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The expression and immune modulation of Epstein-Barr virus-encoded oncogene latent membrane protein 1 (N-LMP1) is essential in the pathogenesis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. In previous studies, cell transformation has been induced by the expression of EBV-encoded N-LMP1 in non-tumour BALB/c-3T3 cells and these cells have then been used to form tumours in T-cell-deficient nude mice. However, studies using this model have been limited by the lack of a competent immune system. To facilitate the study of immune components in N-LMP1-driven oncogenesis, we herein developed a simplified N-LMP1-derived tumour model in immunocompetent mice. Cell transformation was induced by the expression of N-LMP1 in BALB/c-3T3 cells, and these transformants were used to induce oncogenesis in BALB/c mice. In contrast to the 100% successful tumour-induction rate in nude mice treated with monodispersed transformed cells, the tumour incidence in BALB/c mice was only 5-36%. However, the transplantation of tumour fragments into BALB/c mice yielded a reproducible tumour-induction rate of >85%, which is acceptable for most of the research needs. This novel model of N-LMP1-directed oncogenesis in an immunocompetent environment may serve as an important platform for the future assessment of N-LMP1-targeted tumour therapies.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded oncogene latent membrane protein (LMP) 1, which is consistently expressed in multiple EBV-associated malignancies, has been proposed as a potential target antigen for any future vaccine designed to control these malignancies. However, the high degree of genetic variation in the LMP1 sequence has been considered a major impediment for its use as a potential immunotherapeutic target for the treatment of EBV-associated malignancies. In the present study, we have employed a highly efficient strategy, based on ex vivo functional assays, to conduct an extensive sequence-wide analysis of LMP1-specific T-cell responses in a large panel of healthy virus carriers of diverse ethnic origin and nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients. By comparing the frequencies of T cells specific for overlapping peptides spanning LMP1, we mapped a number of novel HLA class I- and class II-restricted LMP1 T-cell epitopes, including an epitope with dual HLA class I restriction. More importantly, extensive sequence analysis of LMP1 revealed that the majority of the T-cell epitopes were highly conserved in EBV isolates from Caucasian, Papua New Guinean, African, and Southeast Asian populations, while unique geographically constrained genetic variation was observed within one HLA A2 supertype-restricted epitope. These findings indicate that conserved LMP1 epitopes should be considered in designing epitope-based immunotherapeutic strategies against EBV-associated malignancies in different ethnic populations.  相似文献   

In our recent studies, we found that LMP1 encoded by Epstein-Barr virus could accelerate the formation of active c-Jun/Jun B heterodimer. We studied the regulation of cyclinD1 by c-Jun/Jun B heterodimers by laser scanning confocal influorescence microscopy, Western blot, luciferase activity assay, super-EMSA and flow cytometry in the Tet-on-LMP1 HNE2 cell line, in which LMP1 expression was regulated by Tet-on system. c-Jun/Jun B heterodimers induced by LMP1 could up regulate cyclin D1 promoter activity and expression. Overexpression of cyclinD1 accelerated the progression of cell cycle.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the processing of the Epstein-Barr virus-encoded latent membrane protein (p63/LMP) in lymphoblastoid cell lines, Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines, and rodent fibroblasts transfected with the p63/LMP gene. Pulse-chase analysis by immunoprecipitation, under denaturing conditions, reveals a half-life of 2 h. This is due to turnover in the plasma membrane with cleavage of the protein, resulting in a 25,000-molecular-weight (p25) fragment derived from the carboxy-terminal portion of LMP. This fragment is rich in proline and acidic amino acids and sheds into the cytoplasm, where it appears to accumulate, being present in a six- to sevenfold molar excess over p63/LMP in immunoprecipitation analyses. p25 is, like p63/LMP, also phosphorylated (pp25) on serine and threonine residues, in the same ratio and to approximately the same extent as the intact p63/LMP molecule. Amino acid sequence analysis and carboxy-terminal labeling suggest that p25 is derived through a single cleavage adjacent to the sequence LGAPGGGPDNGPQDPD.  相似文献   

