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Previously, we have identified a novel centrosomal protein centrobin that asymmetrically localizes to the daughter centriole. We found that depletion of centrobin expression inhibited the centriole duplication and impaired cytokinesis. However, the biological significance of centrobin in the cell cycle remains unknown. In the current study, we observed that silencing centrobin significantly inhibited the proliferation of lung cancer cell A549 and prevented the cells from G1 to S transition, whereas the growth rate of lung cancer cell line H1299, a p53-null cell line, was not affected. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the G1–S-phase arrest induced by centrobin knockdown in A549 cells is mediated by the upregulation of cell-cycle regulator p53, which is associated with the activation of cellular stress induced p38 pathway instead of DNA damage induced ATM pathway. Inhibition of p38 activity or downregulation of p38 expression could overcome the cell-cycle arrest caused by centrobin depletion. Taken together, our current findings demonstrated that centrobin plays an important role in the progression of cell cycle, and a tight association between the cell-cycle progression and defective centrosomes caused by depletion of centrobin.  相似文献   

Summary We report here a new human -globin gene rearrangement carrying the two normal, 2 and 1, and two hybrid, 1/2, globin genes in the order 5-2-1/2-1/2-1-3. Both the hybrid genes, subtyped with ApaI and RsaI restriction enzymes, were found to be of the uncommon anti 3.7 type II. The hybrid genes were expressed at the biosynthetic level and their interaction with the -thalassaemia IVS 1 nt 1 GA mutation caused thalassaemia intermedia. We also report a case of an -globin gene rearrangement in the twin of one of the -globin gene carriers; the duplicated gene was of the anti 4.2 type and was associated with the absence of RsaI polymorphism. The singular finding of an -anti 3.7 cluster with two identical rare hybrid genes suggests that the reciprocal unequal recombination causing the -globin gene rearrangements could be of the intra-chromosomal rather than the interchromosomal type.  相似文献   

Overexpression of the MDR protein, or p-glycoprotein (p-GP), in cells leads to decreased initial rates of accumulation and altered intracellular retention of chemotherapeutic drugs and a variety of other compounds. Thus, increased expression of the protein is related to increased drug resistance. Since several homologues of the MDR protein (CRP, ltpGPA, PDR5, sapABCDF) are also involved in conferring drug resistance phenomena in microorganisms, elucidating the function of the MDR protein at a molecular level will have important general applications. Although MDR protein function has been studied for nearly 20 years, interpretation of most data is complicated by the drug-selection conditions used to create model MDR cell lines. Precisely what level of resistance to particular drugs is conferred by a given amount of MDR protein, as well as a variety of other critical issues, are not yet resolved. Data from a number of laboratories has been gathered in support of at least four different models for the MDR protein. One model is that the protein uses the energy released from ATP hydrolysis to directly translocate drugs out of cells in some fashion. Another is that MDR protein overexpression perturbs electrical membrane potential () and/or intracellular pH (pHi) and therebyindirectly alters translocation and intracellular retention of hydrophobic drugs that are cationic, weakly basic, and/or that react with intracellular targets in a pHi, or -dependent manner. A third model proposes that the protein alternates between drug pump and Cl channel (or channel regulator) conformations, implying that both direct and indirect mechanisms of altered drug translocation may be catalyzed by MDR protein. A fourth is that the protein acts as an ATP channel. Our recent work has tested predictions of these models via kinetic analysis of drug transport and single-cell photometry analysis of pHi, , and volume regulation in novel MDR and CFTR transfectants that have not been exposed to chemotherapeutic drugs prior to analysis. This paper reviews these data and previous work from other laboratories, as well as relevant transport physiology concepts, and summarizes how they either support or contradict the different models for MDR protein function.  相似文献   

