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DNA sequencing by capillary electrophoresis has been reviewed with an emphasis on progress during the last four years. The effects of sample purification, composition of sieving matrices, electric field strength, temperature, wall coating and DNA labeling on the DNA sequencing performance are discussed. Multicapillary array instrumentation is compared with one-capillary systems. Integrated systems that perform the whole DNA sequencing operation online starting from the DNA amplification through base calling and data processing are discussed.  相似文献   

High speed DNA sequencing by capillary electrophoresis.   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A major challenge of the Human Genome Initiative is the development of a rapid, accurate, and efficient DNA sequencing technology. A major limitation of current technology is the relatively long time required to perform the gel electrophoretic separations of DNA fragments produced in the sequencing reactions. We demonstrate here that it is possible to increase the speed of sequence analysis by over an order of magnitude by performing the electrophoresis and detection in ultra thin capillary gels. An instrument which utilizes these high speed separations to simultaneously analyze many samples will constitute a second generation automated DNA sequencer suitable for large-scale sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Multiwavelength detection of laser induced fluorescence for dideoxynucleotide DNA sequencing with four different fluorophores and separation by capillary gel electrophoresis is described. A cryogenically cooled, low readout noise, 2-dimensional charge-coupled device is used as a detector for the on-line, on-column recording of emission spectra. The detection system has no moving parts and provides wavelength selectivity on a single detector device. The detection limit of fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides meets the high sensitivity requirements for capillary DNA sequencing largely due to the efficient operation of the CCD detector with a 94% duty cycle. Using the condition number as a selectivity criterion, multiwavelength detection provides better analytical selectivity than detection with four bandpass filters. Monte Carlo studies and analytical estimates show that base assignment errors are reduced with peak identification based on entire emission spectra. High-speed separation of sequencing samples and the treatment of the 2-dimensional electropherogram data is presented. Comparing the DNA sequence of a sample separated by slab gel electrophoresis with sequence from capillary gel electrophoresis and multiwavelength detection we find no significant difference in the amount of error attributable to the instrumentation.  相似文献   

The analysis of crude polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products by capillary electrophoresis (CE) is often compromised due to the presence of a high concentration of salt. Salt interferes with the electrokinetic injection and induces localized heating within the column; hence, PCR products must be desalted or cleaned-up prior to CE analysis. A variety of commercial clean-up systems are available that have been traditionally used to prepare PCR products for cloning, sequencing and digestion with restriction enzymes. These systems were tested for their effectiveness in preparing PCR products for CE analysis and were evaluated based on CE resolution, salt removal, DNA recovery, processing time and cost. One particularly effective clean-up system, membrane dialysis, was automated using a robotic workstation.  相似文献   

A simple system has been designed enabling ultrasensitive on-line detection of fluorescently labelled macromolecules, e.g. nucleic acids, proteins and peptides during electrophoretic separations in gels. An important application is the automated DNA sequence determination without radioactivity. Drying of gels, film exposure and handling are not necessary. A sulphydryl containing M13 sequencing primer has been synthesised and end-labelled in a reaction with fluorescein iodoacetamide. This is then used in the dideoxy reactions. In particular no moving parts or complicated software are required for data collection and analysis. Compared to our first automated device detection sensitivity has been improved by a factor of thirty to about 3 X 10(-18) mol per band. The resolution has increased to about 400 bases in 5 hours, with the possibility to read up to about 500 bases when they are properly labelled. Gels shorter than 20 cm may be used for resolution of about 300 bases. The single gel system may be upgraded for simultaneous running and reading of six or ten sequencing samples.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of an electric field strength gradient on DNA sequencing efficiency using capillary array electrophoresis. Several types of gradients were applied to DNA sequencing and tested in terms of read length and accuracy. Our original method improved the accuracy of DNA sequencing for longer fragments at high temperature.  相似文献   

