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To determine the sequence specificity of dimeric Ss-LrpB, a high resolution contact map was constructed and a saturation mutagenesis conducted on one half of the palindromic consensus box. Premodification binding interference indicates that Ss-LrpB establishes most of its tightest contacts with a single strand of two major groove segments and interacts with the minor groove at the center of the box. The requirement for bending is reflected in the preference for an A+T rich center and confirmed with C.G and C.I substitutions. The saturation mutagenesis indicates that major groove contacts with C.G at position 5 and its symmetrical counterpart are most critical for the specificity and strength of the interaction. Conservation at the remaining positions improved the binding. Hydrogen bonding to the O6 and N7 acceptor atoms of the G5' residue play a major role in complex formation. Unlike many other DNA-binding proteins Ss-LrpB does not establish hydrophobic interactions with the methyls of thymine residues. The binding energies determined from the saturation mutagenesis were used to construct a sequence logo, which pin-points the overwhelming importance of C.G at position 5. The knowledge of the DNA-binding specificity will constitute a precious tool for the search of new physiologically relevant binding sites for Ss-LrpB in the genome.  相似文献   

Members of the X11/Mint family of multidomain adaptor proteins are composed of a divergent N terminus, a conserved PTB domain and a pair of C-terminal PDZ domains. Many proteins can interact with the PDZ tandem of X11 proteins, although the mechanism of such interactions is unclear. Here we show that the highly conserved C-terminal tail of X11alpha folds back and inserts into the target-binding groove of the first PDZ domain. The binding of this tail occludes the binding of other target peptides. This autoinhibited conformation of X11 requires that the two PDZ domains and the entire C-terminal tail be covalently connected to form an integral structural unit. The autoinhibited conformation of the X11 PDZ tandem provides a mechanistic explanation for the unique target-binding properties of the protein and hints at potential regulatory mechanisms for the X11-target interactions.  相似文献   

The Mre11/Rad50 complex is a central player in various genome maintenance pathways. Here, we report a novel mode of nuclease action found for the Escherichia coli Mre11/Rad50 complex, SbcC2/D2 complex (SbcCD). SbcCD cuts off the top of a cruciform DNA by making incisions on both strands and continues cleaving the dsDNA stem at ∼10-bp intervals. Using linear-shaped DNA substrates, we observed that SbcCD cleaved dsDNA using this activity when the substrate was 110 bp long, but that on shorter substrates the cutting pattern was changed to that predicted for the activity of a 3′-5′ exonuclease. Our results suggest that SbcCD processes hairpin and linear dsDNA ends with this novel DNA end-dependent binary endonuclease activity in response to substrate length rather than using previously reported activities. We propose a model for this mode of nuclease action, which provides new insight into SbcCD activity at a dsDNA end.  相似文献   

The predicted polypeptide products of two genes, spoIID and gerE, which appear to be concerned in the regulation of spore formation in Bacillus subtilis have been compared by modelling methods with known DNA-binding proteins. The results indicate that both polypeptides may have DNA-binding properties and the conclusion is drawn that this may account for their regulatory action.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) reside in undifferentiated type-A spermatogonia and contribute to continuous spermatogenesis by maintaining the balance between self-renewal and differentiation, thereby meeting the biological demand in the testis. Spermatogonia have to date been characterized principally through their morphology, but we herein report the detailed characterization of undifferentiated spermatogonia in mouse testes based on their gene expression profiles in combination with topological features. The detection of the germ cell-specific proteins Nanos2 and Nanos3 as markers of spermatogonia has enabled the clear dissection of complex populations of these cells as Nanos2 was recently shown to be involved in the maintenance of stem cells. Nanos2 is found to be almost exclusively expressed in As to Apr cells, whereas Nanos3 is detectable in most undifferentiated spermatogonia (As to Aal) and differentiating A1 spermatogonia. In our present study, we find that As and Apr can be basically classified into three categories: (1) GFRα1+Nanos2+Nanos3Ngn3, (2) GFRα1+Nanos2+Nanos3+Ngn3, and (3) GFRα1Nanos2 ± Nanos3+Ngn3+. We propose that the first of these groups is most likely to include the stem cell population and that Nanos3 may function in transit amplifying cells.  相似文献   

Chu HM  Wang AH 《Proteins》2007,66(4):996-1003
The P-loop-containing protein phos-phatases are important regulators in signal transduction. These enzymes have structural and functional similarity with a conserved sequence of Dx(25-41)HCxxGxxR(T/S) essential for catalysis. The singular protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) from archaeal Sulfolobus solfataricus is one of the smallest known PTPs with extreme thermostability. Here, we report the crystal structure of this phosphatase and its complexes with two tyrosyl phosphopeptides A-(p)Y-R and N-K-(p)Y-G-N. The structure suggests the minimal structural motif of the PTP family, having two variable sequences inserted between the beta2-beta3 and beta3-beta4 strands, respectively. The phosphate of both phosphopeptide substrates is bound to the P-loop through several hydrogen bonds. Comparison of several phosphatase-substrate complexes revealed that Gln135 on the Q-loop has different modes of recognition toward phosphopeptides. The substrate specificity of SsoPTP is primarily localized at the phosphotyrosine, suggesting that this phosphatase may be a prototypical PTP.  相似文献   

