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The urogenital vasculature of the tammar comprises 4 major paired arteries and veins: the ovarian, the cranial urogenital, the caudal urogenital and the internal pudendal artery and vein. The ovarian artery and vein and their uterine branches which supply the ovary, oviduct and uterus, ramify extensively. Each anterior urogenital artery and vein supplies the caudal regions of the ipsilateral uterus, lateral and median vagina and cranial parts of the urogenital sinus. The caudal urogenital arteries and veins supply the urogenital sinus and caudal regions of the bladder. The internal pudendal artery and vein vascularize the cloacal region, with some anastomoses with branches of the external pudendal vessels. Anastomoses connect the uterine branch of the ovarian artery with the uterine branch of the cranial urogenital and cranial branches of the caudal urogenital arteries, and connect the caudal urogenital and the internal pudendal arteries. Anastomotic connections between the left and right arterial supply also occur across the midline of the cervical regions of the uteri and the anterior lateral vaginae. Similar connections are seen in the venous system. The uterine branch of the ovarian artery ramifies extensively very close to the ovary, giving a plexiform arrangement with the ovarian veins, and also with the uterine venous system on the lateral side of each uterus. This plexiform structure provides an anatomical arrangement which could allow a local transfer of ovarian hormones from ovarian vein into the uterine arterial supply, and thence to the ipsilateral uterus. Progesterone concentrations in plasma from the mesometrial side of the uterine branch of the ovarian vein are markedly higher than in tail vein plasma, especially during the 'Day 5 peak' early in pregnancy, and also at full term. There is also a marked decrease in progesterone concentration from all sites immediately before birth as previously reported for peripheral plasma. These results support the suggestion of a countercurrent transfer mechanism, at least for progesterone, and possibly other hormones, between the ovarian vein and uterine artery. Such a local transfer could explain the different morphological responses of the endometria of the two adjacent uteri during pregnancy in macropodid marsupial species.  相似文献   

To elucidate compositional changes of the rami of the internal iliac artery with aging, the authors investigated age-related changes of the calcium content in the uterine, internal pudendal, umbilical, and obturator arteries by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. After an ordinary dissection was finished, the uterine, internal pudendal, umbilical, and obturator arteries were resected from 10 female subjects, and the internal pudendal, umbilical, and obturator arteries were resected from 10 male subjects. The female subjects ranged in age from 52 to 96 yr, and the male subjects ranged in age from 63 to 88 yr. The calcium content in the uterine artery began to increase in the seventies and increased markedly in the nineties. In the internal pudendal artery, the calcium content hardly increased up to the eighties and increased significantly in the nineties. In contrast, the calcium content did not change in both the umbilical and obturator arteries with advancing age. It was found that the average content of calcium was the highest in the uterine artery and decreased in the order internal pudendal, umbilical, and obturator arteries. The average content of calcium in the uterine arteries corresponded to 46-fold the amount of the women's obturartor arteries, in which it was the lowest. In the cases of men, the average content of calcium was higher in the order of the internal pudendal, umbilical, and obturator arteries. Regarding the average content of calcium, the order internal pudendal, umbilical, and obturator arteries of the men was consistent with that of the women.  相似文献   

The origin, distribution and structure of the blood vessels of the female reproductive tract and the testis of the brush possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) were studied using latex and silicone rubber casting and histological techniques. Latex casts of the vessels of the female tract were also studied in five macropod species – Macropus giganteus, M. eugenii, M. agilis, Megaleia rufa and Thylogale billardierii, and in the common wombat (Vombatus ursinus). The female reproductive tract in the brush possum was supplied and drained by four major sets of paired vessels – ovarian, cranial urogenital, caudal urogenital, and internal pudendal arteries and veins. These vessels formed substantial anastomoses with one another on each side of the midline, and also across-the-midline anastomoses. The proximal part of the ovarian artery ran in close apposition to the ovarian vein, which received one or more large uterine branches. In its distal protion the ovarian artery gave rise to a leash of small, tortuous ovarian branches, which wound around and between the plexiform ovarian veins. The testicular arteries and veins in this species also ran in close apposition to one another. Both arteries and veins branched into many smaller, mildly tortuous, parallel vessels in the spermatic cord, which reunited before entering the testis. The blood vessels of the reproductive tract in all of the macropod species studied, and in the common wombat, were basically similar to those of the brush possum. The intimate structural relationships between ovarian arteries and veins, and their ovarian branches, in these marsupials are suggestive of specializations for counter-current exchange between venous and arterial blood. However, in contrast to those of the testicular vessels where heat exchange is a demonstrated function, their physiological significance remains unknown.  相似文献   

