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The effects of bombesin and insulin, separately and in combination, have been studied in Swiss mouse 3T3 cells. Bombesin caused a rapid transfer of 3H from the lipid inositol pool of prelabeled cells into inositol phosphates. Label in inositol tetrakisphosphate (InsP4) and in Ins1,4,5P3 and Ins1,3,4P3 rose within 10 sec of stimulation and that in Ins1,4P2, another InsP2 and InsP1, more slowly. Insulin, which had little effect on its own, increased the turnover of inositol lipids due to acute bombesin stimulation and also enhanced the DNA synthesis evoked by prolonged bombesin treatment. The results suggest that bombesin acting as a growth factor, uses inositol lipids as part of its transduction mechanism and that insulin acts synergistically to enhance both inositol phosphate formation and DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine stimulated the rapid hydrolysis of [3H]phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate in rat aorta with a maximal decrease of 30% within 60 sec of stimulation. Levels of [3H]phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate returned to control by 5 min despite the continued presence of agonist. Hydrolysis of [3H]phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate occurred concurrently with the formation of inositol phosphates. Inositol-tris and tetrakisphosphate levels were increased within 30 sec of agonist stimulation. Increases in inositol phosphate levels due to agonist were dose-dependent with half-maximal activation at 1 microM norepinephrine.  相似文献   

As a step towards the elucidation of the role played by nuclear polyphosphoinositides, we have investigated the effect of exogenous calcium free inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate on the in vitro phosphorylation of proteins in nuclei prepared from Swiss 3T3 cells treated with bombesin and insulin-like growth factor I. When present in combination with phosphatidylserine, inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate enhanced the phosphorylation of two nuclear proteins, Mr 21,000 and 31,000, as well as of exogenous histone H1, to the same extent as a combination of phosphatidylserine and diacylglycerol. Inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate alone had no effect. This stimulation could be abolished by the protein kinase C inhibitor sphingosine and by EGTA, while could be restored by a combination of phosphatidylserine and exogenous Ca+(+) ions. These results raise the possibility that inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate is capable of liberating Ca+(+) ions from a nuclear store thus stimulating protein kinase C activity.  相似文献   

The biochemical pathways through which tumor cell locomotion is mediated are poorly understood. Autocrine motility factor (AMF), which is produced by and stimulates motility in A2058 human melanoma cells, was used to characterize phosphoinositide (PtdIns) metabolism activated in association with tumor cell motility. AMF stimulated up to a 400% increase in de novo incorporation of 3H-myo-inositol into cellular lipids beginning 40 minutes after exposure. In cells prelabeled with 3H-myo-inositol, AMF stimulated a 200% increase in total inositol phosphates (inositol monophosphate, InsP1; inositol bisphosphate, InsP2; inositol trisphosphate, InsP3) after 90 minutes of exposure, with a 300% maximal increase in InsP3 at 120 minutes. InsP1 and InsP2 were maximally increased 130% of control values. Treatment with AMF stimulated a parallel dose-dependent increase in both motility and PtdIns levels. We have shown previously that the A2058 motile response to AMF is inhibited markedly by cell pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PT). Inositol phosphate production was inhibited by a 2-hour pretreatment of cells with PT (0.5 microgram/ml). PT treatment of A2058 membranes was associated with ADP-ribosylation of a 40-kDa protein consistent with the presence of an alpha subunit of a guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein). These data indicate that AMF elicits increases in cell motility and phosphoinositide metabolism via a PT-sensitive G protein signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

