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Host discrimination was investigated in two related species of ichneumonid wasps: Diadegma eucerophaga Horst. and D. fenestralis (Holmgr.) attacking a common host, the diamond-back moth Plutella xylostella (L.). In the laboratory, I studied: (1) the relative amounts of time spent between patches containing unparasitized or parasitized hosts, (2) the results of parasitoid encounters with parasitized and unparasitized hosts, (3) dissections to reveal whether or not the wasps preferred to oviposit in unparasitized hosts. D. eucerophaga showed discrimination by (1) avoiding patches containing parasitized hosts and by (2) preference to oviposit in unparasitized larvae. No discrimination was detected for D. fenestralis at any of the three levels.In the field, a population consisting primarity of D. eucerophaga was presented to plants containin either unparasitized or previously-parasitized larvae. Although superparasitism occurred, the wasps preferred to oviposit in the unparasitized larvae.
Résumé La sélection a été examinée sur P. xylostella attaqué par deux espèces voisines Diadegma eucerophaga et D. fenestralis. La sélection a été examinée examinée à 3 niveaux au laboratoire: (1) par la comparaison des temps passés sur feuilles portant des chenilles parasitées ou non; (2) par l'analyse des résultats des rencontres avec chenilles parasitées ou non; (3) par des dissections pour examiner dans quel type la ponte a lieu de préférence. Les résultats prouvent une sélection chez D. eucerophaga qui évite les feuilles portant des chenilles parasitées, et pond de préférence dans les chenilles non parasitées. Les chenilles parasitées sont autant attaquées que les saines (insertion de la tarière), ce qui suggère peut-être un signal interne et l'aptitude à ne pas pondre après sa détection. Aucune preuve de sélection à ces trois niveaux n'a pu être apportée pour D. fenestralis. Une explication est suggérée.La sélection par une population naturelle de D. eucerophaga a aussi été étudiée dans la nature en lui présentant des chenilles parasitées ou non. Bien qu'il y ait eu un superparasitisme, les ichneumonides ont préféré pondre dans les chenilles non parasitées.

Following the successful introduction ofEpidinocarsis lopezi (De Santis) for biological control of the cassava mealybug (CM)Phenacoccus manihoti Mat.-Ferr. in southwestern Nigeria in 1981 and 1982, 11 groups of cassava fields were sampled every 2 weeks up to 1988 for impact assessment. After 1984, CM populations remained mostly below 10 per tip despite the presence of native hyperparasitoids, demonstrating the long-term success of biological control byE. lopezi in the region. Indigenous polyphagous coccinellids were found only during peak host densities, whereas the specificE. lopezi was common throughout the year. During some periods, percentage parasitism indicated delayed density dependence. Since 89% of all sampled cassava tips had no CM at all and the parasitisme is very mobile, parasitization rates were also calculated for individual infested tips (N=4,878). Parasitism increased slightly with host density on tips having between 1 and 10 CM of the 3rd and 4th instars, indicating positive density dependence. Such tips comprised 64% of all infested tips. At higher host densities, parasitism rates fell rapidly. The results are discussed in view of different theories on population regulation by biological control agents.   相似文献   

Progeny production increased and adult longevity decreased with rising temperature within the range 18°C to 30°C for the 3 mealybug parasitoidsAnagyrus pseudococci (Girault),Leptomastix dactylopii Howard andLeptomastidea abnormis (Girault). The Weibull distribution gave a good fit to survival curves for the 3 parasitoids and statistical comparison of Weibullb andc parameters at different temperatures allowed changes in the scale and shape of the curves to be detected. In general, ♀♀ lived longer than ♂♂ for all 3 species, except at high temperature. FemaleL. abnormis attained their maximum progeny production at 24°C and maintained this level up to 34°C. They lived longer than the other 2 parasitoid species at 30°C and showed a type I survival curve throuhout the range of temperatures examined.A. pseudococci andL. dactylopii both required high temperatures (30°C) to attain their maximal progeny production, but werepseudococci tended towards type II, with a larger proportion of the population dying within the first few days.L. dactylopii lived longest at 26°C, with ♀♀ showing a type I survival curve at all temperatures and ♂ survival curves changing from type I to type II at 30°C. The implications of these findings for the population dynamics of the different parasitoids are briefly discussed.   相似文献   

