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Rat anterior pituitary glands were examined by electron microscopy after staining with five different histochemical stains. Histochemical reactions were observed in the cell coat, cell membrane and the membrane surrounding the secretory granules in all anterior pituitary cells following staining with phosphotungstic acid (PTA), chromic acid and PTA, the periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver protein method (PA-TSC-SP) of Thiéry, ruthenium red and concanavalin A. The staining was abolished when the sections were preincubated with pronase, neuraminidase or trypsin and subsequently exposed to PTA, chromic acid and PTA or PA-TSC-SP. The possible functional role of the glycoproteins present in the membrane surrounding the secretory granules is considered.  相似文献   

Microtubules assembled in vitro were bound to purified porcine pituitary secretory granules and to isolated granule membranes. The interaction between microtubules and whole secretory granules was demonstrated by alteration in the sedimentation properties of the microtubules. Incubation of secretory granules with microtubules resulted in pelleting of microtubules which increased as a function of the number of granules added. Binding was quantitated by measurement of the tubulin remaining in the supernate after centrifugation. The interaction of secretory granules and microtubules was inhibited by nucleoside triphosphates and augmented by adenosine 5'-monophosphate and adenosine. When depolymerized protein from microtubules was incubated with secretory granules, the granules did not appear to bind the soluble tubulin dimer present in these preparations. However, the high molecular weight protein associated with microtubules was adsorbed by secretory granules during the binding process. Incubation of isolated secretory granule membranes with microtubules followed by centrifugation to density equilibrium in a discontinuous sucrose density gradient caused pelleting of the membranes, which otherwise banded higher in the gradient. The visible alteration in membrane sedimentation was confirmed by measurements of the membrane-associated magnesium-ATPase activity and by a shift in radioactivity in iodinated membrane preparations. Our data suggest a role for microtubules in the intracellular movement of secretory granules; this movement is perhaps brought about by dynein-like cross bridges which link the tubulin backbone and granule surface.  相似文献   

We used quantitative immunogold electron microscopy to evaluate the subcellular distribution of cytochrome-c in normal rat tissues, employing a wide variety of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against mammalian cytochrome-c. Immunogold labeling of tissues embedded in the acrylic resin LR Gold shows highly specific labeling of mitochondria in all tissues examined, including adrenal gland, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, heart, kidney, liver, pituitary, pancreas, skeletal muscle, spleen and thyroid. In pancreatic acinar cells and anterior pituitary, however, there was also strong cytochrome-c reactivity in zymogen granules and growth hormone granules, respectively. In the pancreas, strong immunoreactivity is also detected in condensing vacuoles and in the acinar lumen. Immunocytochemical controls included (i) use of monoclonal antibodies to horse cytochrome-c which recognize an epitope not present in rat cytochrome-c, (ii) preadsorption of antibodies with purified cytochrome-c, and (iii) omission of the primary antibody. The indicated presence of cytochrome-c outside mitochondria in certain tissues under normal physiological conditions raises interesting questions concerning translocation mechanisms and the cellular functions of cytochrome-c.  相似文献   

In previous studies we have demonstrated a secretory granule-associated peptide alpha-amidation activity in rat anterior, intermediate, and posterior pituitary. This activity is capable of converting 125I-labeled synthetic D-Tyr-Val-Gly to labeled D-Tyr-Val-NH2, and requires ascorbic acid, CuSO4, and molecular oxygen for optimal activity. Because of the requirement for peptides with COOH-terminal glycine residues, and cofactor requirements similar to monooxygenases such as dopamine beta-monooxygenase, we have proposed that the alpha-amidating enzyme be named peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase, or PAM. The present study focused on (i) verifying that PAM could utilize a physiologically relevant peptide substrate, and (ii) demonstrating the retention of the cofactor requirements with purification of PAM. PAM (Mr = 50,000) was partially purified from rat anterior pituitary secretory granules and was shown to be capable of converting alpha-N-acetyl-ACTH(1-14) to alpha-N-acetyl-ACTH(1-13)NH2 (alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone) and ACTH(9-14) to ACTH(9-13)NH2. The optimal rates for these conversions were dependent on ascorbic acid and CuSO4. Kinetic analyses, using the model compound D-Tyr-Val-Gly as the peptide substrate, demonstrated that, compared to the crude granule extract, the partially purified enzyme displayed increased apparent affinities for both the peptide substrate and ascorbate. These analyses also showed that the Km for D-Tyr-Val-Gly was dependent on the concentration of ascorbate, while the Km for ascorbate was constant over a wide range of D-Tyr-Val-Gly concentrations. The results presented here indicate that PAM can alpha-amidate physiologically relevant peptides related to alpha MSH, and performs the reaction in an ascorbate-dependent fashion. Retention of the ascorbate and copper requirements with purification further support the hypothesis that these cofactors are important requirements for the COOH-terminal alpha-amidation of neuro and endocrine peptides.  相似文献   

