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Bioavailability and possible benefits of wheat intake naturally enriched with selenium and its products was tested. Wheat obtained by application of an original combination and procedure for foliar supplementation of plants with Se was characterized on the average by five times higher content of Se, the main form being l-(+)-selenomethionine (SeMet). Substitution of Se-deficient wheat by wheat naturally enriched with Se and its products contributed to the increase of daily intake on the average by 18 μg (12–35 μg) in volunteers, which is more than 50% of the average daily intake. Six weeks after the beginning of its application, increased daily intake of Se brought about the increase of its concentration in the plasma of the examined persons by 53%, in their erythrocytes by 37%, in their hair by 44%, and in their urine by 54%. This result was comparable to the effect obtained in the course of an 8-wk daily intake of supplements with 100 μg Se in the form of enriched bakery yeast. Analysis of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in blood, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in plasma, lipid parameters (total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides), and glucose in serum of volunteers showed that the increased Se intake induced increased GSH-Px activity in blood and decreased concentrations of TBARS, lipid parameters, and glucose in blood. Using only one crop (wheat enriched with Se), the existing deficiency of Se in our population can be alleviated. In this way, one-fourth of our population with lower Se intake than 21 μg/d will satisfy basal requirements, whereas one-half will become moderately deficient in Se instead of distinctly deficient in Se.  相似文献   

The concentration of selenium (Se), an essential nutrient, is variable in foods, depending, in part, on how and where foods are produced; some foods accumulate substantial amounts of Se when produced on high-Se soils. The chemical form of Se also differs among foods. Broccoli is a Se-accumulating plant that contains many methylated forms of Se, and Se bioavailability from broccoli has been reported to be low. Red meats such as pork or beef could accumulate Se when the animal is fed high-Se diets, and Se from such meats has been reported to be highly bioavailable for selenoprotein synthesis. In a further attempt to characterize the utilization of Se from broccoli and meats such as pork or beef, we have fed rats diets adequate (0.1 μg Se/g diet) in Se or high in Se (1.5 μg S/g diet), with the Se source being either high-Se broccoli or beef. Rats were then given test meals of broccoli or pork intrinsically labeled with 75Se. When dietary Se was nutritionally adequate (0.1 μg/g diet), more 75Se from pork than broccoli was retained in tissues; however, there were no significant differences in whole-body retention when dietary Se was high (1.5 μg/g diet). A significantly greater percentage of 75Se from broccoli than pork was excreted in the urine and dietary Se did not affect urinary excretion of broccoli 75Se, but the amount excreted from pork varied directly with dietary Se intake. Radiolabeled 75Se derived from pork effectively labeled selenoproteins in all tissues examined, but 75Se from broccoli was undetectable in selenoproteins. These differences in retention and distribution of Se from broccoli or pork are consistent with reported differences in bioavailability of Se from beef and broccoli. They also suggest that there are fewer differences in bioavailability when Se is consumed in supranutritional amounts.  相似文献   

The mercury-binding capacity of seleno-DL-methionine and selenium dioxide was assessed in male Wistar rats. Mercury was supplied as fish loaves made of northern pike or rainbow trout. We used a selenium concentration of 3.4 mg/kg fish, about sixfold compared to the equivalent quantity of mercury. Seleno-DL-methionine had a tendency to increase both methyl mercury and total mercury in blood, although it also seemed to reduce the proportion of methyl mercury of total mercury. Selenium dioxide lowered mercury levels by 24–29% both in the blood and in the liver of rats that were fed with northern pike.  相似文献   

Selenium is an essential trace element and its isufficient status may cause serious health complications for both individuals and the whole populations. To investigate the selenium status of the subpop-ulation in northeastern Bohemia represented by the region ústí nad Orlicí, 253 serum, 469 urine, and 31 hair samples from 470 randomly selected volunteers between 6 and 65 yr of age have been analyzed for selenium concentration. Serum and hair Se were detected by instrumental neutron activation analysis (means: 55 ±11 Μg Se/L sera, 0.268 ±0.040 Μg Se/g hair). Urine Se was measured by fluorimetry (12 ±5 Μg Se/L urine) with coanalyses of Lyphocheck urine, SRM Urine 2670, and Seronorm urine for quality control of the method. Results proved significant age-dependent differences, but gender differences were not significant. The frequency plot of serum Se proved maximal frequencies in adults between 55 and 70 Μg Se/L and in children in the range 45–55 Μg Se/L. The same plots of urine Se for both age groups showed maximal frequency in the limits 8–15 Μg Se/L. All indices used (Se in serum, urine, and hair) confirmed mild to severe selenium deficiency in the population of the region.  相似文献   

