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The grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus and Chorthippus jacobsi are highly differentiated for male mating signals, and form a mosaic hybrid zone in northern Spain. At some sites within this zone, many hybrids are observed. At others, few hybrids are observed. Such bimodal sites may reflect recent contacts between parental genotypes, or local variation in levels of assortative mating or selection against hybrids. Playback of 12 parental and F1 male songs to 296 parental and hybrid females revealed positive assortative preferences in C. brunneus and C. jacobsi females, supporting a direct role of male mating signals in female choice. However, all female genotypic classes showed reduced responsiveness to F1 male songs. Such sexual selection against hybrids is consistent with the narrow cline width observed in the field for song characters relative to morphology. These results have implications for the genetic structure of the hybrid zone and for models of speciation by reinforcement.  相似文献   

记述采自新疆地区网翅蝗科雏蝗属 Chorthippus 短翅亚属1新种,即果子沟雏蝗 Chorthippus (Altichorthippus) guozigouensis sp. nov.。新种近似于姜氏雏蝗Ch. charpini Chang, 1939 与积石山雏蝗 Ch. jishishanensis Zheng et Xie, 2000。与后两者的主要区别为:♂头侧窝长为宽的3.00倍;♂触角短,刚不到达后足股节基部;♂前翅到达第7节腹节背板后缘,其前缘脉域宽为中脉域宽0.67倍,前后肘脉合并,肘脉域消失;♂后翅到达第7节腹节背板中部;尾须顶端到达肛上板长的一半,膝部与后足胫节端部棕色,非黑色。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。  相似文献   

The grasshoppers Chorthippus parallelus parallelus and C. p. erythropus form a narrow hybrid zone in the Pyrenees. They differ in several characters of the pattern and structure of male stridulation and in the morphology of the stridulatory file. These characters are considered to be involved in the species' mate recognition system.
Crosses have been made between a Pyrenean C. p. erythropus population and two C. p. parallelus populations, one in the Pyrenees and one in the Massif Central. Reciprocal Fls and backcrosses have been examined for a set of stridulation and associated morphological characters. The crosses confirm that the subspecific differences have a genetic basis and suggest that they are polygenically determined. However the mode of inheritance is not simple. There is evidence for dominance and epistatic effects and for sex-linkage or maternal effects. Genetic correlations exist between some pairs of characters in the backcrosses.
These results are discussed in the context of the hybrid zone and in relation to the general problem of the evolutionary divergence of mate recognition systems.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus meet and form a hybrid zone in the Pyrenees. Both strong hybrid dysfunction and a behavioural difference occur, which would seem to make the zone a suitable candidate for speciation by reinforcement. One of the classic ways of looking for this is to test for increased levels of assortative mating between populations from close to the region of contact. Here we show that, with virgin insects, such assortment decreases as one approaches the centre of the zone in C. parallelus. The pattern is different upon remating, with non-virgins showing a pattern more like that predicted by reinforcement. Overall there is little evidence for reinforcement. We argue that other tests of the model may be more appropriate for stable hybrid zones.  相似文献   

