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The Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) plays a crucial role in innate inflammatory responses, as it recognizes gram-negative bacteria (or their products) and contributes greatly to host defense against invading pathogens. Though TLR4 overexpressing transgenic sheep, resistant to certain diseases related with gram-negative bacteria, had been bred in our previous research, the effects of overexpression of TLR4 on innate immune response remained unclear. In this study, TLR4 overexpressing ovine macrophages were obtained from peripheral blood, and it was found that the overexpression of TLR4 initially promoted the production of proinflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-6 by activating TLR4-mediated IRAK4-dependent NF-κB and MAPK (JNK and ERK1/2) signaling following LPS stimulation. However, this effect was later impaired due to increased internalization of TLR4 into endosomal compartment of the macrophages. Then the overexpression of TLR4 triggered TBK1-dependent interferon-regulatory factor-3 (IRF-3) expression, which in turn led to the induction of IFN-β and IFN-inducible genes (i.e.IP10, IRG1 and GARG16). Understandably, an increased IFN-β level facilitated phosphorylation of STAT1 to induce expression of innate antiviral genes Mx1 and ISG15, suggesting that TLR4 overexpressing macrophages were equipped better against viral infection. Correspondingly, the bacterial burden in these macrophages, after infection with live S. Typhimurium, was decreased significantly. In summary, the results indicated that overexpression of TLR4 could enhance innate inflammatory responses, initiate the innate antiviral immunity, and control effectively S. Typhimurium growth in ovine macrophages.  相似文献   

B-cell activating factor (BAFF) plays a role in the generation and the maintenance of mature B cells. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) increased BAFF expression through the activation of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-dependent signal transduction. Here, we investigated the mechanism of action on mouse BAFF (mBAFF) expression by cAMP production in Raw264.7 mouse macrophages. mBAFF expression was increased by the treatment with a cAMP analogue, dibutyryl-cAMP which is the activator of protein kinase A (PKA), cAMP effector protein. PKA activation was measured by the phosphorylation of cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB) on serine 133 (S133). cAMP production and CREB (S133) phosphorylation were augmented by LPS-stimulation. While mBAFF promoter activity was enhanced by the co-transfection with pS6-RSV-CREB, it was reduced by siRNA-CREB. PKA inhibitor, H-89, reduced CREB (S133) phosphorylation and mBAFF expression in control and LPS-stimulated macrophages. Another principal cAMP effector protein is cAMP-responsive guanine nucleotide exchange factor (Epac), a Rap GDP exchange factor. Epac was activated by the treatment with 8-(4-chloro-phenylthio)-2′-O-methyladenosine-3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (CPT), Epac activator, as judged by the measurement of Rap1 activation. Basal level of mBAFF expression was increased by CPT treatment. LPS-stimulated mBAFF expression was also slightly enhanced by co-treatment with CPT. In addition, dibutyryl-cAMP and CPT enhanced mBAFF expression in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM). With these data, it suggests that the activation of PKA and cAMP/Epac1/Rap1 pathways could be required for basal mBAFF expression, as well as being up-regulated in the TLR4-induced mBAFF expression.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii penetrates all kinds of nucleated eukaryotic cells but modulates host cells differently for its intracellular survival. In a previous study, we found out that serine protease inhibitors B3 and B4 (SERPIN B3/B4 because of their very high homology) were significantly induced in THP-1-derived macrophages infected with T. gondii through activation of STAT6. In this study, to evaluate the effects of the induced SERPIN B3/B4 on the apoptosis of T. gondii-infected THP-1 cells, we designed and tested various small interfering (si-) RNAs of SERPIN B3 or B4 in staurosporine-induced apoptosis of THP-1 cells. Anti-apoptotic characteristics of THP-1 cells after infection with T. gondii disappeared when SERPIN B3/B4 were knock-downed with gene specific si-RNAs transfected into THP-1 cells as detected by the cleaved caspase 3, poly-ADP ribose polymerase and DNA fragmentation. This anti-apoptotic effect was confirmed in SERPIN B3/B4 overexpressed HeLa cells. We also investigated whether inhibition of STAT6 affects the function of SERPIN B3/B4, and vice versa. Inhibition of SERPIN B3/B4 did not influence STAT6 expression but SERPIN B3/B4 expression was inhibited by STAT6 si-RNA transfection, which confirmed that SERPIN B3/B4 was induced under the control of STAT6 activation. These results suggest that T. gondii induces SERPIN B3/B4 expression via STAT6 activation to inhibit the apoptosis of infected THP-1 cells for longer survival of the intracellular parasites themselves.  相似文献   

