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The relative roles of cooling and warming rates on cell survival during a freeze-thaw cycle were investigated. Basically the faster the warming rate, the better the cells survive. One of the factors influencing this is the extended phase transition period at the slower thawing rates. The warming rate had a significant effect on cell damage and recovery, but this was not as great as comparative changes in the cooling rate were. This investigation also showed that under certain freeze-thaw conditions there was a lack of correlation between the two methods used for quantifying cell recovery (RI) and cell damage (PCR) as measured by radiochromate release. The analysis of the relationship between RI and PCR showed that PCR could be used to measure both lethal and nonlethal damage and enabled a clearer interpretation of cellular damage during cooling and thawing to be made.  相似文献   

Rat hepatic uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase has been isolated and purified 50-fold with a 36% yield by ammonium sulfate fractionation and sequential chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel and Sephadex G-100SF. Inhibition of uroporphyrinogen III formation with increasing porphobilinogen concentration was observed. Cosynthase was shown to be thermolabile, and a time-dependent loss of enzyme activity during reaction with uroporphyrinogen I synthase and porphobilinogen was observed. The pH optimum for the complete system (synthase and cosynthase) was pH 7.8 in 50 mm Tris-HCl or 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer. Various metals (KCl, NaCl, MgCl2, CaCl2) increased formation of Uroporphyrinogen III. Heavy metals including ZnCl2, CdCl2, and CuCl2 were shown to selectively inhibit cosynthase activity, whereas other metals (HgCl2, PbCl2) were less selective and inhibited both synthase and cosynthase at similar concentrations.  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis of rabbit liver and muscle aldolases by subtilisin and cathepsin B results in decreased catalytic activity, associated with the release of acid-soluble peptides from the COOH terminus. Analysis of the sequence of these peptides confirms the COOH-terminal sequence of the muscle enzyme and provides new information on the COOH-terminal sequence of the liver enzyme. As previously reported for muscle aldolase, cathepsin B releases mainly dipeptides from the COOH terminus of liver aldolase. The COOH-terminal sequence of rabbit liver aldolase is SerThrGlnSerLeuPheThrAla SerTyrThrTyr. The Gln-Ser bond is resistant to Staphylococcus aureus protease, which hydrolyzes a GluSer bond at the corresponding positions in the muscle enzyme.  相似文献   

When early embryonic quail neural tubes are dissected free from surrounding tissues and placed in culture, small stellate neural crest cells usually migrate from the explant onto the substratum. This outgrowth has been reported to consist of a mixture of cells, some of which undergo melanogenesis, while the rest remain unpigmented. We have, in contrast to earlier observations, obtained a spatial separation of the two phenotypes. In these cultures the primary outgrowth of migrating cells remained almost free of pigment-forming cells, whereas small spherical clusters containing several hundred pigment-forming cells appeared on the explanted neural tubes. Whether the clusters remained with the tube explants or were subcultured, all cluster cells differentiated into melanocytes. Prior to melanogenesis, the appearance of the cultured cells from a cluster was indistinguishable from the cells in the outgrowth. The clusters provide a source of neural crest cells, that (1) can be easily obtained in comparatively large numbers, (2) is not contaminated with any other cell type, (3) can be isolated before the onset of differentiation, and (4) is developmentally homogeneous. Thus, the cluster population is well suited for many types of experiments, such as the identification of specific environmental factors that might control neural crest cell differentiation.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic study of mouse foldback DNA.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
T R Cech  J E Hearst 《Cell》1975,5(4):429-446
Foldback DNA is defined by its rapid, concentration-independent renaturation, consistent with intramolecular base pairing of inverted repeat sequences. Foldback DNA, isolated from renatured mouse main band DNA by hydroxyapatite chromatography, is spread for electron microscopy by the formamide isodenaturing technique. A large fraction of the molecules can be recognized as intramolecular "hairpins"--structures in which complementary sequences on a single DNA strand form base-paired "stem" regions analogous to tRNA stems. The stem regions of the hairpins have a wide distribution of lengths, averaging about 1000 base pairs. About 60% of the stem regions terminate in single-stranded loops, ranging from 400 to many thousands of nucleotides in length, while 40% of the hairpins do not have discernible loops. There are about 40,000 hairpin-forming sequences in the main band portion of the mouse haploid genome. They appear to be either clustered in groups or confined to about one third of the DNA, rather than uniformly or randomly distributed. Another large fraction of the molecules seen in foldback DNA consists of linear structures, some of which are probably also hairpins. The electron microscopic results, along with simple theoretical considerations, make possible a better interpretation of our previous studies of the yield and S1 nuclease resistance of mouse foldback DNA.  相似文献   

