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通过仔细研究藏于中国科学院植物研究所标本馆(PE)以及中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)的始兴斑叶兰Goodyera shixingensis K. Y. Lang的模式及等模式标本, 并同作者野外观察和采集的小小斑叶兰G. yangmeishanensis T. P. Lin的新鲜植物和文献描述以及标本进行比较, 证实始兴斑叶兰应为小小斑叶兰的异名。  相似文献   

Goodyera procera is an endangered terrestrial orchid in Hong Kong. Information on its reproductive biology and pattern of genetic variation is needed to develop efficient conservation strategies. Pollination experiments showed that the species is self-compatible, but dependent on pollinators for fruit set. Bagged plants produced no fruits. Artificial pollinations resulted in 92% fruit set through selfing, 94% with geitonogamous pollination, and 95% following xenogamous pollination. Fruit set in the open-pollinated control was 75% at the same sites. Allozyme electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used to evaluate genetic variation and structure of 15 populations of Goodyera procera. Despite its outbreeding system, allozyme data revealed low variation both at the population (P = 21.78%, A = 1.22, and H = 0.073) and species (P = 33%, A = 1.33, and H = 0.15) levels, in comparison with other animal-pollinated outbreeding plant species. However, RAPD variation was relatively high (P = 55.13% and H = 0.18 at the population level, and P = 97.03% and H = 0.29 at the species level). GST estimates indicated high levels of genetic differentiation among populations (GST = 0.52 and I = 0.909 ± 0.049 based on allozyme data, and GST = 0.39 and I = 0.859 ± 0.038 based on RAPD data), much above the average for outcrossing species, suggesting that gene flow was limited in this species. Based on these data, suitable strategies were developed for the genetic conservation and management of the species.  相似文献   

为探讨多叶斑叶兰(Goodyera folisa)的繁育系统与传粉生物学特征,对其开花物候、花粉活力与柱头可授性、人工授粉、花的挥发性成分以及昆虫传粉行为进行了研究。结果表明,多叶斑叶兰的唇瓣黄色,萼片白色或白色带红褐色;单花花期为(9.4±0.8)d;花粉在开花后第1天具备活力,柱头在开花后第2天具备可授性,花粉活力和柱头可授性都在开花后第5天达到峰值。去雄套袋和不去雄套袋都不能结实,人工自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株异花授粉的结实率分别为93.3%、95.0%和96.7%,自然结实率为43.3%。花朵的主要挥发性成分为1-辛烯-3-醇、3-辛醇和N,N-二甲基甲酰胺。多叶斑叶兰传粉者为中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)。多叶斑叶兰具有自交亲和能力,但在自然界不具有主动自交现象,必须依赖中华蜜蜂传粉,花色及花香气味为吸引传粉者的主要因素。  相似文献   

 Nectarless flowers of Cypripedium macranthos var. rebunense are pollinated by only queen Bombus pseudobaicalensis, which also pollinates nectar-producing flowers of Pedicularis schistostegia. Our previous study (Sugiura et al. 2001) suggested that they form a floral mimicry system: (1) Flowering phenology of both plants overlapped greatly. (2) Cypripedium occurred with lower frequency relative to Pedicularis. And (3) in a mixed stand of both plants, foraging bumblebees were sometimes confused between the mimic and model flowers. The present study clarified the system with new evidence. (4) Flower colour of Cypripedium and Pedicularis would be similar within the range of a bumblebee's visual spectrum. And (5) both species largely overlapped in spatial distribution. Based on these findings, we discuss how C. macranthos var. rebunense differs in pollination mechanism from other congeneric species, especially C. calceolus. Received April 23, 2002; accepted August 23, 2002 Published online: November 28, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Naoto Sugiura (e-mail: sugiura@aster.sci.kumamoto-u.ac.jp), Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan. Masashi Goubara, United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori University, Tottori 680-8553, Japan. Kenji Kitamura, Division of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University, Mastue 690-8504, Japan. Ken Inoue, Biological Institute and Herbarium, Faculty of Science, Shinshu University, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan.  相似文献   

Bombus pseudobaicalensis queens are known pollinators of the threatened orchid Cypripedium macranthos var. rebunense. However, whether other bumblebee species also pollinate this orchid has not yet been ascertained. A 10-year observation provided convincing evidence that B. pseudobaicalensis is the only consistent pollinator. B. beaticola moshkarareppus queens were newly found to rarely carry pollen smears of the orchid, whereas B. hypocrita sapporoensis and B. diversus queens were practically mere flower visitors. Why these three species do not equal B. pseudobaicalensis in pollination effectiveness remains unclear but differences in body size and individual abundance between B. pseudobaicalensis and the other species are considered as possible primary causes. Given the almost complete dependence of C. macranthos var. rebunense on B. pseudobaicalensis for pollination and its potential risk, conservation managers should take care not to reduce the bumblebee colonies.  相似文献   

