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Cerotoma trifurcata F?rster (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Bean pod mottle virus (Comoviridae) (BPMV) both can reduce yield and seed quality of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of systemic, seed-applied, and foliar-applied insecticides for the management of this pest complex at three locations in central, northeastern, and northwestern Iowa during 2002-2004. Seed-applied insecticide was evaluated according to a currently recommended management program for Iowa (i.e., insecticide applications that target emerging overwintered beetles, F0, and the first seasonal generation, F1 ). The experimental treatments included seed-applied (thiamethoxam, 0.3-0.5 g [AI] kg(-1)] or clothianidin, 47.32 ml [AI] kg(-1)) and foliar-applied (A-cyhalothrin, 16.83-28.05 g [AI] ha(-1)) or esfenvalerate (43.74-54.69 g [AI] ha(-1)) insecticides. Applications of the foliar insecticides were timed to target F0, F1 or both F0 and F1 populations of C. trifurcata. Our results confirm that insecticides timed at F0 and F1 populations of C. trifurcata can reduce vector populations throughout the growing season, provide limited reduction in virus incidence, and improve both yield and seed coat color. Furthermore, seed-applied insecticides may be the more reliable option for an F0-targeted insecticide if used within this management strategy. An F0-targeted insecticide by itself only gave a yield improvement in one out of eight location-years. However, by adding an F1-targeted insecticide, there was a yield gain of 1.42-1.67 quintal ha(-1), based on contrast comparisons at three location-years.  相似文献   

Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) is a management concern for soybean, Glycine max (L.), producers in the North Central states because it can cause yield loss and reduce seed quality by induction of seed coat mottling. The main vector of BPMV is the bean leaf beetle, Cerotoma trifurcata (Forster). An experiment was conducted in 2000 and 2001 at two locations in northwestern and central Iowa to test three insecticide treatments for suppression of bean leaf beetles, and subsequently, BPMV. Treatments of insecticide applications with lambda-cyhalothrin were 1) a single early-season application (23 g [AI] /ha) (2.5 oz/acre) at the VE-VC soybean developmental stage; 2) two early-season applications, the first the same as treatment 1 and a second at the same rate 9-13 d later; 3) a single early-season application the same as treatment 1, followed by a mid-season application (28 g [AI] /ha (3.2 oz/acre) at approximately R2 (flowering, near 15 July); and 4) an unsprayed control. Application of lambda-cyhalothrin after soybean emergence and again as first-generation bean leaf beetles emerged in northwestern Iowa in 2000 (treatment 3) significantly reduced beetle densities through mid-season, BPMV field incidence by 31.5%, and seed coat mottling by 31.2%, compared with the unsprayed control. Similar effects were measured at the same location when insecticide was applied twice at early season (treatment 2). Yield was 453.7 kg/ha (6.74 bu/acre) greater in treatment 2 and 525.20 kg/ha (7.80 bu/acre) greater in treatment 3 than in the unsprayed control at the northwestern site in 2000. At both locations in 2001 fewer treatment effects were observed, which was likely related to lower beetle populations in that year. Early-season insecticide sprays targeted at overwintered beetles on VC-VE reduced the initial population of vector insects and may have contributed to a lower first-generation population because of reduced overwintered beetle oviposition. In 1 year at one location there was a benefit to an additional mid-season insecticide spray, although effectiveness of spraying at this time could vary based on the magnitude of the vector population.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior of adult leaf beetles (41 species from 18 genera and 8 subfamilies) was studied for the first time. Beetles of the genera Chrysolina, Chrysomela, Cryptocephalus, Galeruca, Gastrophysa, Labidostomis, Leptinotarsa, Timarcha, and Cassida stigmatica gnaw a leaf from the edge, whereas the representatives of Donacia, Galerucella, Lema, Lilioceris, Oulema, Phyllobrotica, Plagiodera, Zeugophora, Hypocassida, and most species of Cassida gnaw the leaf plane. In addition, adults of Lilioceris merdigera and Donacia clavipes feed on young leaves rolled into a tube. New host plants are reported for the first time: Hyoscyamus niger for the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle and Naumburgia thyrsiflora for Galerucella grisescens.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were performed on leaf beetles collected on flowers. Flower consumption (anthophagy) was demonstrated for adults of Donacia bicolora, D. brevitarsis, D. obscura, D. thalassina, Plateumaris discolor, Cryptocephalus laetus, C. sericeus, C. solivagus, Labidostomis longimana, Hydrothassa marginella, Phaedon concinnus, Galerucella nymphaeae, Neocrepidodera femorata, Altica oleracea, Aphthona lutescens, Longitarsus pellucidus, and larvae of Entomoscelis adonidis, H. marginella, and G. nymphaeae for the first time for all the species except for P. discolor, L. longimana, and C. sericeus. The feeding behavior was described, and the mouthparts of adults were studied. The mandibles and maxillae of the Donacia, Plateumaris, and Orsodacne species mentioned are adapted to consuming pollen. Some questions of ecology and evolution of anthophagy are discussed. An overview of literature on anthophagy in the leaf beetles is presented.  相似文献   