The human-specific pericentric inversion of chromosome 18 was analysed using breakpoint-spanning BACs from the chimpanzee and human genome. Sequence and FISH analyses disclosed that the breakpoints map to an inverted segmental duplication of 19-kb, which most likely mediated the inversion by intrachromosomal homologous recombination. The 19-kb duplication encompasses the 3 end of the ROCK1 gene and occurred in the human lineage. Only one copy of this segment is found in the chimpanzee. Due to the inversion, the genomic context of the ROCK1 and USP14 genes is altered. ROCK1 flanks USP14 in the long arm of the chimpanzee chromosome 17, which is homologous to human chromosome 18. This order is interrupted by the inversion in humans. ROCK1 is localized close to the pericentromeric region in 18q11 and USP14 is inverted to distal 18p11.3 in direct neighbourhood to LSAU-satellites, -satellites and telomere-associated repeats. Our findings essentially confirm the analysis of Dennehey et al. (2004). Intriguingly, USP14 is differentially expressed in human and chimpanzee cortex as well as fibroblast cell lines determined previously by the analysis of oligonucleotide arrays. Either position effects mediated by the proximity to the telomeric region or nucleotide divergence in regulatory regions might account for the differential expression of USP14. The assignment of the breakpoint region to a segmental duplication underlines the significance of the genomic architecture in the context of genome and karyotype evolution in hominoids.  相似文献   

Multiple conserved structural cis-acting regulatory elements have been recognized both in the coding and untranslated regions (UTRs) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome. For example, the cis-element 5BSL3.2 in the HCV-coding region has been predicted to use both its apical and internal loops to interact with the X RNA in the 3′-UTR, with the IIId domain in the 5′-UTR and with the Alt sequence in the coding region. Additionally, the X RNA region uses a palindromic sequence that overlaps the sequence required for the interaction with 5BSL3.2, to dimerize with another HCV genome. The ability of the 5BSL3.2 and X RNA regions to engage in multi-interactions suggests the existence of one or more molecular RNA switches which may regulate different steps of the HCV life cycle. In this study, we used biophysical methods to characterize the essential interactions of these HCV cis-elements at the molecular level. Our results indicate that X RNA interacts with 5BSL3.2 and another X RNA molecule by adopting two different conformations and that 5BSL3.2 engages simultaneously in kissing interactions using its apical and internal loops. Based on these results, we propose a mode of action for possible molecular switches involving the HCV RNA.  相似文献   

A distinct group of receptors including DCC, UNC5, RET and Ptc1 is known to function in ligand-dependent neuronal growth and differentiation or axon guidance. Acting as "dependence receptors", they may also regulate neuronal cell survival by inducing apoptosis in the absence of cognate ligand. Receptor-initiated apoptosis requires proteolytic (caspase) cleavage and exposure of a pro-apoptotic region in the cytoplasmic domains of the receptors. In contrast, classical apoptosis induced by growth factor or cytokine deprivation involves loss of survival signaling without receptor cleavage. DCC, UNC5, RET and Ptc1 are downregulated or mutated in diverse cancers, and show properties characteristic of tumor suppressors, consistent with their ability to promote neuronal cell death. Dysfunctional dependence receptors have been linked to the loss of specific neurons in certain inherited and neurodegenerative diseases. Dependence receptor-initiated apoptosis represents a novel paradigm for the controlled removal of specific cells during neural development and elimination of malignant cells that have strayed beyond regions of ligand availability.  相似文献   

Rap1, a Ras-like G-protein, is implicated in the signaling of various cellular processes as morphogenesis, differentiation, cell adhesion and spreading, and maintenance of T cell anergy and B cell activation. The effectors that mediate Rap1 signaling have not yet been definitely identified, with the exception of B-Raf which, however, is restricted to neuronal tissues and a small subset of other cell types, including in particular male germ cells. We previously showed that in mouse spermatids Rap1 could interact with B-Raf giving rise to a signaling complex. Here we investigated about the possible molecules which "switch on" Rap1 finding that cAMP could in vivo activate endogenous Rap1. Spermatid-enriched cell cultures stimulated with 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cyclic AMP yielded higher levels of GTP-bound Rap1 than unstimulated cells. Since cAMP-induced Rap1 activation is actually retained to occur through Epac, we checked whether this recently discovered Rap1 exchange factor is expressed in male germ cells. Our findings indicate that Epac is present in spermatogenic cells and exhibits a preferential subplasmalemmal localization, although it shows also an intracellular location, more or less pronounced depending on the type of spermatogenic cell examined. Taken together, our data show that cAMP activates Rap1 in differentiating male germ cells which express the cAMP sensor Epac, thus suggesting that this activation might occur directly through Epac.  相似文献   

