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In this study, we investigated the impact of ischemia-reperfusion on antioxidant enzyme activities and trace element concentrations. For this purpose, ischemia was initiated by clamping superior mesenteric artery of Wistar (albino) rats for 30 min, followed by reperfusion for 20 min. Immediately after reperfusion, blood samples were taken and examined for red cell copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn-SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities spectrophotometrically and plasma zinc, copper, and magnesium concentrations by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. In the ischemiareperfusion group, red cell Cu-Zn-SOD activity and plasma zinc and copper concentrations were increased significantly (p<0.001) when compared to the control group; however, the increases in GPx activity and plasma magnesium concentration were not significant (p>0.05). We also found a significant (p<0.01) decrease in catalase activity. Free radicals released as a consequence of ischemia-reperfusion caused significant alterations in antioxidant enzymes and in the concentrations of trace elements. Presented at III International Congress of Pathophysiology 1998, Lahti, Finland.  相似文献   

Isoflavone (IF), a type of phytoestrogen, has multiple beneficial effects, but too much phytoestrogen can have adverse effects on offspring. To examine whether chronic exposure to high IF has adverse effects on reproductive development, mice offspring were exposed to IF through dietary administration to dams during pregnancy and lactation and to the offspring directly after weaning until sacrifice. In male offspring, there was no difference between the IF group and controls; however, in female offspring in the IF group, remarkably earlier puberty and induction of multioocyte follicles on postnatal day (PND) 21 were observed. Gene expression levels of estrogen receptor beta decreased in the ovary and vagina on PND 21. These results suggest that chronic exposure to higher than normal levels of IF induces alterations in the reproductive development of female mice through an estrogenic effect.  相似文献   

Contamination in a trace element laboratory can come from a variety of sources, including laboratory gloves. Therefore, vinyl and latex gloves were obtained from as many manufacturers as would supply gloves. These gloves were either prepared for acid-washing and subsequent soaking in an acid solution, or immersed in an acid solution for a duration of either 1 min or 1 h. Incubation washes were analyzed for a variety of trace elements by flame atomic abosrption spectroscopy (AAS) or inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results indicated that only three brands of vinyl gloves were acceptable for use in a trace element laboratory, whereas others had contamination of different elements. Latex gloves contained such high levels of biologically important elements that they were not considered suitable for routine trace element work. Vinyl gloves of choice should be routinely acid-washed before use in a trace element laboratory.  相似文献   

At high osmotic pressures, mammalian kidney medulla, heart, lens, and brain utilize organic osmolytes to regulate cell volume. However the types and proportions of these solutes vary among tissues in patterns and for non-osmotic roles not fully elucidated. To clarify these, we analyzed osmolyte-type solute contents in rat tissues at 7 and 2 days prenatal and at 0, 7, 14, 21 (weaning), 35 (juvenile) and 77 (adult) days postnatal. Placentas were dominated by betaine, taurine, and creatine, which decreased between the prenatal times. Fetuses were dominated by glutamate and taurine, which increased between the times. In cerebrum, hindbrain and diencephalon, taurine dominated at early stages, but dropped after postnatal day 7, while myo-inositol, glutamine, creatine and glutamate increased after birth, with the latter two dominating in adults. In olfactory bulb, taurine content declined gradually with age and was equal to glutamate in adults. In all brain regions, glycerophosphorylcholine (GPC) reached a peak in juveniles. In postnatal renal medulla, urea, sodium, GPC, betaine, and taurine increased sharply at day 21. Thereafter, most increased, but taurine decreased. In heart, taurine dominated, and increased with age along with creatine and glutamine, while glutamate decreased after postnatal day 7. In lens, taurine dominated and declined in adults. These patterns are discussed in light of hypotheses on non-osmotic and pathological roles of these solutes.  相似文献   

Samples of suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected from the Humber Estuary had higher concentrations of particulate metals than SPM from Holderness coastal waters (U.K.). Characterised SPM from both sources was used in laboratory experiments involving the uptake of radiotracer109Cd,137Cs,54Mn and65Zn. Kinetic experiments, over five days, showed that the rate and extent of uptake was highly dependent on particle type, with109Cd,54Mn and65Zn being more reactive with Humber Estuary particles than those from Holderness and137Cs having the opposite trend. Adsorption experiments were also carried out on suspensions in which SPM from the Humber Estuary and Holderness coastal water were mixed in various proportions. These experiments revealed that Kd for65Zn increased linearly with the proportion of Humber SPM, Kd for137Cs decreased linearly with increase in Humber SPM and Kd for54Mn and109Cd displayed non-linear behaviour. The results of the study were used to develop an algorithm for predicting the partition coefficients in the Humber Plume based on the extent of particle mixing from the two source regions. The use of206/207Pb ratios in determining the extent of particle mixing is discussed, along with the application of the algorithm to the modelling of particulate trace metal behaviour in the Humber-Wash coastal zone.  相似文献   