Laboratory experiments and observations on the oviposition behaviour of the almond seed wasp Eurytoma amygdali Enderlein (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) revealed that the females of this species deposit a host-marking pheromone, immediately after an oviposition, by dragging the tip of their abdomen on the fruit surface. This pheromone enables them to discriminate between the infested and uninfested fruit and to select for oviposition the latter. Its primary function is apparently the prevention of repeated ovipositions in already infested fruit, thus contributing to the optimal utilisation of the available resources for larval development. The responses of individual females to different treatments of almonds, in a series of two-choice tests, revealed that the pheromone can be perceived by the females on direct contact and, when at high concentrations, also olfactorily from a short distance. The pheromone was present inside the abdomen and thorax of females but not of males, and, although water soluble, could not be entirely removed from heavily infested almonds when rinsed with water. Direct observations revealed that after an average of 3.7 successive visits to pheromone-bearing almonds, females were induced to walk or, most often, fly away from the experimental set-up. This suggests that the pheromone may also contribute to the dispersion of the wasps.
Résumé Des expériences de laboratoire et des observations concernant le comportement de ponte de Eurytoma amygdali Enderlein (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) ont montré que, immédiatement après la ponte, les femelles déposent une phéromone de marquage de l'hôte en trainant le bout de leur abdomen sur la surface de l'amande. Cette phéromone les rends capable de distinguer les fruits infectés des non-infectés dt de sélectionner pour la ponte les derniers. Apparemment, la fonction principale de cette phéromone est la prévention de la répétition des ovipositions dans les fruits déjà infectés et la répartition uniforme des oeufs dans les amandes, contribuant ainsi à la meilleure utilisation des ressources disponsibles pour le développement des larves. Des expériences de deux choix entre des fruits de différents traitements ont montré que la phéromone pouvait être perçue par les femelles par le direct contact et, quand elle était à hautes concentrations, par olfaction d'une courte distance. La phéromone était présente dans l'abdomen et dans le thorax des femelles, et bien qu'elle soit soluble à l'eau, elle ne pouvait pas s'éloigner entièrement par lavage des amandes sérieusement infectées à l'eau. Les observations ont démontré qu'après un numéro de 3.7 visites successives sur des amandes portant de la phéromone les femelles s'éloignaient du lieu de ponte en marchant ou, le plus souvant, en s'envolant, ce qui suggère que la phéromone contribue à la dispersion des femelles.

Naive and experienced females of Ephedrus californicus Baker (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) were tested for their ability to discriminate between parasitized and unparasitized pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Attacks lasting 6 s generally resulted in oviposition; the average length was 11.8 s. The proportion of parasitized aphids that was rejected varied with the interval length between attacks. It is suggested that host discrimination is time-dependent and can be induced by a pheromone-like external marker left by a first-attacking female (0–9 h), or by changes in host quality associated with parasite development ( 14 h). Experienced, but not naive, females responded to the external marker, which became less effective with time. In superparasitized aphids, the older of two E. californicus larvae usually eliminated a younger competitor; but younger larvae survived under certain conditions. Mechanisms for the elimination of supernumerary larvae varied with the relative developmental stage of the competitors and included physical combat and physiological suppression. Host instar had no effect on larval competition or the female's ability to discriminate.
Résumé L'aptitude à choisir entre Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Hom. Aphididae) parasités ou non a été examinée chez des femelles nouvelles ou expérimentées d'E. californicus Baker (Hym. Aphidiidae). Les attaques durant 6 s étaient généralement suivies de pontes; la durée moyenne d'une attaque était 11,8 s. La proportion de pucerons parasités refusés, variait avec le laps de temps écoulé entre des attaques. Les femelles nouvelles aussi bien qu'expérimentées rejetaient généralement les pucerons contenant les stades les plus âgés de parasites (13–15 h). Cependant, seules les femelles expérimentées évitaient de pondre dans des pucerons attaqués par une autre dans les 9 h précédentes. Quand des femelles expérimentées pouvaient choisir entre 20 pucerons parasités et 20 pucerons sains, en moyenne 73% des 20 premières attaques étaient sur pucerons sains pour des intervalles 9 h. Des attaques non suivies de pontes, c'est-à-dire durant 5 s, n'intervenaient que pour 3% parmi toutes les premières attaques sur pucerons sains; ces attaques atteignaient ultérieurement 17% pour les pucerons sains et 40% pour les parasités.On en a déduit que la sélection des hôtes est temporelle et peut-être induite par un marqueur externe type phéromone, laissé par la lère femelle attaquante (0–9 h), ou par un changement dans la qualité de l'hôte lié au développement du parasite. Les femelles expérimentées, et non les nouvelles, répondaient au marqueur externe, dont l'efficacité diminue avec le temps.Chez les pucerons superparasités, les mécanismes pour l'élimination des larves en surnombre ont varié avec le stade larvaire des compétiteurs, ils comportaient un combat physique et une suppression physiologique. La larve de E. californicus la plus âgée éliminait généralement une compétitrice plus jeune. Cependant les larves les plus jeunes ont survécu dans certaines conditions; c'est-à-dire quand les premiers stades mandibulés luttaient contre les 2e et. 3e stades sans mandibules. Le stade de l'hôte était sans effet sur la compétition ou sur l'aptitude au choix des femelles.

