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Amyloid fibrils obtained after incubating hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) at pH 2.0 and 65 degrees C for extended periods of time have been found to consist predominantly of fragments of the protein corresponding to residues 49-100, 49-101, 53-100 and 53-101, derived largely from the partial acid hydrolysis of Asp-X peptide bonds. These internal fragments of HEWL encompass part of the beta-domain and all the residues forming the C-helix in the native protein, and contain two internal disulfide bridges Cys64-Cys80 and Cys76-Cys94. The complementary protein fragments, including helices A, B and D of the native protein, are not significantly incorporated into the network of fibrils, but remain largely soluble, in agreement with their predicted lower propensities to aggregate. Further analysis of the properties of different regions of HEWL to form amyloid fibrils was carried out by studying fragments produced by limited proteolysis of the protein by pepsin. Here, we show that only fragment 57-107, but not fragment 1-38/108-129, is able to generate well-defined amyloid fibrils under the conditions used. This finding is of particular importance, as the beta-domain and C-helix of the highly homologous human lysozyme have been shown to unfold locally in the amyloidogenic variant D67H, which is associated with the familial cases of systemic amyloidosis linked to lysozyme deposition. The identification of the highly amyloidogenic character of this region of the polypeptide chain provides strong support for the involvement of partially unfolded species in the initiation of the aggregation events that lead to amyloid deposition in clinical disease.  相似文献   

The oxidative refolding of human lysozyme and its two best characterised amyloidogenic variants, Ile56Thr and Asp67His, has been investigated in vitro by means of the concerted application of a range of biophysical techniques. The results show that in each case the ensemble of reduced denatured conformers initially collapses into a large number of unstructured intermediates with one or two disulphide bonds, the majority of which then fold to form the native-like three-disulphide intermediate, des-[77-95]. The slow step in the overall folding reaction involves the rearrangement of the latter to the fully oxidised native protein containing four disulphide bonds. The Ile56Thr and Asp67His variants were found to fold faster than the wild-type protein by a factor of 2 and 3 respectively, an observation that can be attributed primarily to the reduction in the barriers to conformational rearrangements that results from both the mutations. The efficient folding of these variants despite their enhanced propensities to aggregate when compared to the wild-type protein is consistent with their ability to be secreted in sufficient quantities to give rise to the systemic amyloidoses with which they are associated.  相似文献   

T70N human lysozyme is the only known naturally occurring destabilised lysozyme variant that has not been detected in amyloid deposits in human patients. Its study and a comparison of its properties with those of the amyloidogenic variants of lysozyme is therefore important for understanding the determinants of amyloid disease. We report here the X-ray crystal structure and the solution dynamics of T70N lysozyme, as monitored by hydrogen/deuterium exchange and NMR relaxation experiments. The X-ray crystal structure shows that a substantial structural rearrangement results from the amino acid substitution, involving residues 45-51 and 68-75 in particular, and gives rise to a concomitant separation of these two loops of up to 6.5A. A marked decrease in the magnitudes of the generalised order parameter (S2) values of the amide nitrogen atom, for residues 70-74, shows that the T70N substitution increases the flexibility of the peptide backbone around the site of mutation. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange protection factors measured by NMR spectroscopy were calculated for the T70N variant and the wild-type protein. The protection factors for many of backbone amide groups in the beta-domain of the T70N variant are decreased relative to those in the wild-type protein, whereas those in the alpha-domain display wild-type-like values. In pulse-labelled hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments monitored by mass spectrometry, transient but locally cooperative unfolding of the beta-domain of the T70N variant and the wild-type protein was observed, but at higher temperatures than for the amyloidogenic variants I56T and D67H. These findings reveal that such partial unfolding is an intrinsic property of the human lysozyme structure, and suggest that the readiness with which it occurs is a critical feature determining whether or not amyloid deposition occurs in vivo.  相似文献   

The aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins is linked to several amyloidoses, including neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. Currently there are very few effective cures or treatments available, despite countless screenings and clinical trials. One of the most challenging aspects of potential anti-amyloid drug discovery is finding which molecules are the actual inhibitors out of mixtures, which may contain hundreds of distinct compounds. Considering that anti-amyloid compounds would interact with the aggregate, this affinity could be used as a means of separating such compounds from ineffective ones. In this work, we attempt to scavenge potential aggregation-inhibiting molecules out of four, different complexity mixtures, ranging from oxidized gallic acid to tea extract, using lysozyme amyloid fibrils. We show that these compounds bind to aggregates with high affinity and can be later separated from them by different methods.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation via polyglutamine stretches occurs in a number of severe neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's disease. We have investigated fibrillar aggregates of polyglutamine peptides below, at, and above the toxicity limit of around 37 glutamine residues using solid-state NMR and electron microscopy. Experimental data are consistent with a dry fibril core of at least 70-80 Å in width for all constructs. Solid-state NMR dipolar correlation experiments reveal a largely β-strand character of all samples and point to tight interdigitation of hydrogen-bonded glutamine side chains from different sheets. Two approximately equally frequent populations of glutamine residues with distinct sets of chemical shifts are found, consistent with local backbone dihedral angles compensating for β-strand twist or with two distinct sets of side-chain conformations. Peptides comprising 15 glutamine residues are present as single extended β-strands. Data obtained for longer constructs are most compatible with a superpleated arrangement with individual molecules contributing β-strands to more than one sheet and an antiparallel assembly of strands within β-sheets.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure and backbone dynamics of human prolactin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human prolactin is a 199-residue (23 kDa) protein closely related to growth hormone and placental lactogen with properties and functions resembling both a hormone and a cytokine. As a traditional hormone, prolactin is produced by lactotrophic cells in the pituitary and secreted into the bloodstream where it acts distally to regulate reproduction and promote lactation. Pituitary cells store prolactin in secretory granules organized around large prolactin aggregates, which are produced within the trans layer of the Golgi complex. Extrapituitary prolactin is synthesized by a wide variety of cells but is not stored in secretory granules. Extrapituitary prolactin displays immunomodulatory activities and acts as a growth factor for cancers of the breast, prostate and tissues of the female reproductive system. We have determined the tertiary structure of human prolactin using three-dimensional (3D) and four-dimensional (4D) heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. As expected, prolactin adopts an "up-up-down-down" four-helical bundle topology and resembles other members of the family of hematopoietic cytokines. Prolactin displays three discrete structural differences from growth hormone: (1) a structured N-terminal loop in contact with the first helix, (2) a missing mini-helix in the loop between the first and second helices, and (3) a shorter loop between the second and third helices lacking the perpendicular mini-helix observed in growth hormone. Residues necessary for functional binding to the prolactin receptor are clustered on the prolactin surface in a position similar to growth hormone. The backbone dynamics of prolactin were investigated by analysis of 15N NMR relaxation phenomena and demonstrated a rigid four-helical bundle with relatively mobile interconnecting loops. Comparison of global macromolecular tumbling at 0.1mM and 1.0mM prolactin revealed reversible oligomerization, which was correlated to dynamic light scattering experiments. The existence of a reversible oligomerization reaction in solution provides insight into previous results describing the in vitro and in vivo aggregation properties of human prolactin.  相似文献   

We present colloidal nanocomposites formed by incorporating magnetite Fe3O4 nanoparticles (MNPs) with lysozyme amyloid fibrils (LAFs). Preparation of two types of solutions, with and without addition of salt, was carried out to elucidate the structure of MNPs-incorporated fibrillary nanocomposites and to study the effect of the presence of salt on the stability of the nanocomposites. The structural morphology of the LAFs and their interaction with MNPs were analyzed by atomic force microscopy and small-angle x-ray scattering measurements. The results indicate that conformational properties of the fibrils are dependent on the concentration of protein, and the precise ratio of the concentration of the protein and MNPs is crucially important for the stability of the fibrillary nanocomposites. Our results confirm that despite the change in fibrillary morphology induced by the varying concentration of the protein, the adsorption of MNPs on the surface of LAF is morphologically independent. Moreover, most importantly, the samples containing salt have excellent stability for up to 1 year of shelf-life.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of a modified human lysozyme (HL), Glu 53 HL, in which Asp 53 was replaced by Glu, has been determined at 1.77 A resolution by X-ray analysis. The backbone structure of Glu 53 HL is essentially the same as the structure of wild-type HL. The root mean square difference for the superposition of equivalent C alpha atoms is 0.141 A. Except for the Glu 53 residue, the structure of the active site region is largely conserved between Glu 53 HL and wild-type HL. However, the hydrogen bond network differs because of the small shift or rotation of side chain groups. The carboxyl group of Glu 53 points to the carboxyl group of Glu 35 with a distance of 4.7 A between the nearest carboxyl oxygen atoms. A water molecule links these carboxyl groups by a hydrogen bond bridge. The active site structure explains well the fact that the binding ability for substrates does not significantly differ between Glu 53 HL and wild-type HL. On the other hand, the positional and orientational change of the carboxyl group of the residue 53 caused by the mutation is considered to be responsible for the low catalytic activity (ca. 1%) of Glu 53 HL. The requirement of precise positioning for the carboxyl group suggests the possibility that the Glu 53 residue contributes more than a simple electrostatic stabilization of the intermediate in the catalysis reaction.  相似文献   

