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T. H. Attridge  M. Black  V. Gaba 《Planta》1984,162(5):422-426
An interaction is demonstrated between the effects of phytochrome and cryptochrome (the specific blue-light photoreceptor) in the inhibition of hypocotyl elongation of light-grown cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cv. Ridge Greenline seedlings. At certain fluence rates of blue light the total inhibition response is greater than the sum of the separate responses to each photoreceptor. The threshold for response to blue light is reduced at least 30-fold by additional red-light irradiation. The synergistic effect is demonstrated for two different fluence rates of red light. Synergism is mediated by phytochrome in both the cotyledons and the hypocotyl.Abbreviations and symbols BL blue light - FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light - photostationary state of phytochrome - c calculated   相似文献   

A. Lecharny 《Planta》1979,145(5):405-409
The elongation of the fourth internode of fully green Chenopodium polyspermum L. is modulated by far-red light (FR) given in addition to the main light period. Two different types of organs are responsible for the photoreception of FR producing the end-of-day effect; the stem and the leaves situated just above and below the reacting internode. Photoreversibility can be obtained within certain limits in the two organs. Evidence is presented which shows that in the fully green plant there is an interorgan reaction whose primary reaction is the photoconversion of phytochrome.Abbreviations and Symbols D darkness - FR far red light - R red light - P phytochrome - PFR phytochrome in the FR absorbing form - 9+15 D (or light treatment) photoperiod of a 9 h main light period followed by 15 h of D (or light treatment)  相似文献   

A. Lecharny  R. Jacques 《Planta》1979,146(5):575-577
The elongation of the fourth internode of fully green Chenopodium polyspermum L. is strongly stimulated by far-red light (FR) given at the end of the day. The end-of-day effect is more important when the plants had been cultivated for several days with a main light period of 140 Wm-2 than with a main light period of 85 Wm-2. There exists a quantitative relationship between the FR end-of-day effect mediated by phytochrome and the value of the light fluence during the day.Abbreviations D darkness - FR far-red light - HWL white light at 140 Wm-2 - LWL white light at 85 Wm-2 - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - R red light - WL white light  相似文献   

We investigated the role of auxin on stem elongation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) grown for 10d in continuous darkness or under low-irradiance blue, red, far red and white light. The third internode of treated seedlings was peeled and the tissues (epidermis and cortex+central cylinder) were separately analyzed for the concentration of free and conjugated indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Under red, far red and white light internode elongation was linearly related with the free IAA content of all internode tissues, suggesting that phytochrome-dependent inhibition of stem growth may be mediated by a decrease of free IAA levels in pea seedlings. The correlation between IAA and internode elongation, however, did not hold for blue light-grown seedlings. The hypothesis that the growth response under low-irradiance blue light might be correlated with the lack of phytochrome B signalling and changes in gibberellin metabolism is discussed in view of current knowledge on hormonal control of stem growth.  相似文献   

Flowering of Chenopodium rubrum seedling plants was obtained in continuous light after application of fractions of a partially purified extract from leaves of flowering Maryland Mammoth tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). The stage of flowal differentiation was dependent on the age of the Chenopodium plants used for the bioassay. Apices of plants treated with the extract at the age of four or seven days showed an advanced branching of the meristem or the beginning of formation of a terminal flower; treatment with the extract of plants 12 d old resulted in rapid formation of flower buds in all assay plants. Non-treated control plants kept in continuous light remained fully vegetative. The effects of the extract on flowering were associated with pronounced growth effects. Floral differentiation was preceeded by elongation of the shoot apex. Extension of all axial organs occurred, while growth of leaves, including leaf primordia, was inhibited. The pattern of growth after application of the flower-inducing substance(s) did not resemble the effects of the known phytohormones, but showed some similarities to growth changes resulting from photoperiodic induction of flowering.  相似文献   

J. K. Wall  C. B. Johnson 《Planta》1981,153(2):101-108
Using light-grown plants of Sinapis alba an analysis has been made of the effect on extension growth of adding far red light to a background photosynthetic source. It has been possible to distinguish between the increase in fluence rate and the reduction of the amount of phytochrome present as Pfr, which are both consequences of the addition of supplementary far red light, and to determine that the response of increased extension growth is due only to the latter. It is shown that the degree of fluence rate dependency varies with photoequilibrium and the significance of this interaction is discussed in terms of the mode of action of phytochrome and of its role in the natural light environment.Abbreviations PAR photosynthetically active radiation - SAN 9789 4-chloro-5-(methylamino)-2-(,,-trifluoro-m-tolyl)-3(2H) pyridazinone - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - LER logarithmic extension rate  相似文献   

