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Summary A series of man-Chinese hamster and man-mouse somatic cell hybrids was investigated to study the localization of the genes coding for the human lysosomal enzyme -galactosidase (EC and for its protective protein. Using a monoclonal antibody, raised against human placental -galactosidase, it was observed that the structural locus for the -galactosidase polypeptide is located on chromosome 3. The nature of the involvement of chromosome 22 in the expression of human -galactosidase was elucidated by metabolic labelling of the hybrids with radioactive amino acids, immunoprecipitation with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against -galactosidase, followed by analysis via gel electrophoresis and fluorography.The data show that the presence of chromosome 22 coincides with the presence of a 32 kd protein. This polypeptide, the protective protein was previously shown to be intimately associated with human -galactosidase. In addition, the protective protein was found to be essential for the in vivo stability of -galactosidase by aggregating -galactosidase monomers into high molecular weight multimes. Both chromosome 3 and 22 are therefore necessary to obtain normal levels og -galactosidase activity in human cells.  相似文献   

Summary Using cloned cDNA for human 2-macroglobulin (A2M) as a probe, mink-Chinese hamster hybrid cells were analysed. The results allowed us to assign a gene for A2M to mink chromosome 9. Breeding tests demonstrated that the Lpm-locus coding for other related -macroglobulin protein and the gene for peptidase B (PEPB) are linked 11±3 cm apart. The PEPB gene is located on mink chromosome 9, and hence, the Lpw-locus is on the same mink chromosome. The relationship of the genetic systems controlling the isotypically different -macroglobulins in mink serum are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The human progesterone receptor gene was mapped by in situ hybridization using two cDNA probes corresponding to the 5′ and 3′ part of the coding sequence. This gene was localized to 11q22-q23.  相似文献   

Summary A complementary cDNA clone (900 bp) representing the 3 untranslated region and almost the entire coding sequence of the human erythrocyte membrane glycophorin C has been used to determine the chromosomal location of the blood group Gerbich locus by in situ hybridization. The results indicate that this locus is assigned to the region q14–q21 of chromosome 2.  相似文献   

Summary A 3-month-old boy with true microcephaly showed the same balanced reciprocal translocation 1q4p as his carrier mother. This reciprocal translocation had been transmitted for at least four generations. Different banding techniques allowed one to describe the rearrangement as: rcp t(1;4)(1pter 1q31::4p161 4pter; 4qter 4p153::1q321 1qter). On the other hand, the proband's father seemed to be a border-line mentally retarded and one of his relatives suffered from mental retardation of unknown origin. Taking into account all these results together with the current literature, it was concluded that the microcephaly appearing in our case could be due to the following two facts: (a) the father was an heterozygote for the gene for microcephaly, and (b) damage or a minute deletion on chromosome 1 between 1q31 and 1q321 bands could occur in the mother's family resulting in a mutation for microcephaly. If this was so, the gene for microcephaly should be located on chromosome 1 at the level of the 1q31–1q321 junction.  相似文献   