Amyloid formation is associated with several human diseases including Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and so forth, no disease modifying therapeutics are available for them. Because of the structural similarities between the amyloid species characterizing these diseases, (despite the lack of amino acid homology) it is believed that there might be a common mechanism of toxicity for these conditions. Thus, inhibition of amyloid formation could be a promising disease-modifying therapeutic strategy for them. Aromatic residues have been identified as crucial in formation and stabilization of amyloid structures. This finding was corroborated by high-resolution structural studies, theoretical analysis, and molecular dynamics simulations. Amongst the aromatic entities, tryptophan was found to possess the most amyloidogenic potential. We therefore postulate that targeting aromatic recognition interfaces by tryptophan could be a useful approach for inhibiting the formation of amyloids. Quinones are known as inhibitors of cellular metabolic pathways, to have anti- cancer, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and were shown to inhibit aggregation of several amyloidogenic proteins in vitro. We have previously described two quinone-tryptophan hybrids which are capable of inhibiting amyloid-beta, the protein associated with AD pathology, both in vitro and in vivo. Here we tested their generic properties and their ability to inhibit other amyloidogenic proteins including α-synuclein, islet amyloid polypeptide, lysozyme, calcitonin, and insulin. Both compounds showed efficient inhibition of all five proteins examined both by ThT fluorescence analysis and by electron microscope imaging. If verified in vivo, these small molecules could serve as leads for developing generic anti-amyloid drugs.  相似文献   

Human lysozyme has a structure similar to that of hen lysozyme and differs in amino acid sequence by 51 out of 129 residues with one insertion at the position between 47 and 48 in hen lysozyme. The backbone dynamics of free or (NAG)3-bound human lysozyme has been determined by measurements of 15N nuclear relaxation. The relaxation data were analyzed using the Lipari-Szabo formalism and were compared with those of hen lysozyme, which was already reported (Mine S et al.. 1999, J Mol Biol 286:1547-1565). In this paper, it was found that the backbone dynamics of free human and hen lysozymes showed very similar behavior except for some residues, indicating that the difference in amino acid sequence did not affect the behavior of entire backbone dynamics, but the folded pattern was the major determinant of the internal motion of lysozymes. On the other hand, it was also found that the number of residues in (NAG)3-bound human and hen lysozymes showed an increase or decrease in the order parameters at or near active sites on the binding of (NAG)3, indicating the increase in picosecond to nanosecond. These results suggested that the immobilization of residues upon binding (NAG)3 resulted in an entropy penalty and that this penalty was compensated by mobilizing other residues. However, compared with the internal motions between both ligand-bound human and hen lysozymes, differences in dynamic behavior between them were found at substrate binding sites, reflecting a subtle difference in the substrate-binding mode or efficiency of activity between them.  相似文献   

Variant human cystatin C (L68Q) is an amyloidogenic protein. It deposits in the cerebral vasculature of Icelandic patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy, leading to stroke. Wild-type and variant cystatin C are cysteine proteinase inhibitors which form concentration dependent inactive dimers; however, variant cystatin C dimerizes at lower concentrations and has an increased susceptibility to a serine protease. We studied the effect of the L68Q amino acid substitution on cystatin C properties, utilizing full length cystatin C purified in mild conditions from media of cells stably transfected with either the wild-type or variant cystatin C genes. The variant cystatin C forms fibrils in vitro detectable by electron microscopy in conditions in which the wild-type protein forms amorphous aggregates. We also show by circular dichroism, steady-state fluorescence and Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy that the amino acid substitution modifies cystatin C structure by destabilizing alpha-helical structures and exposing the tryptophan residue to a more polar environment, yielding a more unfolded molecule. These spectral changes demonstrate that variant cystatin C has a three-dimensional structure different from that of the wild-type protein. The structural differences between variant and wild-type cystatin C account for the susceptibility of the variant protein to unfolding, proteolysis and fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

