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Non-specific alkaline phosphatase and Mg2+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase activities were ultracytochemically investigated on embryoid bodies of murine teratocarcinomas, in order to find markers of endodermal cell differentiation of early embryonic cells. The former was localized mainly on the cell surface of inner embryonal carcinoma cells, as already shown by other workers, and weakly on the bound surface of outer endodermal cells of embryoid bodies. The latter, however, was found only on the outer free surface of endodermal cells and never on the surface of embryonal carcinoma cells. It suggests that Mg2+-dependent ATP activity might become the marker for early differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

H-Y antisera were produced in C57BL/6 female mice by repeated intraperitoneal injections of syngeneic male spleen cells. Epididymal spermatozoa were incubated in the presence of H-Y antisera and guinea-pig serum as a complement source. Levels of ATP remaining after treatment were used to calculate the amount of specific killing. Sera of different cytotoxic titres were used in an indirect immunofluorescent assay with a fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated IgG fraction of goat anti-mouse IgG (Fc fragment specific) as second antibody. Embryos were classified as fluorescent or nonfluorescent, transferred to pseudopregnant recipients, and allowed to develop to term. Of 12 sera tested for sperm cytotoxicity, 5 were different from a nonimmunized control serum (P less than 0.05). Percentage specific killing in each of these sera was 7.8 +/- 4.2, 11.7 +/- 3.0, 26.0 +/- 2.2, 27.7 +/- 3.7 and 39.2 +/- 4.8, respectively (mean +/- s.e.m. with three replicates). The 5 sera and an additional one (4.9 +/- 1.3% specific killing) were used in the embryo sexing experiment. The accuracy with which these sera correctly identified sex of preimplantation embryos was 60, 46, 74, 73, 74 and 48%, respectively. Correlation coefficients were 0.86 (P less than 0.05) for specific sperm cytotoxicity and percentage of nonfluorescent embryos that were female and 0.78 (n.s.) for specific sperm cytotoxicity and percentage of fluorescent embryos that were male. Therefore, although the sperm cytotoxicity test is useful for screening antisera for the study of H-Y antigen expression on preimplantation embryos, nonfluorescent embryos are more accurately classified as females than are fluorescent embryos as male.  相似文献   

The expression of receptors for N-acetylgalactosamine-recognizing lectins, namely Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA), Sophora japonica agglutinin (SJA), Bauhinia purpurea agglutinin (BPA), Vicia villosa agglutinin (VVA), and Wistaria floribunda agglutinin (WFA) was studied in early mouse embryos and teratocarcinoma cells. Each of these lectins as well as Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) bound differently to early embryonic cells, with the exception of VVA and WFA which showed indistinguishable reactivities. SJA reacted intensely with visceral endoderm, but hardly at all with parietal and primitive endoderm. Therefore, SJA will be useful for analyzing the mechanism of visceral-endoderm formation. Furthermore, the inner cell mass (ICM) of early blastocysts reacted intensely with DBA, while the ICM of late blastocysts reacted only faintly with this lectin. Primary endoderm derived from the ICM reacted faintly with SJA, HPA, and DBA, and these reactivities increased again during the differentiation of the endoderm. Therefore, these three lectins could be used in the analysis of early stages during the differentiation of endoderm from the ICM. The results illustrate the highly complex nature of developmentally regulated alterations of cell-surface carbohydrates during the early stages of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Determining the precise expression pattern of a gene of interest at various stages of development is essential to understanding its biological function in embryology. This protocol describes a sensitive method for whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) to mouse embryos, using cRNA probes. Adaptations are provided that allow the protocol to be applied to embryonic stages ranging from blastocysts to postimplantation stage embryos, and to embryoid bodies. We also describe an in situ method for differential detection of two probes. Probe labeling and dissection and preparation of the embryos can be performed in 2 d. The actual WISH procedure can be completed in another 3 d.  相似文献   

Mouse embryos at the 2-cell, 8-cell, and blastocyst stages of development were examined for the presence of H-2 antigens by immunoperoxidase labeling and transmission electron microscopy. Conventional antisera made in congenic mouse strains were used to study embryos of four different haplotypes: b, a, k, and d. Blastocysts showed uniform heavy labeling of all cells of the trophectoderm, 8-cell embryos showed lighter labeling of only some of the cells, and 2-cell embryos showed no labeling. Similar results were found for all four haplotypes studied. In addition, monoclonal antibody 11-4.1 (anti-Kk) was reacted with homologous (H-2k) and heterologous (H-2b) blastocysts. Positive results with the monoclonal antibody corroborates the concept that H-2 antigens are expressed on early mouse embryos.  相似文献   

