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HIV-1跨膜蛋白gp41是HIV-1包膜与靶细胞膜的融合过程中的关键蛋白,是理想的HIV-1融合抑制剂靶点。为开展以gp41为靶点的抑制剂筛选,以HIV-1 B亚型病毒基因为模板,通过PCR、酶切、连接等方法构建得到gp41 5-helix与6-helix重组质粒,转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)进行表达,经变性和复性后亲和层析纯化蛋白。经SDS-PAGE鉴定,纯化后蛋白纯度较高。本研究还通过非变性凝胶电泳证明gp41 5-helix与C-多肽衍生物T-20存在相互作用,为下一步药物筛选模型的建立奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Many viral fusion proteins exhibit a six-helix bundle as a core structure. HIV Env-induced fusion was studied to resolve whether membrane merger was due to the transition into the bundle configuration or occurred after bundle formation. Suboptimal temperature was used to arrest fusion at an intermediate stage. When bundle formation was prevented by adding inhibitory peptides at this stage, membranes did not merge upon raising temperature. Inversely, when membrane merger was prevented by incorporating lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) into cell membranes at the intermediate, the bundle did not form upon optimizing temperature. In the absence of LPC, the six-helix bundle did not form when the temperature of the intermediate was raised for times too short to promote fusion. Kinetic measures showed that after the temperature pulse, cells had not advanced further toward fusion. The latter results indicate that bundle formation is the rate-limiting step between the arrested intermediate and fusion. Electrical measures showed that the HIV Env-induced pore is initially large and grows rapidly. It is proposed that bundle formation and fusion are each contingent on the other and that movement of Env during its transition into the six-helix bundle directly induces the lipid rearrangements of membrane fusion. Because peptide inhibition showed that, at the intermediate stage, the heptad repeats of gp41 have become stably exposed, creation of the intermediate could be of importance in drug and/or vaccine development.  相似文献   

The membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of HIV-1 gp41 is highly conserved and critical for the fusogenic ability of the virus. However, little is known about the activity of this region in the context of viral fusion. In this study we investigate the temporal exposure of MPER during the course of HIV-1 Env-mediated fusion. We employed the broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies 2F5 and 4E10, whose epitopes localize to this region as indicators for accessibility to this region. Time of addition experiments indicated that escape of HIV-1 infection inhibition by 2F5 and 4E10 occurred concomitantly with that of C34, a peptide that blocks the six-helix bundle formation and fusion, which was about 20 min later than escape of inhibition by the mAb b12 that blocks CD4-gp120 attachment. We also probed accessibility of the MPER region on fusion intermediates by measuring the binding of the monoclonal antibodies at different time points during the fusion reaction. Immunofluorescence and in-cell Western assays showed that binding of 2F5 and 4E10 decreased upon triggering HIV-1 Env-expressing cells with appropriate target cells. Addition of C34 did not counteract the loss of antibody binding, suggesting that changes in exposure of MPER occur independently of six-helix bundle formation.  相似文献   

The identification of membrane-active regions of the ectodomain of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp41 has been made by determining the effect on membrane integrity of a 15-mer gp41-derived peptide library. By monitoring the effect of this peptide library on membrane leakage, we have identified three regions on the gp41 ectodomain with membrane-interacting capabilities: Region 1, which would roughly correspond to the polar sequence which follows the fusion domain and extends to the N-terminal heptad repeat region; Region 2, which would correspond to the immunodominant loop; and Region 3, which would correspond to the pre-transmembrane region of gp41. The identification of these three regions supports their direct role in membrane fusion as well as facilitating the future development of HIV-1 entry inhibitors.  相似文献   

The identification of membrane-active regions of the ectodomain of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp41 has been made by determining the effect on membrane integrity of a 15-mer gp41-derived peptide library. By monitoring the effect of this peptide library on membrane leakage, we have identified three regions on the gp41 ectodomain with membrane-interacting capabilities: Region 1, which would roughly correspond to the polar sequence which follows the fusion domain and extends to the N-terminal heptad repeat region; Region 2, which would correspond to the immunodominant loop; and Region 3, which would correspond to the pre-transmembrane region of gp41. The identification of these three regions supports their direct role in membrane fusion as well as facilitating the future development of HIV-1 entry inhibitors.  相似文献   

