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Phylogenetic relationships among major rodent superfamilies traditionally have been difficult to establish because of the apparent high level of convergence and parallelism seen among morphological characters and/or rapid differentiation of rodent groups in the Paleocene/Eocene. Nucleotide sequence data from the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene were used to clarify phylogenetic relationships among the major groups of rodents as defined by Brandt (1855) and Tullberg (1899). Based on the approximately 800 bp analyzed for the 12S rRNA gene in 59 mammalian species, including 25 of the 32 extant rodent families, the major rodent groups that could be defined as monophyletic clades were the Hystricognathi, the Muroidea, and the Geomyoidea. In addition, support for superfamilial sister-group relationships was found for Aplodontoidea with Sciuroidea and Dipodoidea with Muroidea.  相似文献   

Rodentia is the largest order of placental mammals, with approximately 2,050 species divided into 28 families. It is also one of the most controversial with respect to its monophyly, relationships between families, and divergence dates. Here, we have analyzed and compared the performance of three nuclear genes (von Willebrand Factor, interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein, and Alpha 2B adrenergic receptor) for a large taxonomic sampling, covering the whole rodent and placental diversity. The phylogenetic results significantly support rodent monophyly, the association of Rodentia with Lagomorpha (the Glires clade), and a Glires + Euarchonta (Primates, Dermoptera, and Scandentia) clade. The resolution of relationships among rodents is also greatly improved. The currently recognized families are divided here into seven well-defined clades (Anomaluromorpha, Castoridae, Ctenohystrica, Geomyoidea, Gliridae, Myodonta, and Sciuroidea) that can be grouped into three major clades: Ctenohystrica, Gliridae + Sciuroidea, and a mouse-related clade (Anomaluromorpha, Castoridae + Geomyoidea, and Myodonta). Molecular datings based on these three genes suggest that the rodent radiation took place at the transition between Paleocene and Eocene. The divergence between rodents and lagomorphs is placed just at the K-T boundary and the first splits among placentals in the Late Cretaceous. Our results thus tend to reconcile molecular and morphological-paleontological insights.  相似文献   

Despite their ecological significance as decomposers and their evolutionary significance as the most speciose eusocial insect group outside the Hymenoptera, termite (Blattodea: Termitoidae or Isoptera) evolutionary relationships have yet to be well resolved. Previous morphological and molecular analyses strongly conflict at the family level and are marked by poor support for backbone nodes. A mitochondrial (mt) genome phylogeny of termites was produced to test relationships between the recognised termite families, improve nodal support and test the phylogenetic utility of rare genomic changes found in the termite mt genome. Complete mt genomes were sequenced for 7 of the 9 extant termite families with additional representatives of each of the two most speciose families Rhinotermitidae (3 of 7 subfamilies) and Termitidae (3 of 8 subfamilies). The mt genome of the well supported sister-group of termites, the subsocial cockroach Cryptocercus, was also sequenced. A highly supported tree of termite relationships was produced by all analytical methods and data treatment approaches, however the relationship of the termites+Cryptocercus clade to other cockroach lineages was highly affected by the strong nucleotide compositional bias found in termites relative to other dictyopterans. The phylogeny supports previously proposed suprafamilial termite lineages, the Euisoptera and Neoisoptera, a later derived Kalotermitidae as sister group of the Neoisoptera and a monophyletic clade of dampwood (Stolotermitidae, Archotermopsidae) and harvester termites (Hodotermitidae). In contrast to previous termite phylogenetic studies, nodal supports were very high for family-level relationships within termites. Two rare genomic changes in the mt genome control region were found to be molecular synapomorphies for major clades. An elongated stem-loop structure defined the clade Polyphagidae + (Cryptocercus+termites), and a further series of compensatory base changes in this stem-loop is synapomorphic for the Neoisoptera. The complicated repeat structures first identified in Reticulitermes, composed of short (A-type) and long (B-type repeats) defines the clade Heterotermitinae+Termitidae, while the secondary loss of A-type repeats is synapomorphic for the non-macrotermitine Termitidae.  相似文献   

