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Cotesia congregata is a gregarious larval endoparasitoid of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Parasitized larvae exhibit a variety of physiological and developmental aberrations, the most obvious of which is the induction of developmental arrest characterized by the absence of wandering behavior and suppression of pupation. This arrest appears attributable to continued maintenance of an elevated titer of juvenile hormone and reduced levels of hemolymph juvenile hormone esterase activity. Injection of the wasp's polydnavirus into nonparasitized larvae also causes arrest and the larvae eventually form larval-pupal intermediates instead of normal pupae, indicating the virus may be partially responsible. Aside from causing arrested host development, parasitism also inhibits the normal development and differentiation of testes in male host larvae, so that the testes atrophy instead of growing synchronously with other larval tissues. Here we report that parasitism has pronounced disruptive cytological effects on the developing reproductive organs of male hosts, in addition to causing them to atrophy. Parasitism results in a reduction in testicular volume attributable to a reduction in the number of developing germ cells. Microscopy revealed that the structural integrity of the sheaths surrounding the testicular follicles also is disrupted, so that the tissues appear grossly abnormal compared to those of nonparasitized larvae. Intrahemocoelic injection of purified C. congregata polydnavirus in combination with venom into nonparasitized fourth instar larvae, or topical application of 100 μg of methoprene to fourth instar larvae, also alters sheath integrity and reduces the numbers of developing germ cells, but not to the same degree as the pattern observed in truly parasitized hosts. The occurrence of cell death in the male gonad was documented using the vital dyes acridine orange and ethidium bromide. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 36:95–114, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Host acceptance and suitability of Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. for Trichogramma maidis Pint. et Voeg. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were studied, after rearing the parasitoids on O. nubilalis or Ephestia kuehniella Oliv. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for various numbers of generations. In cages, containing two maize plants with in total 30 egg masses of the natural host (O. nubilalis), wasps continuously reared on either E. kuehniella or O. nubilalis found egg masses in equal proportions. The former however, did not parasitize the eggs successfully, due to either low degree of host acceptance or insufficient host suitability or both. Subsequently, host acceptance behaviour of individual females from different strains was studied by means of direct observations after releasing them into a small arena containing eggs of O. nubilalis or E. kuehniella. Wasps continuously reared on O. nubilalis or 1–3 generations on E. kuehniella accepted egg masses of the natural host better than wasps continuously reared on E. kuehniella. Acceptance of O. nubilalis by the wasps gradually decreased with increasing numbers of generations reared on E. kuehniella. By rearing T. maidis, previously cultured on E. kuehniella, for five generations on O. nubilalis, acceptance of egg masses of this host species did not change. Host suitability of O. nubilalis appears to correspond with host acceptance of the strains. Contrary to the observations on O. nubilalis, acceptance and suitability of E. kuehniella were not influenced by the host on which T. maidis was reared. Results of this study show that host acceptance and suitability of the natural host are important quality factors for T. maidis when mass produced on a factitious host.
Zusammenfassung Wirtsakzeptanz und Wirtseignung von Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. für den Eiparasitoiden, Trichogramma maidis Pint. et. Voeg., wurden untersucht nach der Zucht auf dem natürlichen Wirt, O. nubilalis, oder auf dem Ersatzwirt, der Mehlmotte, Ephestia kühniella Zell.. Versuche mit Käfigen, in denen je zwei Maispflanzen mit insgesamt 30 Eigelegen von O. nubilalis und 40 Weibchen von T. maidis eingesperrt waren, zeigten, dass Weibchen, die seit über 150 Generationen auf O. nubilalis bzw. E. kühniella gezüchtet worden waren, die Eigelege gleich gut fanden. Während die auf O. nubilalis gezüchteten Parasitoide die Eigelege zu 80% parasitierten, war die Parasitierungsrate der auf E. kühniella gezüchteten Parasitoide gleich Null. Die Ursachen dieses Phänomens wurden in weiteren Versuchen durch direkte Beobachtungen über Wirtsakzeptanz und Wirtseignung untersucht. Einzelne Weibchen von Stämmen, die nur auf O. nubilalis oder während einer zunehmenden Generationenzahl auf E. kühniella gezüchtet worden waren, untersuchte man während 15 Minuten unter der Stereoskoplupe in einer kleinen Arena, die ein Eigelege des Maiszünslers oder Eier der Mehlmotte enthielt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass Wespen, die ausschliesslich auf Maiszünslereiern oder nur 1–3 Generationen auf Mehlmotteneiern gezüchtet worden waren, die Eigelege von O. nubilalis besser akzeptierten als solche, die seit vielen Generationen auf E. kühniella vermehrt worden waren. Die Wirtsakzeptanz verschlechterte sich mit zunehmender Generationenzahl auf E. kühniella. Wenn T. maidis nach 23 Generationen auf E. kühniella wieder während 5 Generationen auf O. nubilalis gezüchtet wurde, verbesserte sich die Akzeptanz der Eigelege von O. nubilalis nicht. Die Wirtseignung der Eigelege von O. nubilalis, stimmt überein mit der Wirtsakzeptanz der verschiedenen Stämme. Dies ergaben Versuche mit 15 Minuten Direktbeobachtung und bei 24 Stunden Expositionszeit. Im Gegensatz zu den Beobachtungen auf Eigelegen von O. nubilalis wurde die Akzeptanz und Eignung der Eier von E. kühniella durch die Zucht auf verschiedenen Wirten nicht beeinflusst. Das Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung zeigt, dass Akzeptanz und Eignung des natürlichen Wirtes wichtige Qualitätsfaktoren für T. maidis in der Massenzucht auf Ersatzwirten sind.

