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选择831种西南地区重要保护物种为指示物种,分析指示物种空间分布特征,基于系统保护规划理论应用MARXAN模型评估西南生物多样性保护优先格局,确定优先保护区域,在最小保护成本条件下达到最优化的保护效果。结果表明:生物多样性保护优先区面积89.88×10~4km~2,占西南研究区面积的37%;保护优先区内除鸟类外其他类别栖息地面积均超过各自栖息地面积50%,其中94%指示物种栖息地面积比例超过60%;GAP分析发现,保护优先区同国家级自然保护区存在空间分布不匹配的现象;建议在原有国家级自然保护区基础上优先扩充保护区范围,并借助国家公园建设等政策适当建立新的自然保护体系。  相似文献   

热带岛屿生物多样性是全球生物多样性保护研究的热点之一。海南岛是中国面积最大的热带岛屿, 丰富独特的淡水蟹类是维持岛内淡水生态系统功能完整性的关键类群。本文通过多年野外调查, 综合历史及最新文献资料, 对海南岛淡水蟹类物种多样性及其现状进行调查和评估, 并对淡水蟹类物种多样性保护现状进行了分析讨论。研究发现, 海南岛淡水蟹类物种多样性分布中心位于中南部山地, 主要集中于中部的霸王岭、鹦哥岭和猕猴岭, 南部的五指山和吊罗山, 以及西南部的尖峰岭一带。其物种多样性整体上呈现中南部山地高、平原台地低的特点。根据《IUCN物种红色名录濒危等级和标准》对海南岛淡水蟹类物种现状的评估结果显示, 全岛受威胁淡水蟹类物种的占比为16.7%。基于分布区预测, 以海南热带雨林国家公园为主体的保护地对淡水蟹类潜在适宜分布区的覆盖度明显优于此前碎片化的各级保护区。本文研究结果显示, 海南岛淡水蟹类的总体生存状况良好, 但一部分山地或平原种类处于受胁状态。国家公园体制的建立有望为岛内淡水蟹类物种多样性保护提供前所未有的机遇。基于物种多样性分布格局开展淡水蟹类等淡水生物多样性监测, 有助于促进海南岛淡水生态系统完整性的长效保护与可持续发展。  相似文献   

生境分析与预测是受威胁物种有效保护的基础。本研究通过ArcGIS技术平台,利用MaxEnt模型,结合野外调查获得的海南臭蛙(Odorrana hainanensis)66个分布点数据和17个30 m×30 m分辨率的环境变量数据,对该物种在海南岛内的潜在分布区进行预测,并分析其与环境因子之间的关系。结果显示,海南臭蛙的潜在分布区主要位于海拔200~1 200 m的地区,最适宜的海拔范围是600~1 000 m,总分布面积约2 179 km2。海南臭蛙空间分布具有不连续性,其分布区分为三个斑块,尖峰岭所在地为斑块Ⅰ,霸王岭、鹦哥岭和黎母山所在地为斑块Ⅱ,五指山和吊罗山所在地为斑块Ⅲ。适宜生境分析显示,斑块Ⅰ适宜生境面积为218.4 km2,主要分布在尖峰岭中部的三分区、五分区和南部的南崖;斑块Ⅱ适宜生境面积为963.5 km2,主要分布在霸王岭北部的牙琼、南美岭以及鹦哥岭东部的鹦哥嘴、什寒、秀寨岭和黎母山主峰西侧的四分场;斑块Ⅲ适宜生境面积为997.1 km2,主要分布在五指山西部的那罗岭、南部的好定岭和吊罗山中部的度假村、白水岭以及研究区东部的牛上岭。环境变量分析显示,海拔是影响海南臭蛙分布的最主要环境因子,其次是坡度、距水源距离、归一化植被指数(NDVI)和年降水量,温度、湿度和日照对海南臭蛙的分布影响较小。  相似文献   

