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Summary Ultrastructural features and morphometric evaluations of buffalo Sertoli cells are reported for the six phases of the spermatogenic cycle. The phases of the tubular seminiferous epithelium are identified according to characteristic cellular associations with completed spermiation as demarcation between two cycles. Average tubular diameter (245 m) and epithelial height (61 m) do not vary significantly during the cycle. The relative Sertoli cell volume in the seminiferous epithelium varies between 30% (phase 4) and 39% (phase 8). The calculated volume of a single Sertoli cell increases from a nadir of 7118 m3 in phase 3 abruptly to a maximum of 8968 m3 in phase 4 and is then gradually reduced during the following phases. The Sertoli cell surface area shows a similar trend: it amounts to 11105 m2 in phase 3 and to 14260 m2 in phase 4. The contact area of the Sertoli cell with adjacent cells and structures is subject to characteristic changes; from the expansion of basal Sertoli-Sertoli contacts it is concluded that the blood-testis barrier in the buffalo is particularly tight during phases 8, 1 and 2. The irregularly contoured nucleus contains a vesicular nucleolus, has a calculated volume from 465 m3 to 543 m3 and occupies 5 to 7% of the cell. Volume percentages of mitochondria (4%), Golgi apparatus and lysosomal bodies are rather constant during the cycle. Whorls and orderly arranged aggregates of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum occur in basal location as well as in close association with elongating spermatids. Smooth ER is the organelle that exhibits the most prominent changes during the Sertoli cell cycle: it occupies 5.79% in phase 3 and 20.9% in phase 4 of the total cellular volume. Phagocytosis of residual bodies is insignificant in this species and a lipid cycle is absent in buffalo Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

A procedure for labelling hatched Toxocara vitulorum larvae with 75 selenium is described. Labelled larvae are infective when administered into the small intestine and portal vein of buffalo of all ages. Only very young calves are infected after oral administration. The labelled larvae are used with an enhanced fluorographic autoradiographic procedure to study the dynamics of the infection in non-pregnant and pregnant buffalo. Larvae penetrate the wall of the small intestine between 2 and 8 h after administration. Most larvae go straight to the liver via the portal vein but a few enter the mesenteric lymph nodes. Over the next 90 h some larvae migrate to the lung and a few to muscle, brain, kidney and peripheral lymph nodes. Most remain in the liver. Over the next 3-7 weeks the larvae grow by about 10% and no moulting is observed. In a pregnant host larvae grow to 500-600 microns in liver and lung 1-8 days before parturition and migrate to the mammary gland around the time of parturition. In the mammary gland they grow to about 1200 microns and pass into the milk during the 7 days after parturition.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to establish the buffalo mammary epithelial cell line (BuMEC) and characterize its mammary specific functions.


Buffalo mammary tissue collected from the slaughter house was processed enzymatically to obtain a heterogenous population of cells containing both epithelial and fibroblasts cells. Epithelial cells were purified by selective trypsinization and were grown in a plastic substratum. The purified mammary epithelial cells (MECs) after several passages were characterized for mammary specific functions by immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR and western blot.

Principal Findings

The established buffalo mammary epithelial cell line (BuMEC) exhibited epithelial cell characteristics by immunostaining positively with cytokeratin 18 and negatively with vimentin. The BuMEC maintained the characteristics of its functional differentiation by expression of β-casein, κ-casein, butyrophilin and lactoferrin. BuMEC had normal growth properties and maintained diploid chromosome number (2n = 50) before and after cryopreservation. A spontaneously immortalized buffalo mammary epithelial cell line was established after 20 passages and was continuously subcultured for more than 60 passages without senescence.


We have established a buffalo mammary epithelial cell line that can be used as a model system for studying mammary gland functions.  相似文献   

Reintroducing megafauna to their historic range is an effective strategy to halt their extinctions and restore ecosystems. Wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee) is an endangered megaherbivore that is lost from 95% of its range. About 90% of its global population (less than 4000) resides within India, in two isolated populations: northeast and central India. The central Indian population is on the verge of extinction and warrants urgent conservation interventions. We assess the potential and provide a strategy for reintroducing buffaloes in Kanha National Park, India. Habitat suitability using the global occurrence of buffalo revealed low-lying grasslands with least human pressure found in Kanha (390 km2) to be suitable. Within this suitable range, we evaluated vegetation composition, forage biomass, and potential carrying capacity. Multidimensional ordination classified these suitable sites into moist and dry grassland clusters. Moist grasslands were found to better suit reintroduction due to lower grazing pressure, higher productivity, and availability of perennial water sources. Distinct matriarchal clades of swamp and river buffalo were observed. Within the river buffalo clade, Indian wild buffaloes formed a distinct cluster with close proximity between northeast and central Indian samples, suggesting northeast buffaloes could be sourced for a founding population in Kanha. Following IUCN guidelines, we discuss the reintroduction strategy that could sustain approximately 200 buffaloes in the area and subsequently expand to other suitable habitats in central India. If implemented as proposed, recovery of this lost ecosystem engineer will help to restore grasslands, and swamp habitats, as well as contribute to its global conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Stem cells present an important tool in livestock assisted reproduction and veterinary therapeutic field such as tissue engineering. We report for the first time isolation of pluripotent stem cell-like cells expressing pluripotency markers (alkaline phospahatase, OCT-4, NANOG and SOX-2) from the amnion of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). The cells showed no apparent abnormalities in their chromosomal profiles before and after cryopreservation. The cytochemical staining revealed that pluripotent cells were capable of undergoing directed differentiation in vitro into osteocytes. It could be inferred that amnion-derived pluripotent stem cell-like cells can be isolated, cultured for many passages and differentiated into mesoderm lineage, and may be an alternative source to mesenchymal stem cells. These cells can have applications in assisted reproduction, developmental biological and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