Protein energy malnutrition has become a major health issue in developing countries. In the present study, the effect of protein deficiency on the small intestine and liver tissue content of macroelements and trace elements was investigated in weanling rats. Forty-five male weanling Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups. The control group (C) was fed a standard diet containing 25% casein, whereas the two experimental groups E1 and E2 consumed 12% and 3% casein, respectively, over a period of 45 d. The tissue samples were analyzed for zinc, copper, iron, manganese, calcium, and magnesium by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The protein-deficient groups showed increased levels of iron in both tissues and decreased manganese in small intestine tissue from the E1 group. No other differences were found for the other elements. These results suggest that protein deficiency might cause iron accumulation in the liver and intestine and decreases of manganese in the small intestine.  相似文献   

武婕  李玉环  李增兵  方正  钟豫 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1596-1605
基于地统计学和GIS技术相结合的方法,研究了南四湖区农田土壤有机质和微量元素的空间分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明,土壤有机质和微量元素均属中等变异程度,除硼符合正态分布外,其余土壤属性均符合对数正态分布。结构分析表明,除硼为纯块金效应外,土壤有机质和其它微量元素空间自相关性较强,其中结构性因素起主导作用。克里格插值结果表明,土壤有机质分布总体趋势为由北向南逐渐降低,锰、铜、锌分布总体趋势为中部高,南北两端低。影响因素分析表明,土壤类型、耕层质地、坡度、土地利用类型和地貌类型对土壤有机质均有显著影响。土壤类型主要是由于成土母质的差异影响土壤有机质的高低与分布,随质地由砂变粘、坡度由低变高,土壤有机质含量逐步升高,田间管理水平的差异是造成不同土地利用类型下土壤有机质含量差异的主要原因。微量元素中,除硼不受影响外,铁、锰、铜和锌与土壤类型、耕层质地、坡度、土地利用类型和地貌类型密切相关。  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠灌木根际中、微量元素含量特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了阿拉善干旱荒漠区霸王、白刺、红砂、沙冬青、沙木蓼、梭梭和驼绒藜7种旱生灌木根际与非根际土壤Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu的含量特征.结果表明:(1)除梭梭根际pH值高于非根际之外,其余6种灌木根际土壤均表现出不同程度的酸化作用.(2)7种灌木根际全钙和交换性钙的含量均低于非根际.除沙木蓼和驼绒藜外,其余5种灌木根际全镁含量均高于非根际,白刺的富集率最高,为43.04%;除沙木蓼外,其余灌木根际交换性镁的含量均有所富集,梭梭的富集率最高,为26.52%.(3)7种灌木根际全铁、全锰、全锌含量总体上小于非根际,但是根际有效铁、有效锰、有效锌含量均大于非根际,表现出明显的富集效应,沙木蓼根际有效铁、有效锰、有效锌的富集率最高,分别为:29.76%、20.92%、86.99%.(4)沙木蓼根际全铜和有效铜含量略高于非根际.梭梭根际全铜含量低于非根际,但梭梭根际有效铜含量却有富集的趋势.其余五种灌木根际全铜和有效铜含量均低于非根际.(5)根际及非根际土壤各养分性状之间,存在复杂的相关性.  相似文献   

Platelet aggregation was measured by an optical method in 32 patients with iron-deficiency anemia at the time of diagnosis and after a period of supplementation with iron. Epinephrine- and adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation were lower in anemic patients than in the controls (p<0.05). After iron-supplementation therapy, these values showed no significant differences. If induced by collagen or ristocetin, platelet aggregation was the same for patients and controls, but increased after treatment of patients (p<0.05). The plasma zinc values did not show significant differences among the subjects included in this study. These results show that iron is involved in the enzymatic systems that regulate platelet aggregation. The exact nature of this interaction is still to be determined.  相似文献   


The toxicity, mobility, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of metals are dependent on the particular physico-chemical form in which the element occurs in the environment. Special attention has been paid to metals which are essential for the proper functioning of organisms if present in appropriate amounts but are toxic if in excess (i.e. Se, Cr), and also to non-essential elements (i.e. Hg, Pb, Cd, Sn and As). To assess the potential hazard to the health of marine organisms, qualitative and quantitative analyses of metal species accumulating along the food chain needs to be carried out. This paper reviews the available information on the speciation of trace elements in the food chain in marine ecosystems and the analytical tools used for acquiring reliable information in this field. Advantages and limitations of commonly used techniques indicate that all metal species in different samples need diverse extraction, separation and detection conditions. Although not recommending which procedure is the most suitable to determine a given compound, speciation analysis has the potential to be a powerful tool for the identification of trace element species in biological samples.  相似文献   

