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High condition enables individuals to express a phenotype with greater reproductive potential. However, life‐history theory predicts that reproduction will trade off with somatic maintenance and viability, and several studies have reported faster age‐related decline in performance in high‐condition individuals, suggesting that high condition in early life is associated with accelerated somatic deterioration. This trade‐off may be especially pronounced in males, which often express condition‐dependent secondary sexual traits that can impose viability costs during development and through damage‐inflicting adult sexual behaviours. To test this prediction, we reared larvae of the neriid fly Telostylinus angusticollis on diets of varying nutrient content and quantified somatic deterioration in solitary males, males housed in all‐male or mixed‐sex groups and immobilized males subjected to mechanical stress. We found that males reared on a nutrient‐rich larval diet (high‐condition males) suffered a higher rate of somatic deterioration with age, particularly when housed in groups. Perhaps as a result of accelerated somatic deterioration, high‐condition males did not outlive low‐condition males. In addition, high‐condition males housed in all‐male groups experienced a greater reduction in escape response with age than males housed in mixed‐sex groups, suggesting that male–male combat promotes somatic deterioration. However, even when immobilized, high‐condition males were still found to be more susceptible to somatic damage than low‐condition males. Our findings suggest that a high‐condition male phenotype is more prone to somatic damage, both as a result of associated behaviours such as combat, and because of the inherent fragility of the high‐condition body.  相似文献   

Operational sex ratio (OSR), the number of potentially matingmales divided by the number of fertilizable females, playsa central role in the theory of mating systems by predictingthe intensity of intra-sexual competition and sexual selection.We introduce a general version of OSR, competitor-to-resourceratio (CRR, the number of potential competitors divided bythe number of resource units), as a potential way of predictingthe intensity of competition for any resource. We manipulatedCRR over a broad range (0.5-8) by varying both the number ofcompeting male Japanese medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) and thenumber of resources, either females or food items. We testedwhether the rate of male—male aggression differed dependingon resource type and whether it increased monotonically or followed a dome-shaped relationship with increasing CRR. The patternsof competitive aggression in relation to CRR did not differsignificantly between resource types. In addition, the percapita rate of aggression followed a dome-shaped curve; itwas low when CRR was less than one, initially increased as CRR increased, was highest at a CRR of about two, and then decreasedwhen CRR was greater than two. However, competitor number,independent of CRR, had a significant and negative effect onrate of aggression. We suggest that CRR is a valuable predictorof the rate of competitive aggression and may be a useful conceptfor synthesizing ideas about resource competition and monopolization that are currently dispersed in the separate bodies of literatureon mating systems, social foraging and territoriality.  相似文献   

Mutation accumulation (MA) and antagonistic pleiotropy (AP) have each been hypothesized to explain the evolution of 'senescence' or deteriorating fitness in old age. These hypotheses make contrasting predictions concerning age dependence in inbreeding depression in traits that show senescence. Inbreeding depression is predicted to increase with age under MA but not under AP, suggesting one empirical means by which the two can be distinguished. We use pedigree and life-history data from free-living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to test for additive and interactive effects of age and individual inbreeding coefficient (f) on fitness components, and thereby assess the evidence for MA. Annual reproductive success (ARS) and survival (and therefore reproductive value) declined in old age in both sexes, indicating senescence in this short-lived bird. ARS declined with f in both sexes and survival declined with f in males, indicating inbreeding depression in fitness. We observed a significant agexf interaction for male ARS (reflecting increased inbreeding depression as males aged), but not for female ARS or survival in either sex. These analyses therefore provide mixed support for MA. We discuss the strengths and limitations of such analyses and therefore the value of natural pedigreed populations in testing evolutionary models of senescence.  相似文献   

Based on both previously published literature and results reported here, it appears thatDrosophila melanogaster meet the explicit assumptions of the Trivers and Willard offspring sex allocation model. However, contrary to the model's predictions, offspring sex ratio was not significantly affected when we manipulated factors that influence offspring quality. We suggest that contrary to implicit predictions of offspring sex ratio models,Drosophila may lack the genetic plasticity to readily alter sex ratio.  相似文献   

