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Yr10 is an important gene to control wheat stripe rust, and the search for Yr10 needs to be continued.


Wheat stripe rust or yellow rust is a devastating fungal disease caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst). Host disease resistance offers a primary source for controlling wheat stripe rust. The stripe rust resistance gene Yr10 confers the race-specific resistance to most tested Pst races in China including CYR29. Early studies proposed that Yr10 was a nucleotide-binding site, leucine-rich repeat gene archived as GenBank accession AF149112 (hereafter designated the Yr10 candidate gene or Yr10 CG ). In this study, we revealed that 15 Chinese wheat cultivars positive for Yr10 CG are susceptible to CYR29. We then expressed the Yr10 CG cDNA in the common wheat ‘Bobwhite’. The Yr10 CG -cDNA positive transgenic plants were also susceptible to CYR29. Thus, it is highly unlikely that Yr10 CG corresponds to the Yr10 resistance gene. Using the Yr10 donor ‘Moro’ and the Pst-susceptible wheat ‘Huixianhong’, we generated two F3 populations that displayed a single Mendelian segregation on the Yr10 gene, and used them to remap the Yr10 gene. Six markers were placed in the Yr10 region, with the Yr10 CG gene now mapping about 1.2-cM proximal to the Yr10 locus and the Xsdauw79 marker is completely linked to the Yr10 locus. Apparently, the Yr10 gene has not yet been identified. Fine mapping and positional cloning of Yr10 is important for gene pyramiding for stripe rust resistance in wheat.

Stem rust of wheat, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), is a threat to global food security due to its ability to cause total crop failures. The Pgt race TTKSK (Ug99) and its derivatives detected in East Africa carry virulence for many resistance genes present in modern cultivars. However, stem rust resistance gene Sr26 remains effective to all races of Pgt worldwide. Sr26 is carried on the Agropyron elongatum (syn. Thinopyrum ponticum) segment 6Ae#1L translocated to chromosome 6AL of wheat. In this study, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between the landrace Aus27969 and Avocet S, which carries Sr26, was used to develop co-dominant kompetitive allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (KASP) markers that co-segregate with Sr26. Four KASP markers (sunKASP_216, sunKASP_218, sunKASP_224 and sunKASP_225) were also shown to co-segregate with Sr26 in four additional RIL populations. When tested on Australian cultivars and breeding lines, these markers amplified alleles alternate to that linked with Sr26 in all cultivars known to lack this gene and Sr26-linked alleles in cultivars and genotypes known to carry Sr26. Genotypes WA-1 and WA-1/3*Yitpi carrying the shortest Sr26 translocation segment were positive only for markers sunKASP_224 and sunKASP_225. Our results suggest the four KASP markers are located on the original translocation and sunKASP_224 and sunKASP_225 are located on the shortened version. Therefore, sunKASP_224 and sunKASP_225 can be used for marker-assisted pyramiding of Sr26 with other stem rust resistance genes to achieve durable resistance in wheat.  相似文献   

The gene Yr26 confers resistance to all races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST), the casual pathogen of wheat stripe rust in China. Here, we report development of a molecular marker closely linked to Yr26 using a resistance gene-analog polymorphism (RGAP) technique. A total of 787 F2 plants and 165 F3 lines derived from the cross Chuanmai 42/Taichung 29 were used for linkage analysis. Eighteen near-isogenic lines (NILs) and 18 Chinese wheat cultivars and advanced lines with different genes for stripe rust resistance were employed for the validation of STS markers. A total of 1,711 RGAP primer combinations were used to test the parents and resistant and susceptible bulks. Five polymorphic RGAP markers were used for genotyping all F2 plants. Linkage analysis showed that the five RGAP markers were closely linked to Yr26 with genetic distances ranging from 0.5 to 2.9 cM. These markers were then converted into STS markers, one, CYS-5, of which was located 0.5 cM to Yr26 and was closely associated with the resistance gene when validated over 18 NILs and 18 Chinese wheat cultivars and lines. The results indicated that CYS-5 can be used in marker-assisted selection targeted at pyramiding Yr26 and other genes for stripe rust resistance.  相似文献   