Suprafamilial relationships among characiform fishes and implications for the taxonomy and biogeographic history of the Characiformes were investigated by parsimony analysis of four nuclear and two mitochondrial genes across 124 ingroup and 11 outgroup taxa. Simultaneous analysis of 3660 aligned base pairs from the mitochondrial 16S and cytochrome b genes and the nuclear recombination activating gene (RAG2), seven in absentia (sia), forkhead (fkh), and alpha-tropomyosin (trop) gene loci confirmed the non-monophyly of the African and Neotropical assemblages and corroborated many suprafamilial groups proposed previously on the basis of morphological features. The African distichodontids plus citharinids were strongly supported as a monophyletic Citharinoidei that is the sistergroup to all other characiforms, which form a monophyletic Characoidei composed of two large clades. The first represents an assemblage of both African and Neotropical taxa, wherein a monophyletic African Alestidae is sister to a smaller clade comprised of the Neotropical families Ctenolucidae, Lebiasinidae, and the African Hepsetidae, with that assemblage sister to a strictly Neotropical clade comprised of the Crenuchidae and Erythrinidae. The second clade within the Characoidei is strictly Neotropical and includes all other Characiformes grouped into two well supported major clades. The first, corresponding to a traditional definition of the Characidae, is congruent with some groupings previously supported by morphological evidence. The second clade comprises a monophyletic Anostomoidea that is sister to a clade formed by the families Hemiodontidae, Parodontidae, and Serrasalmidae, with that assemblage, in turn, the sistergroup of the Cynodontidae. Serrasalmidae, traditionally regarded as a subfamily of Characidae, was recovered as the sistergroup of (Anostomoidea (Parodontidae+Hemiodontidae)) and the family Cynodontidae was recovered with strong support as the sistergroup to this assemblage. Our results reveal three instances of trans-continental sistergroup relationships and, in light of the fossil evidence, suggest that marine dispersal cannot be ruled out a priori and that a simple model of vicariance does not readily explain the biogeographic history of the characiform fishes.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the African lungfish (Protopterus dolloi) and the coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) with respect to tetrapods were analyzed using complete mitochondrial genome DNA sequences. A lungfish + coelancanth clade was favored by maximum parsimony (although this result is dependent on which transition:transversion weights are applied), and a lungfish + tetrapod clade was supported by neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood analyses. These two hypotheses received the strongest statistical and bootstrap support to the exclusion of the third alternative, the coelacanth + tetrapod sister group relationship. All mitochondrial protein coding genes combined favor a lungfish + tetrapod grouping. We can confidently reject the hypothesis that the coelacanth is the closest living relative of tetrapods. When the complete mitochondrial sequence data were combined with nuclear 28S rRNA gene data, a lungfish + coelacanth clade was supported by maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood, but a lungfish + tetrapod clade was favored by neighbor-joining. The seeming conflicting results based on different data sets and phylogenetic methods were typically not statistically strongly supported based on Kishino-Hasegawa and Templeton tests, although they were often supported by strong bootstrap values. Differences in rate of evolution of the different mitochondrial genes (slowly evolving genes such as the cytochrome oxidase and tRNA genes favored a lungfish + coelacanth clade, whereas genes of relatively faster substitution rate, such as several NADH dehydrogenase genes, supported a lungfish + tetrapod grouping), as well as the rapid radiation of the lineages back in the Devonian, rather than base compositional biases among taxa seem to be directly responsible for the remaining uncertainty in accepting one of the two alternate hypotheses.  相似文献   