Infection of Epstein-Barr virus-negative human B-lymphoma cell lines with the fully transforming B95.8 Epstein-Barr virus strain was associated with complete virus latent gene expression and a change in the cell surface and growth phenotype toward that of in vitro-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines. In contrast, the cells infected with the P3HR1 Epstein-Barr virus strain, a deletion mutant that cannot encode Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) or a full-length EBNA-LP, expressed EBNAs1, 3a, 3b, and 3c but were negative for the latent membrane protein (LMP) and showed no change in cellular phenotype. This suggests that EBNA2 and/or EBNA-LP may be required for subsequent expression of LMP in Epstein-Barr virus-infected B cells. Recombinant vectors capable of expressing the B95.8 EBNA2A protein were introduced by electroporation into two P3HR1-converted B-lymphoma cell lines, BL30/P3 and BL41/P3. In both cases, stable expression of EBNA2A was accompanied by activation of LMP expression from the resident P3HR1 genome; control transfectants that did not express the EBNA2A protein never showed induction of LMP. In further experiments, a recombinant vector capable of expressing the full-length B95.8 EBNA-LP was introduced into the same target lines. Strong EBNA-LP expression was consistently observed in the transfected clones but was never accompanied by induction of LMP. The EBNA2A gene transfectants expressing EBNA2A and LMP showed a dramatic change in cell surface and growth phenotype toward a pattern like that of lymphoblastoid cell lines; some but not all of these changes could be reproduced in the absence of EBNA2A by transfection of P3HR1-converted cell lines with a recombinant vector expressing LMP. These studies suggest that EBNA2 plays an important dual role in the process of B-cell activation to the lymphoblastoid phenotype; the protein can have a direct effect upon cellular gene expression and is also involved in activating the expression of a second virus-encoded effector protein, LMP.  相似文献   

We report that type I interferons (IFNs) upregulate latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) expression by direct activation of the ED-L1 promoter in several Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-carrying Burkitt's lymphoma lines. In EBV-infected primary B cells, IFN-α transiently upregulates LMP-1 mRNA, but not protein levels, followed by downregulation of both, suggesting a novel antiproliferative mechanism of type I IFNs. Furthermore, our results may explain the expression of LMP-1 in memory B cells of systemic lupus erythematosus patients.  相似文献   

Ning S  Hahn AM  Huye LE  Pagano JS 《Journal of virology》2003,77(17):9359-9368
We have shown previously that interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF7), a multifunctional protein intimately involved in latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, is induced as well as activated by EBV latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), the principal EBV oncoprotein. Since the LMP1 promoter (LMP1p) contains an interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE), we hypothesized that IRF7 might be able to regulate LMP1 expression and thus participate in a regulatory circuit between these two genes. In this study, IRF7 was shown first to activate LMP1p in transient transfection assays. Compared with EBV nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2), the most potent viral transactivator of LMP1p, IRF7 has a lesser effect (approximately 10% that of EBNA2) on induction of LMP1p. Study with IRF7 deletion mutants showed that IRF7 functional domains have similar effects on both the beta interferon (IFN-beta) and LMP1 promoters in BJAB and 293 cells, and study with IRF7 phosphomimetic mutants showed that IRF7 phosphorylation may be involved in the activation of these two promoters. Further, the ISRE in LMP1p responds to IRF7 induction and IRF7 binds to this element. In the EBV-positive cell line P3HR1, which lacks the complete EBNA2 and EBV-encoded leader protein genes and hence expresses low-level LMP1, IRF7 alone can notably increase the endogenous LMP1 mRNA and protein levels. These results indicate that LMP1 is regulated by this host cell gene in addition to the viral factor, EBNA2, and may help to explain how LMP1 is expressed in type II latency in the absence of EBNA2. Moreover, IRF7 can regulate a viral gene in addition to a host cellular gene such as the IFN-beta gene. Together with the previous data that LMP1 can induce IRF7 expression and facilitate IRF7 phosphorylation and nuclear translocation, these results suggest a positive regulatory circuit between IRF7 and LMP1.  相似文献   