By Falck's method monoaminocytes of the arteries in the encephalon base were studied in Teleostei (Anarhichas lupus, Eleginus navaga, Leuciscus brandti Liza soiuy in amphibians (Rana temporaria, Rana semiplicata, Bufo bufo), in reptiles (Testudo horsfiedli, Trionyx chinensis) and in birds (blue rock pigeon, hen). Specific and individual peculiarities in chromaffinocyte, labrocyte and melanophore distribution were revealed in the vertebrate cranial arteries. In all the animals studied chromaffin cells are more frequent in the lateral olfactory artery. Their concentration decreases towards cranial, caudal branches of the internal carotid artery, the main and internal carotid arteries. The greatest amount of chromaffinocytes was found in the cranial arteries of Anarhichas lupus, then comes Eleginus navaga, Leuciscus brandti and Liza soiny Concentration of melanophores in fishes increases with enlargement of the vascular diameter; these cells are more abundant in the arteries of Anarhichas lupus and in less amount in Eleginus navaga, Leuciscus brandti and Liza. Pigmented cells are more abundant in the internal carotid artery and its cranial and caudal branches than in lateral, olfactory and main arteries of fishes. On the contrary, in amphibians, the main artery contains a maximal concentration of melanophores. In the tortoise cranial arteries, there are only single cells of this type, and birds have no such cells. Labrocytes occur in the greatest concentration in the tortoise cranial arteries and in other vertebrates they are scarce or absent. As a whole, the role of the local endocrine link in regulation of the brain arteries mobility decreases in the following way: fishes--amphibians--reptiles--birds.  相似文献   

Pregnancy terminated for a severe oligoamnios and renal dysplasia. Chromosomal, gonadal, internal genitalia sexes are female. There is a cloacal dysgenesis, with caudal appendice and hypoplastic external genitalia of male type. Single umbilical artery and congenital cardiac malformation (complete atrio ventricular communication) are associated. Embryopathologic explanation for this female pseudo-hermaphroditism is proposed.  相似文献   

The branching patterns of meningeal arteries are reported for 200 endocast hemispheres representing rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) of known cranial capacity. We detect five basic patterns for the branching of the anterior division of the middle meningeal artery and its relationship with the anterior meningeal artery. These results confirm and elaborate trends published for much smaller samples that were based on direct dissections of rhesus monkey arterial patterns. The most common pattern is that in which the anterior meningeal artery dominates the blood supply above the rostral part of the middle cranial fossa. Analysis of cranial capacities reveals that presence of this pattern on both sides of endocasts is associated with increased cranial capacity. When studied in light of published reports of anatomical dissections of cranial arteries in apes and human embryological data, the anterior meningeal artery in rhesus monkeys appears to be a possible homologue of the lacrimal meningeal artery in apes and the anterior branch of the middle meningeal artery in humans. This finding provides a step towards understanding cranial vasculature homologies that may be useful for accurately scoring the branching patterns of the meningeal arteries in monkeys, apes, and humans.  相似文献   

