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The mammalian multifunctional protein-2 (MFP-2, also called multifunctional enzyme 2, D-bifunctional enzyme or 17-beta-estradiol dehydrogenase type IV) was identified by several groups about a decade ago. It plays a central role in peroxisomal beta-oxidation as it handles most, if not all, peroxisomal beta-oxidation substrates. Deficiency of this enzyme in man causes a severe developmental syndrome with abnormalities in several organs but in particular in the brain, leading to death within the first year of life. Accumulation of branched-long-chain fatty acids and very-long-chain fatty acids and a disturbed synthesis of bile acids were documented in these patients. A mouse model with MFP-2 deficiency only partly phenocopies the human disease. Although the expected metabolic abnormalities are present, no neurodevelopmental aberrations are observed. However, the survival of these mice into adulthood allowed to document the importance of this enzyme for the normal functioning of the brain, eyes and testis. In the present review, the identification and biochemical characteristics of MFP-2, and the consequences of MFP-2 dysfunction in humans and in mice will be discussed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of (3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase of rat peroxisomal multifunctional enzyme type 2 (MFE-2) was solved at 2.38 A resolution. The catalytic entity reveals an alpha/beta short chain alcohol dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) fold and the conformation of the bound nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)) found in other SDR enzymes. Of great interest is the separate COOH-terminal domain, which is not seen in other SDR structures. This domain completes the active site cavity of the neighboring monomer and extends dimeric interactions. Peroxisomal diseases that arise because of point mutations in the dehydrogenase-coding region of the MFE-2 gene can be mapped to changes in amino acids involved in NAD(+) binding and protein dimerization.  相似文献   

A multifunctional protein from oleate-grown cells of Candida tropicalis has been purified and partially characterized. A simple two-step purification has been developed involving ion-exchange chromatography followed by dye-ligand chromatography on blue Sepharose CL-6B. Homogeneous enzyme with a subunit Mr of 102 000 is obtained in 60% yield. The native relative molecular mass, determined by three different methods, yielded values which suggest that the enzyme is dimeric. Sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified protein revealed a single polypeptide band and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography indicated a single component suggesting that this protein may consist either of two identical or very similar subunits. Three beta-oxidation activities, enoyl-CoA hydratase, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA epimerase, co-purified with this protein. The ratio of the three beta-oxidation enzyme activities remained constant during purification and was unchanged by additional chromatographic methods (adsorption and affinity chromatography), thus indicating the multifunctional nature of this protein. Enzymatic staining of the purified protein for 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and epimerase, following electrophoresis in a polyacrylamide density gradient, further supported the multifunctionality of this protein. After isopycnic centrifugation of a particulate fraction from oleate-grown cells in a linear sucrose gradient the activities of all individual beta-oxidation enzymes cosedimented with catalase and with the glyoxylate bypass enzymes. This result demonstrated the peroxisomal localization of the multifunctional enzyme. The relationship of this multifunctional protein to the two bifunctional beta-oxidation enzymes isolated from peroxisomes of rat liver and from glyoxysomes of cucumber seeds is discussed.  相似文献   

The primary structure of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from rat liver has been determined, showing the mature polypeptide to consist of 513 amino acid residues, with an acyl-blocked N-terminus. This structure is homologous to those of both other eutherian and marsupial mammals (human and opossum), thus characterizing a mammalian type enzyme to which the human form, notwithstanding its large number of genetic variants, conforms. The mammalian type differs from the fruit fly enzyme by about 50%. Known mutant forms exhibit further differences, widely distributed along the polypeptide chain. Structural patterns show glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases to consist of a few variable regions intermixed with relatively constant segments.  相似文献   

