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Agriculture plays an important role in greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions and reactive nitrogen (Nr) loss. Therefore, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) footprint reductions in agro-ecosystem have become an increasingly hot topic in global climate change and agricultural adaptation. The objective of this study was to assess the C footprint (CF) and N footprint (NF) of double rice (Oryza sativa L.) production using life cycle assessment method in Southern China. The results showed that fertilizer application and farm machinery operation contributed the most to both GHGs and Nr emissions from agricultural inputs in the double rice production process. The CF for the early, late, and double rice was 0.86, 0.83, and 0.85 kg CO2-eq kg−1 year−1 at yield-scale, respectively. In addition, the NF was 10.47, 10.89, and 10.68 g N-eq kg−1 year−1 at yield-scale for the early, late and double rice, respectively. The largest fraction of CF and NF of double rice was the share of CH4 emission and NH3 volatilization from the paddy field, respectively. Higher CF and NF at yield-scale for Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan provinces were presented, compared to the average level in double rice cropping for the region, while smaller than those of Jiangxi, Hubei, and Hunan provinces. Some effective solutions would be favorable toward mitigating climate change and eutrophication of the double rice cropping region in Southern China, including reduction of fertilizer application rates, improvements in farm machinery operation efficiencies, and changes in regional allocation of double rice cropping areas.  相似文献   

Carbon footprint (CFP) is widely applied as an indicator when assessing environmental sustainability of products and services. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the validity of CFP as overall environmental indicator for representing the environmental burden of residents from urbanized areas. Applying four different Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods environmental impact profiles were determined for the consumption patterns of 1281 Danish urban residents. Six main consumption components were distinguished including road transport, air travel, food, accommodation (covering consumption of materials for the construction of dwellings) and use of energy in terms of thermal energy, and electricity. The results for the individual consumption components showed a strong correlation between CFP and nearly all other impact indicators for all the applied LCIA methods However, upon aggregation of the indicator results across consumption components, the impact indicators for the total consumption showed no significant correlation between CFP and the other impact scores for any of the four impact assessment methods. These findings suggest that while CFP can be a good indicator of the environmental burden associated with specific activities, this is not the case for more complex activities (such as consumption patterns related to urban life styles). This conclusion discourages the use of CFP as sustainability measure in relation to regulation of private or public consumption.  相似文献   

Background, aims, and scope  China has been the largest primary magnesium producer in the world since year 2000 and is an important part of the global magnesium supply chain. Almost all of the primary magnesium in China is produced using the Pidgeon process invented in the 1940s in Canada. The environmental problems of the primary magnesium production with the Pidgeon process have already attracted much attention of the local government and enterprises. The main purposes of this research are to investigate the environmental impacts of magnesium production and to determine the accumulative environmental performances of three different scenarios. System boundary included the cradle-to-gate life cycle of magnesium production, including dolomite ore extraction, ferrosilicon production, the Pidgeon process, transportation of materials, and emissions from thermal power plant. The life cycle assessment (LCA) case study was performed on three different fuel use scenarios from coal as the overall fuel to two kinds of gaseous fuels, the producer gas and coke oven gas. The burden use of gaseous fuels was also considered. Methods  The procedures, details, and results obtained are based on the application of the existing international standards of LCA, i.e., the ISO 14040. Depletion of abiotic resources, global warming, acidification, and human toxicity were adopted as the midpoint impact categories developed by the problem-oriented approach of CML to estimate the characterized results of the case study. The local characterization and normalization factors of abiotic resources were used to calculate abiotic depletion potential (ADP). The analytic hierarchy process was used to determine the weight factors. Using the Umberto version 4.0, the emissions of dolomite ore extraction were estimated and the transportation models of the three scenarios were designed. Results and conclusions  The emissions inventory showed that both the Pidgeon process of magnesium production and the Fe–Si production were mainly to blame for the total pollutant emissions in the life cycle of magnesium production. The characterized results indicated that ADP, acidification potential, and human toxicity potential decreased cumulatively from scenarios 1 to 3, with the exception of global warming potential. The final single scores indicated that the accumulative environmental performance of scenario 3 was the best compared with scenarios 1 and 2. The impact of abiotic resources depletion deserves more attention although the types and the amount of mineral resources for Mg production are abundant in China. This study suggested that producer gas was an alternative fuel for magnesium production rather than the coal burned directly in areas where the cost of oven gas-produced coke is high. The utilization of “clean” energy and the reduction of greenhouse gases and acidic gases emission were the main goals of the technological improvements and cleaner production of the magnesium industry in China. Recommendation and perspective  This paper has demonstrated that the theory and method of LCA are actually helpful for the research on the accumulative environmental performance of primary magnesium production. Further studies with “cradle-to-cradle” scheme are recommended. Furthermore, other energy sources used in magnesium production and the cost of energy production could be treated in further research.  相似文献   

