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The htrB gene was discovered because its insertional inactivation interfered with Escherichia coli growth and viability at temperatures above 32.5°C, as a result of accumulation of phospholipids. The msbA gene was originally discovered because when cloned on a low-copy-number plasmid vector it was able to suppress the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of an htrB null mutant as well as the accumulation of phospholipids. The msbA gene product belongs to the superfamily of ABC transporters, a universally conserved family of proteins characterized by a highly conserved ATP-binding domain. The msbA gene is essential for bacterial viability at all temperatures. In order to understand the physiological role of the MsbA protein, we mutated the ATP-binding domain using random PCR mutagenesis. Six independent mutants were isolated and characterized. Four of these mutations resulted in single-amino-acid substitutions in non-conserved residues and were able to support cell growth at 30°C but not at 43°C. The remaining two mutations behaved as recessive lethals, and resulted in single-amino-acid substitutions in Walker motif B, one of the two highly conserved regions of the ATP-binding domain. Despite the fact that neither of these two mutant proteins can support E. coli growth, they both retained the ability to bind ATP in vitro. In addition, we present evidence to show that W-acetyl [3H]-glucosamine, a precursor of lipopolysaccharides, accumulates at the non-permissive temperature in the inner membrane of either htrB null or msbA conditional lethal strains. Translocation of the precursor to the outer membrane is restored by transformation with a plasmid containing the wild-type msbA gene. A possible role for MsbA  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was performed on several areas of MutH based on the similarity of MutH and PvuII structural models. The aims were to identify DNA-binding residues; to determine whether MutH has the same mechanism for DNA binding and catalysis as PvuII; and to localize the residues responsible for MutH stimulation by MutL. No DNA-binding residues were identified in the two flexible loop regions of MutH, although similar loops in PvuII are involved in DNA binding. Two histidines in MutH are in a similar position as two histidines (His-84 and His-85) in PvuII that signal for DNA binding and catalysis. These MutH histidines (His-112 and His-115) were changed to alanines, but the mutant proteins had wild-type activity both in vivo and in vitro. The results indicate that the MutH signal for DNA binding and catalysis remains unknown. Instead, a lysine residue (Lys-48) was found in the first flexible loop that functions in catalysis together with the three presumed catalytic amino acids (Asp-70, Glu-77, and Lys-79). Two deletion mutations (MutHDelta224 and MutHDelta214) in the C-terminal end of the protein, localized the MutL stimulation region to five amino acids (Ala-220, Leu-221, Leu-222, Ala-223, and Arg-224).  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli cold shock protein CsdA is a member of the DEAD box family of ATP-dependent RNA helicases, which share a core of nine conserved motifs. The DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) motif for which this family is named has been demonstrated to be essential for ATP hydrolysis. We show here that CsdA exhibits in vitro ATPase and helicase activities in the presence of short RNA duplexes with either 3' or 5' extensions at 15 degrees C. In contrast to wild-type CsdA, a DQAD variant of CsdA (Glu-157-->Gln) had no detectible helicase or ATPase activity at 15 degrees C in vitro. A plasmid encoding the DQAD variant was also unable to suppress the impaired growth of the csdA null mutant at 15 degrees C. Plasmid-encoded CsdADelta444, which lacks most of the carboxy-terminal extension, enhanced the growth of a csdA null mutant at 25 degrees C but not at 15 degrees C; this truncated protein also has limited in vitro activity at 15 degrees C. These results support the physiological function of CsdA as a DEAD box ATP-dependent RNA helicase at low temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract Using a genomic subtraction technique, we cloned a DNA sequence that is present in wild-type Escherichia coli strain CSH4 but is missing in a presumptive proline dehydrogenase deletion mutant RM2. Experimental evidence indicated that the cloned fragment codes for proline dehydrogenase (EC since RM2 cells transformed with a plasmid containing this sequence was able to survive on minimal medium supplemented with proline as the sole nitrogen and carbon sources. The cloned DNA fragment has an open reading frame of 3942 bp and encodes a protein of 1313 amino acids with a calculated M r of 143 808. The deduced amino acid sequence of the E. colli proline dehydrogenase has an 84.9% homology to the previously reported Salmonella typhimurium putA gene but it is 111 amino acids longer at the C-terminal than the latter.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recessive mutations in the slyD (sensitivity to ly sis) gene were isolated by selecting for survival after induction of the cloned lysis gene E of bacteriophage φX174 [1]. The slyD mutation, transduced into the normal φX174 host, Escherichia coli C, confers an absolute block on the plaque-forming ability of the wild-type phage, indicating that slyD is required for E function. slyD encodes a protein with 196 residues. A segment corresponding to the first 142 residues of the predicted SlyD protein has significant similarity throughout its length to the FKBP family of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases, or rotamases. The C-terminal 46 codons of slyD encode a remarkable histidine-rich peptide which is a metal-binding domain [2]. This sequence is dispensable for slyD function in E -mediated lysis. Although there is no obvious phenotype associated with the slyD genotype other than the resistance to E -mediated lysis, overexpression of slyD causes cells to filament and to increase significantly in diameter. Mutations in φX174 can restore the plaque-forming ability of the phage on a slyD host. These pos ( p lates on s lyD) mutants plate on E. coli C wild-type and slyD . A model for SlyD involvement in E function and the role of SlyD in the cell is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary We previously demonstrated that the E. coli protein, H-NS (or Hla), encoded by the gene hns (or osmZ or bglY preferentially recognizes curved DNA sequences in vitro. In order to gain further insight into the complex function of H-NS and the significance of DNA curvature, we constructed a structurally defined hns deletion mutant on the E. coli chromosome. The hns deletion mutant thus obtained showed a variety of phenotypes previously for other lesions in hns. It was further demonstrated that, in this hns deletion background, numerous E. coli cellular proteins were either strongly expressed or remarkably repressed, as compared to their expression levels in wild-type cells.  相似文献   