Summary We have used four independently isolated cDNA probes for human apolipoprotein B (apo B), to isolate overlapping genomic recombinants for the 3 portion of the apo B gene. The cDNA clones and a unique fragment from the genomic recombinant have been used to identify the human apo B gene in DNA from a series of roden x human somatic cell hybrids. Our results provide evidence for the assignment of this gene to the short arm of human chromosome 2 (p23-pter). We have used the cDNA probes to identify three common DNA polymorphisms. The first, detected with the restriction enzyme XbaI and our probe pAB4, has a rare allele frequency of 0.48. The other two polymorphisms are detected with the probe pAB3. The enzyme MspI detects at least three alleles, with frequencies of 0.67, 0.16 and 0.15, while that detected with the enzyme EcoRI has a rare allele frequency of 0.12. The relative position of these polymorphisms has been mapped using the genomic recombinants.Investigation of a small number of haplotypes indicares that there is linkage equilibrium between the polymorphisms, which have a total polymorphism information content (PIC) value of more than 0.8. These polymorphisms will provide useful markers for genetic studies on chromosome 2 and for the analysis of the involvement of variants of the apo B gene in the development of hyperlipidaemia.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of -galactosidase (from green coffee beans) digestion on lectin staining were examined in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human pancreatic tissues from individuals of blood-group B and AB. Digestion with the enzyme resulted in almost complete loss of Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin I-B4(GSAI-B4) staining in the acinar cells with concomitant appearance of Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I(UEA-I) staining in the corresponding cells. In addition, reactivity with soybean agglutinin(SBA) was also imparted by the enzyme digestion in GSAI-B4 positive acinar cells. -Galactosidase digestion following -galactosidase digestion neither reduced the reactivity with SBA nor induced the reactivity with Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin-II(GSA-II) in GSAI-B4 positive cells, while in UEA-I positive cells, both reduction of SBA reactivity and appearance of GSA-II reactivity occurred after simple -galactosidase digestion as well as sequential digestion with - and -galactosidase. However, when -l-fucosidase digestion procedure was inserted between - and -galactosidase digestion, UEA-I staining imparted by -galactosidase digestion was markedly decreased in intensity and GSA-II reactivity was appeared in GSAI-B4 positive acinar cells. Furthermore, after sequential digestion with -galactosidase and fucosidase, reactivity with peanut agglutinin(PNA) was revealed in GSAI-B4 positive acinar cells as well as UEA-I positive cells in secretors. In non-secretors, strong PNA staining was usually observed in the acinar cells throughout the glands without enzyme digestion. These results confirmed that the -galactosidase induced GSA-II reactivity and the fucosidase induced PNA reactivity are due to precursors of different kinds of blood-group determinants and suggest that at least two kinds of B antigen determinants, i.e. Gal(1-3)[Fuc(1-2)]Gal(1-3,4)GlcNac and Gal(1-3)-[Fuc(1-2)]Gal(1-3)GalNAc are produced in GSAI-B4 positive acinar cells. The synthesis of the latter type of B antigen is assumed to be controlled under the secretory gene in human pancreas.Abbreviation GalNAc N-acetyl-d-galactosamine - Gal d-galactose - GlcNAc N-acetyl-d-glucosamine - Fuc l-fucose - NeuNAc N-acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid)  相似文献   

Honey  N. K.  Sakaguchi  A. Y.  Lalley  P. A.  Quinto  C.  Rutter  W. J.  Naylor  S. L. 《Human genetics》1986,72(1):27-31
Summary A rat cDNA probe for preprocarboxypeptidase A was used to follow the segregation of the human gene for carboxypeptidase A (CPA) in 49 human x mouse somatic cell hybrids using Southern filter hybridization techniques. CPA was assigned to human chromosome 7q22qter. Similarly, the probe was used to follow the segregation of the mouse gene for carboxypeptidase A (Cpa) in 19 mouse x Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids. Cpa was assigned to mouse chromosome 6. The gene for carboxypeptidase A forms part of a syntenic group that is conserved in man and mouse.Preliminary chromosomal assignments of carboxypeptidase A in man and mouse have been made in abstract (Honey et al. 1983a, b)  相似文献   

Albers-Schönberg disease, the classical form of osteopetrosis, is an autosomal dominant condition with generalized increased skeletal density due to reduced bone resorption. Characteristic radiological findings are generalized osteosclerosis, with, most typically, end-plate sandwichlike thickening of the vertebrae (Rugger-Jersey spine) and the bone-within-bone (endobones) phenomenon. We studied an extended kindred with Albers-Schönberg disease and found linkage with several markers from chromosome 1p21. The Albers-Schönberg gene is located in a candidate region of approximately 8.5 cM flanked by markers D1S486 and D1S2792. A maximum LOD score (Z(max)) of 4.09 was obtained in multipoint analysis at loci D1S239/D1S248. Possible linkage of osteopetrosis to this chromosomal region was analyzed because the CSF-1 gene, which is mutated in the op/op mouse model for osteopetrosis, is located in 1p21. However, SSCP and mutation analysis in patients did not reveal any abnormality, which excludes the CSF-1 gene as the disease-causing gene. This was confirmed by refined physical mapping of the CSF-1 gene outside the candidate region for the Albers-Schönberg gene. The identification of the molecular defect underlying Albers-Schönberg disease will therefore be dependent on the isolation of other genes from an 8.5-cM candidate region on chromosome 1p21.  相似文献   