In recent years the selenium (Se) intake of the human population of the UK has shown a marked decline from 60 μg/d in 1978 to around 30 μg/d in 1990 owing largely to a significant reduction in the importation of North American wheat for bread-making fluor. Other countries (Finland, for example) in similar situations have instituted fertilization programs in order to raise cereal Se concentrations and thus boost dietary intakes. An alternative approach would be to increase the Se concentration of carcass meat by supplementation of meat animals for a limited period prior to slaughter. A trial was set up with store lambs to evaluate this approach. Sixteen Scottish Blackface lambs were stratified according to live weight and then randomly allocated to one of four treatments: unsupplemented, or 3.5, 7, or 10.5 mg. Se/head/wk. After 14 wk, the lambs were sacrificed and samples of shoulder and thigh muscle, liver, and kidney were obtained for analysis. All three treatments effected an increase in whole blood glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and plasma Se concentrations over controls. Shoulder, thigh, and liver Se exhibited a dose-response relationship to treatment, but kidney Se concentrations were unaffected by treatment. Muscle and some organ meat Se concentrations can therefore be increased by supplementation and could contribute to increased human dietary intakes of the element.  相似文献   

Vitamin E and selenium (Se) interact synergistically as an important antioxidant defense mechanism. Se, an essential component of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and vitamin E decompose fatty acid hydroperoxides and hydrogen peroxides generated by free radical reactions. Vitamin E and GSH-Px may modulate arachidonic acid metabolism and the activity of cyclooxygenase enzymes by affecting peroxide concentration. The balance between arterial wall prostacyclin (PGI2) production and platelet thromboxane (TX)A2 directly influences platelet activity. In order to elucidate the differential role of dietary vitamin E and Se in aortic PGI2 and platelet TXA2 synthesis, 1-mo-old F344 rats were fed semipurified diets containing different levels of vitamin E (0, 30, 200 ppm) and Se (0, 0.1, 0.2 ppm) for 2 mo. Thromboxane B2 (TXB2) and 6-keto-PGF1α, were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) after incubation of whole blood and aortic rings at 37°C for 10 and 30 min, respectively. Vitamin E deficiency reduced plasma vitamin E to 5–17% of control-fed rats, and supplementation increased it to 53% of the control-fed rats. Se supplementation in vitamin E-supplemented animals increased plasma GSH-Px by 17%, compared to vitamin E-deficient rats. Se and vitamin E supplementation did not have a similar effect on TXB2 and PGI2 synthesis. Se deficiency did not alter platelet TXB2 synthesis, but significantly decreased aortic PGI2 synthesis. It was necessary to supplement with both antioxidants in order to increase, PGI2 synthesis. Se and vitamin E deficient groups had a higher TXB2/PGI2 ratio (0.17±0.08) compared to Se- and vitamin E-supplemented groups (0.03±0.01). These results confirm previous reports in humans and animals and are in accordance with epidemiological data indicating an inverse relationship between plasma Se and platelet aggregation. Thus, further suggesting that vitamin E and Se may have a specific role in controlling TXA2 and PGI2 synthesis.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate antioxidant and cytotoxic effect of selenium nanoparticles (Se NPs) biosynthesized by a newly isolated marine bacterial strain Bacillus sp. MSh-1. An organic–aqueous partitioning system was applied for purification of the biogenic Se NPs and the purified Se NPs were then investigated for antioxidant activity using DPPH scavenging activity and reducing power assay. Cytotoxic effect of the biogenic Se NPs and selenium dioxide (SeO2) on MCF-7 cell line was assesed by MTT assay. Tranmission electron micrograph (TEM) of the purified Se NPs showed individual and spherical nanostructure in size range of about 80–220 nm. The obtained results showed that, at the same concentration of 200 μg/mL, Se NPs and SeO2 represented scavenging activity of 23.1 ± 3.4% and 13.2 ± 3.1%, respectively. However, the data obtained from reducing power assay revealed higher electron-donating activity of SeO2 compared to Se NPs. Higher IC50 of the Se NPs (41.5 ± 0.9 μg/mL) compared to SeO2 (6.7 ± 0.8 μg/mL) confirmed lower cytotoxicity of the biogenic Se NPs on MCF-7 cell line.  相似文献   