The calcium-liberating second messenger inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) is converted to inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (Ins(1,3,4,5)P4) by Ins(1,4,5)P3 3-kinases (IP3Ks) that add a fourth phosphate group to the 3-position of the inositol ring. Two isoforms of IP3Ks (named A and B) from different vertebrate species have been well studied. Recently the cloning and examination of a human full-length cDNA encoding a novel isoform, termed human IP3K-C (HsIP3K-C), has been reported. In the present study we report the cloning of a full-length cDNA encoding a rat homologue of HsIP3K-C with a unique mRNA expression pattern, which differs remarkably from the tissue distribution of HsIP3K-C. Of the rat tissues examined, rat IP3K-C (RnIP3K-C) is mainly present in heart, brain, and testis and shows the strongest expression in an epidermal tissue, namely tongue epithelium. RnIP3K-C has a calculated molecular mass of approximately 74.5 kDa and shows an overall identity of approximately 75% with HsIP3K-C. A bacterially expressed, enzymatically active and Ca2+-calmodulin-regulated fragment of this isoform displays remarkable enzymatic properties like a very low Km for Ins(1,4,5)P3 ( approximately 0.2 microm), substrate inhibition by high concentrations of Ins(1,4,5)P3, allosteric product activation by Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 in absence of Ca2+-calmodulin (Ka(app) 0.52 microm), and the ability to efficiently phosphorylate a second InsP3 substrate, inositol 2,4,5-trisphosphate, to inositol 2,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate in the presence of Ins(1,3,4,5)P4. Furthermore, the RnIP3K-C fused with a fluorescent protein tag is actively transported into and out of the nucleus when transiently expressed in mammalian cells. A leucine-rich nuclear export signal and an uncharacterized nuclear import activity are localized in the N-terminal domain of the protein and determine its nucleocytoplasmic shuttling. These findings point to a particular role of RnIP3K-C in nuclear inositol trisphosphate phosphorylation and cellular growth.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the pathway of metabolism of inositol phospholipids in human platelets exposed to collagen. Platelet activation by collagen was preceded by a lag phase usually lasting 10-20 s. Formation of [3H]inositol trisphosphate (IP3) was not observed during this period, but occurred in parallel with the onset of aggregation, release of ATP and phosphorylation of a 20 000 Da and a 40 000 Da protein. Indomethacin treatment partially inhibited all of these responses. Aggregation and ATP release, but not IP3 formation, were further inhibited in indomethacin-treated platelets loaded with the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, quin2. Under these conditions there was no detectable mobilization of Ca2+. These results demonstrate that activation of platelets by collagen is associated with rapid hydrolysis of polyphosphoinositides by phospholipase C, thereby producing IP3. This observation is discussed in relation to IP3 as a possible Ca2+-mobilizing agent.  相似文献   

In the serum-deficient medium, the cultured Swiss 3T3 and CHO-K1 cells transit to the resting state. The rates of uridine phosphorylation and RNA synthesis in these cells are lowered. After the addition of fresh medium containing 10% serum, cell proliferation is induced. At the early stage of cell entrance into the cell cycle uridine transport through the cell plasma membrane remains unchanged in both cultures. During the 1st hour after serum addition the rate of uridine phosphorylation increases in 3T3 cells to remain practically unchanged in CHO-K1 cells. At this time, RNA synthesis in cells increases almost twofold in both cultures. A correlation has been revealed between the initial level of uridine phosphorylation in 3T3 cells and the percentage of its maximal elevation after serum addition. No such a correlation was observed for CHO-K1 cells. The rate of uridine phosphorylation in arrested CHO-K1 cells is higher than that in 3T3 cells. It has been included that the initial increase of uridine phosphorylation during serum stimulation may be not obligatory for all cell types, but depends on the level of uridine kinase activity before serum addition to the cells.  相似文献   

