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HOX homeodomain proteins bind short core DNA sequences to control very specific developmental processes. DNA binding affinity and sequence selectivity are increased by the formation of cooperative complexes with the PBX homeodomain protein. A conserved YPWM motif in the HOX protein is necessary for cooperative binding with PBX. We have determined the structure of a PBX homeodomain bound to a 14-mer DNA duplex. A relaxation-optimized procedure was developed to measure DNA residual dipolar couplings at natural abundance in the 20-kDa binary complex. When the PBX homeodomain binds to DNA, a fourth alpha-helix is formed in the homeodomain. This helix rigidifies the DNA recognition helix of PBX and forms a hydrophobic binding site for the HOX YPWM peptide. The HOX peptide itself shows some structure in solution and suggests that the interaction between PBX and HOX is an example of "lock and key" binding. The NMR structure explains the requirement of DNA for the PBX-HOX interaction and the increased affinity of DNA binding.  相似文献   

The interaction between C1q and immune complexes is inhibited by 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) in the concentration range of 2-4 mM. ANS binds to Clq with a 20-fold higher affinity than to IgG [(1986) Mol. Immunol. 23, 39-44] and therefore it is possible to label only C1q with ANS in the presence of IgG. Under such conditions no inhibition is observed. Addition of monomer IgG to a solution of C1q-bound ANS did not significantly alter the fluorescence of the ANS. However when oligomeric IgG was added there was a 2-fold increase in fluorescence over the same IgG concentration range. When C1q was pretreated with diethylpyrocarbonate there was little change in the fluorescence when IgG oligomers were added to C1q:ANS solutions. These results suggest that C1q undergoes conformational changes upon binding to IgG oligomers.  相似文献   

The interaction between antibodies specific for the loop region of lysozyme and this monovalent antigenic determinant was compared to their interaction with either the dimeric derivative of the loop (bis-loop) or the polyvalent antigen loop-A--L. This comparison was based on complement fixation capacity, and on spectroscopic changes in the circular polarized fluorescence (CPL) of the antibodies. The binding of the loop to its antibodies causes spectroscopic changes, assigned to conformational changes in the Fc region, which are not accompanied by complement activation. However, the binding of the bisloop led to distinctly different CPL changes and concomitantly to complement fixation comparable to that induced upon binding of the loop-A--L. Complement fixation and the CPL changes can be induced in the intact antibodies only; reduction of the interchain disulfide bridges, or cleavage by papain or pepsin digestion abolishes both activities.  相似文献   

The NMR structures have been determined for a 13C/15N doubly labeled 14 base-pair DNA duplex comprising the BS2 operator sequence both free in solution and in the complex with the Antennapedia homeodomain. The impact of the DNA labeling is assessed from comparison with a previous structure of the same complex that was determined using isotope labeling only for the protein. Differences between the two structure determinations are nearly completely limited to the DNA, which retains the global B -conformation of the free DNA also in the complex. Local protein-induced conformational changes are a narrowing of the minor groove due to the interaction with the N-terminal arm of the homeodomain, and changes of the sugar puckers of the deoxyriboses G5 and C6, which are apparently induced by van der Waals interactions with Tyr25, and with Gln50 and Arg53, respectively. The high conservation of these amino acid residues in homeodomains suggests that protein-induced shifts in some sugar puckers contribute to the affinity of homeodomains to their cognate DNA. The data obtained here with the Antennapedia homeodomain-DNA complex clearly show that nucleic acid isotope-labeling can support detailed conformational characterization of DNA in complexes with proteins, which will be indispensable for structure determinations of complexes containing globally distorted DNA conformations.  相似文献   

The amino terminal amino acid sequence of purified human angiotensinogen has been determined. The first 25 residues with the exception of number 14 were identified. The sequence of the first ten amino acids is that of angiotensin I. The sequence surrounding the renin cleavage site in this protein is Leu-10Val-11Ile-12His-13. Thus, human renin must cleave a Leu-Val peptide bond in human angiotensinogen to release angiotensin I, rather than a Leu-Leu bond as reported for other species. The differences between the sequence of human angiotensinogen and that previously reported for a tetradecapeptide derived from equine and porcine angiotensinogen may be responsible for the known species specificity of renin.  相似文献   