D. C. Morgan  H. Smith 《Planta》1978,142(2):187-193
Chenopodium album seedlings were grown in light environments in which supplementary far-red light was mixed with white fluorescent light during various parts of the photoperiod. Both the logarithmic rate constant of stem extension and the leaf dry weight: stem dry weight ratio were linearly related to estimated phytochrome photoequilibrium () in each treatment regime. These data are taken to be indicative of a functional link between phytochrome and development in the green plant. A layer of chlorophyllous tissue only affected the linearity between calculated and the logarithmic stem extension rate at high chlorophyll concentrations, whilst even low concentrations-equivalent to the levels found in stem tissue-caused a significant shift in measured . End-of-day supplementary far-red (FR) light induced between 0–35 per cent of the response elicited by all-day supplementary FR, whilst daytime supplementary FR (with a white fluorescent light end-of-day treatment) induced approximately 90 per cent. The ecological significance of this difference is discussed with respect to shade detection.Paper 7 in the series The function of phytochrome in the natural environment [for paper 6 see McLaren, J.S., Smith, H., Plant, Cell and Environment 1, 61–67, 1978]  相似文献   

V. Gaba  M. Black 《Planta》1985,164(2):264-271
The control by phytochrome of hypocotyl elongation of light-grown Cucumis sativus L. after a white-light period was examined. The farred-absorbing form of phytochrome inhibits hypocotyl elongation. The response to phytochrome photostationary state () is not linear; all values of from 0.004 to 0.13 promote growth maximally, in the range of values of from 0.13 to 0.22 there is a linear growth response, between values of of 0.22 and 0.35 there is again no differential effect, and for values above 0.35 there is a strong (near linear) effect of on elongation. A kinetic examination of events following the white-light period shows that the major recovery from the photoperiod requires 8.5 h of darkness. End-of-day far-red treatment produces a very different response pattern, with a minor growth stimulation within 28 min of treatment followed by a major effect after 80 to 90 min. Three hours after far-red treatment there is a transient decline in growth rate which persists for about 2 h. Over the whole time course there is a great stimulation of growth rate compared with the controls. A similar growth-rate pattern also occurs if the end-of-day is 0.48, although the magnitude of the growth stimulation is less. Two components are affected by end-of-day , namely the time at which growth recovers and the subsequent growth rate. In the long term, the latter accounts for most of the differences in elongation growth. The dark recovery when only the hypocotyl is irradiated requires 4 h, but end-of-day far-red treatment reduces this to about 1.5 h. The persistence of the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome for many hours in darkness in these light-grown plants is also demonstrated.Abbreviations and symbols D darkness - FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light - WL white light (from fluorescent lamps) - photostationary state of phytochrome - c calculated   相似文献   

The effects of continuous red and far-red light and of brief light pulses on the growth kinetics of the mesocotyl, coleoptile, and primary leaf of intact oat (Avena sativa L.) seedlings were investigated. Mesocotyl lengthening is strongly inhibited, even by very small amounts of Pfr, the far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome (e.g., by [Pfr]0.1% of total phytochrome, established by a 756-nm light pulse). Coleoptile growth is at first promoted by Pfr, but apparently inhibited later. This inhibition is correlated in time with the rupturing of the coleoptile tip by the primary leaf, the growth of which is also promoted by phytochrome. The growth responses of all three seedling organs are fully reversible by far-red light. The apparent lack of photoreversibility observed by some previous investigators of the mesocotyl inhibition can be explained by an extremely high sensitivity to Pfr. Experiments with different seedling parts failed to demonstrate any further obvious interorgan relationship in the light-mediated growth responses of the mesocotyl and coleoptile. The organspecific growth kinetics, don't appear to be influenced by Pfr destruction. Following an irradiation, the growth responses are quantitatively determined by the level of Pfr established at the onset of darkness rather than by the actual Pfr level present during the growth period.Abbreviation Pfr far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome  相似文献   