To try to further define the mechanism of action of the putative second messenger inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (InsP4), we have studied its effects in permeabilized cells expressing different levels of inositol trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R) types I and III and of the GTPase-activating protein GAP1IP4BP. During the growth curve of human HL-60 cells and mouse T15 cells there was an increase in these proteins, which was further increased by differentiation (HL-60) and, marginally, by transformation (T15). T15 cells entering the stationary phase showed much lower concentrations of these proteins and expression was below detection in apoptotic HL-60 cells. Rasp21 showed a different pattern of expression. The ratios of InsP3R subtypes seem to affect the dose-response curve for inositol 2,4,5-trisphosphate Ins(2,4,5)P3. In permeabilized T15 cells the curve was approximately 5-fold to the right of that obtained using HL-60 cells. However, permeabilized untreated and differentiated HL-60 cells and T15 cells all showed a comparable synergistic effect of InsP4 on Ca2+ release stimulated by a concentration of Ins(2,4,5)P3, releasing approximately 20% of the Ins(1,4,5)P3 sensitive Ca2+ pool. The data indicate that under these conditions InsP4 is acting independently of cell type, of the ratio of inositol trisphosphate receptor subtypes, and of the concentration of GAP1IP4BP.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that nuclear and cytosolic Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](N) and [Ca(2+)](C)) may be regulated independently. We address here the issue of whether inositol trisphosphate (IP(3)) can, bypassing changes of [Ca(2+)](C), produce direct release of Ca(2+) into the nucleoplasm. We have used targeted aequorins to selectively measure and compare the changes in [Ca(2+)](C) and [Ca(2+)](N) induced by IP(3) in GH(3) pituitary cells. Heparin, an IP(3) inhibitor that does not permeate the nuclear pores, abolished the [Ca(2+)](C) peaks but inhibited only partly the [Ca(2+)](N) peaks. The permeant inhibitor 2-aminoethoxy-diphenyl-borate (2-APB) blocked both responses. Removal of ATP also inhibited more strongly the [Ca(2+)](C) than [Ca(2+)](N) peak. The [Ca(2+)](N) and [Ca(2+)](C) responses differed also in their sensitivity to IP(3), the nuclear response showing higher affinity. Among IP(3) receptors, type 2 (IP(3)R2) has a higher affinity for IP(3) and is not inactivated by ATP removal. We find that IP(3)R2 immunoreactivity is present inside the nucleus whereas the other IP(3)R subtypes are detected only in the cytoplasm. The nuclear envelope (NE) of GH(3) cells showed deep invaginations into the nucleoplasm, with cytosol and cytoplasmic organella inside. These results indicate that GH(3) pituitary cells possess mechanisms able to produce selective increases of [Ca(2+)](N).  相似文献   

Chromaffin cells of bovine adrenal medulla release catecholamines in response to activation of nicotinic ACh receptors which open voltage-sensitive calcium channels. Catecholamine secretion by exocytosis requires an increase in cytosolic free calcium. The cells also possess muscarinic ACh receptors but muscarinic agents do not provoke catecholamine release. Quin-2 studies show that they do not increase cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, but unlike the nicotinic agents, they cause phosphoinositide hydrolysis. Muscarinic stimulation leads to rapid loss of labelled phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. At the same time there is release of inositol trisphosphate, inositol bisphosphate and inositol phosphate. In a number of other cells inositol trisphosphate may act as a second messenger releasing Ca2+ from storage sites in the endoplasmic reticulum but this is not its function in bovine chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