Tetraodontiform fishes (e.g., triggerfishes, boxfishes, pufferfishes, and giant ocean sunfishes) have long been recognized as a monophyletic group. Morphological analyses have resulted in conflicting hypotheses of relationships among the tetraodontiform families. Molecular data from the single-copy nuclear gene RAG1 and from two mitochondrial ribosomal genes, 12S and 16S, were used to test these morphology-based hypotheses. Total evidence (RAG1+12S+16S), RAG1-only, and mitochondrial-only analyses were performed using both maximum parsimony and Bayesian criteria. Total evidence and RAG1-only analyses recover a monophyletic Tetraodontiformes. However, the relationships recovered within the order differ, and none completely conform to previous hypotheses. Analysis of mitochondrial data alone fails to recover a monophyletic Tetraodontiformes and therefore does not support any of the morphology-based topologies. The RAG1 data appear to give the best estimate of tetraodontiform phylogeny, resulting in many strongly supported nodes and showing a high degree of congruence between both parsimony and Bayesian analyses. All analyses recover every tetraodontiform family for which more than one representative is included as a strongly supported monophyletic group. Balistidae and Monacanthidae are recovered as sister groups with robust support in every analysis, and all analyses except the Bayesian analyses of the mitochondrial data alone recover a strongly supported sister-group relationship between Tetraodontidae and Diodontidae. Many of the intrafamilial relationships recovered from the molecular data presented here corroborate previous morphological hypotheses.  相似文献   

Homoplasy among morphological characters has hindered inference of higher level rodent phylogeny for over 100 years. Initial molecular studies, based primarily on single genes, likewise produced little resolution of the deep relationships among rodent families. Two recent molecular studies (Huchon et al., 2002, Mol. Biol. Evol. 19:1053-1065; Adkins et al., 2003, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 26:409-420), using larger samples from the nuclear genome, have produced phylogenies that are generally concordant with each other, but many of the deep superfamilial nodes were still lacking substantial statistical support. Data are presented here for a total of approximately 3,600 base pairs from portions of three different nuclear protein-coding genes, CB1, IRBP, and RAG2, from 19 rodents and three outgroups. Separate analyses, with data partitioned according to both genes and codon position, produced conflicting results. Trees obtained from all partitions of CB1 and RAG2 and those obtained from the first- plus second-position sites of IRBP were generally concordant with each other and the trees from the two recent studies, whereas trees obtained from the third-position sites of IRBP were not. Although the IRBP third-position sites represent only 1/9 of the total data set, combined analyses using either parsimony or likelihood resulted in trees in agreement with the IRBP third-position sites and in disagreement with the remaining 8/9 of the sites from this data set and the two recent multigene studies. In contrast, maximum-likelihood analysis using a site-specific rates model did recover a tree that is highly congruent with the trees in the two recent studies. If the IRBP third-position sites are removed from the current data set, then combined likelihood analyses obtain a tree that is highly congruent with those of the two recent studies. This analysis also provides, for the first time in a study of rodent phylogeny, robust statistical support for every bipartition, with just one exception. This tree divides rodents into two major clades. The first contains Myodonta (Muroidea plus Dipodidae) and the only unresolved trichotomy, from which descend Geomyoidea, Pedetidae, and Castoridae. On the other side of the root is a clade containing Sciuroidea plus Gliridae, and Hystricognathi. Some uncertainty remains on the placement of the root. Trees on which the Hystricognathi are the basal sister group to Myodonta, Geomyoidea, Pedetidae, and Castoridae are also found within a Bayesian 95% credible set, as estimated by Metropolis-coupled Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling.  相似文献   