Two recently released, Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis, Mulsant, resistant soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, germplasm lines, HC95-15MB and HC95-24MB, were examined for foliar and pod feeding resistance to adult bean leaf beetles, Cerotoma trifurcata (Forster), western corn rootworms, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, and Japanese beetles, Popillia japonica Newman. Both lines were planted along with a susceptible control cultivar in 18 by 30-m plots and separate 0.8-ha size fields. Insects were sampled on a weekly basis with a sweep net. In late summer, defoliation ratings were recorded along with data on percentage pod feeding. Although a few significant differences in insect densities were obtained among the soybean lines on some sampling dates, no specific trends were observed in the ability of the resistant germplasm to reduce insect numbers. Insect population densities were similarly on all lines. However, both resistant lines were able to reduce defoliation during the growing season. Conversely, percentage pod feeding was similar among all the soybean lines, with no differences observed. The resistant germplasm lines appear able to lower levels of defoliation, and thus, offer a potential management tactic where leaf feeding, i.e., defoliation, is of concern. However, their ability to greatly reduce beetle population densities, and for the bean leaf beetle, to reduce pod feeding, appears limited.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field studies were undertaken to determine the effects of increased numbers of trichomes on seedling stems, petioles, and first true leaves of Brassica napus L., canola, on the feeding and behavior of the crucifer flea beetle Phyllotreta cruciferae (Goeze) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Seedlings of 'Westar' canola with genes inserted from Arabidopsis thaliana L. for increased trichome production, called Hairyl, were tested against Westar seedlings in no-choice and choice laboratory tests, and against parental plants and other cultivars grown from seed with and without insecticide in field trials at Saskatoon and Lethbridge, Canada. Analyses ofprefeeding and feeding behavior in no-choice tests of first true leaves found that flea beetles interacted with their host while off Hairyl leaves more so than beetles presented with leaves of Westar. Beetles required twice as much time to reach satiation when feeding on leaves with increased pubescence than on Westar leaves. In laboratory choice tests, flea beetles fed more on cotyledons and second true leaves of Westar than on comparable tissues of the transgenic line. In field trials, variations in feeding patterns were seen over time on cotyledons of the line with elevated trichomes. However, all four young true leaves of Hairyl seedlings were fed upon less than were the parental lines. Feeding on Hairyl plants frequently occurred at levels equal to or less than on cultivars grown from insecticide-treated seed. This study highlights the first host plant resistance trait developed in canola, dense pubescence, with a strong potential to deter feeding by crucifer flea beetles.  相似文献   

Smaragdina schereri sp. n., Chrysolina jiangi sp. n., Ch. geae sp. n., Ch. gansuica sp. n., Sclerophaedon daccordii sp. n., Neophaedon sichuanicus sp. n., Oreomela inflata sp. n., Xingeina nigrolucens sp. n., Shaira hemipteroides sp. n. and Calomicrus atroviridis sp. n. from Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan provinces of China are described. Types of the new species are deposited in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

The following new taxa of leaf beetles are described from Chinese provinces Gansu, Sichuan, and Xinjiang based on the material of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, where the types are deposited: Chrysolina confucii sp. n., Ch. daosana sp. n., Ch. infernalis sp. n., Ch. gruevi sp. n., Ch. songpana sp. n., Phratora alternata sp. n., Taipinus rotundatus gen. et sp. n., Oreomela milae sp. n. (Chrysomelinae) and Zangastra sichuanica sp. n. (Galerucinae).  相似文献   