We constructed a library in IL47.1 with DNA isolated from flow-sorted human chromosome 22. Over 50% of the recombinants contained the same highly repetitive sequence. When this sequence was used to probe Southern blots of EcoRI-digested genomic DNA, a ladder of bands with increments of about 170 bp was observed. This sequence comigrates with satellite III in Ag+/Cs2SO4 gradients and may account for at least part of the 170 bp Hae III ladder seen in isolated satellite III DNA. Partial sequence analysis revealed homology to the 171 bp monomeric repeat unit of -R1-DNA and the X specific -satellite consensus sequence. After low stringency in situ hybridization, silver grains were found over the centromeres of a number of chromosomes. Under high stringency conditions, however, the labeling was concentrated over the centromeric region of chromosome 22. This localization was confirmed using DNA from a panel of human/hamster cell lines which showed that the homologous 2.1 and 2.8 kb EcoR1 restriction fragments were chromosome 22 specific. These clones therefore contain chromosome 22 derived -satellite sequences analogous to other chromosome-specific satellite sequences described previously.  相似文献   

Summary The human gene encoding the -polypeptide of propionyl-CoA carboxylase (PCC) has hitherto been localized to the distal half of the long arm of chromosome 13, segment 13q22q34. We studied the enzyme activities of mitochondrial carboxylases in cell cultures obtained from patients with different deletions of chromosome 13. By setting the PCC activity in normal diploid cell cultures (control group) at 100%, cell cultures with trisomy 13 showed 150% activity. In contrast, one of four patients with partial monosomy 13 had an enzyme activity of only 50%. Thus, by comparative deletion mapping, combined with studies of the gene-dosage effect, we have been able to assign the PCCA gene locus to chromosome band 13q32.  相似文献   

Summary Using a 166-nucleotide-long DNA synthetic probe corresponding to the v-kit sequence (1458-1623), we have mapped the human c-kit gene to chromosome 4 at the q11–q12 band by in situ hybridization on chromosomes from human lymphocyte preparations.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of Bifidobacterium genes is essential for understanding host-Bifidobacterium interactions with beneficial effects on human health; however, the lack of an effective targeted gene inactivation system in bifidobacteria has prevented the development of functional genomics in this bacterium. Here, we report the development of a markerless gene deletion system involving a double crossover in Bifidobacterium longum. Incompatible plasmid vectors were used to facilitate a second crossover step. The conditional replication vector pBS423-ΔrepA, which lacks the plasmid replication gene repA, was integrated into the target gene by a first crossover event. Subsequently, the replicative plasmid pTBR101-CM, which harbors repA, was introduced into this integrant to facilitate the second crossover step and subsequent elimination of the excised conditional replication vector from the cells by plasmid incompatibility. The proposed system was confirmed to work as expected in B. longum 105-A using the chromosomal full-length β-galactosidase gene as a target. Markerless gene deletion was tested using the aga gene, which encodes α-galactosidase, whose substrates include raffinose. Almost all the pTBR101-CM-transformed strains became double-crossover recombinants after subculture, and 4 out of the 270 double-crossover recombinants had lost the ability to assimilate raffinose. Genotype analysis of these strains revealed markerless gene deletion of aga. Carbohydrate assimilation analysis and α-galactosidase activity measurement were conducted using both the representative mutant and a plasmid-based aga-complemented strain. These functional analyses revealed that aga is the only gene encoding a functional α-galactosidase enzyme in B. longum 105-A.  相似文献   

