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Cells subjected to the events occurring before, during, and after freezing and thawing are exposed to major changes in the osmotic pressure of the surrounding medium; i.e., the osmolalities can exceed 30. An important question in understanding the mechanisms of injury is whether cells respond as ideal osmometers to these strongly anisotonic solutions. Mouse and bovine embryos from eight-cell to blastocyst stage were used to investigate the question. They were found to behave as ideal osmometers at room temperature over a wide range of tonicities; i.e., from four times isotonic to almost 1/3 times isotonic, ideality being defined by a Boyle-van't Hoff equation. Embryo volumes increased from 40 to 200% of isotonic over this range and survivals of mouse embryos were unaffected. However, outside this range the membrane apparently becomes leaky and the survival of mouse embryos drops sharply. Osmolalities rise to high values during freezing and the paper develops the thermodynamic equations to show how computed cell volumes as a function of subzero temperature can be translated into the Boyle-van't Hoff format of cell volume as a function of the reciprocal of osmolality.  相似文献   

This paper describes a sensitive, reproducible, and automated procedure to measure DNA synthesis in preimplantation mouse embryos. Conditions for the DNA synthesis assay have been optimized as follows: (1) 4 μCi/ml3H-thymidine (sp. act. 20 Ci/immole); (2) a labeling period from 2 to 7 hours; (3) a 3-hour preincubation period for blastocysts and from 0 to 7 hours preincubation for 8-cell embryos; and (4) from 1 to 64 embryos per assay. The amount of DNA synthesis per embryo was found to be directly proportional to the number of cells (nuclei) per embryo. The described assay should be useful for future studies on the effect of synthetic and natural compounds on the development of preimplantation mouse embryos, as measured by perturbations in embryonic DNA synthetic activity.  相似文献   

This study attempts to assess the developmental importance of cell surface glycoconjugates of preimplantation mouse embryos. This was done by incubating early embryos in various lectins and analyzing subsequent development. If specific cell surface glycoconjugates (lectin receptors) are linked to specific developmental processes, such as cell division, compaction, and blastocyst formation, then different lectins should block these different developmental processes. The results show that wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA; N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-specific) at 50 μg/ml prevents the cell division of four-cell embryos. However, this effect of WGA occurs only in embryos with intact zonae pellucidae. Concanavalin A (Con A; α-D-glucose and α-D-mannose-specific) treatment, 20 μg/ml, of four-cell or early eight-cell embryos prevents compaction, the first major change in cell shape in early mouse embryogenesis. Divalent succinly Con A does not affect development, suggesting that the Con A effect is due to crosslinking of cell surface glycoconjugates. Exposure of four-cell or early eight-cell embryos to 10 μg/ml Lotus Tetragonolobus puprureas agglutinin (LTA; α-L-fucose-specific) or 25 μg/ml Limulus polyphemus agglutinin (LPA; sialic acid-specific) allows compaction or development to the morula stage, but blocks blastocyst formation. All lectins tested retard cell division to some extent. Late morulae and early blastocysts are more resistant than earlier stages to all of the lectins studied. This study demonstrates that very low concentrations of these lectins affect different developmental processes, presumably based upon their sugar specificities.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse embryos were collected at the 2-cell stage, cultured in vitro in the presence of3H deoxyuridine or uridine for 6 or 4 h and autoradiographed.Deoxyuridine is actively incorporated into the DNA of cleaving mouse embryos indicating the existence of thymidylate synthetase activity at least at the 4-cell stage and presumably already before this.RNAase treatment of embryos squashed on slides shows a weak but obvious incorporation of uridine into DNA of cleaving mouse embryos, from the 4-cell stage onwards; this incorporation is totally inhibited by hydroxyurea. The reduction of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides is a metabolic pathway already required for cleavage, as shown by hydroxyurea experiments.The second polar pody, known to incorporate thymidine, is unable to incorporate either deoxyuridine or uridine.  相似文献   