Attachment of the cell surface to a substratum may play a critical role in initiating some cellular developmental commitments and in sustaining differentiation of cells that have already been specialized. Embryoid bodies of teratoma OTT6050 were divided, on day 10 of initial culture, into myogenic adhesive cells which were already (at day 6) characterized by endogenous prostaglandin (PG)I2 formation and little-specialized suspensive cells which formed only thromboxane (TX)B2 in the same culture system. Since at day 10 both cell types reached a stationary phase in which the nature of each cell was mature enough for the analyses with mass fragmentographic technique and gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GCMS), the total levels of predominant long-chain fatty acyl CoA (acyl CoA) derivatives could be measured comparatively as methyl esters after methanolysis. It was found as a result of major differentiation that adhesive cells had a rather low ratio of arachidonyl CoA to stearyl CoA, although adhesive cells accumulated a larger total amount of acyl CoA derivatives than that accumulated in suspensive cells.  相似文献   

Antiserum prepared in rabbit against 4-day-old mouse cerebellum (anti-NS-4 serum) reacts in the complement-mediated cytotoxicity test with unfertilized and fertilized mouse eggs, cleavage stage embryos, and cells of the trophoblast and inner cell mass of the mouse blastocyst. This activity is specifically removed by absorption of antiserum with adult mouse brain and epididymal sperm but not with adult liver, spleen, kidney, and thymocytes. The antiserum reacts most strongly with cells of the trophoblast and inner cell mass and, in order of decreasing reactivity, with four- to eight-cell stage embryos, zygotes, unfertilized eggs, and two-cell stage embryos.  相似文献   

Expression of Hox genes located on different chromosomes is precisely regulated and synchronized during development. In order to test the hypothesis that the Hox loci might cluster in nuclear space in order to share regulatory components, we performed 3D FISH on cryosections of developing mouse embryos and differentiating embryoid bodies. We did not observe any instances of co-localization of 4 different Hox alleles. Instances of 2 different alleles touching each other were found in 20-47% of nuclei depending on the tissue. The frequency of such “kissing” events was not significantly different in cells expressing a high proportion of the Hox clusters when compared to cells expressing none or only a few Hox genes. We found that the HoxB and HoxC clusters, which are located in gene-rich regions, were involved more frequently in gene kissing in embryonic nuclei. In the case of HoxB, this observation correlated with the positioning of the corresponding chromosome towards the interior of the nucleus. Our results indicate that co-regulation of the different Hox clusters is not associated with co-localization of the loci at a single regulatory compartment and that the chromosomal context may influence the extent to which they contact each other in the nucleus.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone of a keratin-related, intermediate filament protein, designated Endo B, was constructed from size-fractionated parietal endodermal mRNA and characterized. The 1466-nucleotide cDNA insert contains an open reading frame of 1272 nucleotides that would result in 5' and 3' noncoding sequences of 54 and 60 nucleotides, respectively. The predicted amino acid composition, molecular weight (47,400), and peptide pattern correlate well with data obtained on the isolated protein. The predicted amino acid sequence fits easily into the general domain structure suggested for all intermediate filament proteins with a unique amino-terminal head domain, a large conserved central domain of predominantly alpha-helical structure, and a relatively unique carboxyl-terminal or tail domain. Over the entire molecule, Endo B is 43% identical with human 52-kDa epidermal type I keratin. However, over two of the three regions contained in the central domain that are predicted to form coiled-coil structures, the Endo B is 54-68% identical with other type I keratin sequences. This homology, along with the presence of the completely conserved sequence DNARLAADDFR-KYE, which is found in all type I keratins, permits the unambiguous identification of Endo B as a type I keratin. Comparison of the Endo B sequence to other intermediate filament proteins reveals 22 residues which are identical in all intermediate filament proteins regardless of whether filament formation requires only one type of protein subunit (vimentin, desmin, glial fibrillar acidic protein, or a neurofilament protein) or two dissimilar types (type I and type II keratins). Endo B mRNA was detectable in RNA isolated from F9 cells treated with retinoic acid for 48 h. Approximately three to five genes homologous to Endo B were detected in the mouse genome.  相似文献   