基于生命周期评价的上海市水稻生产的碳足迹   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
碳足迹是指由企业、组织或个人引起的碳排放的集合。参照PAS2050规范并结合生命周期评价方法对上海市水稻生产进行了碳足迹评估。结果表明:(1)目前上海市水稻生产的碳排放为11.8114 t CO2e/hm2,折合每吨水稻生产周期的碳足迹为1.2321 t CO2e;(2)稻田温室气体排放是水稻生产最主要的碳排放源,每吨水稻生产的总排放量为0.9507 t CO2e,占水稻生产全部碳排放的77.1%,其中甲烷(CH4)又是最主要的温室气体,对稻田温室气体碳排放的贡献率高达96.6%;(3)化学肥料的施用是第二大碳排放源,每吨水稻生产的总排放量为0.2044 t CO2e,占水稻生产总碳排放的16.5%,其中N最高,排放量为0.1159 t CO2e。因此,上海低碳水稻生产的关键在降低稻田甲烷的排放,另外可通过提高氮肥利用效率,减少氮肥施用等方法减少种植过程中碳排放。  相似文献   

陈中督  徐春春  纪龙  方福平  陈阜 《生态学杂志》2018,29(11):3669-3676
南方稻作区是我国重要的粮食生产区,在国家粮食安全保障中起着至关重要的作用,探明南方不同省份双季稻生产的碳足迹差异,对促进低碳稻作农业发展具有重要意义.本研究采用2004—2014年农作物种植面积、农资投入等统计数据,运用碳足迹理论和生命周期法系统评价我国南方双季稻生产碳足迹时空分布状况及其构成.结果表明: 南方稻区各个省份早晚稻生产碳足迹大部分表现为增加趋势,早稻生产碳足迹较晚稻大.2004—2014年,安徽省双季稻平均碳足迹最高(1000 kg CO2-eq·hm-2),而福建、湖北和湖南省相对较小(750 kg CO2-eq·hm-2).碳足迹构成中以肥料的生产、运输及使用占比最大,占水稻生产总碳足迹的60%;柴油投入碳足迹贡献量次之,为26%左右.逐步回归分析表明,双季稻生产碳足迹大小与柴油、复混肥和钾肥的投入呈正相关.净利润收益纳入分析表明,湖北省为低排放-高收益省份,有利于农业低碳可持续性发展.随着农村劳动力非农化和作物生产机械化的快速递增,未来水稻生产中柴油等机械化碳投入将快速增长.因此,提升化肥利用效率、灌溉效率和机械化作业效率将是发展南方稻作区低碳农业的关键途径.  相似文献   

China is one of the largest rice producers in the world. Since 1949, the rice production in China has increased considerably. The strong monsoon and continental climate and the varied topography provide suitable conditions for rice growth. However, cold, drought, water logging injury and other meteorological disasters happen frequently, resulting in unstable yield. This paper briefly introduces natural conditions in China that are favourable for rice production. Attention is focused on the main meteorological disasters and the protective measures adopted in rice production. Finally, some profitable suggestions for China's future rice production are given.Paper prepared for the 11th International Congress of Biometeorology, 1987  相似文献   