Beta-oxidation of acyl-CoAs in mammalian peroxisomes can occur via either multifunctional enzyme type 1 (MFE-1) or type 2 (MFE-2), both of which catalyze the hydration of trans-2-enoyl-CoA and the dehydrogenation of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA, but with opposite chiral specificity. Amino acid sequence alignment of the 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 domain in human MFE-2 with other MFE-2s reveals conserved protic residues: Tyr-347, Glu-366, Asp-370, His-406, Glu-408, Tyr-410, Asp-490, Tyr-505, Asp-510, His-515, Asp-517, and His-532. To investigate their potential roles in catalysis, each residue was replaced by alanine in site-directed mutagenesis, and the resulting constructs were tested for complementation in a yeast. After additional screening, the wild type and noncomplementing E366A and D510A variants were expressed and characterized. The purified proteins have similar secondary structural elements, with the same subunit composition. The E366A variant had a k(cat)/K(m) value 100 times lower than that of the wild type MFE-2 at pH 5, whereas the D510A variant was inactive. Asp-510 was imbedded in a novel hydratase 2 motif found in the hydratase 2 proteins. The data show that the hydratase 2 reaction catalyzed by MFE-2 requires two protic residues, Glu-366 and Asp-510, suggesting that their catalytic role may be equivalent to that of the two catalytic residues of hydratase 1.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: NAD-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) catalyzes the interconversion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate and L-glycerol-3-phosphate. Although the enzyme has been characterized and cloned from a number of sources, until now no three-dimensional structure has been determined for this enzyme. Although the utility of this enzyme as a drug target against Leishmania mexicana is yet to be established, the critical role played by GPDH in the long slender bloodstream form of the related kinetoplastid Trypanosoma brucei makes it a viable drug target against sleeping sickness. RESULTS: The 1.75 A crystal structure of apo GPDH from L. mexicana was determined by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) techniques, and used to solve the 2.8 A holo structure in complex with NADH. Each 39 kDa subunit of the dimeric enzyme contains a 189-residue N-terminal NAD-binding domain and a 156-residue C-terminal substrate-binding domain. Significant parts of both domains share structural similarity with plant acetohydroxyacid isomeroreductase. The discovery of extra, fatty-acid like, density buried inside the C-terminal domain indicates a possible post-translational modification with an associated biological function. CONCLUSIONS: The crystal structure of GPDH from L. mexicana is the first structure of this enzyme from any source and, in view of the sequence identity of 63%, serves as a valid model for the T. brucei enzyme. The differences between the human and trypanosomal enzymes are extensive, with only 29% sequence identity between the parasite and host enzyme, and support the feasibility of exploiting the NADH-binding site to develop selective inhibitors against trypanosomal GPDH. The structure also offers a plausible explanation for the observed inhibition of the T. brucei enzyme by melarsen oxide, the active form of the trypanocidal drugs melarsoprol and cymelarsan.  相似文献   

Tryptic digestion of a multifunctional enzyme from porcine liver containing methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate: NADP+ oxidoreductase, EC, methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase (5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate 5-hydrolase, EC and formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (formate:tetrahydrofolate ligase, EC activities destroys the synthetase. A fragment containing both dehydrogenase and cyclohydrolase activities has been isolated by affinity chromatography on an NADP+-Sepharose affinity column. The purified fragment is homogeneous on dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis where its molecular weight was determined as 33 000 +/- 1200 compared with 100 000 for the undigested protein. The cyclohydrolase activity retains sensitivity to inhibition by NADP+, MgATP and ATP.  相似文献   

beta-Oxidation of amino acyl coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) species in mammalian peroxisomes can occur via either multifunctional enzyme type 1 (MFE-1) or type 2 (MFE-2), both of which catalyze the hydration of trans-2-enoyl-CoA and the dehydrogenation of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA, but with opposite chiral specificity. MFE-2 has a modular organization of three domains. The function of the C-terminal domain of the mammalian MFE-2, which shows similarity with sterol carrier protein type 2 (SCP-2), is unclear. Here, the structure of the SCP-2-like domain comprising amino acid residues 618-736 of human MFE-2 (d Delta h Delta SCP-2L) was solved at 1.75 A resolution in complex with Triton X-100, an analog of a lipid molecule. This is the first reported structure of an MFE-2 domain. The d Delta h Delta SCP-2L has an alpha/beta-fold consisting of five beta-strands and five alpha-helices; the overall architecture resembles the rabbit and human SCP-2 structures. However, the structure of d Delta h Delta SCP-2L shows a hydrophobic tunnel that traverses the protein, which is occupied by an ordered Triton X-100 molecule. The tunnel is large enough to accommodate molecules such as straight-chain and branched-chain fatty acyl-CoAs and bile acid intermediates. Large empty apolar cavities are observed near the exit of the tunnel and between the helices C and D. In addition, the C-terminal peroxisomal targeting signal is ordered in the structure and solvent-exposed, which is not the case with unliganded rabbit SCP-2, supporting the hypothesis of a ligand-assisted targeting mechanism.  相似文献   