In-vivo and in-vitro effects of ethanol on mouse preimplantation embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Exp. 1A, hybrid mice (N = 10) were provided with food and 25% (v/v) ethanol as the only source of liquid for 72 h, beginning at the detection of the copulatory plug (08:00 h, Day 1). Control mice received food and tap water. Food consumption (P less than 0.001) but not total caloric intake (P greater than 0.05) was less for the alcohol-treated mice than the controls. Ethanol-derived calories averaged 35% of caloric intake during the 72 h of treatment. Alcohol-treated animals showed a dramatic weight loss until Day 5 while controls gained weight (P less than 0.05). Ethanol consumption did not influence pregnancy rate, litter size or litter weight. In Exp. 1B, animals were treated as in Exp. 1A, but were killed at various times between 24:00 h, Day 1, and 08:00 h, Day 4. Trunk blood was used to determine haematocrit and serum to determine alcohol concentration. Haematocrit was greater (P less than 0.05) for all alcohol-treated mice than for controls at all time periods sampled except one. Dehydration was therefore probably responsible for the weight loss seen in Exps 1A and 1B. Average blood alcohol concentrations fluctuated with time of day and day of treatment. Average maximum concentration was 91.4 mg ethanol/100 ml serum. In Exp. 2, hybrid mouse 2-cell embryos were cultured in vitro in 0 or 0.1% ethanol (Exp. 2A) and 0 or 1.0% ethanol (Exp. 2B) for 8 days.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sperm antigens were assessed for their ability to induce cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses. Purified fertilization antigen (FA-1), protamine, and the lithium diiodosalicylate (LIS)-solubilized sperm preparation activated presensitized lymphocytes to secrete soluble mediators that activated macrophages and significantly inhibited sperm motility and embryonic development. The FA-1, however, was the most potent antigen in inducing proliferative response as well as the release of soluble mediators. LIS-sperm preparation, which contained numerous antigens, showed the least activity. The unsensitized control spleen cells did not secrete any factor(s) when activated with the antigen. In conclusion, these results indicate that sperm antigens can specifically induce (CMI) factors that have detrimental effects on sperm motility and preimplantation embryos. These findings may have potential clinical implications for humans, especially in immunologic and unexplained infertility, recurrent abortions, and development of antisperm contraceptive vaccines.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to histocompatibility (H-Y) antigen, of IgM subclass, were used to immunologically determine the sex of mouse embryos prior to transfer to pseudopregnant recipients. Two experiments were performed, one using cytolysis of H-Y positive embryos and the other using binding of a Fluorescein Isothiocyanate-(FITC) labeled second antibody. Eight- to 16-cell embryos used in the cytolytic assay were cultured in Whitten's Medium without bovine serum albumin (WM), to which monoclonal antibody and normal guinea pig serum were added. Embryos were classified as affected or unaffected, based on morphology of the embryo and its blastomeres. A total of 550 embryos were cultured; 294 (53.5%) were scored as unaffected and 263 of these were transferred to recipients. Forty-three (81.1%) of 53 pups born were female. Morulae and early blastocysts were used in the FITC-labeled second antibody assay. Embryos were cultured in WM containing monoclonal antibody, washed and placed in drops of WM containing FITC-labeled anti-IgM. Following another wash embryos were individually evaluated at 200X for fluorescence. Fifty-five percent (169 of 305) of the embryos displayed cell-specific fluorescence. A total of twenty-three pups, 18 males (78.3%) and five females (21.7%), were born following transfer of 156 fluorescing embryos. Four male (17.4%) and nineteen female (82.6%) pups resulted from embryos classified as non-fluorescing.  相似文献   

The effects of bisphenol A, a xenoestrogen widely used in industry and dentistry, were studied in early preimplantation mouse embryos. Two-cell mouse embryos were cultured with 100 pM to 100 microM bisphenol A with or without 100 nM tamoxifen and evaluated at 24-h intervals for their development to eight-cell and blastocyst stages. At 72 h, blastocysts were cultured for another 48 h without bisphenol A, and surface areas of trophoblast spread were measured. At 24 h, more embryos exposed to 3 nM bisphenol A than to controls had reached the eight-cell stage. At 48 h, more embryos exposed to 1 nM and 3 nM bisphenol A than to controls had become blastocysts. At 100 microM, bisphenol A decreased frequency of development to blastocysts. Tamoxifen counteracted both stimulatory and inhibitory effects of bisphenol A on blastocyst formation. Although bisphenol A did not alter blastocyst morphology or cell number, early exposure to 100 microM bisphenol A increased subsequent trophoblast areas. These findings suggest that bisphenol A may not only effect early embryonic development via estrogen receptors even at low, environmentally relevant doses, but also exert some late effects on subsequent development of these embryos.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are intracellular symbionts mainly found in arthropods, causing various sexual alterations on their hosts by unknown mechanisms. Here we report the results that strongly suggest that Wolbachia have virus-like particles of phage WO, which was previously identified as a prophage-like element in the Wolbachia genome. Wolbachia (strain wTai) infection in an insect was detected with the antibody against Wsp, an outer surface protein of Wolbachia, by fluorescence microscopy and immunoelectron-microscopy for the first time. Virus-like particles in Wolbachia were observed by electron-microscopy. The 0.22-microm filtrate of insect ovary contained DAPI-positive particles, and PCR analysis demonstrated that a phage WO DNA passed through the filter while Wolbachia DNA were eliminated, suggesting that the DAPI-positive particles were phage WO.  相似文献   