Thomas Roitsch  Widmar Tanner 《Planta》1994,193(3):365-371
Photoautotrophic suspension-culture cells of Chenopodium rubrum L. were shifted to mixotrophic growth by adding glucose to investigate whether the activities of plant sugar transporters, as well as the expression of the corresponding genes, are regulated in response to sugars. The rate of d-glucose uptake was shown not to be affected by mixotrophic growth in the presence of d-glucose. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was applied to amplify cDNA and genomic fragments from monosaccharide-carrier genes. Seven members of a monosaccharide-carrier family were identified of which three were found to be expressed in the suspension-culture cells. The expression of the monosaccharide-carrier genes was independent of the presence of d-glucose.Abbreviation PCR polymerase chain reaction We would like to thank Michaela Bittner, Rainer Ehneß and Monika Kammerer for skillful technical assistance and S. Buchhauser and H. Hallmer for photographic work. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 43) and by Fonds der Chemischen Industrie.  相似文献   

The turgor pressure and water relation parameters were determined in single photoautotrophically grown suspension cells and in individual cells of intact leaves of Chenopodium rubrum using the miniaturized pressure probe. The stationary turgor pressure in suspension-cultured cells was in the range of betwen 3 and 5 bar. From the turgor pressure relaxation process, induced either hydrostatically (by means of the pressure probe) or osmotically, the halftime of water exchange was estimated to be 20±10 s. No polarity was observed for both ex- and endosmotic water flow. The volumetric elastic modulus, , determined from measurements of turgor pressure changes, and the corresponding changes in the fractional cell volume was determined to be in the range of between 20 and 50 bar. increases with increasing turgor pressure as observed for other higher plant and algal cells. The hydraulic conductivity, Lp, is calculated to be about 0,5–2·10–6 cm s–1 bar–1. Similar results were obtained for individual leaf cells of Ch. rubrum. Suspension cells immobilized in a cross-linked matrix of alginate (6 to 8% w/w) revealed the same values for the half-time of water exchange and for the hydraulic conductivity, Lp, provided that the turgor pressure relaxation process was generated hydrostatically by means of the pressure probe. Thus, it can be concluded that the unstirred layer from the immobilized matrix has no effect on the calculation of Lp from the turgor pressure relaxation process, using the water transport equation derived for a single cell surrounded by a large external volume. By analogy, this also holds true for Lp-values derived from turgor pressure changes generated by the pressure probe in a single cell within the leaf tissue. The fair similarity between the Lp-values measured in mesophyll cells in situ and mesophyll-like suspension cells suggests that the water transport relations of a cell within a leaf are not fundamentally different from those measured in a single cell.  相似文献   

E. Fernbach  H. Mohr 《Planta》1990,180(2):212-216
Photomorphogenesis is a conspicuous feature in conifers. In the case of the shade-intolerant Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), control of stem growth by light is well expressed at the seedling stage and can readily be studied. The present data show that hypocotyl growth is controlled by the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr). However, the Scots pine seedling requires blue or ultraviolet (UV-A) light to become fully responsive to Pfr. Blue/UV-A light has no direct effect on hypocotyl growth and its action appears to be limited to establishing the responsiveness of the seedling to Pfr. This type of coaction between phytochrome and blue/UV-A light has been observed previously in a number of angiosperm seedlings. With regard to the high irradiance reaction of phytochrome in long-term far-red light the pine seedling deviates totally from what has been observed in etiolated angiosperms since continuous far-red light has no effect on stem growth.Abbreviations B light of wavelength between 500 and 400 nm - FR standard far-red light - HIR high irradiance reaction of phytochrome - R high-fluence-rate red light (R = 0.8) - RG9-light long-wavelength far-red light defined by the properties of the Schott RG9 glass filter (RG9<0.01) - = Pfr/Ptot wavelength-dependent photoequilibrium of the phytochrome system (far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome/total phytochrome) - UV-A near ultraviolet light of wavelength between 400 and 320 nm - W white light Research supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Schwerpunkt Physiologie der Bäume).  相似文献   

