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The frequency of hybridisation between Brassica napus L. and Raphanus raphanistrum L. under agronomic conditions was assessed in field experiments, where R. raphanistrum were randomly planted at two different densities into large plots of B. napus. An acetolacate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicide-resistant trait was used to detect potential hybrid individuals. No hybrids were detected amongst 25,000 seedlings grown from seed collected from R. raphanistrum plants. Two hybrids were obtained from more than 52-million B. napus seedlings. Both hybrids were characterised as amphidiploids (AACCRrRr, 2n = 56) and were fertile. The frequency of hybridisation into B. napus in this experiment using male-fertile B. napus was 4 × 10–8. Received: 31 August 2000 / Accepted: 23 January 2001  相似文献   

Spontaneous hybridizations between oilseed rape and wild radish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The occurence of spontaneous hybridization between Brassica napus (oilseed rape) and Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish) was investigated under different density conditions in cages and open-field experiments. Hybrids with wild radish as the seed parent were identified by screening for herbicide resistance belonging to rape. Small seed size and intermediate morphology were used to screen for hybrids with rape as the seed parent. Leaf isozyme patterns and flow cytometry provided confirmation of hybrids. Wild radish in an oilseed rape field produced as many as three interspecific hybrids per 100 plants. This is the first report of such a spontaneous event. The frequency of hybrids is expected to range from 0.006 to 0.2% of the total seed produced, at P = 0.05. Male-sterile oilseed rape plants surrounded by wild radish can produce up to 37 hybrids per plant. Seed production of the F1 hybrids and their F2 descendants was up to 0.4% and 2%, respectively, of that of wild radish. Gene escape from transgenic oilseed rape to wild related species is discussed.  相似文献   

 We carried out two experiments to determine the effect of leaf damage on plant attractiveness to pollinators using wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae), a self-incompatible annual herb. Pairs of plants from 36 full-sib families were grown in pots in the greenhouse. One member of each pair was damaged by Pieris rapae larvae that were allowed to remove half of the leaf area of each of the first four rosette leaves. The plants were subsequently taken out for pollinator observations once a week from the beginning of flowering in late June until the end of August. We conducted two experiments to examine how foliar damage affected visitation by pollinators. In the first experiment, numbers of pollinators visiting plants were compared between damaged and control sibling plants. In the second experiment, the number of open flowers during observations was controlled to be the same for both damaged and undamaged sibs. Damage significantly decreased the number and size of flowers during the first observations in late June. Damaged plants received fewer visits by native bees during the first week of observations. Since damage did not affect native bee visits when the number of open flowers was equalized between treatments, flower number was probably the main cue attracting native bees to plants. In the experiment without flower number control, syrphid flies, the other abundant pollinator taxon, spent more time per flower on the undamaged than on the damaged plants. When flower number was controlled, flies probed significantly more flowers during each visit on the undamaged than on the damaged plants and had higher visitation rates to undamaged plants early in the season. Since syrphid flies preferred undamaged plants both with and without flower number control, they apparently used cues apart from flower number for visitation. The difference between undamaged and damaged plants in floral characteristics and pollinator visitation vanished within a few weeks after the start of flowering. This result suggests that early damage may not have a strong fitness effect through reduction in mating success. However, poor weather conditions can cause early mortality of plants in the field, and nutrient depletion and competition decrease fruit set of later flowers. Therefore, conditions exist under which visitation to early flowers may affect plant fitness. Received: 30 July 1996 / Accepted: 10 February 1997  相似文献   

Gene flow from glufosinate-resistant transgenic oilseed rape to wild radish was studied over two backcross generations. Under field conditions,?seed production from oilseed rape-wild radish F1 hybrids due to pollination by wild radish was always low: on average 0.12 and 0.78 seeds per 100 flowers and per plant, respectively. The cytogenetics of the resulting «BC1» plants can be explained in the main by three different genomic constitutions: either ACRrRr, 2n=37, ACRr, 2n=28 (the same chromosome number as the mother plant), or by the amphidiploid AACCRrRr, 2n=56. The probability of gene exchange through chromosome pairing was high only in plants with 2n=28 or 37 chromosomes. Due to the viability of unreduced or partially reduced female gametes, most of the «BC1» plants (81.9%) were Basta resistant whereas the analysis of oilseed rape specific loci indicated that their transmission varied with the locus. In spite of low male fertility (8.7%), an improvement of the female fertility over the F1 hybrids was observed with an average production of 1.4 and 11 seeds per 100 flowers and per plant, respectively. At the following «BC2» generation, the bar gene transmission (57.2% of Basta-resistant plants) decreased as did the chromosome number, with a majority of plants having between 24 and 27 chromosomes, with 10.5% similar to wild radish (2n=18). The lower the chromosome number, the better the fertility of the «BC2» plants. On average, 7.9 and 229.3 seeds per 100 flowers and per plant were produced. Gene-flow assessment is discussed based on these data.  相似文献   