朱屹然  张美玲  翟志超  赵云蛟  马馨 《遗传》2016,38(2):103-108
基因组印记是一种区别父母等位基因的表观遗传过程,可导致父源和母源基因特异性表达。印记是在配子发生过程中全基因组表观重编程时获得的,且在早期胚胎发育过程中得以维持。因此,在全基因组重编程过程中,对印记的识别和维持十分重要。本文概述了原始生殖细胞的印记清除、双亲原始生殖细胞的印记获得以及早期胚胎发育过程中印记维持的相关过程,并对在印记区域内保护印记基因免受全基因组DNA去甲基化的表观遗传因子的相关作用机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Summary Early (non-compacted) and late (compacted) 8-cell embryos were observed after few hours of culture in vitro. The former embryos underwent compaction and the latter embryos were found decompacted. Cell counting suggested that decompaction preceded fourth cleavage division of any blastomere and lasted until the blastomeres divided.About one third of mouse morulae, which had about twenty cells, were found non-compacted upon obtaining from females. After few hours of culture in vitro these embryos underwent recompaction and cavitation. Increasing the contributions of mitosis-arrested and cytokinesisarrested cells within the morulae by culture with nocodazole and cytochalasin B respectively, did not delay recompaction.The data show that periods of decompaction and recompaction alternate in preimplantation development.  相似文献   

A limiting factor in the development of new technologies and transport of rats worldwide has been the inability to robustly culture preimplantation embryos. Previously, culture in vitro to the blastocyst stage from one-cell embryos was successful only if the one-cell embryos were isolated near the time of the first cleavage and from only a few strains. Here we report the use of commonly available, chemically defined culture media to overcome these limitations. In vitro culture of young one-cell embryos using common embryo media (KSOM, BMOC, or HTF) for 18-22 h followed by culture in mR1ECM medium allows the successful in vitro development of blastocysts from one-cell embryos after 5 days from both outbred (SD) and inbred strains of rat (WF, LEW, F344, and PVG). This system allows the parthenogenetic development of chemically activated, unfertilized oocytes to the blastocyst stage. Embryos cultured in this system develop to term and are live-born following transfer to surrogate mothers.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of cytokine LIF on in vitro development of 2-cell mouse embryos to the late blastocyst stage. LIF at 10 ng/ml enhanced the blastocyst formation and hatching from zona pellucida. When blastocysts were cultivated in a medium with LIF for a longer time, the trophoblast adhesive properties and proliferative activity were enhanced. In the presence of this cytokine, the trophoblast cells were attached to the substrate surface and fulfill the function of a sublayer for growth of the inner cell mass colonies with a high activity of endogenous alkaline phosphatase. Expression of LIF was detected in the oviduct and uterus epithelial tissues from day 1 until day 4 of pregnancy, thus suggesting its involvement in early development. According to the data of cultivation, cytokine LIF enhanced the adhesive properties and functional activity of the trophoblast cells, which is essential for implantation of blastocysts in the uterus.  相似文献   

Conditions for the electroporation of mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos have been optimised by following the incorporation of rhodamine labeled dextran. This procedure includes a step to weaken but not remove the zona pellucida that helps achieve good survival. This approach has been applied to introduce double-stranded RNA for c-mos into oocytes and green fluorescent protein (GFP) into transgenic GFP-expressing embryos at the 1- and 4-cell stages. In both cases we were able to observe sequence-specific interference with the expression of the target gene--a failure of oocytes to arrest at metaphase II and a loss in the green fluorescence of embryos by the morula or blastocyst stages. These effects could be observed in multiple oocytes or embryos allowed to develop together following electroporation.  相似文献   

The effects of delayed mating on mouse preimplantation embryos (78 ± 1 hours) were studied by setting up different mating periods in relation to the estimated time of spontaneous ovulation. Copulation occurred even in the late morning and early afternoon after the night of spontaneous ovulation. However, females mated in the early afternoon had no viable embryos at the time of laparotomy. Although embryonic development was not affected in the groups mated 6 or 10 hours after estimated ovulation, the percentage of degenerated embryos was increased in these groups. These results suggest that prolonged intervals between the estimated time of ovulation and mating have some deleterious effects on preimplantation embryos.  相似文献   

