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Phosphorus utilization by Asterionella formosa Hass   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Observations have been made on the relationship in Lake Windermerebetween the growth of Asterionella formosa and the concentrationof dissolved phosphate. Asterionellaformosa has also been grownin culture and the amount of phosphorus required by this organismhas been determined. These experiments have shown that: (1) Asterionella can take up and store in reserve phosphorusfrom concentrations below those found in phosphorus-poor lakes(i.e. below 1 µg.P/l.). (2) Growth can continue in phosphorus-deficient media by makinguse of such reserves, cell phosphorus being steadily reduced. (3) The limiting requirement per cell of phosphorus is veryminute—about 0—06µg P/106 cells/1, so thatinitial concentrations as low as rog.P/l. can theoreticallyproduce a population of some i6 x io6 cells/l. before limitationby phosphorus deficiency. This has been realized in culture.The behaviour of Asterionella formosa growing in nature hasbeen found to conform with that found in culture. It is concludedfrom such observations that phosphorus deficiency is unlikelyto provide a limit to growth of Asterionella in Windermere,despite the very low initial concentration of dissolved phosphate.Further experiments have shown that Asterionella cells low inphosphorus can rapidly take up added phosphate from lake waterbut not from distilled water. Some factors which affect therate of phosphate uptake of depleted cells are investigated,and attempts have ben made to throw some light on the natureof the apparent difference between lake water on the one handand distilled water and a number of artificial lake waters onthe other. No conclusion is reached on the reason why Asterionellacells behave differently in lake water and in artificial media.  相似文献   

The influence of phosphorus limitedAsterionella on the zoospore production of its fungal parasiteRhizophydium planktonicum was measured, using laboratory cultures of host and parasite. At saturated phosphorus concentrations the host reached a specific growth rate of 0.95.d–1. Growing on these host cells, the mean parasite zoospore production was 26 spores per sporangium, and the mean development time of a sporangium was 45 hours. Growing on phosphorus limited hosts, the zoospore production decreased to less then 9 spores per sporangium, and the development time decreased to 40 hours. On phosphorus limited hosts, zoospores were produced at a slower rate. The algal growth rate was reduced to a greater extent than the fungal growth rate. Therefore, it could be concluded that phosphorus limitation ofAsterionella will facilitate the development of an epidemic of its parasiteRhizophidium, at least at high diatom densities, when possible differences in infectability of the algae play a minor role.  相似文献   

Intensive sampling of a small temperate lake of the Araucanian region (Argentina), revealed changes in the demography of Bosmina longirostris when the diatom Asterionella formosa density increased (to 54 000 cells ml–1). Bosmina population behaviour in the field was consistent with the idea that large numbers of Asterionella caused its starvation. Individuals were actually colourless and fecundity dropped to zero, as was evident when Asterionella reached 99.4% of total phytoplankton biovolume. Since cyanophytes, as a whole, are scarce in these lakes, we propose that the flagellate/diatom ratio has a direct effect on cladoceran demography.  相似文献   

Laboratory batch experiments with dilute phytoplankton communities were carried out to determine growth-limiting nutrients and the degree of growth limitation for Asterionella formosa, Hass., Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngb.) Kütz. and red species of Oscillatoria under specific temperature and light conditions. Water samples from five Norwegian lakes with average epilimnetic total phosphorus concentrations ranging from 5 to 30 µg P per 1 were investigated. Both enrichment and transplant experiments were carried out. In samples from the most oligotrophic lakes (Lake Randsfjorden and Lake Tyrifjorden) phosphorus was found to be the growth-limiting nutrient. In samples from Lake Mjøsa silicate was also growth-limiting for the diatoms, while nitrogen could be limiting for both asterionella and Oscillatoria from Lake Steinsfjorden. Phosphorus was often the only limiting nutrient determined for Oscillatoria in Lake Gjersjøen (the most eutrophic of the lakes). In samples from this lake, however, Asterionella was also growth-limited directly or indirectly as a result of high (pH > 9). This was also found for Asterionella and Tabellaria from lake Mjøsa by means of transplant experiments. Oscillatoria from Lake Gjersjøen could not grow in filtered water from Lake Mjøsa but obtained maximum growth rate after addition of phosphate and chelated iron in combination.  相似文献   