Females of the solitary aphid parasitoids Aphidius ervi Haliday and A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) discriminated between unparasitized pea aphids and those parasitized by the other species. Oviposition restraint varied with the attack sequence and the length of the interval between successive attacks. The tendency to reject a previously parasitized host increased with interval length; A. smithi females rarely oviposited in aphids that had been parasitized 30 h earlier by A. ervi. Early first-instar larvae of A. ervi physically attacked and killed older A. smithi larvae, and older A. ervi larvae killed younger A. smithi, possibly by physiological suppression. Neither species appeared to have a competitive advantage when their eggs hatched at the same time. The evolution of heterospecific host discrimination in A. ervi and A. smithi is discussed. It is suggested that avoidance of multiparasitism is adaptive for both parasitoid species: for A. smithi because it is the inferior larval competitor, and for A. ervi because immatures develop more slowly in multiparasitized than in initially unparasitized hosts.
Compétition interspécifique et discrimination des hôtes chez deux parasitoïdes de pucerons: Aphidius ervi et A. smithi
Résumé Les femelles des parasitoïdes de pucerons: Aphidius ervi Haliday et A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hyméno. Aphidiidae) distinguent les pucerons du pois sains des parasités par d'autres espèces. La rétention de la ponte dépend de la séquence de l'attaque et du temps écoulé entre des attaques successives. La tendance au rejet d'un puceron précédemment parasité augmente avec l'importance du délai; A. smithi a rarement pondu dans des pucerons qui avaient été parasités 30 h avant par A. ervi. Les jeunes larves de premier stade de A. ervi ont attaqué physiquement et tué les larves plus âgées de A. smithi, et les larves plus âgées de A. ervi ont tué des larves plus jeunes de A. smithi par élimination physiologique. Aucune espèce ne semble avoir un avantage quand les oeufs ont éclos en même temps. L'évolution de la discrimination interspécifique de l'hôte chez A. ervi et A. smithi est discutée. On estime que la tendance à éviter le multiparasitisme est adaptative chez les 2 espèces: pour A. smithi parce qu'il est dominé dans la compétition larvaire et pour A. ervi parce que les larves se développent plus lentement dans un hôte multiparasité que dans un hôte initialement sain.

