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Male songbirds such as canaries produce complex learned vocalizations that are used in the context of mate attraction and territory defense. Successful mate attraction or territorial defense requires that a bird be able to recognize individuals based on their vocal performance and identify these songs in a noisy background. In order to learn more about how birds are able to solve this problem, we investigated, with a two-alternative choice procedure, the ability of adult male canaries to discriminate between conspecific song segments from two different birds and to maintain this discrimination when conspecific songs are superimposed with a variety of distractors. The results indicate that male canaries have the ability to discriminate, with a high level of accuracy song segments produced by two different conspecific birds. Song discrimination was partially maintained when the stimuli were masked by auditory distractors, but the accuracy of the discrimination progressively declined as a function of the number of masking distractors. The type of distractor used in the experiments (other conspecific songs or different types of artificial white noise) did not markedly affect the rate of deterioration of the song discrimination. These data indicate that adult male canaries have the perceptual abilities to discriminate and selectively attend to one ongoing sound that occurs simultaneously with one or more other sounds. The administration of a noradrenergic neurotoxin did not impair markedly the discrimination learning abilities although the number of subjects tested was too small to allow any firm conclusion. In these conditions, however, the noradrenergic lesion significantly increased the number failures to respond in the discrimination learning task suggesting a role, in canaries, of the noradrenergic system in some attentional processes underlying song learning and processing.  相似文献   

The colour discrimination of individual free-flying honeybees (Apis mellifera) was tested with simultaneous and successive viewing conditions for a variety of broadband reflectance stimuli. For simultaneous viewing bees used form vision to discriminate patterned target stimuli from homogeneous coloured distractor stimuli, and for successive discrimination bees were required to discriminate between homogeneously coloured stimuli. Bees were significantly better at a simultaneous discrimination task, and we suggest this is explained by the inefficiency with which the bees brain can code and retrieve colour information from memory when viewing stimuli successively. Using simultaneous viewing conditions bees discriminated between the test stimuli at a level equivalent to 1 just-noticeable-difference for human colour vision. Discrimination of colours by bees with simultaneous viewing conditions exceeded previous estimates of what is possible considering models of photoreceptor noise measured in bees, which suggests spatial and/or temporal summation of colour signals for fine discrimination tasks. The results show that when behavioural experiments are used to collect data about the mechanisms facilitating colour discrimination in animals, it is important to consider the effects of the stimulus viewing conditions on results.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus duration on the mismatch negativity in the auditory event-related potentials was used to study the role of mismatch negativity (MMN) in discrimination of short acoustical stimuli. We compared discrimination of different short acoustical stimuli in active variant of "odd ball" paradigm. It was shown that it is possible to discriminate between standard and deviant acoustical stimuli which do not produce MMN in passive condition. It makes possible to estimate behavioural significance of MMN in active discrimination task. If the MMN had not been recorded in passive condition, that leads to an increase of reaction time in active paradigm approximately by 50 ms.  相似文献   