The pudendal thigh flap is a sensate fasciocutaneous flap based on the terminal branches of the superficial perineal artery, which is a continuation of the internal pudendal artery. Several authors have reported using this axial patterned flap in a bilateral fashion to reconstruct the vagina, mostly in patients with vaginal atresia. The technique is simple, safe, and reliable, and no stents or dilators are required. The reconstructed vagina has a natural angle and is sensate. The donor site in the groin can be closed primarily with an inconspicuous scar.The distinct advantages of this flap widen its indications to several other pathologies. In this article, the authors report on the bilateral use of the flap to reconstruct a vagina in patients with congenital atresia (n = 8) and after oncological resection (n = 5). Furthermore, the versatility of this island flap is also demonstrated by its use in a unilateral fashion in patients with recurrent or complex rectovaginal fistulas (n = 4) and in two patients with a defect of the posterior urethra in a heavily scarred perineum.All 31 pudendal thigh flaps survived completely. Some wound dehiscence was observed in two patients. Two other patients required a minor correction at the introitus of the vagina. The functional outcome was excellent in all patients, despite the presence of some hair growth in the flaps.This article discusses the expanding indications of this versatile flap and the refinements in operative technique.  相似文献   

The medial caudal artery, being a continuation of the aorta, ensures blood transport to all tissues of the caudal part of the dolphin body and its caudal fins. The branches of this artery are accompanied with some veins (complex vessels). In the microcirculatory bed there are many arteriolo-venulous anastomoses. The greatest attention of the author has been paid to the capillaries of the dermal pappilae which deeply penetrate into epidermis. It is possible to think that in this way: a) thermoregulation is improved; b) a greater hydroelastic effect is reached; c) epidermis blood supply is facilitated; d) certain conditions are created for synthesis of the dermal excretion.  相似文献   

A complex of special structures having compensatory-adaptive character has been found in the umbilical artery wall of a mature dog. The role of the structures revealed is to participate in an active regulation of the blood stream. In the test animals with a model of the blood stream disorder in the iliac artery reservoir, the importance of the structures of its active regulation increases. The investigations performed have stated the fact, that the canine umbilical artery during the postnatal period of ontogenesis actively participates in regulation of the blood stream in the internal iliac artery reservoir. In some cases the umbilical artery plays the role of a blocking artery, in others--as a powerful arteriovenous formation and it is able to participate in distribution and regulation of the blood stream.  相似文献   

To determine the possibility of providing alternative surgical techniques for male genital reconstruction and for male-to-female sex reassignment surgery, the authors undertook an anatomic investigation of the perineogenital region in male cadavers. Anatomic dissection was performed on 14 male adult human cadavers (fresh and formalin-preserved) studying the main afferent vessels to the anterior perineal region and their mean internal diameters: deep external pudendal artery (0.60 mm), superficial perineal artery (0.50 mm), and funicular artery (0.37 mm). We established their exact topography, together with vascular anatomic variations, main vascular anastomosis circuits (base of the penis, scrotal septum, and perineal fat and lateral spermatic-scrotal fascia), angiosomes, anatomy of the rectovesical septum cavity, and their "critical" key points of dissection. The authors discuss the clinical possibility of elevation of a "tree" of previously described paragenital-genital flaps including mainly those based on the terminal branches of the internal pudendal vascular system, the erectile tissue pedicled flaps, and finally, flaps of the external pudendal system. The authors indicate the concrete vascularization system for each flap.  相似文献   

Arterial supply to the stomach of dogs indigenous to Bangladesh was investigated by using latex. The hepatic, left gastric and splenic arteries sent their major branches to the stomach. The cranial and caudal branches of the left gastric artery supplied the lesser curvature of the stomach. The right gastric, and right and left gastroepiploic arteries also sent their branches to both the lesser and greater curvatures. Six or seven short gastric arteries from the splenic artery supplied the greater curvature. Anastomoses between the left and right gastric, between the left and right gastroepiploic, and between short gastric arteries and left gastric arteries were observed.  相似文献   