Seafood is an important source of nutrients for fetal neurodevelopment. Most individuals are exposed to the toxic element mercury through seafood. Due to the neurotoxic effects of mercury, United States government agencies recommend no more than 340 g (12 oz) per week of seafood consumption during pregnancy. However, recent studies have shown that selenium, also abundant in seafood, can have protective effects against mercury toxicity. In this study, we analyzed mercury and selenium levels and selenoprotein mRNA, protein, and activity in placenta of a cohort of women in Hawaii in relation to maternal seafood consumption assessed with dietary surveys. Fish consumption resulted in differences in mercury levels in placenta and cord blood. When taken as a group, those who consumed no fish exhibited the lowest mercury levels in placenta and cord blood. However, there were numerous individuals who either had higher mercury with no fish consumption or lower mercury with high fish consumption, indicating a lack of correlation. Placental expression of selenoprotein mRNAs, proteins and enzyme activity was not statistically different in any region among the different dietary groups. While the absence of seafood consumption correlates with lower average placental and cord blood mercury levels, no strong correlations were seen between seafood consumption or its absence and the levels of either selenoproteins or selenoenzyme activity.  相似文献   

Mercury and selenium in whole blood and serum of 245 17-year old Swedish adolescents were analysed. The relationships between these elements' concentrations and the consumption of fish as well as the number of dental amalgam fillings were studied. The geometric means (GM) of the mercury concentrations were 1.1 microg/L in blood and 0.43 microg/L in serum. The mean selenium concentration in blood was 110 microg/L and the GM of the serum selenium concentration 110 microg/L. Fish species with dietary restrictions due to elevated mercury Levels (i.e. pike, perch, pikeperch, burbot, eel and halibut) were consumed on average 0.7 times/month and fish species without such restrictions 4.1 times/month. Despite this comparatively low fish consumption, the adolescents' blood mercury concentrations were positively correlated with fish consumption. Of the adolescents, 39% had amalgam fillings (mean 2 +/- 1.5). Serum mercury was influenced by the number of amalgam fillings, by fish consumption, blood and serum levels of selenium and the residential area. Blood and serum selenium concentrations were not influenced by fish consumption, but were positively associated with the serum mercury concentration.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for animals and humans, and wheat is a major dietary source of this element. It is improtant that postharvest processing losses of grain Se are minimized. This study, using grain dissection, milling with a Quadrumat mill, and baking and toasting studies, investigated the distribution of Se and other mineral nutrients in wheat grain and the effect of postharvest processing on their retention. The dissection study, although showing Se concentration to be highest in the embryo, confirmed (along with the milling study) previous findings that Se (which occurs mostly as selenomethionine in wheat grain) and S are more evenly distributed throughout the grain when compared to other mineral nutrients, and hence, lower proportions are removed in the milling residue. Postmilling processing did not affect Se concentration or content of wheat products in this study. No genotypic variability was observed for grain distribution of Se in the dissection and milling studies, in contrast to Cu, Fe., Mn, and Zn. This variability could be exploited in breeding for higher proportions of these nutrients in the endosperm to make white flour more nutritious. Further research could include grain dissection and milling studies using larger numbers of cultivars that have been grown together and a flour, extraction rate of around 70%  相似文献   