Gallo SA  Puri A  Blumenthal R 《Biochemistry》2001,40(41):12231-12236
The onset of cell fusion mediated by HIV-1 IIIB Env is preceded by a lag phase of 15-20 min. Fusion mediated by the CD4-independent HIV-1 Env 8x, which is capable of interacting directly with CXCR4, proceeds with a greatly reduced lag phase. We probed the intermediate steps during the lag phase in HIV-1 IIIB Env-mediated fusion with Leu3-a, an inhibitor of attachment of gp120 to CD4, AMD3100, an inhibitor of attachment of gp120 to CXCR4, and C34, a synthetic peptide that interferes with the transition of gp41 to the fusion active state. Inhibitions of fusion as a function of time of addition of C34 and of AMD3100 were equivalent, indicating that engagement of gp120 by CXCR4 and formation of the gp41 six-helix bundle follow similar kinetics. The initial steps in fusion mediated by the CD4-independent Env 8x are too rapid for these inhibitors to interfere with. However, when 8x Env-expressing cells were incubated with target cells at 25 degrees C in the presence of AMD3100 or C34, prior to incubation at 37 degrees C, these inhibitors were capable of inhibiting 8x Env-mediated fusion. To further examine engagement of gp120 by CXCR4 and exposure of binding sites for C34, we have reversibly arrested the fusion reaction at 37 degrees C by adding cytochalasin B to the medium. We show that CXCR4 engagement and six-helix bundle formation only occur after the release of the cytochalasin arrest, indicating that a high degree of cooperativity is required to trigger the initial steps in HIV-1 Env-mediated fusion.  相似文献   

Human (HIV-1) and simian (SIV) immunodeficiency virus fusion with the host cell is promoted by the receptor-triggered refolding of the gp41 envelope protein into a stable trimer-of-hairpins structure that brings viral and cellular membranes into close proximity. The core of this hairpin structure is a six-helix bundle in which an inner homotrimeric coiled coil is buttressed by three antiparallel outer HR2 helices. We have used stopped-flow circular dichroism spectroscopy to characterize the unfolding and refolding kinetics of the six-helix bundle using the HIV-1 and SIV N34(L6)C28 polypeptides. In each case, the time-course of ellipticity changes in refolding experiments is well described by a simple two-state model involving the native trimer and the unfolded monomers. The unfolding free energy of the HIV-1 and SIV trimers and their urea dependence calculated from kinetic data are in very good agreement with data measured directly by isothermal unfolding experiments. Thus, formation of the gp41 six-helix bundle structure involves no detectable population of stable, partly folded intermediates. Folding of HIV-1 N34(L6)C28 is five orders of magnitudes faster than folding of its SIV counterpart in aqueous buffer: k(on),(HIV-1)=1.3 x 10(15)M(-2)s(-1) versus k(on),(SIV)=1.1 x 10(10)M(-2)s(-1). The unfolding rates are similar: k(off),(HIV-1)=1.1 x 10(-5)s(-1) versus k(off),(SIV=)5.7 x 10(-4)s(-1). Kinetic m-values indicate that the transition state for folding of the HIV-1 protein is significantly more compact than the transition state of the SIV protein. Replacement of a single SIV threonine by isoleucine corresponding to position 573 in the HIV-1 sequence significantly stabilizes the protein and renders the folding rate close to that of the HIV-1 protein yet without making the transition state of the mutant as compact as that of the HIV-1 protein. Therefore, the overall reduction of surface exposure in the high-energy transition state seems not to account for different folding rates. While the available biological evidence suggests that refolding of the gp41 protein is slow, our study implies that structural elements outside the trimer-of-hairpins limit the rate of HIV-1 fusion kinetics.  相似文献   

Wang J  Tong P  Lu L  Zhou L  Xu L  Jiang S  Chen YH 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e18233
The membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of the HIV-1 gp41 consists of epitopes for the broadly cross-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies 2F5 and 4E10. However, antigens containing the linear sequence of these epitopes are unable to elicit potent and broad neutralizing antibody responses in vaccinated hosts, possibly because of inappropriate conformation of these epitopes. Here we designed a recombinant antigen, designated NCM, which comprises the N- and C-terminal heptad repeats that can form a six-helix bundle (6HB) core and the MPER domain of gp41. Two mutations (T569A and I675V) previously reported to expose the neutralization epitopes were introduced into NCM to generate mutants named NCM(TA), NCM(IV), and NCM(TAIV). Our results showed that NCM and its mutants could react with antibodies specific for 6HB and MPER of gp41, suggesting that these antigens are in the form of a trimer of heterodimer (i.e., 6HB) with three exposed MPER tails. Antigen with double mutations, NCM(TAIV), elicited much stronger antibody response in rabbits than immunogens with single mutation, NCM(TA) and NCM(IV), or no mutation, NCM. The purified MPER-specific antibodies induced by NCM(TAIV) exhibited broad neutralizing activity, while the purified 6HB-specific antibodies showed no detectable neutralizing activity. Our recombinant antigen design supported by an investigation of its underlying molecular mechanisms provides a strong scientific platform for the discovery of a gp41 MPER-based AIDS vaccine.  相似文献   