It has long been assumed that bees cannot see red. However, bees visit red flowers, and the visual spectral sensitivity of bees extends into wavelengths to provide sensitivity to such flowers. We thus investigated whether bees can discriminate stimuli reflecting wavelengths above 560 nm, i.e., which appear orange and red to a human observer. Flowers do not reflect monochromatic (single wavelength) light; specifically orange and red flowers have reflectance patterns which are step functions, we thus used colored stimuli with such reflectance patterns. We first conditioned honey bees Apis mellifera to detect six stimuli reflecting light mostly above 560 nm and found that bees learned to detect only stimuli which were perceptually very different from a bee achromatic background. In a second experiment we conditioned bees to discriminate stimuli from a salient, negative (un-rewarded) yellow stimulus. In subsequent unrewarded tests we presented the bees with the trained situation and with five other tests in which the trained stimulus was presented against a novel one. We found that bees learned to discriminate the positive from the negative stimulus, and could unambiguously discriminate eight out of fifteen stimulus pairs. The performance of bees was positively correlated with differences between the trained and the novel stimulus in the receptor contrast for the long-wavelength bee photoreceptor and in the color distance (calculated using two models of the honeybee colors space). We found that the differential conditioning resulted in a concurrent inhibitory conditioning of the negative stimulus, which might have improved discrimination of stimuli which are perceptually similar. These results show that bees can detect long wavelength stimuli which appear reddish to a human observer. The mechanisms underlying discrimination of these stimuli are discussed. Handling Editor: Lars Chittka.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were previously trained [Lazareva, O.F., Freiburger, K.L., Wasserman, E.A., 2004. Pigeons concurrently categorize photographs at both basic and superordinate levels. Psychon. Bull. Rev. 11, 1111-1117] to classify color photographs into either their proper basic-level category (cars, chairs, flowers, or people) or a superordinate-level category (nominally natural or artificial). In Experiment 1, the same pigeons were shown either reflected or inverted versions of the training stimuli. Reflection had no effect on pigeons' classification behavior, whereas inversion impaired discrimination of all stimulus categories, except flowers, on the basic-level and superordinate-level tasks. Pixel matching analysis revealed that pattern matching played at most a minor role in the birds' categorization behavior. In Experiment 2, the pigeons were shown test stimuli that were either blurred or quartered and scrambled. Blurring impaired discrimination of cars, but had no effect on discrimination of people and flowers; scrambling impaired discrimination of people and flowers leaving discrimination of cars and chairs unaffected. These results suggest that categorization of flowers and people may be controlled primarily by the overall shape of the object rather than by local features, whereas categorization of cars and chairs may rely primarily on local features rather than the overall shape of the object.  相似文献   

Many social animals can discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar faces. Orangutans, however, lead a semi-solitary life and spend much of the day alone. As such, they may be less adept at recognizing conspecifics and are a good model for determining how social structure influences the evolution of social cognition such as facial recognition. The present study is the first report of whether orangutans can distinguish among individual faces. We adopted a preferential looking method and found that orangutans used facial discrimination to identify known conspecifics. This suggests that frequent and intense social interaction is not necessary for facial discrimination, although our findings were limited by the small number of stimuli and the unequal numbers of male and female orangutans depicted in the stimuli.  相似文献   

The present study with rats replicated an experiment on the ability of zebra finches and humans to discriminate among brief auditory stimuli (see Weisman et al., 1999, Experiment 2). We trained rats with 27 3-kHz tones that varied in duration from 10 ms to 1420 ms. Reinforcement was contingent on responding (approaching the food well) to the nine medium-durations range tones (56-255 ms) but not to the nine short-durations range (10-46 ms) or long-durations range tones (309-1420 ms). Rats also received post-discrimination transfer tests with 2 kHz and 4 kHz tones that varied over the same durations as the 3 kHz tones. Rats acquired the temporal discrimination to a slightly lower level of accuracy than seen in finches or humans by Weisman et al. (1999). We tested for transfer of the temporal discrimination to find that rats, similar to humans (data from Weisman et al., 1999), transferred to untrained 2-kHz and 4-kHz tones at levels approaching accuracy to that achieved to the trained 3-kHz tone. By contrast, zebra finches (data from Weisman et al., 1999) failed to transfer their discrimination to the trained tone. We conclude that (a) rats discriminate among tone durations at least as well as they do among auditory frequencies and (b) rats like humans, but unlike finches, are insensitive to absolute pitch in their temporal discrimination.  相似文献   

The function of ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) produced by mice (Mus musculus) is a topic of broad interest to many researchers. These USVs differ widely in spectrotemporal characteristics, suggesting different categories of vocalizations, although this has never been behaviorally demonstrated. Although electrophysiological studies indicate that neurons can discriminate among vocalizations at the level of the auditory midbrain, perceptual acuity for vocalizations has yet to be determined. Here, we trained CBA/CaJ mice using operant conditioning to discriminate between different vocalizations and between a spectrotemporally modified vocalization and its original version. Mice were able to discriminate between vocalization types and between manipulated vocalizations, with performance negatively correlating with spectrotemporal similarity. That is, discrimination performance was higher for dissimilar vocalizations and much lower for similar vocalizations. The behavioral data match previous neurophysiological results in the inferior colliculus (IC), using the same stimuli. These findings suggest that the different vocalizations could carry different meanings for the mice. Furthermore, the finding that behavioral discrimination matched neural discrimination in the IC suggests that the IC plays an important role in the perceptual discrimination of vocalizations.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1996,38(3):205-226
In Experiment 1, pigeons trained to discriminate rightside-up and upside-down orientations of slides of natural scenes with humans successfully transferred to new slides of the same kind. Experiment 2 revealed that both the orientations of the human figures and of the background scenes controlled the discrimination. When they were oppositely oriented, the background orientation cue was dominant. In Experiment 3 slides showing objects on a white background were presented either rightside up or upside down, with each slide presented in one orientation only. One group of pigeons learned to classify the slides according to their orientations. The other group learned to classify the slides according to arbitrary groupings. When the slides were shown rotated by 180 degrees, the latter group continued to discriminate the individual slides (i.e., the pigeons showed orientation invariance). The former group classified the rotated slides according to their orientations (i.e., orientation discrimination). In Experiment 4, pigeons learned the orientation discrimination with separate sets of human and bird figures. Partial reversal training in one object class transferred to the rest of stimuli in this object class but did not to the other object class. These results suggest that pigeons can learn to discriminate photographs on the basis of orientation but that orientation-based equivalence relationship is not formed between object classes.  相似文献   