In the field, the encyrtid wasp, Epidinocarsis lopezi (DeSantis) can find its host, the cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero) on cassave plants when the host is scarce. As a step towards understanding the parasitoid's effectiveness we investigated the cues with which it locates its host-habitat. Using a fourarmed olfactometer, we determined the attactivity of various host-and host-plant odours to female E. lopezi which had been previously exposed to infested plants. Attractivity or preference of an odour was determined from the proportion of 50 choices made between the odour and a blank, or between two odours. Female E. lopezi were attracted by mealybug-infested cassava leaves (CML), but not by the odour of cassava mealybugs (CMB) alone or by uninfested plants (ULU). An artificial combination of CMB and ULU was also not attractive. CML was preferred over ULU and CMB + ULU. These results suggest that the attractive element arises from the cassava plant itself in response to CMB infestation. We therefore tested the attractivity of uninfested leaves from partly infested plants, and found that these were indeed attractive. E. lopezi probably uses the odour which is emitted from infested cassava plants to guide it to its host in the field.
Zusammenfassung Epidinocarsis lopezi ist imstande, seine Wirte auf den Cassavapflanzen zu finden, auch wenn die Wirte nur in geringer Dichte vorkommen. Die Reaktion der Schlupfwespe auf Gerüche der Wirte und der Wirtspflanzen wurde untersucht. Weibchen der Schlupfwespe, die vorher mit Schmierläusen auf Cassavapflanzen zusammengebracht worden waren, wurden individuell in einem vierarmigen Olfaktometer verschiedenen Kombinationen dieser Gerüche ausgesetzt. Die relative Attraktivität jedes Geruchs wurde bestimmt anhand von 50 Entscheiden zwischen dem Geruch und einer Kontrolle oder zwischen zwei Gerüchen. E. lopezi Weibchen wurden von schmierlausinfizierten Blättern angezogen, aber nicht von Cassavaschmierläusen (CMB), oder von uninfizierten Cassavapflanzen (ULU). Die künstliche Mischung von CMN und ULU wurde auch nicht anlockend. CML war relativ mehr attraktiv als ULU und als die Mischung. Die Vermutung liegt vor dass E. lopezi von einem Pflanzenduft angezogen wird, der von mit Schmierläusen infizierten Cassavapflanzen ausgeschieden wird. Die Parasitoide wurden auch von uninfizierte Blättern teilweise infizierter Pflanzen angezogen. Wahrscheinlich wird im Freiland der Geruch infizierter Cassavapflanzen durch E. lopezi zur Auffindung weiterer wirtstragenden Cassavapflanzen gebraucht.

Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the role of the egg stalk in host discrimination by Ooencyrtus nezarae Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), an egg parasitoid of the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus Thunberg (Hemiptera: Alydidae). These experiments showed that females that have oviposited in unparasitized hosts within 1 h before the test discriminated between parasitized and unparasitized hosts. When protruding parts of the parasitoid's egg stalks were removed from hosts, the latter were accepted by experienced females. This suggests that the protruding portion of the parasitoid egg stalk functions as an external marker. This part of the egg stalk was responsible for host discrimination up to 8 days after parasitism. Internal discrimination was also observed on hosts 3 or 8 days after parasitism.
Résumé Des expériences de laboratoire ont permis d'examiner l'influence du pédoncule de l'oeuf dans la sélection des hôtes par O. nezarae Ishii (Hym.: Encyrtidae), parasite d'oeufs de Riptortus clavatus Thunberg (Hemip.: Alydidae). Les femelles qui avaient pondu dans un hôte vierge dans l'heure qui avait précédé l'expérience ont été capables de choisir entre des hôtes parasités ou non. Quand la partie saillante du pédoncule de l'oeuf de parasitoïde avait été extraite de l'hôte, ce dernier avait été accepté par les femelles. Ceci laisse supposer que la partie saillante du pédoncule de l'oeuf fonctionne comme marqueur externe. Cette partie du pédoncule de l'oeuf a été responsable de la discrimination des hôtes jusqu'à 8 jours après qu'ils aient été parasités, montrant une plus longue efficacité comme marqueur externe que les phéromones externes observées chez d'autres parasitoïdes.

Planococcus citri (Risso) is one of the major pests of citrus orchards in India. For the control ofP. citri, an encyrtid parasite,Leptomastix dactylopii How. was introduced from West Indies in 1983. The parasite was mass bred and inoculative releases were made in 2 selected citrus orchards where infestation of mealybug on fruits (sweet orange, seedless lime and acid lime) ranged from 38 to 65 per cent. Establishment of the parasite in the 2 release orchards resulted in complete control of the mealybug within 3 to 4 months. No insecticidal sprays were required subsequently for the control ofP. citri in the following seasons. Contribution No. 152/85 of the IIHR, Bangalore — 560089.  相似文献   