The systematic relationships of the freshwater shrimp family, Kakaducarididae, were examined using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Combined nuclear (18S rDNA, 28S rDNA, Histone) and mitochondrial (16S rDNA) analyses placed the kakaducaridid genera, Kakaducaris and Leptopalaemon, as a strongly supported clade within the Palaemonidae, in a close relationship with the genus Macrobrachium. Monophyly of the Australian Kakaducarididae was strongly supported by the molecular data. Estimated net divergence times between Kakaducaris and Leptopalaemon using mitochondrial 16S rDNA equate to a late Miocene/Pliocene split. Within Leptopalaemon, each locality was distinct for mitochondrial COI haplotypes, suggesting long-term isolation or recent genetic bottlenecks, a lack of contemporary gene flow amongst sites and a small Ne. Mitochondrial groupings within Leptopalaemon were largely congruent with several previously recognised morphotypes. Estimated net divergence times between L. gagadjui and the new Leptopalaemon morphotypes equate to a split in the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene. The hypothesis that the Kakaducarididae is comprised of relict species in specialised ecological niches is not supported by the molecular data, which instead suggest a relatively recent origin for the group in northern Australia, sometime in the late Miocene or Pliocene.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study compares the results of Rozen's cladistic analysis of the larvae of fifteen genera of cleptoparasitic bees in the subfamily Nomadinae with an independent data set of adult characters for the same genera. Adult characters exhibited considerably higher levels of homoplasy and poorer resolution of cladistic relationships, with multiple equally parsimonious cladograms. However, comparison of a Nelson consensus tree based on adult characters with the cladogram based on larval characters reveals three components consistently supported in both analyses (the tribes Epeolini and Ammobatini, and Neopasites + Neolarra) , one component supported only by adult characters (Isepeolus + Protepeolus) , and one terminal component supported only by larval characters (Nomada + Ammobatini), as well as several more inclusive groupings based on larval characters that are difficult to compare with the adult consensus tree because it shows so much less resolution. When adult and larval characters are combined in a single data matrix, the resulting cladogram closely resembles the cladogram based on larval characters alone, although levels of homoplasy are considerably higher than in the larval analysis.
A preliminary analysis of adult characters for thirty-four genera in the Nomadinae also exhibited high levels of homoplasy and very large numbers of equally parsimonious cladograms. Nevertheless, certain consistent monophyletic groupings, most notably the Epeolini and Ammobatini, were also supported in this analysis. The one currently recognized tribe whose monophyly has received no support from any analysis is the Nomadini.
The relevance of these phylogenetic hypotheses to our understanding of host associations and variable features of egg morphology and oviposition behaviour in nomadine bees is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Oceanic dolphins (Delphinidae) are the product of a rapid radiation that yielded ~36 extant species of small to medium-sized cetaceans that first emerged in the Late Miocene. Although they are a charismatic group of organisms that have become poster children for marine conservation, many phylogenetic relationships within Delphinidae remain elusive due to the slow molecular evolution of the group and the difficulty of resolving short branches from successive cladogenic events. Here I combine existing and newly generated sequences from four mitochondrial (mt) genes and 20 nuclear (nu) genes to reconstruct a well-supported phylogenetic hypothesis for Delphinidae. This study compares maximum-likelihood and Bayesian inference methods of several data sets including mtDNA, combined nuDNA, gene trees of individual nuDNA loci, and concatenated mtDNA+nuDNA. In addition, I contrast these standard phylogenetic analyses with the species tree reconstruction method of Bayesian concordance analysis (BCA). Despite finding discordance between mtDNA and individual nuDNA loci, the concatenated matrix recovers a completely resolved and robustly supported phylogeny that is also broadly congruent with BCA trees. This study strongly supports groupings such as Delphininae, Lissodelphininae, Globicephalinae, Sotalia+Delphininae, Steno+Orcaella+Globicephalinae, and Leucopleurus acutus, Lagenorhynchus albirostris, and Orcinus orca as basal delphinid taxa.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of over 4600 aligned nucleotide sequences from two nuclear genes, growth hormone receptor and BRCA1, provided congruent phylogenies depicting relationships among the major lineages of rodents. Separate and combined analyses resulted in five major conclusions: (1) strong support for a monophyletic Myodonta (containing the superfamilies Muroidea + Dipodoidea), with subfamily Gerbillinae being more closely related to Murinae than is Sigmodontinae; (2) a sister-group relationship between the family Castoridae and the superfamily Geomyoidea; (3) monophyly of Ctenohystrica (containing the suborders Sciuravida and Hystricognatha); (4) a near polytomy among Myodonta (suborder Myomorpha), Pedetes (family Pedetidae, suborder Anomaluromorpha), Castoridae (suborder Sciuromorpha) + Geomyoidea (suborder Myomorpha), and Ctenohystrica; and (5) basal position of a monophyletic group containing Graphiurus (family Gliridae, suborder Myomorpha) + two members of the Sciuromorpha (Sciuridae + Aplodontidae). Divergence dates among rodents and primates were also estimated using the combined data. Applying a global molecular clock and a primate calibration point, divergence dates among rodents exceeded fossil-based dates but were generally compatible with other molecule-based dates estimated under similar conditions. However, when a relaxed molecular clock was applied, estimated divergence dates were highly compatible with the fossil record.  相似文献   