We previously reported that insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) induced sustained calcium cycling across the plasma membrane in primed competent Balb/c 3T3 cells (Kojima, I., Matsunaga, H., Kurokawa, K., Ogata, E., and Nishimoto, I. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 16561-16567). The present study was conducted to examine whether IGF-I affected cellular metabolism of 1,2-diacylglycerol (1,2-DAG). In primed competent cells prelabeled with [3H]myristate, 1 nM IGF-I caused a 50% increase in [3H]DAG within 10 min. This increase in [3H]DAG was accompanied by 1) a decrease in radioactivity in the glycosylphosphatidylinositol fraction in [3H]glucosamine-labeled cells and a concomitant increase in [3H]inositol-glycan, and 2) a decrease in [3H]phosphatidylcholine and a concomitant elevation of [3H]phosphorylcholine in [3H]choline-labeled cells. When [3H]choline-labeled cells were treated with 10 nM 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-4-acetate (TPA), [3H]phosphatidylcholine was reduced by 50%. The TPA-induced reduction of [3H]phosphatidylcholine was completely blocked by 50 microM sphingosine and 50 microM H-7, inhibitors of protein kinase C. Both sphingosine and H-7 attenuated IGF-I-mediated reduction of [3H]phosphatidylcholine. In addition, treatment with IGF-I for 3 h or more resulted in sustained increase in 1,2-DAG mass, which was attenuated by cycloheximide. The increase in DAG mass was accompanied by enhanced incorporation of [14C]glucose into 1,2-DAG. These results indicate that, in primed competent Balb/c 3T3 cells, IGF-I stimulates 1,2-DAG production via multiple pathways and that IGF-I may induce breakdown of phosphatidylcholine by a mechanism involving protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Uridine transport and phosphorylation were studied in cultured Swiss 3T3 CHO-K1 cells, differing in their growth characteristics. Uridine was shown to be transported to the cell with a high rate. With the 2 micronM uridine concentration in the medium, the stationary level of free uridine in cells is reached 10 seconds following incubation at 25 degrees, and the further uridine uptake is limited by phosphorylation.. The uridine transport to the cell does not depend on the DNA synthesis level and the growth phase of 3T3 and CHO-K1 cells. With the increase in culture density, the rate of uridine phosphorylation decreases in 3T3 cells being actually unchanged in CHO-K1 cells. With the equal cell density in both the cases, the phosphorylation rate in CHO-K1 cells is by several times higher than that in 3T3 cells. A positive correlation between uridine phosphorylation rate and DNA synthesis has been observed under various cultivation condition of CHO-K1 cells.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins induced by heparin-binding growth factor 1 (HBGF-1) was studied by using the murine fibroblast cell line NIH 3T3 (clone 2.2). HBGF-1 specifically induced the rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of polypeptides of Mr 150,000, 130,000, and 90,000 that were detected with polyclonal and monoclonal antiphosphotyrosine (anti-P-Tyr) antibodies. The concentration of HBGF-1 required for half-maximal induction of tyrosine phosphorylation of the Mr-150,000 Mr-130,000, and Mr-90,000 proteins was approximately 0.2 to 0.5 ng/ml, which was consistent with the half-maximal concentration required for stimulation of DNA synthesis in NIH 3T3 cells. HBGF-1-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the Mr-150,000 and Mr-130,000 proteins was detected within 30 s, whereas phosphorylation of the Mr-90,000 protein was not detected until 3 min after HBGF-1 stimulation. All three proteins were phosphorylated maximally after 15 to 30 min. Phosphoamino acid analysis of the Mr-150,000 and Mr-90,000 proteins confirmed the phosphorylation of these proteins on tyrosine residues. Phosphorylation of the Mr-150,000 and Mr-90,000 proteins occurred when cells were exposed to HBGF-1 at 37 degrees C but not at 4 degrees C. Exposure of cells to sodium orthovanadate, a potent P-Tyr phosphatase inhibitor, before stimulation with HBGF-1 resulted in enhanced detection of the Mr-150,000, Mr-130,000, and Mr-90,000 proteins by anti-P-Tyr antibodies. Anti-P-Tyr affinity-based chromatography was used to adsorb the HBGF-1 receptor affinity labeled with 125I-HBGF-1. The cross-linked HBGF-1 receptor-ligand complex was eluded with phenyl phosphate as two components: Mr 170,000 and 150,000. P-Tyr, but not phosphoserine or phosphothreonine, inhibited adsorption of the (125)I-HBGF-1-receptor complex to the anti-P-Tyr antibody matrix. Treatment of cells with sodium orthovanadate also enhanced recognition of the cross-linked (125)I-HBGF-1-receptor complex by the anti-P-Tyr matrix. These data suggest that (i) the (125)I-HBGF-1-receptor complex is phosphorylated on tyrosine residues and (ii) HBGF-1-induced signal transduction involves, in part, the tyrosine phosphorylation of at least three polypeptides.  相似文献   

