,但往往都是保存于湖相沉积地层中,琥珀中的化石较为罕见.本文根据缅甸北部克钦地区产出的白垩纪中期琥珀中保存的昆虫标本建立了 1新属新种——缅甸白垩叉毛蚊(Cretpenthetria burmensis gen.et sp.nov.),归入...  相似文献   

本文对河南省新记录的毛蚊科Bibionidae昆虫作了简述,记述了发现于伏牛山自然保护区的毛蚊属Bibio3新种,即:豫毛蚊B.ytuanus ,sp.nov。伏牛毛蚊B.funiuanus,sp.nov.和长须毛蚊B.longipalpus,sp。nov。新种模式标本存中国农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

蜜蜂总科化石新种(昆虫纲:膜翅目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述了膜翅目熊蜂科、木蜂科和蜜蜂科3属3新种,其中熊蜂科熊蜂属1种:鲁熊蜂Bombus luianus sp. nov., 木蜂科木蜂属1种:硅藻木蜂Xylacopa diatoma sp. nov. 和蜜蜂科蜜蜂属1种:长胫蜜蜂Apis longitibia sp. nov.。所有模式标本均采自山东山旺中新统硅藻土页岩中,现保存在山东省博物馆。  相似文献   

毛蚊属(Bibio)是毛蚊科中一个较大的属,世界已知150种以上,体多毛,雄性复眼上也常具密毛;前足腿节通常明显膨大,胫节顶端具有一粗壮的刺和一颗距;翅颜色种间多变化,C脉结束于翅顶角之前,Rs不分支;雌性腹末的尾须一节。幼虫腐生和植食性,有的种类是农业上较重要的地下害虫。此属在我国从南到北均有分布,已知32种。本文记述了10新种和1新记录种,模式标本保存于北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国滑菌蚊属4新种:浅黄滑菌蚊Leia bubaline sp.nov.,密毛滑菌蚊Leia densisetosa sp.nov.,黑龙江滑菌蚊Leia heilongjiangensis sp.nov.,和粗角滑菌蚊Leia robusticornis sp.nov.。编制了该属中国种类检索表。模式标本保存于浙江农林大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

本文描述的较完整的花鳅 Cobitis 化石在我国尚属首次发现.花鳅属是花鳅亚科(Cobitinae)中较进步的鱼类,广布于欧洲、亚洲和非洲,已知化石则产自欧洲和亚洲的第三系.长胸鳍花鳅 Cobitis longipectoralis sp. nov. 的发现为探讨鳅科起源及其地理分布提供了新的资料.  相似文献   

山东山旺新发现的中新世松鼠类化石   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
<正>Three forms of Sciuridae, Tamiops asiaticus (Qiu, 1981) , Sciurus lii sp. nov. , and Oriensciums linquensis gen. et sp. nov. are described from the early-middle Miocene Shanwang Formation at Linqu, Shandong Province. Comparisons of Tamiops asiaticus with Meinia asiatica Qiu, 1981 suggest that neither the size nor the morphology of the bodies and dentition allows the two genera to be distinguished. The genus name Meinia Qiu, 1981 is therefore considered a junior synonym of Tamiops Allen, 1906. S. lii is one of the earliest records for the genus Sciurus . Some isolated teeth from the early Miocene locality Sihong, previously referred to Shuanggouia lui show similarities to S. lii and are assigned to the genus Sciurus in this paper. Redetermination of Shuanggouia argues convincingly for its assignment to Sciurinae rather than Petauristinae. Oriensciurus linquensis exhibits some characters similar to Sciurus in the upper cheek teeth, and to Spermophilinus in the lower ones. The overall dental features, however, group the new genus with tree squirrels. The Shanwang fossil sciurid association highly suggests the Shanwang area was a forest biotope during the Miocene, and indicates an obviously "Transitional Zone" between the modem Oriental Region and the Palearctic Region.  相似文献   

五十多年前胡骕在研究山东临朐县山旺组的植物化石中,发现有花的化石,仅保存了5个花瓣或仅5个萼片,均难给予确切的分类位置;六十年代我们两次去山旺野外工作,发现为数较多,同样仅保存花瓣或萼片的化石。本文研究的是80年代发现并保存较为完好的花化石。新近李凤麟详细论述了各门类化石,均认为山旺组的地质时代属中中新世。近十余年来,国际上被子植物的花化石的研究进展较快。每次花化石的发现,对研究被子植物种系发生、系统位置及在地史中的演化及演变速率等均是极重要  相似文献   

<正> A crocodilian specimen is described and identified, as a new species of Alligalor in present paper. The material was collected from the Middle Member of the Shanwang Formation, Linqu County, Shandong Province by the members of the Linqu Paleontological Museum in 1984. Nearly 40 taxa of fossil vertebrates, including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, have been reproted from this Miocene locality since 1930's (Yian et al. 1983, Qiu et al. 1986). Within the vertebrate fauna the fossil mammals and fishes are very rich, but the other are relatively rare. This is the first record of a crocodilan from the diatomaceous quarry of Shanwang.  相似文献   