The process of introgression between a transgenic crop modified for better agronomic characters and a wild relative could lead potentially to increased weediness and adaptation to the environment of the wild species. However, the formation of hybrid and hybrid progeny could be associated with functional imbalance and low fitness, which reduces the risk of gene escape and establishment of the wild species in the field. Our work compares the fitness components of parents and different types of backcross in the sixth generation of hybrids between transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus, AACC, 2n = 38) resistant to the herbicide glufosinate and wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum, RrRr, 2n = 18). The backcross with oilseed rape cytoplasm (OBC) has a fitness value 100 times lower than that of the backcross with wild radish cytoplasm (RBC). The herbicide-resistant RBC has similar growth to the susceptible RBC, but final male and female fitness values are two times lower. In turn, susceptible RBC exhibit similar fitness to the control wild radishes. The relative fitnesses of the different types are the same whether or not they grow under competitive conditions. The consequence on fitness of the chromosome location of the transgene conferring resistance and the relevance of these results to the impact of gene flow on the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of populations is an important determinant of the evolutionary potential of a species. Colonizing plants tend to be characterized by low within- and high among-population variability. Genetic differentiation of both floral traits and isozymes was studied in six populations of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). Evidence for differentiation in both sets of traits was found, but patterns of differentiation of floral traits did not coincide with isozyme differentiation. Contrary to most colonizing species, wild radish showed high within- and only moderate among-population variability at isozyme loci. In addition, levels of differentiation did not correspond to geographic distance between the populations. These results are likely due at least in part to the self-incompatibility system of this species, long-distance movement of large numbers of wild radish seeds by humans, and introgression from cultivated radish (R. sativus).  相似文献   

Spontaneous deleterious mutation has been measured in a handful of organisms, always under laboratory conditions and usually employing inbred species or genotypes. We report the results of a mutation accumulation experiment with an outbred annual plant, Raphanus raphanistrum, with lifetime fitness measured in both the field and the greenhouse. This is the first study to report the effects of spontaneous mutation measured under field conditions. Two large replicate populations (N(e) approximately 600) were maintained with random mating in the greenhouse under relaxed selection for nine generations before the field assay was performed and ten generations before the greenhouse assay. Each generation, every individual was mated twice, once as a pollen donor and once as a pollen recipient, and a single seed from each plant was chosen randomly to create the next generation. The ancestral population was maintained as seeds at 4 degrees C. Declines in lifetime fitness were observed in both the field (1.7% per generation; P= 0.27) and the greenhouse (0.6% per generation; P= 0.07). Significant increases in additive genetic variance for fitness were found for stems per day, flowers per stem, fruits per flower and seeds per fruit in the field as well as for fruits per flower in the greenhouse. Lack of significance of the fitness decline may be due to the short period of mutation accumulation, the use of outbred populations, or both. The percent declines in fitness are at the high end of the range observed in other mutation accumulation experiments and give some support to the idea that mutational effects may be magnified under harsher field conditions. Thus, measurement of mutational parameters under laboratory conditions may underestimate the effects of mutations in natural populations.  相似文献   

Different cultivars/transgenic lines of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) were crossed (as females) with different cultivars/populations of Brassica campestris. All cross combinations produced seed, with an average seed set per pollination of 9.8. Backcrossing of selected interspecific hybrids (as females) to B. campestris resulted in a much lower seed set, average 0.7 seed per pollination. In the single backcross progeny where a large enough population (92 plants) was obtained for analysis, 33 B. napus specific RAPD markers were investigated to determine the extent of transfer of oilseed rape genetic material into this population. Markers were transferred to the backcross generation with frequencies ranging from 26% to 91%. Almost all of the markers (30/33) were transferred in a frequency not significantly different from 50%. Analysis of the pairwise segregation of markers revealed that 23 markers could be assigned to six linkage groups, most probably reflecting six B. napus C-chromosomes. The presence of backcross plants with recombinant genotypes suggests that complex genetic processes can take place during interspecific hybridisation and backcrossing in these Brassica species. The implications of our results for the possible choice of integration sites of transgenes in oilseed rape are discussed.  相似文献   