Water and energy are closely connected and both are very important for human development. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are central to water–energy interactions as they consume energy to remove pollutants and thus reduce the human gray water footprint on the natural water environment. In this work, we quantified energy consumption in 9 different WWTPs in south China, with different treatment processes, objects, and capacities. The energy intensity in most of these WWTPs is in the range of 0.4–0.5 kWh/m3 in 2014. Footprint methodologies were used in this paper to provide insight into the environmental changes that result from WWTPs. A new indicator “gray water footprint reduction” is proposed based on the notion of gray water footprint to better assess the role of WWTPs in reducing human impacts on water resources. We find that higher capacity and appropriate technology of the WWTPs will result in higher gray water footprint reduction. On average, 6.78 m3 gray water footprint is reduced when 1 m3 domestic sewage is treated in WWTPs in China. 13.38 L freshwater are required to produce the 0.4 kWh electrical input needed for treating 1 m3 domestic wastewater, and 0.23 kg CO2 is emitted during this process. The wastewater characteristics, treatment technologies as well as management systems have a major impact on the efficiency of energy utilization in reducing gray water footprint via these WWTPs. The additional climate impact associated with wastewater treatment should be considered in China due to the enormous annual wastewater discharge. Policy suggestions are provided based on results in this work and the features of China's energy and water distribution.  相似文献   

2004—2013年东北三省主要粮食作物生产碳足迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北是我国重要的粮食主产区,在国家粮食安全保障中起着至关重要的作用.作物生产是主要的碳排放源,探明不同作物生产的碳足迹差异,对促进低碳农业发展具有重要意义.本研究利用2004—2013年东北三省主要粮食作物(水稻、玉米和大豆)的产量、播种面积、农田生产投入等统计数据,估算了该区粮食生产碳足迹.结果表明: 2004—2013年,东北地区3种主要粮食作物中,水稻生产单位面积碳足迹最高,平均达到(2463±56) kg CE·hm-2,玉米次之.玉米的碳足迹上升趋势最明显,从2004年的1164 kg CE·hm-2增加到2013年的1768 kg CE·hm-2,增速为67 kg CE·hm-2·a-1.在碳足迹构成中,化肥贡献最大,分别占水稻、玉米、大豆总碳投入的45%、90%、83%.水稻生产中灌溉用电所占比例为29%~42%,远高于玉米和大豆.东北三省碳足迹差异显著,3种作物的单位产量碳足迹均在吉林省最高,单位面积碳足迹均在黑龙江省最低.随着农村劳动力非农化和作物生产机械化的快速递增,未来粮食生产中柴油等机械化碳投入将快速增长.提升化肥利用效率、灌溉效率和机械化作业效率将是发展东北地区低碳农业的关键途径.  相似文献   

城市食物源氮消费产生的环境排放是全国氮污染的重要源头,城市食物氮足迹评估可反映维持城市人口基本食物需求的活性氮排放以及对周边环境的潜在影响。以典型移民城市深圳市为例,基于改进N-Calculator模型的基础上,估算了2010-2015年间因城市人口流动导致的城市食物氮足迹变化,并分析其时空异质性及其与城市化间的关系。结果表明:深圳市不同类型城市居民食物氮足迹不一致,其中常住户籍居民人均食物氮足迹从14.63 kg N a-1增加至15.17 kg N a-1,高于非户籍居民食物氮足迹13.09 kg N a-1,其主要体现在瓜果、肉类、水产品等食物消费上。总体上,深圳城市食物氮足迹呈增长趋势,5年增幅11.50%,增幅最大为常住户籍居民食物氮足迹,但目前深圳非户籍居民的食物消费主导着城市食物氮足迹。深圳城市内部区域食物氮足迹呈高度空间异质性与聚集性,各区域增长量差异明显,街道尺度城市食物氮足迹增长热点主要分布在城市的西部沿海区域,部分热点区域单位增长量数量级比肩区级尺度单位的增长量,城市区域食物氮足迹与人口城市化的关联性不明显,但与经济城市化存在一定的关联性。当前城市移民落户趋势及居民高氮饮食倾向不利于城市氮足迹的削减,减少食物生产上游活性氮流失为深圳市贯彻粤港澳大湾区协同可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