This paper forms a sequel to that describing the physical and chemical aspects of Chew Valley and Blagdon Lakes (Wilson et al., 1975). General accounts of the phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrophytes, littoral and benthic faunas, and fish are presented, based on surveys undertaken between 1966 and 1973. The spring diatom blooms (principally Asterionella) are correlated with silica and phosphate depletion in both lakes, while growths of blue-green (principally Microcystis) in the summer and autumn are correlated with low values of nitrate and saline ammonia. The principal zooplankter in both lakes is Daphnia hyalina. Daphnia pulex was found very commonly in Blagdon in 1970/71, but has not been recorded since. The Daphnia in Chew are smaller in size than those in Blagdon. Blagdon is richer in abundance and number of species of littoral animals, and in macrophyte development, than is Chew. The benthos of both lakes is very similar, except that Blagdon has a well-established population of Anodonta cygnaea, while in Chew the species has apparently only recently become established. Both lakes are maintained artificially as trout fisheries. Other fish present include eels, sticklebacks, and gudgeon. Roach and Perch are found in Chew only. An outline account of their food is given based on stomach content analysis, and shows that trout feed principally on chironomid pupae in spring, and on small fish in autumn.  相似文献   

Diatom concentrations in surface sediments are positively correlated with limnetic chlorophyll a concentrations in Florida (USA) lakes. Using this relationship, I examine models that provide quantitative inferences for trophic state in historical applications.The best model predicts chlorophyll a trophic state index (TSI) values from log-transformed diatom concentrations and explains approximately half the variance in the dependent variable. Diatom accumulation rates are not better than sedimentary diatom concentrations as predictors of TSI. The entire diatom assemblage is as sensitive an indicator of TSI as are the planktonic diatoms alone. A model that considers the ecological preferences of specific taxa was found to be a better predictor than the model based on total diatom concentration.The sedimentary diatom concentration model provides a useful method for assessing historical changes in primary productivity, except in lakes where factors (e.g., silica limitation, blue-green bacterial inhibition) limited diatom production, or post-depositional changes removed sedimentary diatoms. TSI inferences are presented for sediment cores from two Florida lakes, one of which demonstrates a problematic application, and the other of which does not.  相似文献   

The examinations showed that the phosphate supply for the planktonic primary production comes almost exclusively from the influxes. The nutrient pool in the hypolimnion and in the sediment does not play a leading part. Evidently, that is often so in reservoirs. Both the phytoplankton (the most frequent species are Asterionella formosa and Fragilaria crotonensis) and the concentration of phosphate fractions are subject to considerable seasonal variations. The Asterionella spring maximum, typical of this reservoir, is released directly or indirectly by meteorological factors. An adequate orthophosphate concentration is a basic condition which is accomplished, however, nearly every year. The autumnal Fragilaria maximum begins when a definite mixing depth hae been achieved. The breakdown of a diatom maximum is caused almost at all times by exhaustion of the phosphate reserves.  相似文献   