We have recently investigated by far-UV circular dichroism (CD) the effects of Ca(2+) binding and the phosphorylation of Ser 81 for the synthetic peptide CaM [54-106] encompassing the Ca(2+)-binding loops II and III and the central alpha helix of calmodulin (CaM) (Arrigoni et al., Biochemistry 2004, 43, 12788-12798). Using computational methods, we studied the changes in the secondary structure implied by these spectra with the aim to investigate the effect of Ca(2+) binding and the functional role of the phosphorylation of Ser 81 in the action of the full-length CaM. Ca(2+) binding induces the nucleation of helical structure by inducing side chain stacking of hydrophobic residues. We further investigated the effect of Ca(2+) binding by using near-UV CD spectroscopy. Molecular dynamics simulations of different fragments containing the central alpha-helix of CaM using various experimentally determined structures of CaM with bound Ca(2+) disclose the structural effects provided by the phosphorylation of Ser 81. This post-translational modification is predicted to alter the secondary structure in its surrounding and also to hinder the physiological bending of the central helix of CaM through an alteration of the hydrogen bond network established by the side chain of residue 81. Using quantum mechanical methods to predict the CD spectra for the frames obtained during the MD simulations, we are able to reproduce the relative experimental intensities in the far-UV CD spectra for our peptides. Similar conformational changes that take place in CaM [54-106] upon Ca(2+) binding and phosphorylation may occur in the full-length CaM.  相似文献   

The dopamine transporter (DAT), a member of the neurotransmitter:sodium symporter family, mediates the reuptake of dopamine at the synaptic cleft. DAT is the primary target for psychostimulants such as cocaine and amphetamine. We previously demonstrated that cocaine binding and dopamine transport alter the accessibility of Cys342 in the third intracellular loop (IL3). To study the conformational changes associated with the functional mechanism of the transporter, we made cysteine substitution mutants, one at a time, from Phe332 to Ser351 in IL3 of the background DAT construct, X7C, in which 7 endogenous cysteines were mutated. The accessibility of the 20 engineered cysteines to polar charged sulfhydryl reagents was studied in the absence and presence of cocaine or dopamine. Of the 11 positions that reacted with methanethiosulfonate ethyl ammonium, as evidenced by inhibition of ligand binding, 5 were protected against this inhibition by cocaine and dopamine (S333C, S334C, N336C, M342C and T349C), indicating that reagent accessibility is affected by conformational changes associated with inhibitor and substrate binding. In some of the cysteine mutants, transport activity is disrupted, but can be rescued by the presence of zinc, most likely because the distribution between inward- and outward-facing conformations is restored by zinc binding. The experimental data were interpreted in the context of molecular models of DAT in both the inward- and outward-facing conformations. Differences in the solvent accessible surface area for individual IL3 residues calculated for these states correlate well with the experimental accessibility data, and suggest that protection by ligand binding results from the stabilization of the outward-facing configuration. Changes in the residue interaction networks observed from the molecular dynamics simulations also revealed the critical roles of several positions during the conformational transitions. We conclude that the IL3 region of DAT undergoes significant conformational changes in transitions necessary for both cocaine binding and substrate transport.  相似文献   

In cotranslational preprotein targeting in Escherichia coli, the signal recognition particle (SRP) binds to the signal peptide emerging from the ribosome and, subsequently, interacts with the signal recognition particle receptor, FtsY, at the plasma membrane. Both FtsY and the protein moiety of the signal recognition particle, Ffh, are GTPases, and GTP is required for the formation of the SRP-FtsY complex. We have studied the binding of GTP/GDP to FtsY as well as the SRP-FtsY complex formation by monitoring the fluorescence of tryptophan 343 in the I box of mutant FtsY. Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the FtsY complexes with GDP, GTP, and signal recognition particle are reported. Upon SRP-FtsY complex formation in the presence of GTP, the fluorescence of tryptophan 343 increased by 50 % and was blue-shifted by 10 nm. We conclude that GTP-dependent SRP-FtsY complex formation leads to an extensive conformational change in the I box insertion in the effector region of FtsY.  相似文献   

Pyrimidine-purine steps are flexible and can roll around the major groove. This feature is used to follow the protein surface and thereby create a particular superstructure of DNA. The interaction of the two molecules can be understood in terms of a close fitting of the two surfaces, in particular, how the DNA surface adapts to the protein surface. For analysing the fitting the widths of two DNA grooves are useful parameters.Much progress has been made since Schrödinger predicted “a gene to be an aperiodic solid (or a crystal)” (29) and we hope that our review may contribute in a small way.  相似文献   

Small-angle X-ray scattering is used to study the effects of substrate binding to lobster arginine kinase in solution. We measure the radius of gyration of the enzyme in the absence and in the presence of ligands. We find that the radius of gyration decreases by 1.20 ± 0.25 Å upon binding ADP-Mg and L-arginine to form the ternary complex. The same decrease is also observed upon binding ADP-Mg alone or ATP-Mg. These results indicate a large conformational change consistent with the hinge motion of domains observed in other phosphokinases.  相似文献   