The distribution and amount of 5-methylcytosine (5-MeCyt) in DNA was measured for early embryos of mouse strain CF1 (2 to 4 cell stage to blastocyst) and mouse teratocarcinoma cells. In each case, the pattern of methylation was examined by use of the restriction enzymes Hha I and HPA II HPA II, which cut DNA at the sites 5'GCGC and 5'CCGG respectively, when the cytosines at these sites are not methylated. Mouse embryo DNA was found to have the same level of methylation as adult mouse tissues, and no changes in methylation were seen during differentiation of the teratocarcinoma cells. The ratio of 5-MeCyt/Cyt in DNA was measured by high performance liquid chromatography for the differentiating teratocarcinoma cells and for several adult mouse and rabbit tissues. The variation between tissues or between teratocarcinoma cells at different stages of differentiation was less than 10 percent. These results are discussed in view of proposals that 5-MeCyt plays a role in differentiation.  相似文献   

A quantitative RT-PCR approach has been used to examine the expression of a number of X-linked genes during preimplan-tation development of normal mouse embryos and in androgenetic and gynogenetic mouse embryos. The data reveal moderately reduced expression of the Prps1, Hprt, and Pdha1 mRNAs in androge-netic eight-cell and morula stage embryos, but not in androgenetic blastocysts. Pgk1 mRNA abundance was severely reduced in androgenones at the eight-cell and morula stages and remained reduced, but to a lesser degree, in androgenetic blastocysts. These data indicate that paternally inherited X chromosomes are at least partially repressed in androgenones, as they are in normal XX embryos, and that the degree of this repression is chromosome position-dependent or gene-dependent. Gynogenetic embryos expressed elevated amounts of some mRNAs at the morula and blas-tocyst stages, indicative of a delay in dosage compensation that may be chromosome position-dependent. The Xist RNA was expressed at a greater abundance in androgenones than in gynogenones at the eight-cell and morula stages, consistent with previous studies. Xist expression was observed in both and rogenones and gynogenones at the blas-tocyst stage. We conclude that the developmental arrest in early androgenones may be, in part, due to reduced expression of essential X-linked genes, particularly those near the X inactivation center, where as the developmental defects of gyno-genones and parthenogenones, by contrast, may be partially due to overexpression of X-linked genes in extraembryonic tissues, possibly those far-thest away from the X inactivation center. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Y Kajiwara  M Inouye 《Teratology》1986,33(2):231-237
This report compares the effects of methylmercuric chloride (MMC) and mercuric chloride (MC) on the development of mouse preimplantation embryos in vivo. Female mice were injected with a single intravenous dose of 0.5-20.0 mg Hg/kg MMC or 0.5-2.5 mg Hg/kg MC on day 0 of gestation. The embryos were recovered by flushing excised oviduct and uterus on day 3.5 of pregnancy, and were examined for abnormalities. In the groups treated with doses of 0.5 and 1.0 mg Hg/kg of both compounds, the rates of abnormal embryos were not significantly different from that in the control group. The 50% effective dose of MMC was twice as great as that of MC. With increasing dose, the difference became more obvious; the 80% effective doses differed by a factor of ten. The body weight of dams decreased in terms of the dose of mercury in MC-treated groups, but did not vary in MMC-treated groups. The sensitive developmental stage for mercury toxicities could not be determined clearly, although the high sensitivity was reported in the blastocyst stage in vitro. The embryos treated in vivo were less sensitive than those reported in vitro.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique to sample the preimplantation embryo, which may, in the future, be applied to prenatal diagnosis of genetic disease. Using micromanipulation, we aspirated a single blastomere from 4-cell mouse embryos. This procedure had no effect on in vitro development; 98% of control and 94% of biopsied embryos reached the blastocyst stage after 48 h in culture. Furthermore, after transfer to pseudopregnant recipient mice, the rate of fetal development of biopsied embryos was not significantly different from control embryos, although implantation rate was significantly reduced (mean +/- SD: biopsied 53.1 +/- 4.0, control 81.8 +/- 8.4, p less than 0.001). For the first time we have produced monolayer cell cultures derived from single preimplantation blastomeres. Individual biopsied blastomeres were cultured in vitro on different extracellular matrix components. Significantly greater cell proliferation was obtained in wells coated with fibronectin (FN), laminin (LN), and a complex of laminin and nidogen (LNC) than in a less specific matrix of swine skin gelatin (SSG). Mean (+/- SE) cell nuclei number per well after 6 days in culture was 6.4 +/- 2.1, 11.9 +/- 1.5, 19.8 +/- 2.9, and 20.9 +/- 2.6 in wells coated with SSG, LN, FN, and LNC respectively.  相似文献   

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