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Saccharomyces cerevisiae SRS2 encodes an ATP-dependent DNA helicase that is needed for DNA damage checkpoint responses and that modulates the efficiency of homologous recombination. Interestingly, strains simultaneously mutated for SRS2 and a variety of DNA repair genes show low viability that can be overcome by inactivating homologous recombination, thus implicating inappropriate recombination as the cause of growth impairment in these mutants. Here, we report on our biochemical characterization of the ATPase and DNA helicase activities of Srs2. ATP hydrolysis by Srs2 occurs efficiently only in the presence of DNA, with ssDNA being considerably more effective than dsDNA in this regard. Using homopolymeric substrates, the minimal DNA length for activating ATP hydrolysis is found to be 5 nucleotides, but a length of 10 nucleotides is needed for maximal activation. In its helicase action, Srs2 prefers substrates with a 3' ss overhang, and approximately 10 bases of 3' overhanging DNA is needed for efficient targeting of Srs2 to the substrate. Even though a 3' overhang serves to target Srs2, under optimized conditions blunt-end DNA substrates are also dissociated by this protein. The ability of Srs2 to unwind helicase substrates with a long duplex region is enhanced by the inclusion of the single-strand DNA-binding factor replication protein A.  相似文献   

The budding yeast Srs2 protein possesses 3′ to 5′ DNA helicase activity and channels untimely recombination to post-replication repair by removing Rad51 from ssDNA. However, it also promotes recombination via a synthesis-dependent strand-annealing pathway (SDSA). Furthermore, at the replication fork, Srs2 is required for fork progression and prevents the instability of trinucleotide repeats. To better understand the multiple roles of the Srs2 helicase during these processes, we analysed the ability of Srs2 to bind and unwind various DNA substrates that mimic structures present during DNA replication and recombination. While leading or lagging strands were efficiently unwound, the presence of ssDNA binding protein RPA presented an obstacle for Srs2 translocation. We also tested the preferred directionality of unwinding of various substrates and studied the effect of Rad51 and Mre11 proteins on Srs2 helicase activity. These biochemical results help us understand the possible role of Srs2 in the processing of stalled or blocked replication forks as a part of post-replication repair as well as homologous recombination (HR).  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is important for the repair of double-strand breaks and daughter strand gaps, and also helps restart stalled and collapsed replication forks. However, sometimes recombination is inappropriate and can have deleterious consequences. To temper recombination, cells have employed DNA helicases that unwind joint DNA molecules and/or dissociate recombinases from DNA. Budding yeast Srs2 is one such helicase. It can act by dissociating Rad51 nucleoprotein filaments, and is required for channelling DNA lesions to the post-replication repair (PRR) pathway. Here we have investigated the role of Srs2 in controlling recombination in fission yeast. Similar to budding yeast, deletion of fission yeast srs2 results in hypersensitivity to a range of DNA damaging agents, rhp51-dependent hyper-recombination and synthetic sickness when combined with rqh1 that is suppressed by deleting rhp51, rhp55 or rhp57. Epistasis analysis indicates that Srs2 and the structure-specific endonuclease Mus81–Eme1 function in a sub-pathway of PRR for the tolerance/repair of UV-induced damage. However, unlike in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Srs2 is not required for channelling lesions to the PRR pathway in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In addition to acting as an antirecombinase, we also show that Srs2 can aid the recombinational repair of camptothecin-induced collapsed replication forks, independently of PRR.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Srs2 helicase plays at least two distinct functions. One is to prevent recombinational repair through its recruitment by sumoylated Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA), evidenced in postreplication-repair deficient cells, and a second one is to eliminate potentially lethal intermediates formed by recombination proteins. Both actions are believed to involve the capacity of Srs2 to displace Rad51 upon translocation on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), though a role of its helicase activity may be important to remove some toxic recombination structures. Here, we described two new mutants, srs2R1 and srs2R3, that have lost the ability to hinder recombinational repair in postreplication-repair mutants, but are still able to remove toxic recombination structures. Although the mutants present very similar phenotypes, the mutated proteins are differently affected in their biochemical activities. Srs2R1 has lost its capacity to interact with sumoylated PCNA while the biochemical activities of Srs2R3 are attenuated (ATPase, helicase, DNA binding and ability to displace Rad51 from ssDNA). In addition, crossover (CO) frequencies are increased in both mutants. The different roles of Srs2, in relation to its eventual recruitment by sumoylated PCNA, are discussed.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination and post-replication repair facilitate restart of stalled or collapsed replication forks. The SRS2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a 3′–5′ DNA helicase that functions both in homologous recombination repair and in post-replication repair. This study identifies and characterizes the SRS2 homolog in Neurospora crassa, which we call mus-50. A knockout mutant of N.crassa, mus-50, is sensitive to several DNA-damaging agents and genetic analyses indicate that it is epistatic with mei-3 (RAD51 homolog), mus-11 (RAD52 homolog), mus-48 (RAD55 homolog) and mus-49 (RAD57 homolog), suggesting a role for mus-50 in homologous recombination repair. However, epistasis evidence has presented that MUS50 does not participate in post-replication repair in N.crassa. Also, the N.crassa mus-25 (RAD54 homolog) mus-50 double mutant is viable, which is in contrast to the lethal phenotype of the equivalent rad54 srs2 mutant in S.cerevisiae. Tetrad analysis revealed that mus-50 in combination with mutations in two RecQ homologs, qde-3 and recQ2, is lethal, and this lethality is suppressed by mutation in mei-3, mus-11 or mus-25. Evidence is also presented for the two independent pathways for recovery from camptothecin-induced replication fork arrest: one pathway is dependent on QDE3 and MUS50 and the other pathway is dependent on MUS25 and RECQ2.  相似文献   