A previous study compared the effects of folate on methyl metabolism in colon and liver of rats fed a selenium-deficient die (<3 μg Se/kg) to those of rats fed a diet containing supranutritional Se (2 mg selenite/kg). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of folate and adequate Se (0.2 mg/kg) on methyl metabolism in colon and liver. Weanling, Fischer-344 rats (n=8/diet) were fed diets containing 0 or 0.2 mg selenium (as selenite)/kg and 0 or 2 mg folic acid/kg in a 2×2 design. After 70 d, plasma homocysteine was increased (p<0.0001) by folate deficiency; this increase was markedly, attenuated (p<0.0001) in rats fed the selenium-deficient diet compared to those fed 0.2 mg Se/kg. The activity of hepatic glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT), an enzyme involved in the regulation of tissue S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), was increased by folate deficiency (p<0.006) and decreased by selenium deprivation, (p<0.0003). Colon and liver SAH were highest (p<0.006) in rats fed deficient folate and adequate selenium. Although folate deficiency decreased liver SAM (p<0.001), it had no effect on colon SAM. Global DNA methylation was decreased (p<0.04) by selenium deficiency in colon but not liver; folate had no effect. Selenium, deficiency did not affect DNA methyltransferase (Dnmt) activity in liver but tended to decrease (p<0.06) the activity of the enzyme in the colon. Dietary folate did not affect liver or colon Dnmt. These results in rats fed adequate selenium are similar to previous results found in rats fed supranutritional selenium. This suggests that selenium deficiency appears to be a more important modifier of methyl metabolism than either adequate or supplemental selenium. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Northern Plains Area, is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and all agency services are available without discrimination.  相似文献   

The study aimed at comparing three strategies of supplementing selenium (Se) during the finishing period of Charolais young bulls: (1) administration of sodium selenite throughout the finishing (NaSe); (2) administration of an Se-enriched yeast strain (Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC R397) throughout the finishing (Se-Y); (3) administration of sodium selenite for 140 days replaced by Se-enriched yeast during the last 70 days of finishing (Switch). Eighty-four young bulls (mean initial BW=434.2±31.9 kg; mean age=382±52 days) were stratified by live weight and equally assigned to one of three Se treatments. Experimental groups were fed the same diets and the inclusion rate of the different treatments was targeted to achieve 0.3 mg of Se/kg of dry matter (DM) in the complete feed. The average daily gain of bulls was 1.36 kg/d and no differences due to Se treatment were recorded. Dry matter intake and feed conversion ratio were not affected by Se treatment resulting in, on average, 10.3 kg/d and 7.65, respectively. Repeated blood samples were taken at days 0, 120, 180 and 210 of finishing to assess the Se status of the animals. As compared to NaSe, both organic Se treatments (Se-Y and Switch) increased plasma Se in the last two sampling sessions according to a significant treatment×time interaction (P<0.001). A similar trend was observed for serum total antioxidant status of the young bulls, whereas there was only a significant time effect (P<0.001) on glutathione peroxidase activity that was raised by all Se treatments. The finishing period lasted 210 days and at the abattoir there were no differences across Se treatments in carcass weight and dressing percentage. A higher Se content in the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle was instead observed in Se-Y samples as compared with NaSe (0.85 v. 0.47 mg/kg DM; P<0.05). Meat quality evaluation was carried out on LT samples after 6 and 11 days of ageing under a vacuum package. Regardless of ageing time, meat from young bulls supplemented with Se yeast had higher colour lightness (L*) values than those receiving NaSe (38.1 v. 36.6; P<0.01) and showed a significant decrease in shear force (3.69 v. 4.22 kg/cm2; P<0.01). The outcomes of the study suggest that the provision of Se yeast throughout the finishing period is a strategy to increase the benefits of the replacement of sodium selenite with organic selenium in beef cattle.  相似文献   



To characterize changes in global protein expression in kidneys of transgenic rats overexpressing human selenoprotein M (SelM) in response to increased bioabivility of selenium (Sel), total proteins extracted from kidneys of 10-week-old CMV/hSelM Tg and wild-type rats were separated by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and measured for changes in expression.


Ten and three proteins showing high antioxidant enzymatic activity were up- and down-regulated, respectively, in SelM-overexpressing CMV/hSelM Tg rats compared to controls based on an arbitrary 2-fold difference. Up-regulated proteins included LAP3, BAIAP2L1, CRP2, CD73 antigen, PDGF D, KIAA143 homolog, PRPPS-AP2, ZFP313, HSP-60, and N-WASP, whereas down-regulated proteins included ALKDH3, rMCP-3, and STC-1. After Sel treatment, five of the up-regulated proteins were significantly increased in expression in wild-type rats, whereas there were no changes in CMV/hSelM Tg rats. Only two of the down-regulated proteins showed reduced expression in wild-type and Tg rats after Sel treatment.