Elkin C  Kapur H  Smith T  Humphries D  Pollard M  Hammon N  Hawkins T 《BioTechniques》2002,32(6):1296, 1298-1300, 1302
We have developed an automated purification method for dye-terminator-based DNA sequencing products using a magnetic bead approach. This 384-well protocol generates sequence fragments that are essentially free of template DNA, salt, and excess dye-terminator products. In comparison with traditional ethanol precipitation protocols, this method uses no centrifugation, is rapid, completely automated, and increases the phred-20 read length by an average of 40 bases. To date, we have processed over 4 million samples with 94% averaging 641 phred-20 bases on the MegaBACE 1000 and 4000 and the ABI PRISM 3700 capillary instruments.  相似文献   

We report a capillary-based DNA sequencing read length of 100 bases in 16 min using end-labeled free-solution conjugate electrophoresis (FSCE) with a monodisperse poly-N-substituted glycine (polypeptoid) as a synthetic drag-tag. FSCE enabled rapid separation of single-stranded (ss) DNA sequencing fragments with single-base resolution without the need for a viscous DNA separation matrix. Protein-based drag-tags previously used for FSCE sequencing, for example, streptavidin, are heterogeneous in molar mass (polydisperse); the resultant band-broadening can make it difficult to obtain the single-base resolution necessary for DNA sequencing. In this study, we synthesized and HPLC-purified a 70mer poly-N-(methoxyethyl)glycine (NMEG) drag-tag with a molar mass of - 11 kDa. The NMEG monomers that comprise this peptoid drag-tag are interesting for bioanalytical applications, because the methoxyethyl side chain's chemical structure is reminiscent of the basic monomer unit of polyethylene glycol, a highly biocompatible commercially available polymer, which, however, is not available in monodisperse preparation at an - 11 kDa molar mass. This is the first report of ssDNA separation and of four-color, base-by-base DNA sequencing by FSCE through the use of a chemically synthesized drag-tag. These results show that high-molar mass, chemically synthesized drag-tags based on the polyNMEG structure, if obtained in monodisperse preparation, would serve as ideal drag-tags and could help FSCE reach the commercially relevant read lengths of 100 bases or more.  相似文献   

D Chen  H R Harke    N J Dovichi 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(18):4873-4880
We report a modification to the peak-height encoded DNA sequencing technique of Tabor and Richardson. As in the original protocol, the sequencing reaction uses modified T7 polymerase with manganese rather than magnesium to produce very uniform incorporation of each dideoxynucleoside. To improve sequencing accuracy, two fluorescently labeled primers are employed in separate sequencing reactions. As an example, one sequencing reaction uses a FAM-labeled primer with dideoxyadenosine triphosphate and dideoxycytosine triphosphate; the concentrations of ddATP and ddCTP are adjusted to produce a 2:1 variation in the relative intensity of fragments. The second sequencing reaction uses a TAMRA labeled primer with dideoxythymidine triphosphate and dideoxyguanidine triphosphate; the concentrations of ddTTP and ddGTP are adjusted to produce a 2:1 variation in relative intensity of fragments. The pooled reaction products are separated by capillary gel electrophoresis and identified by one of three different detector systems. Use of a 2:1 peak height ratio typically produces a sequencing accuracy of 97.5% for the first 350 bases; a 3:1 peak height ratio improves accuracy to 99.5% for the first 400 bases. For these experiments, capillary electrophoresis is performed at an electric field of 200 V/cm; two to three hours are required to separate sequencing fragments up to 400 nucleotides in length.  相似文献   

The progress of antisense DNA therapy demands development of reliable and convenient methods for sequencing short single-stranded oligonucleotides. A method of phosphorothioate antisense DNA sequencing analysis using UV detection coupled to capillary electrophoresis (CE) has been developed based on a modified chain termination sequencing method. The proposed method reduces the sequencing cost since it uses affordable CE-UV instrumentation and requires no labeling with minimal sample processing before analysis. Cycle sequencing with ThermoSequenase generates quantities of sequencing products that are readily detectable by UV. Discrimination of undesired components from sequencing products in the reaction mixture, previously accomplished by fluorescent or radioactive labeling, is now achieved by bringing concentrations of undesired components below the UV detection range which yields a 'clean', well defined sequence. UV detection coupled with CE offers additional conveniences for sequencing since it can be accomplished with commercially available CE-UV equipment and is readily amenable to automation.  相似文献   