Zardoya R  Meyer A 《Genetics》2000,155(2):765-775
The complete nucleotide sequence (17,005 bp) of the mitochondrial genome of the caecilian Typhlonectes natans (Gymnophiona, Amphibia) was determined. This molecule is characterized by two distinctive genomic features: there are seven large 109-bp tandem repeats in the control region, and the sequence for the putative origin of replication of the L strand can potentially fold into two alternative secondary structures (one including part of the tRNA(Cys)). The new sequence data were used to assess the phylogenetic position of caecilians and to gain insights into the origin of living amphibians (frogs, salamanders, and caecilians). Phylogenetic analyses of two data sets-one combining protein-coding genes and the other combining tRNA genes-strongly supported a caecilian + frog clade and, hence, monophyly of modern amphibians. These two data sets could not further resolve relationships among the coelacanth, lungfishes, and tetrapods, but strongly supported diapsid affinities of turtles. Phylogenetic relationships among a larger set of species of frogs, salamanders, and caecilians were estimated with a mitochondrial rRNA data set. Maximum parsimony analysis of this latter data set also recovered monophyly of living amphibians and favored a frog + salamander (Batrachia) relationship. However, bootstrap support was only moderate at these nodes. This is likely due to an extensive among-site rate heterogeneity in the rRNA data set and the narrow window of time in which the three main groups of living amphibians were originated.  相似文献   

There are two types of cheek pouches in extant rodents. Internal cheek pouches are evaginations of the oral cavity deep to M. platysma and M. sphincter colli profundus, and have evolved independently in some species of the superfamilies Sciuroidea and Muroidea. External, furlined cheek pouches open lateral to and separate from the oral cavity, (also deep to M. platysma and M. sphincter colli profundus), and occur in all species of the families Geomyidae and Heteromyidae. The presence of external, furlined cheek pouches is a synapomorphy for the superfamily Geomyoidea. The posterior retractor muscle of the pouch is derived from facial musculature in sciurids, from trapezius musculature in cricetids, and from both facial and trapezius muscle groups in the Geomyoidea. Differences also exist in the musculature associated with the pouch opening. In the Sciuridae and Cricetidae, the M. buccinatorius muscle group acts as a sphincter to control the size of the pouch opening. In the Geomyoidea, the size of the opening is controlled by the M. orbicularis sacculi in concert with a slip of the M. platysma myoides. Thin sections and scanning electron micrographs of the pouch tissue reveal the presence of dermal papillae in Phodopus sungorus but not in a close relative, Mesocricetus auratus. All members of the subfamily Cricetinae have a peninsula of highly folded tissue projecting anteriorly from the posteromedial pouch wall. This folding allows for expansion of the pouch walls when food is stored in the pouch.  相似文献   