The development of the “internal carotid” arterial system of the lesser galago (Galago senegalensis senegalensis)is described. The first artery to be formed is a typical promontory artery which runs through the middle-ear cavity and gives off the stapedial artery. It terminates in the cranial cavity by dividing into the middle cerebral, anterior cerebral, and two ophthalmic arteries. It is accompanied by the internal carotid nerve. A medially directed artery to the external carotid rete arises from the commencement of the promontory artery and joins the caudal end of the rete, whose cranial end lies in the foramen lacerum. As the promontory artery enters the cranial cavity, it communicates with the cranial end of the rete. The promontory artery, between the origin of the artery to the rete and its connection with the rete, becomes narrowed and eventually disappears. Thus the internal carotid artery is formed from the commencement of the promontory artery, the artery to the rete, the external carotid rete, and the terminal intracranial part of the promontory artery. The relationships of the artery to the rete indicate that it is the homologue of the human ascending pharyngeal artery.  相似文献   

In this study, a case of an ingested toothpick partially migrating from the sigmoid colon, causing massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding due to arterial-colic fistula, and stricture of the left ureter is presented. A 70-year-old male was admitted to the emergency department after having feces mixed with fresh and coagulated blood for the past two days. Computed tomography and retrograde ureteropyelography showed the stricture of the left ureter, 1.5 cm below the branching of iliac artery, without any signs of malignancy. Colonoscopy showed fresh blood in the rectum and sigmoid colon up to the neoplasm like granulation tissue mixed with fresh and coagulated blood, which almost obstructed the lumen. Explorative laparotomy showed a foreign body (toothpick) perforating the sigmoid colon through the mesenterial wall, and being stocked with one-third into the left internal iliac artery, causing arterial-colic fistula. The remaining part of the toothpick was surrounded by granulation tissue and chronic inflammatory process, pressing on the distal third of the left ureter. We conclude that a swallowed toothpick may cause a significant gastrointestinal injury with a wide variety of clinical manifestations, and it must be treated with caution. The imaging studies are often inadequate in detecting toothpicks, and thus, we insist on a physical examination, as the best indicator of injury.  相似文献   

The absence of the cranial three-fifths of the vaginae of male mice carrying the gene, Testicular Feminization, provides strong support for the view that vaginal epithelium is of dual origin, the cranial three-fifths being of Mullerian in origin and the caudal two-fifths being derived from the urogenital sinus.  相似文献   

Devil rays (Mobulidae) have large brains that rest in a voluminous chondrocranium almost completely filled by a rete mirabile cranica (RMC). The RMC is a massive arterial network grossly divisible into a “caudal RMC” supplying blood to the brain, and an expanded, more complex “precerebral RMC” nested within the large cranial cavity rostral to the telencephalon. Both the caudal and precerebral retia originate from the posterior portion of the profundae cerebri arteries, which lie ventral to the brain and form the sides of a vascular triangle, the base of which is anterior and formed by the joining of the internal carotids; the vertex is posterior and median, corresponding to the anterior extreme of the spinalis impar artery. Vessels of the caudal RMC branch posteriorly from the profundae cerebri and course over and into the brain. Vessels branching more anteriorly course rostrally to form the precerebral RMC, which takes the shape of the cranial cavity and completely envelops the olfactory peduncles. Large retial arteries (1-mm diameter) branch and taper to about 50–150 μm, forming a system of small arteries or arterioles. Many give rise to a mesh of tertiary vessels (precapillary arterioles or capillaries, ca. 20–50 μm in diameter), which, along with arterioles, are embedded in the adventitia of these arteries, with which they communicate by numerous anastomoses. Although the function of the RMC remains enigmatic, its complexity and fine structure are suggestive, and hypotheses of its role are discussed.  相似文献   