Using a simultaneous discrimination procedure it was shown that pigeons were capable of learning to discriminate 100 different black and white visual patterns from a further 625 similar stimuli, where responses to the former were rewarded and responses to the latter were not rewarded. Tests in which novel stimuli replaced either the rewarded or nonrewarded stimuli showed that the pigeons had not only learned about the 100 positive stimuli but also about the 625 negative stimuli. The fact that novel stimuli enhanced discrimination performance when they replaced the many negative stimuli indicated that the pigeons had categorized the stimuli into two classes, familiar and less familiar. Long-term retention was examined after a 6-month interval. To begin with it seemed poor but a recognition test performed after the subjects had been retrained with a subset of the stimuli after an interval of 7 months confirmed that pigeons are capable of retaining in memory several 100 visual items over an extended period. It is proposed that the initial retrieval weakness was due to a forgetting of the contingencies between stimulus categories and response outcomes. Further tests involving variously modified stimuli indicated that while stimulus size variations had a negative effect on performance, orientation changes did not interfere with recognition, supporting the view that small visual stimuli are memorized by pigeons largely free of orientation labels. The experiment generally confirms that pigeons have the capacity of storing information about a large number of visual stimuli over long periods of time.  相似文献   

Structural and functional substrates of orientation processing in monkeys have been clarified. However, orientation perception in monkeys has not been fully studied. In this study, the cognitive mechanism that controls monkeys' perception of orientation was evaluated. After the monkeys were trained to discriminate between a cardinal and an oblique orientation (e.g., 0 degrees and 30 degrees), their perceptual mechanisms underlying orientation discrimination were tested by using six orientations, ranging from 0 degrees to 150 degrees, including ones used in the discrimination training. Generalization tests showed that the monkeys who were trained with cardinal orientations (e.g., 0 degrees) as positive stimuli generalized their responses to the other cardinal orientation (e.g., 90 degrees). Similarly, the monkeys who were trained with oblique orientations (e.g., 30 degrees) as positive stimuli generalized their responses to all other oblique orientations (e.g., 60 degrees, 120 degrees, and 150 degrees). These findings indicated that the monkeys abstracted the quality of the cardinal/oblique category from the physical features of orientation stimuli although they were not trained to do so. Such an abstraction also suggested a discrepancy between a continuously and orderly arranged cortical map and a discontinuously categorized perception of orientation. The present findings provide insight into the learning-correlated plasticity of cortical orientation preference.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms by which sensory experiences are stored remains a compelling challenge for neuroscience. Previous work has described how the activity of neurons in the sensory cortex allows rats to discriminate the physical features of an object contacted with their whiskers. But to date there is no evidence about how neurons represent the behavioural significance of tactile stimuli, or how they are encoded in memory. To investigate these issues, we recorded single-unit firing and local field potentials from the CA1 region of hippocampus while rats performed a task in which tactile stimuli specified reward location. On each trial the rat touched a textured plate with its whiskers, and then turned towards the Left or Right water spout. Two textures were associated with each reward location. To determine the influence of the rat's position on sensory coding, we placed it on a second platform in the same room where it performed the identical texture discrimination task. Over 25 percent of the sampled neurons encoded texture identity--their firing differed for two stimuli associated with the same reward location--and over 50 percent of neurons encoded the reward location with which the stimuli were associated. The neuronal population carried texture and reward location signals continuously, from the moment of stimulus contact until the end of reward collection. The set of neurons discriminating between one texture pair was found to be independent of, and partially overlapping, the set of neurons encoding the discrimination between a different texture pair. In a given neuron, the presence of a tactile signal was uncorrelated with the presence, magnitude, or timing of reward location signals. These experiments indicate that neurons in CA1 form a texture representation independently of the action the stimulus is associated with and retain the stimulus representation through reward collection.  相似文献   

