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池养大口胭脂鱼鱼种的食性研究表明 ,大口胭脂鱼鱼种为浮游动物尺寸选择性鱼类 ,其选食行为主要受鱼体及水体中浮游动物的个体大小影响 ,与浮游动物的种类、逃跑能力、运动方式等关系不明显。并初步探讨了 3种浮游生物食性鱼类 (大口胭脂鱼、鲢、鳙 )的食物关系。  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Microsatellite markers of the poly (CA) type in common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.) are described. Clones containing a (CA) repeat were isolated from a common carp genomic library and sequenced. The number of repeats found was high compared to mammals but comparable with other teleost fishes. Classification of the repeats (perfect, imperfect and compound) are compared with the Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.), rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), and Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.). A total of 41 primer sets were designed and tested for polymorphism on a test panel of eight animals (derived from outbred lines, inbred lines and gynogenetic clones). Thirty-two markers were found to be polymorphic. The heterozygosity in the outbred animals was 60·4%, 51·1% in the inbred animals and 0% in the gynogenetic clones. The average number of alleles among the eight animals was 4·7 per marker. Six markers (18·8%) gave an additional polymorphic amplification product besides the polymorphic amplification product in the expected size range. The possibility that these loci are tetraploid is discussed. The polymorphic loci described for common carp will be valuable as genetic markers for use in population, breeding, and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Although it is generally accepted that sexual maturity of tench (Tinca tinca L.) is not reached before 2–3 years of age, a successful experiment on artificial reproduction in 1‐year‐old tench is described. It was possible to obtain semen and eggs from 48% of males and 27.7% females kept in a small concrete tank at a final density of 3 kg m−3 and fed on a commercial dry diet. Two hormonal treatments were applied: the first with 1354 degree‐days and the second with 2353 degree‐days. In each experiment, the positive response in males and females was around 80%. Total egg production exceeded 11% of body weight, fertilization rate was above 90% and hatching rates around 50%. These results differ little from those reported for older breeders.  相似文献   

Isoenzyme patterns and the polymorphism of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were investigated in 3 fish species of family Cyprinidae, i.e. tench (Tinca tinca), crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and carp (Cyprinus carpio). The isoenzyme patterns were tissue and species specific. In crucian carp subunits with different electrophoretic mobility are present, which are genetically controlled from the B1, B2, A1, A2 and C loci, while the set of loci in carp is B1, B2, A, C1 and C2 and in tench B, A, C. The locus B of LDH in tench, the locus B2 in crucian carp, and the loci B1, C1 and C2 in carp are polymorphic and have two different alleles in each case. The polymorphism did not affect the total LDH activity in the tissues. All the populations investigated were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The genetic control of the polymorphism in B1 and C1 loci in carp was proved by test matings. The polymorphism in B loci tested in erythrocytes may be utilized as genetic markers in the fish breeding.  相似文献   

The response of tench Tinca tinca aged 40–171 days post‐hatch (22–49 mm TL) to the anaesthetic 2‐phenoxyethanol was studied at 25°C. The lowest effective concentration of 2‐phenoxyethanol increased with age, while the highest safe concentration decreased. The fish aged 40 days post‐hatch required a significantly (P ≤ 0.05) shorter time to become anaesthetized than did older fish. The recovery time after 15 min of exposure to 2‐phenoxyethanol at 0.45 g dm?3 was significantly shorter in the 40‐day‐old fish than in older fish. In juveniles of the same age, induction time or recovery time did not depend on their size or condition (Fulton's coefficient). At 25°C, 2‐phenoxyethanol at 0.5 g dm?3 may be used to efficiently and safely anaesthetize T. tinca juveniles.  相似文献   

The development of soybean meal (SBM) induced enteritis in the hindgut of the omnivorous common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). The developed condition was assessed when carp, continuously fed on animal protein, were transferred to a diet in which 20% of the protein was replaced by SBM. After week 1, most of the inflammation parameters were already present, but at week 3, a strong aggravation of the condition was observed which included a shortening of the mucosal folds, the disappearance of the supranuclear vacuoles, an increased number of goblet cells, a thickened lamina propria and sub-epithelial mucosa with increased numbers of basophilic granulocytes as well as a decreased uptake capacity of enterocytes (impaired endocytosis and microvilli). Contrary to previous observations made with respect to Atlantic salmon, common carp start to recover from the fourth to the fifth week after switching to SBM feeding. At this stage, the supranuclear vacuoles refill and most of the parameters revert to basal levels. During the enteritis process, a real-time quantitative PCR analysis was conducted to measure the expression of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine genes in the isolated intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). The pro-inflammatory interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) and tumour necrosis factor alpha1 (TNF-alpha1) genes were up-regulated during the inflammation process while the anti-inflammatory interleukin 10 (IL-10) was down-regulated after an initial up-regulation at week 1. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) expression showed an up-regulation from week 3 onwards despite the high Ct value and the low primer efficiency shown. This study confirms the contribution of IEL (mainly T-like cells) and basophils in the enteritis process. In addition, the results show a clear involvement of up- and down-regulated cytokine genes in both the onset and recovery of the SBM-induced enteritis in the hindgut of carp.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Lu CY  Cao DC  Xu P  Wang S  Li HD  Zhao ZX  Sun XW 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):561-564
利用150个微卫星分子标记在F1代家系的基因型分析过程中,共有27600个等位基因从亲本向子代传递,其中在5个微卫星座位上检测到6个突变的等位基因。对突变的等位基因数目进行统计分析后得出:鲤鱼平均每个世代每个微卫星座位的突变速率为2.53×10-4。在发现突变的5个位点中,经测序发现,突变序列中插入1个以上的重复单元就导致了突变的发生。这些突变表明,鲤鱼的微卫星突变没有遵循严格的渐变突变模型(stepwise mutation model,SMM)。该文关于鲤鱼微卫星突变速率和模式的研究将会对统计鲤鱼有效群体的统计提供有效参数。  相似文献   