Deng W  Pang PS  Tsang CM  Hau PM  Yip YL  Cheung AL  Tsao SW 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39095
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a common cancer in Southeast Asia, particularly in southern regions of China. EBV infection is closely associated with NPC and has long been postulated to play an etiological role in the development of NPC. However, the role of EBV in malignant transformation of nasopharyngeal epithelial cells remains enigmatic. The current hypothesis of NPC development is that premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells harboring genetic alterations support EBV infection and expression of EBV genes induces further genomic instability to facilitate the development of NPC. The latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is a well-documented EBV-encoded oncogene. The involvement of LMP1 in human epithelial malignancies has been implicated, but the mechanisms of oncogenic actions of LMP1, particularly in nasopharyngeal cells, are unclear. Here we observed that LMP1 expression in nasopharyngeal epithelial cells impaired G2 checkpoint, leading to formation of unrepaired chromatid breaks in metaphases after γ-ray irradiation. We further found that defective Chk1 activation was involved in the induction of G2 checkpoint defect in LMP1-expressing nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. Impairment of G2 checkpoint could result in loss of the acentrically broken chromatids and propagation of broken centric chromatids in daughter cells exiting mitosis, which facilitates chromosome instability. Our findings suggest that LMP1 expression facilitates genomic instability in cells under genotoxic stress. Elucidation of the mechanisms involved in LMP1-induced genomic instability in nasopharyngeal epithelial cells will shed lights on the understanding of role of EBV infection in NPC development.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) proteins latent membrane proteins 1 and 2 (LMP1 and LMP2) are frequently expressed in EBV-associated lymphoid and epithelial cancers and have complex effects on cell signaling and growth. The effects of these proteins on epithelial cell growth were assessed in vivo using transgenic mice driven by the keratin 14 promoter (K14). The development of papillomas and carcinomas was determined in the tumor initiator and promoter model using dimethyl benzanthracene (DMBA), followed by repeated treatments of 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA). In these assays, LMP1 functioned as a weak tumor promoter and increased papilloma formation. In contrast, mice expressing LMP2A did not induce or promote papilloma formation. Transgenic LMP1 mice had slightly increased development of squamous cell carcinoma; however, the development of carcinoma was significantly increased in the doubly transgenic mice expressing both LMP1 and LMP2A. DMBA treatment induces an activating mutation in the Harvey-ras (H-ras(61)) oncogene, and this mutation was identified in most papillomas and carcinomas although several papillomas and carcinomas in K14-LMP1 and K14-LMP1/LMP2A mice lacked the mutation. Analysis of signaling pathways that are known to be activated by LMP1 and/or LMP2 indicated that all genotypes had high levels of activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and Stat3 in carcinomas with significantly higher activation in the doubly transgenic carcinomas. These findings suggest that, in combination, LMP1 and LMP2 contribute to carcinoma progression and that this may reflect the combined effects of the proteins on activation of multiple signaling pathways. This study is the first to characterize the effects of LMP2 on tumor initiation and promotion and to identify an effect of the combined expression of LMP1 and LMP2 on the increase of carcinoma development.  相似文献   

LMP-1, the Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein 1, is the only protein encoded by the virus that has been shown to have the properties of a transforming oncogene in rodent fibroblasts such as Rat-1 cells. LMP-1 is phosphorylated and proteolytically cleaved in Rat-1 cells in a manner similar to that seen in human lymphocytes. In this study, we demonstrate that all three major domains of LMP-1 (N-terminal, transmembrane, and C-terminal domains) are required for the ability to transform Rat-1 cells in culture, as assayed by loss of contact inhibition. This study is the first demonstration of a functional role for the C-terminal domain of LMP-1. Our analysis suggests that there are at least three distinct regions of the C terminus involved in signalling. Amino acids 306 to 334, which generate a toxic signal in the absence of amino acids 334 to 364, and the last 23 amino acids, 364 to 386, are essential for transformation. Biochemical analysis of the LMP-1 mutants with the three domains deleted indicate that the mutant N-terminal with the domain deleted is phosphorylated normally but is inefficiently cleaved compared with the wild-type LMP-1. The mutant with the transmembrane domain deleted is also phosphorylated but is not cleaved, showing that phosphorylation of LMP-1 does not require membrane association. The nontransforming mutant with the C-terminal domain deleted that lacks the last 23 amino acids is phosphorylated and cleaved. Therefore, these processing events alone are insufficient to generate a transforming signal.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is oncogenic and indispensable for EBV-mediated B cell transformation. LMP1 is capable of activating several intracellular signaling pathways including the NF-kappaB pathway, which contributes to the EBV-mediated cell transformation. Two regions in the cytoplasmic carboxyl tail of LMP1, namely C-terminal activating regions 1 and 2 (CTAR1 and CTAR2), are responsible for NF-kappaB activation, with CTAR2 being the main NF-kappaB activator. Although the CTAR1-mediated NF-kappaB activation was previously shown to be TRAF3-dependent, we showed here that the CTAR2-mediated NF-kappaB activation is mainly TRAF6-dependent but TRAF2/5-independent. In contrast to the interleukin-1 receptor/toll-like receptor-mediated NF-kappaB pathways, the CTAR2-mediated NF-kappaB pathway does not require MyD88, IRAK1, or IRAK4 for TRAF6 engagement. Furthermore, we showed that TAK1 is required for NF-kappaB activation by LMP1. Thus, LMP1 utilizes two distinct pathways to activate NF-kappaB: a major one through CTAR2/TRAF6/TAK1/IKKbeta (canonical pathway) and a minor one through CTAR1/TRAF3/NIK/IKKalpha (noncanonical pathway).  相似文献   