As a controversial strategy to mitigate global warming, biochar application into soil highlights the need for life cycle assessment before large‐scale practice. This study focused on the effect of biochar on carbon footprint of rice production. A field experiment was performed with three treatments: no residue amendment (Control), 6 t ha?1 yr?1 corn straw (CS) amendment, and 2.4 t ha?1 yr?1 corn straw‐derived biochar amendment (CBC). Carbon footprint was calculated by considering carbon source processes (pyrolysis energy cost, fertilizer and pesticide input, farmwork, and soil greenhouse gas emissions) and carbon sink processes (soil carbon increment and energy offset from pyrolytic gas). On average over three consecutive rice‐growing cycles from year 2011 to 2013, the CS treatment had a much higher carbon intensity of rice (0.68 kg CO2‐C equivalent (CO2‐Ce) kg?1 grain) than that of Control (0.24 kg CO2‐Ckg?1 grain), resulting from large soil CH4 emissions. Biochar amendment significantly increased soil carbon pool and showed no significant effect on soil total N2O and CH4 emissions relative to Control; however, due to a variation in net electric energy input of biochar production based on different pyrolysis settings, carbon intensity of rice under CBC treatment ranged from 0.04 to 0.44 kg CO2‐Ckg?1 grain. The results indicated that biochar strategy had the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of crop production, but the energy‐efficient pyrolysis technique does matter.  相似文献   

When is a specific activity, production process or final product sustainable? Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Footprint Assessment are two different methods to analyse natural resources use and emissions along product supply chains. It is argued that the two methods fundamentally differ in the way they address the question of product sustainability. Whereas the former method takes a comparative approach, comparing potential environmental impacts of alternative products, thus avoiding the question of sustainability at systems level, the latter method takes a holistic systems approach but has difficulty to attribute overall unsustainability to single processes or products. Both methods are useful, for different purposes, and complementary. It remains a challenge to develop a consistent and coherent theoretical framework providing an umbrella for the two different methods.  相似文献   

城市能源利用碳足迹分析——以厦门市为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林剑艺  孟凡鑫  崔胜辉  于洋  赵胜男 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3782-3794
城市能源利用碳足迹分析综合考虑直接与间接碳排放,对于深度分析碳排放的本质过程、制定科学全面的碳减排计划具有重要意义。以厦门市为研究案例,应用碳足迹的混合分析方法,对厦门市2009年能源利用碳足迹进行了分析,除了包括传统研究中的城市能源终端利用产生的直接碳排放,还计算了跨界交通和城市主要消耗物质的内含能引起的间接碳排放。研究结果表明:(1)城市边界内的工业、交通、商业等部门的能源消耗产生的直接碳排放(即层次1和层次2)只占到总碳足迹的64%,而一直被忽略的跨界交通和城市主要消耗物质的内含能引起的间接碳排放(层次3)占到36%;(2)在直接碳排放中,工业部门的碳排放贡献率最大,占到直接碳排放的55%,其中化工行业带来的碳排放占到工业部门的25%;(3)在间接碳排放中,跨界交通引起的碳排放占间接碳排放的27%,其中长途道路运输贡献率最大,占跨界交通碳排放的38%;主要材料内含能碳排放占间接碳排的73%,其中燃料的内含能碳排放占总内含能的份额最大,达51%。;(4)从人均碳足迹角度比较,厦门市人均碳足迹和丹佛市的人均直接碳排(层次1+层次2)分别为5.74 t CO2e/人、18.9 t CO2e/人,包含3个层次的人均碳足迹分别为9.01 tCO2e/人、25.3 t CO2e/人,其中跨界交通引起的碳排放均占总碳足迹的10%左右,主要材料的内含能引起的碳排放分别占到总碳足迹的26%、15%;通过国内外典型城市不同层次碳足迹比较可见厦门还是相对低碳的,但有个显著的特点是主要消耗物质的内含碳排放比例较高,这在一定程度上说明了发展中国家城市消耗更多的基础材料,进一步证明了传统核算中忽略的第3层次碳排放核算与管理的重要性。  相似文献   

