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《Current biology : CB》2019,29(14):2351-2358.e4
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Dream content may reflect elements of memory processing occurring within a single night and across several days or weeks. One 19-year-old healthy female college student kept a daily diary, a sleep diary, and recorded her dreams for 2 months. A preset alarm clock allowed her to sample dreams from both early NREM-rich and late REM-rich sleep. Dreams were examined for memory elements that were similar to diary entries. There were 55 scorable dreams obtained during 25 nights. Matches between dream elements and daytime events occurred quite frequently depending on dream element. Dream characters, actions, themes, and settings more often matched daytime memories than dream objects, emotions, or events. Matches were also time dependent. Emotions appeared in dreams after the subject experienced them sooner than all other elements (1.5 days), while objects took the longest to appear in dreams (3.5 days). With respect to within night cognitive processing, 42% of scorable nights contained the same memory elements in the first and last dreams and 8% of scorable nights contained the same emotion within the same context between an early and late dream. Selected dream elements appear to reflect memory processing occurring throughout the night and over the course of several days. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(23):5370-5376.e4
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We have previously reported that neonatal maternal deprivation (MD) resulted in a decrease of total sleep and an increase of orexin A in adult rats. Now, we characterized features of sleep, activity, and melatonin levels in rats neonatally treated with MD and control (MC) procedures. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with either MD or MC procedures for 10 days starting at postnatal day 4. At 3 months of age, sleep was recorded for 48 h in one set of MD and MC rats, while another set of MD and MC rats was measured for locomotor activity (under LD = 12:12). Melatonin levels in the blood, pineal gland, and hypothalamus were measured as well as clock protein level in the hypothalamus. Compared to the MC rats, REM sleep in the MD rats was significantly reduced in the light periods but not in the dark periods. Both quiet wake and total wake in the MD rats were significantly increased during the light period compared to the MC rats. The weight of the pineal gland of the MD rats was significantly smaller than in MC rats. Melatonin levels of the MD group were significantly reduced in the pineal gland and hypothalamus compared to the MC group. No significant difference was identified between groups in the expression of the clock protein in the hypothalamus. Neonatal MD resulted in reduced REM sleep and melatonin levels, without changes of circadian cycle of locomotor activity and levels of clock protein.  相似文献   

Exposure to artificial light at night (ALAN) has become increasing common, especially in developed countries. We investigated the effect of dALAN exposure during sleep in healthy young male subjects. A total of 30 healthy young male volunteers from 21 to 29 years old were recruited for the study. They were randomly divided into two groups depending on light intensity (Group A: 5 lux and Group B: 10 lux). After a quality control process, 23 healthy subjects were included in the study (Group A: 11 subjects, Group B: 12 subjects). Subjects underwent an NPSG session with no light (Night 1) followed by an NPSG session randomly assigned to two different dim light conditions (5 or 10 lux, dom λ: 501.4 nm) for a whole night (Night 2). We found significant sleep structural differences between Nights 1 and 2, but no difference between Groups A and B. Exposure to dALAN during sleep was significantly associated with increased wake time after sleep onset (WASO; F = 7.273, p = 0.014), increased Stage N1 (F = 4.524, p = 0.045), decreased Stage N2 (F = 9.49, p = 0.006), increased Stage R (F = 6.698, p = 0.017) and non-significantly decreased REM density (F = 4.102, p = 0.056). We found that dALAN during sleep affects sleep structure. Exposure to dALAN during sleep increases the frequency of arousals, amount of shallow sleep and amount of REM sleep. This suggests adverse effects of dALAN during sleep on sleep quality and suggests the need to avoid exposure to dALAN during sleep.  相似文献   

Consciousness is now considered a primary function and activity of the brain itself. If so, consciousness is simply the brain's interpretation and integration of all the information made available to it at any given time. On the assumption that the brain is active across all states of being (wakefulness, REM sleep, and NREM sleep), this article proposes that dreaming and hallucinations represent variations on the same theme. Under usual circumstances during wakefulness, the brain ignores internally generated activity and attends to environmental sensory stimulation. During sleep, dreaming occurs because the brain attends to endogenously generated activity. In unusual settings, such as sleep-deprivation, sensory deprivation, or medication or drug ingestion, the brain attends to exogenous and endogenous activities simultaneously, resulting in hallucinations, or wakeful dreaming. This concept is supported by numerous neurologic conditions and syndromes that are associated with hallucinations.  相似文献   