Synthesis-dependent strand-annealing (SDSA)-mediated homologous recombination replaces the sequence around a DNA double-strand break (DSB) with a copy of a homologous DNA template, while maintaining the original configuration of the flanking regions. In somatic cells at the 4n stage, Holliday-junction-mediated homologous recombination and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) cause crossovers (CO) between homologous chromosomes and deletions, respectively, resulting in loss of heterozygosity (LOH) upon cell division. However, the SDSA pathway prevents DSB-induced LOH. We developed a novel yeast DSB-repair assay with two discontinuous templates, set on different chromosomes, to determine the genetic requirements for somatic SDSA and precise end joining. At first we used our in vivo assay to verify that the Srs2 helicase promotes SDSA and prevents imprecise end joining. Genetic analyses indicated that a new DNA/RNA helicase gene, IRC20, is in the SDSA pathway involving SRS2. An irc20 knockout inhibited both SDSA and CO and suppressed the srs2 knockout-induced crossover enhancement, the mre11 knockout-induced inhibition of SDSA, CO, and NHEJ, and the mre11-induced hypersensitivities to DNA scissions. We propose that Irc20 and Mre11 functionally interact in the early steps of DSB repair and that Srs2 acts on the D-loops to lead to SDSA and to prevent crossoverv.  相似文献   

Mutants of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SRS2 gene are hyperrecombinogenic and sensitive to genotoxic agents, and they exhibit a synthetic lethality with mutations that compromise DNA repair or other chromosomal processes. In addition, srs2 mutants fail to adapt or recover from DNA damage checkpoint-imposed G2/M arrest. These phenotypic consequences of ablating SRS2 function are effectively overcome by deleting genes of the RAD52 epistasis group that promote homologous recombination, implicating an untimely recombination as the underlying cause of the srs2 mutant phenotypes. TheSRS2-encodedproteinhasasingle-stranded (ss) DNA-dependent ATPase activity, a DNA helicase activity, and an ability to disassemble the Rad51-ssDNA nucleoprotein filament, which is the key catalytic intermediate in Rad51-mediated recombination reactions. To address the role of ATP hydrolysis in Srs2 protein function, we have constructed two mutant variants that are altered in the Walker type A sequence involved in the binding and hydrolysis of ATP. The srs2 K41A and srs2 K41R mutant proteins are both devoid of ATPase and helicase activities and the ability to displace Rad51 from ssDNA. Accordingly, yeast strains harboring these srs2 mutations are hyperrecombinogenic and sensitive to methylmethane sulfonate, and they become inviable upon introducing either the sgs1Delta or rad54Delta mutation. These results highlight the importance of the ATP hydrolysisfueled DNA motor activity in SRS2 functions.  相似文献   