杨蕾  杨立  李婧昕  张超  霍兆敏  栾晓峰 《生态学报》2019,39(3):1082-1094
气候变化广泛影响着物种多样性及其分布变迁。优化模型模拟结果,获取气候变化影响下的优先保护区域将为制定应对气候变化的物种保护政策或行动提供理论依据,提升保护绩效。选取东北地区五种代表性动物,包括黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)、驼鹿(Alces alces)、水獭(Lutra lutra)、紫貂(Martes zibellina)及黑嘴松鸡(Tetrao parvirostris);结合最大熵模型(Maxent)模拟在不同RCP情景下未来3个年代(2030s,2050s,2070s)的物种潜在栖息地。根据九个常用气候模式的评价结果,获取东北地区合适的气候模式,了解气候变化对物种潜在栖息地的影响,同时开展物种保护规划,识别保护空缺,为应对气候变化、保持生物多样性提供支持。结果显示,在气候变化背景下物种潜在栖息地面积整体呈现下降趋势,但不同气候模式之间存在差异;评价结果推荐CCSM4、Nor ESM1-M、Had GEM2-AO及GFDL-CM3气候模式,推荐在东北地区使用以上气候模式进行物种未来潜在分布的研究。5个物种潜在栖息地平均面积变化率分别为-62.16%,-73.93%,-78.46%(2030s,2050s,2070s)。综合5个重点保护物种的保护优先区,大兴安岭的呼中、汗马与额尔古纳国家级自然保护区,延边地区的天佛指山、老爷岭东北虎、珲春东北虎与汪清原麝国家级自然保护区,长白山国家级自然保护区是气候变化下物种保护的热点区域。  相似文献   

汶川地震灾区生物多样性热点地区分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
徐佩  王玉宽  杨金凤  彭怡 《生态学报》2013,33(3):718-725
汶川地震灾区位于长江上游,是我国大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的主要分布区,被保护国际认定的25个全球生物多样性热点地区之一.2008年5月12日发生的汶川大地震导致该区域生态环境遭受严重破坏,需要识别生物多样性热点地区,指导灾后生物多样性保护.选取物种生境质量、植被景观多样性指数和物种多样性指数作为评价指标,其中生境质量采用InVEST生物多样性模型计算,然后利用空间相关分析中G系数进行热点地区分析,探测出灾区生物多样性的热点区,并在此基础上与现有保护区分布、物种生境分布以及Marxan模型计算出的优先区进行对比验证.结果显示:热点区范围涉及到现有76%的保护区,且保护区内的热点区面积达到灾区所有保护区面积的55%;在选取的69个指示物种中有60个物种位于热点区的生境面积占这些物种在灾区的总生境面积的50%以上,有32个物种在80%左右,热点区内的所有指示物种生境总面积占整个灾区指示物种生境总面积的70%以上.基于空间相关分析方法得出的热点地区基本上与Marxan模型输出的优先保护区范围结果基本一致.但空间相关分析的热点区划分克服了Marxan模型优先保护区分布过于离散,孤岛效应明显的不足.  相似文献   

邀请110位在长江上游地区开展生物多样性研究与保护的专家,分4个阶段进行了参与式研讨,采用生态区保护方法确定了兽类、鸟类、两栖和爬行类、昆虫、真菌和维管植物等生物类群的指示物种和保护优先区,最后确定了长江上游森林生态区内16个生物多样性保护优先区和5个连接带。16个优先区中,7个具有最高优先性,即秦岭、大巴山、金佛山-梵净山-武陵源区、岷山、邛崃山-大相岭、贡嘎山、三江并流核心区;9个具有高优先性,即伏牛山、米仓山、若尔盖高原、凉山、攀西地区、中甸-木里地区、川西北高原、金沙江上游高山峡谷区、怒江—澜沧江高山峡谷区。目前这些优先区及连接带内保护区的分布很不平衡:某些优先区和连接带内保护区面积所占比例很小甚至没有保护区分布;某些优先区人为干扰比较强烈,生境破碎化比较严重。建议通过新建自然保护区和调整已有的保护区,填补保护空缺,完善自然保护区系统;结合国家重点生态建设工程和生物多样性保护行动,保护天然林,恢复退化植被,在优先区和连接带内限制人类经济活动,以确保优先区和连接带发挥应有的生态功能。  相似文献   