The colour of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) meat is darker than bovine meat. Since meat colour depends on the concentration of myoglobin (Mb) and its oxidation state, we have determined the main structural and functional properties of buffalo Mb. Buffalo Mb was purified from longissimus dorsi muscles and its molecular mass determined by ESI Q-TOF mass spectrometry. The molecular mass 17,034.50 was 86.20 Da higher than the bovine Mb. This was confirmed by analysing its primary structure, using a combined approach based on Edman degradation and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Comparing the amino acid sequences of both Mbs, we found three amino acid differences out of 153 amino acid residues. One is a conservative substitution (D(bov)141E(buf)), and the other two (A(bov)19T(buf) and A(bov)117D(buf)) are nonconservative. These amino acid substitutions are unlikely to cause structural changes because they are located far from the heme binding pocket, as revealed by the 3D structure of buffalo Mb elaborated by homology modelling. Stability analyses show no difference with the bovine Mb for helix E and only minor differences in the stability values for helices A and G. Moreover, autoxidation rates of purified buffalo and bovine myoglobins at 37 degrees C, pH 7.2, were almost identical, 0.052+/-0.001 h(-1) and 0.054+/-0.002 h(-1), respectively, as were their oxygen-binding Kd values, 3.7+/-0.1 microM and 3.5+/-0.1 microM, respectively. The percent of MetMb values were almost identical. The results presented here suggest that the darker buffalo meat depends on factors other than the oxidation rate of its Mb, as, for example, the Mb content (0.393+/-0.005 g/100 g of tissue) and consequently MetMb, which are almost twice as high as bovine meat (Mb: 0.209+/-0.003 g/100 g of tissue).  相似文献   

CY Yang  CY Pang  BZ Yang  RC Li  YQ Lu  XW Liang 《Theriogenology》2012,78(7):1437-1445
The objective of this study was to optimize cryopreservation conditions for buffalo in vitro produced (IVP) embryos. The in vitro fertilized (IVF) and somatic cell nuclear transferred (SCNT) blastocysts were vitrified with either 40% ethylene glycol (EG), 25% EG + 25% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), or 20% EG + 20% DMSO + 0.5 m sucrose, and the IVF blastocysts produced from abattoir-derived ovaries were also slow-frozen with either 10% EG or 0.05 m trehalose dehydrate + 1.8% EG + 0.4% BSA. Cryosurvival rates of blastocysts harvested on various days or at various developmental stages were also examined. In this study: (1) vitrification with 20% EG + 20% DMSO + 0.5 m sucrose had the best cryopreservation efficiency; (2) IVF and SCNT blastocysts had similar cryotolerance (P > 0.05); (3) after thawing, slow-frozen blastocysts reexpanded earlier than the vitrified blastocysts (P < 0.01); (4) cryosurvival rate of expanded blastocysts was higher than that of early blastocysts (P < 0.05); (5) cryosurvival rates of Days 5 to 7 blastocysts (Day 0 = day of IVF or SCNT) were higher than those of Days 8 to 9 blastocysts (P < 0.01); and (6) after embryo transfer, pregnancy rates for fresh and cryopreserved blastocysts were not different (P > 0.05). In conclusion, vitrification of Days 6 to 7 expanded blastocysts with 20% EG + 20% DMSO + 0.5 m sucrose was optimal for cryopreservation of buffalo IVP embryos.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the peripheral plasma inhibin levels in relation to 1) the stage of estrous cycle and the effect of climatic variations. Blood samples were collected from cyclic buffalo (n=5) once daily for 32 consecutive days during the tropical hot humid (summer) and cold (winter) seasons. Estrus was recorded by parading a vasectomized bull as well as by plasma progesterone determination. In the winter season, peripheral inhibin concentrations which were lowest (0.35 +/- 0.02 ng/ml) during the mid-luteal phase of estrous cycle (Day 6 to Day 14, Day 0 = day of estrus) increased significantly (P < 0.02) to 0.47 +/- 0.04 ng/ml during the late luteal phase (Day -4 to Day -2) and then further to 0.52 +/- 0.03 ng/ml (P< 0.02) during the periestrus phase (Day -1 to Day 1). Inhibin concentrations then decreased significantly (P < 0.02) to 0.40 +/- 0.03 ng/ml during the early luteal phase (Day 2 to Day 5). In the summer season the differences in peripheral inhibin concentrations among different phases of estrous cycle were found to be nonsignificant. A comparison of the circulating inhibin concentrations between the two seasons indicated that inhibin concentrations were significantly higher in the late luteal phase (P < 0.01) and periestrus phase (P < 0.05) during the winter season compared with corresponding periods during the summer season. The present study suggests that peripheral inhibin concentrations change in the estrous cycle during cooler breeding season and that environmental heat stress can cause a reduction in peripheral inhibin concentrations.  相似文献   