We tested the involvement of cognition in adult experience-dependent neuroplasticity using primate cortical implants. In a prior study, learning an operant sensory discrimination increased cortical excitability and target selectivity. Here, the prior task was separated into three behavioral phases. First, naive animals were exposed to stimulus-reward pairings from the prior study. These yoked animals did not have to discriminate to be rewarded and did not learn the discrimination. The plasticity observed in the prior study did not occur. Second, the animals were classically conditioned to discriminate the same stimuli in a simplified format. Learning was accompanied by increased sensory response strength and an increased range of sensory inputs eliciting responses. The third study recreated the original operant discrimination, and selectivity for task targets increased. These studies demonstrate that cognitive association between sensory stimuli and reinforcers accompanies adult experience-dependent cortical plasticity and suggest that selectivity in representation and action are linked.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate how antennal olfactory cells of tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) code odour quality and how they are able to discriminate between attractive and repellent odours. For Glossina pallidipes Austen, a survey is presented of the cells' responses to attractive (1-octen-3-ol, acetone, 3-methylphenol, carbon dioxide) and repellent stimuli (2-methoxyphenol, acetophenone, lactic acid, naphthalene). In addition, the responses of these cells to binary mixtures and the dose-response curves of 1-octen-3-ol, 3-methylphenol, 2-methoxyphenol and acetophenone are presented. A minority of the cells responded to one attractant or repellent only, whereas the vast majority were excited by more than one of the attractive and/or repellent stimuli. It is proposed that the peripheral olfactory cells of tsetse discriminate between different compounds via an across-fibre pattern coding, in which the cells that specifically code for attractants or repellents may play a substantial role in composing a unique excitation pattern that informs the central nervous system about the specificity of odours.  相似文献   

Much evidence indicates that recognition memory involves two separable processes, recollection and familiarity discrimination, with familiarity discrimination being dependent on the perirhinal cortex of the temporal lobe. Here, we describe a new neural network model designed to mimic the response patterns of perirhinal neurons that signal information concerning the novelty or familiarity of stimuli. The model achieves very fast and accurate familiarity discrimination while employing biologically plausible parameters and Hebbian learning rules. The fact that the activity patterns of the model's simulated neurons are closely similar to those of neurons recorded from the primate perirhinal cortex indicates that this brain region could discriminate familiarity using principles akin to those of the model. If so, the capacity of the model establishes that the perirhinal cortex alone may discriminate the familiarity of many more stimuli than current neural network models indicate could be recalled (recollected) by all the remaining areas of the cerebral cortex. This efficiency and speed of detecting novelty provides an evolutionary advantage, thereby providing a reason for the existence of a familiarity discrimination network in addition to networks used for recollection.  相似文献   

We studied the role of the lateral line system for detection and discrimination of dipole stimuli in the oscar, Astronotus ocellatus (Family Cichlidae), and determined detection thresholds in still water and frequency discrimination capabilities in still and turbulent water. Average detection threshold of six animals for a 100-Hz dipole stimulus was 0.0059 μm peak-to-peak water displacement at the surface of the fish. After inactivation of the neuromast receptor organs of the lateral line system with the antibiotic streptomycin, dipole detection was reduced, but recovered within 2–4 weeks. This suggests that the oscar relied strongly on hydrodynamic information received by the lateral line system. Five oscars learned to discriminate a 100-Hz stimulus from 70 Hz and lower frequencies. When turbulence was introduced into the experimental tank, fish were still able to discriminate 100 Hz from frequencies 70 Hz and lower indicating that frequency discrimination mediated by the lateral line system was not reduced in turbulent water.  相似文献   

