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王焕道  董立朝 《昆虫知识》1994,31(2):109-110
白榆是河南省安阳县主要用材树种,近几年来,白输受脐腹小蠹台虫ScolytusschevyrewiSemenov危害,日趋严重。由于目前国内对该虫的发生发展规律未有报道,给我们的防治工作造成了很大困难。为摸清其发生危害规律,在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫组的指导下,我们对该虫进行了生物学特性研究。1生活史揭3年林间观察,脐腹小蜜虫在安阳县世代重叠,以老熟幼虫为主要越冬虫态,也有不同龄期幼虫、蛹和卵越冬,都能发育完成。3月中旬越冬蛹开始现化,3月下旬至4月上旬出现第一次羽化盛期,以后每隔35~42天完成一代,共6代。10月中下旬是最后一次…  相似文献   

强大小蠹的简要形态学特征和生物学特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
殷惠芬 《动物分类学报》2000,25(1):120-120,43
强大小蠹D.valensLeconte,俗名红脂大小蠹RedTurpentineBarkBeetle是重要的松树害虫,它对树种的选择不严格,能危害多种松树,为了便于识别,特将其形态学特征和生物学特征加以阐述。形态学特征 体长53~83mm,平均约73mm,体长为体...  相似文献   

光滑材小蠹生物学特性观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
光滑村小蠹XyleborusgermanusBlandford属鞘翅目小蠹科,是近几年发生在板栗树上的一种毁灭性蛀干害虫。调查表明在我省秦岭沿线发生面积占栗林总面积(包括野生板栗〕的85.8%,被害株率达2%~19.1%,严重地块可达30%多;平均虫口密度17.8头/株,最多达350头以上。被害树由于该虫沿年轮横向蛀坑凿道,切断树木输导组织,使树体水分及养分输送中断而枯死。自1990年以来,我们对该虫的生物学特性进行了研究,现将结果整理如下。l寄主与分布光滑材小合是一种杂食性害虫,在我省秦岭沿线危害9种树木的主干(见表)。2生活史光滑村小合1…  相似文献   

我国新天敌资源——小蠹蒲螨形态与生物学研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
小蠹蒲螨Pyemotes scolyti(Oudemans,1936)为我国新纪录种。在河北,是核果类果树毁灭性害虫果树小蠹Scolytus japonicus Chapuis和多毛小蠹S.seulensis Mu-rayamy的有效天敌。该螨胎生,1年多代(25℃,8d完成1代),雌雄性比30:1~2,每雌产后代平均60余头,有较高的利用价值。  相似文献   

脐腹小蠹聚集信息素的提取鉴定和引诱效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定脐腹小蠹Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov的聚集信息素成分,对脐腹小蠹成虫后肠和虫粪的挥发物进行了提取鉴定和引诱试验。经气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)鉴定,结果表明:雌成虫后肠挥发物成分有十四烷、十五烷、十六烷、十八烷、十九烷、十二酸和十四酸,其中十四酸含量最高,达到了42.2%;雄成虫后肠挥发物成分有十一烷、十四烷、十五烷、十六烷、十八烷和十九烷,十六烷(23.3%)和十九烷(21.5%)含量最多;雌成虫虫粪挥发物成分有十一烷、十二烷、十四烷、十六烷、十八烷和十九烷,十九烷含量最高,为29.9%;雄成虫虫粪挥发物成分有庚烷、十一烷、十二烷、十四烷、十六烷、十八烷、二十二烷和二十三烷,庚烷(20.5%)相对含量最多。此外,借助触角电位仪测定了脐腹小蠹雌雄虫触角对这些单一物质刺激的反应,结果显示,触角电位相对值较大的为十二酸、十四酸和十八烷。雌雄间比较发现十二酸、十四酸和十九烷刺激后雌雄间触角电位相对值差异达到了显著水平(P0.05)。田间诱捕结果显示,十二酸、十四酸、十九烷对脐腹小蠹的引诱数量雌雄间差异性达到了显著水平(P0.05),成虫诱捕总量最多的是十八烷,诱捕量达32.1头,其后诱捕量较多的为十二酸(24.1头)和十四酸(22.7头)。可以推断,十八烷、十九烷、十二酸和十四酸是脐腹小蠹聚集信息素的主要成分。  相似文献   

削尾材小蠹的生物学特性及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶祖祥  周志方 《昆虫知识》1996,33(5):280-281