δ-Aminolevulinic acid synthetase (EC has been detected in homogenates of rat ovaries. Optimal substrate and coenzyme concentrations, and parameters for assay of ovarian δ-aminolevulinic acid synthetase have been determined. Subcellular fractionation studies have shown that enzyme activity is predominantly localized in the mitochondrial fraction. Fasting, which is known to increase enzyme activity in the adrenal and to have no effect on activity in the testis, had no effect on enzyme activity in the ovary. Administration of the hepatic inducer allylisopropylacetamide or the hormone progesterone failed to alter activity of the ovarian enzyme. The activity of the enzyme was significantly increased during the diestrus-1 phase of the estrus cycle, during pregnancy, and by human chorionic gonadotropin at 24 and 48 h, suggesting that ovarian δ-aminolevulinic acid synthetase and the synthesis of heme may be under hormonal control.  相似文献   

Aggregation-competent myxamoebae of the cellular slime mold Dictyostellium discoideum are known to exhibit two responses to extracellular pulses of 3′5′-cyclic AMP: an immediate chemotactic movement; and a delayed generation of intracellular cyclic AMP which is subsequently released into the medium. The mechanism of the latter, the so-called signalling response, may depend on alterations in intracellular metabolite levels and is the subject of this communication.Myxamoebae of the wild-type strain NC-4 of D. discoideum were suspended in an aerated, stirred 17 mM potassium phosphate buffer. pH 6.0, at a concentration of approx. 6 · 10?7 cells/ml (8%, v/v) at 25°C and were pulsed with 1. 10?8—1 · 10?7 M cyclic AMP at 10–20-min intervals for periods of 3–5 h over incubation of 4–9 h. Suspensions were monitored continuously for transient turbidity decreases following the cyclic AMP pulses as an indication of the magnitude and duration of the cellular response to cyclic AMP. When the pattern of turbidity decrease indicated that a signalling response had developed, samples were withdrawn at 10–15-s intervals from the suspension, inactivated with perchloric acid, and analyzed for cyclic AMP, ATP, ADP, AMP, pyruvate, and glucose 6-phosphate. In separate experiments, steady-state oxygen tension was monitored along with turbidity to detect possible changes in respiratory rate.The following consistent patterns were observed after the added cyclic AMP pulse: a transient increase in the ADP level which reaches maximum between 0.7 and 1.7 min; transient decreases in ATP and pyruvate which concide with and approximately equal the magnitude of the increase in ADP; a later increase in glucose 6-phosphate which reaches maximum approx. 2 min after the ADP  相似文献   

A method for analysis of elution data of proteins, obtained from Sephadex gel filtration experiments, is described. The relevant elution data from seven different proteins, with known molecular weights and Stoke's radii, were fitted into various equations relating elution parameters and molecular size parameters. It was observed that polynomial relationships represented elution data for proteins with a much greater degree of precision than linear equations. The validity of this procedure was also checked by analysing gel filtration data available in the literature and it was concluded that a better fit was obtained using polynomial relationships, provided a sufficiently large number of experimental points were available for numerical analysis. Using this method, values of 320,000 ± 7000 for the molecular weight, and (60 ± 0.4) × 10?8 cm for the Stoke's radius of Neurospora NAD-specific glutamate dehydrogenase were calculated.  相似文献   