Stripe rust is one of the most destructive diseases of wheat. Breeding for resistance is the most economical and environmentally acceptable means to control stripe rust. Genetic studies on resistance sources are very important. Previous inheritance studies on Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta cv. album and wheat cultivar Lee showed that each possessed a single dominant gene for stripe rust resistance, i.e., Yr5 and Yr7, respectively. Both were located on the long arm of chromosome 2B, but due to the complexities caused by genetic background effects there was no clear evidence on the allelism or linkage status of these genes. Our study, involving an intercross of Avocet S near-isogenic lines possessing the genes, provided clear evidence for allelism or extremely close linkage of Yr5 and Yr7 based on phenotypic and molecular studies.  相似文献   

Two Iranian common wheat landraces AUS28183 and AUS28187 from the Watkins collection showed high levels of seedling resistance against Australian pathotypes of leaf rust and stripe rust pathogens. Chi-squared analyses of rust response segregation among F3 populations derived from crosses of AUS28183 and AUS28187 with a susceptible genotype AUS27229 revealed monogenic inheritance of leaf rust and stripe rust resistance. As both genotypes produced similar leaf rust and stripe rust infection types, they were assumed to carry the same genes. The genes were temporarily named as LrW1 and YrW1. Molecular mapping placed LrW1 and YrW1 in the short arm of chromosome 5B, about 10 and 15 cM proximal to the SSR marker gwm234, respectively, and the marker cfb309 mapped 8–12 cM proximal to YrW1. LrW1 mapped 3–6 cM distal to YrW1 in two F3 populations. AUS28183 corresponded to the accession V336 of the Watkins collection which was the original source of Lr52. Based on the genomic location and accession records, LrW1 was concluded to be Lr52. Because no other seedling stripe rust resistance gene has previously been mapped in chromosome 5BS, YrW1 was permanently named as Yr47. A combination of flanking markers gwm234 and cfb309 with phenotypic assays could be used to ascertain the presence of Lr52 and Yr47 in segregating populations. This investigation characterised a valuable source of dual leaf rust and stripe rust resistance for deployment in new wheat cultivars. Transfer of Lr52 and Yr47 into current Australian wheat backgrounds is in progress.  相似文献   

Wheat stripe rust is a destructive disease that affects most wheat-growing areas worldwide. Resistance genes from related species and genera add to the genetic diversity available to wheat breeding programs. The stripe rust-resistant introgression line H9020-17-25-6-4 was developed from a cross of resistant Psathyrostachys huashanica with the susceptible wheat cultivar 7182. H9020-17-25-6-4 is resistant to all existing Chinese stripe rust races, including the three most widely virulent races, CYR32, CYR33, and V26. We attempted to characterize this new line by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and genetic analysis. GISH using P. huashanica genomic DNA as a probe indicated that the translocated segment was too small to be detected. Genetic analysis involving F1, F2, and F2:3 materials derived from a cross of Mingxian 169 and H9020-17-25-6-4 indicated that a single dominant gene from H9020-17-25-6-4, temporarily designated YrHu, conferred resistance to CYR29 and CYR33. A genetic map consisting of four simple sequence repeat, two sequence-tagged site (STS), and two sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers was constructed. YrHu was located on the short arm of chromosome 3A and was about 0.7 and 1.5 cM proximal to EST-STS markers BG604577 and BE489244, respectively. Both the gene and the closely linked markers could be used in marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Leaf rust of wheat, caused by Puccinia triticina, is an important disease throughout the world. The adult plant leaf rust resistance gene Lr48 reported in CSP44 was previously mapped in chromosome 2B, but the marker–gene association was weak. In this study, we confirmed the location of Lr48 to be in the short arm of chromosome 2B and identified closely linked markers suitable for use in breeding. The CSP44/WL711 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population (90 lines) showed monogenic segregation for Lr48. Twelve resistant and 12 susceptible RILs were used for selective genotyping using an iSelect 90K Infinium SNP assay. Closely linked SNPs were converted into Kompetitive allele-specific primers (KASP) and tested on the parental lines. KASP markers giving clear clusters for alternate genotypes were assayed on the entire RIL population. SNP markers IWB31002, IWB39832, IWB34324, IWB72894 and IWB36920 co-segregated with Lr48 and the marker IWB70147 was mapped 0.3 cM proximal to this gene. Closely linked KASP markers were tested on a set of Australian and Nordic wheat genotypes. The amplification of SNP alleles alternate to those linked with Lr48 in the majority of the Australian and Nordic wheat genotypes demonstrated the usefulness of these markers for marker-assisted pyramiding of Lr48 with other rust resistance genes.  相似文献   