1. Hyssopus pallidus Askew (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) is a gregarious ectoparasitoid of the two tortricid moths species Cydia molesta Busck and C. pomonella L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). It paralyses and parasitizes different larval instars of both species inside the apple fruit, which leads to the death of the caterpillar. 2. We assessed the influence of host species characteristics and host food on the performance of the parasitoid female in terms of clutch size decisions and fitness of the F(1) generation. 3. A comparison of clutch size revealed that female parasitoids deposited similar numbers of eggs on the comparatively smaller C. molesta hosts as on the larger C. pomonella hosts. The number of parasitoid offspring produced per weight unit of host larva was significantly higher in C. molesta than in C. pomonella, which is contrary to the general prediction that smaller hosts yield less parasitoid offspring. However, the sex ratio was not influenced by host species that differed considerably in size. 4. Despite the fact that less host resources were available per parasitoid larva feeding on C. molesta caterpillars, the mean weight of emerging female wasps was higher in the parasitoids reared on C. molesta. Furthermore, longevity of these female wasps was neither influenced by host species nor by the food their host had consumed. In addition we did not find a positive relationship between adult female weight and longevity. 5. Parasitoid females proved to be able to assess accurately the nutritional quality of an encountered host and adjust clutch size accordingly. These findings indicate that host size is not equal to host quality. Thus host size is not the only parameter to explain the nutritional quality of a given host and to predict fitness gain in the subsequent generation.  相似文献   

Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) has been produced in the laboratory for >160 generations on the larvae of oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), the propagation hosts raised routinely on a semi-synthetic wheat diet formulation. Choice tests using modified stinging units were conducted in the laboratory to investigate whether insectary rearing had altered the host seeking and oviposition behavior of female parasitoids. Results showed that fruit fly larvae that developed in papaya, Carica papaya L. var. solo, were less preferred for oviposition than fruit fly larvae that developed on wheat diet when both were exposed concurrently to naive D. longicaudata females (= females without prior oviposition experience). The substrates (pureed papaya or wheat diet) in which treatment larvae were exposed to parasitoids did not affect oviposition preference of gravid D. longicaudata for wheat diet-reared fruit fly larvae. Our study demonstrated the possibility that rearing in an insectary system may have modified the parasitization behavior of female D. longicaudata.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of host (Plodia interpunctella; Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) nutritional status on development of the solitary endoparasitoid,Venturia canescens (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Parasitoids from 3rd (L3) instars reared on a deficient diet during early parasitism took longer to develop and suffered higher mortality than those reared from hosts fedad libitum although there was not a significant difference in the size of eclosing wasps from the two groups. L5 hosts reared at high density produced smaller parasitoids, which developed more rapidly than those reared from hosts from low density containers, although mortality was higher in the latter. In a separate experiment we starved groups of 10–20 hosts (parasitized as L3) daily beginning on the 4th day after parasitism, to determine the host developmental stage required for successful parasitoid development to eclosion. Parasitoid survivorship increased with length of host access to food, while the egg-to-adult parasitoid development time increased throughout the experiment. Parasitoid size decreased with increasing periods of host starvation. The successful emergence ofVenturia depends uponPlodia reaching the size normally attained in the mid-5th instar, or 50–70% of the mass of healthy late 5th instars. Our results show that when earlier instars are parasitized, host growth is essential for successful parasitoid development to eclosion. Furthermore, they suggest that, for many koinobionts, host suitability may be greatly influenced by feeding rate and food quality.  相似文献   