The regions of single-stranded (ss) DNA that result from DNA damage are immediately coated by the ssDNA-binding protein (SSB). RecF pathway proteins facilitate the displacement of SSB from ssDNA, allowing the RecA protein to form protein filaments on the ssDNA region, which facilitates the process of recombinational DNA repair. In this study, we examined the mechanism of SSB displacement from ssDNA using purified Thermus thermophilus RecF pathway proteins. To date, RecO and RecR are thought to act as the RecOR complex. However, our results indicate that RecO and RecR have distinct functions. We found that RecR binds both RecF and RecO, and that RecO binds RecR, SSB and ssDNA. The electron microscopic studies indicated that SSB is displaced from ssDNA by RecO. In addition, pull-down assays indicated that the displaced SSB still remains indirectly attached to ssDNA through its interaction with RecO in the RecO-ssDNA complex. In the presence of both SSB and RecO, the ssDNA-dependent ATPase activity of RecA was inhibited, but was restored by the addition of RecR. Interestingly, the interaction of RecR with RecO affected the ssDNA-binding properties of RecO. These results suggest a model of SSB displacement from the ssDNA by RecF pathway proteins.  相似文献   

The MADS domain proteins APETALA1 (AP1), APETALA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), and AGAMOUS (AG) specify the identity of Arabidopsis floral organs. AP1 and AG homocomplexes and AP3-PI heterocomplexes bind to CArG-box sequences. The DNA-binding properties of these complexes were investigated. We find that AP1, AG and AP3-PI are all capable of recognizing the same DNA-binding sites, although with somewhat different affinities. In addition, the three complexes induce similar conformational changes on a CArG-box sequence. Phasing analysis reveals that the induced distortion is DNA bending, oriented toward the minor groove. The molecular dissection of AP1, AP3, PI and AG indicates that the boundaries of the dimerization domains of these proteins vary. The regions required to form a DNA-binding complex include, in addition to the MADS box, the entire L region (which follows the MADS box) and the first putative amphipathic helix of the K box in the case of AP3-PI, while for AP1 and AG only a part of the L region is needed. The similarity of the DNA-binding properties of AP1, AP3-PI and AG is discussed with regard to the biological specificity that these proteins exhibit.  相似文献   

The nuclease NurA is present in all known thermophilic archaea and has been implicated to facilitate efficient DNA double-strand break end processing in Mre11/Rad50-mediated homologous recombinational repair. To understand the structural and functional relationship of this enzyme, we constructed five site-directed mutants of NurA from Sulfolobus tokodaii (StoNurA), D56A, E114A, D131A, Y291A, and H299A, at the conserved motifs, and four terminal deletion mutants, StoNurAΔN (19–331), StoNurAΔNΔC (19–303), StoNurAΔC (1–281), and StoNurAΔC (1–303), and characterized the proteins biochemically. We found that mutation at the acidic residue, D56, E114, D131, or at the basic residue, H299, abolishes the nuclease activity, while mutation at the aromatic residue Y291 only impairs the activity. Interestingly, by chemical cross-linking assay, we found that the mutant Y291A is unable to form stable dimer. Additionally, we demonstrated that deletion of the C-terminal amino acid residues 304–331 of StoNurA results in loss of the physical and functional interaction with the single-stranded DNA-binding protein (StoSSB). These results established that the C-terminal conserved aromatic residue Y291 is involved in dimer formation and the C-terminal residues 304–331 of NurA are involved in the interaction with single-stranded DNA-binding protein.  相似文献   