Ruminants are central to the economic and nutritional life of much of sub-Saharan Africa, but cattle are now blamed for having a disproportionately large negative environmental impact through emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG). However, the mechanism underlying excessive emissions occurring only on some farms is imperfectly understood. Reliable estimates of emissions themselves are frequently lacking due to a paucity of reliable data. Employing individual animal records obtained at regular farm visits, this study quantified farm-level emission intensities (EIs) of greenhouse gases of smallholder farms in three counties in Western Kenya. CP was chosen as the functional unit to capture the outputs of both milk and meat. The results showed that milk is responsible for 80–85% of total CP output. Farm EI ranged widely from 20 to >1 000 kg CO2-eq/kg CP. Median EIs were 60 (Nandi), 71 (Bomet), and 90 (Nyando) kg CO2-eq/kg. Although median EIs referenced to milk alone (2.3 kg CO2-eq/kg milk) were almost twice that reported for Europe, up to 50% of farms had EIs comparable to the mean Pan-European EIs. Enteric methane (CH4) contributed >95% of emissions and manure ~4%, with negligible emissions attributed to inputs to the production system. Collecting data from individual animals on smallholder farms enabled the demonstration of extremely heterogeneous EI status among similar geographical spaces and provides clear indicators on how low EI status may be achieved in these environments. Contrary to common belief, our data show that industrial-style intensification is not required to achieve low EI. Enteric CH4 production overwhelmingly drives farm emissions in these systems and as this is strongly collinear with nutrition and intake, an effort will be required to achieve an “efficient frontier” between feed intake, productivity, and GHG emissions.  相似文献   

The ecological footprint (EF), a physical indicator to measure the extent of humanity's use of natural resources, has gained much attention since it was first used by Wackernagel and Rees in 1996. In order to account for differences between countries in productivity of a given land type (i.e., arable land, pasture, forest and water/fishery), productivity factor was introduced to relate the regional primary bio-productivities of the 4 types of land to the integrated average primary bio-productivity of the corresponding land types. Hence, the productivity factor is an important parameter in the EF model and it directly affects the reliability of all results. Thus, this article calculates productivity factor on the national and provincial level in China based on Net Primary Production (NPP) from MODIS 1 km data in 2008. Firstly, based on the Light Utility Efficiency and CASA model, the NPP of different biologically productive lands of China and of different provinces was calculated. Secondly, China's productivity factor for a given land type was calculated as the ratio of national average NPP of that land type and world-average NPP of that land type. Finally, productivity factors of each province in China for a given land type was calculated. The NPP of each ecosystem type varies along with the productivity factor in different provinces. However, the ranking of the productivity factors remain the same, with that of arable land being the largest, and the water/fishery being the smallest.  相似文献   

中国农作物生产碳足迹及其空间分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于中国1993—2013年的农业统计数据,采用生命周期评价、重心模型以及GIS等方法分析农作物生产碳排放及碳足迹的时序变化、碳足迹重心的移动轨迹、碳排放和碳足迹的空间分布特征以及影响碳排放的主导因素.结果表明: 研究期间,中国农作物生产碳排放量(GHGe)、单位播种面积碳足迹(CFs)和单位耕地面积碳足迹(CFc)均显著增加,而单位产量碳足迹(CFy)和单位产值碳足迹(CFv)显著减少.CFs重心一直分布在河南,且逐渐移向西南;CFc重心位于湖北或河南,并向西北方向移动;CFy重心位于陕西或河南,且整体移向东南;CFv重心始终在河南,并逐渐移向西南.GHGe和碳足迹存在显著的省域差异,GHGe具有南北低、中部高的特点,CFs是东西两翼高、中间低,CFc高值区主要集中在中部及东部沿海省份,CFy在西北-东南方向上表现为“高-低-高”,CFv在西北-东南方向上则是由高走低.农业生产过程中不同投入占农作物碳足迹的比例以化肥最为突出,化肥投入构成中以氮肥和复合肥所占比例较大.通过分析GHGe与各影响因素的关联度,得出化肥尤其是磷肥和氮肥、灌溉以及农田N2O排放是导致GHGe显著增加的主导因素,并据此提出发展低碳农业的对策建议.  相似文献   