The tiny parasitoid wasp, Encarsia formosa, has been used successfully to control greenhouse whiteflies (GHWFs) in greenhouses in many countries throughout the world. Therefore, there has been considerable interest in developing methods for artificially rearing this wasp. However, little information is available concerning the regulation of its development including the host-parasitoid interactions that are required for the parasitoid to complete its life cycle. Here we confirm that parasitoid developmental rates differ significantly based upon the host instar parasitized. Development was faster when 3rd and 4th instar GHWFs were offered for parasitization than when 1st or 2nd instars were used. Our results show that it is primarily the embryo and the first two parasitoid instars that exhibit prolonged developmental times when 1st and 2nd instar whiteflies are parasitized. Although percent emergence was not affected by host age at the time of parasitization, adult longevity as well as adult emergence pattern varied greatly depending upon the instar parasitized. When 3rd and 4th instar GHWFs were selected for oviposition, adult wasps lived significantly longer than when 1st or 2nd instars were used; also, there was a sharp emergence peak on the 2nd day after emergence was first observed (reduced or absent when 1st or 2nd instar GHWFs were parasitized) and the emergence period was reduced from between 8 and 11 days to 5 days. In general, the younger the host instar parasitized, the less synchronous was parasitoid development. Previous reports that E. formosa will not molt to the 2nd instar until the host has reached its 4th instar were not confirmed. When 1st instar host nymphs were parasitized, 2nd instar parasitoids were detected in 3rd instar hosts. Importantly, however, no matter which instar was parasitized, the parasitoid never molted to its last instar until the host had reached Stage 5 of its last instar, a stage in which host pharate adult formation has been initiated. It appears, then, that a condition(s) associated with host pharate adult formation is required for the parasitoid's final larval molt. Results reported here should facilitate the development of in vitro rearing systems for E. formosa.  相似文献   

The relationship between the index of female's size, hind tibia length (HTL), and selected fitness parameters used in quality assessment of mass-rearedTrichogramma spp. (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) was investigated. The studied fitness parameters were: the number of mature eggs present in the ovaries of females 0–2 hours, as well as 1, 2 and 3 days old, lifetime fecundity, fecundity during a 24 h period, longevity in the presence and absence of the factitious host (Ephestia kuehniella Zeller) and locomotor activity. The relationship between HTL and fitness parameters was analysed in 7 strains ofTrichogramma spp. (Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura,T. evanecens Westwood,T. maidis Pinturea et Voegelé andT. ostriniae Pang et Chen) using linear correlation. No significant relationship was found between HTL and egg complement, fecundity, longevity and locomotor activity. The results indicate that HTL used as an index of female's size is not suitable for quality assessment ofTrichogramma reared onE. kuehnieIla.  相似文献   

1. The study reported here examined growth and developmental interactions between the gregarious larval koinobiont endoparasitoid Cotesia glomerata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and two of its hosts that vary considerably in growth potential: Pieris rapae and the larger P. brassicae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). At pupation, healthy larvae of P. brassicae are over twice as large, in terms of fresh body mass, as those of P. rapae. 2. Clutch size of C. glomerata was manipulated artificially, and the relationship between parasitoid burden and the maximum weight of the parasitised host (= host–parasitoid complex) was measured. In both hosts, the maximum complex weight was correlated positively with parasitoid burden. Compared with unparasitised hosts, however, the growth of P. rapae was increased at significantly lower parasitoid burdens than in P. brassicae. Emerging wasp size was correlated negatively with parasitoid burden in both host species, whereas development time was less affected. 3. After larval parasitoid egress, the weight of the host carcass increased slightly, but not significantly, with parasitoid burden, although there was a strong correlation between the proportion of host mass consumed by C. glomerata larvae during development and parasitoid burden. 4. Clutch size was generally correlated positively with instar parasitised in both hosts, and greater in P. brassicae than in P. rapae. Sex ratios were much more female biased in L1 and L2 P. rapae than in all other host classes. Adult parasitoid size was correlated inversely with host instar at parasitism, and wasps emerging from P. brassicae were larger, and completed development faster, than conspecifics emerging from P. rapae. 5. The data reveal that parasitism by C. glomerata has profound species‐specific effects on the growth of both host species. Consequently, optimality models in which host quality is often based on host size at parasitism or unparasitised growth potential may have little utility in describing the development of gregarious koinobiont endoparasitoids. The results of this investigation are discussed in relation to the potential effectiveness of gregarious koinobionts in biological control programmes.  相似文献   