Two winter oilseed rape mutant lines, 7488 and 19661, with a high oleic (HO) acid content in the seed oil were characterized phenotypically. In both mutant lines the HO trait was monogenically inherited. Segregation analysis in an F2 population derived from a cross between 7488 and 19661 showed the two mutations to be allelic. From a comparison of seed, leaf and root fatty acid composition it was concluded that fad2, the endoplasmic oleic acid desaturase, is affected by the mutation. In a bulked segregant analysis three AFLP markers linked to this mutation were detected and localized on the genetic map of Brassica napus. The markers mapped near the locus of one copy of the fad2 gene in the rapeseed genome. Received: 16 February 2000 / Accepted: 28 March 2000  相似文献   

The glucosinolate content of oilseed rape {Brassica napus) leaves was monitored over the growth period 30–70 days after planting, and a comparison made between a single-low cultivar (low in erucic acid), Bienvenu, and a double-low cultivar (low in erucic acid and glucosinolate), Cobra. In older, fully-expanded leaves the glucosinolate concentration was very low (< 0.3 μmol/ml tissue water) and did not alter during the course of the experiment. In developing sixth leaves glucosinolate content increased rapidly and reached a maximum concentration (4–5 μmol/ml tissue water) 40 days after planting (6 days after leaf emergence). The concentration then declined, to about 1 μmol/ml after 60 days although the total glucosinolate content in leaves continued to increase until 50 days; much of the reduction in concentration was simply a result of leaf expansion. No major differences were seen between the two varieties in total glucosinolate content or in the individual compounds present. Cv. Cobra developed more quickly than cv. Bienvenu so direct comparison between leaves of the two cultivars was complex. When comparing the glucosinolate content of oilseed rape leaves, between cultivars or between treatments, it is vital to ensure that carefully matched leaves of comparable developmental age are selected.  相似文献   

Chemical control of insect pests is often necessary to ensure high yields of field crops. The aim of the present study was to study whether field pesticide use influences amount of pest damage in neighbouring garden crops. Spring oilseed rape, OSR (Brassica napus L.), was established in Southern Sweden as an example of an agricultural field crop. One half of the OSR field was treated with insecticides to control flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp., Chrysomelidae) and pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus Fab., Nitidulidae). Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) was used as an example of a common garden crop and it was sown as four replications at three different distances and on four occasions during the season. Care was taken to protect the radish plots from pesticide due to wind drift during applications. Damage to the radish by flea beetle and cabbage root fly (Delia radicum L., Anthomyiidae) along with unspecified leaf damage was recorded. Significantly lower damage by flea beetles was found on cotyledons of radish adjacent to the insecticide treated side of the OSR field compared to the untreated side in radishes from the first sowing. Unspecified damage to true leaves was also less abundant on radishes at the treated side of the OSR field as compared to the untreated side, in all three of the radish harvests analysed. However, radish plot distance from the OSR field did not influence leaf damage. Root fly damage rates in radish did not differ significantly between those adjacent to the treated and untreated sides of the OSR. Damage rates were, however, higher in the radish plots closest to the OSR field in the first sowing, which coincides with the appearance of the first ovipositing females after overwintering as pupae elsewhere. Generally, insecticide treatment in the agricultural field appeared to influence overall damage in the neighbouring garden crop, despite the fact that the garden crop was protected against wind drift of the insecticides during applications.  相似文献   

 Bulked segregant analysis and comparative mapping were applied to identify molecular markers linked to the Rfo restorer gene used for the Ogu-INRA cytoplasmic male-sterility system in rapeseed. These markers were then used to localise the radish introgression on the B. napus genetic map constructed from the cross ‘Darmor.bzh’ x ’Yudal’. The introgression mapped on the DY15 linkage group. From the comparison of this latter group to the linkage group constructed on a F2 progeny segregating for the radish introgression, it was concluded that the introgression had occurred through homoeologous recombination, that it was not distal and that it had replaced a B. napus region of around 50 cM. A QTL involved in aliphatic seed glucosinolate content was located on the DY15 linkage group at a position corresponding to one end of the introgression. The DNA markers identified in this study are being used in map-based cloning of the Rfo gene and in marker-assisted selection. Received: 3 December 1997 / Accepted: 17 December 1997  相似文献   