环境足迹的核算与整合框架——基于生命周期评价的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方恺 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7228-7234
环境足迹及其与生命周期评价(LCA)的关系是工业生态学关注的新热点。从探讨环境足迹与LCA的关系入手,以碳足迹、水足迹、土地足迹和材料足迹为例,分别对每一项足迹指标两个版本的核算方法进行了比较。根据清单加和过程的特点,将所有足迹指标划分为基于权重因子和基于特征因子两类,总结了两者的适用性和局限性。在此基础上提出了一个环境足迹核算与整合的统一框架。该框架基于LCA视角建立,但对系统边界和清单数据的要求相对灵活,因而也适用于生命周期不甚明确的情形。研究在一定程度上揭示了足迹指标的方法学实质,同时也为环境影响综合评估提供了一条规范化的途径。  相似文献   

A carbon/silica composite designed for use under compressive loads was fabricated from rice husk (RH), an agricultural waste material. RH was pulverized by using a planetary ball mill, then carbonized and molded into the precursor by means of hot-pressing without using any binders. A compression of 100 MPa was intermittently applied to the RH powder heated from room temperature to 150 °C, and then to 280 °C. The precursor, the bulk density of which was 1.37 g/cm3, was sintered for further densification at up to 1400 °C without compression, in nitrogen gas. The smaller particle size of the pulverized RH was beneficial for densifying the carbon/silica composite and increasing its compressive strength. Sintering at 800 °C for 1 h in nitrogen gas provided the maximum bulk density of 1.52 g/cm3 and the maximum Vickers hardness at the surface of 343 HV. The maximum compressive strength was measured to be 55.7 MPa using a sintering temperature of 1200 °C.  相似文献   