Cumming  Brian F.  Smol  John P. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):179-196
Diatoms were identified and enumerated from the surface sediments of 65 lakes located on the Cariboo and Chilcotin Plateaux (British Columbia, Canada). These lakes span a large gradient in lakewater ionic concentration (fresh through hypersaline) and composition, as well as other physical/chemical variables. Almost all of the study lakes had higher salinities in the late-summer than in the spring. The lakes with spring salinities >8 g l–1 showed the largest seasonal increases in salinity. Ionic composition was similar in the spring and late-summer for most lakes. Both ionic concentration (i.e. salinity) and composition were important environmental variables that could account for the different diatom floras in the lakes. Diatom assemblages characteristic of carbonate-dominated and sulfate-dominated waters were identified. Other variables such as water depth and phosphorus concentration were also important.The majority (87%) of diatom taxa had estimated salinity optima < 3 g l–1 Halophilic diatom taxa had broader tolerances to salinity when compared to the fresh water taxa, however taxa with narrow and broad tolerances could be identified across the salinity gradient. Species diversity was weakly but significantly correlated to lakewater salinity (r 2 = 0.18 to 0.3, P < 0.05).Salinity inference models were developed based on the relationship between the diatom assemblages and the spring, late-summer and average salinity. The correlations between the measured and diatominferred salinity, based on the spring (r = 0.95), late-summer (r = 0.94) and average (r = 0.95) salinity data, are high because there was an extremely strong correlation (r = 0.98) between the log transformed spring and late-summer measured salinities. These salinity reconstruction models provide a tool that can be used to infer past climatic changes as part of paleolimnological studies from appropriate closed-basin lakes in British Columbia.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. A comparison of the potential water fertility of two linked lakes, Llyn Peris and Llyn Padarn, was carried out over a year using Asterionella formosa as the test organism in batch cultures. In unenriched lake water, growth was more rapid in Padarn water during autumn-winter-spring, but there was no significant difference between growth in water from the two lakes during the period of thermal stratification. Mean growth rates in treatments with additions of nitrogen and chelated iron were not significantly different from unenriched water samples, both between treatments and lakes during thermal stratification. Growth in water from both lakes was increased greatly by addition of phosphate. Maximum growth rates occurred on addition of nitrogen, phosphate and chelated iron, and there was no significant difference between growth rates in this treatment for the two lakes throughout the year. Comparisons of mean growth rates in bioassays by Tukey's interval estimate showed significant differences between other treatments and the two lakes. The potential fertility of water samples from the two lakes differs more during mixed water conditions than in the period of thermal stratification. Inhibition of A. formosa growth was recorded four times in unenriched filtered water from Peris, once on addition of nitrogen and once on addition of iron. Inhibition was alleviated by the addition of nutrients. The addition of diluted sewage effluent which enters the drainage system between the two lakes, resulted in similar rates of growth of A. formosa in water from both lakes. Results of the bioassays are discussed in relation to differences in phytoplankton between the two lakes. Although A. formosa will grow in samples of unenriched lake water from Peris, other features, including a shorter retention time of water, lower level of incident radiation and, occasionally, inhibitory substances in the lake water, contribute to the rare occurrence of this diatom in Peris. Padarn is enriched by sewage effluent which aids the growth of A. formosa.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton periodicity has been fairly regular during the years 1979 to 1982 in Lake Constance. Algal mass growth starts with the vernal onset of stratification; Cryptophyceae and small centric diatoms are the dominant algae of the spring bloom. In June grazing by zooplankton leads to a clear-water phase dominated by Cryptophyceae. Algal summer growth starts under nutrient-saturated conditions with a dominance of Cryptomonas spp. and Pandorina morum. Depletion of soluble reactive phosphorus is followed by a dominance of pennate and filamentous centric diatoms, which are replaced by Ceratium hirundinella when dissolved silicate becomes depleted. Under calm conditions there is a diverse late-summer plankton dominated by Cyanophyceae and Dinobryon spp.; more turbulent conditions and silicon resupply enable a second summer diatom growth phase in August. The autumnal development leads from a Mougeotia — desmid assemblage to a diatom plankton in late autumn and winter.Inter-lake comparison of algal seasonality includes in ascending order of P-richness Königsee, Attersee, Walensee, Lake Lucerne, Lago Maggiore, Ammersee, Lake Zürich, Lake Geneva, Lake Constance. The oligotrophic lakes have one or two annual maxima of biomass; after the vernal maximum there is a slowly developing summer depression and sometimes a second maximum in autumn. The more eutrophic lakes have an additional maximum in summer. The number of floristically determined successional stages increases with increasing eutrophy, from three in Königsee and Attersee to eight in Lake Geneva and Lake Constance.  相似文献   

TALLING  J. F. 《Annals of botany》1955,19(3):329-341
Relative growth rates of three freshwater plankton diatoms-Asterionellaformosa, Fragilaria crotonensis, and Tabellaria flocculosa var.asterionelloides-are described from cultures suspended at variousdepths and during several seasons in the lake Windermere. Seasonalvariation in rates recorded near the surface (i m. depth) isinterpreted in terms of seasonal changes in temperature anddaylength. Rates recorded for Asterionella and Fragilaria aregenerally similar, but are approximately twice the rates obtainedwith Tabellaria. Depth profiles of relative growth rates areof similar form in all species, and normally show lightsaturationnear the surface. The shape of profiles for Asterionella isin good agreement with estimates of photosynthesis integratedover the growth periods. The parallelism between photosyntheticand relative growth rates of Asterionella is further illustratedfrom laboratory experiments: an approximate interconversion,under certain conditions, is given.  相似文献   