Crandall YM  Bruch MD 《Biopolymers》2008,89(3):197-209
Mastoparan-X, a 14-residue peptide found in wasp venom, does not adopt a well-defined structure in water, but it folds into an alpha-helix upon addition of trifluoroethanol (TFE). At low levels of TFE, the peptide is partially folded, passing through intermediate stages of folding as the amount of TFE is increased. These partially folded states have been characterized by CD and NMR spectroscopy, and methods to estimate the helical content from CD, chemical shift, and nuclear overhauser effect (NOE) data are compared. Variation in the sign and intensity of NOE cross-peaks is observed in different regions of the peptide, indicative of greater mobility of the sidechains compared to the backbone of the peptide. Furthermore, variation in the sidechain mobility is observed, both between sidechains of different amino acids and within the sidechain of a given amino acid. By monitoring chemical shifts and NOE intensities as the TFE concentration is increased, the initiation site for helix formation could be identified. Furthermore, details of the peptide structure and dynamics during the folding process were elucidated.  相似文献   

Kuntz and Kauzmann have argued that dehydrating a protein results in conformational changes. In contrast, Rupleyet al. have developed a hydration model which involves no significant change in conformation; the onset of enzyme activity in hen egg-white lysozyme at hydration values of about 0.2 g water/g protein they ascribe rather to a solvation effect. Using a direct difference infra-red technique we can follow specific hydration events as water is added to a dry protein. Conformational studies of lysozyme using laser Raman spectroscopy indicate changes in conformation with hydration that are complete just before measurable activity is found. Parallel nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of exchangeability of the main chain amide hydrogens, as a function of hydration from near dryness, suggest a hydration-related increase in conformational flexibility which occurs before-and is probably necessary for-the Raman-detected conformational changes. Very recent inelastic neutron scattering measurements provides direct evidence of a flexibility change induced by hydration, which is apparently necessary before the enzyme can achieve adequate flexibility for it to begin to function.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the effects of amino acids on amyloid aggregation of lysozyme. l ‐cysteine (Cys) dramatically inhibited fibrillation of lysozyme, whereas other amino acids (including l ‐arginine) did not. In the presence of Cys, the aggregation pathway of lysozyme shifted from fibrillation to the formation of the small worm‐like aggregates with unfolding. The interaction between Cys and lysozyme was observed to be non‐covalent, suggesting that the thiophilic interaction between the thiol group on the side chain of Cys and the core sequence of lysozyme significantly contributes to the inhibition of amyloid aggregation. These findings provide a new basis for the design of a biocompatible additive to prevent amyloid fibrillation. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:470–478, 2014  相似文献   

Characterization of amyloidogenic intermediate states is of central importance in understanding the molecular mechanism of amyloid formation. In this study, we utilized CD and NMR spectroscopy to investigate secondary structure of the monomeric amyloidogenic intermediate of a β-structured SH3 domain, which was induced by trifluoroethanol (TFE). The combined biophysical studies showed that the native state SH3 domain is gradually converted to the amyloidogenic intermediate state at TFE concentrations of 20-26% (v/v) and the aggregation-prone state contains substantial amount of the β-sheet conformation (∼ 30%) with disordered (54%) and some helical characters (16%). Under weaker amyloidogenic conditions of higher TFE concentrations (> 40%), the β-sheet structures were gradually changed to helical conformations and the relative content of the helical and β-sheet conformations was highly correlated with the aggregation propensity of the SH3 domain. This indicates that the β-sheet characters of the amyloidogenic states may be critical to the effective amyloid formation.  相似文献   

A structural-dynamic study of one of the chimeric proteins (SHA) belonging to the SH3-Bergerac family and containing the KATANGKTYE sequence instead of the N47D48 β-turn in the spectrin SH3-domain was carried out by high resolution NMR spectroscopy. The spatial structure of the protein was determined and its dynamics in solution was investigated on the basis of the NMR data. The elongation of the SHA polypeptide chain in comparison with the WT-SH3 original protein (by ~17%) exerts practically no effect on the general topology of the molecule. The presence of a stable β-hairpin in the region of insertion was confirmed. This hairpin was shown to have a higher mobility in comparison with other regions of the protein.  相似文献   