Contrasting theory with the empirical data of species recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We tested hypotheses on how animals should respond to heterospecifics encountered in the environment. Hypotheses were formulated from models parameterized to emphasize four factors that are expected to influence species discrimination: mating and territorial interactions; sex differences in resource value; environments in which heterospecifics were common or rare; and the type of identity cues available for species recognition. We also considered the role of phylogeny on contemporary responses to heterospecifics. We tested the extent these factors explained variation among taxa in species discrimination using a meta-analysis of three decades of species recognition research. A surprising outcome was the absence of a general predictor of when species discrimination would most likely occur. Instead, species discrimination is dictated by the benefits and costs of responding to a conspecific or heterospecific that are governed by the specific circumstances of a given species. The phylogeny of species recognition provided another unexpected finding: the evolutionary relationships among species predicted whether courting males within species-but not females-would discriminate against heterospecifcs. This implies that species recognition has evolved quite differently in the sexes. Finally, we identify common pitfalls in experimental design that seem to have affected some studies (e.g., poor statistical power) and provide recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Behavioral experiments show that toads exhibit stimulus- and locus-specific habituation. Different worm-like stimuli that toads can discriminate at a certain visual location form a dishabituation hierarchy. What is the neural mechanism which underlies these behaviors? This paper proposes that the toad discriminates visual objects based on temporal responses, and that discrimination is reflected in different average neuronal firing rates at some higher visual center, hypothetically anterior thalamus. This theory is developed through a large-scale neural simulation which includes retina, tectum and anterior thalamus. The neural model based on this theory predicts that retinal R2 cells play a primary role in the discrimination via tectal small pear cells (SP) and R3 cells refine the feature analysis by inhibition. The simulation demonstrates that the retinal response to the trailing edge of a stimulus is as crucial for pattern discrimination as the response to the leading edge. The new dishabituation hierarchies predicted by this model by reversing contrast and shrinking stimulus size need to be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

A two-alternative forced-choice discrimination task was used to assess whether baboons (N=7) spontaneously process qualitative (i.e., first-order) or quantitative (i.e., second-order) variations in the configural arrangement of facial features. Experiment 1 used as test stimuli second-order pictorial faces of humans or baboons in which the mouth and the eyes were rotated upside down relative to the normal face. Baboons readily discriminated two different normal faces but did not discriminate a normal face from its second-order modified version. Experiment 2 used human or baboon faces for which the first-order configural properties had been distorted by reversing the location of the eyes and mouth within the face. Discrimination was prompt with these stimuli. Experiment 3 replicated some of the conditions and the results of experiment 1, thus ruling out possible effects of learning. It is concluded that baboons are more adept at spontaneously processing first- than second-order configural facial properties, similar to what is known in the human developmental literature.  相似文献   

Humans and macaques are more sensitive to differences in nonaccidental image properties, such as straight vs. curved contours, than to differences in metric properties, such as degree of curvature [Biederman, I., Bar, M., 1999. One-shot viewpoint invariance in matching novel objects. Vis. Res. 39, 2885-2899; Kayaert, G., Biederman, I., Vogels, R., 2003. Shape tuning in macaque inferior temporal cortex. J. Neurosci. 23, 3016-3027; Kayaert, G., Biederman, I., Vogels, R., 2005. Representation of regular and irregular shapes in macaque inferotemporal cortex. Cereb. Cortex 15, 1308-1321]. This differential sensitivity allows facile recognition when the object is viewed at an orientation in depth not previously experienced. In Experiment 1, we trained pigeons to discriminate grayscale, shaded images of four shapes. Pigeons made more confusion errors to shapes that shared more nonaccidental properties. Although the images in that experiment were not well controlled for incidental changes in metric properties, the same results were apparent with better controlled stimuli in Experiment 2: pigeons trained to discriminate a target shape from a metrically changed shape and a nonaccidentally changed shape committed more confusion errors to the metrically changed shape, suggesting that they perceived it to be more similar to the target shape. Humans trained with similar stimuli and procedure exhibited the same tendency to make more errors to the metrically changed shape. These results document the greater saliency of nonaccidental differences for shape recognition and discrimination in a non-primate species and suggest that nonaccidental sensitivity may be characteristic of all shape-discriminating species.  相似文献   

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