A temperature-dependent conformational change of the active DPN-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase was observed. When initial reaction kinetic data were examined between 35 and 5 degrees, the Hill number (n) varied from 2 at higher to n approaching unity at lower temperatures, with an inflection point at 17 degrees. The presence of manganous isocitrate in the incubation media shifted the transition temperature for enzyme inactivation by 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) from 8-16 degrees. These temperature-dependent transitions were paralleled by progressive changes in sedimentation velocities from s20, w of 10.4 at 25 degrees to 7.3 at 10 degrees as measured by active band centrifugation. The linear Arrhenius plot for apparent V max and the constancy of S0.5 for the substrate manganous isocitrate between 35 and 5 degrees suggest that this temperature-dependent conformational change may not be solely related to manganous isocitrate. Further indications of equilibria between different species of enzyme in solution and effects of substrates and cofactors on conformation came from studies of specific activity of enzyme diluted into buffers at 3 and 25 degrees. Dilution to concentrations between 10 and 25 mum enzyme resulted in relatively rapid protein concentration-dependent inactivation which could be prevented and fully reversed by manganous isocitrate. No further substantial inactivation was found subsequent to this phase at 25 degrees. Lowering the temperature of the dilution buffer to 3 degrees favored formation of enzyme species exhibiting a further time and pH-dependent loss of activity which became independent of protein concentration below 7 mum enzyme. The rate of cold inactivation was reduced by raising the ionic strength of the buffer and its progress could be arrested by manganous isocitrate; however, the substrate did not restore the original activity.  相似文献   

1. A theory is developed to account for the kinetics of coupled-enzyme reactions without assuming that the second reaction follows first-order kinetics. 2. A simple procedure is described for applying the theory to the practical design of enzyme assays. 3. The validity of the theory is confirmed for the assay of glucokinase with glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase as coupling enzyme. 4. The possibility of extending the theory to three or more coupled reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

The gene coding for d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (HBDH) was cloned from Pseudomonas fragi. The nucleotide sequence contained a 780 bp open reading frame encoding a 260 amino acid residue protein. The recombinant enzyme was efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli cells harboring pHBDH11 and was purified to homogeneity as judged by SDS-PAGE. The enzyme showed a strict stereospecificity to the D-enantiomer (3R-configuration) of 3-hydroxybutyrate as a substrate. Crystals of the ligand-free HBDH and of the enzyme-NAD+ complex were obtained using the hanging-drop, vapor-diffusion method. The crystal structure of the HBDH was solved by the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction method using the SeMet-substituted enzyme and was refined to 2.0 A resolution. The overall structure of P.fragi HBDH, including the catalytic tetrad of Asn114, Ser142, Tyr155, and Lys159, shows obvious relationships with other members of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) family. A cacodylate anion was observed in both the ligand-free enzyme and the enzyme-NAD+ complex, and was located near the catalytic tetrad. It was shown that the cacodylate inhibited the NAD+-dependent D-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenation competitively, with a Ki value of 5.6 mM. From the interactions between cacodylate and the enzyme, it is predicted that substrate specificity is achieved through the recognition of the 3-methyl and carboxyl groups of the substrate.  相似文献   

Dihydroorotase (DHOase) catalyzes the third step in eukaryotic de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis. In mammalian cells, this enzyme activity is carried by a large chimeric protein, CAD, that also catalyzes the first two steps in the pathway: glutamine-dependent carbamyl phosphate synthetase (CPSase) and aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase). Controlled elastase cleavage of CAD released a 44,000 +/- 2,000-dalton proteolytic fragment which catalyzed only the dihydroorotase reaction. We have devised a rapid and simple method for the isolation of the DHO domain from elastase digests. The domain, which was obtained in 36% yield, was found to be homogeneous by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing. The domain was also characterized by amino acid analysis and analytical high pressure liquid chromatography peptide mapping. The amino terminus of both the DHO domain and intact CAD was blocked suggesting that this domain is located at the extreme amino terminus of the CAD polypeptide, a result consistent with the suspected juxtaposition of domains as DHO-CPS-ATC. The isoelectric point of the DHO domain was 5.1, while that of the ATC domain was 9.4, so that the ends of the CAD polypeptide are oppositely charged at physiological pH. Immunoblotting with DHO domain-specific antibodies showed that a 47-kDa species was generated in the early stages of controlled proteolysis of CAD. Thus there are two elastase cleavage sites within a 3-kDa connecting region that links the DHO and CPS domains. The domain was shown by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and by isolating a 65Zn-containing DHO domain from mammalian cells grown in the presence of the radionuclide to contain 1 g eq of tightly bound zinc in each polypeptide chain. Zinc was not found in any other CAD domain. Chelating agents inhibit dihydroorotase activity of the isolated domain supporting the conclusion, based on studies of intact CAD by others, that zinc participates in catalysis. At moderate protein concentrations the DHO domain was a 88,000 dimer with a Stokes radius of 37.6 A, a S20,w = 5.1 X 10(-13) s, a diffusion coefficient of 3.17 X 10(-7) cm2 s-1, and a frictional ratio of 1.26. On dilution the dimer dissociated and was in rapid concentration-dependent equilibrium with a 43,500 monomer. The hydrodynamic parameters of the monomer have also been estimated (Stokes radius of 29.8 A, D20,w = 4.11 X 10(-7) cm2 s-1, and f/f0 1.21).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