Summary Apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)], the glycoprotein associated with the lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] subfraction of plasma lipoproteins, has been shown to exhibit heritable molecular weight isoforms ranging from 400–700 kDa. Increased serum concentrations of Lp(a) correlate positively with the risk of atherosclerosis. Variations in Lp(a) plasma levels among individuals are inherited as a codominant quantitative trait. As part of an effect to define the basis of these variations and further clarify the expression of the protein, we have determined the chromosomal location of the human apo(a) gene. Blot hybridization analysis of DNA from a panel of mouse-human somatic cell hybrids with an apo(a) cDNA probe revealed a complex pattern of bands, all of which segregated with chromosome 6. In situ hybridization yielded a single peak of grain density located on chromosome 6q26–27. Apo(a) cDNA sequences exhibit striking homology to those of the plasma protease plasminogen, and, therefore, we have reexamined the chromosome assignment of the plasminogen gene. We conclude that both the apo(a) and plasminogen genes reside on human chromosome 6q22–27, consistent with a gene duplication mechanism for their evolutionary origin. The results are of significance for the genetic control of apo(a) expression and genetic influences predisposing to atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The mutagenic potential of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO(2)-NPs) of an average size 30.6nm was investigated using β-galactosidase (lacZ) gene complementation in plasmid pUC19/lacZ(-)Escherichia coli DH5α system. Plasmid pUC19 was treated with varying concentrations of TiO(2)-NPs and allowed to transfect the CaCl(2)-induced competent DH5α cells. The data revealed loss in transformation efficiency of TiO(2)-NPs treated plasmids as compared to untreated plasmid DNA in DH5α host cells. Induction of multiple mutations in α-fragment of lacZ gene caused synthesis of non-functional β-galactosidase enzyme, which resulted in a significant number of white (mutant) colonies of transformed E. coli cells. Screening of mutant transformants based on blue:white colony assay and DNA sequence analysis of lacZ gene fragment clearly demonstrated TiO(2)-NPs induced mutagenesis. Multiple alignment of selectable marker lacZ gene sequences from randomly selected mutants and control cells provided a gene specific map of TiO(2)-NPs induced mutations. Mutational analysis suggested that all nucleotide changes were point mutations, predominantly transversions (TVs) and transitions (TSs). A total of 32 TVs and 6 TSs mutations were mapped within 296 nucleotides (nt) long partial sequence of lacZ gene. The region between 102 and 147nt within lacZ gene sequence was found to be most susceptible to mutations with nine detectable point mutations (8 TVs and 1 TSs). Guanine base was determined to be more prone to TiO(2)-NPs induced mutations. This study suggested the pUC19/E. coli DH5αlacZ gene α-complementation system, as a novel genetic approach for determining the mutagenic potential, and specificity of manufactured NPs and nanomaterials.  相似文献   

Is ZFY the sex-determining gene on the human Y chromosome?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The sex-determining region of the human Y chromosome contains a gene, ZFY, that encodes a zinc-finger protein. ZFY may prove to be the testis-determining factor. There is a closely related gene, ZFX, on the human X chromosome. In most species of placental mammals, we detect two ZFY-related loci: one on the Y chromosome and one on the X chromosome. However, there are four ZFY-homologous loci in mouse: Zfy-1 and Zfy-2 map to the sex-determining region of the mouse Y chromosome, Zfx is on the mouse X chromosome, and a fourth locus is autosomal.  相似文献   

Industrial application of α-galactosidase requires efficient methods to immobilize the enzyme, yielding a biocatalyst with high activity and stability compared to free enzyme. An α-galactosidase from tomato fruit was immobilized on galactose-containing polymeric beads. The immobilized enzyme exhibited an activity of 0.62 U/g of support and activity yield of 46%. The optimum pH and temperature for the activity of both free and immobilized enzymes were found as pH 4.0 and 37 °C, respectively. Immobilized α-galactosidase was more stable than free enzyme in the range of pH 4.0–6.0 and more than 85% of the initial activity was recovered. The decrease in reaction rate of the immobilized enzyme at temperatures above 37 °C was much slower than that of the free counterpart. The immobilized enzyme shows 53% activity at 60 °C while free enzyme decreases 33% at the same temperature. The immobilized enzyme retained 50% of its initial activity after 17 cycles of reuse at 37 °C. Under same storage conditions, the free enzyme lost about 71% of its initial activity over a period of 7 months, whereas the immobilized enzyme lost about only 47% of its initial activity over the same period. Operational stability of the immobilized enzyme was also studied and the operational half-life (t1/2 was determined as 6.72 h for p-nitrophenyl α-d-galactopyranoside (PNPG) as substrate. The kinetic parameters were determined by using PNPG as substrate. The Km and Vmax values were measured as 1.07 mM and 0.01 U/mg for free enzyme and 0.89 mM and 0.1 U/mg for immobilized enzyme, respectively. The synthesis of the galactose-containing polymeric beads and the enzyme immobilization procedure are very simple and also easy to carry out.  相似文献   

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