Automated Sanger dideoxy sequencing reaction protocol   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The protocol for Sanger dideoxy chain termination reactions in DNA sequencing is tedious and prone to errors due to the repetitive character of the pipetting steps. An industrial robot, with the addition of a few simple parts, was programmed to automate the dideoxy sequencing reactions. The system is set up in a short time for routine operation and it is faster and more reliable than a human operator. It is flexible and allows variations and optimization of the standard procedure. Disposable microtiter plates at a controlled temperature are used. In one reaction cycle (about 50 min) up to 48 templates are processed. Up to 450 bases were resolved in automated DNA sequencing on samples prepared by the robot. The protocol is applicable to fluorescent as well as to radioactive labeling.  相似文献   

A novel method for DNA quantification and specific sequence detection in a highly integrated silicon microchamber array is described. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) mixture of only 40 nL volume could be introduced precisely into each chamber of the mineral oil layer coated microarray by using a nanoliter dispensing system. The elimination of carry-over and cross-contamination between microchambers, and multiple DNA amplification and detection by TaqMan chemistry were demonstrated, for the first time, by using our system. Five different gene targets, related to Escherichia coli were amplified and detected simultaneously on the same chip by using DNA from three different serotypes as the templates. The conventional method of DNA quantification, which depends on the real-time monitoring of variations in fluorescence intensity, was not applied to our system, instead a simple method was established. Counting the number of the microchambers with a high fluorescence signal as a consequence of TaqMan PCR provided the precise quantification of trace amounts of DNA. The initial DNA concentration for Rhesus D (RhD) gene in each microchamber was ranged from 0.4 to 12 copies, and quantification was achieved by observing the changes in the released fluorescence signals of the microchambers on the chip. DNA target could be detected as small as 0.4 copies. The amplified DNA was detected with a CCD camera built-in to a fluorescence microscope, and also evaluated by a DNA microarray scanner with associated software. This simple method of counting the high fluorescence signal released in microchambers as a consequence of TaqMan PCR was further integrated with a portable miniaturized thermal cycler unit. Such a small device is surely a strong candidate for low-cost DNA amplification, and detected as little as 0.4 copies of target DNA.  相似文献   

DNA sequencing separations of standard DNA fragments of known sequence have been achieved in small diameter capillary gels electrophoresed and analyzed in parallel in a modified commercial DNA sequencer instrument. DNA sequencing in terms of base-calling accuracy is comparable to conventional slab gels; however, the separations in the capillary were performed somewhat faster and required less sample than those in the slab gel. Advantages of this approach vs. separations on conventional slab gels are discussed.  相似文献   

Automation is essential for rapid genetic-based mutation analysis in clinical laboratory to screen a large number of DNA samples. We propose in this report an automatic process using Beckman Coulter P/ACE™ capillary electrophoresis (CE) with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) system to detect a single-point mutation in the codon 12 of human K-ras gene. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a fluorescently labeled reverse primer and a plain forward primer to specifically amplify a selected 50 bp DNA fragment in human K-ras gene. The amplified DNA is placed on the sample tray of the CE system with a pre-programmed step for single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Sample injection and denaturation processes are performed online along with separation and real-time data analysis. The concept of automation for rapid DNA mutation analysis using CE-LIF system for SSCP is presented.  相似文献   

Automated fluorescent sequencing of cosmid DNA.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Fluorescently labeled deoxynucleotides were used for internal labeling of DNA sequencing fragments generated in a two-color peak-height encoded protocol. Sequenase and a manganese-containing buffer were used to generate uniform peak heights. Tetramethyl rhodamine - dATP was used in a labeling step, followed by termination with ddATP and ddCTP in a 3:1 ratio. Fluorescein - dATP was used in a second reaction, followed by termination with ddGTP and ddTTP in a 3:1 ratio. The fragments were pooled and separated by capillary gel electrophoresis. The results were compared with peak-height encoded sequencing based on fluorescently labeled primers. The dye-labeled primers produced higher resolution separations for shorter fragments. However, dye-labeled primer fragments suffered from an earlier onset of biased reptation and produced shorter sequencing reads. Fragments from 50 to at least 500 bases in length could be sequenced with the internal labels.  相似文献   

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