In this study, we showed that Mycobacterium abscessus MAB2560 induces the maturation of dendritic cells (DCs), which are representative antigen-presenting cells (APCs). M. abscessus MAB2560 stimulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines [interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-1β, and IL-12p70] and reduce the endocytic capacity and maturation of DCs. Using TLR4-/- DCs, we found that MAB2560 mediated DC maturation via Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). MAB2560 also activated the MAPK signaling pathway, which was essential for DC maturation. Furthermore, MAB2560-treated DCs induced the transformation of naïve T cells to polarized CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, which would be crucial for Th1 polarization of the immune response. Taken together, our results indicate that MAB2560 could potentially regulate the host immune response to M. abscessus and may have critical implications for the manipulation of DC functions for developing DC-based immunotherapy. [BMB Reports 2014;47(9): 512-517]  相似文献   

Alternatively activated macrophages have been implicated in the therapeutic activity of biodegradable chitosan on wound healing, however, the mechanisms of phenotypic differentiation are still unclear.In vitro, macrophages stimulated with high doses of chitosan (?500 μg/mL) were reported to produce low-level markers associated with alternative activation (arginase-1) as well as classical activation (nitric oxide), and to undergo apoptosis. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that 40 kDa biodegradable chitosan (5–500 μg/mL) is sufficient to polarize mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) in vitro to an alternatively activated phenotype. Control cultures were stimulated with IL-4 (alternative activation), IFN-γ/LPS (classical activation), 1 μm diameter latex beads (phagocytosis), or left untreated. After 48 h of in vitro exposure, BMDM phagocytosed fluorescent chitosan particles or latex beads, and remained viable and metabolically active, although some cells detached with increasing chitosan and latex bead dosage. Arginase-1 was over 100-fold more strongly induced by IL-4 than by chitosan, which induced only sporadic and weak arginase-1 activity over untreated BMDM, and no nitric oxide. IFN-γ/LPS stimulated nitric oxide production and arginase-1 activity and high concentrations of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, MIP-1α/MIP-1β), while latex beads stimulated nitric oxide and not arginase-1 activity. Chitosan or latex bead exposure, but not IL-4, tended to promote the release of several chemokines (MIP-1α/β, GM-CSF, RANTES, IL-1β), while all treatments promoted MCP-1 release. These data show that chitosan phagocytosis is not sufficient to polarize BMDM to the alternative or the classical pathway, suggesting that biodegradable chitosan elicits alternatively activated macrophages in vivo through indirect mechanisms.  相似文献   

IL-27 is a heterodimeric cytokine that regulates both innate and adaptive immunity. The immunosuppressive effect of IL-27 largely depends on induction of IL-10-producing Tr1 cells. To date, however, effects of IL-27 on regulation of immune responses via mediators other than cytokines remain poorly understood. To address this issue, we examined immunoregulatory effects of conditional medium of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) from WSX-1 (IL-27Rα)-deficient mice and found enhanced IFN-γ and IL-17A secretion by CD4+ T cells as compared with that of control BMDMs. We then found that PGE2 production and COX-2 expression by BMDMs from WSX-1-deficient mice was increased compared to control macrophages in response to LPS. The enhanced production of IFN-γ and IL-17A was abolished by EP2 and EP4 antagonists, demonstrating PGE2 was responsible for enhanced cytokine production. Murine WSX-1-expressing Raw264.7 cells (mWSX-1-Raw264.7) showed phosphorylation of both STAT1 and STAT3 in response to IL-27 and produced less amounts of PGE2 and COX-2 compared to parental RAW264.7 cells. STAT1 knockdown in parental RAW264.7 cells and STAT1-deficiency in BMDMs showed higher COX-2 expression than their respective control cells. Collectively, our result indicated that IL-27/WSX-1 regulated PGE2 secretion via STAT1–COX-2 pathway in macrophages and affected helper T cell response in a PGE2-mediated fashion.  相似文献   