The phage T4 morphogenetic gene 31 has been sequenced. Its deduced gene product is a polypeptide of 111 aa, with a predicted Mr of 12064 and a pI of 4.88. The proof that the assigned open reading frame (ORF) encodes Gp31 rests on the sequencing of two known gene 31 amber mutations, amN54 and NG71, demonstrating that these mutations result in translational termination within the assigned ORF. Furthermore, the sequencing of four different T4 epsilon mutations, isolated on the basis of allowing the phage to propagate on Escherichia coli groEL- hosts, showed that they are either missense mutations or 3-bp deletions in the gene 31 reading frame. The sequencing of neighboring DNA revealed the presence of five other ORFs, one of which overlaps gene 31 substantially, but in the opposite orientation.  相似文献   

The fimbrial and afimbrial adhesins of the Dr family mediate the adherence of uropathogenic and diarrhoea-associated Escherichia coli to decay-accelerating factor (DAF) present on erythrocytes and other cell types. The Dr haemagglutinin binds type IV collagen and, unlike other members of the Dr family, mediates an adherence inhibited in the presence of chloramphenicol. We examined the ability of other members of the Dr family—AFAI, AFAIII, and F1845—to bind to type IV collagen, and demonstrated that the collagen-binding phenotype was unique to the Dr haemagglutinin. We employed site-directed mutagenesis to demonstrate the requirement of a negatively charged amino-acid at position 54 of the Dr haemagglutinin subunit for chloramphenicol sensitivity of binding. Mutations at position 32, 40, 54, 90, and 113 differently affected type IV collagen binding and chloramphenicol sensitivity of binding, while retaining DAF-binding capability. These results suggest the existence of a conformational receptor-binding domain in the major structural subunit of Dr family adhesins and demonstrate that chloramphenicol sensitivity of binding and adherence to type IV collagen were independent and separable phenotypes. Finally, we showed that the two conserved cysteine residues of Dr family structural subunits form a disulphide bond and that mutations of these residues abolish haemagglutination and binding to type IV collagen.  相似文献   

H Park  M Inouye 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(13):4382-4390
EnvZ, a transmembrane signal transducer, is composed of a periplasmic sensor domain, transmembrane domains, and a cytoplasmic signaling domain. Between the second transmembrane domain and the cytoplasmic signaling domain there is a linker domain consisting of approximately 50 residues. In this study, we investigated the functional role of the EnvZ linker domain with respect to signal transduction. Amino acid sequence alignment of linker regions among various bacterial signal transducer proteins does not show a high sequence identity but suggests a common helix 1-loop-helix 2 structure. Among several mutations introduced in the EnvZ linker region, it was found that hydrophobic-to-charged amino acid substitutions in helix 1 and helix 2 and deletions in helix 1, loop, and helix 2 (delta14, delta8, and delta7) resulted in constitutive OmpC expression. In the linker mutant EnvZ x delta7, both kinase and phosphatase activities were significantly reduced but the ratio of kinase to phosphatase activity increased, consistent with the constitutive OmpC expression. In contrast, the purified cytoplasmic fragment of EnvZ x delta7 possessed both kinase and phosphatase activities at levels similar to those of the cytoplasmic fragment of wild-type EnvZ. In addition, the linker mutations had no direct effect on EnvZ C-terminal dimerization. These results together with previous data suggest that the linker region is not directly involved in EnvZ enzymatic activities and that it may have a crucial role in propagating a conformational change to ensure correct positioning of two EnvZ molecules within a dimer during the transmembrane signaling.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of the arginine repressor of Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arginine biosynthesis in Escherichia coli is negatively regulated by a hexameric repressor protein, encoded by the gene argR and the corepressor arginine. By hydroxylamine mutagenesis two types of argR mutants were isolated and mapped. The first type is transdominant. In heterodiploids, these mutant polypeptides reduce the activity of the wild-type repressor, presumably by forming heteropolymers. Four mutant repressor proteins were purified. Two of these map in the N-terminal half of the protein. Gel retardation experiments showed that they bind poorly to DNA, but they could be precipitated by l -arginine at the same concentration as the wild-type repressor. The other two mutant repressors map in the C-terminal half of the protein. They are poorly precipitated by L-arginine and they bind poorly to DNA. In addition, one of these mutants appears to exist as a dimer. The second type of argR mutant repressor consists of super-repressors. Such mutants behave as arginine auxotrophs as a result of hyper-repression of arginine biosynthetic enzymes. They map at many locations throughout the argR gene. Three arginine super-repressor proteins were purified, in comparison with the wild-type repressor, two of them were shown to have a higher DNA-binding affinity in the absence of bound arginine, while the third was shown to have a higher DNA-binding affinity when bound to arginine.  相似文献   

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