Skewed sex ratios – operational (OSR) and Adult (ASR) - arise from sexual differences in reproductive behaviours and adult survival rates due to the cost of reproduction. However, skewed sex-ratio at birth, sex-biased dispersal and immigration, and sexual differences in juvenile mortality may also contribute. We present a framework to decompose the roles of demographic traits on sex ratios using perturbation analyses of two-sex matrix population models. Metrics of sensitivity are derived from analyses of sensitivity, elasticity, life-table response experiments and life stage simulation analyses, and applied to the stable stage distribution instead of lambda. We use these approaches to examine causes of male-biased sex ratios in two populations of green-rumped parrotlets ( Forpus passerinus ) in Venezuela. Female local juvenile survival contributed the most to the unbalanced OSR and ASR due to a female-biased dispersal rate, suggesting sexual differences in philopatry can influence sex ratios more strongly than the cost of reproduction.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that avian growth and development covary with juvenile mortality. Juveniles of birds under strong nest predation pressure grow rapidly, have short incubation and nestling periods, and leave the nest at low body mass. Life-history theory predicts that parental investment increases with adult mortality rate. Thus, developmental traits that depend on the parental effort exerted (pre- and postnatal growth rate) should scale positively with adult mortality, in contrast to those that do not have a direct relationship with parental investment (timing of developmental events, e.g. nest leaving). I tested this prediction on a sample of 84 North American songbirds. Nestling growth rate scaled positively and incubation period duration negatively with annual adult mortality rates even when controlled for nest predation and other covariates, including phylogeny. On the contrary, neither the duration of the nestling period nor body mass at fledging showed any relationship. Proximate mechanisms generating the relationship of pre- and postnatal growth rates to adult mortality may include increased feeding, nest attentiveness during incubation and/or allocation of hormones, and deserve further attention.  相似文献   

The evolution of the primary sex ratio, the proportion of male births in an individual's offspring production strategy, is a frequency‐dependent process that selects against the more common sex. Because reproduction is shaped by the entire life cycle, sex ratio theory would benefit from explicitly two‐sex models that include some form of life cycle structure. We present a demographic approach to sex ratio evolution that combines adaptive dynamics with nonlinear matrix population models. We also determine the evolutionary and convergence stability of singular strategies using matrix calculus. These methods allow the incorporation of any population structure, including multiple sexes and stages, into evolutionary projections. Using this framework, we compare how four different interpretations of sex‐biased offspring costs affect sex ratio evolution. We find that demographic differences affect evolutionary outcomes and that, contrary to prior belief, sex‐biased mortality after parental investment can bias the primary sex ratio (but not the corresponding reproductive value ratio). These results differ qualitatively from the widely held conclusions of previous models that neglect demographic structure.  相似文献   

Characterizing the genetic basis of among‐species variation in lifespan is a major goal of evolutionary gerontology research, but the very feature that defines separate species – the inability to interbreed – makes achieving this goal impractical, if not impossible, for most taxa. Pristionchus nematodes provide an intriguing system for tackling this problem, as female lifespan varies among species that can be crossed to form viable (although infertile) hybrids. By conducting reciprocal crosses among three species – two dioecious (long‐lived Pristionchus exspectatus and short‐lived Pristionchus arcanus) and one androdioecious (short‐lived Pristionchus pacificus) – we found that female lifespan was long for all hybrids, consistent with the hypothesis that the relatively short lifespans seen for P. pacificus hermaphrodites and P. arcanus females are caused by independent, recessive alleles that are masked in hybrid genomes. Cross‐direction had a small effect on survivorship for crosses involving P. exspectatus, indicating that nuclear–mitochondrial interactions may also influence Pristionchus longevity. Our findings suggest that long lifespan in P. exspectatus reflects the realization of an ancestral potential for extended longevity in the P. pacificus species complex. This work demonstrates the utility of interspecific hybrids for ageing research and provides a foundation for future work on the genetic architecture of interspecific lifespan variation.  相似文献   