One concern over growing herbicide-tolerant crops is that herbicide-tolerance genes may be transferred into the weeds they are designed to control. Brassica napus (oilseed rape) has a number of wild relatives that cause weed problems and the most widespread of these is Sinapis arvensis (charlock). Sinapis arvensis seed was collected from 102 populations across the UK, within and outside B. napus-growing areas. These populations were tested for sexual compatibility with B. napus and it was found that none of them hybridized readily in the glasshouse. In contrast to previous studies, we have found that hybrids can be formed naturally with S. arvensis as the maternal parent. Six diverse B. napus cultivars (Capricorn, Drakkar, Falcon, Galaxy, Hobson and Regent) were tested for their compatibility with S. arvensis but no cultivar hybridized readily in the glasshouse. We were unable to detect gene transfer from B. napus to S. arvensis in the field, confirming the extremely low probability of hybridization predicted from the glasshouse work.  相似文献   

The genetics of fertility restoration (Rf) of kosena radish CMS has been characterized. The kosena CMS-Rf system is genetically the same as that of the ogura CMS-Rf system. Two dominant genes that act complementary to the restoration of fertility control fertility restoration in kosena CMS. One allele (Rf1) is associated with accumulation of the CMS-associated protein, ORF125. The interaction of Rf1 and another allele (Rf2) was essential for the restoration of fertility in radish, whereas Rf1 alone was sufficient for the complete restoration of fertility in the B. napus kosena CMS cybrid. Received: 13 August 1999 / Accepted: 16 September 1999  相似文献   

In order to assess the hybridization rate between oilseed rape and wild radish under normal agronomic conditions, three 1-ha field experiments were performed. In each case, wild radish plants were transplanted at different densities in the middle, the border, or the margin of the herbicide-tolerant oilseed rape field. Among the 189084 seedlings obtained from seeds harvested on wild radish plants, only one herbicide-tolerant interspecific hybrid (RrRrAC, 2n = 37) was characterized from seeds harvested on an isolated plant growing in the margin of the field. Thus, for the wild radish total harvest, with a 95% confidence limit, the frequency of interspecific hybrids was assessed to range from 10–7 to 3.10–5. Interspecific hybrids were detected in all cases among the smallest seeds with a diameter less than 1.6 mm harvested on oilseed rape, but the highest frequency was obtained from oilseed rape close to wild radish plants growing as clusters in the border or the margin of the field. Most hybrids had the expected triploid genomic structure (ACRr, 2n = 28) except for four amphidiploids (AACCRrRr, 2n = 56) and one hybrid from a wild radish unreduced gamete (ACRrRr, 2n = 37). Among the 73847 seedlings observed on the oilseed rape total harvest, the frequency of interspecific hybrids was assessed to range from 2.10–5to 5.10–4, with a 95% confidence limit. The results are discussed with regard to the type of oilseed rape variety used and the characteristics of the interspecific hybrids. Received: 5 October 1999 / Accepted: 11 November 1999  相似文献   

Fitness of hybrids between genetically modified (GM) crops and wild relatives influences the likelihood of ecological harm. We measured fitness components in spontaneous (non-GM) rapeseed x Brassica rapa hybrids in natural populations. The F1 hybrids yielded 46.9% seed output of B. rapa, were 16.9% as effective as males on B. rapa and exhibited increased self-pollination. Assuming 100% GM rapeseed cultivation, we conservatively predict < 7000 second-generation transgenic hybrids annually in the United Kingdom (i.e. approximately 20% of F1 hybrids). Conversely, whilst reduced hybrid fitness improves feasibility of bio-containment, stage projection matrices suggests broad scope for some transgenes to offset this effect by enhancing fitness.  相似文献   

转基因油菜的基因流及生态风险   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
综合评述了转基因油菜的基因流及其生态风险.油菜作为最早的转基因作物之一目前已在加拿大和澳大利亚大面积商业化应用.(常)异花授粉作物油菜的天然异交率可达30%左右,也易与其它芸苔属作物杂交,因此转基因油菜的生态风险已引起各国科学家的高度重视.转基因油菜主要通过与其野生近缘种的花粉交换和与非转基因油菜的花粉交换两种方式进行花粉的输出.基因可能逃逸到相关野生近缘种,但在大田环境下能够得到杂种的可能性很小;由于基因的漂流在油菜田块间确实存在,因此在种植转基因油菜的过程中必须考虑其间隔距离.  相似文献   

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