Photocontrol of stem elongation in light-grown plants of Fuchsia hybrida   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
D. Vince-Prue 《Planta》1977,133(2):149-156
Stems of the caulescent long-day plant, Fuchsia hybrida cv Lord Byron, showed 2 types of response to light. In one, internode length was increased by far-red irradiation given at the end of an 8 h photoperiod: the response was no greater with prolonged exposure and was less when the start of far-red was delayed. The effect of far-red was reversible by a subsequent exposure to red light. Internode length was inversely proportional to the Pfr/P ratio established before entry to darkness and there was no evidence for loss of Pfr during a 16 h dark period. The inhibitory effect of Pfr acted at a relatively late stage of internode growth. With the development of successive internodes a second response appeared in which stems lengthened following prolonged daily exposures to red or far-red light, or mixtures of the two, or to brief breaks with red or white light. In these later internodes, a short exposure to far-red near the middle of the night was not reversible by red because red alone promoted elongation at this time. Internode length increased with increase in the daily duration of light and, when light was given throughout an otherwise dark period of 16 h, with increase in illuminance to a saturation value of 200 lx from tungsten lamps. Elongation increased as a linear function of decrease in photostationary state of phytochrome down to Pfr/P0.3; however, internodes were shorter in far-red light than in 25% red/red+far-red. It was concluded that stem length is a net response to two modes of phytochrome action. An inductive effect of Pfr inhibits a late stage in internode expansion, and a phytochrome reaction which operates only in light (and may involve pigment cycling) promotes an early stage of internode development. Stem elongation is thus a function both of the daily duration of light and its red/red+far-red content. The outgrowth of axillary buds was controlled by the first type of phytochrome action only.Abbreviations and symbols FR far red light - R red light - P phytochrome - Pfr phytochrome in the far-red light absorbing form - SD 8 h short days - LDP long-day plant - SDP short-day plant  相似文献   

Merten Jabben 《Planta》1980,149(1):91-96
The phytochrome system is analyzed in light-grown maize (Zea mays L.) plants, which were prevented from greening by application of the herbicide SAN 9789. The dark kinetics of phytochrome are not different in the first, second or third leaf. It is concluded that in light-grown maize plants phytochrome levels are regulated by Pr formation and Pfr and Pr destruction, rather than by PfrPr dark reversion. Pr undergoes destruction after it has been cycled through Pfr. The consequences of this Pr destruction on the phytochrome system are discussed.Abbreviations SAN 9789 4-chloro-5-(methylamino)-2-(,,-trifluoro-m-tolyl)-3(2H) pyridazinone - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red absorbing form of phytochrome - Ptot Pfr+Pr  相似文献   

Otmar Spring  Achim Hager 《Planta》1982,156(5):433-440
Two sesquiterpene lactones belonging to the germacranolides were isolated from the leaves and stems of Helianthus annuus L. Their formation in the plant is light-dependent. Both sesquiterpene lactones (SL) strongly inhibit indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-induced elongation growth of Avena sativa L. coleoptile segments and Helianthus annuus L. hypocotyl segments. Both SL do not, however, inhibit acid-induced growth nor growth triggered by fusicoccin at all. In the presence of dithiothreitol (DTT), the inhibitory effect of SL in the Avena-segment-test can be completely neutralized. This can be attributed to the binding of DTT to both SL. Using thin-layer-chromatography it could be shown that the inhibitors build adducts with SH-rich compounds, e.g., cysteine, glutathione, mercapto-ethanol, and DTT, whose Rf-value significantly differs from those of the primary substances. If the coleoptile segments are first treated with an inhibitor and the inhibitor is subsequently washed out, close to normal elongation growth can be induced by adding an IAA-solution. If the segments are simultaneously treated with inhibitor and IAA, no notable growth can be initiated for an extended amount of time, after the removal of both substances and the anewed addition of IAA. Fusicoccin, however, can immediately neutralize the induced growth inhibition. The same irreversible inhibition is observed when 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is used: If coleoptile segments are treated with an inhibitor plus 2,4-D or an inhibitor plus 3,5-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (3,5-D), respectively, IAA-induced growth after removal of the substances can only be observed by those coleoptiles which had previously been treated with the non-auxin, 3,5-D plus an inhibitor. Based on these results, a possible mechanism describing how the inhibitor functions is discussed. The binding of an auxin to an auxin receptor sets a SH-group free (possibly due to a change in the conformation of the receptor); a site is given to which the inhibitor can bind irreversibly (via a S-bond). The IAA-receptor-inhibitor-complex is then no longer able to initiate elongation growth. If auxin is not present, no lasting bond between the inhibitor and the receptor can occur, since the essential SH-group remains masked. The inhibitor can be washed out again. Consequently, the SL's have to be able to intervene at the beginning of the IAA-induced reaction sequence, while the following steps remain uninfluenced, i.e. namely, the active excretion of protons into the cell wall compartments, which is directly induced by fusicoccin and causes elongation growth.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid - 3,5-D 3,5-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid - DTT dithiothreitol - FC Fusicoccin - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - MES 2-(N-morpholino)-ethane sulfonic acid - SL sesquiterpene lactone(s)  相似文献   