E Premkumar  M Potter  P A Singer  M D Sklar 《Cell》1975,6(2):149-159
Three Abelson virus-transformed lymphoma cell lines were established in tissue culture and the immunoglobulin biosynthesis by these cell lines was studied. Two of the cell lines (ABLS-1 and ABLS-5) were found to synthesize monomeric IgM molecules which were deposited in the cell membrane, probably to serve as an antigen receptor. The third cell line (ABLS-8) was found to synthesize membrane-associated IgM as well as cellular IgG molecules. In addition, these cell lines were found to synthesize a protein of 35,000 molecular weight which is also membrane-associated and which has the capability to bind the immunoglobulin (MAID). It is speculated that this protein might play a role in adapting the receptor immunoglobulin molecule to the hydrophobic environment of the cell membrane. The kinetics of amino acid incorporation into immunoglobulins by these cell lines show that they produce immunoglobulins at a rate which is two orders of magnitude smaller than plasmacytoma cells (MOPC 104E). These results suggest that Abelson virus transforms thymus-independent lymphocytes in various stages of maturation and these lymphocytes might be of B cell origin. The T lymphoma (P1798) used as a control cell line was found occasionally to produce minute amounts of immunoglobulin.  相似文献   

Unresponsiveness induced to turkey γ-globulin (TGG) in cultures of TGG-primed spleen cells by incubation with high concentrations of soluble TGG (sTGG) was shown to involve a state of active suppression. Upon transfer to secondary cultures of primed spleen cells stimulated with an optimal dose of TGG-conjugated erythrocytes, such tolerant spleen cells were able to actively inhibit a secondary plaque-forming cell response to TGG in these cultures. Almost complete inhibition was observed with a tolerant cell to primed cell ratio of as low as 0.1. The suppression was antigen specific in that tolerant spleen cells which were suppressive for the secondary TGG response were unable to inhibit a primary response to sheep erythrocytes. T cells were shown to be required for the suppressor effect, in that (i) suppressor activity could be removed by complement-mediated lysis with an anti-Thy 1.2 antiserum and (ii) suppressor activity was retained in the effluent fraction after passage of suppressor spleen cells over a nylon wool column. Induction of the T-cell suppressor activity was found to be associated with a loss of T-cell helper activity within the TGG-pulsed cell population. The presence of adherent cells was not required for induction of suppressor activity. Furthermore, the suppressor effect was found to be resistant to 1000 R of γ irradiation.  相似文献   

Canavanine was shown to competitively inhibit the activation of arginine when tested with tRNA and synthetases prepared from whole chick embryos. The canavanine has no effect when tested with other amino acids. The Km for arginine was 2.5 μm and the Ki for canavanine was 35 μm. When fibroblasts from embryonic chick tendons were incubated with [3H]arginine and increasing concentrations of canavanine, there was a progressive decrease in the incorporation of [3H]arginine so that at 3 mm the incorporation into nondialyzable protein was only 14% of the control. A much smaller decrease in the incorporation of other radioactive amino acids was observed. Amino acid analysis of proteins isolated from cells incubated with canavanine showed conclusively that the analog was incorporated. When the cells were incubated with [14C]proline or [3H]glycine and 3 mm canavanine, the labeled procollagen containing the canavanine was secreted more slowly than normal and accumulated intracellularly. The retained procollagen chains were normally hydroxylated, disulfide linked, and triple helical. However, slab gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate demonstrated that they migrated with a lower mobility than control procollagen chains. We postulate that incorporation of canavanine inhibits normal proteolytic processing of signal sequences resulting in delayed secretion of the procollagen.  相似文献   

The twitcher mouse is genetically determined mutant characterized by a deficiency of galactocerebroside beta-galactosidase. In this study, a significant accumulation of galactocerebroside was demonstrated in twitcher mouse kidney. The data suggest that mouse Krabbe's disease is not only involved in CNS, but also in visceral organs.  相似文献   