Human activities have altered riverine silica cycling and diminished the supply of silica to the oceans, but few rivers have been intensively monitored to evaluate the magnitude of these changes. In this study we measured dissolved silica (DSi) and amorphous silica (ASi) fluxes into and out of two large, culturally-impacted natural impoundments of the upper Mississippi River, Lakes St. Croix and Pepin, USA. ASi sedimentation rates and sediment–water fluxes of DSi were calculated for each lake, and a mass-balance approach was used to determine in-lake ASi production. ASi from terrestrial phytoliths in the lake sediments was determined to be only partially available to biotic recycling, and in-lake ASi dissolution was small relative to the total silica budgets. The river reaches upstream of the two lakes were found to have abundant DSi, and riverine diatom production was found to contribute significant amounts of ASi to each lake. The average total phosphorus concentration in Lake Pepin is four times that in Lake St. Croix but ASi production in Lake Pepin is only 2.3 times higher than in Lake St. Croix, indicating that diatom growth in Pepin is limited by factors such as turbidity. Lake St. Croix currently traps about 10% of the inflowing total bioavailable silica (TSib = DSi + ASi) while Lake Pepin traps closer to 20% of its inflowing TSib, clearly demonstrating the importance of silica retention in lakes and reservoirs along the land–ocean continuum.  相似文献   

Van Donk  E.  Mur  L. R.  Ringelberg  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):201-209
In order to assess possible phosphate limitation for the phytoplankton community of Lake Maarsseveen, two techniques (phosphate uptake experiments and bioassays) were employed simultaneously in February–March 1982. In that period the ambient phosphate concentration of the lake water was less than 0.03 µM P and the diatom Asterionella formosa constituted more than 90% of the phytoplankton population. The phosphate uptake experiments showed relatively high uptake capacities and low cell phosphorus contents for the natural phytoplankton community. This suggested phosphate limitation throughout the test period. The growth stimulation of the phytoplankton after enrichment with phosphate, however, only revealed phosphate limitation from the beginning of March and bioassays may therefore be regarded as a less sensitive method.  相似文献   

1. We aimed to demonstrate reproducible nutrition and growth of macrophytes in non‐axenic laboratory cultures preventing growth of phytoplankton and epiphytes. 2. Macrophyte shoot segments were planted in a mixture of commercial acid‐washed silica sand with crystalline tricalcium phosphate, and this artificial sediment was covered with a layer of pure silica sand. The liquid mineral media used did not contain phosphorus but were rich in all other nutrient elements. A CO2 reservoir provided sustainable CO2 supply to macrophyte cultures by gas diffusion through a polyethylene membrane. 3. Chara hispida, Chara tomentosa, Chara baltica, Elodea canadensis, Potamogeton pectinatus and Zanichellia palustris could be cultivated for long term without medium exchange and aeration. Microalgae growth was prevented by the absence of phosphate in the water column. Mobilisation of tricalcium phosphate and phosphate uptake by the rhizoids of C. hispida enabled sustainable rapid shoot growth and increased the concentration of inorganic phosphate in the shoot dry weight by five to six times in comparison with plants cultivated on pure silica sand. A significant growth support from tricalcium phosphate was also observed for E. canadensis, but the rate of phosphate uptake by the roots was not sufficient to maintain a storage pool of inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the growing shoots of this plant. 4. Membrane‐controlled CO2 supply from a reservoir and artificial sediments like the one described provide attractive options for the laboratory culture of macrophytes.  相似文献   

We investigated whether phytoplankton communities in two lakes in SW Greenland were phosphorus or nitrogen limited. The study lakes have contrasting water chemistry (mean conductivities differ ten fold) and are located near Kangerlussuaq, SW Greenland (~67°N, 51°W). A microcosm nutrient enrichment experiment was performed in June 2003 to determine whether nitrate or phosphate addition stimulated phytoplankton growth. Samples were analysed for species composition, biomass, and alkaline phosphatase activity (APA). Initially, both lakes had extremely low total phosphorus but high total nitrogen concentrations and high APA, suggesting that the phytoplankton were phosphorus limited prior to the start of the experiment. The phytoplankton composition and biomass (mainly Ochromonas spp.) responded to phosphate but not to nitrate addition. In both lakes, chlorophyll a increased significantly when phosphate was added. Furthermore, APA was significantly lower in the two lakes when phosphate was added compared to the control and the nitrogen addition treatment. The dominance of mixotrophic phytoplankton and high DOC values suggest that these lakes may be regulated by microbial loop processes.  相似文献   