【目的】脐腹小蠹Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov是白榆的钻蛀性害虫之一,为找到对脐腹小蠹的高致病力虫生真菌菌株。【方法】通过室内喷雾法研究了5株虫生真菌菌株对脐腹小蠹幼虫的致病力,结合各菌株菌落直径、孢子萌发率、产孢量和菌落生长速率4个培养特征,筛选到Bb773和Pc546 2株优良的菌株,在此基础上,进一步对这2株菌株的几丁质酶、蛋白质酶和荧光素二乙酸酯(FDA)水解酶活性进行了测定。【结果】菌株Bb773和菌株Pc546在浓度为1×107孢子/mL悬浮液处理后,10 d的后脐腹小蠹幼虫的校正死亡率分别达96.67%和90.00%,致死中时分别为3.61 d和4.18 d。菌株Bb773的几丁质酶、FDA水解酶和蛋白质酶活性在接种后第2~10天均高于菌株Pc546,2株菌株蛋白质酶活性差异均达到了显著水平(P<0.05)。【结论】确定了菌株Bb773在脐腹小蠹害虫生物防治中具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

芦苇蠹蛾的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕福祥  王绍文 《昆虫知识》1996,33(4):227-229

采用扫描电镜技术研究成都市农泉驿区危害葡萄的小蠹——光滑足距小蠹Xylosandrus germanus(Blandford)的形态特征。该小蠹具有明显的性二型现象。成虫光亮。雌成虫圆柱形,体长2.02~2.26mm,雄成虫较宽扁,体长1.00~1.30mm。在扫描电镜下,可见成虫前胸前缘的刻点毛均从基部分成两叉,但雌成虫略呈锯齿状,雄成虫呈栉齿状。雌成虫具有贮菌器,位于前胸背板的后端下面。雌成虫鞘翅分为沟中和沟间部,后半部细长毛起自沟间部,雄成虫鞘翅不分沟中和沟间部,后半部部分刻点生有细长毛。  相似文献   

R Labonte J 《ZooKeys》2010,(56):207-218
In 2003, an Asian bark beetle, Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), the banded elm bark beetle, was detected for the first time in North America. This paper modifies the Wood (1982) key to the species of Scolytus Geoffroy to enable identification of Scolytus schevyrewi in North and Central America. Variation of diagnostic characters in Scolytus schevyrewi is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The species assemblages and abundance of phoretic mites and nematodes associated with the elm bark beetles, Scolytus multistriatus and Scolytus pygmaeus, were studied in Austria. 2 A total of 3922 individual mites were recorded from 144 adults of S. multistriatus and 178 adults of S. pygmaeus. The species spectrum was identical and the relative abundance of mites was very similar for both species of scolytids. Nine mite species, Pyemotes scolyti, Pseudotarsonemoides eccoptogasteri, Trichouropoda bipilis, Tarsonemus crassus, Proctolaelaps eccoptogasteris, Proctolaelaps scolyti, Chelacheles michalskii, nr. Eueremaeus sp. and Elattoma sp. were detected. Two of the nine species, nr. Eueremaeus sp. and Elattoma sp., are documented here as new associates of Scolytus spp. 3 Pyemotes scolyti was the most frequent mite species, and Ps. eccoptogasteri and T. bipilis were relatively common, whereas the other mites occurred occasionally or were rare. 4 The trophic roles of most of the mites associated with S. multistriatus and S. pygmaeus are poorly known, but they may include fungivores, parasitoids of bark beetle broods, predators of bark beetle broods and/or mites and/or nematodes. 5 Besides phoretic mites, two nematode associates were seen on the investigated insects. A species of Cryptaphelenchus occurred under the elytra of both scolytid species, whereas the adults of a Neoparasitylenchus sp. were present inside abdomens of S. multistriatus, but absent from S. pygmaeus.  相似文献   

AIMS: To formulate the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana in invert emulsion, then apply it against adults of almond bark beetle (Scolytus amygdali) under laboratory and field conditions. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effect of formulated B. bassiana in invert emulsion against S. amygdali adults was shown by comparing the mortality percentage of adults exposed to the formulated fungus using a Petri dish treatment method and by field applications to infested peach trees with mortality of adults exposed to the unformulated fungus or the untreated control. Results obtained from both exposure methods have indicated that treatment of S. amygdali adults with the formulated fungus resulted in a significantly higher mean mortality percentage (P < 0.05) when compared with the treatment with the unformulated fungus or the untreated control. This mortality ranged from 81.2 to 100%, 10 days after treatment with the formulated fungus when compared with 6.7 to 49.6% mortality, 10 days after treatment with the control or the unformulated fungus, respectively. Viability of the fungus conidia in invert emulsion was assessed by calculating the germination percentage of the conidia over time. Results indicated a high storage stability shown by a small loss of germination percentage for the formulated conidia of both strains (5.8 to 8.4% over a 12-week period) vs a low storage stability shown by a high loss of germination percentage for the unformulated conidia of the same strains (58.9 to 61.0% over the same period). The presence of B. bassiana in the galleries of beetles following the treatment of infested trees was shown in the present research. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained have demonstrated a significantly higher level of efficacy of formulated B. bassiana in invert emulsion against S. amygdali adults under laboratory and field conditions. The ingredients of invert emulsion used in the formulation of the fungus had a negligible effect on the viability of formulated conidia when compared with the unformulated. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Results obtained in the present research are promising and may be exploited commercially to control S. amygdali adults on various species of stone fruit trees, especially peach trees. This type of biocontrol of this insect may be used as an alternative means to chemical control for management of the insect. No adverse environmental impacts of the fungus or its formulation have been observed during application.  相似文献   