K Ma  M W Adams 《Journal of bacteriology》1994,176(21):6509-6517
Pyrococcus furiosus is an anaerobic archaeon that grows optimally at 100 degrees C by the fermentation of carbohydrates yielding acetate, CO2, and H2 as the primary products. If elemental sulfur (S0) or polysulfide is added to the growth medium, H2S is also produced. The cytoplasmic hydrogenase of P. furiosus, which is responsible for H2 production with ferredoxin as the electron donor, has been shown to also catalyze the reduction of polysulfide to H2S (K. Ma, R. N. Schicho, R. M. Kelly, and M. W. W. Adams, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:5341-5344, 1993). From the cytoplasm of this organism, we have now purified an enzyme, sulfide dehydrogenase (SuDH), which catalyzes the reduction of polysulfide to H2S with NADPH as the electron donor. SuDH is a heterodimer with subunits of 52,000 and 29,000 Da. SuDH contains flavin and approximately 11 iron and 6 acid-labile sulfide atoms per mol, but no other metals were detected. Analysis of the enzyme by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy indicated the presence of four iron-sulfur centers, one of which was specifically reduced by NADPH. SuDH has a half-life at 95 degrees C of about 12 h and shows a 50% increase in activity after 12 h at 82 degrees C. The pure enzyme has a specific activity of 7 mumol of H2S produced.min-1.mg of protein-1 at 80 degrees C with polysulfide (1.2 mM) and NADPH (0.4 mM) as substrates. The apparent Km values were 1.25 mM and 11 microM, respectively. NADH was not utilized as an electron donor for polysulfide reduction. P. furiosus rubredoxin (K(m) = 1.6 microM) also functioned as an electron acceptor for SuDH, and SuDH catalyzed the reduction of NADP with reduced P. furiosus ferredoxin (K(m) = 0.7 microM) as an electron donor. The multiple activities of SuDH and its proposed role in the metabolism of S(o) and polysulfide are discussed.  相似文献   

11Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD 1) is a microsomal enzyme that catalyzes the reversible interconversion of receptor-active 11-hydroxy glucocorticoids (cortisol) to their receptor-inactive 11-oxo metabolites (cortisone). However, the physiological role of 11beta-HSD 1 as prereceptor control device in regulating access of glucocorticoid hormones to the glucocorticoid receptor remains obscure in light of its low substrate affinities, which is in contrast to low glucocorticoid plasma levels and low Kd values of the receptors to cortisol. To solve this enigma, we performed detailed kinetic analyses with a homogeneously purified 11beta-HSD 1 from human liver. The membrane-bound enzyme was successfully obtained in an active state by a purification procedure that took advantage of a gentle solubilization method as well as providing a favorable detergent surrounding during the various chromatographic steps. The identity of purified 11beta-HSD 1 was proven by determination of enzymatic activity, N-terminal amino acid sequencing, and immunoblot analysis. By gel-permeation chromatography we could demonstrate that 11beta-HSD 1 is active as a dimeric enzyme. The cDNA for the enzyme was cloned from a human liver cDNA library and shown to be homologous to that previously characterized in human testis. Interestingly, 11beta-HSD 1 exhibits Michaelis-Menten kinetics with cortisol and corticosterone (11beta-dehydrogenation activity) but cooperative kinetics with cortisone and dehydrocorticosterone (11-oxoreducing activity). Accordingly, this enzyme dynamically adapts to low (nanomolar) as well as to high (micromolar) substrate concentrations, thereby providing the fine-tuning required as a consequence of great variations in circadian plasma glucocorticoid levels.  相似文献   