These results show the primary novel biological evidences that new functional protein groups and individual proteins in kidneys of Tg rats relate to Sel biology including the response to Sel treatment and SelM expression.  相似文献   

Mercuric chloride and sodium selenite were separately administered to male rats in the drinking water or in a combination (2.5 mmol Hg/L and 0.1 mmol Se/L). The mercuric chloride group showed histopathological lesions, as evidenced by cell necrosis in the liver and tubular necrosis in the kidney. The sodium selenite group showed some depression in growth, but pathological changes were found neither in the liver nor in the kidney. Simultaneous administration of both compounds produced a protective effect on weight loss and histopathology. These effects were associated with some small structures in the kidney proximal tubules and to some structure in the extracellular space in the liver. Thin, unstained cryosections were freeze-dried and examined in the Studsvik Nuclear Microprobe. The structures observed in the liver and the kidney were shown to contain both selenium and mercury.  相似文献   

Acute toxicity of selenium as selenite inZosterisessor ophiocephalus by ip injection was studied. The 50% lethal dose and 50% lethal time were measured to be 0.29 ppm and 96 h, respectively. Se concentrations in liver, gill, skin and muscle, and Cyt. P450 level, Se-GPx, and Total GPx enzyme activities in liver were also assessed at different doses and times after injection. Starting at 0.3 ppm injected dose, enzyme activities and Se concentration in tissues but not in muscle, showed significant differences from the control group. A threshold behavior was inferred. Normal conditions of enzyme activities and Se concentration in tissues were restored about 1 wk after injection. Biological elimination half-lives were about 2 d for liver and gill, and 5 d for skin.  相似文献   

Samples of 7 species of piscivorous, omnivorous, and herbivorous fish caught at 12 different sites on the Madeira River, Amazon Basin, were analyzed for selenium and mercury. Selenium was determined by anodic stripping voltammetry and mercury by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The means for selenium concentrations ranged from 0.49 to 3.11 nmol/g and for mercury from 0.41 to 6.66 nmol/g depending on the fish species. The molar ratios of Hg:Se increased according to the fish trophic level. Piscivorous species had the highest mean ratio (4.0) and herbivorous species the lowest (0.9). There was a positive and statistically significant correlation between selenium and mercury concentrations for the herbivorous species (r = 0.716;p = 0.0088) not seen for omnivororus and piscivorous species (r = -0.2032;p = 0.3407). These findings are significant for the fish-eating population of the Madeira River because the ingestion of mercury would always be in excess of selenium.  相似文献   

Despite different geological features the Nordic countries are generally selenium-poor areas. In each country various factors such as food importation and life-style determine the selenium (Se) intake. Due to an extremely low Se intake in the 1970s in Finland, 0.025 mg/day, an official decision was made in 1984 to supplement multinutrient fertilizers with Se in the chemical form of sodium selenate. Almost all fertilizers used in Finland since 1985 have contained Se. Currently all crop fertilizers contain 15 mg Se/kg. Finland is still the only country to take this country-wide measure.In a national monitoring programme, sampling of cereals, basic foodstuffs, feeds, fertilizers, soils, and human tissues has been carried out annually since 1985 by four governmental research organizations. Sampling of foods has been done four times per year and human blood has been obtained annually from the same (n = 60) adults. The accuracy of analyses has been verified by annual interlaboratory quality control. During this programme the selenium concentration of spring cereals has increased on average 15-fold compared with the level before the Se fertilization. The mean increase in the Se concentration in beef, pork and milk was 6-, 2- and 3-fold. In terms of Se, organically grown foods of plant origin are generally comparable to products produced before the Se supplementation of fertilizers. Milk from organically fed cows is 50% lower in Se than the usual milk. The average dietary human intake increased from 0.04 mg Se/day/10 MJ in 1985 to a present plateau of 0.08 mg Se/day/10 MJ, which is well above the current nutrition recommendations. Foods of animal origin contribute over 70% of the total daily Se intake. The mean human plasma Se concentration increased from 0.89 μmol/L to a general level of 1.40 μmol/L that can be considered to be an optimal status. The absence of Se deficiency diseases and a reference population have made conclusions on the impact on human health difficult. However, the rates of cardiovascular diseases and cancers have remained similar during the pre- and post-supplementation indicating medical and life-style factors to be much stronger determinants than Se. The nationwide supplementation of fertilizers with sodium selenate is shown to be effective and safe in increasing the Se intake of the whole population. Also, the health of animals has improved.  相似文献   