The Ptinidae (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea) are a cosmopolitan, ecologically diverse, but poorly known group of Coleoptera and, excluding a few economic pests, species are rarely encountered. This first broad phylogenetic study of the Ptinidae s.l. (i.e. including both the spider beetles and anobiids) examines relationships based on DNA sequence data from two mitochondrial genes (16S and COI) and one nuclear gene (28S), using out‐group taxa from both the Bostrichidae and Dermestidae. Topologies varied depending on the genes used and whether data were analysed with either parsimony or Bayesian methods. Generally the two mitochondrial genes supported relationships near the tips of the phylogeny, whereas the nuclear gene supported the basal relationships. The monophyly of the Ptinidae was not inferred by all of the gene combinations and analysis methods, although the combined Ptinidae and Bostrichidae have a single origin in all cases. Alternative relationships include the Ptinidae s.s. (i.e. Ptininae and Gibbiinae) as sister to the anobiids (i.e. the nine remaining subfamilies of Ptinidae s.l.) + Bostrichidae, or the Bostrichidae as sister to the Ptinidae s.s.+ anobiids. Most of the larger subfamilies within the Ptinidae are not monophyletic. Further analysis with more taxa and more genes will be required to clarify and decide upon the best hypothesis of relationships found within the clades of the Bostrichidae and Ptinidae. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 88–108.  相似文献   



The number of rodent clades identified above the family level is contentious, and to date, no consensus has been reached on the basal evolutionary relationships among all rodent families. Rodent suprafamilial phylogenetic relationships are investigated in the present study using ~7600 nucleotide characters derived from two mitochondrial genes (Cytochrome b and 12S rRNA), two nuclear exons (IRBP and vWF) and four nuclear introns (MGF, PRKC, SPTBN, THY). Because increasing the number of nucleotides does not necessarily increase phylogenetic signal (especially if the data is saturated), we assess the potential impact of saturation for each dataset by removing the fastest-evolving positions that have been recognized as sources of inconsistencies in phylogenetics.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 19 extant species of rodents, with special emphasis on rats, mice, and allied Muroidea, were studied using sequences of the nuclear protein-coding gene LCAT (lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase), an enzyme of cholesterol metabolism. Analysis of 705 base pairs from the exonic regions of LCAT confirmed known groupings in and around Muroidea. Strong support was found for the families Sciuridae (squirrel and marmot) and Gliridae (dormice) and for suprafamilial taxa Muroidea and Caviomorpha (guinea pig and allies). Within Muroidea, the first branching leads to the fossorial mole rats Spalacinae and bamboo rats Rhizomyinae. The other Muroidea appear as a polytomy from which are issued Gerbillinae (gerbils), Murinae (rats and mice), Sigmodontinae (New World cricetids), Cricetinae (hamsters), and Arvicolinae (voles). Evidence from LCAT sequences agrees with that from a number of previous molecular and morphological studies, both concerning branching orders inside Muroidea and the bush-like radiation of rodent suprafamilial taxa (caviomorphs, sciurids, glirids, muroids), thus suggesting that this nuclear gene is an appropriate candidate for addressing questions of rodents relationships.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genomes of two reptiles, the common iguana (Iguana iguana) and the caiman (Caiman crocodylus), were sequenced in order to investigate phylogenetic questions of tetrapod evolution. The addition of the two species allows analysis of reptilian relationships using data sets other than those including only fast-evolving species. The crocodilian mitochondrial genomes seem to have evolved generally at a higher rate than those of other vertebrates. Phylogenetic analyses of 2889 amino-acid sites from 35 mitochondrial genomes supported the bird-crocodile relationship, lending no support to the Haematotherma hypothesis (with birds and mammals representing sister groups). The analyses corroborated the view that turtles are at the base of the bird-crocodile branch. This position of the turtles makes Diapsida paraphyletic. The origin of the squamates was estimated at 294 million years (Myr) ago and that of the turtles at 278 Myr ago. Phylogenetic analysis of mammalian relationships using the additional outgroups corroborated the Marsupionta hypothesis, which joins the monotremes and the marsupials to the exclusion of the eutherians.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the Braconidae were examined using homologous 16S rDNA, 28S rDNA D2 region, and 18S rDNA gene sequences and morphological data using both PAUP* 4.0 and MRBAYES 3.0B4 from 88 in-group taxa representing 35 subfamilies. The monophyletic nature of almost all subfamilies, of which multiple representatives are present in this study, is well-supported except for two subfamilies, Cenocoelinae and Neoneurinae that should probably be treated as tribal rank taxa in the subfamily Euphorinae. The topology of the trees generated in the present study supported the existence of three large generally accepted lineage or groupings of subfamilies: two main entirely endoparasitic lineages of this family, referred to as the "helconoid complex" and the "microgastroid complex," and the third "the cyclostome." The Aphidiinae was recovered as a member of the non-cyclostomes, probably a sister group of Euphorinae or Euphorinae-complex. The basal position of the microgastroid complex among the non-cyclostomes has been found in all our analyses. The cyclostomes were resolved as a monophyletic group in all analyses if two putatively misplaced groups (Mesostoa and Aspilodemon) were excluded from them. Certain well-supported relationships evident in this family from the previous analyses were recovered, such as a sister-group relationships of Alysiinae+Opiinae, of Braconinae+Doryctinae, and a close relationship between Macrocentrinae, Xiphozelinae, Homolobinae, and Charmontinae. The relationships of "Ichneutinae + ((Adeliinae + Cheloninae) + (Miracinae + (Cardiochilinae + Microgastrinae)))" was confirmed within the microgastroid complex. The position of Acampsohelconinae, Blacinae, and Trachypetinae is problematic.  相似文献   