The LTH-converting proteolytic activity in LTH granules isolated from estrogenized rat hypophysis was studied. Suspensions of granules were incubated at different values of pH for 4 hours at 37 degrees C. The reaction was controlled by SDS electrophoresis. Intensive proteolysis of LTH was observed at pH 6.0 and 3.9, which was accompanied by the formation of fragments with Mr 10, 12 and 17 kD and probably of smaller peptides. An inhibitory analysis revealed that the formation of the 17 kD fragment at pH 3.9 was partly and selectively inhibited by chloroquine, phenanthroline and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. Pepstatin A fully inhibited the proteolysis, whereas leupeptin had no inhibiting influence. The data obtained testify to the presence in the granular fraction of the endopeptidase LTH-converting activity which is sensitive to pepstatin A, an aspartyl proteinase inhibitor as well as to chelators and a serine proteinase inhibitor.  相似文献   

The distribution of three proteins discharged by regulated exocytosis--growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), and secretogranin II (SgII)--was investigated by double immunolabeling of ultrathin frozen sections in the acidophilic cells of the bovine pituitary. In mammotrophs, heavy PRL labeling was observed over secretory granule matrices (including the immature matrices at the trans Golgi surface) and also over Golgi cisternae. In contrast, in somatotrophs heavy GH labeling was restricted to the granule matrices; vesicles and tubules at the trans Golgi region showed some and the Golgi cisternae only sparse labeling. All somatotrophs and mammotrophs were heavily positive for GH and PRL, respectively, and were found to contain small amounts of the other hormone as well, which, however, was almost completely absent from granules, and was more concentrated in the Golgi complex, admixed with the predominant hormone. Mixed somatomammotrophs (approximately 26% of the acidophilic cells) were heavily positive for both GH and PRL. Although admixed within Golgi cisternae, the two hormones were stored separately within distinct granule types. A third type of granule was found to contain SgII. Spillage of small amounts of each of the three secretory proteins into granules containing predominantly another protein was common, but true intermixing (i.e., coexistence within single granules of comparable amounts of two proteins) was very rare. It is concluded that in the regulated pathway of acidophilic pituitary, cell mechanisms exist that cause sorting of the three secretory proteins investigated. Such mechanisms operate beyond the Golgi cisternae, possibly at the sites where condensation of secretion products into granule matrices takes place.  相似文献   

The composition of the segregated content of rat prolactin granules was investigated taking advantage of the fact that these organelles, isolated as a pure fraction, retain their structural organization after solubilization of their limiting membrane by mild detergent treatment. We found that these membraneless granules contain not only the hormone, but also a number of minor macromolecular components including sulfated glycosaminoglycans, which are labeled when pituitary slices are incubated in vitro with [35S] sulfate. In order to characterize the latter components, the isolated radioactive granules were solubilized (by treatment with either a high ionic strength solution orNaOH) and 35S-labeled acidic glycosaminoglycans precipitated by complexing with cetylpirydinium chloride. A high degree of heterogeneity was observed when the ensuing precipitates were analyzed by cellulose acetate electrophoresis: different components were found to co-migrate with authentic heparin and chondroitin sulfate A and C standards. Another component, which accounts for approx. 50% of the glycosaminoglycan-bound radioactivity, might be heparin sulfate. These acidic glycosaminoglycans are linked to peptide moieties to form proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Secretory granules containing primarily growth hormone and prolactin were isolated from bovine anterior pituitaries. Marker enzyme analysis and electron microscopy indicated that the secretory granule fraction did not contain measureable amounts of other intracellular organelles. Such isolated granules were resistant to a variety of chemical and physical challenges including variations in osmolarity, ionic strength, EGTA, sonication, boiling, etc. The only treatments that were found to routinely result in granules lysis were alkaline pH and 0.5% SDS. Nonspecific leakage of both growth hormone and prolactin was less than 9% of total hormone pool even after a 60-min incubation. The release of prolactin but not growth hormone could be increased by lowering the free calcium concentration. Conversely, 10(-5) M ionophore A23187 caused a decrease in nonspecific hormone leakage. This raises the possibility that a nonexocytosis secretory pathway might be involved in pituitary hormone release. The initial secretory granule fraction was further purified using discontinuous sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation to yield a subfraction highly enriched in prolactin granules. These granules had the same stability characteristics as the original secretory granule fraction. The use of such granules should prove useful in our efforts to understand how calcium regulates cellular secretion.  相似文献   