The lack of a paternal genome in parthenogenetic embryos clearly limits their postimplantation development, but apparently not their preimplantation development, since morphologically normal blastocysts can be formed. The cleavage rate of these embryos during the preimplantation period gives a better indication of the influence of their genetic constitution than blastocyst formation. Conflicting results from previous studies prompted us to use a more suitable method of following the development of haploid and diploid parthenogenetic embryos during this period. Two classes of parthenogenetic embryos were analysed following the activation of oocytes in vitro with 7% ethanol: 1) single pronuclear (haploid) embryos and 2) two pronuclear (diploid) embryos. Each group was then transferred separately during the afternoon to the oviducts of recipients on the 1st day of pseudopregnancy. Control (diploid) 1-cell fertilised embryos were isolated in the morning of finding a vaginal plug, and transferred to pseudopregnant recipients at approximately the same time of the day as the parthenogenones. Embryos were isolated at various times after the HCG injection to induce ovulation, from each of the three groups studied. Total cell counts were made of each embryo, and the log mean values were plotted against time. The gradient of the lines indicated that 1) the cell doubling time of the diploid parthenogenones was 12.25 +/- 0.34 h, and was not significantly different from the value obtained for the control group (12.74 +/- 1.17 h), and that 2) the cell doubling time of the haploid parthenogenones (15.25 +/- 0.99 h) was slower than that of the diploid parthenogenones and the control diploid group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cellular distribution of beta-catenin was determined by western blotting and laser confocal scanning microscopy in both control and pharmacologically-manipulated mouse preimplantation embryos. Most of the stored maternal beta-catenin is Triton X-100-extractable and distributed throughout the cytoplasm. In 2-cell stage embryos, the remaining molecules are concentrated in regions of cell contact and, to a lesser extent, at non apposed surfaces. Association of beta-catenin with the cortex of non apposed membranes decreases as cleavage proceeds, and is lost at compaction. In contrast to the rapid cross-linking of cell surfaces induced by wheat germ agglutinin, the diacylglyceride-induced compaction-like adhesion of 2- and 4-cell embryos correlates with complete restriction of beta-catenin to the apposing membranes. On the contrary, tyrphostin B46, a specific protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor, fails to induce both premature beta-catenin relocalisation and compaction. In addition, we show that orthovanadate induces a dramatic increase in the level of phosphotyrosine labelling of cell-cell junctions in compacted 8-cell stage embryos without inducing their decompaction. However, most of these orthovanadate tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins are detergent-soluble, while beta-catenin restricted to the apposing membranes is not. In conclusion, our results confirm that diacylglycerol-dependent kinases upregulate both beta-catenin redistribution and compaction, and indicate that neither tyrosine kinases, nor tyrosine phosphatases are critical for the proper onset of compaction which seems, in addition, not causally linked to tyrosine dephosphorylation of beta-catenin.  相似文献   

The development of preimplantation embryos after exposure to microwave radiation was studied. Female CD-1 mice were induced to superovulate, mated, and exposed to 2.45-GHz microwave or sham radiation for 3 h at power densities of 9 mW/cm2 and 19 mW/cm2 on either day 2 or 3 of pregnancy (plug day was considered day 1). Another group of mice was exposed to heat stress by placing the dams in an environmental room at an ambient temperature of 38 °C and relative humidity at 62% for 3 h on day 2 of pregnancy. All groups were euthanized on day 4 of pregnancy and embryos were recovered by flushing excised uterine horns. Embryos were examined for abnormalities and classified by the developmental stages. They were then treated with hypotonic solution and dissociated for counting blastomeres. Heat stress caused stunted development of embryos, but no remarkable effect of microwave radiation could be found on the development of preimplantation embryos.  相似文献   

The effects of aphidicolin and α-amanitin on DNA synthesis by preimplantation mouse embryos were studied. It was found that both blastocyst and 8-cell embryos showed marked inhibition of 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA by aphidicolin at concentrations of 20–50 μg/ml. However, aphidicolin did not inhibit the conversion of morula embryos to blastocyst embryos, although aphidicolin-treated blastocysts lost their blastocoel and collapsed into a compact form after prolonged exposure to the drug. Both 8-cell and blastocyst embryos were found to be susceptible to inhibition of DNA synthesis by α-amanitin.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of three inhibitors of catecholamine synthesis on the development of sea urchinsSphaerechinus granularis andParacentrotus lividus. These drugs affected the early embryogenesis, which was expressed in inhibition of the cleavage divisions, appearance of abnormal embryos, and developmental arrest. The addition of arachidonic acid amide and dopamine to the incubation medium weakened the effects of the inhibitors. Spiperone induced developmental defects in preimplantation mouse embryos and sea urchin embryos. Arachidonic acid amide with dopamine exerted a protective effect against spiperone when introduced to sea urchin embryos at the blastula or late gastrula stages, rather than after fertilization. In murine embryos, this amide induced developmental defects and arrest itself, and its effect was reversible. Possible mechanisms underlying the effects of these drugs are discussed.  相似文献   

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