Although human immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) infection induces strong antibody responses to the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) only a few of these antibodies possess the capacity to neutralize a broad range of strains. The induction of such antibodies represents an important goal in the development of a preventive vaccine against the infection. Among the broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies discovered so far, three (2F5, Z13 and 4E10) target the short and hidden membrane proximal external region (MPER) of the gp41 transmembrane protein. Antibody responses to MPER are rarely observed in HIV-infected individuals or after immunization with Env immunogens. To initiate antibody responses to MPER in its membrane-embedded native conformation, we generated expression plasmids encoding the membrane-anchored ectodomain of gp41 with N-terminal deletions of various sizes. Following transfection of these plasmids, the MPER domains are displayed on the cell surface and incorporated into HIV virus like particles (VLP). Transfected cells displaying MPER mutants bound as efficiently to both 2F5 and 4E10 as cells transfected with a plasmid encoding full-length Env. Mice immunized with VLPs containing the MPER mutants produced MPER-specific antibodies, the levels of which could be increased by the trimerization of the displayed proteins as well as by a DNA prime-VLP boost immunization strategy. Although 2F5 competed for binding to MPER with antibodies in sera of some of the immunized mice, neutralizing activity could not be detected. Whether this is due to inefficient binding of the induced antibodies to MPER in the context of wild type Env or whether the overall MPER-specific antibody response induced by the MPER display mutants is too low to reveal neutralizing activity, remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy structural determinations suggest that the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of glycoprotein 41 (gp41) may associate with the HIV-1 membrane interface. It is further proposed that MPER-induced disruption and/or deformation of the lipid bilayer ensue during viral fusion. However, it is predicted that the cholesterol content of this membrane (∼45 mol %) will act against MPER binding and restructuring activity, in agreement with alternative structural models proposing that the MPER constitutes a gp41 ectodomain component that does not insert into the viral membrane. Here, using MPER-based peptides, we test the hypothesis that cholesterol impedes the membrane association and destabilizing activities of this gp41 domain. To that end, partitioning and leakage assays carried out in lipid vesicles were combined with x-ray reflectivity and grazing-incidence diffraction studies of monolayers. CpreTM, a peptide combining the carboxyterminal MPER sequence with aminoterminal residues of the transmembrane domain, bound and destabilized effectively cholesterol-enriched membranes. Accordingly, virion incubation with this peptide inhibited cell infection potently but nonspecifically. Thus, CpreTM seems to mimic the envelope-perturbing function of the MPER domain and displays antiviral activity. As such, we infer that CpreTM bound to cholesterol-enriched membranes would represent a relevant target for anti-HIV-1 immunogen and inhibitor development.  相似文献   

Membrane-activity of the glycoprotein 41 membrane-proximal external region (MPER) is required for HIV-1 membrane fusion. Consequently, its inhibition results in viral neutralization by the antibody 4E10. Previous studies suggested that MPER might act during fusion by locally perturbing the viral membrane, i.e., following a mechanism similar to that proposed for certain antimicrobial peptides. Here, we explore the molecular mechanism of how MPER permeates lipid monolayers containing cholesterol, a main component of the viral envelope, using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and X-ray reflectivity. Our studies reveal that helical MPER forms lytic pores under conditions not affecting the lateral packing order of lipids. Moreover, we observe an increment of the surface area occupied by MPER helices in cholesterol-enriched membranes, which correlates with an enhancement of the 4E10 epitope accessibility in lipid vesicles. Thus, our data support the view that curvature generation by MPER hydrophobic insertion into the viral membrane is functionally more relevant than lipid packing disruption.  相似文献   

The charged amino acids near or within the membrane-spanning region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp41 envelope glycoprotein were altered. Two mutants were defective for syncytium formation and virus replication even though levels of envelope glycoproteins on the cell or virion surface and CD4 binding were comparable to those of the wild-type proteins. Thus, in addition to anchoring the envelope glycoproteins, sequences proximal to the membrane-spanning gp41 region are important for the membrane fusion process.  相似文献   