Novel bifunctional N-acetylglutamate synthase/kinases (NAGS/K) that catalyze the first two steps of arginine biosynthesis and are homologous to vertebrate N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS), an essential cofactor-producing enzyme in the urea cycle, were identified in Maricaulis maris and several other bacteria. Arginine is an allosteric inhibitor of NAGS but not NAGK activity. The crystal structure of M. maris NAGS/K (mmNAGS/K) at 2.7 Å resolution indicates that it is a tetramer, in contrast to the hexameric structure of Neisseria gonorrhoeae NAGS. The quaternary structure of crystalline NAGS/K from Xanthomonas campestris (xcNAGS/K) is similar, and cross-linking experiments indicate that both mmNAGS/K and xcNAGS are tetramers in solution. Each subunit has an amino acid kinase (AAK) domain, which is likely responsible for N-acetylglutamate kinase (NAGK) activity and has a putative arginine binding site, and an N-acetyltransferase (NAT) domain that contains the putative NAGS active site. These structures and sequence comparisons suggest that the linker residue 291 may determine whether arginine acts as an allosteric inhibitor or activator in homologous enzymes in microorganisms and vertebrates. In addition, the angle of rotation between AAK and NAT domains varies among crystal forms and subunits within the tetramer. A rotation of 26° is sufficient to close the predicted AcCoA binding site, thus reducing enzymatic activity. Since mmNAGS/K has the highest degree of sequence homology to vertebrate NAGS of NAGS and NAGK enzymes whose structures have been determined, the mmNAGS/K structure was used to develop a structural model of human NAGS that is fully consistent with the functional effects of the 14 missense mutations that were identified in NAGS-deficient patients.  相似文献   

Ion channel block in muscle acetylcholine nicotinic receptors (AChRs) is an extensively reported phenomenon. Yet, the mechanisms underlying the interruption of ion flow or the interaction of the blocker with the channel's gates remain incompletely characterized. In this paper, we studied fast channel block by choline, a quaternary-ammonium cation that is also an endogenous weak agonist of this receptor, and a valuable tool in structure-function studies. Analysis of the single-channel current amplitude as a function of both choline concentration and voltage revealed that extracellular choline binds to the open-channel pore with millimolar apparent affinity (K(B) congruent with 12 mM in the presence of approximately 155 mM monovalent and 3.5 mM divalent, inorganic cations), and that it permeates the channel faster than acetylcholine. This, together with its relatively small size ( approximately 5.5 A along its longest axis), suggests that the pore-blocking choline binding site is the selectivity filter itself, and that current blockages simply reflect the longer-lived sojourns of choline at this site. Kinetic analysis of single-channel traces indicated that increasing occupancy of the pore-blocking site by choline (as judged from the reduction of the single-channel current amplitude) is accompanied by the lengthening of (apparent) open interval durations. Consideration of a number of possible mechanisms firmly suggests that this prolongation results from the local effect of choline interfering with the operation of the activation gate (closure of blocked receptors is slower than that of unblocked receptors by a factor of approximately 13), whereas closure of the desensitization gate remains unaffected. Thus, we suggest that these two gates act as distinct molecular entities. Also, the detailed understanding gained here on how choline distorts the observed open-time durations can be used to compensate for this artifact during activation assays. This correction is necessary if we are to understand how choline binds to and gates the AChR.  相似文献   

Human DHRS6 is a previously uncharacterized member of the short chain dehydrogenases/reductase family and displays significant homologies to bacterial hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenases. Substrate screening reveals sole NAD(+)-dependent conversion of (R)-hydroxybutyrate to acetoacetate with K(m) values of about 10 mm, consistent with plasma levels of circulating ketone bodies in situations of starvation or ketoacidosis. The structure of human DHRS6 was determined at a resolution of 1.8 A in complex with NAD(H) and reveals a tetrameric organization with a short chain dehydrogenases/reductase-typical folding pattern. A highly conserved triad of Arg residues ("triple R" motif consisting of Arg(144), Arg(188), and Arg(205)) was found to bind a sulfate molecule at the active site. Docking analysis of R-beta-hydroxybutyrate into the active site reveals an experimentally consistent model of substrate carboxylate binding and catalytically competent orientation. GFP reporter gene analysis reveals a cytosolic localization upon transfection into mammalian cells. These data establish DHRS6 as a novel, cytosolic type 2 (R)-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, distinct from its well characterized mitochondrial type 1 counterpart. The properties determined for DHRS6 suggest a possible physiological role in cytosolic ketone body utilization, either as a secondary system for energy supply in starvation or to generate precursors for lipid and sterol synthesis.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):3-15