Spell RM  Jinks-Robertson S 《Genetics》2004,168(4):1855-1865
Mutation in SGS1, which encodes the yeast homolog of the human Bloom helicase, or in mismatch repair (MMR) genes confers defects in the suppression of mitotic recombination between similar but nonidentical (homeologous) sequences. Mutational analysis of SGS1 suggests that the helicase activity is required for the suppression of both homologous and homeologous recombination and that the C-terminal 200 amino acids may be required specifically for the suppression of homeologous recombination. To clarify the mechanism by which the Sgs1 helicase enforces the fidelity of recombination, we examined the phenotypes associated with SGS1 deletion in MMR-defective and recombination-defective backgrounds. Deletion of SGS1 caused no additional loss of recombination fidelity above that associated with MMR defects, indicating that the suppression of homeologous recombination by Sgs1 may be dependent on MMR. However, the phenotype of the sgs1 rad51 mutant suggests a MMR-independent role of Sgs1 in the suppression of RAD51-independent recombination. While homologous recombination levels increase in sgs1Delta and in srs2Delta strains, the suppression of homeologous recombination was not relaxed in the srs2 mutant. Thus, although both Sgs1 and Srs2 limit the overall level of mitotic recombination, there are distinct differences in the roles of these helicases with respect to enforcement of recombination fidelity.  相似文献   

Srs2 is a 3'-5' DNA helicase that regulates many aspects of DNA metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is best known for its ability to counteract homologous recombination by dismantling Rad51 filaments, but is also involved in checkpoint activation, adaptation and recovery, and in resolution of late recombination intermediates. To further address its biological roles and uncover new genetic interactions, we examined the consequences of overexpressing SRS2 as well as two helicase-dead mutants, srs2-K41A and srs2-K41R, in the collection of 4827 yeast haploid deletion mutants. We identified 274 genes affecting a large variety of cellular functions that are required for cell growth when SRS2 or its mutants are overexpressed. Further analysis of these interactions reveals that Srs2 acts independently of its helicase function at replication forks likely through its recruitment by the sumoylated PCNA replication clamp. This helicase-independent function is responsible for the negative interactions with DNA metabolism genes and for the toxicity of SRS2 overexpression in many of the diverse cellular pathways revealed in our screens.  相似文献   

Several human pathologies including neurological, cardiac, infectious, cancerous, and metabolic diseases have been associated with altered mitochondria morphodynamics. Here, we identify a small organic molecule, which we named Mito‐C. Mito‐C is targeted to mitochondria and rapidly provokes mitochondrial network fragmentation. Biochemical analyses reveal that Mito‐C is a member of a new class of heterocyclic compounds that target the NEET protein family, previously reported to regulate mitochondrial iron and ROS homeostasis. One of the NEET proteins, NAF‐1, is identified as an important regulator of mitochondria morphodynamics that facilitates recruitment of DRP1 to the ER–mitochondria interface. Consistent with the observation that certain viruses modulate mitochondrial morphogenesis as a necessary part of their replication cycle, Mito‐C counteracts dengue virus‐induced mitochondrial network hyperfusion and represses viral replication. The newly identified chemical class including Mito‐C is of therapeutic relevance for pathologies where altered mitochondria dynamics is part of disease etiology and NEET proteins are highlighted as important therapeutic targets in anti‐viral research.  相似文献   