Cucurbitacin E glycoside, extracted from a bitter mutant of Hawkesbury watermelon [Citrulls lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Syn. Citrullus vulgaris Schrad)] is the active ingredient of a feeding stimulant for the corn rootworm complex. It is the primary component of a water-soluble bait that can be combined with toxins for adult diabroticite control. Studies were conducted using phloxine B (D&C Red 28), a xanthene dye, as the toxin. This dye was efficacious against Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi Barber, spotted cucumber beetle, and Acalymma vittatum (F.), striped cucumber beetle, in cucumber plots and could be recovered from cucumber leaves for 8 d after treatment. The average amount of dye recovered per dead spotted cucumber beetle at 8 d after treatment was 0.173 microg. Concentrated and sugar-free fermented forms of the watermelon extract were developed and compared with the fresh juice in field applications on cucumber plants. There was no significant difference in mortality of beetles from phloxine B-bait prepared with fresh, fermented, or concentrated extract, although in laboratory studies, fermented juice had higher feeding stimulant activity.  相似文献   

Newly acquired Ulmus species from the temperate regions of China growing at The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL, were evaluated in laboratory bioassays for feeding preference and suitability for larvae and adults of the elm leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta luteola (Müller). Larval and adult no-choice and adult multiple-choice feeding studies revealed that U changii, U. lanceaefolia, U. prunifolia, U. pseudopropinqua, and U. taihangshanensis were the least suitable for feeding and reproduction by the elm leaf beetle. Ulmus wallichiana and the highly preferred U pumila were more suitable for feeding and reproduction. Suitability had no significant effect on male and female longevity. The least suitable species of U. changii, U. lanceaefolia, U. prunifolia, U. pseudopropinqua, and U. taihangshanensis show promise for future elm breeding programs.  相似文献   

Interception traps have been used to monitor and sample Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), populations in flight, but the efficiency of these traps was unknown. The efficiency of interception window traps is limited because flying adults avoid the traps and may bounce off the trap without being collected. All trap types tested were avoided in flight chamber tests, including those constructed of transparent Plexiglas or yellow wood boards. A larger screen trap and a harp trap designed to reduce detection were also avoided by the beetles in flight. None of the traps provide a direct estimate of the number of adults randomly flying in the trap area. The highest level of efficiency for window traps was obtained with the yellow trap, which caught 16% of the expected flying population. Harp and screen traps without frames intercepted 60-62% of the expected flying population. The presence of a frame did not increase significantly the avoidance of the screen and harp traps by beetles in flight. Recommendations are made to maintain or increase the efficiency of some traps.  相似文献   

Abstract Leaf beetles Gastrophysa viridula have attracted recently increased research interest from various points of view, since they are: (i) pest insects in rhubarb crops; (ii) potential biocontrol agents of dock plants Rumex spp. in grasslands; and (iii) a model species in ecological studies on insect population dynamics, biochemistry, behavior, biomechanics and biomimetics. The continuous rearing of beetles at standardized conditions may help to unify the fitness state of different individuals, allowing a better comparison of experimental results. The present communication suggests a modular space‐ and time‐saving rearing method of G. viridula in stackable faunariums under laboratory conditions, which has been successfully established and continuously used over the last 5 years. Several developmental stages were kept in separate boxes, and multiple generations were kept simultaneously, depending on the required number of beetles.  相似文献   

A new species, Macroplea skomorokhovi sp. n., is described from the Russian Far East, and a key to species of the genus Macroplea Curtis is given. Cryptocephalus oxysternus Jacobson (Primorskii Territory) and Longitarsus truncatellus Weise (northern Caucasus) are recorded for the Russian fauna for the first time.  相似文献   

The number and distribution of chiasmata per cell at diakinesis has been analyzed in four populations ofDicladispa testacea (L.) and in two ofPolyconia caroli Lepr. both having 2n=16 and a 7+Xyp male melotic formula. Most bivalents were unichiasmate and the distal chiasma position was the one most frequently encountered. One population ofDicladispa testacea could be distinguished from the remaining ones by the total number of chiasmata per cell. This intraspecific difference is discussed in relation with the degree of isolation between the four populations and other geographical characteristics.  相似文献   

Wolbachia endosymbionts are widespread among insects and other arthropods, often causing cytoplasmic incompatibility and other reproductive phenotypes in their hosts. Recently, possibilities of Wolbachia-mediated pest control and management have been proposed, and the bean beetles of the subfamily Bruchinae are known as serious pests of harvested and stored beans worldwide. Here we investigated Wolbachia infections in bean beetles from the world, representing seven genera, 20 species and 87 populations. Of 20 species examined, Wolbachia infections were detected in four species, Megabruchidius sophorae, Callosobruchus analis, C. latealbus and C. chinensis. Infection frequencies were partial in M. sophorae but perfect in the other species. In addition to C. chinensis described in the previous studies, C. latealbus was infected with two distinct Wolbachia strains. These Wolbachia strains from the bean beetles were phylogenetically not closely related to each other. Among world populations of C. chinensis, some Taiwanese populations on a wild leguminous plant, Rhynchosia minima, exhibited a peculiar Wolbachia infection pattern, suggesting the possibility that these populations comprise a distinct host race or a cryptic species.  相似文献   

