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We report the Soret absorption spectra (500-350 nm) of the cyanomet derivatives of human hemoglobin and horse myoglobin, in the temperature range 300-20 K and in two different solvents (65% v/v glycerol-water or 65% v/v ethylene glycol-water). In order to obtain information on stereodynamic properties of active site of the two hemeproteins, we perform an analysis of the band profiles within the framework of electron-vibrations coupling. This approach enables us to single out the various contributions to the spectral bandwidth, such as those arising from non-radiative decay of the excited electronic state (homogeneous broadening) and from the coupling of the electronic transition i) with high frequency modes (that determines the vibronic structure of the band) and ii) with a bath of low frequency modes (that is responsible for the temperature dependence of the experimental spectra). We discuss the relevant parameters and their temperature dependence and compare them with the ones already reported for other derivatives of the same hemeproteins in the same solvents. In particular, non-harmonic contributions to soft modes are found, for cyanomet derivatives, to be larger than those observed for liganded carbonmonoxy but smaller than those observed for unliganded deoxy derivatives. The reported data enable us to obtain information on the dependence of stereodynamic properties of the heme pocket upon iron oxidation state, dimensions of the exogenous ligand and composition of the external matrix. Correspondence to: M. Leone  相似文献   

The metal cofactor determines the thermal stability in cupredoxins, but how the redox state of copper modulates their melting points remains unknown. The metal coordination environment is highly conserved in cyanobacterial plastocyanins. However, the oxidised form is more stable than the reduced one in thermophilic Phormidium, but the opposite occurs in mesophilic Synechocystis. We have performed neutral amino-acid substitutions at loops of Phormidium plastocyanin far from the copper site. Notably, mutation P49G/G50P confers a redox-dependent thermal stability similar to that of the mesophilic plastocyanin. Moreover, X-ray absorption spectroscopy reveals that P49G/G50P mutation makes the electron density distribution at the oxidised copper site shift towards that of Synechocystis plastocyanin.  相似文献   

The relaxation enhancement caused by paramagnetic copper(II) is used to observe selectivelythe metal site of copper(I)-amicyanin by one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Theparamagnetic effect is communicated to the diamagnetic protein through the electron self-exchange reaction in partially oxidised samples, and can be used for the selective detectionof protons around the metal. Relaxation-selective NMR pulse sequences, like super-WEFTand WEFT-NOESY, are used to achieve the desired selection of the signals. The spectraobtained show well-resolved signals corresponding to protons within a radius of7 Å from the metal, including almost all protons from the coordinated residues. A significant increasein resolution as well as selection of the most relevant part of the protein (close to the activecentre) are the principal advantages of this technique, which can be used to obtain specificinformation about the metal site in blue copper proteins, to assist in the assignment of theirNMR spectra and to determine functional properties like the electron self-exchange rate.  相似文献   

In this short review we show how suitable analysis of the temperature dependence of the optical absorption spectra of metalloproteins can give insight into their stereodynamic properties in the region of the chromophore. To this end, the theory of coupling between an intense allowed electronic transition of a chromophore and Franck-Condon active vibrations of the nearby atoms is applied to the Soret band of hemeproteins to obtain an analytical expression suitable for fitting the spectral profile at various temperatures. The reported approach enables one to separate the various contributions to the overall bandwidth together with the parameters that characterize the vibrational coupling. The thermal behavior of these quantities gives information on the dynamic properties of the active site and on their dependence upon protein structure and ligation state. The Soret band of hemeproteins appears to be coupled to high frequency vibrational modes of the heme group (as already shown by resonance Raman spectroscopy) and to a bath of low frequency modes most likely deriving from the bulk of the protein. For the deoxy derivatives inhomogeneous broadening arising from conformational heterogeneity appears to contribute substantially to the linewidth. The data indicate the onset; at temperatures near 180 K, of large scale anharmonic motions that can be attributed to jumping among different conformational substates of the protein.Abbreviations MbCO Carbonmonoxy-myoglobin - Mb Deoxymyoglobin - Mb3+ Aquomet-myoglobin - SWMbCO Spermwhale carbonmonoxy-myoglobin - SWMb Spermwhale deoxy-myoglobin Correspondence to: A. Cupane  相似文献   

Hen-egg white lysozyme was used for studying the influence of temperature on crystallization. The reaction was initiated at variable temperatures, covering the range between 5–50 °C, and was monitored with photon correlation spectroscopy. When aggregation was induced by addition of NaCl, the clusters formed exhibited diffusion limited aggregation behavior and crystals appeared in less than two days. In contrast, (NH4)2SO4 induced aggregation took place mostly in the cross-over regime. In this case, solutions either remained transparent and void of crystals or formed gels within a few weeks. In both cases the kinetics could be dynamically scaled into master curves indicating that the precrystallization formed aggregates are fractals resulting from different collision processes.  相似文献   

Site directed spin-labeling (SDSL) has been used to probe the structural and dynamic features of residues comprising the sixth transmembrane segment of the mitochondrial oxoglutarate carrier. Starting from a functional carrier, where cysteines have been replaced by serines, 18 consecutive residues (from G281 to I298) have been mutated to cysteine and subsequently labeled with a thiol-selective nitroxide probe. The labeled proteins, reconstituted into liposomes, have been assayed for their transport activity and analyzed with continuous-wave electron paramagnetic resonance. Linewidth analysis, that is correlated to local probe mobility, indicates a well defined periodicity of the whole segment from G281 to I298, indicating that it has an α-helical structure. Saturation behaviour, in presence of paramagnetic perturbants of different hydrophobicities, allow the definition of the polarity of the individual residues and to assign their orientation with respect to the lipid bilayer or to the water accessible translocation channel. Comparison of the EPR data, homology model and activity data indicate that the segment is made by an alpha helix, accommodated in an amphipathic environment, partially distorted in the middle at the level of L289, probably because of the presence of a proline residue (P291). The C-terminal region of the segment is less restrained and more flexible than the N-terminus.  相似文献   

CaVP is a calcium-binding protein from amphioxus. It has a modular composition with two domains, but only the two EF-hand motifs localized in the C-terminal domain are functional. We recently determined the solution structure of this regulatory half (C-CaVP) in the Ca(2+)-saturated form and characterized the stepwise ion binding. This paper reports the (15)N nuclear relaxation rates of the Ca(2+)-saturated C-CaVP, measured at four different NMR fields (9.39, 11.74, 14.1, and 18.7 T), which were used to map the spectral density function for the majority of the amide H(N)-N vectors. Fitting the spectral density values at eight frequencies by a model-free approach, we obtained the microdynamic parameters characterizing the global and internal movements of the polypeptide backbone. The two EF-hand motifs, including the ion binding loops, behave like compact structural units with restricted mobility as reflected in the quite uniform order parameter and short internal correlation time (< 20 nsec). Comparative analysis of the two Ca(2+) binding sites shows that site III, having a larger affinity for the metal ion, is generally more rigid, and the amide vector in the second residue of each loop is significantly less restricted. The linker fragment is animated simultaneously by a larger amplitude fast motion and a slow conformational exchange on a microsecond to millisecond time scale. The backbone dynamics of C-CaVP characterized here is discussed in relation with other well-characterized Ca(2+)-binding proteins. Supplemental material: See www.proteinscience.org  相似文献   

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