Most regulatory pathways are governed by the reversible phosphorylation of proteins. Recent developments in mass spectrometry-based technology allow the large-scale analysis of protein phosphorylation. Here, we show the application of immobilized metal affinity chromatography to purify phosphopeptides from Arabidopsis extracts. Phosphopeptide sequences were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS/MS). A total of 79 unique phosphorylation sites were determined in 22 phosphoproteins with a putative role in RNA metabolism, including splicing of mRNAs. Among these phosphoproteins, 12 Ser/Arg-rich (SR) splicing factors were identified. A conserved phosphorylation site was found in most of the phosphoproteins, including the SR proteins, suggesting that these proteins are targeted by the same or a highly related protein kinase. To test this hypothesis, Arabidopsis SR protein-specific kinase 4 (SRPK4) that was initially identified as an interactor of SR proteins was tested for its ability to phosphorylate the SR protein RSp31. In vitro kinase assays showed that all in vivo phosphorylation sites of RSp31 were targeted by SRPK4. These data suggest that the plant mRNA splicing machinery is a major target of phosphorylation and that a considerable number of proteins involved in RNA metabolism may be targeted by SRPKs.  相似文献   


We investigated the meiotic role of Srs2, a multi-functional DNA helicase/translocase that destabilises Rad51-DNA filaments and is thought to regulate strand invasion and prevent hyper-recombination during the mitotic cell cycle. We find that Srs2 activity is required for normal meiotic progression and spore viability. A significant fraction of srs2 mutant cells progress through both meiotic divisions without separating the bulk of their chromatin, although in such cells sister centromeres often separate. Undivided nuclei contain aggregates of Rad51 colocalised with the ssDNA-binding protein RPA, suggesting the presence of persistent single-strand DNA. Rad51 aggregate formation requires Spo11-induced DSBs, Rad51 strand-invasion activity and progression past the pachytene stage of meiosis, but not the DSB end-resection or the bias towards interhomologue strand invasion characteristic of normal meiosis. srs2 mutants also display altered meiotic recombination intermediate metabolism, revealed by defects in the formation of stable joint molecules. We suggest that Srs2, by limiting Rad51 accumulation on DNA, prevents the formation of aberrant recombination intermediates that otherwise would persist and interfere with normal chromosome segregation and nuclear division.


Themis1, a recently identified T cell protein, has a critical function in the generation of mature CD4(+)CD8(-) and CD4(-)CD8(+) (CD4 and CD8 single-positive [SP]) thymocytes and T cells. Although Themis1 has been shown to bind to the adaptor proteins LAT and Grb2, previous studies have yielded conflicting results regarding whether thymocytes from Themis1(-/-) mice exhibit TCR-mediated signaling defects. In this study, we demonstrate that, in the absence of Themis1, TCR-mediated signaling is selectively impaired in CD4 SP and CD8 SP thymocytes but is not affected in CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive thymocytes despite high expression of Themis1 in double-positive thymocytes. Like Themis1, Themis2, a related member of the Themis family, which is expressed in B cells and macrophages, contains two conserved cysteine-based domains, a proline-rich region, and a nuclear localization signal. To determine whether Themis1 and Themis2 can perform similar functions in vivo, we analyzed T cell development and TCR-mediated signaling in Themis1(-/-) mice reconstituted with either Themis1 or Themis2 transgenes. Notably, Themis1 and Themis2 exhibited the same potential to restore T cell development and TCR-mediated signaling in Themis1(-/-) mice. Both proteins were tyrosine phosphorylated and were recruited within Grb2 signaling complexes to LAT following TCR engagement. These results suggest that conserved molecular features of the Themis1 and Themis2 proteins are important for their biological activity and predict that Themis1 and Themis2 may perform similar functions in T and B cells, respectively.  相似文献   

In the presence of an accessory DNA bending protein, the bacterial site-specific beta recombinase catalyzes resolution and DNA inversion. Five different maize high mobility group B (HMGB) proteins were examined for their potential to facilitate beta recombination in vitro using DNA substrates with different intervening distances (73-913 bp) between two directly oriented recombination (six) sites. All analyzed HMGB proteins (HMGB1 to HMGB5) could promote beta recombination, but depending on the DNA substrate with different efficiencies. The HMGB1 protein displayed an activity comparable to that of the natural promoting protein Hbsu, whereas the other HMGB proteins were less effective. Phosphorylation of the HMGB1 protein resulted in an increased efficiency of HMGB1 to promote beta recombination. Analyses of DNA substrates with closely spaced six sites demonstrated that in the presence of HMGB1 the recombination rate was correlated to the distance between the six sites, but independent of the helical orientation of the six sites. Using a Bacillus subtilis strain defective in Hbsu, the coexpression of beta recombinase and HMGB1 (or a truncated HMGB1 derivative) revealed that a plant HMG-box domain protein is sufficient for assisting beta to catalyze recombination in vivo. Our results using beta recombination as a model system suggest that the various plant HMGB proteins (and their posttranslationally modified versions) have the potential of forming a repertoire of different DNA structures, which is compatible with the idea that the HMGB proteins can act as architectural factors in a variety of nucleoprotein structures.  相似文献   