Females of Epidinocarsis diversicornis (Howard) killed cassava mealybugs, Phenacoccus herreni Cox & Williams, through host feeding and piercing (i.e. ovipositor insertion and its consequences). Parasitoids fed on 9% of 592 hosts in which ovipositor insertion was achieved. For hosts which were attacked but not fed on, mortality in the first 72 h was significantly greater than that of controls and was highest in the first nymphal instar. No host feeding by Acerophagus coccois Smith was observed in 494 attacks. Mortality due to piercing was significantly greater than control values, but did not differ between host life stages.
Résumé La prise de nourriture et les piqûres (c'est-à-dire l'insertion de la tarière et ses conséquences) de Epidinocarsis diversicornis tuent Phenacoccus herreni. Les adultes s'alimentent sur 9% des 592 cochenilles dans lesquelles la tarière a pénétré. La mortalité au cours des 72 premières heures est beaucoup plus élevée chez les hôtes attaqués mais qui n'avaient pas subi une prise de nourriture, que chez les témoins; elle était particulièrement élevée chez les cochenilles du premier stade larvaire. Pour 494 attaques par Acerophagus coccois, aucune prise de nourriture n'a été observée; la mortalité était plus élevée que chez les temoins, sans qu'il y ait eu de différences suivant les stades.

Encapsulation of Epidinocarsis lopezi (De Santis) (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) by the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) was studied in the laboratory under controlled conditions (thermohygrometry and photoperiod as close as possible to field conditions): temperature, 26±1 °C; relative humidity, 80±10%; photoperiod, 12 h. Encapsulation began with melanin deposits forming on the parasitoid envelopes at different developmental stages: egg chorion and cuticle of L2 and L3 larvae. It led to the formation of an amorphous capsule from which parasitoids could occasionally escape. Encapsulation affected 26.7% of all parasitoids in solitary parasitism. There was a highly significant increase in the level of encapsulation (83.3%) in superparasitism. Encapsulation was more likely when egg laying occurred in the median body zone of host mealybugs but it was not related either to the sequence of eggs deposited or to the duration of egg laying. These results have significant implications for the assessment of E. lopezi parasitoid efficiency and should be considered in the current biological control program on P. manihoti in Africa.
Mélanisation et encapsulement des ufs et des larves d'Epidinocarsis lopezi par son hôte Phenacoccus manihoti: effets du superparasitisme et des modalités de la ponte
Résumé L'encapsulement d'Epidinocarsis lopezi (De Santis) (Hyménoptère, Encyrtidae) par la cochenille du manioc Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Homoptère, Pseudococcidae) a été étudié au laboratoire en conditions standardisées de thermohygrométrie et de photopériode aussi proches que possible de celle existant sur le terrain: température: 26±1 °C; hygrométrie relative: 80±10%; photopériode: 12 heures.Le phénomène débute par un dépot de mélanine sur les enveloppes du parasitoïde à différents stades de son développement: chorion de l'uf ou cuticule des larves L2 et L3. Il aboutit à la formation d'une capsule amorphe dont le parasitoïde parvient parfois à s'échapper. L'encapsulement affectant 26,7% des individus en situation de parasitisme solitaire est très significativement augmenté dans le cas de superparasitisme où ce taux concerne jusqu'à 83,3% des Hyménoptères en développement mais dans ces situations de superparasitisme, un Hyménoptère adulte est toujours obtenu d'une cochenille infestée.L'encapsulement est par ailleurs favorisé lorsque la ponte du parasitoïde s'effectue dans la région médiane de la cochenille mais ne dépend pas du rang de ponte des ufs et de la durée de la piqûre.Nos résultats, confirmés par des travaux de terrain au Congo, indiquent qu'un tel taux d'encapsulement a une incidence sur l'efficacité parasitaire d'Epidinocarsis lopezi et qu'il doit être pris en considération dans le progamme de lutte biologique en cours en Afrique contre Phenacoccus manihoti.