Pal D  Madan V  Mallick BN 《生理学报》2005,57(4):401-413
两种类型的神经元参与了快速眼动(rapid eye movement,REM)睡眠的调节:快速眼动一发放(REM-ON)神经元和快速眼动-沉寂神经元(REM-OFF)。快速眼动-沉寂神经元属去甲肾上腺素能神经元,正如名字表示的那样——在快速眼动睡眠期间停止发放。已有研究表明,这些神经元放电活动的停止是导致快速眼动睡眠的前提条件,γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)可使它们停止发放。如果这嗤神经元不停止发放,脑中的去甲肾上腺素水平将升高,不出现快速眼动睡眠。剥夺快速眼动睡眠所引起的去甲肾上腺素增加,至少是快速眼动睡眠丧失引起Na^+-K^+ATP酶活性增加的原因,而这可能是导致快速眼动睡眠剥夺所引发的各种效应的主要因素。  相似文献   

The objectives of the investigation were to assess hypersomnia, which progressively appeared in a young patient after a pinealectomy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy for a typical germinoma, as well as the potential benefit of melatonin administration in the absence of its endogenous secretion. 24 h ambulatory polysomnography and the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) were performed; in addition, daily plasma melatonin, cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin, and rectal temperature profiles were determined before and during melatonin treatment (one 2 mg capsule given nightly at 21:00 h for 4 weeks). MSLT showed abnormal sleep latency and two REM sleep onsets. Nighttime total sleep duration was lengthened, mainly as a consequence of an increased REM sleep duration. These parameters were slightly modified by melatonin replacement. Plasma melatonin levels, which were constantly nil in the basal condition, were increased to supraphysiological values with melatonin treatment. The plasma cortisol profile showed nycthemeral variation within the normal range, and the growth hormone profile showed supplementary diurnal peaks. Melatonin treatment did not modify the secretion of either hormone. The plasma prolactin profile did not display a physiological nocturnal increase in the basal condition; however, it did during melatonin treatment, with the rise coinciding with the nocturnal peak of melatonin concentration. A 24 h temperature rhythm of normal amplitude was persistent, though the mean level was decreased and the rhythm was dampened during melatonin treatment. The role of radiotherapy on the studied parameters cannot be excluded; the findings of this case study suggest that the observed hypersomnia is not the result of melatonin deficiency alone. Overall, melatonin treatment was well tolerated, but the benefit on the sleep abnormality, especially on daytime REM sleep, was minor, requiring the re-introduction of modafinil treatment.  相似文献   

The authors hypothesized that representations of the Self (or the dreamer) in dreams would change systematically, from a prereflective form of Self to more complex forms, as a function of both age and sleep state (REM vs. non-REM). These hypotheses were partially confirmed. While the authors found that all the self-concept-related dream content indexes derived from the Hall/Van de Castle dream content scoring system did not differ significantly between the dreams of children and adults, adult Selves were more likely to engage in "successful" social interactions. The Self never acted as aggressor in NREM dream states and was almost always the befriender in friendly interactions in NREM dreams. Conversely, the REM-related dream Self preferred aggressive encounters. Our results suggests that while prereflective forms of Self are the norm in children's dreams, two highly complex forms of Self emerge in REM and NREM dreams. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