24p3 and its receptor: dawn of a new iron age?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Richardson DR 《Cell》2005,123(7):1175-1177
24p3 is a secreted protein that induces apoptosis in leukocytes. Recently, 24p3 has been shown to bind to iron-containing bacterial siderophores. In this issue of Cell, a receptor that internalizes 24p3 is identified. Internalization of iron bound to 24p3 prevents apoptosis. In contrast, internalization of the apo form of 24p3 that does not contain iron leads to cellular iron efflux and apoptosis via the proapoptotic protein Bim.  相似文献   

Several nonheme iron enzymes and biomimetic model complexes catalyze a substrate halogenation reaction. Recent computational studies (Borowski et al. J Am Chem Soc 132:12887-12898, 2010) on α-ketoglutarate dependent halogenase proposed an initial isomerization reaction that is important to give halogenated products. We present here a series of density functional theory calculations on a biomimetic model complex-[Fe(IV)(O)(TPA)Cl](+), where TPA is tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine-and investigate the mechanisms of substrate halogenation versus hydroxylation using the reactant and its isomer where the oxo and chloro groups have changed positions. We show here that the reactions occur on a dominant quintet spin state surface, although the reactants are in a triplet state. Despite the fact that the reactants can exist in two stable isomers with the oxo group either trans or cis to the axial ligand, they react differently with substrates, where one gives dominant hydroxylation and the other gives dominant chlorination of substrates. The ligand in the cis position of the oxo group is found to be active in the reaction mechanism and donated to the substrate during the reaction. A detailed thermochemical analysis of possible reaction mechanisms reveals that the strengths of the Fe-OH and Fe-Cl bonds in the radical intermediates are the key reasons for this regioselectivity switch of hydroxylation over halogenation. This study highlights the differences between enzymatic and biomimetic halogenases, where the former only react after an essential isomerization step, which is not necessary in model complexes.  相似文献   

A macroevolutionary model is developed to account for the “adaptive radiation”; of cheilostome bryozoans that commenced in the Cenomanian after a long phase of low diversity. Living cheilostome species possess one of two types of larvae; planktotrophic (cyphonautes) larvae of relatively long duration, and brooded non‐planktotrophic (coronate) larvae of short duration. Planktotrophic larvae characterize the paraphyletic “malacostegans”; from which “advanced”; cheilostomes with non‐planktotrophic larvae are thought to have evolved monophyletically. Research on other marine invertebrates suggests that gene flow within and between populations is likely to be poorer in species having non‐planktotrophic larvae, and hence the frequency of allopatric and quasi‐sympatric speciation may be greater. Skeletal evidence of larval brooding in the cheilostomes first appears in the late Albian, immediately before their adaptive radiation, and the evolution of non‐planktotrophy with associated increase in speciation rate is proposed to have triggered this radiation.  相似文献   

The production, from a single naive T cell, of the many different activated T cell types required for an effective immune response has fascinated immunologists for decades. This process underpins the development of vaccines, immunosuppressive regimes in transplant patients, and immunotherapy in cancer among other things. Despite the enormous advances in detailing the mechanisms and influencing factors in the differentiation of each T-cell subtype, it is still not clear how the different T-cell progeny are produced in proportions that are appropriate for each situation. This review discusses the notion that asymmetric cell division might allow for the regulated generation of different cell populations.  相似文献   