微量元素在寻找新活性物质中的应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对31种中草药的微量元素分析,应用现代生物学和现代医学的观点讨论了微量元素的种类、含量以及不同微量元素谱在生理生化、药理药效上的相关性,提出应用微量元素测定方法寻找新的活性物质和中草药深层开发的可能性。  相似文献   

Adriamycin is a potent chemotherapeutic agent used in the treatment of human neoplastic diseases. A major side effect limiting the use of this drug is its toxic effect on the heart. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the cardiotoxicity of Adriamycin. However, the most plausible hypothesis seems to be the reduction of Adriamycin and free radical production, which induces lipid peroxidation and oxidative damages in the heart. We have thus undertaken this preliminary study to investigate Adriamycin-induced lipid peroxidation by the measurement of plasma thiobarbituric acid reactant materials and antioxidant systems, namely glutathione content, glutathione peroxidase activity, and vitamin and trace element status, in patients with cancer before and after chemotherapy, including Adriamycin. The concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactant materials in plasma of patients with cancer was higher than in controls and was further increased after chemotherapy. Blood glutathione and plasma glutathione peroxidase activity, as well as plasma zinc and selenium in patients with cancer, were decreased, but not further modified by chemotherapy. However, only zinc and selenium levels reached a significant level. In contrast, plasma vitamin E and β-carotene levels were not significantly increased in patients with cancer. Finally, plasma vitamin A and copper levels were not modified either in patients with cancer or by chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Paraoxonase (PON1) protects low and high-density lipoproteins (LDL and HDL) against oxidation induced by reactive oxygen species formation facilitated by iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) ions. Plasma PON1, arylesterase, oxidized LDL (Ox-LDL), Cu, Fe, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), lipid, lipoprotein, and apolipoprotein profile in bronchial asthma were determined and the relations among these parameters in different steps of asthma were interpreted. A total of 58 individuals, 30 asthmatics and 28 controls, were included into the scope of this study. Plasma PON1, arylesterase, and TBARS levels were measured spectrophotometrically. Determination of plasma oxidized LDL, Cu, and Fe levels were performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and the automated TPTZ method, respectively. Apo-A-1 and Apo-B levels were determined immunoturbidometrically. Plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride, and HDL cholesterol levels were enzymatically determined. Plasma LDL levels were estimated using the Fridewald formula. The average plasma PON1 and arylesterase activities in the group of patients were lower than those of the individuals in the control group, but there was no statistically significant difference found between them (p>0.05). No significant difference was found in plasma Apo-A-1, Apo-B, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, and LDL concentrations between the control and patient groups (p>0.05). Plasma oxidized LDL (p<0.05), Cu (p<0.01), Fe (p<0.01), and TBARS (p<0.001) levels in patients with asthma were found to be significantly higher than for the control group. Increases in Cu, Fe, lipid peroxidation, and oxidized LDL levels supported by relative decreases in PON1 activities observed in asthmatic patients might be introduced as the striking findings as well as the possible potential indicators of this airway disease, the prevalence of which has increased dramatically over recent decades.  相似文献   

Consumption of unsafe food is one of the most important public health concerns. Trace elements’ contamination caused by direct or indirect activities of mining industries is of importance in this respect. The present study was conducted to assess the chronic dietary exposure and related health risks of trace elements through the intake of selected vegetables and fruits grown under the impact of mining industry in Syunik region (Armenia). Consumption data were obtained via food frequency questionnaire and the concentrations of Cu, Mo, Ni, Cr, Pb, Zn, Hg, and Cd in different fruits and vegetables were determined. Moreover, by combining concentration data with consumption data, estimated daily intake, and target hazard quotient were assessed for each element. The results obtained showed that mean concentrations for Pb and Hg in some vegetables exceeded maximum acceptable levels set by international organizations. Hazard indexes > 1 have been obtained in some cases indicating that for some vegetables (particularly for potato, carrot, maize, onion leaf, grape, bean, beet, sweet pepper, eggplant, and tomato) habitual consumption has a potential to pose adverse health effect to the local population.  相似文献   