In the dry heathlands of the Limoges region of France, Chorthippus binotatus differs from allied graminivorous species by its diet specialization, composed of dwarf gorse bush (Ulex minor). Nymphal stages exclusively feed on leaves. Adults become florivorous at the season's end. The preference for Ulex bushes versus grasses involves recognition of host plant architecture, and particularly the angle of the axes (branches, stems). Sugar sensitivity and odor discrimination experiments at the end of season showed that adults are more attracted by sucrose and fructose than by glucose or water. HPAEC-PAD analyses of different plant organs revealed that soluble sugar content of Ulex (especially U. minor) flowers is greater than Ulex shoots and stems and leaves of grasses. These results partly explain the consumption of U. minor rather than U. europaeus. The temporal shift toward flowers is explained by the sweet taste and the yellow color. The interest for sucrose and yellow is enhanced during the season and is the result of learning.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of hybridization barriers determines whether two species remain reproductively isolated when their populations come into contact. We investigated acoustic mating signals and associated leg movements responsible for song creation of hybrids between the grasshopper species Chorthippus biguttulus and C. brunneus to study whether and how songs of male hybrids contribute to reproductive isolation between these sympatrically occurring species. Songs of F1, F2, and backcross hybrids were intermediate between those of both parental species in terms phrase number and duration. In contrast, species-specific syllable structure within phrases was largely lost in hybrids and was produced, if at all, in an irregular and imperfect manner. These divergences in inheritance of different song parameters are likely the result of incompatibility of neuronal networks that control stridulatory leg movements in hybrids. It is highly probable that songs of hybrid males are unattractive to females of either parental species because they are intermediate in terms of phrase duration and lack a clear syllable structure. Males of various hybrid types (F1, F2, and backcrosses) are behaviorally sterile because their songs fail to attract mates.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the song and morphology of a probable natural hybrid between the two grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus (Thunberg) and C. biguttulus (L.) are described and compared with those of the parent species. The status of C. eisentrauti (Ramme) is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The morphological development of eggs of the grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus , laid during successive periods through a single season, was closely monitored in the field at a site in NW England. Eggs within the same clutch developed synchronously. However, there were significant differences between clutches laid at the same time, reflecting spatial variation in microclimate (and possibly maternal effects and/or genetic differences). Eggs laid early in the season entered diapause and hatched relatively synchronously in the following spring. Eggs laid later failed to reach the diapause-stage before winter, but hatched, albeit late and with greater variance. Diapause was averted in these eggs. Plasticity in the nature of diapause has been documented from laboratory studies of many insect species (including C. brunneus ,) but this study directly relates the incidence of such developmental plasticity to oviposition date and seasonal temperature cycles in the field. The adaptive significance of diapause aversion and the evolutionary consequences for female reproductive behaviour are considered.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of the grasshopper Chorthippus parullelus have distributions that abut in the Pyrenees. We have studied morphological and electrophoretic variation in II populations near Mont Louis, Pyrénées-Orientales, France. The two subspecies differ in several morphological characters and at one enzyme locus, esterase-2, and in this area they hybridize forming a cline in morphology less than 5 km wide. Examination of museum specimens suggests that this hybrid zone extends for most of the length of the Pyrenees, possibly breaking down in the extreme west. As the two subspecies are known to differ in mating behaviour this hybrid zone is well suited to the study of reinforcement.  相似文献   

Many hybrid zones contain a deficit of hybrid genotypes relative to expectations from tension zone models. This is often associated with separation of parental genotypes into distinct habitats (mosaicism), but sometimes parentals can be found co-occuring in the same local population (bimodality). In both cases, prezygotic isolation may play an important role in determining the genotypic composition of the zone. Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi (Orthoptera: Acrididae) meet and form a complex hybrid zone in northern Spain. Analysis of stridulatory peg numbers reveals partial spatial and seasonal isolation in a 25 km2 area of the zone: C. jacobsi phenotypes predominate in June and July and are present in both valley and mountain habitats; C. brunneus phenotypes predominate in August and are restricted to valley habitats, always in sympatry with C. jacobsi. Strong assortative mating was observed in laboratory mating experiments. Spatial, seasonal and behavioural isolation combine to produce strong premating isolation in the study area. These results suggest a role for premating isolation in maintaining both the mosaic structure and bimodality of this hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Studies of prezygotic and postzygotic isolation in Drosophila have shown in general that species in sympatry tend to evolve prezygotic barriers earlier than do species in allopatry. However, postzygotic barriers tend to evolve at the same evolutionary rate in both sympatric and allopatric species. In contrast to these observations, the grasshoppers Chorthippus parallelus parallelus and C. p. erythropus show complete hybrid male sterility but only limited prezygotic isolation after an estimated 0.5 millions years of divergence. Like their congeners, C. brunneus and C. jacobsi form a hybrid zone where their ranges meet in northern Spain. However, the hybrid zone is mosaic and bimodal and, in contrast to the high levels of postzygotic isolation between C. parallelus subspecies, these two species showed no significant reduction in hybrid fitness in F1 or backcross generations relative to the parental generations. The level of prezygotic isolation in laboratory tests was comparable to that between C. parallelus subspecies. These results suggest that endogenous postzygotic isolation does not play an important role in the reproductive isolation between C. brunneus and C. jacobsi , or in determining the structure of the hybrid zone. Exogenous postzygotic isolation may be present and should be tested in future studies.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 195–203.  相似文献   