The interactions between herbivores and plants are of general interest in ecology. Even though the extensive research carried out during the last decades has culminated in many theories, additional studies are necessary to validate these findings. In particular, the hypotheses dealing with the complex interrelations of plant defense mechanisms and herbivores continue to be debated.In this paper, we develop a new indicator value that quantifies the defense mechanisms of Central European woody plants against large mammalian herbivores. The indicator value is based on three plant-specific traits: chemical defense (toxic compounds, digestion inhibitors), mechanical defense and leaf size. Our validation of the newly established indicator shows that evergreen woody plants have a significantly higher indicator value than deciduous woody plants. Moreover, plant defense is correlated with growth height: woody plants growing in the browsing zone preferred by large mammalian herbivores have significantly higher levels of defense compared with woody plants capable of growth high above the reach of large herbivores.We conclude that the new plant defense indicator value is a valuable tool for the validation of existing hypotheses and habitat calibration on a statistical basis. The quantification of plant mechanisms of defense against large herbivores produces a significantly better understanding of the multifaceted nature of plant–animal interactions and should contribute positively to future studies.  相似文献   

Keratinocytes (KC) are important source of and targets for several cytokines. Although KC express IL-15 mRNA, the functional effects of IL-15 on these epithelial cells remain to be dissected. Investigating primary human foreskin KC and HaCaT cells, we show here by semiquantitative RT-PCR and flow cytometric analysis that both translate IL-15 and IL-15R mRNA and express IL-15 and IL-15Ralpha protein on the cell surface, suggesting that human KC can employ IL-15 for juxtacrine signaling. While IL-15 exerted no significant effect on KC proliferation and IL-6 or IL-8 secretion, IL-15 inhibited both anti-Fas and methylcellulose-induced KC apoptosis in vitro. This is in line with the recognized potent anti-apoptotic effects of IL-15. IL-2, whose receptor shares two components with the IL-15R, failed to inhibit KC apoptosis. Together with the role of IL-15 in sustaining chronic immune reactions, this invited the question of whether a reduction of KC apoptosis by IL-15 may be involved in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, a chronic hyperproliferative inflammatory skin disease characterized by abnormally low KC apoptosis in the epidermis. Remarkably, compared with nonlesional psoriatic skin and skin of healthy volunteers, lesional psoriatic epidermis showed high IL-15 protein expression in the epidermis and enhanced binding activity for IL-15. Therefore, antagonizing the inhibitory effects of IL-15 on KC apoptosis deserves exploration as a novel therapeutic strategy in psoriasis management.  相似文献   

Plant–herbivore–parasitoid interactions are a common occurrence in terrestrial food webs. Few parasitoids are thought to be shared by host insects of different feeding guilds because different parasitism strategies are required to use hosts of different feeding types. However, this assumption has rarely been tested using data from nature. To clarify whether parasitoids are shared among host guilds, I examined the structure of parasitoid communities on herbivore guilds associated with two Rhododendron species (Ericaceae) in a temperate secondary forest in central Japan. Leaf- and flower-feeding insects were collected from Rhododendron reticulatum and Rhododendron macrosepalum shrubs and reared in the laboratory for 3 years from April 1999 to March 2002. In total, 79 species of holometabolous herbivores (Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera) were recorded, with 62 species on R. reticulatum and 51 species on R. macrosepalum. A total of 81 parasitoid species (Hymenoptera and Diptera) was recorded from the sampled herbivores, with 48 species from those on R. reticulatum and 50 species from those on R. macrosepalum. In total, 36 herbivore species were parasitised by 1–18 parasitoid species per host species, although the number of parasitoid species was strongly affected by sample size. Parasitoids that had two or more host species frequently attacked herbivore species from different families or on different host plants, whereas they did not attack species from different herbivore guilds; no parasitoids were shared between external feeders and rollers. Therefore, my results support the hypothesis that few parasitoids are shared among herbivores of different feeding guilds.  相似文献   

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