Cole JL  Garsky VM 《Biochemistry》2001,40(19):5633-5641
The gp41 subunit of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoprotein mediates fusion of the cellular and viral membranes. The gp41 ectodomain is a trimer of alpha-helical hairpins, where N-terminal helices form a parallel three-stranded coiled-coil core and C-terminal helices pack around the core. A deep hydrophobic pocket on the N-terminal core represents an attractive target for antiviral therapeutics. We have employed a soluble derivative of the gp41 core ectodomain and small cyclic disulfide D-peptide inhibitors to define the stoichiometry, affinity, and thermodynamics of ligand binding to this pocket using isothermal titration calorimetry. These inhibitors bind with micromolar affinity to the pocket with the expected stoichiometry of three peptides per gp41 core trimer. There are no cooperative interactions among the three binding sites. Linear eight- or nine-residue D-peptides derived from the pocket-binding domain of the cyclic molecules also bind specifically. A negative heat capacity change is observed and is consistent with burial of hydrophobic surface upon binding. Contrary to expectations for a reaction dominated by the classical hydrophobic effect, peptide binding is enthalpically driven and is opposed by an unfavorable negative entropy change. The calorimetry data support models whereby dominant negative inhibitors bind to a transiently exposed surface on the prefusion intermediate state of gp41 and disrupt subsequent resolution to the fusion-active six-stranded hairpin conformation.  相似文献   



The HIV-1 genome encodes a well-conserved accessory gene product, Vpr, that serves multiple functions in the retroviral life cycle, including the enhancement of viral replication in nondividing macrophages, the induction of G2 cell-cycle arrest, and the modulation of HIV-1-induced apoptosis. We previously reported the genetic selection of a panel of di-tryptophan (W)-containing peptides capable of interacting with HIV-1 Vpr and inhibiting its cytostatic activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yao, X.-J., J. Lemay, N. Rougeau, M. Clément, S. Kurtz, P. Belhumeur, and E. A. Cohen, J. Biol. Chem. v. 277, p. 48816–48826, 2002). In this study, we performed a mutagenic analysis of Vpr to identify sequence and/or structural determinants implicated in the interaction with di-W-containing peptides and assessed the effect of mutations on Vpr-induced cytostatic activity in S. cerevisiae.


Our data clearly shows that integrity of N-terminal α-helix I (17–33) and α-helix III (53–83) is crucial for Vpr interaction with di-W-containing peptides as well as for the protein-induced cytostatic effect in budding yeast. Interestingly, several Vpr mutants, mainly in the N- and C-terminal domains, which were previously reported to be defective for cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis in human cells, still displayed a cytostatic activity in S. cerevisiae and remained sensitive to the inhibitory effect of di-W-containing peptides.


Vpr-induced growth arrest in budding yeast can be effectively inhibited by GST-fused di-W peptide through a specific interaction of di-W peptide with Vpr functional domain, which includes α-helix I (17–33) and α-helix III (53–83). Furthermore, the mechanism(s) underlying Vpr-induced cytostatic effect in budding yeast are likely to be distinct from those implicated in cell-cycle alteration and apoptosis in human cells.  相似文献   

As one of the initial mucosal transmission pathways of HIV (HIV-1), epithelial cells translocate HIV-1 from apical to basolateral surface by nondegradative transcytosis. Transcytosis is initiated when HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins bind to the epithelial cell membrane. Here we show that the transmembrane gp41 subunit of the viral envelope binds to the epithelial glycosphingolipid galactosyl ceramide (Gal Cer), an alternative receptor for HIV-1, at a site involving the conserved ELDKWA epitope. Disrupting the raft organization of the Gal Cer-containing microdomains at the apical surface inhibited HIV-1 transcytosis. Immunological studies confirmed the critical role of the conserved ELDKWA hexapeptide in HIV-1 transcytosis. Mucosal IgA, but not IgG, from seropositive subjects targeted the conserved peptide, neutralized gp41 binding to Gal Cer, and blocked HIV-1 transcytosis. These results underscore the important role of secretory IgA in designing strategies for mucosal protection against HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

In models of HIV fusion, the glycoprotein gp41 is thought to form a six-helix bundle during viral fusion with the target cell. This bundle is comprised of three helical regions (from the heptad repeat 2, or HR2, region of gp41) bound to an inner, trimeric, coiled-coil core (from the HR1 region). Although much has been learned about the structure and thermodynamics of this complex, the energetics of the isolated HR1 self-associated oligomer remain largely unknown. By systematically studying self-association through a series of truncations based on a 51-mer HR1 peptide (T865), we have identified amino acid segments which contribute significantly to the stability of the oligomeric HR1 complex. Biophysical characterization of C-terminal truncations of T865 identifies a 10-15-amino acid region that is essential for HR1 oligomerization. This region coincides with a hydrophobic pocket that provides important contacts for the interaction of HR2 helices. Complete removal of this pocket abolishes HR1 oligomerization. Despite the dramatic reduction in stability, the monomeric HR1 peptides are still able to form stable six-helix bundles in the presence of HR2 peptides. Truncations on the N-terminal side of T865 have little effect on oligomerization but significantly reduce the stability of the HR1-HR2 six-helix bundle. Unlike the HR2 binding site, which extends along a hydrophobic groove on the HR1 oligomer, the residues that are critical for HR1 oligomerization are concentrated in a 10-15-amino acid region. These results demonstrate that there are localizations of binding energy, or "hot spots", in the self-association of peptides derived from the HR1 region of gp41.  相似文献   