The influence of the phosphate concentration on the specific growth rate and the duration of lag has been studied inNitrobacter winogradskyi andNitrosomonas europaea.The optimum phosphate concentration range for the specific growth rate was 10 to 30mm forNitrobacter and 10 to 100mm forNitrosomonas. In this range the lag was least. Depletion of the cell-P does not affect the relation between specific growth rate and phosphate concentration while the lag seems to increase as cell-P depletion proceeds.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton ecology of the Lake of Menteith,Scotland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The results discussed in this paper represent the first seasonal ecological study carried out on the phytoplankton of the Lake of Menteith. All measured nutrients reached maximum levels during the winter, with silicate showing particularly high concentrations (up to 85 µg at Si l–1). During the summer period phosphate, nitrate and silicate showed almost complete exhaustion in surface waters. The lake water was consistently alkaline, never falling below pH 7, while the alkalinity ranged from 20 to 24 mg CaCO3 l–1. Generally, the nutrient status of the main inflow had a rapid effect on the water quality of the lake.The region of the lake under investigation showed no thermal stratification at any period of the year, although continuous thermal gradients were recorded in the winter. The continual circulation of the water mass probably prevented oxygen saturation from falling below 77% even following a large phytoplankton bloom and subsequent decomposition.From an examination of net phytoplankton samples the Lake of Menteith could be described as blue-green or blue-green/diatom in nature. From the quantitative study, large pulses of Melosira, Asterionella and Fragilaria were recorded in the spring. The disappearance of the species appears to be related to silicate limitation. The summer growth of Asterionella may have been promoted by a nitrogen source other than nitrate and nitrite, both of which were reduced to critical levels. This alternative source of combined nitrogen may have been contributed by nitrogen-fixing algae in the lake. Three species of Anabaena were recorded, all of which produced large populations during the year.Department of Botany, The University of GlasgowPresent Address: Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Sulaimaniyah, Sulaimaniyah, Iraq  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages from sediment trap samples collected during ten intervals between October 2003 and October 2005 in Sacrower See (NE Germany) were related to limnological and meteorological data. Sacrower See is a dimictic, 38 m deep, hypertrophic lowland lake (29.5 m a.s.l.). We identified distinct seasonal and interannual changes of diatom assemblages for the studied period. Diatoms showed a typical seasonal succession for temperate, dimictic, and eutrophic lakes. Stephanodiscus parvus, S. hantzschii, S. neoastraea, and S. alpinus had high accumulation rates during winter and spring, whereas species of the genera Stephanodiscus, Fragilaria, and Nitzschia were the predominant diatoms during summer and autumn. In a Canonical Correspondence Analysis, precipitation, air and water temperatures, epilimnetic calcium, pH, and total phosphorus concentrations together explained 70% of the variance of the diatom data. Interannual variability in the diatom assemblages during the two sampled years mainly seems to reflect changes in the total phosphorus concentration and temperature and secondarily the onset of the growing season and of stratification. Handling editor: J. Saros  相似文献   

1. Until recently, the distribution of diatom species assemblages and their attributes (e.g. species richness and evenness) in relation to water depth have been identified but not quantified, especially across several lakes in a region. Here, we examined diatom assemblages in the surface sediment across a water‐depth gradient in eight small, boreal lakes in north‐western Ontario, minimally disturbed by human activities. 2. Surface‐sediment diatom assemblages were collected within each lake along a gentle slope from near‐shore to the centre deep basin of the lake, at a resolution of ~1 m water depth. Analysis of sedimentary samples provided an integrated view of assemblages that were living in the lake over several years and enabled a high‐resolution analysis of many lakes. The study lakes ranged in water chemistry, morphology and size and are located along an east–west transect approximately 250 km long in north‐western Ontario (Canada). 3. The majority of diatom species were distributed along a continuum of depth, with those taxa having similar habitat requirements forming distinct, though overlapping, assemblages. Three major zones of diatom assemblages in each lake were consistently identified: (i) a near‐shore assemblage of Achnanthes (sensu lato), Nitzschia, Cymbella (sensu lato) and other benthic species; (ii) a mid‐depth assemblage of small Fragilaria (sensu lato)/small Aulacoseira and various Navicula taxa; and (iii) a deep‐water assemblage of planktonic origin (mainly Discotella spp.). 4. The depth of the transition between assemblage zones varied between the eight lakes. The boundary between the deep‐water planktonic zone and the mid‐depth benthic zone varied according to water chemistry and was probably related to light attenuation. The boundary was deeper in lakes with the lower dissolved organic carbon and total phosphorus (TP) (i.e. less light attenuation) and vice versa. 5. Generally, species richness, species evenness and turnover rate of species as a function of depth were significantly lower in the planktonic assemblage zone in comparison with the two zones nearer the shore. Reproducibility of species and assemblage distributions across the depth gradient of the lakes illustrated that, despite potential for sediment transport, detailed ecological characterisation of diatom species can be gleaned from sedimentary data. Such data are often lacking, particularly for near‐shore benthic species.  相似文献   

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