海南岛野生兰科植物多样性及其保护区域的优先性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
兰科是显花植物中的一个大类群,世界约有800属25 000种,全世界所有野生兰科植物均被列入《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》的保护范围,是植物保护中的“旗舰”类群。中国是野生兰科植物最重要的多样性中心之一,约有171属1 247种。作为中国的典型热带地区,海南岛具有丰富的野生兰科植物资源。该文系统地收集和整理了海南岛野生兰科植物资源信息,以海南岛19个行政县为基本分布区,构建海南岛野生兰科植物数据库,采用特有性简约分析(Parsimony analysis of endemicity)和互补分析(Complementarity analysis)两种方法,探讨海南岛野生兰科植物多样性保护的最低保护区组合和区域保护优先序问题。结果表明:海南岛约分布有野生兰科植物77属202种(30个中国特有种),其多样性保护的关键区域为南部和西南部地区;基于物种相似性,两个区域被建议作为优先保护区域:一个是以保亭、三亚和陵水为代表的区域,另一个区域以昌江和乐东为代表;基于互补性原理,最低保护区组合为10个分布区,按照其保护优先序依次排列为保亭、三亚、五指山、陵水、白沙、乐东、琼中、东方、昌江和琼山等地,其中陵水、保亭、琼中、乐东、三亚和五指山等6个分布区就包含了30个特有科在内。我们认为,基于海南岛野生兰科植物建立优先保护区域,利用有限的资源达到最优的保护,是一个较为合理、科学和高效的保护策略。  相似文献   

金勇  安明态  崔兴勇  叶超  安青青 《广西植物》2019,39(12):1710-1723
该研究以国家重点保护野生植物为指示物种,结合贵州各县(市、区)的国家重点保护野生植物调查统计信息,基于GIS技术,分析了贵州省国家重点保护野生植物物种丰富度分布特征;应用Dobson算法筛选识别贵州国家重点保护野生植物的保护优先区,并利用全省已建自然保护区信息评价分析所筛选的保护优先区的保护现状。结果表明:(1)在贵州国家重点保护野生植物的物种丰富度分布上,总体来说全省南部地区高于北部地区,环省界区域往内陆延伸的物种丰富度明显呈现减少趋势。(2)在75%和100%的国家重点保护野生植物物种保护水平上,筛选识别出了荔波县等4个和17个县域为保护优先区,其中分别有1个和9个国家重点保护野生植物保护优先区内涵盖的自然保护区面积低于5%,且涉及的自然保护区中68.26%的面积是市/县级。(3)贵州国家重点保护野生植物物种较丰富的区域和全省生物多样性热点区域与所筛选识别的保护优先区有较好的空间对应关系。(4)贵州国家重点保护野生植物的就地保护应以国家重点保护野生植物地理分布丰富的区域结合本研究筛选的保护优先区为重点,进行优先保护。  相似文献   

基于ZONATION的岷山山系多物种保护规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖静  崔莉  李俊清 《生态学报》2016,36(2):420-429
空间布局不尽合理是我国的自然保护区发展面临的问题之一,优化现有的自然保护区体系是在资源有限的情况下实现自然保护区的保护效益最大化的最佳途径。以岷山地区为主要研究区域,以25种珍稀濒危物种为主要研究对象,通过MAXENT与ZONATION模型模拟,鉴别出岷山地区珍稀濒危物种保护优先区,并提出了自然保护区空间选址的优化方案。研究结果表明,(1)在物种出现点记录较少的情况下,MAXENT模型依然能够比较准确地预测出物种的分布状况;(2)目前建立的保护区对25个物种的平均保护比例为51.8%;(3)通过ZONATION鉴定的优先区总面积为19958.7 km~2,岷山地区现有的29个自然保护区只保护了目标优先区的47.1%,九寨沟中部与南部,平武北部,平武与北川的交界处,北川西北部等地都存在保护空缺。建议在保护空缺的6个地方新建或扩建自然保护区,并在规划时考虑这些区域内部的优先次序。新提出的保护体系能将物种栖息地的保护比例提高至77.9%。研究结果对于岷山及全国其他生物多样性保护关键地区保护体系的规划都具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