Secretory granules containing primarily growth hormone and prolactin were isolated from bovine anterior pituitaries. Marker enzyme analysis and electron microscopy indicated that the secretory granule fraction did not contain measurable amounts of other intracellular organelles. Such isolated granules were resistant to a variety of chemical and physical challenges including variations in osmolarity, ionic strength, EGTA, sonication, boiling, etc. The only treatments that were found to routinely result in granules lysis were alkaline pH and 0.5% SDS. Nonspecific leakage of both groth hormone and prolactin was less than 9% of total hormone pool even after a 60-min incubation. The release of prolactin but not growth hormone could be increased by lowering the free calcium concentration. Conversely, 10−5 M ionophore A23187 caused a decrease in nonspecific hormone leakage. This raises the possibility that a nonexocytosis secretory pathway might be involved in pituitary hormone release. The initial secretory granule fraction was further purified using discontinuous sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation to yield a subfraction highly enriched in prolactin granules. These granules had the same stability characteristics as the original secretory granule fraction. The use of such granules should prove useful in our efforts to understand how calcium regulates cellular secretion.  相似文献   

Highly localized Ca2+ release events have been characterized in several neuronal preparations. In mouse neurohypophysial terminals (NHTs), such events, called Ca2+ syntillas, appear to emanate from a ryanodine-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ pool. Traditional sources of intracellular Ca2+ appear to be lacking in NHTs. Thus, we have tested the hypothesis that large dense core vesicles (LDCVs), which contain a substantial amount of calcium, represent the source of these syntillas. Here, using fluorescence immunolabeling and immunogold-labeled electron micrographs of NHTs, we show that type 2 ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are localized specifically to LDCVs. Furthermore, a large conductance nonspecific cation channel, which was identified previously in the vesicle membrane and has biophysical properties similar to that of an RyR, is pharmacologically affected in a manner characteristic of an RyR: it is activated in the presence of the RyR agonist ryanodine (at low concentrations) and blocked by the RyR antagonist ruthenium red. Additionally, neuropeptide release experiments show that these same RyR agonists and antagonists modulate Ca2+-elicited neuropeptide release from permeabilized NHTs. Furthermore, amperometric recording of spontaneous release events from artificial transmitter-loaded terminals corroborated these ryanodine effects. Collectively, our findings suggest that RyR-dependent syntillas could represent mobilization of Ca2+ from vesicular stores. Such localized vesicular Ca2+ release events at the precise location of exocytosis could provide a Ca2+ amplification mechanism capable of modulating neuropeptide release physiologically.  相似文献   

We investigated the co-localization in secretory granules of secretogranins/chromogranins, thyrotropin, and luteinizing hormone in ultra-thin frozen sections of cow anterior pituitary by double immunoelectron microscopy, using specific antibodies and protein A-gold particles of different sizes. The distribution of secretogranin II, chromogranin A, and chromogranin B (secretogranin I) was largely similar. In cells containing secretory granules of relatively small size (100-300 nm) and low electron density (identified as thyrotrophs and gonadotrophs by immunolabeling for the respective hormone) and in cells containing both small (170-250 nm) and large (300-500 nm) secretory granules of low electron density (also identified as gonadotrophs), all three secretogranins/chromogranins were detected in most if not all granules, being co-localized with the hormone. In cells containing both relatively large (400-550 nm), electron-dense granules and small, less electron-dense secretory granules (150-300 nm), identified as somatomammotrophs by double immunolabeling for growth hormone and prolactin, all three secretogranins/chromogranins were predominantly detected in the subpopulation of small, less electron-dense granules containing neither growth hormone nor prolactin. Interestingly, this granule subpopulation of somatomammotrophs was also immunoreactive for thyrotropin and luteinizing hormone. These data show that somatomammotrophs of cow anterior pituitary are highly multihormonal, in that the same cell can produce and store in secretory granules up to four different hormones and, in addition, the three secretogranins/chromogranins. Moreover, selective localization of the secretogranins/chromogranins together with thyrotropin and luteinizing hormone in a subpopulation of secretory granules of somatomammotrophs indicates the preferential co-packaging of the secretogranins/chromogranins and these hormones during secretory granule formation.  相似文献   