BackgroundSelenium (Se) functions through selenoproteins and is essential to growth and metabolism of vertebrates. The present study was conducted to identify twelve selenoproteins genes (selenoe, selenof, selenoh, selneoi, selenom, selenok, selneon, selenoo, selenot, selenos, selenou and msrb1) from yellow catfish. Their mRNA expression patterns, as well as their response to dietary oxidized fish oils and Se addition were explored.MethodsWe use 3′and 5′ RACE PCR to clone full-length cDNA sequence of twelve selenoprotein genes from yellow catfish. Their mRNA expression patterns were assessed via quantitative real-time PCR. Yellow catfish were fed diet adequate Se+ fresh fish oil, adequate Se+ oxidized fish oil, high Se+ fresh fish oil and high Se+ oxidized fish oil, respectively, for 10 weeks. Their kidney, heart, brain and testis were used to assess the mRNA expression of twelve selenoprotein.ResultsTwelve selenoprotein genes had similar domains with mammals and the other fish. Their mRNAs were expressed widely in eleven tissues but varied with the tissues. Dietary oxidized fish oils and Se addition influenced their mRNA abundances of twelve selenoproteins in a tissue-dependent manner.ConclusionOur study demonstrated the characterization and expression of twelve selenoproteins, and elucidated their responses in yellow catfish fed diets varying in oxidized fish oils and Se addition, which increased our knowledge into the biological function and regulatory mechanism of Se and selenoproteins in fish.  相似文献   

Dhillon  K.S.  Dhillon  S.K. 《Plant and Soil》2000,227(1-2):243-248
A field experiment was conducted for 2 years on an alkaline calcareous seleniferous soil to study the effect of different levels of gypsum (0.2 – 3.2 t ha−1) applied to wheat only in the first year on Se accumulation by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) – rice (Oryza sativa L.) cropping sequence. With gypsum application, grain yield of both rice and wheat crops increased by 0.4 – 0.5 t ha−1; the increase in straw yield was 0.4 – 1.1 t ha−1. Significant reduction in Se accumulation by wheat was observed with gypsum application up to 0.8 t ha−1 and its residual effect was evident on the following crops for 2 years. Reduction in Se accumulation varied from 53 to 64% in wheat grain, 46 to 49% in wheat straw, 35 to 63% in rice grain and 36 to 51% in rice straw with an application of gypsum at 0.8 t ha−1. A corresponding increase in S concentration was observed. In the gypsum-treated plots, the ratio of S:Se increased by 6 – 8 times in wheat and 3 – 6 times in rice. Reduction in Se accumulation by crop plants through gypsum application may help in lowering the risk of Se over-exposure of animals and humans that depend on diet materials grown on high selenium soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the determination of selenium concentration in serum by flow injection-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry (FI-HG-AAS) following microwave digestion of serum samples and reduction of selenate to selenite. The detection limit of the method was 0.3 μg Se/L and the characteristic concentration, corresponding to the 0.0044 absorbance signal, was 0.12 μg Se/L. The results from the analysis of two Seronorm standard reference materials showed good agreement with the certified values. The method was then used to analyze selenium in sera of Austrian and Slovenian people for the calculation of dietary intakes. The selenium concentrations in sera of mothers at delivery, their neonates, and the male and female adults were 71 ± 14, 42 ± 6, 75 ± 21, and 65 ± 16 μg/L for the Austrians and 62 ± 15, 34 ± 7, 70 ± 12, and 66 ± 15 μg/L for the Slovenians. The dietary intakes of selenium of the mothers and the male and the female adults were calculated as 52, 37, and 46 μg/d for the Austrians and 45, 38, and 32 μg/d for the Slovenians.  相似文献   

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