傅微  甄广润 《生态科学》2022,41(1):50-58
优化生态保护空间格局是我国生态文明建设的重要内容,也是国际保护生态学研究的前沿方向。评估资源禀赋、识别并确定优先次序和预测保护区对保护和管理濒危物种至关重要。樟江流域内已占11.9%流域面积的保护区仍出现77.9%流域面积的生境显著退化,发展与保护亟待合理平衡。Zonation4GUI软件以互补性非穷尽式算法为基础,在优化已有保护网络并表征稀有性和独特性方面结果较为理想,以此展开樟江流域自然保护地空间整合优化路径研究。先人工预处理物种栖息地分布格局、物种保护权重、规划单元,并迭代选择输入性生境退化条件图层、保护代价图层,结合人工干扰情况提出三种不同情景下的优化方案。结果表明:保护优先区对代理物种栖息地有良好的覆盖效果,生态完整性优先情景和最小社会经济和土地资源代价的保护优化情景均呈现扩建小于8%的一级优先区域,所有保护对象均受到保护;加入27%左右的所有优先区域,两种优化方案覆盖所有保护对象栖息地的比例提升70.0%和59.0%。虽然生态完整性优先的优化情景优于最小社会经济和土地资源代价下的优化情景,但保护代价更高。人为干扰强烈的抢救优先的优化情景中, 90.7%的保护对象栖息地覆盖范...  相似文献   

Guerrero is one of the most diverse states of Mexico, containing a large number of endemic and endangered amphibian species. However, it is one of the less protected and studied states of the country. Here, we determined the potential distribution of all amphibian species in a risk category present in Guerrero and defined priority areas for amphibian conservation in the state. We modelled the potential distribution of 32 species using the maximum entropy modelling algorithm. These models were used to define priority areas through systematic conservation planning tools. The most important variables explaining species’ potential distribution were measures of climate variability, particularly temperature seasonality. The priority areas for amphibian conservation identified covered a total area of 12,212.72 km2 and contained an important proportion (almost a third) of the cloud mountain forests of the state. The most important planning units for meeting species targets and the most important planning units in terms of biodiversity overlapped in approximately the same planning units, located in the biogeographic regions of the Sierra Madre del Sur and the Pacific Coast. Finally, from the total priority areas identified, only 0.31% (38.17 km2) is currently protected within the existing natural protected areas in Guerrero. Thus, we consider that it is essential to protect additional natural areas in the state. Areas Voluntarily Destined for Conservation (ADVC) may be a good option; however, action must be taken to ensure the legitimacy of the processes by the local people and to avoid privileging only certain members of the community.  相似文献   