Within‐population variation in ageing remains poorly understood. In males, condition‐dependent investment in secondary sexual traits may incur costs that limit ability to invest in somatic maintenance. Moreover, males often express morphological and behavioral secondary sexual traits simultaneously, but the relative effects on ageing of investment in these traits remain unclear. We investigated the condition dependence of male life history in the neriid fly Telostylinus angusticollis. Using a fully factorial design, we manipulated male early‐life condition by varying nutrient content of the larval diet and, subsequently, manipulated opportunity for adult males to interact with rival males. We found that high‐condition males developed more quickly and reached their reproductive peak earlier in life, but also experienced faster reproductive ageing and died sooner than low‐condition males. By contrast, interactions with rival males reduced male lifespan but did not affect male reproductive ageing. High‐condition in early life is therefore associated with rapid ageing in T. angusticollis males, even in the absence of damaging male–male interactions. Our results show that abundant resources during the juvenile phase are used to expedite growth and development and enhance early‐life reproductive performance at the expense of late‐life performance and survival, demonstrating a clear link between male condition and ageing.  相似文献   

1. Offspring sex ratios in the yellow dung fly Scatophaga stercoraria were examined in the laboratory. 2. Previous work indicated that females using previously stored sperm to fertilise their eggs produced male‐biased sex ratios. This result may have been due to female influences or the effects of sperm storage per se. 3. This pattern was not reproduced in the study presented here. Females that were allowed to mate just prior to oviposition produced similarly male‐biased sex ratios to those females that used previously stored sperm to fertilise their clutch. 4. Captive‐reared females may have perceived a lack of males in the population and thus produced a male‐biased offspring sex ratio. Alternatively, gamete ageing or extra‐chromosomal sex ratio distorters may have produced the male bias.  相似文献   

Operational sex ratio (OSR) has been traditionally thought ofas a force imposing competition for mates rather than also acue used to regulate the intrasexual competition individualsencounter. To assess whether eastern red-spotted newts, Notophthalmusviridescens, could appropriately compare OSRs, we quantifiedfield responses to traps containing four males, a sexually receptivefemale, four males plus a female, or nothing as a control. Earlyin the breeding season, males from two populations chose competitivemating opportunities over no mating opportunity at all, butgenerally preferred less competitive mating prospects. Laterin the breeding season, as the OSR of newt populations becomesmore male biased, males accordingly increased their acceptanceof intrasexual competition. Females avoided groups of four males,and for both sexes, avoidance of male-biased courting groupsincreased their probability of amplexus courtship. We then isolatedan approximately 33-kD protein from male cloacal glands thatwas used by males to compare OSRs. To our knowledge, this proteinrepresents the first isolated and characterized component ofan olfactory cue used to evaluate OSR. These results supporttwo important principles regarding mating systems: (1) OSR cansomewhat paradoxically be both the source imposing competitionfor mates and the source used to reduce it, and (2) analogousto the sex in short supply often being "choosy" selecting mates,the sex in excess (here, males) appears to be choosy about itsacceptance of intrasexual competition.  相似文献   

What explains variation in the strength of sexual selection across species, populations or differences between the sexes? Here, we show that unifying two well‐known lines of thinking provides the necessary conceptual framework to account for variation in sexual selection. The Bateman gradient and the operational sex ratio (OSR) are incomplete in complementary ways: the former describes the fitness gain per mating and the latter the potential difficulty of achieving it. We combine this insight with an analysis of the scope for sexually selected traits to spread despite naturally selected costs. We explain why the OSR sometimes does not affect the strength of sexual selection. An explanation of sexual selection becomes more logical when a long ‘dry time’ (‘time out’, recovery after mating due to e.g. parental care) is understood to reduce the expected time to the next mating when in the mating pool (i.e. available to mate again). This implies weaker selection to shorten the wait. An integrative view of sexual selection combines an understanding of the origin of OSR biases with how they are reflected in the Bateman gradient, and how this can produce selection for mate acquisition traits despite naturally selected costs.  相似文献   