In a choice test among six life stages of Phenacoccus herreni Cox & Williams, Epidinocarsis diversicornis (Howard) used its antennae to examine adult and 3rd stadium females more than other stages and preferentially attempted to oviposit in these plus 2nd stadium females. Success of ovipositor insertion was unaffected by host stage. The outcome of these behaviors was preferential oviposition by E. diversicornis in the large female host stages. Acerophagus coccois Smith also preferentially examined larger female mealybugs (second and third stadium nymphs and adults) more than other stages and successfully inserted its ovipositor in these stages more often than in second stadium male nymphs and male cocoons, resulting in a similar preference in this species for larger female host stages. When given a choice between adult female hosts of two species, P. herreni and Phenacoccus gossypii Townsend & Cockerell, E. diversicornis exhibited a clear preference for P. herreni; whereas A. coccois preferred P. gossypii.
Résumé Epidinocarsis diversicornis (Howard), ayant la possibilité de choisir entre six stades différents de Phenacoccus herreni Cox & Williams, examine avec ses antennes plus particulièrement les adultes et les larves femelles du 3ème stade, et essaie de pondre de préférence dans ces stades et les larves femelles de second stade. L'insertion de la tarière s'effectue aussi bien quel que soit le stade de l'hôte. Il résulte de ces différents aspects du comportement que E. diversicornis pond de préférence dans les femelles des stades les plus avancés. Acerophagus coccois Smith préfère aussi examiner les cochenilles femelles les plus grosses (second et 3ème stade larvaires et adulte), et introduit sa tarière avec succès dans ces stades plus souvent que dans les larves mâles de second stade ou les cocons mâles; il en résulte aussi pour cette espèce une préférence pour les femelles des stades les plus gros.Quand on leur a donné le choix entre des femelles des deux espèces de cochenilles (P. herreni et Phenacoccus gossypii Towsend & Cockerell), E. diversicornis manifestait une nette préférence pour P. herreni, tandis que A. coccois préférait P. gossypii.

The parasitoids Apoanagyrus lopezi De Santis and A. diversicornis (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) have been introduced into Africa for the biological control of the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). We have studied competition between these species to investigate if they can coexist. Here we report on the influence of the simultaneous presence of non-conspecific adult females on searching efficiency on patches. Wasps of either species foraged on discs of cassava leaf with mealybugs, while at the same time different numbers of non-conspecifics were also depleting the patch. Patch area per parasitoid and number of hosts available to each parasitoid were equal in all treatments.In both species, the presence of other foragers clearly affected several aspects of the parasitoids' behaviour. Patch residence time increased with the number of non-conspecifics in A. diversicornis. In both parasitoid species, the proportion of hosts left unparasitized after the patch visit decreased with increasing numbers of females on the patch. The proportions of super- and multiparasitism did not change with the number of females. Both species produced more offspring during a patch visit in the presence of more non-conspecifics. These behavioural changes did not, however, lead to a change in the offspring production rate on patches. A. diversicornis produced offspring at a rate three times that of A. lopezi when one A. lopezi and one A. diversicornis foraged simultaneously. This is the first report of an aspect of interspecific competition where A. diversicornis has an advantage over A. lopezi. Interference between adult females thus promotes coexistence of the two species on P. manihoti.  相似文献   

Anstensrud  M.  Schram  T. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):587-595
Sprat caught by beach seining during the period 1977–1980 were examined for adult Lernaeenicus, and both sprat and herring caught in 1981–1983 were examined for all parasitic stages. Lernaeenicus was never found on herring. Adult L. sprattae were always found in the sprat's eye, usually (89%) in the upper rear quadrant of the eye. Double and triple infection of one or both eyes were found. Infection experiments support results from field work. The sprat is the only intermediate and final host of L. sprattae. In laboratory experiments, copepodites showed no preference for particular size groups of sprat. The infective stages, copepodid and adolescent female, are both initially randomly distributed on the host before the copepodites move towards the fins and the gravid females to the eye.  相似文献   

Potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Homoptera: Aphididae), is an abundant potato pest and vector of potato leaf-roll virus and potato virus Y in Maine and other potato growing areas. We investigated the circadian rhythmicity of its movement towards host plant odor. Effects of daily cycle (day or night) and illumination (light or dark) on the proportion of aphids colonizing potato leaflets were determined in a Petri plate arena and in a Y-tube olfactometer. In Petri dishes, both daily cycle and light had a highly significant effect on plant colonization. Increasing temperature reduced aphid colonization of the leaflets. In the olfactometer, light had a significant effect on the proportion of aphids walking towards the host plant. Interaction between time and light was also statistically significant, with the effect of illumination being smaller during the day than during the night. Our results suggest that circadian rhythm in host-finding behavior of the potato aphid is regulated by both exogenous and endogenous mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the solitary ectoparasitoid, Dinarmus basalis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), the occurrence of superparasitism according to the unparasitised host density, and the nature of the host(s) provided was investigated in laboratory studies. In this species superparasitism was observed whatever the experimental conditions used, but the degree of superparasitism depended on the density of its host, Bruchidius atrolineatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Superparasitism was due to successive egg-laying phases on the same host. However, females were able to discriminate between unparasitised hosts and hosts parasitised from 8 h to 72 h beforehand by themselves or by conspecifics. There was no conclusive evidence that superparasitism in the presence of a host parasitised 30 min before was linked to an absence of host discrimination. Host discrimination in this species is achieved by host-quality markers. These are individual-specific markers since conspecific superparasitism rates were often higher than self superparasitism rates. One deterrent substance is emitted by the females during oviposition onto the egg or released by the 16 to 24 h-old egg itself. Another host-quality marker is associated with the presence of a larva on its host. On the other hand, host discrimination ability did not always imply avoidance of superparasitism. In D. basalis there exists a positive relationship between the survival probability of the second egg and the tendency to superparasitise, and superparasitism could therefore result in a significant fitness gain. Under our experimental conditions, D. basalis females exhibited a wide range of oviposition behavioural plasticity in relation to the parasitoid developmental stage, the type of superparasitism, and the encounter rate with unparasitised hosts.  相似文献   

We present a reliable, time-saving, and cost-effective multiplex PCR assay for discriminating congeneric species. Three fish species of the genus Trachurus and two of the genus Mullus served as model cases. Our multiplex PCR method interrogates species-specific diagnostic mitochondrial single nucleotide polymorphisms (mtSNPs). We selected two sets of mtSNPs that are organized in two multiplex systems for the Trachurus and the Mullus species, respectively. In both systems, all individuals tested could be safely assigned to one of the three Trachurus or two Mullus species. This novel SNP typing system offers a convenient and robust DNA profiling system suitable for large-scale identification of commercial fish species, for species with cryptic larvae or during juvenile stages, as well as for wildlife forensics. Handling editor: Christian Sturmbauer  相似文献   

Urine collected from New World monkeys (tufted capuchin, squirrel monkey, cotton-top tamarin) and Old World monkeys (rhesus macaque, Japanese macaque), was used as the odor stimuli. Two adult tufted capuchins were trained on a successive odor-discrimination task with two odors, 30 trials each, in one session per day. Responses to one of the two odors (S+) were reinforced by sweet water. The monkeys failed to discriminate between the urine from the two species of macaques but could discriminate among the urine from the three species of New World monkeys. Furthermore, similarity of urine odors was analyzed by multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) and a cluster analysis. These analysis suggested that the tufted capuchin can distinguish differences among New World monkeys but not between the macaques. The natural distribution of the tufted capuchin overlaps with that of other New World monkeys, but it does not overlap with those of Old World monkeys. Consequently, it can be concluded that this difference in olfactory recognition in the tufted capuchin reflects their sympatric and allopatric relationships with other species.  相似文献   

This study identifies some previously unreported tactile and visual cues used by the pupal parasitoid Pimpla instigatorF. (Ichneumonidae) to recognize potential hosts. Paper cylinders were presented to the wasps as simple models of lepidopteran pupae. Acceptance of these models was evaluated by determining the frequency with which the wasps punctured the cylinders with their ovipositors. The length of the cylinders did not influence acceptance of the models; however, both surface texture and structural modifications to the ends of the cylinder did affect the frequency of punctures. Smooth cylinders were punctured more often than roughened cylinders, and cylinders with closed ends were frequently punctured, whereas open-ended cylinders were consistently rejected. The wasps also discriminated between blue and yellow cylinders and could be trained to associate blue or yellow with the presence of hosts. Preferences were established during a single 90- min training period and persisted for at least 4 days following training.  相似文献   

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