The leaf rust resistance gene Lr25, transferred from Secale cereale L. into wheat and located on chromosome 4B, imparts resistance to all pathotypes of leaf rust in South-East Asia. In an F2-derived F3 population, created by crossing TcLr25 that carries the gene Lr25 for leaf rust resistance with leaf rust-susceptible parent Agra Local, three microsatellite markers located on the long arm of chromosome 4B were found to be linked to the Lr25 locus. The donor parent TcLr25 is a near-isogenic line derived from the variety Thatcher. The most virulent pathotype of leaf rust in the South-East Asian region, designated 77–5 (121R63-1), was used for challenging the population under artificially controlled conditions. The marker Xgwm251 behaved as a co-dominant marker placed 3.8 cM away from the Lr25 locus on 4BL. Two null allele markers, Xgwm538 and Xgwm6, in the same linkage group were located at a distance of 3.8 cM and 16.2 cM from the Lr25 locus, respectively. The genetic sequence of Xgwm251, Lr25, Xgwm538, and Xgwm6 covered a total length of 20 cM on 4BL. The markers were validated for their specificity to Lr25 resistance in a set of 43 wheat genetic stocks representing 43 other Lr genes.  相似文献   

Australian cultivar Sunco carries three adult plant stripe rust resistance genes. One of these genes corresponded to Yr18 in chromosome 7DS; the second, YrCK, was mapped on chromosome 2D. Here, we describe the characterization of the third adult plant resistance (APR) gene from Sunco. Sunco/2*Avocet S-derived lines SA65 (resistant) and SA67 (susceptible) were crossed and a recombinant inbred line F6 population was generated. Monogenic segregation among SA65/SA67-derived RIL population was demonstrated and the resistance locus was designated YrSA3. Selective genotyping using an iSelect 90 K Infinium SNP array and SSR markers located YrSA3 on chromosome 3D. Development of KASP markers for SNP loci showing association with YrSA3 allowed construction of a genetic map harboring the resistance gene. Ten KASP markers (KASP_8306, KASP_9142, KASP_10438, KASP_16434, KASP_17207, KASP_20836, KASP_23518, KASP_23615, KASP_57983 and KASP_63653), one SSR marker (gwm114b) and Lr24/Sr24 were mapped 1.8 cM distal to YrSA3. Comparison of marker data indicated that the previously named seedling stripe rust resistance gene Yr45 was located proximal to YrSA3, and therefore the latter was formally designated Yr71. Two recombinants carrying Lr24/Sr24 and Yr71 in combination were identified for use as donor sources in wheat breeding programs. The robustness of gwm114b, KASP_16434, KASP_17207 and KASP_20836 for marker-assisted selection of these genes was demonstrated through tests on 74 Australian wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is an important disease of wheat worldwide. Host resistance is the best way to control the disease. Genetic analysis of F2 and F2:3 populations from an Avocet S/Jimai 22 cross indicated that stripe rust resistance in Jimai 22 was conferred by a single dominant gene, tentatively designated YrJ22. A total of 377 F2 plants and 127 F2:3 lines were tested with Chinese Pst race CYR32 and genotyped with simple sequence repeat (SSR) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. A linkage map was constructed with five SSR and two SNP markers. Xwmc658 and IWA1348 flanked YrJ22 at genetic distances of 1.0 and 7.3 cM, proximally and distally, respectively. The chromosomal location was confirmed using Chinese Spring nulli-tetrasomic, ditelosomics and deletion lines. Seedling reactions to 21 Pst races demonstrated differences in specificity between YrJ22 and other resistance genes on chromosome 2AL, indicating that YrJ22 is likely to be a new wheat stripe rust resistance gene.  相似文献   