Cryptophycin-52 (Cp-52) is potentially the most potent anticancer drug known, with IC50 values in the low picomolar range, but its binding site on tubulin and mechanism of action are unknown. Here, we have determined the binding site of Cp-52, and its parent compound, cryptophycin-1, on HeLa tubulin, to a resolution of 3.3 Å and 3.4 Å, respectively, by cryo-EM and characterized this binding further by molecular dynamics simulations. The binding site was determined to be located at the tubulin interdimer interface and partially overlap that of maytansine, another cytotoxic tubulin inhibitor. Binding induces curvature both within and between tubulin dimers that is incompatible with the microtubule lattice. Conformational changes occur in both α-tubulin and β-tubulin, particularly in helices H8 and H10, with distinct differences between α and β monomers and between Cp-52-bound and cryptophycin-1-bound tubulin. From these results, we have determined: (i) the mechanism of action of inhibition of both microtubule polymerization and depolymerization, (ii) how the affinity of Cp-52 for tubulin may be enhanced, and (iii) where linkers for targeted delivery can be optimally attached to this molecule.  相似文献   

Conformational changes within the subunit b-dimer of the E. coli ATP synthase occur upon binding to the F1 sector. ESR spectra of spin-labeled b at room temperature indicated a pivotal point in the b-structure at residue 62. Spectra of frozen b ± F1 and calculated interspin distances suggested that where contact between b 2 and F1 occurs (above about residue 80), the structure of the dimer changes minimally. Between b-residues 33 and 64 inter-subunit distances in the F1-bound b-dimer were found to be too large to accommodate tightly coiled coil packing and therefore suggest a dissociation and disengagement of the dimer upon F1-binding. Mechanistic implications of this “bubble” formation in the tether domain of ATP synthase b 2 are discussed. This work was supported by grant from the National Science Foundation (MCB 0415713) to PDV  相似文献   

The conformational entropy of proteins can make significant contributions to the free energy of ligand binding. NMR spin relaxation enables site-specific investigation of conformational entropy, via order parameters that parameterize local reorientational fluctuations of rank-2 tensors. Here we have probed the conformational entropy of lactose binding to the carbohydrate recognition domain of galectin-3 (Gal3), a protein that plays an important role in cell growth, cell differentiation, cell cycle regulation, and apoptosis, making it a potential target for therapeutic intervention in inflammation and cancer. We used 15N spin relaxation experiments and molecular dynamics simulations to monitor the backbone amides and secondary amines of the tryptophan and arginine side chains in the ligand-free and lactose-bound states of Gal3. Overall, we observe good agreement between the experimental and computed order parameters of the ligand-free and lactose-bound states. Thus, the 15N spin relaxation data indicate that the molecular dynamics simulations provide reliable information on the conformational entropy of the binding process. The molecular dynamics simulations reveal a correlation between the simulated order parameters and residue-specific backbone entropy, re-emphasizing that order parameters provide useful estimates of local conformational entropy. The present results show that the protein backbone exhibits an increase in conformational entropy upon binding lactose, without any accompanying structural changes.  相似文献   

The homeodomain encoded by the Antennapedia (Antp) gene of Drosophila was overproduced in a T7 expression vector in Escherichia coli. The corresponding polypeptide of 68 amino acids was purified to homogeneity. The homeodomain was analysed by ultracentrifugation and assayed for DNA binding. The secondary structure of the isolated homeodomain was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. DNA-binding studies indicate that the isolated homeodomain binds to DNA in vitro. It selectively binds to the same sites as a longer Antp polypeptide and a full-length fushi tarazu (ftz) protein. Therefore, the homeodomain represents the DNA-binding domain of the homeotic proteins.  相似文献   

The TG interacting factor-1 homeodomain (TGIF1-HD) binds with the consensus DNA motif 5′-TGTCA-3′ in gene promoters through its three-amino acid loop extension (TALE) type homeodomain, and then recruits co-regulators to regulate gene expression. Although the solution NMR structure of human TGIF1-HD has been reported previously, little is known about its DNA binding mechanism. NMR titrations have been extensively used to study mechanisms of ligand binding to target proteins; however, an intermediate exchange occurred predominantly between TGIF1-HD in the free and bound states when titrated with the consensus DNA, which resulted in poor-quality NMR spectra and precluded further exploration of its interaction interface and conformational dynamics. Here, the helix α3 of TGIF1-HD was speculated as the specific DNA binding interface by hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) experiments, and subsequently confirmed by chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) spectroscopy. In addition, simultaneous conformational changes in other regions, including α1 and α2, were induced by DNA binding, explaining the observation of chemical shift perturbations from extensive residues besides those located in α3. Further, low-populated DNA-bound TGIF1-HD undergoing a slow exchange at a rate of 130.2 ± 3.6 s−1 was derived from the analysis of the CEST data, and two residues, R220 and R221, located in the middle of α3 were identified to be crucial for DNA binding. Our study provides structural and dynamic insights into the mechanisms of TGIF1-HD recognition of extensive promoter DNA.  相似文献   

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