Transporter associated with antigen processing 2 (Tap-2) is responsible for ATP-dependent transport of peptides from the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum, where peptides bind to newly synthesized human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules, which are essential for cellular immune responses. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) has been shown to induce the expression of Tap-2. In this study, the induction of endogenous Tap-2 by LMP-1 is shown to be associated with and requires the expression of interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF-7). In DG75 Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cells, in which LMP-1 induces the expression of IRF-7, LMP-1 induced endogenous Tap-2, and ectopic expression of IRF-7 could enhance the induction. In Akata BL cells, in which LMP-1 could not induce IRF-7, LMP-1 could not induce Tap-2. Addition of IRF-7, which complements the defect in Akata cells, could stimulate the expression of Tap-2. Furthermore, LMP-1 and IRF-7A but not other IRF-7 splicing variants could activate endogenous Tap-2. A Tap-2 promoter reporter construct could be activated by the overexpression of IRF-7A. The activation could be specifically enhanced by LMP-1 and was dependent on an intact interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE) present in the Tap-2 promoter. Also, IRF-7 can bind to the Tap-2 promoter under physiological conditions in vivo, as shown by formaldehyde cross-linking, as well as to the Tap-2 ISRE in vitro, as shown by gel mobility shift assays. Furthermore, LMP-1 facilitates the phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of IRF-7. These data point to the role of IRF-7 as a secondary mediator of LMP-1-activated signal transduction for Tap-2 as follows: LMP-1 stimulates the expression of IRF-7 and facilitates its phosphorylation and nuclear translocation, and then the activated IRF-7 mediates the activation of the cellular Tap-2 gene. The induction of Tap-2 by IRF-7 and LMP-1 may have an important implication for the immune response to EBV and its persistence in vivo.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Epstein-Barr virus-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is uniquely able to up-regulate the expression of the peptide transporters (referred to as TAP-1 and TAP-2) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I in Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cell lines. This up-regulation is often accompanied by a restoration of antigen-presenting function as measured by the ability of these cells to present endogenously expressed viral antigen to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Here we show that the expression of LMP1 resulted in up-regulation and nuclear translocation of RelB that were coincident with increased expression of MHC class I in BL cells. Deletion of the C-terminal activator regions (CTARs) of LMP1 significantly impaired the abilities of LMP1 to translocate RelB into the nucleus and to up-regulate the expression of antigen-processing genes. Further analysis with single-point mutations within the CTARs confirmed that the residues critical for NF-kappa B activation directly contribute to antigen-processing function regulation in BL cells. This LMP1-mediated effect was blocked following expression of either dominant negative I kappa B alpha S32/36A, an NF-kappa B inhibitor, or antisense RelB. These observations indicate that upregulation of antigen-presenting function in B cells mediated by LMP1 is signaled through the NF-kappa B subunit RelB. The data provide a mechanism by which LMP1 modulates immunogenicity of Epstein-Barr virus-infected normal and malignant cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T cells from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-immune individuals specifically kill EBV-transformed B cells from HLA class I antigen-matched donors even though the latently infected cells express only a restricted set of virus genes. The virus-induced target antigens recognized by these immune T cells have not been identified. In our experiments, EBV DNA sequences encoding the virus latent gene products Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen (EBNA)1, EBNA 2, and EBNA-LP and the latent membrane protein (LMP) were individually expressed in a virus-negative human B-lymphoma cell line, Louckes. Transfected clones expressing LMP were killed by EBV-specific cytotoxic T-cell preparations from each of three virus-immune donors HLA matched with Louckes through HLA-A2, B44 antigens; control transfectants or clones expressing one of the EBNA proteins were not recognized. Expression of LMP in a second virus-negative B-cell line, BL41, sensitized these cells to EBV-specific cytolysis restricted through the HLA-A11 antigen. To distinguish between the viral protein and an induced human B-cell activation antigen as the target for T-cell recognition, LMP was then expressed in a murine mastocytoma cell line, P815-A11-restricted human T cells. The LMP-expressing P815-A11 transfectants were susceptible to lysis by EBV-specific cytotoxic T cells from three HLA-A11-positive individuals. Both Louckes and P815-A11 cells were also transfected with constructs capable of encoding a truncated form of LMP (Tr-LMP) which lacks the N-terminal 128 amino acids of the full-length protein. Tr-LMP-expressing transfectants were not recognized by the above T-cell preparations. The results suggest that LMP, and, in particular, epitopes derived from the N-terminal region of the protein, provides one of the target antigens for the EBV-induced human cytotoxic T-cell response.  相似文献   

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