The order Rodentia includes nearly half of all living mammalian species. Phylogenetic relationships among 22 species of rodents were investigated by use of a 1.2-kb region from exon 1 of the single-copy nuclear gene IRBP. IRBP has been extensively used for study of interordinal phylogeny in mammals, which allowed inclusion of 50 outgroup species, representing every eutherian order plus seven marsupials. Several clades were strongly supported, regardless of analytical method or inclusion/exclusion of data. These include a monophyletic Muroidea, with a clade including Spalax and Rhizomys as the first divergence; a clade uniting Zapus with Dipus, but excluding Sicista; a monophyletic Myodonta (Muroidea plus Dipodidae); and a clade including Aplodontidae as sister to Sciuridae. One bipartition, separating Hystricognathi and Geomyoidea from the remaining rodents, is strongly supported in all analyses that include third-position sites but almost completely absent from analyses that exclude third-position sites. A combination of nonstationary nucleotide composition and branch length effects may be causing all methods examined (including those using the LogDet distance) to support an incorrect conclusion when third-position sites are analyzed together with first- and second-position sites.  相似文献   

The high-level classification of Chrysomelidae (leaf beetles) currently recognizes 12 or 13 well-established subfamilies, but the phylogenetic relationships among them remain ambiguous. Full mitochondrial genomes were newly generated for 27 taxa and combined with existing GenBank data to provide a dataset of 108 mitochondrial genomes covering all subfamilies. Phylogenetic analysis under maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference recovered the monophyly of all subfamilies, except that Timarcha was split from Chrysomelinae in some analyses. Three previously recognized major clades of Chrysomelidae were broadly supported: the ‘chrysomeline’ clade consisting of (Chrysomelinae (Galerucinae + Alticinae)); the ‘sagrine’ clade with internal relationships of ((Bruchinae + Sagrinae) + (Criocerinae + Donaciinae)), and the ‘eumolpine’ clade comprising (Spilopyrinae (Cassidinae (Eumolpinae (Cryptocephalinae + Lamprosomatinae)))). Relationships among these clades differed between data treatments and phylogenetic algorithms, and were complicated by two additional deep lineages, Timarcha and Synetinae. Various topological tests favoured the PhyloBayes software as the preferred inference method, resulting in the arrangement of (chrysomelines (eumolpines + sagrines)), with Timarcha placed as sister to the chrysomeline clade and Synetinae as a deep lineage splitting near the base. Whereas mitogenomes provide a solid framework for the phylogeny of Chrysomelidae, the basal relationships do not agree with the topology of existing molecular studies and remain one of the most difficult problems of Chrysomelidae phylogenetics.  相似文献   

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