In the present study attempts were made to detect and quantify the generation of superoxide anion (O(2)(*-)) and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) by capacitating buffalo spermatozoa. Ejaculated buffalo spermatozoa were suspended in sp-TALP medium at 50x10(6)mL(-1) and incubated at 38.5 degrees C with 5% CO(2) in air in the absence or presence of heparin (a capacitation inducer) or reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) or diphenyleneiodonium (DPI, a flavoprotein inhibitor) for 6h. Production rate of O(2)(*-) and H(2)O(2) by spermatozoa at different hours of capacitation were measured by cytochrome c reduction and phenol red oxidation assays, respectively. Spermatozoa generated both O(2)(*-) and H(2)O(2) spontaneously and following stimulation with heparin and a significant increase of O(2)(*-) production was observed in the presence of NADPH. However, DPI inhibited this NADPH-induced O(2)(*-) production and suggested for existence of putative NADPH-oxidase that constitute a specific O(2)(*-) generating systems in buffalo spermatozoa. Results of our study indicated that buffalo spermatozoa generate O(2)(*-) and H(2)O(2) and production of these free radicals is induced during capacitation.  相似文献   

The present study reports on the chromosomal expression and localization of aphidicolin-induced fragile sites in the standard karyotype of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis, 2n = 50) with the aim of establishing a 'fragile site map' of the species. Totally, 400 aphidicolin-induced breakages were analyzed from eight young and clinically healthy animals, four males and four females; these breakages were localized in 106 RBG-negative chromosome bands or at the band-interband regions. The number of breakages per chromosome did not vary statistically 'among' the animals investigated but the differences among individual chromosomes were highly significant thus indicating that the chromosomal distribution of the breakages is not random and appears only partially related to chromosome length. Fragile sites were statistically determined as those chromosomal bands showing three or more breakages. In the river buffalo karyotype, 51 fragile sites were detected and localized on the standardized ideogram of the species. The most fragile bands were as follows: 9q213 with 24 breakages out of 400; 19q21 with 16, 17q21 and inacXq24 with 15, 15q23 with 13 and 13q23 with 12 breaks, respectively. Previous gene mapping analysis in this species has revealed that the closest loci to these fragile sites contain genes such as RASA1 and CAST (9q214), NPR3 and C9 (19q19), PLP and BTK (Xq24-q25), OarCP09 (15q24), and EDNRB (13q22) whose mutations are responsible for severe phenotypic malformations and immunodeficiency in humans as well as in mice and meat quality in pigs. Further cytogenetic and molecular studies are needed to fully exploit the biological significance of the fragile sites in karyotype evolution of domestic animals and their relationships with productive and reproductive efficiency of livestock.  相似文献   

A sequential medium was evaluated on the survival, activation and growth rates of caprine preantral follicles submitted to a long-term culture period, aiming to establish an ideal in vitro culture system. Ovarian fragments were cultured for 16 days in α-MEM(+) alone or supplemented with hormones (GH and/or FSH) added sequentially on different days of culture. Ovarian fragments were cultured in the first (days 0-8) and second (days 8-16) halves of the culture period, generating 10 treatments: α-MEM(+)/α-MEM(+), FSH/FSH, FSH/GH, FSH/FSH+GH, GH/GH, GH/FSH, GH/FSH+GH, FSH+GH/FSH+GH, FSH+GH/FSH and FSH+GH/GH. Follicle morphology, viability and ultrastructure were analyzed. After day 1 of culture, FSH treatments maintained the percentage of normal follicles similar to the fresh control. At day 16 of culture, the treatment FSH/GH showed the highest (P<0.05) percentage of normal follicles. The ultrastructure of follicles was preserved in the fresh control and FSH/GH treatment. Follicles cultured with FSH/GH had a higher (P<0.05) viability than α-MEM(+); however the viability was lower (P<0.05) when compared to the fresh control. The FSH/GH treatment showed the highest (P<0.05) percentage of follicular activation and secondary follicle formation and produced the largest (P<0.05) mean follicular diameter after 16 days of culture. In conclusion, a sequential medium supplemented with FSH followed by GH during a long-term culture maintains the survival, viability and ultrastructure of goat preantral follicles, and promotes activation and secondary follicles.  相似文献   