Changes in trehalose accumulation and in cytochromes during diauxic growth in glucose medium were examined in a normal Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. While no appreciable disaccharide accumulation occurred during most of the logarithmic phase, a rapid synthesis took place during the final stages. The intrinsic capacity of cells to accumulate trehalose was also determined under nonproliferating conditions, in glucose medium lacking a nitrogen source. Cells harvested at an early growth stage had a much lower trehalose accumulation capacity than cells taken after glucose was exhausted from the culture medium. A high trehalose accumulation capacity could also be obtained at any growth stage by using maltose or galactose as carbon source. Since cells grown under various conditions exhibit a correlated change in cytochrome development and in trehalose accumulation capacity, it was concluded that the level of glucose repression determines the concentration and/or state of activation of the trehalose synthetase-trehalase complex. Independent control of trehalose accumulation capacity and mitochondrial biogenesis by the level of glucose repression was shown in two ways: by demonstrating derepression of trehalose accumulation without development of cytochromes a and c in microaerobic cells, and by showing repression-dependent changes in a cytoplasmic respiration-deficient (ρ?) mutant, which lacked functional mitochondria. Therefore, the capacity of a cell to accumulate trehalose is not regulated solely by the supply of ATP generated by oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Sphingolipid activator protein-1 (SAP-1) is a glycoprotein found in human tissue extracts that stimulates the enzymatic hydrolysis of at least two glycosphingolipids, including GM1 ganglioside and sulfatide. The ability of purified SAP-1 to stimulate GM1 ganglioside hydrolysis by extracts of cultured fibroblasts from patients with β-galactosidase deficiency was examined, and all patients had a pronounced deficiency (under 10% of control). Using monospecific antibodies against SAP-1, the concentration was determined in cultured fibroblasts by rocket immunoelectrophoresis. Extracts from 15 control cell lines were found to have 0.72 ± 0.24 μg cross-reactive material/mg protein, while cell extracts from 8 patients with GM1 gangliosidosis involving mental retardation were found to have 1.08 ± 0.17, which is significantly elevated. When the fibroblast extracts were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacramide gel electrophoresis followed by electroblotting, multiple bands were observed. Controls were found to have two major bands with estimated molecular weights of 9000 and 9500, and a minor band at 7800. Extracts from patients with GM1 gangliosidosis were found to have multiple bands ranging upward to 13,000. Extracts from patients with the most severe clinical types of GM1 gangliosidosis had almost exclusively high-molecular-weight forms (molecular weights above 10,000). Treatment of SAP-1 from control liver with endoglycosidase D caused a decrease in the Mr 9500 band and increased in the Mr 7800 band. When SAP-1 from GM1 gangliosidosis liver was treated sequentially with neuraminidase, β-galactosidase, and endoglycosidase D, almost all of it was converted to the forms found in control human liver.  相似文献   

The soluble polypeptides from Cylindrotheca fusiformis were labelled with [35S]O42− and resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. More than 600 polypeptides were detected upon a 26-day exposure to X-ray film. Analysis of the labelling pattern during the cell cycle show that labelling of at least 208 polypeptides changes; the majority, however, remain unchanged. Most of the changes occur in the beginning of the cell cycle and typically involve increases; those occurring in the second half of the cycle typically involve decreases. Light or its absence affects apparent protein turnover and the labelling rates of several polypeptides. Polypeptide labelling during the cell cycle was used as a reference to analyse the effect of silicate deprivation on diatom metabolism. In the absence of silicate, protein turnover increases: however, the addition of silicate counteracts but does not fully reverse this change. Silicate starvation affects the program of synthesis for several polypeptides, but in general the program of polypeptide labelling continues up to the S phase of the cell cycle. Addition of silicate to silicate-starved cells causes the appearance of four hitherto undetected polypeptides.  相似文献   