Summary Eleven monoclonal antibodies that recognize membrane determinants on spermatozoa of the carp Cyprinus carpio L. have been produced. Indirect immunofluorescence revealed that these determinants are uniformly distributed on the surface of head and midpiece. Most of them are also present on the outer membrane of precursor sperm cells. Although none of the monoclonal antibodies reacted with carp somatic tissue, five monoclonal antibodies were positive for surface membrane determinants of oogonia and early prophase oocytes in carp ovary. Preliminary analysis of the testis and ovary of three other species of fish showed that some carp determinants are shared with germ cells from Barbus conchonius, Clarias lazera, or Salmo gairdneri.Abbreviation WCS Wageningen Carp Sperm antibody  相似文献   

The influence of cortisone on leucocytes composition in the blood of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) is studied. Following the hormone injection, the relative number of leucocytes decreased and the number of neutrophils and blast-form cells increased in the leucocyte spectrum of experimental fish.  相似文献   

In mammals, natural antibodies (Nabs) are mostly of the IgM isotype and can bind to a particular antigen or pathogen even if the host has never been exposed. Despite their early detection and abundance, the exact role and genetic control of Nabs remain unclear. We have used an indirect ELISA with three different antigens (keyhole limpet haemocyanin, chicken ovalbumin and bovine serum albumin) to demonstrate the ubiquitous presence of Nabs in common carp. Serum levels of Nabs increased with age, i.e. 10-month-old fish showed higher levels than 4-month-old fish. Also, fish grown in earth ponds showed higher levels of Nabs than fish grown in a clean environment of UV-treated water. Furthermore, we show that Nabs are present in different levels in the serum of carp lines with a different genetic background, suggestive of a genetic control. These genetic differences were independent of antigen, age and environment. Genetic differences in levels of Nabs could not unequivocally be related to differences in survival under farmed conditions. The possibilities for using levels of Nabs as marker criterion for selection for genetic disease resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

In many parasitic infections both classically activated macrophages (caMF) and alternatively activated macrophages (aaMF) play a pivotal role. To investigate if both types of macrophages also play an important role during parasitic infections in fish, we infected carp with either Trypanoplasma borreli or Trypanosoma carassii and determined the activation state of the head kidney leukocytes (HKL). Nitrite production was used as read-out for caMF and arginase activity as read-out for aaMF. Basal nitrite production and arginase activity of HKL were moderately different between the two infections. Differences were observed, however, after ex vivo re-stimulation of HKL. Re-stimulation with LPS and T. borreli lysates increased nitrite production by HKL of T. borreli-infected fish. Re-stimulation with cAMP increased arginase activity in HKL of T. carassii-infected fish. Our results indicate that T. borreli-infected carp are more prone to increase nitrite production by caMF while T. carassii-infected fish are more prone to increase arginase activity by aaMF.  相似文献   

Summary Physiological compartmentation in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) gonads was investigated after intracardial injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and two mouse anti-carp-sperm monoclonal antibodies.Immunohistochemistry revealed that a physiological barrier exists in carp testis for HRP and mouse IgG monoclonal antibody around the central lumina of the tubules in which the spermatozoa are located, but not around the cysts containing the precursor germ cells. The results with HRP were confirmed by electron microscopy. Mouse IgM monoclonal antibody did not penetrate the spermatogenic cysts. Probably because of its large size, it was almost exclusively located inside blood capillaries and only sparsely in the interstitial tissue.In the ovary, HRP was regularly distributed in the gonadal tissue, whereas the IgG antibody was predominantly localised on oogonia and early prophase oocytes. The results indicate that in contrast with the testis, no barrier around germ cells exists in the carp ovary.  相似文献   