Sex determining (SD) mechanisms are highly variable between different taxonomic groups and appear to change relatively quickly during evolution. Sex ratio selection could be a dominant force causing such changes. We investigate theoretically the effect of sex ratio selection on the dynamics of a multi-factorial SD system. The system considered resembles the naturally occurring three-locus system of the housefly, which allows for male heterogamety, female heterogamety and a variety of other mechanisms. Sex ratio selection is modelled by assuming cost differences in the production of sons and daughters, a scenario leading to a strong sex ratio bias in the absence of constraints imposed by the mechanism of sex determination. We show that, despite of the presumed flexibility of the SD system considered, equilibrium sex ratios never deviate strongly from 1 : 1. Even if daughters are very costly, a male-biased sex ratio can never evolve. If sons are more costly, sex ratio can be slightly female biased but even in case of large cost differences the bias is very small (<10% from 1 : 1). Sex ratio selection can lead to a shift in the SD mechanism, but cannot be the sole cause of complete switches from one SD system to another. In fact, more than one locus remains polymorphic at equilibrium. We discuss our results in the context of evolution of the variable SD mechanism found in natural housefly populations.  相似文献   

Sex ratios can influence mating behaviour, population dynamics and evolutionary trajectories; yet the causes of natural sex ratio variation are often uncertain. Although secondary (birth) sex ratios in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are typically 1:1, we recorded female-biased tertiary (adult) sex ratios in about half of our 48 samples and male-biased sex ratios in none of them. This pattern implies that some populations experience male-biased mortality, perhaps owing to variation in predation or resource limitation. We assessed the effects of predation and/or inter-specific resource competition (intraguild predation) by measuring the local catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) of species (Rivulus killifish and Macrobrachium prawns) that may differentially prey on male guppies. We assessed the effects of resource levels by measuring canopy openness and algal biomass (chlorophyll a concentration). We found that guppy sex ratios were increasingly female-biased with increasing CPUE of Macrobrachium, and perhaps also Rivulus, and with decreasing canopy openness. We also found an interaction between predators and resource levels in that the effect of canopy openness was greatest when Macrobrachium CPUE was highest. Our study thus also reveals the value of simultaneously testing multiple environmental factors that may drive tertiary sex ratio variation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

If a female survives an infection, she can transfer antibodies against that particular pathogen to any future offspring she produces. The resulting protection of offspring for a period after their birth is termed maternal immunity. Because infection in newborns is associated with high mortality, the duration of this protection is expected to be under strong selection. Evolutionary modelling structured around a trade‐off between fertility and duration of maternal immunity has indicated selection for longer duration of maternal immunity for hosts with longer lifespans. Here, we use a new modelling framework to extend this analysis to consider characteristics of pathogens (and hosts) in further detail. Importantly, given the challenges in characterizing trade‐offs linked to immune function empirically, our model makes no assumptions about costs of longer lasting maternal immunity. Rather, a key component of this analysis is variation in mortality over age. We found that the optimal duration of maternal immunity is shaped by the shifting balance of the burden of infection between young and old individuals. As age of infection depends on characteristics of both the host and the pathogen, both affect the evolution of duration of maternal immunity. Our analysis provides additional support for selection for longer duration of maternal immunity in long‐lived hosts, even in the absence of explicit costs linked to duration of maternal immunity. Further, the scope of our results provides explanations for exceptions to the general correlation between duration of maternal immunity and lifespan, as we found that both pathogen characteristics and trans‐generational effects can lead to important shifts in fitness linked to maternal immunity. Finally, our analysis points to new directions for quantifying the trade‐offs that drive the development of the immune system.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty carcasses of the red fox were collected in Tochigi Prefecture, by the Tochigi Prefectural Museum, from 1981 to 1991. The young/adult ratio of the sample was 1.60, which suggests that the hunting pressure has been relatively low in this area. Six percent of the animals were 5 years or older which compares to those taken in Hokkaido, but is higher than those in Europe and North America. The sex ratio for all specimens had a tendency towards male bias (0.587), but this bias was higher for the adult (0.605) than for the young (0.576). Among young (0 year-old) foxes, more individuals were killed on roads than by trapping or shooting (P<0.02, chisquare test). This mortality pattern was caused by high mortality of young males (P<0.02). The proportions of adults killed by the three mortality factors were similar, though only one of the 14 foxes older than 4 years old was shot, probably due to age-linked activity patterns. Most road-kills of young foxes occurred in May when juveniles began exploiting and in November when sub-adults began dispersal. The ratios of road-kills for the whole sample and for adults alone were 42% and 34%, respectively. These high rates of road-kills suggest that the mortality pattern in Tochigi has been affected by factors characteristic of urban environments.  相似文献   

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