Muscle actin filaments bind pituitary secretory granules in vitro   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Hog anterior pituitary secretory granules sediment at 3,000 g. When rat or rabbit skeletal muscle actin filaments are present with the granules, the sedimentation decreases markedly. Depolymerized actin or viscous solutions of Ficoll and collagen have no effect on granule sedimentation. With this assay, actin filaments bind secretory granules (consisting of the proteinaceous core plus limiting membrane), secretory granule membranes, mitochondria, artificial lecithin liposomes, and styrene-butadiene microspheres, but have little or no interaction with membrane-free secretory granule cores and albumin microspheres. A secretory granule-actin complex sedimentable between 3,000 g and 25,000 g can be isolated. Metal ions, nucleotides, salts, dithiothreitol, or pretreatment of the granules with trypsin do not destroy the binding, which appears to be a lipophilic interaction.  相似文献   

Calsyntenins are members of the cadherin superfamily of cell adhesion molecules. They are present in postsynaptic membranes of excitatory neurons and in vesicles in transit to neuronal growth cones. In the current study, calsyntenin-1 (CST-1) and calsyntenin-3 (CST-3) were identified by mass spectrometric analysis (LC-MS/MS) of integral membrane proteins from highly enriched secretory granule preparations from bovine anterior pituitary gland. Immunofluorescence microscopy on thin frozen sections of rat pituitary revealed that CST-1 was present only in gonadotropes where it colocalized with follicle-stimulating hormone in secretory granules. In contrast, CST-3 was present not only in gonadotrope secretory granules but also in those of somatotropes and thyrotropes. Neither protein was detected in mammatropes. In addition, CST-1 was also localized to the glucagon-containing secretory granules of alpha cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Results indicate that calsyntenins function outside the nervous system and potentially are modulators of endocrine function.  相似文献   

Summary Our recent finding that the number of immunoreactive -subunit cells was invariably greater than the total number of immunoreactive gonadotropin (GTH) and thyrotropin (TSH) cells in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) pituitary gland raises the possibility that the -subunit also exists in pituitary cells other than GTH and TSH cells. The present study demonstrates that there are a considerable number of immunoreactive prolactin (PRL) cells that are also stained with antibody against the -subunit when adjacent sections are immunocytochemically examined. Neither immunoreactive growth hormone nor adrenocorticotropin cells are stained with the antibody against the -subunit. The specificity of the antibody against the -subunit and of that against PRL was demonstrated by preabsorption test, non-competitive binding test, and immunoblot analysis. Double-immunolabeling with gold particles of different sizes for the -subunit and PRL revealed that most of the immunolabeled PRL-secretory granules are also labeled with the -subunit antibody. The gold particles indicating the presence of the -subunit were mostly found in the peripheral zone of the secretory granules.  相似文献   

The sulphur content of secretory granules and other subcellular structures in the cells of the anterior pituitary and of neurosecrotory granules in the nerve fibers of the neural lobe have been studied by energy dispersive microanalysis. The highest level has been found in the secretory granules of the neural lobe.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure and cytochemistry of the secretory granules of the male hamster submandibular salivary gland were studied. After fixation in glutaraldehyde followed by osmium tetroxide the granules exhibit a characteristic bipartite substructure, with an electron lucid crescenteric rim and a more dense central core. A differentiation into two regions of the granules could also be visualized in specimens primarily fixed in Millonig's osmium tetroxide or in potassium permanganate. The electron lucid peripheral portion of the membrane bounded secretory granules further displays a strong positive reaction after staining of ultrathin sections with the periodic acid-chromic acid-(PA-CrA)-silver technique. The strong periodate reactivity of the rim relative to the core, suggests a difference in mucin composition of the two granule regions. With the PA-CrA-silver staining technique a positive reaction was also observed within the Golgi apparatus of the acinar cells.  相似文献   

B G Wood  E M Keough 《Tissue & cell》1987,19(2):235-241
A detailed study of the anterior pituitaries of pregnant and lactating mice revealed changes occurring in the ultrastructure of the somatotrophs. The rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae become greatly dilated forming channels that are continuous with the perivascular space. This occurrence expands the membrane surface available for the release of hormone. Individual granules and cytoplasmic islands containing numerous granules appear in these channels. This suggests an alternative mechanism for granule release which would facilitate a rapid response to increased hormone requirement.  相似文献   

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