中国新近系山旺阶建阶研究新进展   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
中国新近系的年代地层单位山旺阶与哺乳动物分期的山旺期相对应 ,其定义的生物带相当于欧洲的MN3~MN5 ,下界年龄应为 2 0 .5Ma。按照现代地层学的建阶原则对山东临朐的山旺剖面进行综合研究 ,得出山旺组的底界年龄约为 1 8Ma ,山旺动物群的地质时代也由原来认为的与欧洲MN5相当提早到与MN4相当。尽管如此 ,研究结果证实山旺组仍然缺失定义的山旺阶下部沉积和MN3动物群。《国际地层指南》提倡将重点放在选择下界的界线层型来确定年代地层单位 ,其上界应该由后续单位的下界来确定。甘肃兰州盆地和秦安地区有发育的渐新世至中新世沉积出露 ,并有山旺阶最底部的化石和适合于作古地磁分析的沉积物 ,因此 ,是有可能建立山旺阶下界界线层型的有利地点。  相似文献   

山东临朐中新世松鼠类一新属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文描述的Meinia asiatica gen.et sp.nov.代表我国新第三纪首次发现的一类飞松鼠,化石采自山东省临朐县解家河中中新统山旺组,新属的特征表明,它与欧洲新第三纪的Sciu(?)optera类有接近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

The living trees of Eucommia ulmoides, an endemic species in China, grow from 200 to 1700 m above sea level, within the geographic range from 102° E to 118° E and from 25° N to 35° N. Spring temperatures in these regions vary from 12.3°C to 20.1°C. A physiological study (using germination tests) of E. ulmoides has been undertaken to test the role of spring temperature as a factor controlling the distribution of Eucommia. Results show that the spring temperature is a limiting factor for Eucommia seed germination and hence for the distribution pattern of the genus. The suitable range of temperature for seed germination, established experimentally, is from 13°C to 22°C, with an optimum of 18°C. Specimens of fossil Eucommia cf. ulmoides, preserved as a branch segment and leaves, showing the distinctive latex, were found in Middle Miocene sediments of Shanwang Formation, Shandong Province, East China. If the climatic tolerances documented here for E. ulmoides are extrapolated to Shanwang, they are in fact consistent with other predictions of the paleoclimate at this site, indicative of the potential value of Eucommia as a biothermometer. These Miocene fossils, and one previously described Eocene fruit specimen, prove the former existence of Eucommia in China in addition to North America and Europe. This confirms that the genus is not a recent arrival in China and extends our understanding of the past biogeography of the genus.  相似文献   

山东莱阳晚侏罗世原始蠼螋化石(昆虫纲)的发现及其意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
描述了中国山东莱阳晚侏罗世的蠼螋化石3新种2新属,分别隶属于2亚目1新科和1现生科。这些标本是中国已知的最古老的蠼螋化石,具有许多原始特征,在昆虫纲革翅目的系统发生中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

山东山旺中新世山旺组湖相沉积中富含保存精美的古生物化石。对于湖相沉积中的昆虫、植物和哺乳动物化石,前人已经做了大量的研究工作。其中植物大化石和孢粉的研究结果表明,中新世山旺组在沉积期间,山旺湖周围的植被处于湿润的暖温带到亚热带的古生态环境下。哺乳动物蝙蝠和貘化石的研究结果也支持这个结论。然而,迄今为止,还没有关于草本植物的种类组成及含量的研究报道。本文首次对山旺组样品中的植硅体进行了研究,为山旺中新世植被的研究提供了新的证据。对从6块山旺组样品中分析出的植硅体进行研究的结果表明,山旺中新世植硅体组合含有丰富的保存极好的草本植物植硅体,代表森林成分的双子叶植物植硅体,以及偶尔出现的棕榈科植硅体。草本植物的植硅体主要来自于C_3/C_4禾本科的PACCAD类群和早熟禾亚科的植物,少数可能来自于在林下封闭生活环境中生长的草本植物。山旺中新世植硅体组合显示,在湖边森林生活环境下,伴生大量的适合沼生到中生环境的草本植物,在较干旱的地区生长着早熟禾(和PACCAD)的草本植物。本文的研究结果进一步支持山旺中新世气候比现在更加湿润而且变动较小的观点。山旺中新世植硅体组合与土耳其和北美大平原中新世湖相沉积中的植硅体组合不同,后者的植硅体组合主要是由多种C_3早熟禾亚科草本和不同种类的PACCAD类群草本植物组成。今后的研究工作将进一步揭示这种差异是否反映了草本植物群落在大尺度的生物地理上的差异,或者是由于地区性的局部气候不同所导致。  相似文献   

A new genus is recognized on the basis of wind-dispersed fruits from the Eocene of western North America and Miocene of eastern Asia. The fruits consist of an accrescent hypogynous calyx of five obovate sepals and one or more globose fruit bodies. Although the fossils were formerly placed in the extant genera Porana (Convolvulaceae) and Astronium (Anacardiaceae), our investigation of numerous specimens from several floras in the western United States (e.g., Florissant, Green River, Clarno) and Canada (Whipsaw Creek, British Columbia) and the Yilan and Shanwang floras of China reveals unique characters that indicate that the fossils are a distinct genus, which we name Chaneya. Unlike Porana and Astronium, the fossil calyces have stomata that are longitudinally aligned, and early stages of fruit development show a gynoecium of five apocarpous carpels, of which only one or two usually enlarge at maturity. Precise systematic placement of the fossil genus is uncertain, but similarities to the extant Picrasma of the Simaroubaceae are suggestive of possible affinities. Two species are recognized: Chaneya tenuis (Lesq.) comb. nov., from the Eocene of western North America and northeastern China, and Chaneya kokangensis (Endo) comb. nov., from the Miocene of eastern Asia.  相似文献   

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