Abstract In perennial plants, life-history theory suggests that natural selection should result in the optimization of fruit-to-flower ratios within the limits imposed by the trade-offs between resource allocation for present reproduction and future growth and reproduction. The tropical orchid Dendrobium monophyllum F. Muell., an epiphyte or lithophyte, offers no nectar rewards, is self-incompatible and has a capsule-to-flower ratio of about 1:14. The influence of pollination limitation and the costs of capsule production on capsule-to-flower ratios were assessed using experimental and field studies in which individual plants were observed for 3 years. Pollinators visited about 80% of flowers, and capsule production was significantly related to inflorescence size and pollinaria removal. About nine pollinator visits occurred per capsule. Pollinator visitation and capsule production did not vary significantly between years. The inflorescence size classes most successful in capsule production were also the most frequent in natural populations. The experimental supplementation of outcross pollen to flowers increased capsule set over controls by 45% within a year, but was limited to about 53%. A capsule-to-flower ratio of 1:2 in experimental plants significantly decreased the subsequent growth and flowering of individuals relative to controls. A capsule-to-flower ratio above 1:10 in naturally pollinated plants decreased flowering in the subsequent year. Thus, it is suggested than an increase in capsule production above 10% would not necessarily correlate with greater reproductive fitness because of the increased cost of capsule production. The capsule-to-flower ratio recorded in this study could be evolutionarily stable because of trade-offs between selection for pollinator attraction and the cost of capsule production. The production of surplus flowers appears to function in pollinator attraction and increases fitness through male function.  相似文献   

Abstract Melampyrum ciliare has tubular flowers predominantly visited by Bombus diversus. Floral structure (including the positions of anthers and stigma) and structure of the distal part of the corolla indicate cross-pollination by bumblebees. In M. ciliare, young flowers with white spots on the labium, which disappeared with flower aging, produced larger amounts of nectar than older ones without spots. Bumblebees visited flowers with white spots significantly more frequently than would be expected if they chose flowers randomly. These findings and the high seed production of open-pollinated flowers suggest effective pollination of M. ciliare by bumblebees.  相似文献   

Abstract The pollination ecology of Pedicularis punctata was studied in the Pir Panjal Range of the Kashmir Himalaya in the summer of 1989. Its nectarless, rostrate, long-tubed flower was found to be pollinated exclusively by Bombus foragers vibrating pollen while the stigma contacted pollen in the pollinator's cervical crevice. Workers of Bombus tunicatus and B. flavothoracicus comprised 95% of its pollinators. Pollen-foraging fidelity of its pollinators was greatest where diversity of Bombus -pollinated plant species in three plant communities was least. Foragers on other plants carried virtually no Pedicularis pollen. P. punctata is a mid-season blooming species similar in its pollination syndrome to comparable species in other geographic regions. The enigmatic function of its long, nectarless corolla tube, even more exaggerated in other Asiatic species, requires further investigation.  相似文献   

垂枝斑叶兰(Goodyera pendula Maxim.),先前只报道于日本和中国台湾,在大陆首次发现。这个种的显著特点:植株在树干上附生,花序下垂后再上升,呈“L”型,花序密被腺毛,花朵密集,生于一侧,不完全开张。凭证标本保存在中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)。  相似文献   

Abstract In the summer of 1990, the pollination ecology of Pedicularis megalantha was studied in the montane-subalpine spruce-fir forest zone (2750-3050 m) on the north slope of Mt. Huttoo at Narkanda, Himachal Pradesh, in the Indian Himalaya. Its yellow, long-tubed, nectarless flower with a curled rostrum overarched by a broad, inverted lower corolla lip was pollinated exclusively by Bombus albopleuralis and B. tunicatus workers hanging inverted from the corolla and vibrating pollen from introrse anthers concealed within the galea and releasing pollen through a small ventral opening in the galea base. The stigma, protruding from the tip of the rostrum, contacted pollen deposited on the ventral side of the insect's thorax. Corbicular pollen loads from P. megalantha pollinators indicated equal numbers of monolectic and oligolectic foragers. P. megalantha appeared to suffer from competition for pollinators by Cynoglossum wallichii at one site but to be favored in a mixed plant community with nectariferous species offering a forage resource complementary to Pedicularis pollen. As in P. punctata , the long, nectarless corolla tube of P. megalantha appears to function in extending the rostrate vibration pollination mechanism beyond the plant's foliage, which would interfere with its function. It is not an adaptation for nectar-foraging lepidopteran pollinators. P. megalantha was also found to be a root hemiparasite.  相似文献   