Phytochrome was studied spectrophotometrically in Avena sativa L. seedlings that had been grown for 6 d in continous white fluorescent light from lamps. Greening was prevented through the use of the herbicide San 9789. When placed in the light, phytochrome (Ptot) decreased with first order kinetics (1/2 2 h) but reached a stable low level (2.5% of the dark level) after 36 h. This concentration of phytochrome remained constant in the light and during the initial hours of a subsequent dark period, but increased significantly after a prolonged dark period. Evidence suggests that the constant pool of phytochrome in the light is achieved through an equilibrium between synthesis of the red absorbing (Pr) and destruction of the far-red absorbing form (Pfr) of phytochrome. It is concluded that the phytochrome system in light-grown oat seedlings is qualitatively the same as that known from etiolated monocotyledonous seedlings, but different than that described for cauliflower florets.Abbreviations Pfr the far-red light absorbing form of phytochroma - Pr the red light absorbing form of phytochrome - Ptot Pr+Pfr - ks rate constant of Pr synthesis - kd rate constant of Pfr destruction - MOPS N-morpholino-3-propane-sulfonic acid - IRIS Tris (hydroxymethyl) amino methane - San 9789 4-chloro-5-(methyl amino)-2-(,,-trifluoro-m-tolyl)-3(2H)pyridazinone  相似文献   

J. E. Hughes  E. Wagner 《Planta》1987,172(1):131-138
The effects of far-red light given against a background of white light on the stem-extension kinetics of three-week-old, light-grown Chenopodium album seedlings were investigated. Under white light alone, the stems (cotyledon-to-apex) extended almost exactly logarithmically with time. Under these conditions the increase in log [stem length in mm] per hour was approx. 3.7·10-3, equivalent to about 1% per h during both skoto-and photoperiods. Supplementary far-red given throughout each photoperiod massively stimulated extension. The calculated logarithmic extension rate, however, slowly returned to that of the controls, following an initial large increase. This is predicted by a model in which far-red light linearly increases the extension rate of individual internodes which arise at an exponentially increasing rate. The behaviour of the model is also consistent with critical experiments in which far-red was given as a pre-treatment or transiently, as well as with other published data. Far-red stimulation of logarithmic extension rate in successive photoperiods was closely and linearly correlated with calculated phytochrome photoequilibrium. Daily short periods of supplementary far-red were especially potent in accelerating extension; the plants seemed least responsive at the end of the photoperiod.Abbreviations FR supplementary far-red light - I stem length (mm) - LSER logarithmic stem extension rate - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - R:FR red:far-red fluence rate ratio - WL white light - c calculated phytochrome photoequilibrium  相似文献   

Jorge J. Casal  Harry Smith 《Planta》1988,176(2):277-282
Under continuous white light (WL), extension growth of the first internode in Sinapis alba L. was promoted by low red (R): far-red (FR) ratios reaching the stem and-or the leaves. Conversely, the growth promotion by end-of-day light treatments was only triggered by FR perceived by the leaves and cotyledons, while FR given to the growning internode alone was tatally ineffective. Continuous WL+FR given to the internode was also in-effective if the rest of the shoot remained in darkness. Both the background stem growth, and the growth promotion caused by either an end-of-day FR pulse or continuous WL+FR given to the internode, increased with increasing fluence rates of WL given to the rest of the shoot. The increase by WL of the growth-stimulatory effect of low phytochrome photoequilibria in the internode appears to be mediated by a specific blue-light-absorbing photoreceptor, as blue-deficient light from sodium-discharge lamps, or from filtered fluorescent tubes, promoted background stem growth similarly to WL but did not amplify the response to the R:FR ratio in the internode. Supplementing the blue-deficient light (94 mol·m-2·s-1) with low fluence rates of blue (<9 mol·m-2·s-1) restored the promotive effect of low R:FR reaching the internode.Abbreviations BL blue light - FR far-red light - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - Pfr/P ratio between the FR-absorbing form and total phytochrome - R red light - SOX low-pressure sodium lamp - WL white light Supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (República Argentina) and the ORS scheme (UK)  相似文献   

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