为明确寄主植物对桃蛀螟生长发育及产卵选择行为的影响,利用实验种群生命表和二项产卵选择试验,研究了玉米、大豆、棉花和桃等4种寄主植物对桃蛀螟种群生长发育及产卵选择性的影响。结果表明:取食棉花的桃蛀螟幼虫存活率最低、幼虫历期最长,取食玉米的幼虫存活率最高、幼虫历期最短,取食桃和大豆的幼虫存活率和历期居于棉花处理组和玉米处理组之间;玉米处理组的桃蛀螟化蛹率、蛹重和蛹历期均为最高,棉花处理组为最低,大豆和桃处理组的这些参数均显著小于玉米处理组而大于棉花处理组;发育至成虫后,取食玉米的桃蛀螟羽化率显著高于其他3个处理组;取食桃的桃蛀螟成虫寿命(雌虫和雄虫)及个体发育历期均显著高于其他3种处理组;同时取食桃的桃蛀螟单雌产卵量最高,其次是玉米处理组,两者均显著高于大豆和棉花处理组。二项产卵选择试验结果显示,桃蛀螟雌蛾在棉花和玉米处理组、玉米和大豆处理组或棉花和大豆处理组间的落卵量差异不显著;但在包含桃的处理组中,桃蛀螟在棉花、玉米或大豆处理区的落卵量均显著高于桃处理区。上述结果表明,供试4种寄主植物中,桃蛀螟偏好在棉花、玉米和大豆上产卵,其中玉米对桃蛀螟的适合度相对较高,棉花对桃蛀螟的适合度相对较低...  相似文献   

Older instars of the leafminer hostChromatomyia syngenesiae Hardy (Diptera: Agromyzidae) at parasitization resulted in larger female adults of the larval-pupal endoparasitoidDacnusa sibirica Telenga (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The sex ratio in the parasitoid offspring became increasingly female biased and development period decreased with increasing age of the host at parasitization. Older host instars were therefore considered to produce a fitter parasitoid.  相似文献   

The parasitoid wasp Spalangia cameroni oviposited a greaterproportion of daughters in stable fly pupae than in house flypupae, even when I controlled for stable flies being smallerthan house flies. Sex ratio manipulation in response to hostquality has been modeled as being adaptive through an effectof host quality on the size and hence offspring production ofdaughters. 5. cameronis response to host species may insteadbe adaptive through an effect on larval survivorship, the developmenttime of daughters, and the size of sons. There was greater survivalof daughters than sons on stable flies. Controlling for hostsize, I found that development time of daughters was about 2%less on stable flies than on house flies. The decrease in developmenttime corresponds to a 2% increase in fitness as estimated byr, the intrinsic rate of increase, and is equivalent to abouta 9% increase in offspring production. Sons were about 2% largerfrom house flies than stable flies, which may increase offspringproduction by up to 3%. Host species had no consistent effecton size of daughters or development time of sons. In additionto the response to host species, mothers oviposited a greaterproportion of daughters in larger stable fly hosts. Whetherthis behavior is adaptive is unclear. Although offspring werelarger when they developed on larger stable flies, the rateof increase was less for daughters dian for sons. Effects ofstable fly size on offspring development time were negligible.  相似文献   