The common wheat genotype ‘RL6077’ was believed to carry the gene Lr34/Yr18 that confers slow-rusting adult plant resistance (APR) to leaf rust and stripe rust but located to a different chromosome through inter-chromosomal reciprocal translocation. However, haplotyping using the cloned Lr34/Yr18 diagnostic marker and the complete sequencing of the gene indicated Lr34/Yr18 is absent in RL6077. We crossed RL6077 with the susceptible parent ‘Avocet’ and developed F3, F4 and F6 populations from photoperiod-insensitive F3 lines that were segregating for resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust. The populations were characterized for leaf rust resistance at two Mexican sites, Cd. Obregon during the 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 crop seasons, and El Batan during 2009, and for stripe rust resistance at Toluca, a third Mexican site, during 2009. The F3 population was also evaluated for stripe rust resistance at Cobbitty, Australia, during 2009. Most lines had correlated responses to leaf rust and stripe rust, indicating that either the same gene, or closely linked genes, confers resistance to both diseases. Molecular mapping using microsatellites led to the identification of five markers (Xgwm165, Xgwm192, Xcfd71, Xbarc98 and Xcfd23) on chromosome 4DL that are associated with this gene(s), with the closest markers being located at 0.4 cM. In a parallel study in Canada using a Thatcher × RL6077 F3 population, the same leaf rust resistance gene was designated as Lr67 and mapped to the same chromosomal region. The pleiotropic, or closely linked, gene derived from RL6077 that conferred stripe rust resistance in this study was designated as Yr46. The slow-rusting gene(s) Lr67/Yr46 can be utilized in combination with other slow-rusting genes to develop high levels of durable APR to leaf rust and stripe rust in wheat.  相似文献   

Leaf rust and stripe rust are important foliar diseases of wheat worldwide. Leaf rust and stripe rust resistant introgression lines were developed by induced homoeologous chromosome pairing between wheat chromosome 5D and 5Mg of Aegilops geniculata (UgMg). Characterization of rust resistant BC2F5 and BC3F6 homozygous progenies using genomic in situ hybridization with Aegilops comosa (M) DNA as probe identified three different types of introgressions; two cytologically visible and one invisible (termed cryptic alien introgression). All three types of introgression lines showed similar and complete resistance to the most prevalent pathotypes of leaf rust and stripe rust in Kansas (USA) and Punjab (India). Diagnostic polymorphisms between the alien segment and recipient parent were identified using physically mapped RFLP probes. Molecular mapping revealed that cryptic alien introgression conferring resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust comprised less than 5% of the 5DS arm and was designated T5DL·5DS-5MgS(0.95). Genetic mapping with an F2 population of Wichita × T5DL·5DS-5MgS(0.95) demonstrated the monogenic and dominant inheritance of resistance to both diseases. Two diagnostic RFLP markers, previously mapped on chromosome arm 5DS, co-segregated with the rust resistance in the F2 population. The unique map location of the resistant introgression on chromosome T5DL·5DS-5MgS(0.95) suggested that the leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes were new and were designated Lr57 and Yr40. This is the first documentation of a successful transfer and characterization of cryptic alien introgression from Ae. geniculata conferring resistance to both leaf rust and stripe rust in wheat.  相似文献   

Stripe or yellow rust of wheat, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is an important disease in many wheat-growing regions of the world. A number of major genes providing resistance to stripe rust have been used in breeding, including one gene that is present in the differential tester Carstens V. The objective of this study was to locate and map a stripe rust resistance gene transferred from Carstens V to Avocet S and to use molecular tools to locate a number of genes segregating in the cross Savannah/Senat. One of the genes present in Senat was predicted to be a gene that is present in Carstens V. For this latter purpose, stripe rust response data from both seedling and field tests on a doubled haploid population consisting of 77 lines were compared to an available molecular map for the same lines using a non-parametric quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis. Results obtained in Denmark suggested that a strong component of resistance with the specificity of Carstens V was located in chromosome arm 2AL, and this was consistent with chromosome location work undertaken in Australia. Since this gene segregated independently of Yr1, the only other stripe rust resistance gene known to be located in this chromosome arm, it was designated Yr32. Further QTLs originating from Senat were located in chromosomes 1BL, 4D, and 7DS and from Savannah on 5B, but it was not possible to characterize them as unique resistance genes in any definitive way. Yr32 was detected in several wheats, including the North American differential tester Tres.An erratum to this article can be found at Communicated by G. Wenzel  相似文献   


Key message

Markers linked to stem rust resistance gene Sr47 were physically mapped in three small Aegilops speltoides chromosomal bins. Five markers, including two PCR-based SNP markers, were validated for marker-assisted selection.


In durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum), the gene Sr47 derived from Aegilops speltoides conditions resistance to race TTKSK (Ug99) of the stem rust pathogen (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici). Sr47 is carried on small interstitial translocation chromosomes (Ti2BL-2SL-2BL·2BS) in which the Ae. speltoides chromosome 2S segments are divided into four bins in genetic stocks RWG35, RWG36, and RWG37. Our objective was to physically map molecular markers to bins and to determine if any of the molecular markers would be useful in marker-assisted selection (MAS). Durum cultivar Joppa was used as the recurrent parent to produce three BC2F2 populations. Each BC2F2 plant was genotyped with markers to detect the segment carrying Sr47, and stem rust testing of BC2F3 progeny with race TTKSK confirmed the genotyping. Forty-nine markers from published sources, four new SSR markers, and five new STARP (semi-thermal asymmetric reverse PCR) markers, were evaluated in BC2F2 populations for assignment of markers to bins. Sr47 was mapped to bin 3 along with 13 markers. No markers were assigned to bin 1; however, 7 and 13 markers were assigned to bins 2 and 4, respectively. Markers Xrwgs38a, Xmag1729, Xwmc41, Xtnac3119, Xrwgsnp1, and Xrwgsnp4 were found to be useful for MAS of Sr47. However, STARP markers Xrwgsnp1 and Xrwgsnp4 can be used in gel-free systems, and are the preferred markers for high-throughput MAS. The physical mapping data from this study will also be useful for pyramiding Sr47 with other Sr genes on chromosome 2B.

A non-characterized gene, previously proposed as the d-tagatose-3-epimerase gene from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Its molecular mass was estimated to be 64 kDa with two identical subunits. The enzyme specificity was highest with d-fructose and decreased for other substrates in the order: d-tagatose, d-psicose, d-ribulose, d-xylulose and d-sorbose. Its activity was maximal at pH 9 and 40°C while being enhanced by Mn2+. At pH 9 and 40°C, 118 g d-psicose l−1 was produced from 700 g d-fructose l−1 after 3 h. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


Key message

The RpsQ Phytophthora resistance locus was finely mapped to a 118-kb region on soybean chromosome 3. A best candidate gene was predicted and three co-segregating gene markers were developed.


Phytophthora root rot (PRR), caused by Phytophthora sojae, is a major threat to sustainable soybean production. The use of genetically resistant cultivars is considered the most effective way to control this disease. The Chinese soybean cultivar Qichadou 1 exhibited a broad spectrum resistance, with a distinct resistance phenotype, following inoculation with 36 Chinese P. sojae isolates. Genetic analyses indicated that the disease resistance in Qichadou 1 is controlled by a single dominant gene. This gene locus was designated as RpsQ and mapped to a 118-kb region between BARCSOYSSR_03_0165 and InDel281 on soybean chromosome 3, and co-segregated with Insert11, Insert144 and SNP276. Within this region, there was only one gene Glyma.03g27200 encoding a protein with a typical serine/threonine protein kinase structure, and the expression pattern analysis showed that this gene induced by P. sojae infection, which was suggested as a best candidate gene of RpsQ. Candidate gene specific marker Insert144 was used to distinguish RpsQ from the other known Rps genes on chromosome 3. Identical polymerase chain reaction amplification products were produced for cultivars Qichadou 1 (RpsQ) and Ludou 4 (Rps9). All other cultivars carrying Rps genes on chromosome 3 produced different PCR products, which all lacked a 144-bp fragment present in Qichadou 1 and Ludou 4. The phenotypes of the analyzed cultivars combined with the physical position of the PRR resistance locus, candidate gene analyses, and the candidate gene marker test revealed RpsQ and Rps9 are likely the same gene, and confer resistance to P. sojae.

l-Ribose is a rare and expensive sugar that can be used as a precursor for the production of l-nucleoside analogues, which are used as antiviral drugs. In this work, we describe a novel way of producing l-ribose from the readily available raw material l-arabinose. This was achieved by introducing l-ribose isomerase activity into l-ribulokinase-deficient Escherichia coli UP1110 and Lactobacillus plantarum BPT197 strains. The process for l-ribose production by resting cells was investigated. The initial l-ribose production rates at 39°C and pH 8 were 0.46 ± 0.01 g g−1 h−1 (1.84 ± 0.03 g l−1 h−1) and 0.27 ± 0.01 g g−1 h−1 (1.91 ± 0.1 g l−1 h−1) for E. coli and for L. plantarum, respectively. Conversions were around 20% at their highest in the experiments. Also partially purified protein precipitates having both l-arabinose isomerase and l-ribose isomerase activity were successfully used for converting l-arabinose to l-ribose.  相似文献   

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