Mollusca is a megadiverse phylum with an estimated number of 70,000–76,000 described species which can inhabit a wide variety of environments. Among them, land snails are a main component of terrestrial ecosystems and they play a pivotal role in ecosystem functioning. They are suffering habitat loss, overexploitation and competition from introduced species, but are regarded as a “non-charismatic” group for conservation purposes. Orthalicoidea is a dominant faunal element in the Neotropics and in Argentina includes 104 species that inhabit a variety of environments. Their abundance, diversity, comprehensive taxonomy and widespread representation in different ecoregions makes this molluscan group an excellent model for biodiversity assessments. The database used here consisted of 985 unique geographic records of 104 species. Species distribution models were generated using the Maximum Entropy method and Zonation v 3.1 was used to evaluate the proposed conservation goals. Three analyses including species distributions, the current protected areas system (PAs) and the Human print layer were carried out. This allowed the identification of priority areas for conservation, the percentage of the species distribution under PAs and analysis of the potential impacts under current land use and in the priority areas detected above. Sixty-one species were modeled, and 59 of them were included in the priority area selection process due to their high area under curve (AUC) scores. Five high priority areas located in the different ecoregions, were identified: 1-dry Chaco, 2-humid Pampas, 3-Southern Andean Yungas, 4-Alto Paraná Atlantic Forests and 5-high Monte. A small percentage of the average distribution range of Orthalicoidean species (3%) was within the current protected areas. Highest-ranked priority areas for land snails are outside the current protected areas system. When human impact is considered, the priority areas are reduced in size and appear as small patches. However, highest priority areas for conservation continue being those detected in the above analyses. Most of the areas detected are used for economic purposes, creating conflicts of interest between the development of human activities and conservation. This study represents one of the first attempts to identify ecoregion level priority areas for a terrestrial invertebrate group. Further analyses, including new predictors and other molluscan taxa, would improve planning the conservation of poorly known invertebrate groups.  相似文献   

优先保护区识别对受威胁物种的多样性保护具有重要价值。基于GIS空间分析、管理及预测能力,以中国受威胁陆栖哺乳动物为对象,建立受威胁物种的分布二值网格系统;利用Dobson算法对研究区3810个网格单元进行筛除,确定全国范围下受威胁物种的优先保护区域;结合中国主要的自然保护地分布数据(国家公园和自然保护区),采用保护空缺方法分析优先保护区内受威胁动物的保护现状。研究发现,29个50km×50km的网格单元就包含了全部的受威胁陆栖哺乳物种,其中位于喜马拉雅山东南区等地的10个网格区域覆盖有80%以上的物种,其所处的10组县级行政区内被主要自然保护地保护的土地面积占25.9%,物种数占83.6%,存在一定的保护空缺。本文采用Dobson排除算法,以小面积规则网格为基本单元,顾及到了实验结果的客观性,有助于提高优先保护区的识别效率。  相似文献   

Ecuador has the largest number of species by area worldwide, but also a low representation of species within its protected areas. Here, we applied systematic conservation planning to identify potential areas for conservation in continental Ecuador, with the aim of increasing the representation of terrestrial species diversity in the protected area network. We selected 809 terrestrial species (amphibians, birds, mammals, and plants), for which distributions were estimated via species distribution models (SDMs), using Maxent. For each species we established conservation goals based on conservation priorities, and estimated new potential protected areas using Marxan conservation planning software. For each selected area, we determined their conservation priority and feasibility of establishment, two important aspects in the decision-making processes. We found that according to our conservation goals, the current protected area network contains large conservation gaps. Potential areas for conservation almost double the surface area of currently protected areas. Most of the newly proposed areas are located in the Coast, a region with large conservation gaps and irreversible changes in land use. The most feasible areas for conservation were found in the Amazon and Andes regions, which encompass more undisturbed habitats, and already harbor most of the current reserves. Our study allows defining a viable strategy for preserving Ecuador''s biodiversity, by combining SDMs, GIS-based decision-support software, and priority and feasibility assessments of the selected areas. This approach is useful for complementing protected area networks in countries with great biodiversity, insufficient biological information, and limited resources for conservation.  相似文献   

金宇  周可新  高吉喜  穆少杰  张小华 《生态学报》2016,36(23):7702-7712
准确可靠地识别国家重点保护陆生脊椎动物物种的优先保护区,是生物多样性保护的热点问题之一。采用随机森林(random forests)模型,基于12个环境变量,对中国263种国家重点保护陆生脊椎动物建模,并预测各个物种在背景点的适生概率,迭加计算得到国家重点保护陆生脊椎动物物种的生境适宜性指数。此外,基于对生境适宜性指数的空间自相关分析,识别和确定国家重点保护陆生脊椎动物物种优先保护区,并对优先保护区目前的被保护情况进行分析。结果表明,国家重点保护陆生脊椎动物物种的优先保护区的面积为103.16万km~2,约占我国国土面积的10.90%。优先保护区主要分布在我国的西部地区,包括西南地区的秦岭-大巴山山区、云南省与印度及缅甸的交界地区、武陵山山区、喜马拉雅山-横断山脉山区、阿尔泰山脉山区、天山山脉山区、昆仑山山脉山区;东北的大、小兴安岭、东北-华南沿海地区及长江中下游地区有少量分布。优先保护区中被保护的面积为50.40万km~2,占优先保护区总面积的48.86%,保护率偏低,未被充分保护。利用系统聚类分析,将未被保护的优先保护区划分成3种优先保护顺序,以期为相关部门的决策提供科学依据,更好地保护生物多样性。  相似文献   