Heme plays a central role in oxygen utilization and in the generation of cellular energy. Here we examined the effect of heme and heme deficiency on cell cycle progression and the expression of key regulators in HeLa cells. We found that inhibition of heme synthesis causes cell cycle arrest and induces the expression of molecular markers associated with senescence and apoptosis, such as increased formation of PML nuclear bodies. Our data show that succinyl acetone-induced heme deficiency increases the protein levels of the tumor suppressor gene product p53 and CDK inhibitor p21, and decreases the protein levels of Cdk4, Cdc2, and cyclin D2. Further, we found that heme deficiency diminishes the activation/phosphorylation of Raf, MEK1/2, and ERK1/2-components of the MAP kinase signaling pathway. Our results show that heme is a versatile molecule that can effectively control cell growth and survival by acting on multiple regulators.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the solid surface vitrification (SSV) and the cryoloop vitrification (CLV) methods to cryopreserve in vitro matured buffalo oocytes. Another objective of the work was to investigate whether the presence of cumulus cells affects the efficiency of oocyte vitrification in this species. In the SSV method, oocytes were vitrified in a solution of 35% ethylene glycol, 5% polyvinyl-pyrrolidone and 0.4% trehalose and they were warmed in a 0.3M trehalose solution. In the CLV method, oocytes were vitrified in 16.5% ethylene glycol and 16.5% dimethyl sulfoxide and warmed in decreasing concentrations of sucrose. The oocytes that survived vitrification were fertilized and cultured in vitro up to the blastocyst stage. Although high survival rates were recorded in all groups, when the oocytes were vitrified by the CLV method in the absence of cumulus cells, the survival rate was significantly (P<0.05) lower. However, the CLV gave a significantly higher cleavage rate compared to the SSV with the denuded oocytes (45% versus 26%, respectively; P<0.05), whereas no differences were found between methods with the cumulus-enclosed oocytes (14% versus 15%, respectively). Blastocysts were produced for the first time from in vitro matured oocytes that were vitrified-warmed in buffalo. Nevertheless, vitrification significantly decreased blastocyst yield, regardless of both the method employed and the presence or absence of cumulus cells.  相似文献   

Huang B  Xie TS  Shi DS  Li T  Wang XL  Mo Y  Wang ZQ  Li MM 《Cell biology international》2007,31(10):1079-1088
There have been few studies done on the isolation and characterization of Chinese swamp buffalo embryonic germ cells (EG cells). Here, we first report on EG-like cells isolated from Chinese swamp buffalo fetuses. The results showed the cells grew in large, multilayered colonies, which were densely packed with an obvious border resembling mouse embryonic stem cells (ES cells) and EG cells. The buffalo EG-like cells expressed AP, SSEA-1, SSEA-3, SSEA-4 and OCT-4. By RT-PCR, we found that undifferentiated swamp buffalo EG-like cells expressed the OCT-4, NANOG, SOX2, FOXD3, GP130, STAT3, and HEB gene mRNA, but not Fgf4. When these cells were cultured for more than 2weeks without passage, they could differentiate into several types of cells including fibroblast-like, neuron-like, smooth muscle-like, and epithelial-like cells. Some cells formed simple embryoid bodies (EBs) and cystic EBs by suspension culture. By RT-PCR, we found cystic EBs expressed FOXD3, GP130, STAT3 and HEB gene mRNA, but not OCT-4, NANOG, and SOX2 gene mRNA, which could be detected in undifferentiated buffalo EG-like cells. At the same time, the expression of KERATIN-14 (Endoderm), GATA4, ACTA2 (Mesoderm) and TUBB3 (Ectoderm) gene mRNA were also detected in cystic EBs. The results suggested that these cells were capable of forming three germ layers in in vitro differentiation. The expression of OCT-4, NANOG and SOX2 might be essential for Chinese swamp buffalo EG-like cells in a pluripotent state. During the isolation and culture of Chinese swamp buffalo EG-like cells, we found the fetuses that were at 30-80days post-coitus were more efficient than others; and the mechanical method was better than trypsin digestion. The maximal passage of the mechanical method was eight, but the trypsin digestion was just three passages. So it seemed like that the buffalo EG-like cells were sensitive to trypsin. In summary, we were the first to isolate and characterize Chinese swamp buffalo EG-like cells that had morphology and characterization similar to those of established EG/EG-like cells in mouse and human.  相似文献   

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