Systemic administration with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) is a promising approach to cure myocardial ischemia (MI), while the efficacy of cell transplantation is limited by the low engraftment of BMSCs. Tanshinone IIA (Tan IIA) has been reported many times for the treatment of MI. Therefore, the present study was performed to investigate whether Tan IIA could increase the migration of BMSCs to ischemic region and its potential mechanisms. In our study, we found that combination treatment with Tan IIA and BMSCs significantly alleviated the infarct size when compared with control group (31.46 ± 3.00% vs. 46.95 ± 6.51%, p < 0.05). Results of real-time PCR showed that Tanshinone IIA (Tan IIA) did increase the migration of BMSCs to ischemic region in vivo, which was correlated with cardiac function recovery after MI. Furthermore, 2 μM Tan IIA could enhance the migration capability of BMSCs in vitro (3.69-fold of control), and this enhancement could be blocked by AMD3100 (a CXC chemokine receptor 4 blocker). CXCR4, together with its specific receptor, stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) plays a critical role in the stem cell recruitment. Our experiment indicated that Tan IIA could promote SDF-1α expression in the infarct area and enhance the CXCR4 expression of BMSCs in vitro. Therefore, we postulated that Tan IIA could increase the BMSCs migration via up-regulating SDF1/CXCR4 axis.  相似文献   

Inhibition of microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1) results in decreased production of proinflammatory PGE2 and can lead to shunting of PGH2 into the prostaglandin D2 (PGD2)/15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15dPGJ2) pathway. 15dPGJ2 forms Michael adducts with thiol-containing biomolecules such as GSH or cysteine residues on target proteins and is thought to promote resolution of inflammation. We aimed to elucidate the biosynthesis and metabolism of 15dPGJ2 via conjugation with GSH, to form 15dPGJ2-glutathione (15dPGJ2-GS) and 15dPGJ2-cysteine (15dPGJ2-Cys) conjugates and to characterize the effects of mPGES-1 inhibition on the PGD2/15dPGJ2 pathway in mouse and human immune cells. Our results demonstrate the formation of PGD2, 15dPGJ2, 15dPGJ2-GS, and 15dPGJ2-Cys in RAW264.7 cells after lipopolysaccharide stimulation. Moreover, 15dPGJ2-Cys was found in lipopolysaccharide-activated primary murine macrophages as well as in human mast cells following stimulation of the IgE-receptor. Our results also suggest that the microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3 is essential for the formation of 15dPGJ2 conjugates. In contrast to inhibition of cyclooxygenase, which leads to blockage of the PGD2/15dPGJ2 pathway, we found that inhibition of mPGES-1 preserves PGD2 and its metabolites. Collectively, this study highlights the formation of 15dPGJ2-GS and 15dPGJ2-Cys in mouse and human immune cells, the involvement of microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3 in their biosynthesis, and their unchanged formation following inhibition of mPGES-1. The results encourage further research on their roles as bioactive lipid mediators.  相似文献   

Nanomaterials with superior physiochemical properties have been rapidly developed and integrated in every aspect of cell engineering and therapy for translating their great promise to clinical success. Here we demonstrate the multifaceted roles played by innovatively-designed nanomaterials in addressing key challenges in cell engineering and therapy such as cell isolation from heterogeneous cell population, cell instruction in vitro to enable desired functionalities, and targeted cell delivery to therapeutic sites for prompting tissue repair. The emerging trends in this interdisciplinary and dynamic field are also highlighted, where the nanomaterial-engineered cells constitute the basis for establishing in vitro disease model; and nanomaterial-based in situ cell engineering are accomplished directly within the native tissue in vivo. We will witness the increasing importance of nanomaterials in revolutionizing the concept and toolset of cell engineering and therapy which will enrich our scientific understanding of diseases and ultimately fulfill the therapeutic demand in clinical medicine.  相似文献   

Macrophages play pivotal roles in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. However, the reactivation of macrophages toward proinflammatory states correlates with a plethora of inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis, obesity, neurodegeneration, and bone marrow (BM) failure syndromes. The lack of methods to reveal macrophage phenotype and function in vivo impedes the translational research of these diseases. Here, we found that proinflammatory macrophages accumulate intracellular lipid droplets (LDs) relative to resting or noninflammatory macrophages both in vitro and in vivo, indicating that LD accumulation serves as a structural biomarker for macrophage phenotyping. To realize the staining and imaging of macrophage LDs in vivo, we developed a fluorescent fatty acid analog-loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticle to label macrophages in mice with high efficiency and specificity. Using these novel nanoparticles, we achieved in situ functional identification of single macrophages in BM, liver, lung, and adipose tissues under conditions of acute or chronic inflammation. Moreover, with this intravital imaging platform, we further realized in vivo phenotyping of individual macrophages in the calvarial BM of mice under systemic inflammation. In conclusion, we established an efficient in vivo LD labeling and imaging system for single macrophage phenotyping, which will aid in the development of diagnostics and therapeutic monitoring. Moreover, this method also provides new avenues for the study of lipid trafficking and dynamics in vivo.  相似文献   

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