Adult activity of native green June beetles, Cotinis nitida L., and invasive Japanese beetles, Popillia japonica Newman, peaked in late July in Kentucky coincident with later stages of veraison in early- and midseason ripening grape (Vitis spp.) cultivars. Most C. nitida feeding aggregations sampled on clusters of early-ripening grapes in the research vineyard also contained Japanese beetles. Assays showed C. nitida generally are unable to bite into intact ripe grape berries, whereas Japanese beetles readily do so. The beetles' disparate biting ability is likely because of differences in their mandibles, which are sharply pointed and opposable in P. japonica compared with C. nitida mandibles that are bluntly spatulate, do not meet at their tips, and seemingly are only suited for feeding on fruit pulp or other soft food. Japanese beetles were shown to facilitate C. nitida feeding by biting through the skin and providing access to the soft berry pulp. Juice from early- and midseason ripening grape cultivars with relatively high sugar content elicited the greatest feeding by P. japonica. A scenario is suggested wherein Japanese beetles open wound sites and contaminate fruits with yeasts that induce fermentation volatiles that attract C. nitida. Japanese beetles had difficulty biting berries of Sunbelt, a late-ripening cultivar. Phenological resistance, i.e., planting cultivars that ripen after peak flight, could be an effective management strategy. Establishment of P. japonica in grape-growing regions of the southeastern United States will likely elevate the pest status of C. nitida in vineyards.  相似文献   

  • 1 Tortoise beetle larvae possess a shield composed of exuviae and faeces which functions as an effective defence against some invertebrate predators.
  • 2 In the laboratory, Charidotella bicolor, Deloyala guttata and Chelymorpha cassidea larvae with their shields experimentally removed did not exhibit enhanced performance (i.e. decreased development time, increased body mass, or higher survival) compared to control larvae with shields intact.
  • 3 Disturbance caused during shield removal did not adversely affect larvae because performance did not differ among controls (undisturbed larvae with intact shields), disturbance controls (shield removal simulated, but shield left in place), and larvae with shields removed.
  • 4 Larvae without shields did not exhibit compensatory feeding to reconstruct the shield following its removal.
  • 5 In a field experiment in which predators were excluded, larvae with shields removed did not develop faster than controls; in fact, survival was slightly reduced (10%) for larvae without shields and may have resulted from desiccation.
  • 6 For slow-moving tortoise beetle larvae, the cost of bearing the shield is minimal. Thus, larval shields, composed of recycled waste products, provide an inexpensive mode of protection from some natural enemies.

莲藕食根金花虫成虫活动行为的日节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱捷  马力  陈琪  夏西聚  陈旭阳  张云宣  黄国华 《昆虫学报》2014,57(10):1227-1237
【目的】通过莲藕食根金花虫Donacia provostii Fairmaire成虫日活动行为节律的系统研究,以期为构建该虫的高效防控技术体系提供科学依据。【方法】采用室外单头隔离和雌雄配对饲养,将莲藕食根金花虫成虫的行为划分为离水静息、触水静息、取食、移动、交配和产卵6个类型,每30 min观察记录一次其活动行为,连续5 d,统计分析其活动行为的日节律。【结果】在时间上,莲藕食根金花虫成虫各行为在各时间点间和时间段间均存在极显著差异(P<0.001);在空间上,成虫各行为在不同位置发生的比例存在极显著差异(P<0.001)、且荇菜叶上和水面的各行为在不同时间点间存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。【结论】莲藕食根金花虫成虫活动行为存在时空上的差异,空间对其行为的影响较时间明显。  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The effect and relative importance of both environmental and geographic factors on species turnover of Chrysomelidae assemblages in the Iberian Peninsula was explored.
2. Ordination and classification analysis of species lists from well-sampled local areas identified two main biogegraphic groups of inventories, discriminating between Eurosiberian and Mediterranean faunas.
3. After describing this pattern, the underlying determinants were explored, separating pure from combined effects of environment and geography by means of partial canonical correspondence analysis.
4. Results indicate that pure effects of environment and geographic position are of similar magnitude (about 20% of the variation from each), and quite important in comparison with combined effects.
5. The power of the pure effect of geographical variables, together with beta-diversity independence of species richness gradients, point to the inadequacy of environmental measurement explanation of beta-diversity patterns, and to the existence of a major component of geographical variation independent of environment.  相似文献   

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