More than 6000 residents of Latvia were involved in recovery work in Chernobyl. They were healthy men exposed to substantial ionizing radiation (0.01–0.5 Gy). Now, these recovery workers suffer from “postradiation syndrome”: dizziness and poor memory, headache, local pains, and so forth. The biochemical mechanism of “postradiation syndrome” has not been completely established. In this Phase I study, we have investigated how exposure to radiation impacts antioxidative defense and trace element concentrations in the blood of recovery workers. Thirty-five patients with postradiation syndrome (men, age range 33–50 yr) and 15 healthy men similar in age as control subjects were studied for the effects on plasma chemiluminescence, the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and the concentration of ceruloplasmin and concentrations of selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) in blood. The results revealed that plasma chemiluminescence was significantly increased (3.5-fold to 5.5-fold), the activity of catalase in erythrocytes was significantly elevated, and the activity of glutathione peroxidase in plasma was significantly reduced in examined patients. Concentrations of Zn and Cu were significantly higher and the concentration of Se was lower in these patients. We conclude that the patients exposed to ionizing radiation have diminished blood antioxidant defense associated with pronounced Se deficiency and imbalance of Zn and Cu. Presented in part on the SFRR (Europe) Summer Meeting in Dresden, July 2–5, 1999.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate trace mineral status of organic dairy herds in northern Spain and the sources of minerals in different types of feed. Blood samples from organic and conventional dairy cattle and feed samples from the respective farms were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to determine the concentrations of the essential trace elements (cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), iodine (I), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn)) and toxic trace elements (arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb)). Overall, no differences between organic and conventional farms were detected in serum concentrations of essential and toxic trace elements (except for higher concentrations of Cd on the organic farms), although a high level of inter-farm variation was detected in the organic systems, indicating that organic production greatly depends on the specific local conditions. The dietary concentrations of the essential trace elements I, Cu, Se and Zn were significantly higher in the conventional than in the organic systems, which can be attributed to the high concentration of these minerals in the concentrate feed. No differences in the concentrations of trace minerals were found in the other types of feed. Multivariate chemometric analysis was conducted to determine the contribution of different feed sources to the trace element status of the cattle. Concentrate samples were mainly associated with Co, Cu, I, Se and Zn (i.e. with the elements supplemented in this type of feed). However, pasture and grass silage were associated with soil-derived elements (As, Cr, Fe and Pb) which cattle may thus ingest during grazing.  相似文献   

双峰驼不同生态环境条件下组织中微量元素的分布研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘宗平  马卓 《生态学报》1999,19(6):944-946
对砾石和沙质两种不同的荒漠区双峰驼组织中6种微量元素的含量及分布规律进行了研究。结果表明,Cu、Mn、Fe、Mo的丰度在肝脏最高,Se和Zn则分别在肾脏和肌肉组织中最高。由于砾石荒漠区土壤和牧草中Fe、Cu、Mo含量极显著高于沙质荒漠区(P〈0.01),导致两地双峰驼肝脏和肾脏Cu含量差异极显著(P〈0.01).同时发现,上述两地区双峰驼组织中Mn含量显著低于其他反刍动物。  相似文献   

The uptake and distribution of eight metallic elements were examined in wheat seedlings for a period of 12 d with a radioactive multitracer technique. The radioactive nuclides of the seedlings were simultaneously determined by γ-ray spectrometry. All of the elements studied were taken up by the wheat seedlings and mainly accumulated in the roots. Only some elements were transported to shoots and leaves of the seedlings or bound to leaf proteins, and two elements were transported into the chloroplast. Uptake of most elements reached a maximum on the fifth or the eighth day and then gradually decreased afterward. In the cases of 95mTc and 72Se, the uptake increased continuously within 12 d without the peak uptake. The change of elemental concentrations was dependent on uptake and excretion rates. The dynamics of metal elements taken up by the wheat seedlings and their distribution in roots, shoots, and leaves were different for each element, suggesting that it may depend on the characteristics of the elements.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence has demonstrated that exposure to anesthetics early in life caused neurohistopathologic changes and persistent behavioral impairments. In this study, a maternal fetal rat model was developed to study the effects of isoflurane exposure during pregnancy on postnatal memory and learning in the offspring. Pregnant rats at gestational day 14 were either exposed to 1.3% isoflurane in a humidified 100% oxygen carrier gas or simply humidified 100% oxygen without any inhalational anesthetic for 2 h every day before delivery. Four weeks later, spatial learning and memory of the offspring were examined using the Morris Water Maze. The expression levels of GAP-43 and NPY in the hippocampal CA1 region of the pups were determined by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. Simultaneously, the ultrastructure changes in synapse of the hippocampus were also observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Isoflurane exposure during pregnancy impaired postnatal spatial memory and learning in the offspring as shown by the longer escape latency and the fewer original platform crossings in the Morris Water Maze test. The number and optical densities of GAP-43 and NPY positive cells, as well as the levels of GAP-43 and NPY mRNA, decreased significantly in the hippocampus of isoflurane-exposed pups. Furthermore, TEM studies showed remarkable changes in synaptic ultrastructure of hippocampus. These results indicate that isoflurane exposure during pregnancy could cause postnatal spatial memory and learning impairments in offspring rats, which may be partially explained by the down-regulation of GAP-43 and NPY in the hippocampal area.  相似文献   

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