Mastoparan, a basic tetradecapeptide isolated from wasp venom, is a novel mitogen for Swiss 3T3 cells. This peptide induced DNA synthesis in synergy with insulin in a concentration-dependent manner; half-maximum and maximum responses were achieved at 14 and 17 microM, respectively. Mastoparan also stimulated DNA synthesis in the presence of other growth promoting factors including bombesin, insulin-like growth factor-1, and platelet-derived growth factor. The synergistic mitogenic stimulation by mastoparan can be dissociated from activation of phospholipase C. Mastoparan did not stimulate phosphoinositide breakdown, Ca2+ mobilization or protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation of a major cellular substrate or transmodulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor. In contrast, mastoparan stimulated arachidonic acid release, prostaglandin E2 production, and enhanced cAMP accumulation in the presence of forskolin. These responses were inhibited by prior treatment with pertussis toxin. Hence, mastoparan stimulates arachidonic acid release via a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein in Swiss 3T3 cells. Arachidonic acid, like mastoparan, stimulated DNA synthesis in the presence of insulin. The ability of mastoparan to stimulate mitogenesis was reduced by pertussis toxin treatment. These results demonstrate, for the first time, that mastoparan stimulates reinitiation of DNA synthesis in Swiss 3T3 cells and indicate that this peptide may be a useful probe to elucidate signal transduction mechanisms in mitogenesis.  相似文献   

EGF is a low molecular weight polypeptide hormone which acts as a regulator of cell growth and differentiation. The A-431 cell line has been used frequently to examine receptor-mediated biochemical effects of EGF, since this cell line has an increased (20-50 fold) level of EGF receptors. We have utilized A-431 cells to examine the influence of EGF on formation of an intracellular second messenger, inositol, 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins-1,4,5-P3), and other inositol phosphates. The results show that EGF induces rapid formation of Ins-1,4,5-P3 as well as Ins-1,3,4-P3 and Ins-1,3,4,5-P4. There is a concurrent decrease in the level of the lipid precursor for Ins-1,4,5-P3, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate (PIP2). Furthermore, we have examined five other cell lines that overexpress the EGF receptor and find that EGF treatment induces formation of inositol polyphosphates in those cell lines also.  相似文献   

To elucidate the transmembrane signalling processes initiated by fibroblast growth factor (FGF), we have studied the effect of recombinant basic FGF (bFGF) on various early events associated with mitogenesis in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. bFGF, at mitogenic concentrations, neither induced Ca2+ mobilization from intracellular stores nor increased the accumulation of inositol phosphates. In contrast, bFGF stimulated the phosphorylation of the Mr 80,000 (80K) cellular protein which is a major substrate of protein kinase C. This effect was potentiated by the diacylglycerol kinase inhibitor R59022. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and phosphopeptide mapping showed that the 80K phosphoproteins generated in response to bFGF, bombesin, and phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate were indistinguishable. Down-regulation of protein kinase C prevented bFGF stimulation of 80K phosphorylation. Other protein kinase C-dependent early events such as transmodulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor, cytoplasmic alkalinization, inhibition of vasopressin induced increase in cytosolic [Ca2+], and enhancement of cAMP accumulation in response to forskolin were also induced by bFGF. Similar results were obtained when bFGF was added to quiescent cultures of tertiary mouse embryo fibroblasts. We conclude that bFGF stimulates protein kinase C through a signal transduction pathway distinct from inositol phospholipid turnover and Ca2+ mobilization.  相似文献   

Components of the polyphosphoinositide signalling pathway have been identified in stomatal guard cells of Commelina communis L., one of the few plant systems shown unequivocally to be capable of responding to release of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in the cytoplasm by increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+. 'Isolated' epidermal strips of C. communis (in which all cells other than guard cells have been killed by treatment at low pH) were radiolabelled with myo -[2n-3H]inositol or [32P]orthophosphate for 17–18 h. The phosphoinositides and inositol phosphates were extracted. Phosphoinositides were deacylated and the head groups resolved by HPLC. The water-soluble products generated by mild periodate cleavage of HPLC-purified, deacylated lipid fractions were examined. The resulting biochemical analysis led to the identification of: PtdIns, PtdIns3 P , PtdIns4 P , PtdIns(3,4) P 2 and PtdIns(4,5) P 2. Thex inositol phosphates were resolved by HPLC. Preliminary analysis of HPLC-purified putative inositol phosphate fractions resulted in the identification of each inositol phosphate class, that is, Ins P , Ins P 2, Ins P 3, Ins P 4, Ins P 5 and InsP6. Many of these inositol phosphates occurred in different isomeric forms. The presence of 3-phosphorylated phosphoinositides suggests that they may have a role in signalling in stomatal guard cells.  相似文献   

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