A survey was made to determine the shape of the chromosomal cline, between two races of the alpine grasshopper Podisma pedestris , in an area distant from previous detailed studies. The new section was in an isolated mountain block at the western end of the Alpes Maritimes. The past changes in the grasshoppers' distribution can be deduced from a consideration of the history of climatic fluctuations. These distribution changes imply that the hybrid zone has persisted on the isolated mountain block since before the last climatic optimum. The stability of the zone's location can be explained if there are persistent, wide gradients in Podisma density. An assessment of Podisma density revealed suitable gradients. Whilst the cline was generally the same width as in other areas, it was more abrupt where it crossed an inhospitable area, and less well defined in marginal populations. This suggested other interactions between the population density and the dynamics of the racial mixing. The implications of these interactions are discussed. It is suggested that population structure is important in the spread of co-adapted genomes, as well as in their establishment.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction enzyme digestion of the ribosomal RNA genes of the nucleolar organisers of wheat has revealed fragment length polymorphisms for the nucleolar organiser on chromosome 1B and the nucleolar organiser on 6B. Variation between genotypes for these regions has also been demonstrated. This variation has been exploited to determine the recombination frequency between the physically defined nucleolar organiser on 1B (designatedNor1) and other markers; two loci,Glu-B1 andGli-B1 which code for endosperm storage proteins andRf3, a locus restoring fertility to male sterility conditioned byT. timopheevi cytoplasm.Gli-B1 andRf3 were located on the short-arm satellite but recombine with the nucleolar organiser giving a gene order ofNor1 — Rf3 — Gli-B1. Glu-B1 is located on the long arm of 1B but shows relatively little recombination withNor1, which is, in physical distance, distal on the short arm. This illustrates the discrepancy between map distance and physical distance on wheat chromosomes due to the distal localisation of chiasmata. The recombination betweenNor1 andRf3 indicates that, contrary to previous suggestions, fertility restoration is not a property of the nucleolar organiser but of a separate locus.  相似文献   

Patterns of resource fidelity, switching, and variation in individual diet were examined in the polyphagous grasshopper Taeniopoda equesforaging in experimental cages over an 11-day period. Ten novel dicots were provided in the cages, but grasshoppers fed primarily on kale (Brassica oleraceavar. acephala),lobelia (Lobelia erinus),pansy (Viola x wittrockiana),and dry bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon).Grasshoppers showed significant fidelity to a single plant within a meal but tended to eat less of the same plant in the next meal and, in the case of pansy, on the next day. Grasshoppers switched nonrandomly, suggesting that compensatory feeding on complementary resources may have occurred. There was no evidence that behavioral interactions among individuals increased switching rate or lowered fidelity. Overall patterns of resource use varied significantly among grasshoppers during the study, despite frequent switching among resources and a significant tendency to aggregate while feeding. All individuals were polyphagous but differed in relative consumption of available plants. The results suggest that individual grasshoppers express different feeding patterns that are consistent over time and that variation in diet among individual observed in the field may be more than simple sampling error.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus (Orthoptera; Acrididae) meet and form a hybrid zone in the Pyrenees. Here we investigate whether the subspecies differ in the blend of cuticular hydrocarbons. Such differences may function as chemical signals, being detected via contact chemoreception and used during mate choice as in other insects. Gas chromatography shows that the subspecies have diverged in the composition of their cuticular hydrocarbons. This difference between subspecies exists over and above variation in cuticular hydrocarbons among individual populations. The majority of the difference can be attributed to the relative amounts of a small group of compounds present in the cuticle. The possible consequences of this chemical divergence for mating encounters between the subspecies are discussed.  相似文献   