Isozyme electrophoretic studies were used to assess genetic variation in the Sphagnum imbricatum complex in a sample of 1332 plants from 39 populations from western Europe, eastern North America and Japan. Mean pairwise genetic distance among populations clustered and depicted in a UPGMA phenogram correspond to the recognition of four species, viz. Sphagnum portoricense , S. affine , S. imbricatum and S. austinii. The mean pairwise genetic identity among conspecific populations were 0.976, 0.847 and 0.841 for S. austinii , S. affine and S. portoricense, respectively. The mean pairwise genetic identity among taxa was 0.525 (S. austiniiS. affine), 0.476 (S. affineS. portoricense), 0.600 (S. affineS. imbricatum), 0.484 (S. imbricatumS. austinii), 0.629 (S. imbricatumS. portoricense) and 0.285 (S. austiniiS. portoricense). Populations of S. austinii in Europe are found to be genetically eroded (Hs = 0.001 ± 0.000), (P95 = 0.00), probably due to severe bottlenecks caused by a series of founder effects during postglacial migration from a limited number of glacial refugia in S.W. Europe. The mean genetic diversity of S. affine (Hs = 0.122 ± 0.020) is at the same level as up to now reported for the more variable congeneric species. Among individuals of S. affine, 0.27% displayed mixed markers, indicating that, on rare occasions, hybridization may occur between S. affine and S. austinii. Preliminary genetic analysis of S. steerei supports the recognition of this taxon.  相似文献   

The N-acetylneuraminate lyase (NAL) sub-family of (beta/alpha)(8) enzymes share a common catalytic step but catalyse reactions in different biological pathways. Known examples include NAL, dihydrodipicolinate synthetase (DHDPS), d-5-keto-4-deoxyglucarate dehydratase, 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate aldolase, trans-o-hydroxybenzylidenepyruvate hydrolase-aldolase and trans-2'-carboxybenzalpyruvate hydratase-aldolase. Little is known about the way in which the three-dimensional structure of the respective active sites are modulated across the sub-family to achieve cognate substrate recognition. We present here the structure of Haemophilus influenzae NAL determined by X-ray crystallography to a maximum resolution of 1.60 A, in native form and in complex with three substrate analogues (sialic acid alditol, 4-deoxy-sialic acid and 4-oxo-sialic acid). These structures reveal for the first time the mode of binding of the complete substrate in the NAL active site. On the basis of the above structures, that of substrate-complexed DHDPS and sequence comparison across the sub-family we are able to propose a unified model for active site modulation. The model is one of economy, allowing wherever appropriate the retention or relocation of residues associated with binding common substrate substituent groups. Our structures also suggest a role for the strictly conserved tyrosine residue found in all active sites of the sub-family, namely that it mediates proton abstraction by the alpha-keto acid carboxylate in a substrate-assisted catalytic reaction pathway.  相似文献   

Structural analogs of atriopeptins (APs) were compared for their ability to activate particulate guanylate cyclase and bind to specific receptors in rat adrenal membranes. All analogs tested increase Vmax without altering the concentration of substrate required for half-maximum activity or the positive coperativity exhibited by the enzyme. Maximum velocities (pmoles of cGMP produced per min per mg protein) achieved in the absence and presence of APs were 128.3 +/- 6.6 and 283.8 +/- 20.6 using Mn2+-GTP, and 53.7 +/- 3.7 and 149.9 +/- 7.6 using Mg2+-GTP as the substrate, respectively. Although all APs were equally efficacious in activating the enzyme, their rank potency was ANF (8-33) = AP III = AP II greater than AP I when either divalent cation was used as the cofactor. The EC50 for activation of guanylate cyclase by AP I was about 10(-7) M, while that for the other peptides was about 10(-8) M, using either divalent cation cofactor. 125I-labeled ANF bound to rat adrenal membranes with a KD of 5.10(-10) M. Although all APs were equally efficacious in competing with labeled ANF for receptor binding, their rank potency was identical to that for enzyme activation. The Ki for AP I was about 10(-8) M, while that for the other peptides was about 10(-10) M. These data suggest that the carboxy terminal Phe-Arg present in the AP analogs except AP I and critical for biological and receptor-binding activity are also important in coupling receptor-ligand interaction with guanylate cyclase activation. The correlation between the rank order potency for receptor binding, enzyme activation, and the reported physiological actions of APs support the suggestion of a functional coupling between these proteins.  相似文献   

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