Summary A sex ratio response to host resources as measured by external host dimensions has been demonstrated in many parasitoid wasps, includingSpalangia cameroni. The responses generally are in the direction predicted by sex ratio theory, specifically the host-size models. Here I show that femaleS. cameroni also respond to differences in resource availability not associated with changes in external host dimensions, and this response is in the direction predicted by host-size models. When given old and young hosts simultaneously, femaleS. cameroni oviposit a greater proportion of sons in old than in young host pupae, at least for 0-day old versus 3-day old hosts. Old hosts weigh less than young hosts but are not significantly different in external width. Thus it appears that the offspring sex ratio response may result from mothers detecting physical or chemical changes within the host which are associated with host age. No evidence is found that the manipulation in response to host age has been selected for via an effect of host age on wasp size; there was no significant effect of host age on either male of female wasp size. A second prediction of the host-size models is also supported by this study: when each female is presented with only a single host age, rather than two host ages simultaneously, host age has no effect on offspring sex ratio.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Many studies examining the relationship between host size, an index of host quality, and parasitoid fitness use development time and/or adult parasitoid size as currencies of fitness, while ignoring pre-adult mortality. Because the physiological suitability of the host may vary in different stages, sizes, or ages of hosts, a misleading picture of host quality may therefore be obtained in cases where fitness is based on only one or two developmental traits.
2. The development of the solitary koinobiont endoparasitoid Microplitis demolitor is examined in different larval age-classes of its host the soybean looper Pseudoplusia includens . Hosts were parasitised on days 1–8 after hatching from the egg, and development time, adult body size, and mortality of the parasitoid were compared.
3. A comparison of larval growth trajectories (using dry body mass) of M. demolitor revealed that parasitoid larvae attained over twice as much body mass in old hosts than in younger hosts. Similarly, adult parasitoid size at eclosion generally increased with host size, although parasitoids developing in smaller hosts lost a much lower proportion of mass between pupation and eclosion.
4. Overall egg-to-adult development was most rapid in intermediate-aged hosts, and longer in hosts at opposite ends of the age continuum. Moreover, parasitoid mortality varied non-linearly with host stage, and was generally higher in very young and older hosts.
5. Based on these results and other empirical data for koinobionts, it is argued that fitness functions in this group of parasitoids are not simply a positive function of host size or age, but instead may be distinctly dome-shaped, both patterns reflecting the degree of physiological and nutritional compatibility between the two organisms.  相似文献   

The developmental rates of various life stages ofRhagoletis completa Cresson (Diptera: Tephritidae) were determined in the laboratory at seven different constant temperatures: 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32±1°C, RH 80±10%, photoperiod L 16∶D8. Preoviposition developmental rate was fastest at 28°C (10±1 days, mean±SD) and slowest at 12°C (26±1 days). About 83% of the females deposited eggs at 20 and 24°C and only 25% oviposited at 32°C. Females laid the highest number of eggs at 24°C and the lowest at 8°C. Egg development increased with increasing temperatures up to 28°C, then declined. The fastest egg development was noticed at 28°C (55±1 h) and slowest at 8°C (389±2 h). Over 90% egg hatch was observed at temperatures between 12 and 32°C, but decreased to 73% at 8°C. Larval development was fastest also at 28°C (20±0.2 days). Over 65% pupation was recorded at 20 and 24°C, but decreased to 15% at 32°C and 12% at 8°C. Pupal development was most rapid at 24°C (53±1 days) and slowest at 8°C (162±2 days). More than 70% of adult emergence was noticed in treatments between 16 and 24°C but decreased to 20% at 8°C. Based on a linear regression model of temperature-development rate relationship, the lower developmental thresholds were determined to be 6.6, 5.3, 2.9, and 5°C for preoviposition, egg, larval, and pupal stages, respectively. Based on a non-linear developmental rate model, the upper developmental thresholds were 34°C for preoviposition, egg, and larval stages and 30°C for pupal stage.  相似文献   

The action of venom from the ectoparasitic wasp, Nasonia vitripennis, was monitored by examining alterations in patterned muscular movements characteristic of pupariation and eclosion behavior in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata. Venom injected into larvae prior to pupariation caused a dose-dependent delay in pupariation. Eventually, such larvae did pupariate, but puparia were abnormally formed. Barographic records revealed that all elements of pupariation behavior were present in venom-injected larvae, but pupariation behavior was not well synchronized with tanning, thus implying that the venom caused disruption in the temporal organization of central motor programs. When larvae were ligated and injected with venom posterior to the ligature, no response was evident in the posterior region, suggesting that the venom does not directly stimulate muscles or neuromuscular junctions. Injection of exogenous ecdysteroid into venom-injected larvae restored some elements of pupariation behavior, consistent with ecdysone's role in stimulating the release of anterior retraction factor and puparium tanning factor, two factors that are released from the CNS to regulate pupariation. When the venom was injected into newly emerged imagoes, the duration of extrication behavior was shortened, whereas all phases of post-eclosion behavior were lengthened. These observations imply that the venom affects CNS centers that regulate the muscular systems engaged in extrication and post-eclosion behavior.  相似文献   