Bats are the most diverse mammalian order in the Philippines and whilst many endemic and threatened species have been documented, they are also probably the least well-known order. Negros Island (central Visayas, Philippines) represents one of the ten highest-ranking sites globally for megachiropteran diversity, and is listed as a priority area for the establishment of protected areas for megachiropteran conservation. It is also listed as a priority site for survey work. The current study undertook mist-netting, roost and observation surveys of the bat fauna of Danjugan Island, off the west coast of Negros Occidental, to inventory the bat species present and to provide baseline ecological information to identify key areas of conservation concern. Eight species – five megachiropterans and three microchiropterans – were recorded over the course of the study, representing over 10% of the total Philippine bat fauna. Four of the species are new records for the island, and three are IUCN Red Listed. The results show that the island provides important cave- and tree-roosting areas for the local populations of several endemic and globally endangered species and sub-species. Already designated with reserve status, and with an environmental education programme established within the local communities, the island may be considered of national and global importance for bat conservation. Recommendations are given for future management.  相似文献   

刘艳  杨钰爽 《生物多样性》2019,27(6):677-274
生物多样性保护优先区的生物多样性十分丰富, 对于生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本文基于野外调查数据和文献资料, 整合大巴山和武陵山两个中国生物多样性保护优先区重庆境内的苔藓植物名录, 通过分析物种丰富度、中国特有种和受威胁物种, 比较了这两个地区的苔藓植物组成特点和相似性。结果显示, 两个保护优先区重庆境内共有苔藓植物77科221属722种, 其物种数分别占重庆市和中国苔藓植物总种数的76.0%和23.9%。两个区域分布有中国特有苔藓植物56种, 占中国苔藓植物总种数的1.9%; 分布有极危苔藓植物1种、濒危4种和易危3种。科、属、种的Jaccard相似性系数分别为0.7、0.6和0.3, 表明两个区域物种组成差异较大。大巴山和武陵山两个中国生物多样性保护优先区都具有较高的苔藓植物物种多样性, 其种类组成具有一定代表性, 对重庆市和中国苔藓植物多样性保护具有重要价值。  相似文献   

In this study, we combine species distribution models with a reserve selection approach to assess the degree of representation of xenarthrans in the existing protected area network of Argentina, and to identify conservation priority areas that may help expand the current system. Species distribution models were developed from species’ occurrence records using a maximum entropy algorithm. Maps of species distributions were produced for 15 of the 16 species currently present in the country. To assess the performance of the existing protected area network in representing all modeled species, and to identify priority areas to expand the current reserve system, we used the software Zonation. Overall, all species modeled are represented in the existing protected area network. However, the percentage of their ranges covered by protected areas is very low (average = 6.7%; range = 1.7–17.6%). To represent at least 5% of the distribution of each species, 8.8% of the country’s area would be needed, and species with restricted ranges have the greatest increase in representation in this scenario. When 10% of the country is set aside for conservation, species representation increases considerably, again favoring range-restricted species. Most of the areas identified as conservation priorities are under strong anthropogenic pressures, including deforestation, agricultural expansion, and hunting. Our analysis provides a preliminary assessment of conservation priorities for the xenarthrans of Argentina, and we hope will serve as guideline to focus future conservation assessments at more refined scales.  相似文献   

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