Background, aims and scope  The environmental aspects of companies and their products are becoming more significant in delivering competitive advantage. Formway Furniture, a designer and manufacturer of office furniture products, is a New Zealand-based company that is committed to sustainable development. It manufactures two models of the light, intuitive, flexible and environmental (LIFE) office chair: one with an aluminium base and one with a glass-filled nylon (GFN) base. It was decided to undertake a life cycle assessment (LCA) study of these two models in order to: (1) determine environmental hotspots in the life cycle of the two chairs (goal 1); (2) compare the life cycle impacts of the two chairs (goal 2); and (3) compare alternative potential waste-management scenarios (goal 3). The study also included sensitivity analysis with respect to recycled content of aluminium in the product. Materials and methods  The LIFE chair models consist of a mix of metal and plastic components manufactured by selected Formway suppliers according to design criteria. Hence, the research methodology included determining the specific material composition of the two chair models and acquisition of manufacturing data from individual suppliers. These data were compiled and used in conjunction with pre-existing data, specifically from the ecoinvent database purchased in conjunction with the SimaPro7 LCA software, to develop the life cycle inventory of the two chair models. The life cycle stages included in the study extended from raw-material extraction through to waste management. Impact assessment was carried out using CML 2 baseline 2000, the methodology developed by Leiden University’s Institute for Environmental Sciences. Results  This paper presents results for global warming potential (GWP100). The study showed a significant impact contribution from the raw-material extraction/refinement stage for both chair models; aluminium extraction and refining made the greatest contribution to GWP100. The comparison of the two LIFE chair models showed that the model with the aluminium base had a higher GWP100 impact than the model with the GFN base. The waste-management scenario compared the GWP100 result when (1) both chair models were sent to landfill and (2) steel and aluminium components were recycled with the remainder of the chair sent to landfill. The results showed that the recycling scenario contributed to a reduced GWP100 result. Since production and processing of aluminium was found to be significant, a sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the impact of using aluminium with different recycled contents (0%, 34% and 100%) in both waste-management scenarios; this showed that increased use of recycled aluminium was beneficial. The recycling at end-of-life scenarios was modelled using two different end-of-life allocation approaches, i.e. consequential and attributional, in order to illustrate the variation in results caused by choice of allocation approach. The results using the consequential approach showed that recycling at end-of-life was beneficial, while use of the attributional method led to a similar GWP100 as that seen for the landfill scenario. Discussion  The results show that the main hotspot in the life cycle is the raw-material extraction/refinement stage. This can be attributed to the extraction and processing of aluminium, a material that is energy intensive. The LIFE chair model with the aluminium base has a higher GWP100 as it contains more aluminium. Sensitivity analysis pertaining to the recycled content of aluminium showed that use of aluminium with high recycled content was beneficial; this is because production of recycled aluminium is less energy intensive than production of primary aluminium. The waste-management scenario showed that recycling at end-of-life resulted in a significantly lower GWP100 than landfilling at end-of-life. However, this result is dependent upon the modelling approach used for recycling. Conclusions  With respect to goal 1, the study found that the raw-material extraction/refinement stage of the life cycle was a significant factor for both LIFE chair models. This was largely due to the use of aluminium in the product. For goal 2, it was found that the LIFE chair model with the aluminium base had a higher GWP100 than the GFN model, again due to the material content of the two models. Results for goal 3 illustrated that recycling at end-of-life is beneficial when using a system expansion (consequential) approach to model recycling; if an attributional ‘cut-off’ approach is used to model recycling at end-of-life, there is virtually no difference in the results between landfilling and recycling. Sensitivity analysis pertaining to the recycled content of aluminium showed that use of higher recycled contents leads to a lower GWP100 impact. Recommendation and perspectives  Most of the GWP100 impact was contributed during the raw-material extraction/refinement stage of the life cycle; thus, the overall impact of both LIFE chair models may be reduced through engaging in material choice and supply chain environmental management with respect to environmental requirements. The study identified aluminium components as a major contributor to GWP100 for both LIFE chair models and also highlighted the sensitivity of the results to its recycled content. Thus, it is recommended that the use of aluminium in future product designs be limited unless it is possible to use aluminium with a high recycled content. With respect to waste management, it was found that a substantial reduction in the GWP100 impact would occur if the chairs are recycled rather than landfilled, assuming an expanding market for aluminium. Thus, recycling the two LIFE chair models at end-of-life is highly recommended.  相似文献   

This work examined the energy return of Chlorella vulgaris and Dunaliella tertiolecta cultivated in a gas-sparged photobioreactor design where the power input for sparging was manipulated (10, 20, and 50 W m−3). Dry weight, organic carbon and heating values of the biomass were measured, plus a suite of variables including Fv/Fm and dissolved oxygen. A model for predicting the higher heating value of microalgal biomass was developed and used to measure the energetic performance of batch cultivations. High power inputs enhanced maximum biomass yields, but did not improve the energy return. Cultivation in 10 W m−3 showed up to a 39% higher cumulative net energy return than 50 W m−3, and increased the cumulative net energy ratio up to fourfold. The highest net energy ratio for power input was 19.3 (D. tertiolecta, 12% CO2, 10 W m−3). These systems may be a sustainable method of biomass production, but their effectiveness is sensitive to operational parameters.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment of biodiesel production from microalgae in ponds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses the potential environmental impacts and economic viability of producing biodiesel from microalgae grown in ponds. A comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study of a notional production system designed for Australian conditions was conducted to compare biodiesel production from algae (with three different scenarios for carbon dioxide supplementation and two different production rates) with canola and ULS (ultra-low sulfur) diesel. Comparisons of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions (g CO2-e/t km) and costs (¢/t km) are given. Algae GHG emissions (−27.6 to 18.2) compare very favourably with canola (35.9) and ULS diesel (81.2). Costs are not so favourable, with algae ranging from 2.2 to 4.8, compared with canola (4.2) and ULS diesel (3.8). This highlights the need for a high production rate to make algal biodiesel economically attractive.  相似文献   

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