Diet selection based on the level of proline in an insect's host plant has been observed for a number of phytophagous insects, but few studies have examined potential differences in feeding preferences between males and females. The level of proline among an insect's host plants, particularly in drought-stressed plants, can be highly variable and often is positively correlated with soluble nitrogen levels. Additionally, proline is known to participate in a number of physiological functions in insects. We tested the effect of proline as a feeding stimulant in reproductively active grasshoppers using the graminivorous Ageneotettix deorum and the generalist, but mostly graminivorous, Phoetaliotes nebrascensis. Feeding preference tests using diets with representative free amino acid and sucrose levels but varying proline levels (zero, normal and 3 x normal) were examined. The feeding preference exhibited by both species was sex-specific, although the sex-specific response was more pronounced in P. nebrascensis than in A. deorum. Females of both species displayed preferences for diets high in proline. Males of neither species exhibited a preference for proline when responses were averaged over all treatment levels. However, within specific treatment combinations, male A. deorum preferred diets with high proline over diets with zero proline. These results suggest that diet selection for specific nutrients may vary between males and females because of differences in their physiological status and, possibly, differences in the nutritional requirements associated with reproduction. These results also suggest that subtle shifts in the concentration of individual nutrients within an insect's host plant may greatly influence insect feeding patterns.  相似文献   

Mortality rates in insects, including grasshoppers (Acrididae), are often stage- or size-specific. We estimated stage-specific mortality rates for three common grasshopper species from a Nebraska (USA) sandhills grassland (Ageneotettix deorum, Melanoplus sanguinipes and Phoetaliotes nebrascensis), and partitioned the impact due to wandering spider predation from remaining sources. Survivorship was estimated for multiple developmental stages (3rd instar through adult) under experimental conditions that either prevented or permitted predation from free-living, wandering spiders (primarily Schizocosa species). Total stage-specific mortality, including spider predation, examined over the period of single stages was greatest for the youngest stages (91% for 3rd instar, 73% for 4th instar, 63.5% for 5th instar and 30.4% for adults). For the developmental stages considered and averaged for all species, the contribution to total mortality from spider predation over the 10-d period (approximately the length of a developmental stage) ranged from 17% for 3rd instar nymphs to 23% for 4th and 5th instars, and an undetectable level for adults. While spiders may depress grasshopper numbers, contributions from spider predation to grasshopper population dynamics are uncertain.  相似文献   

Understanding why some hybrid zones are bimodal and others unimodal can aid in identifying barriers to gene exchange following secondary contact. The hybrid zone between the grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi contains a mix of allopatric parental populations and inter-mingled bimodal and unimodal sympatric populations, and provides an ideal system to examine the roles of local selection and gene flow between populations in maintaining bimodality. However, it is first necessary to confirm, over a larger spatial scale, previously identified associations between population composition and season and habitat. Here we use cline-fitting of one morphological and one song trait along two valley transects, and intervening mountains, to confirm previously identified habitat associations (mountain versus valley) and seasonal changes in population composition. As expected from previous findings of studies on a smaller spatial scale, C. jacobsi dominated mountain habitats and mixed populations dominated valleys, and C. brunneus became more prevalent in August. Controlling for habitat and incorporating into the analysis seasonal changes in cline parameters and the standard errors of parental trait values revealed wider clines than previous studies (best estimates of 6.4 to 24.5 km in our study versus 2.8 to 4.7 km in previous studies) and increased percentage of trait variance explained (52.7% and 61.5% for transects 1 and 2 respectively, versus 17.6%). Revealing such strong and consistent patterns within a complex hybrid zone will allow more focused examination of the causes of variation in bimodality in mixed populations, in particular the roles of local selection versus habitat heterogeneity and gene flow between differentiated populations.  相似文献   

The five recognized endemic pamphagid species (Orthoptera) of the Canary Islands have restricted and fragmented ranges due to habitat decline. Seven polymorphic microsatellite markers have been developed for Acrostira tamarani, and the performance of primer pairs amplifying these loci in related taxa has been tested. The number of alleles in A. tamarani samples taken from two distant localities in the island of Gran Canaria ranged from two to eight per locus. Observed heterozygosities were from 0.151 to 0.559. Up to four primer pairs amplified in related species with moderate heterozigosities (maximum of 0.687 and 10 alleles for Ata67 locus in Purpuraria erna). These markers could be useful tools to study the population structure and management of endemic threatened pamphagids of the Canary archipelago.  相似文献   

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