明亮熊蜂繁育室内印度谷斑螟的形态特征与生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安建东  国占宝  李继莲  罗其花  吴杰 《昆虫知识》2007,44(5):698-702,F0004
明亮熊蜂Bombus lucorum L.是一种重要的温室果菜传粉昆虫,印度谷斑螟Plodia interpunctella(Hbner)是危害明亮熊蜂繁育的主要害虫之一。2年的研究结果表明,印度谷斑螟的形态特征与危害蜜蜂巢房的大蜡螟Gallerie mellonellaL.和小蜡螟Achroia grisella Fabricius明显不同。印度谷斑螟以饲喂熊蜂的花粉为载体传播进熊蜂繁育室,在熊蜂繁育室内可以连续繁殖,1年发生6~8代,且世代重叠。印度谷斑螟幼虫主要以蜂群内的剩花粉为食,当花粉不足时,就开始取食巢房和蜂蛹,对熊蜂的规模化繁育危害较大,每年的5~8月、11~2月为危害高峰期。印度谷斑螟的发育受环境和食物的影响很大,在温度为28℃、相对湿度为60%熊蜂繁育室内,印度谷斑螟的卵期为4d,幼虫期为19~23d,蛹期为11d,成虫期为4~20d。成虫羽化后3~4h即可进行交配,雌蛾交配后当天就开始产卵,产卵期4~10d不等,平均产卵量107.8粒。在熊蜂繁育室消毒期间,食物短缺,印度谷斑螟幼虫进入休眠状态,各龄幼虫均可发生休眠现象。印度谷斑螟不危害蜜蜂,在蜜蜂巢房中不能存活。  相似文献   

虾钳菜披龟甲生物学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐耀光 《昆虫知识》1994,31(3):158-160
虾钳菜披龟甲是湘南危害空心莲子草的重要害虫,1年发生4代,以成虫越冬。成虫产卵期长达25~45天,平均每雌产卵64粒。各虫态历期,因代别而异,卵期在3~9天,幼虫期在16~26天,蛹期3~8天。成虫寿命长达60天或200余天(越冬代)。发生为害与温、湿度关系密切,高温、干旱对其不利。  相似文献   

A method is described for the culture of larvae of Scolytus multistriatus and Scolytus scolytus on an artificial medium following exposure to cultures of microorganisms. In control cultures, a natural mortality rate of 21.2% was found for S. multistriatus and 17.6% for S. scolytus. The effects of Trichoderma harzianum, T. polysporum and Scytalidium lignicola on fifth instar larvae of S. scolytus and S. multistriatus reared on the artificial medium were studied. The fungi were larvicidal and larval mortality was increased to more than 80% by inoculation of the larvae with the fungi. Another fungus, Phomopsis oblonga, had little effect on larvae of S. scolytus. The results are discussed in relation to mechanism of pathogenicity of the fungi and their potential use in the control of Dutch elm disease. It is proposed that with modifications, the method is applicable to other bark beetle pests.  相似文献   

云南横坑切梢小蠹生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶辉  吕军 《昆虫学报》2004,47(2):223-228
横坑切梢小蠹Tomicus minor (Hartig)是云南松Pinus yunnanensis Franchet的主要次期性害虫之一。1980年以来,该虫与纵坑切梢小蠹T. piniperda(L.)一起在中国西南部大量发生,导致数十万公顷云南松林受害。本文报道了横坑切梢小蠹在云南地区的生活史、生长、发育、繁殖等生物学特征。横坑切梢小蠹年生活史为一代,前后两代在冬春季有部分重叠。成虫羽化于4月下旬开始陆续,5 月下旬结束。成虫羽化后即飞到树冠上蛀食枝梢,直到11月发育成熟,开始繁殖。在此期间,每头成虫可以蛀食4~6个枝梢。横坑切梢小蠹在云南没有越冬习性。繁殖期从11月至次年3月。成虫主要在已经受到纵坑切梢小蠹危害的树木的中、下部产卵。繁殖期较纵坑切梢小蠹约迟1周。由于横坑切梢小蠹从枝梢到树干对云南松持续危害,对树木的危害性较在其它地区更为严重。横坑切梢小蠹利用受到纵坑切梢小蠹蛀害的树木繁殖产卵,加强了蠹虫对云南松树的危害,加速了受害树木的死亡进程。横坑切梢小蠹的上述生物生态学特征是该虫对云南松造成严重危害的重要原因。从横坑切梢小蠹虫体和虫坑中检测到伴生真菌云南半帚孢Leptographium yunnanensis。横坑切梢小蠹对该菌的带菌率在蛀梢期为11.5%;在蛀干中期约为10%~26%。  相似文献   

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