The conformational and immunological properties of different analogues corresponding to the 600-612 disulfide loop of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) gp41 glycoprotein envelope were studied. Fourteen analogues were designed and synthesised; namely, a series of seven analogues in which the disulfide bond was replaced by a lactam bridge and a series of seven analogues in which one residue of each analogue at a time, was replaced by its corresponding homologised alpha-amino acid (beta(3)-amino acid). In the case of the lactam analogues, the influence of the two possible CO-NH and NH-CO orientations of the lactam bridge as well as the size of the lactam ring was explored. The analogues were tested in ELISA with monoclonal antibodies raised against the 600-612 cyclic parent peptide as well as with sera from HIV-1 infected patients. A structural analysis of the parent and analogue peptides was carried out in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO-d(6)) using two-dimensional NMR techniques and molecular dynamics simulations. Comparison of the own conformation of the cyclic analogues with their either strong or weak reactivity with the antibodies reveals structural features that may be correlated with the antibody reactivity. Thus, a close structural similarity, particularly a characteristic orientation of the side-chains of residues Lys606, Leu607 and Ile608 in the loop, was found in certain beta(3)-analogues that were better recognised than the parent peptide by anti-peptide mouse monoclonal antibodies and patients' antibodies.  相似文献   

During human immunodeficiency virus entry, gp41 undergoes a series of conformational changes that induce membrane fusion. Immediately prior to fusion, gp41 exists in a prehairpin intermediate in which the N- and C-peptide regions of gp41 are exposed. Rearrangement of this intermediate into a six-helix bundle composed of a trimeric coiled coil from the N-peptide region (N-trimer) surrounded by three peptides from the C-peptide region provides the driving force for membrane fusion, whereas prevention of six-helix bundle formation inhibits viral entry. Because of its central role in mediating viral entry, the N-trimer region of gp41 is a key vaccine target. Extensive efforts to discover potent and broadly neutralizing antibodies (Abs) against the N-trimer region have, thus far, been unsuccessful. In this study, we attached a potent C-peptide inhibitor that binds to the N-trimer region to cargo proteins of various sizes to examine the steric accessibility of the N-trimer during fusion. These inhibitors show a progressive loss of potency with increasing cargo size. Extension of the cargo/C-peptide linker partially restores inhibitory potency. These results demonstrate that the human immunodeficiency virus defends its critical hairpin-forming machinery by steric exclusion of large proteins and may explain the current dearth of neutralizing Abs against the N-trimer. In contrast, previous results suggest the C-peptide region is freely accessible during fusion, demonstrating that the N- and C-peptide regions are in structurally distinct environments. Based on these results, we also propose new strategies for the generation of neutralizing Abs that overcome this steric block.  相似文献   

The identification and epitope mapping of broadly neutralizing anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) antibodies (Abs) is important for vaccine design, but, despite much effort, very few such Abs have been forthcoming. Only one broadly neutralizing anti-gp41 monoclonal Ab (MAb), 2F5, has been described. Here we report on two MAbs that recognize a region immediately C-terminal of the 2F5 epitope. Both MAbs were generated from HIV-1-seropositive donors, one (Z13) from an antibody phage display library, and one (4E10) as a hybridoma. Both MAbs recognize a predominantly linear and relatively conserved epitope, compete with each other for binding to synthetic peptide derived from gp41, and bind to HIV-1(MN) virions. By flow cytometry, these MAbs appear to bind relatively weakly to infected cells and this binding is not perturbed by pretreatment of the infected cells with soluble CD4. Despite the apparent linear nature of the epitopes of Z13 and 4E10, denaturation of recombinant envelope protein reduces the binding of these MAbs, suggesting some conformational requirements for full epitope expression. Most significantly, Z13 and 4E10 are able to neutralize selected primary isolates from diverse subtypes of HIV-1 (e.g., subtypes B, C, and E). The results suggest that a rather extensive region of gp41 close to the transmembrane domain is accessible to neutralizing Abs and could form a useful target for vaccine design.  相似文献   

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