The budding of the urogenital sinus epithelium into the surrounding mesenchyme signals the onset of prostate morphogenesis. The epithelial and mesenchymal factors that regulate ductal budding and the ensuing process of ductal growth and branching are not fully known. We provide evidence that bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) is a mesenchymal factor that regulates ductal morphogenesis. The Bmp4 gene was most highly expressed in the male urogenital sinus from embryonic day 14 through birth, a period marked by formation of main prostatic ducts and initiation of ductal branching. From an initial wide distribution throughout the prostatic anlage of the urogenital sinus, Bmp4 expression became progressively restricted to the mesenchyme immediately surrounding the nascent prostatic ducts and branches. Exogenous BMP4 inhibited epithelial cell proliferation and exhibited a dose-dependent inhibition of ductal budding in urogenital sinus tissues cultured in vitro. Adult Bmp4 haploinsufficient mice exhibited an increased number of duct tips in both the ventral prostate and coagulating gland. Taken together, our data indicate that BMP4 is a urogenital sinus mesenchymal factor that restricts prostate ductal budding and branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

BackgroundVagus nerve stimulation is increasingly applied to treat epilepsy, psychiatric conditions and potentially chronic heart failure. After implanting vagus nerve electrodes to the cervical vagus nerve, side effects such as voice alterations and dyspnea or missing therapeutic effects are observed at different frequencies. Cervical vagus nerve branching might partly be responsible for these effects. However, vagus nerve branching has not yet been described in the context of vagus nerve stimulation.ResultsCervical vagus nerve branching was observed in 29% of all cases (26% unilaterally, 3% bilaterally) and proven histologically in all cases. Right-sided branching (22%) was more common than left-sided branching (12%) and occurred on the level of the fourth and fifth vertebra on the left and on the level of the second to fifth vertebra on the right side. Vagus nerves without branching were significantly larger than vagus nerves with branches, concerning their diameters (4.79 mm vs. 3.78 mm) and cross-sections (7.24 mm2 vs. 5.28 mm2).DiscussionCervical vagus nerve branching is considerably more frequent than described previously. The side-dependent differences of vagus nerve branching may be linked to the asymmetric effects of the vagus nerve. Cervical vagus nerve branching should be taken into account when identifying main trunk of the vagus nerve for implanting electrodes to minimize potential side effects or lacking therapeutic benefits of vagus nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

A 59-year-old male patient admitted to our hospital with a pulsatile right gluteal mass with history of formation after blunt trauma. Persistent sciatic artery and its traumatic aneurysm was diagnosed after medical examination followed by peripheric digital substraction angiography. Surgery was performed under general anesthesia, and the patient was discharged from the hospital on postoperative day 7 without any problems. The sciatic artery, a continuation of the internal iliac artery into the popliteal-tibial vessels, represents the major blood supply to the lower limb in early embryologic development. Its persistence is very rare, and the aneurysmatic dilatation is the most common pathology diagnosed. Here, we present a rare case of persistent sciatic artery presenting with a traumatic aneurysm treated by iliopopliteal bypass surgery and ligation of the internal iliac artery proximal to the aneurysm.  相似文献   

The progression of 3H-labelled spermatozoa (thymidine or arginine) was followed through the tracts of unilaterally vasectomized, bilaterally vasectomized, oligozoospermic (t6/tw5) and normal mice; the regional lymph nodes were also investigated. The same rate of sperm production and transport was found in normal and in vasectomized tracts, down to the corpus epididymidis; there was some delay in spermatozoa entering the cauda in the vasectomized tracts. In the mouse, therefore, vasectomy does not affect the rates of sperm production or transport until just before the blockage in the swollen cauda epididymidis. Radioactivity appeared in the caudal and 'para-aortic' lymph nodes as the radioactive spermatozoa passed from the corpus, showing that this is one route of disposal of spermatozoa, or of sperm products, after vasectomy. Naturally oligozoospermic and normal mice gave similar results; again the caudal, iliac and renal lymph nodes received radioactive spermatozoa/sperm products. Some loss of (by definition) superfluous spermatozoa in the normal male tract therefore occurs naturally by this route, and we suggest that vasectomy further exploits this physiological pathway. This would account for the finding that many males do not make antisperm antibodies after vasectomy, just as normal males do not, even though their lymph nodes normally receive spermatozoa/sperm products.  相似文献   

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