V(D)J recombination is initiated by a specialized transposase consisting of RAG-1 and RAG-2. Because full-length RAG proteins are insoluble under physiologic conditions, most previous analyses of RAG activity in vitro have used truncated core RAG-1 and RAG-2 fragments. These studies identified an intermediate in V(D)J recombination, the signal end complex (SEC), in which core RAG proteins remain associated with recombination signal sequences at the cleaved signal ends. From transfected cells expressing affinity-tagged RAG proteins, we have isolated in vivo assembled SECs containing full-length RAG proteins and cleaved recombination substrates. SEC formation in vivo did not require the repair proteins DNA-dependent protein kinase, Ku80, or XRCC4. In the presence of full-length RAG-2, SEC formation in vivo was cell cycle-regulated and restricted to the G(0)/G(1) phases. In contrast, complexes accumulated throughout cell cycle in cells expressing a RAG-2 CDK2 phosphorylation site mutant. Both core and full-length SECs supported transposition in vitro with similar efficiencies. Intracellular SECs, which are likely to persist in the absence of coding ends, represent potential donors whose transposition is not suppressed by the non-core regions of the RAG proteins.  相似文献   

Mutations in the genes encoding the BLM and WRN RecQ DNA helicases and the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 complex lead to genome instability and cancer predisposition syndromes. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sgs1 RecQ helicase and the Mre11 protein, together with the Srs2 DNA helicase, prevent chromosome rearrangements and are implicated in the DNA damage checkpoint response and in DNA recombination. By searching for Srs2 physical interactors, we have identified Sgs1 and Mre11. We show that Srs2, Sgs1, and Mre11 form a large complex, likely together with yet unidentified proteins. This complex reorganizes into Srs2-Mre11 and Sgs1-Mre11 subcomplexes following DNA damage-induced activation of the Mec1 and Tel1 checkpoint kinases. The defects in subcomplex formation observed in mec1 and tel1 cells can be recapitulated in srs2-7AV mutants that are hypersensitive to intra-S DNA damage and are altered in the DNA damage-induced and Cdk1-dependent phosphorylation of Srs2. Altogether our observations indicate that Mec1- and Tel1-dependent checkpoint pathways modulate the functional interactions between Srs2, Sgs1, and Mre11 and that the Srs2 DNA helicase represents an important target of the Cdk1-mediated cellular response induced by DNA damage.  相似文献   

The "classical" nuclear import pathway depends on importins alpha and beta. Humans have only one importin beta, while six alpha importins have been described. Whether or not distinct alpha importins are essential for specific import pathways in living human cells is unclear. We used RNA interference technology to specifically down-regulate the expression of ubiquitously expressed human alpha importins in HeLa cells. Down-regulation of importins alpha3, alpha5, alpha7, and beta strongly inhibited HeLa cell proliferation, while down-regulation of importins alpha1 and alpha4 had only a minor effect or no effect. Nucleoplasmin import was not prevented by down-regulation of any alpha importin, indicating that the importin alpha/beta pathway was generally not affected. In contrast, importin alpha3 or alpha5 down-regulation specifically inhibited the nuclear import of the Ran guanine nucleotide exchange factor, RCC1. Coinjection of recombinant alpha importins and RCC1 into down-regulated cells demonstrated that these transport defects were specifically caused by the limited availability of importin alpha3 in both cases. Thus, importin alpha3 is the only alpha importin responsible for the classical nuclear import of RCC1 in living cells.  相似文献   

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