Impressive, several meters high tubular concretions in shallow marine calcareous sands and sandstones represent part of the well-exposed, subsurface plumbing network of an Early Eocene methane seep system in the Balkanides foreland (Pobiti Kamani area, Varna, NE Bulgaria). An integrated approach, including petrography, inorganic geochemistry and lipid biomarker analyses was used to reconstruct the evolution of pore fluids and cementation conditions during tube formation and particularly, the role of methane-related carbonate diagenesis. Host sediment lithification from marine pore waters was perturbed soon after deposition by oxidation of predominantly microbial methane causing pervasive cementation by a 13C-poor, homogeneous calcite cement (δ13C values as low as − 44.5‰ V-PDB). The importance of microbially mediated anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is confirmed by extremely 13C-depleted archaeal biomarkers (δ13C values as low as − 123‰ V-PDB). A suite of macrocyclic dialkyl glycerol diethers (MDGD-0 to -2) and sn-3-hydroxyarchaeol comprises a characteristic trait of the Eocene tubular concretions and might represent molecular fossils of so far unknown methane-oxidizing archaea (ANME). Subsurface calcite cementation surrounding the ascending methane plume, resulted from the changing pore water chemistry in response to AOM and could have, on a local scale, been encouraged by the concurrent alteration of detrital feldspar. Fluctuating δ13C (up to − 8‰ V-PDB) and δ18O (− 0.5 to − 9‰ V-PDB) signatures within a single tubular sandstone concretion are at least partly the consequence of isotopic resetting during late meteoric water circulation.  相似文献   

Wang DD  Yan H 《Physical biology》2011,8(6):066004
Nucleosomes, which contain DNA and proteins, are the basic unit of eukaryotic chromatins. Polymers such as DNA and proteins are dynamic, and their conformational changes can lead to functional changes. Periodic dinucleotide patterns exist in nucleosomal DNA chains and play an important role in the nucleosome structure. In this paper, we use normal mode analysis to detect significant structural deformations of nucleosomal DNA and investigate the relationship between periodic dinucleotides and DNA motions. We have found that periodic dinucleotides are usually located at the peaks or valleys of DNA and protein motions, revealing that they dominate the nucleosome dynamics. Also, a specific dinucleotide pattern CA/TG appears most frequently.  相似文献   

Mvo10b from the mesophilic archaeon Methanococcus voltae is a member of the Sac10b family which may play an important role in the organization and accessibility of genetic information in Archaea. Since Mvo10b is a DNA-binding protein as the other member in the Sac10b family, to obtain a recombinant Mvo10b requires an efficient and inexpensive expression and purification system for producing the protein free of nucleic acid contamination. Previously, the hyperthermophilic archaeal Ssh10b of the Sac10b family was successfully purified. However, the protocol adopted to purify Ssh10b is not appropriate for purifying the mesophilic Mvo10b. This study describes the successful expression and purification of the recombinant Mvo10b. The expression of recombinant Mvo10b was carried out in Escherichia coli, and the target protein was expressed in the soluble form. The protein was purified by polyethyleneimine (PEI) precipitation followed by nickel ion metal affinity chromatography. The purity of Mvo10b was checked to insure being free of nucleic acid contamination. The final protein yield is about 30 mg/l of LB culture. The ensemble of NMR and far-UV CD data shows that the purified Mvo10b has abundant regular secondary structures and is correctly folded, which may have similar 3D structure as its hyperthermophilic counterpart [P62A]Ssh10b. The developed protocol has potential application in the production of the other thermophilic and mesophilic proteins in the Sac10b family.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding mode of antitumor and antiviral agents has been evaluated by electrochemiluminescence (ECL) of tris(1,10-phenanthroline)-ruthenium complex (Ru(phen)(3)(2+)) in the presence of oxalate ion in pH 7.3 Tris buffer solution. An emission of Ru(phen)(3)(2+) was observed repeatedly with a voltage above 1000mV subjected to a potential sweep from 0 to 1250mV. The addition of lambdaDNA into the solution containing 1 micro M of Ru(phen)(3)(2+) caused the decrease in the ECL intensity, which became half at a DNA concentration of 20 micro M. This is due to the binding of Delta-type of Ru(phen)(3)(2+) with DNA in the major groove of DNA. When the various concentrations of the drug were added to the solution containing 1& micro M Ru(phen)(3)(2+), the ECL intensity was not affected by the concentration of the drug in the absence of DNA. In the presence of DNA (10 micro M), however, two ECL emission patterns were observed when the concentration of the drug was varied. The pattern that the ECL intensity increased with increasing the drug concentration was observed for cisplatin, daunomycin, and DC92-B. This may have resulted from the DNA binding of the drug with a major groove site, where Ru(phen)(3)(2+) should bind. Ru(phen)(3)(2+) nonbinding to DNA might exist in the bulk solution and exhibits ECL emission. The drug exhibiting the drug-concentration-dependent ECL is classified as a drug with a major groove binding character. The addition of drugs, such as mitomycin C and duocarmycin SA, did not cause a change in the ECL intensity even in the presence of DNA. This result indicates that these drugs bind to DNA with minor groove binding. Since similar trends were observed for actinomycin D, distamycin A, doxorubicin, and chromomycin A3; these drugs are also considered as minor groove binding agents. All these results demonstrate that the DNA-binding mode of the drug can be evaluated easily by utilizing the ECL of Ru(phen)(3)(2+), which is used as the sensing probe.  相似文献   

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