为明确温度和寄主对扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis生长发育的影响,本文在室内研究了不同温度和不同寄主上该虫的发育历期、发育起点温度、有效积温、成虫性比和存活率,结果表明:18℃-30℃范围内,随着温度升高,扶桑绵粉蚧发育历期逐渐缩短,34℃与30℃下无明显差异。该虫不同虫期发育起点温度均较高,其中2龄雄若虫和雌若虫最高,分别为19.11℃、16.14℃,蛹最低,为12.22℃。有效积温蛹最大,为87.40日·度,1龄若虫次之(77.12日·度),2龄雄若虫最小(26.32日·度)。18℃-30℃时各虫期死亡率随着温度升高而降低,34℃时又有升高。取食4种寄主时扶桑绵粉蚧发育历期有所变化,1龄若虫番茄上显著长于马铃薯;2龄雌雄若虫番茄上显著长于扶桑和马铃薯;3龄雌若虫以烟草和番茄上较长,扶桑和马铃薯上较短;雄蛹、雄成虫历期均无差异;烟草上雌成虫存活时间最长;雌虫整个虫期存活时间最长,为53.77 d,番茄次之(48.65 d),扶桑、马铃薯较短,分别为43.39 d、39.79 d。雄虫整个虫期存活时间烟草明显长于扶桑。不同寄主上扶桑绵粉蚧雌雄虫比率差异较大,以马铃薯上雄虫率最高(37.78%),其次为扶桑(26.67%),烟草上最低(8.01%)。  相似文献   

The sawfly Rhadinoceraea nodicornis Konow (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) is a member of a closely related group of species, the tribe Phymatocerini, which feed on the Liliales and Ranunculales. It is known to sequester steroid alkaloids from its host plants, species in the genus Veratrum (Liliales: Melanthiaceae), and to use them as a defence against predators. There are known chemical relationships between the hosts of R. nodicornis and hosts of related sawfly species. We tested whether the R. nodicornis larvae would accept hosts of closely- and more distantly-related sawflies, but found that they accepted only plant species in the genus Veratrum. This specificity was apparently innate, as it was independent of early larval experience. A feeding bioassay showed that the steroid alkaloids from Veratrum nigrum were phagostimulatory for R. nodicornis larvae, suggesting that they may be involved in host recognition. We discuss the possibility that the evolution of recognition of specific compounds may represent the mechanism of host radiation within the Phymatocerini.  相似文献   

4种寄主植物对烟粉虱发育、存活及繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在实验室条件下[温度(26±1)℃,相对湿度(75±5)%,光照L∶D=14∶10],对烟粉虱[Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)]在烟草、假连翘、一品红、扶桑等4种寄主植物上的发育、存活、繁殖力及若虫个体形态进行了研究。结果表明:烟粉虱在上述4种寄主植物上从卵至成虫的发育历期分别为:17.63、25.70、23.15、20.32 d,存活率为:62.63%、58.48%、43.69%、52.45%。烟粉虱在烟草、假连翘、一品红、扶桑上的单雌产卵量分别为337.80、307.40、157.00、57.20粒,种群增长指数(I)分别为117.95、107.86、37.86、16.24。  相似文献   

蚜小蜂是重要的农林作物害虫寄生蜂,被广泛应用于生物防治。文章将国内外对蚜小蜂的生殖与性别决定方式,蚜小蜂的生长和发育以及蚜小蜂对寄主的选择过程,寄生蜂对寄主激素平衡的调节与控制,蚜小蜂与其他寄生蜂之间的竞争作用等蚜小蜂与寄主之间的相互关系的研究概况进行综述。  相似文献   

This study was designed to indentify novel bioactive molecules in the venom of the parasitoid Eupelmus urozonus Dalman (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). Parasitism by E. urozonus induces apparent paralysis in the larvae of the host Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) and it arrests the development of host pupae. Parasitoid eggs were transferred from stung to unparasitized host pupae to determine whether adult female stings or bites from the first instars were responsible for the above effects. The two treatments gave the same results, indicating that both parasitoid adults and larvae produced venoms capable to compromise host development. A protocol was developed to artificially microinject E. urozonus venom into healthy host pupae and adults at known concentrations to study the effects. The microinjection of venom was found to produce the same macroscopic result as natural parasitization, indicating that host developmental arrest was caused by molecules produced by the parasitoid venom glands. One‐tenth, one‐twentieth, and one‐hundredth of the contents of a female venom reservoir was sufficient to compromise the development of 100, 90, and 50% of the microinjected host pupae, respectively. The microinjection of 0.1 female venom equivalents into host adults always caused death within 24 h. Extraction and freezing did not affect the activity of the E. urozonus venom, which facilitates its storage, whereas denaturation treatments demonstrated that the bioactive molecules were proteins. The venom was also found to prevent the hosts from decaying for over 2 weeks and it promoted the accumulation of unknown subspherical granules in the host haemocoel. These results suggest the potential identification of novel molecules with interesting biological activity with various possible applications.  相似文献   

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