The experiments were performed in a tench farm from autumn until the spawning season (June–July). Tench broodstocks from natural habitats were maintained in 25 × 6 × 1 m concrete ponds and fed on commercial trout pellets. Females and males were separated and maintained under natural photoperiod and temperature conditions at densities around 2 kg m?2. Water flow throughout was supplied at the rate of 15 L s?1. When females showed external signs of advanced gonadal development, induction of spawning was made by luteinizing hormone releasing factor (LH‐RH) synthetic analogue administration at three different periods of the reproductive season (June–July). A single intramuscular injection (20 μg kg?1 body weight) was administered to 110 mature females selected from a total of 150. The females were stripped 42 h (22°C) after hormone administration. The mean rate of stripped females to the number injected was 77%. Mean relative egg weight in relation to the weight of the stripped females was 5.61%. More than 90% of the males provided semen without hormonal induction. Differences in egg production and external egg quality were observed at different times of the spawning period. It was proven that tench maintained in small concrete tanks and fed on artificial diets were able to reach gonadal maturation.  相似文献   

In common carp, a freshwater fish species of tetraploid origin, GPI enzymes are present in two variants: GPI-A and GPI-B. GPI-A is coded by two loci segregating for two (GPI-A 1*) and six (GPI-A2*) alleles. Experimental crosses of the ornamental (Koi) variety of common carp revealed that GPI-B is coded by only one locus (GPI-B*). Another GPI-B* locus must have been silenced in the process of functional diploidization. It was also shown that the GPI-A2* locus segregated independently from the GPI-B* locus, demonstrating that the loci are located on different chromosomes.  相似文献   

A base population (n = 101) of carp, consisting of a single hybrid cross, was immunized with the hapten-carrier complex DNP-KLH. to perform a divergent selection for antibody response. Measurement of the DNP-specific antibody response at 12 and 21 days postimmunization, allowed the classification of a low number of individual carp as early/high (10%) or late/low (13%) responders. Three individuals defined as early/high and three defined as late/low responding, were gynogenetically reproduced to obtain corresponding homozygous progenies within one generation only. Upon immunization with DNP-KLH, the antibody response was found to be significantly higher in the early/high responder homozygous offspring. Although the homozygosity of the offspring apparently caused a (s)lower antibody response (compared with the base population), the differences between the high and low responder offspring do indicate a genetic influence on the antibody response. The realized heritability (h2) for antibody production was estimated at 0.37 ± 0.36. The present study provides the basis for a divergent selection of homozygous inbred carp lines with a genetically controlled difference in antibody response. These inbred lines will allow us to investigate relationship(s) between immune responsiveness and resistance to infectious diseases in fish.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell enhancing factor (NKEF) belongs to the newly defined peroxiredoxin (Prx) family. Its functions are to enhance NK cell cytotoxicity and to protect DNA and proteins from oxidative damage. In this study, a partial cDNA sequence of carp NKEF-B was isolated from thymus cDNA library. Subsequently, the full-length cDNA of carp NKEF-B was obtained by means of 3′ and 5′ RACE, respectively. The full-length cDNA of carp NKEF-B was 1022 bp, consisting of a 73 bp 5′-terminal untranslated region (UTR), a 355 bp 3′-terminal UTR, and a 594 bp open reading frame coding for a protein of 197 amino acids. Carp NKEF-B contained two consensus Val-Cys-Pro (VCP) motifs and three consensus cysteine (Cys-51, Cys-70 and Cys-172) residues. Sequence comparison showed that the deduced amino acid sequence of carp NKEF-B had an overall similarity of 74–96% to that of other species homologues. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that carp NKEF-B forms a cluster with other known teleost NKEF-Bs. Then, by PCR we obtained a 5.1-k long genomic DNA of carp NKEF-B containing six exons and five introns. Real-time RT-PCR results showed that carp NKEF-B gene was predominantly detected in kidney and head kidney under un-infected conditions. Whereas under SVCV-infection condition, the expression of NKEF-B gene was significantly increased in blood cells, gill, intestine and spleen, but maintained in liver, and decreased significantly in kidney and head kidney. Finally, the rNKEF-B was constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli. By using an antibody against carp rNKEF-B, immunohistochemical study further indicated that NKEF-B positive cells are mainly some RBCs and a few epithelial cells in gill and intestine, and that under SVCV-infection condition, these positive cells or positive products in their cytoplasm were mainly increased in gill and spleen sections of carp. The results obtained in the present study will help to understand the function of NKEF-B in teleost innate immunity.  相似文献   

Long term exposure to brackish water (171 mm NaCl) affected the capacity of common carp Cyprinus carpio to deal with hypoxic conditions and the critical oxygen concentrations for oxygen consumption increased. In addition, regulation of ammonia excretion was lost. The cytosolic phosphorylation potential (the index of the energy status of a cell in terms of potential transferable phosphate groups) in the lateral muscle on the other hand remained relatively unaffected, indicating that oxygen transport to the tissues was not severely compromised. It appears that exposure to brackish water reduces the capacity of common carp to cope with hypoxic conditions mainly because of the high energetic cost of hyperventilation under conditions where energy stores are depleted, and not because of any impeded oxygen transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

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