REM sleep is essential for maintenance of body physiology and its deprivation is fatal. We observed that the levels of ALT and AST enzymes and pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-12 circulating in the blood of REM sleep deprived rats increased in proportion to the extent of sleep loss. But in contrast the levels of IFN-γ and a ∼200 kDa protein, identified by N-terminal sequencing to be alpha-1-inhibitor-3(A1I3), decreased significantly. Quantitative PCR analysis confirmed that REM sleep deprivation down regulates AII3 gene and up regulates IL1 β, IL6 and their respective receptors gene expression in the liver initiating its inflammation.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(15):3426-3432.e4
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Since its electrophysiological identification in the 1950's, the state of REMS or PS has been shown through multiple lines of evidence to be generated by neurons in the oral pontine tegmentum. The perpetration of this paradoxical state that combines cortical activation with the most profound behavioral sleep occurs through interplay between PS-promoting (On) and PS-permitting (Off) cell groups in the pons. Cholinergic cells in the LDTg and PPTg promote PS by initiating processes of both forebrain activation and peripheral muscle atonia. Bearing alpha1-adrenergic receptors, cholinergic cells, which likely project to the forebrain, are excited by NA and active during both W and PS (W/PS-On), when they promote cortical activation. Bearing alpha2-adrenergic receptors, other cholinergic cells, which likely project to the brainstem, are inhibited by NA and thus active selectively during PS (PS-On), when they promote muscle atonia. Noradrenergic, together with serotonergic, neurons, as PS-Off neurons, thus permit PS in part by lifting their inhibition upon the cholinergic PS-On cells. The noradrenergic/serotonergic neurons are inhibited in turn by local GABAergic PS-promoting neurons that may be excited by ACh. Other similarly modulated GABAergic neurons located through the brainstem reticular formation become active to participate in the inhibition of reticulo-spinal and raphe-spinal neurons as well as in the direct inhibition of motor neurons. In contrast, a select group of GABAergic neurons located in the oral pontine reticular formation and possibly inhibited by ACh turn off during PS. These GABAergic PS-permitting neurons release from inhibition the neighboring large glutamatergic neurons of the oral pontine reticular formation, which are likely concomitantly excited by ACh. In tandem with the cholinergic neurons, these glutamatergic reticular neurons propagate the paradoxical forebrain activation and peripheral inactivation that characterize PS.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of the ecology and evolution of mammalian sleep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The amount of time asleep varies greatly in mammals, from 3 h in the donkey to 20 h in the armadillo. Previous comparative studies have suggested several functional explanations for interspecific variation in both the total time spent asleep and in rapid-eye movement (REM) or "quiet" (non-REM) sleep. In support of specific functional benefits of sleep, these studies reported correlations between time in specific sleep states (NREM or REM) and brain size, metabolic rate, and developmental variables. Here we show that estimates of sleep duration are significantly influenced by the laboratory conditions under which data are collected and that, when analyses are limited to data collected under more standardized procedures, traditional functional explanations for interspecific variation in sleep durations are no longer supported. Specifically, we find that basal metabolic rate correlates negatively rather than positively with sleep quotas, and that neither adult nor neonatal brain mass correlates positively with REM or NREM sleep times. These results contradict hypotheses that invoke energy conservation, cognition, and development as drivers of sleep variation. Instead, the negative correlations of both sleep states with basal metabolic rate and diet are consistent with trade-offs between sleep and foraging time. In terms of predation risk, both REM and NREM sleep quotas are reduced when animals sleep in more exposed sites, whereas species that sleep socially sleep less. Together with the fact that REM and NREM sleep quotas correlate strongly with each other, these results suggest that variation in sleep primarily reflects ecological constraints acting on total sleep time, rather than the independent responses of each sleep state to specific selection pressures. We propose that, within this ecological framework, interspecific variation in sleep duration might be compensated by variation in the physiological intensity of sleep.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated an association between suicidality and sleep, suggesting that sleep disturbances may exacerbate mood dysregulation in participants suffering from mood disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of sleep disturbances and insomnia on depression and suicidality in a nontreatment seeking sample of college students. Results indicated that insomnia and nightmares were significant predictors of symptoms of depression, while only nightmares significantly predicted suicidal ideation. Further analysis indicated that participants with elevated scores on insomnia, nightmares, or both experienced differing levels of depression and suicidal ideation. Future directions and treatment implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neurons that utilize melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) as neuromodulator are located in the lateral hypothalamus and incerto-hypothalamic area. These neurons project throughout the central nervous system and play a role in sleep regulation. With the hypothesis that the MCHergic system function would be modified by the time of the day as well as by disruptions of the sleep-wake cycle, we quantified in rats the concentration of MCH in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the expression of the MCH precursor (Pmch) gene in the hypothalamus, and the expression of the MCH receptor 1 (Mchr1) gene in the frontal cortex and hippocampus. These analyses were performed during paradoxical sleep deprivation (by a modified multiple platform technique), paradoxical sleep rebound and chronic sleep restriction, both at the end of the active (dark) phase (lights were turned on at Zeitgeber time zero, ZT0) and during the inactive (light) phase (ZT8).We observed that in control condition (waking and sleep ad libitum), Mchr1 gene expression was larger at ZT8 (when sleep predominates) than at ZT0, both in frontal cortex and hippocampus.In addition, compared to control, disturbances of the sleep–wake cycle produced the following effects: paradoxical sleep deprivation for 96 and 120 h reduced the expression of Mchr1 gene in frontal cortex at ZT0. Sleep rebound that followed 96 h of paradoxical sleep deprivation increased the MCH concentration in the CSF also at ZT0. Twenty-one days of sleep restriction produced a significant increment in MCH CSF levels at ZT8. Finally, sleep disruptions unveiled day/night differences in MCH CSF levels and in Pmch gene expression that were not observed in control (undisturbed) conditions.In conclusion, the time of the day and sleep disruptions produced subtle modifications in the physiology of the MCHergic system.  相似文献   

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