Bromopyruvate is an alkylating agent of pigeon liver malic enzyme (malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating), EC It combines first with the enzyme to give an enzyme-bromopyruvate complex, then reacts with a proximal -SH group, resulting in the formation of a pyruvate derivative. Bromopyruvate is also a substrate for the reductase partial reaction, and a non-competitive inhibitor of L-malate in the overall oxidative decarboxylase reaction catalyzed by this enzyme. Modification of the -SH group by this compound is accompanied by concomitant loss of both oxidative decarboxylase activity and reductase activity on bromopyruvate. Inactivation of the overall activity is partially prevented by NADP+ or NADPH, singly or in combination with L-malate.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from mice previously immunized with turkey γ-globulin (TGG) were shown to give a vigorous secondary response in vitro when challenged in Mishell-Dutton cultures with TGG covalently coupled to pig erthrocytes (TGG-PRBC). However, 90–100% of the response could be abrogated by the incorporation of soluble TGG (sTGG) into the culture medium at concentrations greater than 1 mg/ml. Unresponsiveness, as measured by the absence of plaque-forming cells (PFC) in cultures receiving sTGG, was found to be antigen specific in that these cultures were still able to give normal PFC responses to sheep or burro erythrocytes. Spleen cells incubated with sTGG for short periods of time were shown to remain unresponsive after removal of sTGG from the culture and addition of TGG-PRBC. A 1-hr exposure period resulted in greater than 70% Unresponsiveness and a complete unresponsive state required only 8 hr of exposure. In contrast to the continued Unresponsiveness of sTGG-treated cells in vitro, spleen cells incubated with sTGG for 24 hr were fully responsive to an immunogenic challenge with alum-precipitated TGG when they were transferred into irradiated syngeneic mice. These data suggest that the readily induced unresponsive state in cultures of TGG primed cells may involve either a reversible antigen blockade of antigen-sensitive lymphocytes or a peripheral inhibition of reactive cells by suppressor lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Modification of the original single isotope radioenzymatic assay of Passon and Peuler (1) permits the direct and simultaneous analysis of norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine in plasma samples of 50 μl or less. Plasma or cerebrospinal fluid without prior extraction of catecholamines or deproteinization is added directly into a mixture of 100 μl. This catechol-O-methyl-transferase-catalyzed assay is sensitive to 1 pg (20 pg/ml of plasma) for norepinephrine and epinephrine and 6 pg (120 pg/ml) for dopamine. A rapid thin layer chromatographic separation of the three 3H-methylcatecholamines contributes to the excellent specificity of the differential assay of the three catecholamines. The differential analysis of 15–20 plasma samples can be completed easily within one day. A total assay which omits the chromatographic step and, thus, measures norepinephrine plus epinephrine at the same sensitivity can be completed in 20 samples in one-half a working day.  相似文献   

The copy numbers of the FII plasmids R1 and R100 were determined in four different ways and found to be identical. Deletion of one of the copy number control genes, copB, together with its promoter gives rise to plasmid copy mutants with an increased copy number. The increase was found to be 8- and 3.5-fold for plasmids R1 and R100, respectively. These deletion derivatives were found to be extremely sensitive to the presence of CopB activity from their own parent plasmid but not to that of the other plasmid. Hence, the CopB protein and its target are plasmid-specific and not FII-group-specific. These results are consistent with the high degree of nonhomology between plasmids R1 and R100 in a 250-bp region covering the distal part of the copB gene and the repA promoter region, which contains the target for the CopB protein.  相似文献   

The ability of antigen to induce proliferation of memory B lymphocytes, thus perpetuating and expanding the memory cell pool, has been examined using an antibody-forming cell (AFC) assay. This method provided confirmation of previous studies in which serum antibody titer was used as a relative measure of pool size and demonstrated directly that the number of antibody-forming cells is increased. Memory cell subpopulations were prepared by lg velocity sedimentation from recently immunized donors (2 weeks) and tested for their ability to proliferate, thus expanding the memory cell pool. Both large and small immature DNP-specific memory cells displayed antigen-dependent and antigen-independent proliferation while mature cells (8 weeks postpriming) were capable only of antigen-dependent proliferation. Chicken γ-globulin (CGG) specific memory cells were also evaluated in this system and were found to differ from DNP-specific cells in several ways. (A) DNP-specific AFC were found to be concentrated in the spleen while CGG-specific AFC were found predominantly in the bone marrow early after transfer and in the spleen upon delayed challenge. (B) The rate of maturation of CGG-specific memory cells capable of antigen-driven proliferation and pool expansion was delayed in comparison to DNP-specific memory cells. The relationship of these functionally defined subsets to previously described memory cell subpopulations is discussed.  相似文献   

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