With the development of various nanomaterial expected to be used in biomedical fields, it is more important to evaluate and understand their potential effects on biological system. In this work, two proteins with different structure, Villin Headpiece (HP35) with α‐helix structure and protofibrils Aβ1‐42 with five β‐strand chains, were selected and their interactions with silicene were studied by means of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to reveal the potential effect of silicene on the structure and function of biomolecules. The obtained results indicated that silicene could rapidly attract HP35 and Aβ1‐42 fibrils onto the surface to form a stable binding. The adsorption strength was moderate and no significant structural distortion of HP35 and Aβ1‐42 fibrils was observed. Moreover, the strength of calculated the H‐bonds in neighbor chain of Aβ1‐42 fibrils indicated that the mild interactions between silicene and fibrils could regularize the structure of Aβ1‐42 fibrils and stabilize the interactions between five chains of fibrils protein, which might enhance the aggregation of Aβ1‐42 fibrils. This study provides a new insight for understanding the interaction between nanomaterials and biomolecules and moves forward the development of silicene into biomedical fields.  相似文献   

(15)N NMR relaxation parameters and amide (1)H/(2)H-exchange rates have been used to characterize the structural flexibility of human growth hormone (rhGH) at neutral and acidic pH. Our results show that the rigidity of the molecule is strongly affected by the solution conditions. At pH 7.0 the backbone dynamics parameters of rhGH are uniform along the polypeptide chain and their values are similar to those of other folded proteins. In contrast, at pH 2.7 the overall backbone flexibility increases substantially compared to neutral pH and the average order parameter approaches the lower limit expected for a folded protein. However, a significant variation of the backbone dynamics through the molecule indicates that under acidic conditions the mobility of the residues becomes more dependent on their location within the secondary structure units. In particular, the order parameters of certain loop regions decrease dramatically and become comparable to those found in unfolded proteins. Furthermore, the HN-exchange rates at low pH reveal that the residues most protected from exchange are clustered at one end of the helical bundle, forming a stable nucleus. We suggest that this nucleus maintains the overall fold of the protein under destabilizing conditions. We therefore conclude that the acid state of rhGH consists of a structurally conserved, but dynamically more flexible helical core surrounded by an aura of highly mobile, unstructured loops. However, in spite of its prominent flexibility the acid state of rhGH cannot be considered a "molten globule" state because of its high stability. It appears from our work that under certain conditions, a protein can tolerate a considerable increase in flexibility of its backbone, along with an increased penetration of water into its core, while still maintaining a stable folded conformation.  相似文献   

Eotaxin is a CC chemokine with potent chemoattractant activity towards eosinophils. 15N NMR relaxation data have been used to characterize the backbone dynamics of recombinant human eotaxin. 15N longitudinal (R1) and transverse (R2) auto relaxation rates, heteronuclear 1H-15N steady-state NOEs, and transverse cross-relaxation rates (xy) were obtained at 30 °C for all resolved backbone secondary amide groups using 1 H-detected two-dimensional NMR experiments. Ratios of transverse auto and cross relaxation rates were used to identify NH groups influenced by slow conformational rearrangement. Relaxation data were fit to the extended model free dynamics formalism, yielding parameters describing axially symmetric molecular rotational diffusion and the internal dynamics of each NH group. The molecular rotational correlation time (m) is 5.09±0.02 ns, indicating that eotaxin exists predominantly as a monomer under the conditions of the NMR study. The ratio of diffusion rates about unique and perpendicular axes (D/D) is 0.81±0.02. Residues with large amplitudes of subnanosecond motion are clustered in the N-terminal region (residues 1–19), the C-terminus (residues 68–73) and the loop connecting the first two -strands (residues 30–37). N-terminal flexibility appears to be conserved throughout the chemokine family and may have implications for the mechanism of chemokine receptor activation. Residues exhibiting significant dynamics on the microsecond–millisecond time scale are located close to the two conserved disulfide bonds, suggesting that these motions may be coupled to disulfide bond isomerization.  相似文献   

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