The large bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, indigenous to Europe and adjacent area, and used extensively for high‐value crop pollination, has been artificially introduced to several parts of the world. Here we show the interspecific hybridization between the bumblebee species, B. hypocrita sapporoensis and B. terrestris, under laboratory conditions. The mating and oviposition percentages resulting from the interspecific hybridization of a B. terrestris queen with a B. h. sapporoensis male were higher than those resulting from the intraspecific mating of B. h. sapporoensis. Furthermore, a competitive copulation experiment indicated that the mating of B. h. sapporoensis males with B. terrestris queens was 1.2‐fold more frequent than the mating of these males with B. h. sapporoensis queens. The interspecific hybridization of a B. terrestris queen with a B. h. sapporoensis male produced either B. terrestris workers or the B. terrestris male phenotype, and the hybridization of a B. h. sapporoensis queen with a B. terrestris male produced B. h. sapporoensis males. Our results indicated that interspecific hybridization occurred between B. h. sapporoensis and B. terrestris. The results suggest that such hybridization will have a negative competitive impact and will cause genetic contamination of native bumblebees.  相似文献   

垂枝斑叶兰(Goodyera pendula Maxim.),先前只报道于日本和中国台湾,在大陆首次发现。该种的显著特点:植株在树干上附生,花序下垂后再上升,呈“L”型,花序密被腺毛,花朵密集,生于一侧,不完全开张。凭证标本保存在中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)。  相似文献   

Cypripedium macranthos var. rebunense, was preliminarily studied on Rebun Island, Hokkaido, Japan, for conservation of this threatened orchid. The functional longevity of individual flowers varied from 0 to 18 days, a determining factor being the wind conditions at the growing sites. The flower was self-compatible but needed a pollen vector for fruit production. It lacked nectar and adopted a deceptive pollination system. Queens of a bumblebee, Bombus pseudo-baicalensis, were found to be pollinators but their visits were infrequent. Fruit set was 8.3% at one study site but only 1.2% at another, probably due to interference from the many visitors who came to see the flowers. Based on the results, conservation and management of lady's slipper were discussed. The need for less human interference and for preservation of the interactions between lady's slipper and its pollinator or other plant species with floral rewards is stressed. Received 1 November 2000/ Accepted in revised form 15 March 2001  相似文献   

小峰熊蜂访花偏爱性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传粉昆虫在访花时,通常会表现出对某一类型花的偏爱性。本研究利用人工制作的大小、颜色、形态和气味不同的9种类型的花来研究小峰熊蜂Bombus hypocrita的访花偏爱性。结果表明:当增加花的大小、形态、气味等附加特征数时,小峰熊蜂的偏爱性程度与花朵附加特征数有显著相关性(P<0.01)。当花朵颜色由2种增加到4种,熊蜂对紫色花的偏爱性程度降低,但花朵颜色的种类与小峰熊蜂的访花偏爱性没有相关性(P>0.05),花颜色的种类对熊蜂访紫色花的偏爱性影响不大。大小为5 cm的紫花被访次数(108±9次)明显高于大小为3 cm的紫花被访次数(40±4次)(P<0.01),说明熊蜂明显喜欢访大花瓣的紫花。完全盛开的紫花被访次数(129±13次)显著高于刚绽放的花被访次数(26±3次)(P<0.01),说明熊蜂喜欢访盛开的紫花。柠檬味的紫花被访次数(63±8次)明显低于草莓味的紫色花被访次数(88±2次)(P<0.05),说明熊蜂喜欢访草莓味的花朵。  相似文献   

Beetle pollination by Euphoria lurida (Scarabaeidae: Cetoninae) is documented for Pteroglossaspis ruwenzoriensis (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Cymbideae: Eulophiinae) in its natural habitat in Central Argentina (South America). Flower features with special emphasis on those related to beetle pollination are given. These include: long rigid and well exposed inflorescences, sturdy inconspicuous and deep flowers with small entrance, emission of a yeast-like fragrance, jelly-like nectar, short column, and a head-attaching pollinarium with a broad saddle-like viscidium. Pollinator behaviour and pattern of flower opening favour cross pollination and probably long distance pollen dispersal. Flowering, which lasts about 3 weeks, peaks in summer past mid-January. In natural conditions about 68 flowers are pollinated for every 100 pollinaria removals.  相似文献   

意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica和小峰熊蜂Bombus hypocrita是我国设施农业中的两种主要授粉昆虫, 二者的传粉方式和传粉效率因不同作物而各有不同。为了选用最理想的蜂种为温室作物授粉, 提高作物的授粉效率, 我们于2008-2010年连续3年在北京的温室桃园进行了意大利蜜蜂和小峰熊蜂的传粉行为及其影响因素的研究。结果表明, 两种蜂的日活动规律不同, 和意大利蜜蜂相比, 小峰熊蜂的活动起点温度低、 日工作时间长、 单花访问时间长, 采集蜂在温室内距离蜂巢不同距离之间扩散比较均匀。而意大利蜜蜂采集蜂的数量随授粉半径的增大而明显减少。温室内环境因子对两种蜂传粉活动的影响基本一致, 温度对两种蜂的传粉活动影响最大, 其次是湿度、 单花花蜜浓度和光照强度, 而单花花蜜体积对蜂活动无明显影响。本研究认为对于温室桃授粉应优先选用授粉性能稳定的小峰熊蜂, 并且适当调节温室内环境条件, 以提高其授粉效率。  相似文献   

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